sn*per: Ultimate k*ll (2017)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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sn*per: Ultimate k*ll (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

If you'd like
to make a call, please hang up and-

Aim. Fire.

Aim. Fire.

How do you go from the top
of your game to su1c1de?

He was the last marine
I thought would eat his own g*n.

Doesn't make any sense to me.

It's a tough job, what we do.

For some, more exacting.

Worthington was a legend, though.

If it happened to him...

- ... what's next for me?
- You know... can't have any emotion
to do this job.

You're just part of the w*apon.

But I pull the trigger.

Orders pull the trigger.

Whatever you want...

...the answer's no.

You haven't even heard the ask.

Worthington had 68 confirmed kills.

I'm at 63. That's close enough.

I knew Tommy too.

It hurts like hell, what happened to him.

I'm starting to think...

...that I have more days behind me
than ahead of me.

The days behind us determine
the days ahead.

- What does that even mean?
- I have no idea...

...but it was said with certainty
and conviction.

Come on, Brandon, you'll get over it.

- You always do.
- Look, I can't do it.

My head's not in it.

That's not what your fitness test
and psych evaluation says.

Come on, we need you down there.

- Down where?
- Bogot?, Colombia.

Ever heard of the joint task force,
Southern command?


Multi-service operation, run by the DoD,
tasked with counter-drug...

...and anti-t*rror1st ops
in the Southern hemisphere.

Correctomundo, master sergeant.

They also coordinate support between
federal agencies: The DEA, ohs-

- CIA.
- Yeah.

Langley does have its fingerprints
on everything.

You might also know
who's head of operations.

You mean, master gunnery sergeant
Thomas Beckett?

Yeah, heard he's at jtf now.

You get to work with your father,
and Bogot? is lovely this time of year.

How's your Spanish?

- Shitty.
- Perfect. You're hired.

- I said, no.
- I know, I heard you.

There's a car parked right over there.
There's a jet waiting for that car.

You don't wanna miss this one.

Smile. You're going to Colombia.

Bring me back a bag of coffee
and a beauty queen.

So first time here?


Closest I've been is San Padre island.

Spring break, right?

- Something like that.
- Ha, ha.

I'm just saying, it's a long way
from San Padre island.

So, marine scout sn*per Beckett...

Sixty-three confirmed kills.

Just promoted to master sergeant.
That's pretty impressive.

So you like that shit?

Dragging through the mud...

...laying in the weeds, heh,
sh**ting bad guys from-

what is that, like a mile away?

Well, that's not how we do it in the DEA.

So, what happened to your face?

- That from a drug bust?
- Oh, uh...

I don't know, I-

I got myself a girlfriend down here, and... know, she's crazy jealous...

...and, well, she took a swipe, and...

It was my fault, really.

Santiago Calder?n.

I've been assigned to you.

- Assigned?
- Yes. You're going to need a spotter.

How much time you got on glass'?

- Enough.
- Hey, long shot, this way.

This is captain Hector Garza,
he's our liaison, local team leader.

He runs the Colombian
drug-trafficking task force.

Master sergeant,
good to have you onboard.

Thank you, sir.

You met Walsh, my number two.

He's got a mouth on him.
Don't take it personally.

And Santiago, best spotter in Colombia.

Well, it's good to see you,
master sergeant.

Master g*ns.

Welcome to south America.

I bet you thought
you'd never see me again.

Well, one never knows with you.

Ah, I was in Costa Rica fishing
for dorado, and the phone rang, so-

- and you actually answered it.
- I did, yes.

Enough said.

Shall we?

Thank you.

This is the dorado we'll be fishing for.

Jesus Morales.

Colombian cartel chief.

His empire controls 6o percent
of the routes...

...carrying dr*gs and contraband
across the U.S. border.

This guy's got his hooks
on everything from oil theft... human trafficking,
weapons dealings, you know.

He specializes in recruiting street kids...

...into his g*ng
he calls la familia de seis.

- When was this picture taken?
- 2006.

Since then, he's been completely off-grid.

Never sleeps in the same place
two nights in a row...

...travels at night.

He has a network that is untraceable.

- So no one's seen him in 10 years?
- No one in law enforcement.

And now he's back.

Over the last three months...

...his competition has been eliminated,
one by one.

Bodies of his rivals
turned up everywhere.

But his latest one's on a different level.

sn*per hit. Ten days ago.

Now, that was Morales' worst rival.

- Diego Paolo.
- He was painted in a bathtub?

With his mistress watching.

No self-trained player
could've made that shot.

He's either military or ex-military.

- You got the b*llet?
- Local police didn't recover it.

.50 Cal from long distance.

b*llet did most of the damage
as it slowed down.

- Did the round pass through any walls?
- Just the window.

Didn't even touch the curtains.

Morales clearly has himself a hired g*n...

...who's helping him rise
to the top of the pile.

So, what's my objective?

We have a line on Morales' location,
day after tomorrow.

Intel suggests
he will be at this farmhouse...

...15 kilometers outside the city.

So you're asking us
to counter Morales's sn*per?

It will be joint ops.
DEA will be on point...

...backed up
by captain Garza's task force.

Due respect, sounds like a fancy way
of saying you want us to babysit.

Let's say "overwatch," master sergeant.

- You're late.
- Yeah, the f*ck I am.

You started early, captain.

I gotta tell you, your macho latino
power trip is starting to piss me off.

You should know better
than to start without me, Walsh.

This is my field operation,
and you say "yes" to me. Got it?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Don't play games with me.

I'll keep you all up way past your bedtime.
Now, am I late?

Because my watch says 1300.
What does the clock on the wall say?

-1300. You're right on time.
- Exactly.

Now, what did I miss?

Uh... master sergeant Beckett
was being briefed on the op.

Say hello to Kate Estrada, DEA.

Here on assignment
out of Washington for three years.

Speaks the language
and knows the world.

There has been a change.

Operation moved up a day.

We need to move on Morales tomorrow.

Does that give you enough time to prep?

I need to do some recon.
Drone analysis, topography checks.

Yeah, he's right.
Otherwise, we can't back you up.

Well, that's what we've got.
This is our first legitimate shot at him.

We're gonna put him behind bars
or in the ground, tomorrow.

Walk with me.

They say you're the best. Is that true?

I do what's asked of me, ma'am.

Stop with the "ma'am" bullshit.

"Estrada" works.

Now, let me give you some context.

I didn't want you here, with your long g*ns
and your "yes, ma'am" attitude.

But the geniuses above my pay grade
wanted you watching my back.

Evidently, captain Garza's
Alpha team isn't enough.

So let me ask you the same question
in a different way.

Are you enough?

That's why they sent me.

- Do you have any regional awareness?
- No.

This is my first mission in south America.

This mission is way north of high risk.

Did you raise your hand, or did they point
to the map and put you on a plane?

If I'm being honest...

...I don't wanna come here
to do overwatch for the DEA.

But the guys above my pay grade...

...thought you were worth
keeping this side of the ground.

Study up, and get some rest.

Big day tomorrow.

This is some mean bush, huh?

Copy that.

I hate these f*cking rush jobs.

That's w*r.

What does the sat feed say?

It says there's a lot of space, and...

...that we are looking for a needle
in a haystack.

You know, I was thinking
that this DEA chica...

...likes a lot your strong-and-silent act.

f*ck off, Santiago.

f*cking off.

Gear up. Gear up. Gear up.

This is Estrada.
We're on final site and ready.

Waiting for satellite uplink.

We a go?

Good to go, captain.

Move for cover. Wait for my signal.

Target indicators.

Couple of trucks.

Morales's Hummer.

And other than that, nothing on glass.

This is mustang.

We're in position
on the southernmost ridgeline.

We are standing by.

Ah, Samson.

- Good of you to make the party.
- How we doing?

Well, with a little luck,
within a few minutes...

...we should be bagging one
of the biggest targets we've had in years.

Satellite imagery confirms activity
at the site last night.

I just got off the phone with Langley.
They wanna know if the intel's reliable.

- It's all we have.
- Just tell me. Is he there?

- I don't know. Maybe, maybe not.
- You're putting agents in harm's way...

- ... on a fifty-fifty shot?
- This is the DEA's op.

Estrada drew a line in the sand and said
she had to have the green light to go.

It's too late to abort.

When you go to the party,
there's always risk.

How far to the farmhouse?

Five hundred and sixteen meters.

Wind... value.

Do the math.

Five degrees descending.

No adjustments.

- Hold scope.
- Holding on, and standing by.

This is mustang, over.

This is Alpha team.

Eyes in the sky,
not seeing anyone inside the farmhouse.

- Over.
- Roger that, Alpha team.

We are in position and holding scope.
We got a 300-degree view.

What about the other 60 degrees?

That's the southernmost ridgeline.

That's where we're positioned.

We cleared as much as we could
coming in here.

Okay. Can we proceed?

Lot of area for me to cover
and for him to hide in.

Proceed with extreme caution.

Copy that.

DEA has precedence.

Proceed with discretion, Alpha team.

Ingress in 200 meters.
Give me the final green.

- Are they cleared hot?
- Cleared hot.

- Go to g*ns.
- Go to g*ns.

Alpha team two
approaching the house.

See anything?

Nothing on glass.

All clear.

Final green, captain. We're cleared hot.

Safeties off.

Slow and steady.

Talk to me, Estrada.

Agent Estrada, what is your status?

Operation compromised.

Assessing casualties.

- Enemy sn*per on site.
- Find him, master sergeant.

Working on it, sir.

Stay where you are, Estrada.

I got this, mustang.

Just find the sh**t.

Got something on the scope.

Eleven o'clock. Right at the tree line.

- Distance?
- Seven hundred and twenty-three meters.

He's in the wind.

Let's move.

Mustang approaching the site.

Come on, get up. Come on, come on.

This is mustang to dog's den.

Captain Garza is...

All right, let's play a game.

It's called, "tell me
what the f*ck happened out there."

And you are?

Special agent John Samson,
department of homeland security.

Morales was a no-show.
That's what happened out there.

It was a setup.

Morales had a mole
inside of the national police?

- I didn't say that.
- The house was rigged to blow.

It was a national police op.
What other explanation is there?

Look, you people have
a management problem...

...but I have an operational problem.

This sn*per is not just an assassin.
He's a pro.

He knows fieldcraft.

He knows what you're doing.

He knows who all of us are.

How would you know that?
I mean, he fired two sh*ts.

Two sh*ts. Two hits.

And then he was gone.

He could have shot Garza
before Kate pulled him out.

But he waited.

For what?

sn*per had one target:


Garza just got in the way. Lucky for you.

Exactly. He sent us a message:
"Get the f*ck out of dodge."

That's exactly what you're gonna do.

You're gonna pull them out.
This is too dangerous.

Don't do it, sir. I've been working this guy,
and this guy only, for three years.

- I just need a little more time.
- Let's just take a deep breath...

...and hit the reset button, okay?

You're so far outside of operational
protocol, you could all be court-martialed.

We lost eight good men
and a high-ranking officer, for chrissake.

Yes, we did.

Garza was a good friend
and a colleague.

And no one is gonna miss him
more than me.

But this was not reckless,
if that's where you're going.

We did the best we could under
the circumstances and the intel we had.

Shit happens,
is that what you're telling me?

Shit didn't happen today, sir.

- Someone narc'd us out.
- All right, come on.

Just give us another 48 hours.

If we can't catch this guy's scent,
then we're gone.

All right.

I'm gonna give them 48 hours
to shake the trees.

Nothing falls out...

...then they'll be on the next plane
to the states.

Get out of here.

Forty-eight hours.



This sn*per knows exactly who you are.

So I want you to keep your head
on a swivel...

...and your eyes wide open.

You retired, master g*ns.

What brought you back?

Well, I mean, how many times
can you go fishing, right?

That's it?

I don't know. I guess...

...I probably wanted to quit
a dozen times...

...but I just kept re-upping.

I guess the marine corps was my life.

It was my family.

How can you be a civilian puke
after all those years in the crotch, right?

Master sergeant.

We're moving out.

She's a good one.

If a bit hard-headed at times.

I like her, though.

I read her file. It's quite impressive.

You watch her back too.

Roger that.

And, sir?

It's good to have you onboard.

No offense...

...there's a thousand places where
a trained sn*per can hit this place from.

Relax, master sergeant.

This place has been checked out.
Nobody knows you're here, all right?

Set up on the rooftop across the street,
start scanning those favelas.

For now...

...we just need to be on the safe side.

That's a big f*cking haystack, bro.

- Find the needle.
- Yeah.

What do you want'? I'm busy.

Can't it wait?

You get another chance,
puto diablo.

She's at the DEA safe house
in El barrio de las Cruces.

The American sn*per is with her.

Thanks for backing me up at the office.


We were both unprepared
for what happened out there.

I've never lost a man
under my command.

If you stay in this business long enough,
it won't be the last time.

How do you deal with it?

Everyone has their way.

What's your way?

Well, I tell myself I'm on
the right side of the fight.

I'm doing my best, I'm saving lives...

...and I keep fighting.

And you have to do the same.

The second shot...

...the one that k*lled Garza,
something's wrong.

You're skeptical, huh?

I think you're right to be.

By my estimate...

...his shot wasn't just improbable... was impossible.

sn*per's hide, it was downrange
of our position, right here.

We know because we made him.
We fired on him.

He fired his shot from over 1800 yards.

Your position was here
when Garza was hit.

It's almost as if his second shot
followed you around the tractor.

Look, I'm not interested in the sn*per.

- I want Morales.
- I know, Kate.

I know. You want Morales.

But it's that narrow-minded focus...

...that just got a lot of people k*lled.

How's it going up there?

Lots of hay. No needles.

- Keep your eye on the glass.
- Copy that.

Get off, your hand, amigo.

I said, get your hands off me.

Hola, Kate.

Let's go.

My advice...

...cut loose of this. You cannot win.

I'm close, father Carlos.

Yes, you are.

That's why he put eight
of your men in the morgue.

I will not let this man survive.

I'm not walking away.

More people will die.

Can you live with that?

I can't live with myself
if I walk out on this job.



I think I got something up here.

On my way-

"El Diablo"... what they call the sn*per.

He can lead you to Morales.

But it's dangerous, mija.

Once El Diablo has your name,
you are dead.

Then help me...

...before he checks me off his list.

I'll be in touch.

Trust nobody.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Talk to me, Santiago.

Twenty-two degrees north-northwest.

Elevation 12.
Looks like a range-finder laser.

That's exactly what it is.

Good work, Santiago.

Distance, 1750 meters.

b*llet travel time, 1.6 seconds.

Well done, master sergeant.


What is it?

What you're looking at
is your standard-issue...

...laser-guided smart b*llet.

Darpa completed its live-fire testing... July of 2014.

- How do you know?
- I'm the one who tested it.

I'll pull it up now.
It's fire-and-forget technology.

The projectile itself is fin-stabilized
and spin-stabilized.

Remote guidance is tied
to an optics system.

The b*llet is capable of readjusting
position 30 times a second...

...while hitting a moving target
up to a mile away.

My god.

Whatever happened
to just learning how to sh**t?

- Glory days, master g*ns.
- You got that right.

Gotta ask you, are you still GS-9?

You know, I actually managed
to move up in the ranks since-

- Yeah, I was gonna say...

...since I started going a little gray.

But you're looking pretty good yourself,
colonel Sanders.

- Ha-ha-ha.
- Man, that was a long time ago.

Over 20 years ago, I think.

Feels like it.

You know, when DoD told me you were
on the team, I couldn't believe it.

I hate to break up this reunion...

- ... but could we get back to work?
- All right.

Where did you find this, Brandon?

Or, more to the point,
where'd it find you?

It was shot at me last night.

By the sn*per we think works for Morales.

Not much of a safe house
you've got there, Samson.

Let me state the obvious
and bust some balls...

...but you mind getting a safe house
that is actually safe?

- Already done, sir.
- All right, let me talk to some people.

There's only so many points of access
to get to this tech.

If Morales has it, we may be looking
at an internal-security issue.

Okay, I'm on it.

All right. I'll scramble a vehicle
to take you two to a CIA black site...

...on the south side of the city. Let's go.

I'm getting hustled here.

- Are you hustling me, boy?
- No, senor Morales.

Hustling you?

- You think it's fun beating the boss?
- No, patr?n.

No, patron, perdon, perdon.
Here, take your money back. It's yours.

Listen, boy... get ahead in this line of work,
a man is expected to win, you know?

What do I do to win?

Show no fear.

Fear is your greatest enemy.

Are you scared, boy?

No, patr?n.


Come on, I was kidding, huev?n.

Take the money. It's yours. You win it.

You must never... afraid to fight
for what is yours in this world.

Listen, guys, I'm not going to lie to you.

Things at the moment are getting tough.

Someday, I won't be here
to look after you.

And one of you might be running
the familia.

But I can assure you this.

If your enemies...

...smell fear...

...they will k*ll you dead.


The Americans are hunting you.

We are too big to fail, man.

This is my ambition.

Like an American bank.

So powerful they can't let
anything happen to us.

And we're close to it.

There's only two more routes
in central America that we don't control.

Once we do, everything that crosses
the border will have to do with us.

There's that son of a bitch.

Put a k*ll order on the American sn*per.

I want every asset we have gunning
for that son of a bitch.

Hey, Diablo.

Hello, Diablo.

Listen... time you drop by...

...ask first, all right?

Where's my f*cking money?

That marine scout sn*per is still alive.

You were paid to k*ll him,
so your money is back in the safe.

f*ck you. I shot him.

Listen, diablito.

You're not needed anymore.

Take some vacation, all right?

And get the f*ck out of my house.

So, what's your truth?

- My truth?
- Yeah, your story.

I'm concerned. Ever since you got here,
I've got a target on my back.

Don't lay that on me.

You're the one chasing
the bogeyman here, and that's on you.


I've got something for you.

You sure you want it?

Yes, I'm sure.

El Diablo's got a girl he visits.

Maria Ramos.
I know where she is right now.

Just be careful.

Morales' familia controls that barrio.

Text me that address.

- Thanks.
- She won't be there for long.

What's the longest
you ever hunted a target?

Thirty-six hours with my eye to the scope
before I took the shot.

Well, I've been hunting this guy so long,
I lost track of time.

But you... don't want this job. You never did.

You don't give a shit about me
or my operation.

The only reason you stay is because
someone has a better b*llet than you.

Is that what you think?

Yes, it is.

Well, maybe you're right.

Because this b*llet is a game-changer.

And that game's bigger than just Morales.

If I'm gonna get this bastard...

...maybe I can't give a shit about you
and your operation right now.

And that's my truth.

So, what's yours?

Kate, go. Get out of here.

What do you want'?

- I'm looking for Maria Ramos.
- Oh, my god.

Hola, sexy.

Get out of here.

Just do the smart thing,
and get the f*ck out of my face.

Get out of here.

What are you doing
in my f*cking barrio, bitch?

Let him go!

You made a big mistake coming here.

I'm done playing games with you.

Gotta go. Now.

No, no, no. No!

You gotta be kidding me.

Where are you, master sergeant?

Got a line on Morales's sn*per.

We got a photograph of him from his girl.
I'm sending you a picture of him now.

Yeah, we just got it.

I need an ID, master g*ns.

See if you can figure out
who this fucker is.

But there's a bigger problem.

Someone has our talk. We were
ambushed on the way to the black site.

I'm going dark
until I can puzzle this thing out.

- No one can know where we are.
- Right, but-

okay, people. Listen up.

I need facial recognition
on this cabr?n right here.

I want reports
from all of our border crossings.

Top priority.

You're gonna let Brandon
and Estrada run loose?

Yeah. We let them down.

And now they're gonna get
the best logistics and intel we can provide.

- He's going off the grid until he's satisfied.
- It's not your son's operation, Beckett.

Oh, it is now.

Somebody knows every move we make.

Trust no one.


Let's move.

- What?
- I can take us somewhere safe.

Let's go.

Hola, Kate.

This is Brandon Beckett.
We're working together.

Father Carlos.

- Can we get off the streets?
- Yes, follow me.

Let's go.

Who does Morales have on the inside?

That is the question.

You must assume he has everyone.

Morales is protected
by thugs and powerful people.

- The worst of the worst.
- If we can take some of them out... might force him
and his sn*per to act atypically.

And make a mistake.

Yeah. Maybe.

Morales depends on his familia.

Then help us, father.

Lead us to them.

What the hell happened down there,
master g*ns?

Yeah, we're looking at it now.

Three bodies found this morning alone.
All of them part of Morales's operation.

And all of them sn*per kills.

Jorge Maroquin, Morales's banker, found
dead at his desk in the morning hours.

Miguel Kemper, the torturer,
taken down in broad daylight.

And Johnny Morillo,
Morales's top enforcer.

He's that guy we know
for dumping his victims in a landfill.

Only this time, Morillo's the one
with the hole in the head.

If this is Brandon,
his k*ll list is starting to get out of hand.

Target down.

Come on.

Take a walk with me.

Before I came here...

...I watched a fellow marine get buried.

He k*lled himself.

He was a hero...

...whose past caught up with him.

Maybe he just pulled the trigger
one too many times.

Sometimes I think that's my future too.

I don't wanna become him.

But I wonder,
how can it end any other way?

There is one way.

And that is forgiveness.

You must forgive yourself
for moral injuries.


I too have taken lives.

I grew up on these streets.

This is where I learned to hate...

...the rival gangs.

I have seen many friends die
on the streets.

I'm not proud of who I was.

But I chose a different life,
and so can you.

Your sins are those of an ordinary man... a sin-filled world.

And sins can be absolved.

You see, it's not nice to sneak in.

- What do you want'?
- We have a situation.

I need you to put the g*n away and listen.

I'm listening.

I'm sure you've heard.

Beckett is causing me headaches.

I'm losing men...

...and Patience.

So? You fired me.

Let's not argue.

You missed him once.
I missed him once.

But to you and I,
Beckett's death has great value.

Too much heat and not enough upside.

In fact, there's 500,000 upsides.

Plus 500,000...

...when he and Estrada are k*lled.

All right, soldier.

We got a hit. Harbormaster's office
in Caracas, Venezuela.

- We think he's Panamanian.
- I don't care what you think, Samson.

I wanna know
what the facial-recognition software says.

The software is at 93 percent affirmative.

- I'll take 93 percent.
- Ex-defense force sn*per.

- Did some k*lling for a son of Noriega.
- His name is Enrique Quintero.

Where'd he come in from?

From Venezuela, he crossed
the eastern border of Colombia... a small border post called Cucuta.

That was nine months ago,
and then the trail just stops.

We'll send you all this.

Any word from Brandon?

No, but the state department's
been all over me.

- This isn't the way it was scripted.

That's funny, they haven't called me.

The state department and
homeland security work side by side...

...but our agendas don't always sync up.

Homeland considers t*rrorists
the greater threat. Bombs, not dr*gs.

That's our priority now.
In order to fight these bastards...

...we can't have some loose cannon...

...starting a street w*r
with la familia de Seis.

So, what are you suggesting here, John?

What I'm suggesting is,
we round up Brandon and Estrada.

We get them on a plane out of here
before bad turns to worse.

Master sergeant Beckett and
agent Estrada are moving the needle.

I say we give them more time.
What do you say, Tom?

I agree.

Are you joking?

I know Morales is paying great money
for this hit.

How's 50?

There's a matching stack
when he's dead.

The word on the streets is...

...a priest is helping him.

This word, where is it coming from?

It's my barrio, remember?

And there are no secrets to me
in mi barrio.


- which priest?
- The one called...

...father Carlos.

Give him to me.

Father Carlos texted me at 7:21 P.M.

He said, "meet me at Cortez square
in front of the church at 10 P.M."

I called twice.

He hasn't responded.

- Then something's not right.
- Yeah.

El Diablo's here, somewhere.


What tactics will he use?

Surveillance, decoys.

He'll try to draw us out, but we'll hold.

Until when?

Until it's time not to.


Nothing real.

Southwest corner.

Panel Van.

Blacked-out windows.

This guy's better than that.

Where the hell is he?

He's doing what sn*pers do, Kate.

His training's no different than mine.

El Diablo's a soldier,
hired by a drug kingpin.

There's someone else.

There's someone bigger than Morales.

I got something.

Off scope.

Behind the truck, what are they doing?

You see that kid?

He was one of the bangers
at Maria's apartment.

I remember.

- Father Carlos.
- No, Kate. It's a trap.

- He's trying to draw us out.
- Let me the f*ck go!

You go out there, you're dead,
and that is exactly what he wants.

Where are you, b*tches?

He's out there, Kate. Find him.

Come on. Give me a sign.

We're gonna be too late.

He's dying.

No emotion.

In control.

That's how we do our job.

There's no time for that shit.
Do something.

- Missed. sh**t again.
- f*ck.


You work for Morales.

He k*lled father Carlos. Your priest.

Help us make this right.

Tell us where he's hiding.

If I tell you that, I won't last the night.

We'll protect you.

Hola, Jesus.

You finally made a mistake.

You k*lled a priest.

Why don't you k*ll me, bitch?

That would be too easy.

Besides you,
who does El Diablo work for?

I'll talk when I have a deal. All right, man?

U.S. Attorney General's office
wants him flown to Miami... be arraigned
at the federal courthouse there.

We got a plane waiting for you.

You guys actually pulled it off. Well done.

There's no way El Diablo will
let Morales make it to the courthouse.

He knows too much.


Well, I'll see you two in Miami.


Welcome to Miami, Mr. Garcia.

Thank you.

Next. Please have your passport ready.

No problem in immigration.

Everything else in place?

He sees those charges
at the arraignment...

...and then he'll start talking.

Hearing is at 1400.

That gives El Diablo time.

Before I forget...

...I just wanna let both of you know
what a splendid job I think you've done.

It's not done yet.
We started this, and we'll finish it.

Spoken like a true marine.

Miller. Ha, ha, ha!

- How are you?
- Good to see you, master g*ns.

Just in time for the action.

Okay, so take us
through this again, g*ns.

As I said in my assessment...

...if I was El Diablo,
I would take Morales out...

...30 seconds after leaving the base.

That would be unexpected...

...and also very daring.

Totally agree.

How about that right there?

See, you got wide-open fire lanes,
plenty of operational space...

...minimal civilian traffic.
It's focused on a single exit point.

Just saying.

Yeah, it's the perfect location.

We have vantage over both places
while maintaining cover.

We see him, and no one's the wiser.

Some pretty fancy hardware
we're up against.

Darpa rechecked their inventory...

...found about a hundred
of these bad boys missing.

Somebody's got their hands
in the cookie jar.

I got some friends in defense R and D... I thought we'd level the playing field.

Naval research lab flew these in
from their facility in Chesapeake Beach.

What's it do?

Cartridge explodes
at pre-selected distance.

Like a r*fle-fired a*tillery shell?

Yeah, but only cooler because
the range-finder talks to the b*llet...

...b*llet talks to target, target talks to god.

All right, kids, back in the fridge.

Home fries on deck.

My guys will take the last vehicle.

- Cover the rear.
- That's awesome. Thanks a lot, Bob.

- John.
- John.

That's right.

Half past 12. Time to move.

Get in there.

I still think the shit's gonna go down
outside the courthouse.

More diversions, easier exits.

Look, the convoy's a decoy.

Wait a second.

If the guy with the hood on is a fake,
where's the real Morales?

He rolls out later in a dry-cleaner's Van.

Nice. Smart play, but a little heads-up
next time would be better.

I thought the jatf is all about
interagency cooperation.

It is. Let's hit the roof.

Rolling thunder, go.

Copy that. Rolling thunder on the move.

Copy, Romeo tango.

Yeah, we in position. Where you guys at?

Yeah, we're good.

Here they come.

Any sign of El Diablo?

Not yet.

I'll clock the convoy, you take perimeter.

Convoy clear.

El Diablo was a no-show.

Here comes the Van.

Remain on standby.

Is that really necessary, Richard?

I thought the whole point of a decoy was
to throw the bad guys off the scent.

Better safe than sorry, John.

Okay, let's go.

Black sedan, inbound from the north,
100 feet from the intersection.

- Moving fast.
- There's a surprise, Samson.

Incoming from the south. Old Cadillac.

Moving at high speed,
gaining on the Van.

Got it. Keep searching
for El Diablo, I'll take care of this.

- Copy that, sir.
- All units...

...bogeys approaching
from the north and south.

There you go.

- Where is he?
- Searching.

Let me see if I can draw him out.

Elevated walkway, 12 o'clock.
Confirm hole in window.

Distance locked, but I can't see him.

Not a problem.

Assume position clear.

Target down.

Welcome to Miami, Jesus.

There's nobody in
the f*cking Van. Where's Morales?

What the hell is this?

Remote-control vehicle.

It's called a decoy, John.

For catching an enemy sn*per
and rogue homeland security agents... cahoots with Morales.

You just can't make this stuff up.

Supposition, not fact.

You want facts, John?

I had my boys at Langley clone
your burner phone.

It's all here in black and white.

We got copies of every text you sent.

You're pinging Morales and Diablo
like a teenage crush.

You're blowing him through customs...'re telegraphing our movements,
putting our people in harm's way.

We got him. Come on up.

I told Garza to abort
the farmhouse operation.

- And I warned you, pull your guys out.
- Yeah, after you tried to k*ll Estrada.

Garza is dead because of you.

You helped this man.


...was our best chance to stop
a dirty b*mb from crossing the border.

That was the deal in return
for giving him the w*apon.

It was never meant
to be used against our people.

If we can eliminate his rivals
in return for a guarantee... to what comes into this country?
Yeah, so be it!

People died, Samson. Good people.

That's on you, assh*le.

- So long, Bob.
- Let's go.

As much as I'd love
to celebrate with you people...

...Washington is pulling me back.

Master g*ns.

- Gs-9 Miller.
- Oh, nice. Ha-ha.

- Estrada, great job.
- Thanks.

Master sergeant, great job.
I'll miss you most of all, scarecrow.

- Thanks for everything, Miller.
- You know it. You all right?

- You all right? You all right?
- I'm good.

Okay. I knew you're not a quitter.

Semper fi, buddy.


You guys did a hell of a job.
You're a good team.

You think you'll work together again,

You mean, babysitting the DEA?

Best job you ever had.

Oh, god. Don't start, please.

Well, I'm going fishing. What else?

Someplace safe like Puget Sound
in Washington state, Brandon.

Keep your powder dry.

You got my cell number, right?

Give me a call sometime.
You wanna go fishing?

Let me know, yeah?

Master g*ns.
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