24x20 - Helping Hand

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x20 - Helping Hand

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) When Galvanax, cruel champion of "Galaxy Warriors,"

claimed the mighty Power Stars...

Earth's greatest Ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.


Ten years later, a new generation of warriors rises up

to protect the Ninja Power Stars.

It's morphin' time!

(narrator) They are Power Rangers Ninja Steel.


(laughing) Whoo!

(Preston) Ha! Look at us go!

Uh-oh, uh... Sarah?

Sarah?! Ah!

Ah. (laughing)

(electricity crackling)

Huh? Uh-oh!

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

(both) Aah!


Oh-oh! Ow.

So, do you always crash this much,

or just when I'm on the back?

(chuckling) I am so sorry, Preston.

(Preston) What's up with your board?

Great! Battery died... again.

Oh, man.

Hey, wait a second. Didn't you say

you were looking for

an extra credit project for shop class?

Yeah. Well... here ya go.

You're right.

I can build a new battery for my hoverboard.

It's perfect!

Thanks, Presto.

(Sarah) sh**t!

Sarah... Yeah, Mom?

Check out the snack-o-matic machine I invented.

Watch this.


(computer voice) Toast.

Huh? Huh?

And to wash it down, juice.

Juice. (slurping)

(chuckling) It's great.

You can eat while you work.

Um, yeah, yeah, it is great, Mom,

but I have to keep moving on my project.

I've been working all night,

and I can't... Exactly!

This will give you a healthy start to the day.

Oh. Okay.

(sighs) Mom...

A perfect fit. (sighs)

So... what's your project?

Building a new battery for my hoverboard.

The old one is toast.

(computer voice) Toast.

Ah, it's all over my face, Mom!

Honey! Let me get that.

It's fine, it's fine. It's fine.

My new battery, it should work.

Just, it can't hold enough juice.

Juice. Oh!

Mom... get this thing off me!

Yeah. Okay, sure.

Get it off, get it off, get it off. Yeah, okay, okay!

Well, look, it's still new.

I'm still working on it.

Since I can't get my battery working,

I'm gonna miss out on extra credit.

Well, are you sure it's a battery problem?

I could take a look at it for you.

No. Thanks, Mom,

but I-- I don't need help.

I gotta get going. Okay.

I guess I have no project for class.



(Cosmo Royale) Please put your claws together

for this week's contestant...

Force Fear!

The Rangers' att*cks won't stand a chance

against my powerful force field!


Hmm, it doesn't look that strong.

Basher Bots, break it!


Oh! Oh! Ooh! (laughing)

How dare you?

My suit cost , space bullion.

Oh! (grunting)

See? Nothing can get through my force field.



♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪

(Mick Kanic) Victor, Monty... what is your class project?

Ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna be rich.

This is our metal magnet, entitled "The Mighty Mag."

It can find and retrieve any kind of metal.

We're gonna use it to find hidden treasures.

Uh... it can detect and attract metal?

Uh-huh. Okay...

How does that work?

Well, Mr. M, we'll show you...

on this hubcap.

Hubcap, hubcap, hubcap...

(gritting teeth) Hubcap! Oh!

Got it. Back off, back off!



Retrieve metal!

(beeping continues)


It worked!

(Preston) I can't believe it.

(Hayley) That was actually impressive. Wow!

Are we geniuses, or what?

(Mick) You're right, that is pretty impressive.


(Sarah) Uh-uh, watch out, guys.

(Preston) Whoa.

(gasping) (gasping)

Whoa! Whoa!

(Monty) Ow, gee...


Victor? Monty? Are you okay?

You see? It works like a dream.

(laughter) More like a nightmare.

(whispering) Let's go.

So, did anyone else do a project for extra credit?

Sarah? Uh, I...

Yeah, Sarah! Hi!


Hi! What are you, uh...

what are you doing here?

I made you this super-charger,

to power up your new battery.

And I gave it ten times as much power.

Ten times? Mom, that's too much.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Hi. Hi.

Please... Hi.

Uh, Sarah designed the battery,

and I made the charger. (clears throat)

(softly) Help me.

It's already charged. (crackling)

I'm gonna personally show you how well

her hoverboard works, right now.

We're gonna get that extra credit, sweetie.

Hope it goes well!

In goes the battery...


Hold on to your hats, everyone.

And away... I go! (chuckles)

Whoa! Whoa!

Oh! (all shouting)

(Sarah) Oh, no! My board!

How did that happen?


No, no, no, no, no.

Mom, why would you even do this?

I told you it was too powerful.

I didn't mean for your hoverboard to crash, honey.

I... I was just trying to help.

I don't want your help, Mom.

You always have to jump into the middle of things.




That battery's history.

Sure is.

Ooh, I can't believe my mom!

Maybe you were a little too harsh on her.

Don't... you think?

Uh, no. You saw what she did.

She is always interfering.


(klaxon wailing)

Suffering circuits!

I'm detecting buzzcams at the stadium!

We're on it. Let's go.

You got this, Rangers.


(Brody) Hold it right there!

Rangers! Ready for defeat?

We're always ready... ready to kick butt!

Bring it!

It's morphin' time!

Power Stars, lock in.


Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Armor Star!

Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Ray!

(all) Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

Levi, Preston... you take Force Fear.

You got it! Attack!

(grunting, fighting)

Alley-oop. Get him, Presto!


Your turn, Levi!

Rockstorm Slash!

That tickled!


Two of you isn't enough.

How about three? Rapid Blast!

Take this!


What? This creep is strong.

I can take anything you throw at me, Rangers.

Anything? Are you sure about that?

Brody, why don't you throw us at him?

Yeah! That could work.

Let's try it.

Go! Go!

Ninja Storm Morph!

You're through, chump!

You sure of that?

Ah! Oh!

(all) Aah!


He's too strong.

We took care of the Basher Bots.

Are you guys okay? Not exactly.

He's got some kind of force field wall.

That's right! You can't attack me,

but I can attack you. Goodbye, Rangers!

Stand tough, guys!

Goodbye, Rangers!

Let's go!



Where did they go?

Force Fear! You failed us.

Next time, gigantify me,

and my force field will be so huge...

Ah. They won't be able to touch me.

Then I'll blast 'em to pieces!

(cackling) Hear that?

His force field will be even stronger.

We have to find a way to break it.

(Brody) Maybe Mick will have an idea.

So, if Lion Fire Armor can't break

through that force field, what could?

I don't know... yet.

If that monster is gigantified,

even our Megazords

may not be strong enough to get through.

Guys, look!

The Prism.

(Levi) What does it mean?

I think it's telling us to combine our three Megazords.

Yeah, I bet we could break

the force field with that kind of strength.

Do we have enough Ninja Steel?

To make a new ninja star

and combine our Megazords.

Ladies and gentlemen, this...

is the last piece. Let's hope it's enough.

I'll fire up the forge.

I have been taking inventory of the stars we have.

After we use this last piece of Ninja Steel,

we are gonna have to start

melting down old stars to make new ones.

I don't like the sound of that.

Me either.

But, don't worry.

Ever since I realized that we were running low,

I have been scanning the universe

searching for Ninja Steel.

So far, I've found... nothing.

It's a big universe. It'll take time.

Okay, can we save time by doing multiple scans at once?

(Preston) That's a great idea.

Let's do it while they make the star.

Yeah, we'll each take a space quadrant.

(Brody) Let's do this, guys.

(Levi) They're counting on us.

Let's get to work.

We have got to get this star perfect, Redbot.



Well, there's no more Ninja Steel,

but the star is finished.

All right.

Here... we... go!

Melt my motherboard! It didn't work!

I don't understand.

What could we have done wrong?

Redbot, are you sure you polished it just right?

Of course! I polished it to perfection, Sarah.

Okay... ooh!

What about the shape?

I calculated the shape exactly.

The weight. The weight! Did you...

I promise you that this ninja star

is precisely designed to activate a Megazord.

Sorry, Redbot. I was just trying to help.

I didn't mean for your hoverboard to crash, honey.

I... I was just trying to help.

I don't want your help, Mom.

I'm sorry, Sarah.

I shouldn't have been impatient.

I really do appreciate your suggestions.


It's okay, Redbot. I understand.

I reacted the same way with my mom, except...

I wasn't smart enough to apologize like you.

My mom was just trying to help me

with my hoverboard by building a new supercha...


Super-charger! Super-charger?

What's happening?

Building a super-charger for my hoverboard

wasn't a bad idea...

it actually made my battery too powerful.

Maybe it can super-charge the new star!


Uh, star... Here you go.

This could work!

I'll do... okay, um...


(Mick and Sarah laughing)

Make me giant, folks!

Let's give the Rangers

some big trouble in little Summer Cove!

(cheering and applause) Gigantify!


Come on out, Rangers!


(Sarah) It's fully charged!

Hopefully it works.

(Hayley) Give it a go, Sarah.

You did it, Sarah! It's working!


Thanks to my mom and her invention.

(alarm chirping) Guys...

Force Fear has gone giant in the city.

The Rangers are in big trouble now!

(alarm chirping) Guys...

Force Fear has gone giant in the city.

The Rangers are in big trouble now!

I don't know how long the Prism

is gonna take to finish the star.

I'll take the Lion Megazord

and hold him off while we wait.

We're right behind you.

Come out to play, Rangers!

Lion Fire Sword Star, lock in!

Activate, Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Megazord, energize!

Lion Fire Megazord, ready!

Time for a Spin Strike.

I don't think so.


Oh, no! What am I gonna do?

You're gonna be destroyed!

(Sarah) Guess again.

(all) Ninja Steel Megazord, ready.

Don't worry, Brody.

We're here to back you up until the new star is finished.

Hyah! Right on!

Mick thinks it'll be done soon.

Then let's hold him off.


It worked.

Hurry, Mick! (grunting)

Brody, the new Ninja ultra star is on its way.

Here goes! (grunts)

Thanks, Mick. Ninja Spin!

Here we go!

Let's do this!

Ninja Ultrazord, combine!

Ready to spin! Hyah!



Bull Rider Megazord, engage!

Ninja Steel Megazord, engage!

Ninja Ultrazord, ready.

(all shout in unison)

Wow! Oh, whoa!

It worked! Amazing!

Check it out! It's awesome!

What is that?

This Ninja Ultrazord feels powerful.

And our Ninja Steel Megazord

is sitting inside, controlling it!

Maybe it can break down that force field. Hyah!

Yeah! Let's take this clown down!

You won't get past this.

Ninja Ultrastrike.


Oh, no! My force field!

Epic! Sarah, you take care of this.

Got it!

I'm gonna take out his weapons.

Red Ranger, Solo Strike!

Stop! No!

Let's destroy this doofus. Hyah!

(all shouting)

Ninja Ultrazord Blast!

(all) Final attack! Hyah!

Aah! I hit a wall!

(all cheering) Too easy!

Show's over! Ninjas win!


Hey, Mom! Oh... hi, honey.

Oh, I see you're fixing that old clock.

It's about time.

Very funny.

Sorry again about your board.

It's almost fixed.

Actually, um, I thought maybe

you can help me finish it.

After what happened,

you really want me near your board?

Mom, I should not have

flipped out on you like that.

You were only trying to help, and that's...

never the wrong thing to do.

(baby talk) I'm sorry.

Oh... Oh!


I was wrong to jump into your project like that.

Yeah. (both chuckling)

Next time, I promise I'll ask you first.

Deal? Deal.

Okay, let's get the board fixed.

(grunts) Hey, I was wondering

if I could use your self-hammering hammer.

Right! Yeah.

(both groaning)

Very disappointed, Monty.

Spent all day and I'm not rich.

And all we found is that junk.

Guess there isn't any gold around.

Then we'll have to find something even rarer than gold!

Uh, uh, Victor, you don't know how to work that thing.

Watch the master at work. Yikes.

(machine whirring)

Come to papa.

Still no Ninja Steel on the scanners, Mick.

(pinging) Wait! What's that?

Ah, incredible.

This is it! Yes!

(watch chirping)

What's up, Mick?

The scans worked.

We found an asteroid that seems to contain Ninja Steel.

It's passing through our solar system.


We can use the Astro Zord to go and get it, and...



Oh my! What in the...

What's going on?

Huh? Whoa!

Aha! That's more like it.

Suffering circuits! Oh no.



All the ninja stars, they're gone.


(Monty) Hoo-hoo-hoo!

Monty, what are these?

I don't know.



You were right, Odius. It's some kind of magnet.

Where did you get this device?

Uh, we-- we made it.

Mm-mm, actually, he made it. (gasps)

(growling) It's fantastic!

Oh... well, of course I had a lot to do with it.

It grabbed all these Ninja Stars.

Who cares who made it?

Now, where are the power stars?

Hm... what? Where are they?

They're not here! How is that possible?

The rangers must still have them.

Not for long!

Take those teenagers to the ship.

Yes, champ.

(whimpering) Victor!

Stop whimpering, fools!

Where's the buzzcam?

Ah! Ha-ha!

This season's finale will be one to remember,

as I finally take all of the Rangers' Ninja Power Stars!



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