Battle of the Commandos (1969)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Battle of the Commandos (1969)

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning, Colonel Henderson.
Would you like to speak with...

Colonel, the general is very busy.
If you would like to wait...

That's it,
see you again in the afternoon.

You are a pig, a dirty, filthy pig!

There were 28 left in my team
and they k*lled them all, one by one!

You have only yourself to blame.
You understand? You dirty bastard!

That's enough, Charley!

You've talked enough!
Repeat just one of those insults

and I'll put you on trial. Got it?
- I got it, Sam.

I suggest you do it now because
another one of your dirty tricks

and I'll k*ll you!
I swear I'll k*ll you like a dog!

I am your superior
and I ordered you a mission.

It is not up to you to evaluate
consequences and results.

That's absurd!

Did you know that the depot
was watched by 200 Germans

and by two tanks.

You told me that there were only
a few sentries. They discovered us

and they played pigeon sh**t,
it was a m*ssacre!

You blocked 75 German tanks.

Your action was not useless.

Listen up, Charley.
The date for the invasion of France

has already been set, June 6.

In the 24 hours preceding the landing
all our groups of commandos

will have to carry out actions
behind the German lines.

- What do you mean?
- Lieutenant Pike, the file.

You will command one of these groups.

What group? I don't have
a man alive. You're crazy!

- Pike, where are you going?
- But...

- Give me the papers!
- Yes, sir.

Here you will find everything,
plans, schedules, details.

You will have
to choose the men yourself

among our best special company.

You will need
an expl*sives technician.

The Americans gave it to us,
he's the major...

- Burke, sir.
- Burke, that's right.

- He's a real expert.
- He's going to figure it out alone.

I'm done with commandos, I'll go back
to the front line. Goodbye, Sam!

Good luck. The coastal area
where you will have to disembark

is commanded by a German colonel,
a certain Ackerman.

You have already met once,
haven't you?


It was in Sidi Barrani,
I don't remember how it ended.

- Good luck, Charley.
- You're a coward!

A dirty... bastard!

Did you see that?
A f*cking colonel came to see us!

See, Sergeant? There are showers
there, a basketball court...

Modern times, Colonel.
There weren't such amenities before.


You are a bunch of chickens,
of cowards!

Why didn't you react? Are you afraid
just because he's a colonel?

You have been misinformed.

- So?
- I have no one for you.

I am surprised that the General
doesn't know the situation.

- I've been trying for months...
- Those six out there?

Not those. I advise you to go
to the V Paratroopers.

Why not?
They seem to be well trained.

Yeah, but you see...
These are bad elements.

They've been under arrest for months
and even in this emergency situation

I don't feel like trusting them.

Don't worry about it.
Let me decide.

What a beautiful little setting!

Nothing to do with
our shacks full of lice.

Take it, all for free.

Dirty officers tobacco!

Hey, look!


Get him up.

Now we can introduce ourselves.

I am Colonel Henderson.

- Bernard Knowles.
- Yes.

You must say: "Yes, sir"!

- Fighting, insubordination, v*olence.
- Yes, sir.

- John Carlyle.
- Yes, sir.

Fighting, insubordination, v*olence.

Albert Hank.

Brawling, insubordination.

Sam Schrier.
Better known as the anarchist.

Here's the regimental celebrity,
Raymond Stone.

Twelve months of training spent in
solitary confinement. It's a record!

I have another record.

You are Frank Madigan.

Apparently you
are very experienced at stealing.

Yeah, it was nice to meet you.

No, wait!
You didn't hear the ending.

You are enlisted in a mission
in enemy territory.

- What?
- You gotta be kidding, huh?

I never joke. We're leaving
tomorrow morning.

No, no. You leave.

You cannot force me.
I'm going back to the confinement.

Go ahead, no one can force you.

You stole the company's payroll,
didn't you?

Rabindra, repeat article 81
of the Military Penal Code.

At the discretion of higher commands,

whoever commits theft in a w*r zone
may be sentenced to death.

The entire English coast is at w*r.
Do you have any objection to that?

That's all there is to it.
We're leaving in the morning.

Other instructions will be
given to you during the journey.

- Clear!
- Come on, Carlyle!

You want to die
on a mission with that crazy colonel?

I've been running all my life,
I'm tired.

Plus, you won't get very far
with that loudmouth Stone.

You're an idiot! Let's go!

- Where's Carlyle?
- He's not coming, he's crazy.

Look out! That way, quick!

Halt! Stop!

Get out of the way!

You'll leave with the others,
at dawn, in exactly two hours.

In one hour and 59 minutes.

What's wrong with you?
You haven't talked in over two hours.

Nothing, sir. I don't have
anything important to say.

Do you know who's on the other side?
I mean in France.

- The Germans.
- Know who's in charge of them?

Colonel Ackerman,
our friend from Sidi Barrani.

- Do you think we will meet him?
- I don't think so.

He commands the coastal defenses.

But it gives me a strange feeling
knowing that he's there, like...

Like tiger hunting.
I remember when I was a kid in India.

We would get to the tiger area
and our stomachs would grip,

but we kept going,
the tiger was the enemy.

You're not a real man, if you don't
meet your enemy face to face.

It's called London Restaurant,
in Glasgow.

- I've never been to Glasgow.
- That's one hell of a restaurant!

I used to go there almost every day.

Five pounds a meal.

You eat such chicken pot pies
that you dream about at night!

Are you thinking about the colonel?

If you must know, something might
happen to him in France!

Having fun, huh?

- I didn't tell you about the liver!
- Phew!

Not now!
I'll call you when I get back.


Captain Burke reporting for duty.
Sorry for the delay.

Americans may let you behave
like that, but I don't excuse you!

Stand at attention
when talking to a superior!

You arrive late
and accompanied by a girl.

I bet you told her that you were
going on a mission to France.

- I didn't think...
- Ah, you didn't think?

Let me give you an example of what
could happen because you don't think!

Suppose the girl comes home
and tells her friends

that the American captain
has gone on a mission to France.

Suppose that other officers
who are embarking

behave as you do.

Do you know how many German spies
and informers there are in London?

- No, sir.
- Around 700.

Draw your own conclusions, Captain.

I understand, sir. With
your permission, I'll come aboard.

I didn't know that if I slept
with a girl, we would lose the w*r.

Periscope down.

Colonel, in 20 minutes
we will be on target.

Thank you, captain.

So... Normandy.

We are about to arrive here,
this is the area of our mission.

At about 100 meters from the shore,
we will find anti-landing devices

with underwater mines to neutralize,
you'll take care of it with two men.

You will have to open a breach
to the shore.

- How much time will we have?
- One hour. I will land

and eliminate the two
German lookout posts.

That's it?

We have to open the way for the ships
that will follow us with commandos.

They will reach the city of Ango

to blow up a German cannon
mounted on a train.

As soon as the others have landed,
we return to the submarine. Clear?

- Yes.
- Here.

What do you think?

They look like regular mines.

- How long have they been in the sea?
- I don't know.

When the devices get rusty,
it's a problem.

- We better blow them up.
- Blow them up?

You can't defuse them,
it's too dangerous.

He will detonate the charges
after we take out the Germans.

- May I ask you a question?
- Go ahead.

I was told that you chose
for the mission six jailbirds.

- Is that true?
- Yes, it's true. So?

No, nothing, it just seems strange
that you chose...

Strange, Captain? Do you,
an American, find that strange?

All your most famous heroes,
David Crockett,

John Brown, Doc Holliday,
have been in jail a long time.

- You find it strange that...
- Okay, that's enough, I get it.

It's late, let's go.

- Have you had baked piglets?
- No, never.

It's amazing how they make them
at the London Restaurant!

- They're covered in cream.
- I don't like cream.

Boss, no "bang bang" for us?

No, you will use the knife.
Aren't you happy, Stone?

I left my girlfriend
because she was a butcher's daughter.

If you can, you'll do well
to get your girl back.

Warning. In 5 minutes
we will be on target.

Preparing to go on deck.

Let's go!

- Good luck, Colonel.
- Thank you.

Follow the plan. Meeting time
is in one hour and 45 minutes.

If we have not returned,
it means that we have failed

and you may return to base.
- Good work, sir.

A spotlight!


This way!

- Up, quick!
- Move!

The signals.

Pick up everything
and prepare to descend.

Aren't you coming with us?

Rabindra and I will be joining
the other commandos.

We have something to do.


It's horrible,
we must do something.

We would only get caught
and it wouldn't help.

410 Corvette here.

We have intercepted
two groups of British commandos

that were trying to land
on the south bay.

We eliminated them
before they could reach the coast.

- All right, 410. Come back to base.
- Roger, over and out.

Call bunker 238.

This is the third landing attempt
in a few hours,

but for the Command
are diversionary maneuvers.

- Who is speaking?
- Colonel Ackerman!

Can you hear me? This is Ackerman!
What's going on?


Yes, sir.

I wanted to warn you
that English commandos

have just attempted to land.

They were promptly eliminated
by one of our corvettes.

Very good! Stay there
and wait for another communication.

Yes sir.

Put teams 6 and 7 on alert!

The radio communication
of the corvette is inaccurate.

They have landed and occupied
one of our positions.

- How do you know?
- How do I know?

Bunker 238 has not responded
with the password.

The man I spoke to was an Englishman.

Maybe we're
just in time to block them.

Rabindra, do you know
who was on the phone?


What do you intend to do?

Colonel, let's not waste time here!

All clear, guys.

At this time
the submarine has already left.

Yes, it's been
one hour and 58 minutes.

You and you, take the machine g*ns
from the Germans, we'll need them!

Burke, have everything thrown
in the sea, quick!

Maybe there's still time
to embark.

Burke, it's too late. Look!

You say it's too late?
Guys, let's hurry up!

My work is done.
Where do you intend to take us?

To the only place where we can hide,
with the German lines.

Really? The ideal place
to die like rats!

- Now it's too late.
- Let's move, quickly!

Surround the bunkers!

Nothing, sergeant? Go.

look how they hit these.

They are murderers, butchers.

No, Adler, they're not butchers.

They are commandos.

And very good at it.

Alarm in the whole area!
We must find them.

And it will not be easy.

- Janine!
- Yes?

Do you want to come?
Are you still afraid?

The sh**ting is over.
It must have been those dirty maquis.

- Why not the Americans?
- No, they don't want to land.

Don't worry if they land.
They'll all be burned on the shore.

As long as you stay with me, you'll
be protected by the German allies.

Lieutenant Muller has confirmed me
that I will be made mayor

after they win.
- If they lose?

They can't lose.

I apologize for disturbing you,
but you can finish later.

You... You are a pessimist,
my dear Ackerman.

A stubborn pessimist.
You got me up before daylight

just to communicate to me
these stupid suspicions.

General, let me explain before judge
if they are stupid suspicions.

All right, explain to me
your little fairy tales.

What I tell you results from
the reports you had 48 hours ago.

In these last days,
the Anglo-American air force

have been carrying out
massive incursions in this area

between Cherbourg and Le Havre.

Moreover, in the last three hours,
our radios have intercepted

a considerable number
of messages from BBC

directed to the
French resistance movement.

Commandos and paratroopers
are reported continuously,

but only in the stretch
from Cherbourg to Le Havre.

My dear Ackerman,
I will tell you what is happening.

The information says that
the attack should take place

around June 12, 14
and not in Normandy, but in Calais.

Instead, according to you,
they will land in a few hours.

- Exactly.
- Let me inform you

that the meteorological service
reports bad weather for 7 days.

Rommel left this morning
to confer with Hitler.

Good morning!

You should have more confidence
in your Führer, Ackerman!

If you think you want to waste
your free time,

hunt down
your fantastic commandos.

Goodbye, gentlemen.

Out. Everybody out!

We are losing the w*r
and those fools don't realize it.

I've been to Berlin, it's been
shattered by aerial bombardment.

Do you know that I read on a wall?

"The walls are tattered,
but not our faith in the Führer."

They made mistakes in Russia
and they'll do the same in France.

What should we do?

They don't ask us to think,
they only ask us to fight.

We don't have to do anything else.

- Look at this crap!
- What are you complaining about?

That stupid Frenchman
has a nice wardrobe.

Look at me, fireman's uniform!

We're here,
eight kilometers from the coast.

It must be a German observatory.

I bet 100 francs that he'll say,

"Nothing to do with the wine
from the London Restaurant."

Not bad at all! Not bad at all!

But it has nothing to do with
the wine of the London Restaurant!

Have I ever told you about it?

Listen well.

The chances of escaping
are minimal without a uniform

and in enemy territory.
If you are caught, you will be shot.

They can't, chief. We've got this.

You better follow me.
You too, Stone.

What does "follow me" mean?
Where do you want to go?

To carry out the mission that was
assigned to the other commandos.

Are you crazy?

My job was to clean up a minefield
for other commandos,

then I stop the bus and get on it.

I understand, Burke,
but somebody has to do it.

Not us!

Let's wait for the American marines
and the English infantrymen.

- It's a matter of a few hours.
- I'm tired of hearing you quack!

The w*r continues!
You are an officer subordinate to me,

you will do what I order!

Yours are not orders, they are
invitation cards for a su1c1de!

At this point
we are no longer volunteers.

If you intend to force us, you need
to tell us what you have in mind.

- I was saying don't trust him.
- We're going to blow up

the railway g*n of Ango, if the
Colonel Ackerman won't prevent it.

- Who is Ackerman?
- How to blow it up?

With matches?

Don't worry about it, Schrier.

We will find a way
to make this right.

With their skin, I suppose.

Even if they all die anyway,
it's no great loss.

They are jailbirds.
As for me... too bad!

- Are you finished?
- Yes.

- I'm going with you, Colonel.
- Everyone is invited to the party.

Take off their tags and sh**t,
if anyone comes near that door.

Okay, I'll go with you.

Mind you, Henderson.
Don't get any ideas in your head.

You didn't scare me, I'm curious.

I really want to see you die.

Do you understand?

Take a good look at the map.

How far is this depot?


Six kilometers,
on the provincial road.

How many Germans are on watch?

I don't know exactly,
but I think a lot.

How many?


Let's take her with us,
she will be our guide.

- What about her friend?
- Take care of him.

Objection, Your Honor.

It's a risk,
but it may serve as a lesson to you.

Untie him, Rabindra.

Why did you k*ll him?
He hadn't done anything, you coward!

You're overreacting, Henderson!
She had nothing to do with it.

Get one thing straight
in your head, Burke.

Even though you are an American,
I won't let you get in my way.

It's a warning, the last one.

- Captain.
- Yes?

It has been almost eight years
I've been making w*r.

I was in the International Brigades
in Spain.

- So?
- I understand what you're thinking.

- Certain methods are...
- Same as the Nazis'!

No, not at all!

I have known the Nazis well.


Carlyle, stay here with the girl.


All three of them are there.

as soon as the music finishes...

When the music ends.


Take this!

- The magazine!
- Here!

Don't move him!

- What is it?
- Stay calm.

It's a disinfectant. You'll see,
you'll feel better right away.

Is it really a disinfectant?

Morphine, there's nothing else to do,
just wait for him to die.

And hope he doesn't suffer too much.

February 15 to June 2.

Requirement for minefields.
But where will they be?

Colonel, not even the shadow
of expl*sives, only these.

There are no expl*sives,
they used them to mine the area.

Luckily for us, the Germans
are very efficient and precise.

They have marked each location
they mined.

When the w*r ends we're going...
to that restaurant in Glasgow.

Sure, we'll go there.

You know, I...

I used to go there every day,
but to work.

I was the waiter.


I was thinking.

Maybe it's better...
that you leave me here.

Do you understand?

Leave me here...

To me anyway...

I don't need... anything.

- The doctor said he's dying.
- Did you question him?

No, we were waiting for you.
He's in a bad way.

I'm Colonel Ackerman.

Who shot you? Who did?

It was eight of them.

There were eight men.


Henderson was the commander.

What did you say? Henderson?


At the... At the depot...


They took almost nothing,
a few detonators and wicks.

They're doing unrelated actions,
with no clear direction.

And yet I know Henderson,
their commander.

He's a damn stubborn man,
but not a madman.


Adler, did you notice that body
is out of uniform and tag?

- So what?
- That's unusual, isn't it?

There's only one explanation.

Suppose something
unforeseen has happened

so they are now without equipment,
without expl*sives

to carry out an action of sabotage.

Henderson does not give up
under any circumstances.

He is challenging me
and I have to take it up.

Put the area on alert!
Get the squads out!

- I may know where they went.
- Where?

If you needed expl*sives,
where would you go to find it?

Over there, in that open field.

Three meters from each other.

Put your feet where I put them.

Here we go.

The shovel.

The big wrench.


the most delicate moment is coming.

Hold it steady, from the sides. Just
a little pressure and it explodes.

What happens if you make a mistake?

- Do you really want to know?
- No, forget it.

If it goes wrong,
they can always say that I died

hugging an expl*sive brunette.
- Yeah.

Almost 20 kg.

- Is it enough?
- Yes.

Now we need to get to Ango.

This stroll is over, at least for me.

For me too, Stone.

All my curiosity is gone.

If you are so crazy to put yourself
among the Germans

and blow that stuff out from
under their asses, go ahead.

Stone says hello to all
and thanks for the company.

How far do you think you're going?
You're in enemy territory, Stone.

- You'd better come with us.
- What do I have to do with your w*r?

What do I gain from the victory
of democracy against fascism?

The democracy I have known
was in a filthy prison cell

administered by torturer officers
who treated me like a beast!

Tell me why
I should get k*lled for that!

Soldiers Stone and Madigan
present here

inform you that they have concluded
a separate peace with the Germans.

What have you decided to do?

It's different for me, Stone.
I'm Jewish.

Of the two evils I choose the lesser.

I don't even ask you,
you are an officer.

Let's go.

We made it, just in time!

Bunch of idiots! There is a reason
why we had to die with them?

Rabindra, a*mo!


Why did you want to go back
to the slaughterhouse?

You wanted to be a hero
and they screwed you over!

It's your rosary...
How are you going to pray now?

There are many ways to pray
for those who have faith.

- Go away and quickly.
- Where? I don't have anything left.

In the village they consider me a spy
because I was with Pierre.

- Why were you there?
- It's easy to ask questions!

Have you ever been so hungry
that you fainted? I have.

- I meant to say...
- No. Listen to me.

The first love for me
was not like in the books.

No romantic moonshine or pretty
words. He was a dirty old man!

I did it because he was going
to give me a dozen of cans.

- And then?
- Eating becomes a habit.

A column of Germans
a column of Germans. Let's go!

Burke, go east with Carlyle.
See you at the Saint-Nazaire junction.

If the Germans don't stop us,
we will be there before nightfall.

The girl?

Go meet the Germans, you'll be fine.

Just say that
you were forced to come with us.


Tell whatever you want to the Germans
except for two things,

you heard us talking about the
Allied landing at Calais on June 10.

And that we go to the base of the
submarines. Did you understand?

Good luck.

Goodbye, Janine.

Let's go. Up!

Here they are!


Let's go.

In there!

They have sent the cans
to find you!

Halt! Hands in the air!

Don't be afraid.
The Germans aren't all SS.

I don't want to do anything to you,
I want to ask you a few questions.

How come you were with the British?
They're British, aren't they?

They took me with them
because I know the area.

How many are these Brits?

- How many?
- More or less 20.

There were only eight of them.

Now there should be
five of them.

Colonel Henderson commands them.

I already have some good information.
I know that they use German weapons

and that they opened a mine
to get some expl*sives.


You'd better tell me what you know,
otherwise someone else will come

and then everything will be uglier.

- What is their goal?
- I don't know.

Hapke, SS division command.

I have to interrogate the prisoner.

This is my authorization.

I was already interrogating the girl.

Don't worry about it, leave it to us.

- I would like to finish.
- I'm sorry, it's my responsibility.

Too bad! The girl was already
telling me what she knows.

With our methods
she will talk faster

and with more detail. Right?

Let's get started.

Stop! Don't move!

Hey, Carlyle! How's the leg?

My name is Marc,
I command this group of maquis.

- We have met your colonel.
- Henderson!

Yeah, he sent us.

We reached you in time,
the road is guarded by Germans.

Ronald, Louis, prepare a stretcher
for the wounded man! Quickly!


The Frenchwoman has remembered
she had heard the English speak

of a planned landing in Calais
for June 10.

It's not finished.

She also said that they are headed
to our submarine base.

No. None of these stories are true.

Everything the SS does
is wrong for you.

I didn't say that,
just that you were fooled.

With our methods,
we always get the truth!

- What truth?
- The one that allows us

to defeat the enemies
of the Führer and the Reich!

The rest are lies.

Lies of saboteurs and of...

I love Germany too,
more than you and your leaders.

Why do we fight at the front?
For victory?

For the thousand years of the reich?
The rule of the chosen race?

These are just slogans.

We fight for an honorable peace
for the German people!

We'll see each other again, Colonel.
It will be my duty as a good German

to report our conversation
to my superiors.

Meanwhile, the French girl
will come with us

and tomorrow morning she will
have a trial for being a partisan.

- Come here.
- Yes, sir.

What direction has Henderson followed
since he landed?

They landed in this bay.

We found their tracks here.

Then here,
in a southeasterly direction.

Southeast, strange.
The submarine base is to the west.

Going here what would they encounter?

Here, the amm*nit*on depot

and further here, the railway g*n.

If the British have good informants,

they will know that the depot
is moved to Calais.

All that's left is...


I have only one way to put
Henderson off-road.

The French girl will be picked up
tomorrow morning at dawn.

The SS lieutenant will transfer her
to General Headquarters.

You told me that you suspect
the owner of the village cafe

is in contact with the maquis.

We could leak some information.

I'm sorry, I told you
that it would be worse with them.

If you ever meet
that English colonel again,

that Henderson, tell him
you've been talking to Ackerman.

Remember: Ackerman.

Tell him not to persist,
his efforts are futile.

He'd better surrender to me,

he will be treated
as a prisoner of w*r.

I don't think I'll meet him again.

That SS guy told me
that I will be shot as a spy.

We live in such strange times.

It might happen that you,
who is to be shot, will be saved.

While I, who captured you,
will be shot as a traitor.

Your English friends,
came to blow up the railway g*n,

will arrive in Ango
and they will find nothing.

The cannon has been moved.

It may be a trap.

Sure, it can be.

Ackerman is no fool.

One of the maquis
will stay in the village

and check if with the SS
more soldiers will leave.

We will wait on the road
at kilometer 20.

- Is there a phone near there?
- Yes, there is the railroad toll booth.

- We have a friend there.
- Good.

Then give us a call as soon as Janine
is taken away by the SS.

We need to know if more soldiers
will escort the truck.

Come! Radio London! Messages.

The Trojan w*r will not happen.
The Trojan w*r will not happen.

The birds begin their migration.
The birds begin their migration.

They wound my heart
with monotonous languor.

They wound my heart
with monotonous languor.

Friends, it's over!
It's time. We are free!

Mind if I make a phone call?

No. Here, go ahead.

Jean-Louis, is that you?

The cow has given birth
and there are no complications.

Tell the family. Thank you.

Congratulations and best wishes!

Soon we will take your fat cows
to Germany.

They are gone! No escort!

Run away!

His name is Ackerman
or something like that.

He knows your name and he knows
how many of you there are.

- Did you tell him that?
- No, I don't know how he knows.

Next. I didn't quite understand
what he was trying to say,

but he added that a certain train
that was in Ango has been moved.

- He didn't fall for it.
- What's this all about?

- What else did you tell him?
- You can't understand!

The SS beat me
until I couldn't take it anymore.

- I told the whole story.
- What did you tell? What?

Your mission to the submarines
base that I didn't have to tell.

That's what was
that strange speech about.

You predicted everything,

that she would tell your stupid lies,
didn't you? Listen to me, Henderson!

Who is the enemy? The one I have to
sh**t or the one who commands me?

- Are you finished, Burke?
- No.

You and that German have been
playing with that girl.

It is a dirty race between you. Fine.

If we come back, you will have
to pay for that as well.

- I promise you.
- When we come back...

If we come back, as you say,
you can do whatever you want,

but for the moment
your work is here!

We'll leave in 15 minutes and you
will come with me without any fuss!

I promise you that!

- Thank you.
- For what?

For defending me.
No one had ever done that.

Is this mission difficult?

- You could also...
- Also.

We only have a few minutes

And maybe it's also the last chance.

Please, don't tell me anything.

What do you think?
Did I make a mistake?

- I don't understand. In what way?
- Maybe Burke is right.

I should have brought you to safety
instead of provoking this...

This sort of private w*r
with that German.

Your motives don't matter,
but the results.

I don't know.

We've lost four men and we still
have to get to the end of this.

The truth is that four years of w*r
have drained me.

If I stop and think and look back...

I had a wife, I had friends

and they died.

I even had ideals.

Now I can't even remember
what they were.


You were right, we were informed
from Ango that the train didn't move!

Good! Quick, everyone on the truck!

- Hurry up, guys! Go!
- Get on, come on!

Hurry up! Come on!

See you soon.

Your rosary. Here.

The maquis will accompany you
to the coast. Good luck.


- And the girl?
- She's one of us now.

- I need to see General Von Reilow.
- He's in a meeting, Colonel.

I don't care if he is
at a private breakfast, call him!

The allies are about to land!
Do you realize what is happening?

Look for Rommel,
he is certainly in his villa.

Berlin then!

Here's the report you asked for.

"Commandos and partisans
have destroyed two warehouses"

"a radio transmission center,
a bridge and a railroad junction."

Ackerman, unfortunately
you were right, they are landing.

Against all logic,
right here in Normandy.

We have to do everything ourselves,
at least for the moment.

Without reinforcement divisions?

In Berlin they believe that
this is a diversionary action.

Mehler, move the troops
to a kilometer by the coast.

Von Kurlitz, execute the plan
and blow up the dam.

Ackerman, go to Ango
and take command of the a*tillery.

I will give orders to move
the railway g*n to the coast.

Not bad! There's also
half a German army there.

Stop, Adler. That's the road.

Order to move the train immediately
to the target.

Yes, captain.
The order has been transmitted.

- Everybody down!
- Did you hear that? To the ground!

Call the Direction Command.

Give me a magazine.

Let's go!

We have to stop the train!
Follow my car!

Send the order
to the nearest stations!

Two kilometers to go.

Out, Rabindra! Quick!

Jump, Rabindra! Jump!

You got... what you wanted.

I lost...

Now that you won your w*r...

You don't need to hate me anymore.

We all lost.
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