sn*per: Assassin's End (2020)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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sn*per: Assassin's End (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

...but in South America,
particularly Costa Verde,

Bruno Diaz has been an icon for decades.

He immediately made a name for himself
by ushering in the nation's first dealings

with the United States in decades,
after years of turmoil had followed

from the historically bloody
coup d'état in 1953.

But Mr. Diaz's efforts will finally
come to fruition,

tomorrow morning
at a summit with the president,

where the two dignitaries will sign
an agreement to lift the trade embargo.

I'm told Mr. Diaz is about
to take the stage.

Now, tomorrow's summit will take place
in Washington, D.C., but in seconds,

Mr. Diaz will address the people
of Costa Verde about the historic event.

We'll take you there now, live.

I'm just getting this now.

We have a reporter on the ground,
but they are evacuating the area.

It appears Bruno Diaz has been shot.

This is a shocking turn of events.

Yes, sir, Mr. Secretary.

I assure you, we will find out
who's responsible.

Understood. No, it will be totally covert.

Yes, sir. Great. Thank you. Bye.

Sir, you need to see this.

A hair was recovered at the crime scene.
They have a positive ID.

He flew in and out of Costa Verde
within hours of the attack.

- Peterson!
- Yes, sir?

We have our man.
Brandon Beckett is now our primary suspect.

- Get a team over to Beckett's house stat.
- Local SWAT?

Private. If it was one of our own
that k*lled a foreign dignitary,

we need to keep it under wraps
until we know everything.

Clover, keep digging,
find out everything you can.

Peterson, when you locate Beckett,
I want a safe house set up somewhere nearby.

- Okay.
- Let's move.

Assume that Brandon Beckett is armed
and dangerous.

Damn, Retcon. You son of a bitch.

We're going on five days
and I'm still sweaty as hell.

Oh, really?

Unlike you, I actually have a real job.

But I've got two more weeks
of vacation left, buddy.

Two more weeks of beating
your little 13-year-old ass.

Oh, 14.

So sorry.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.


That's what happens
when you don't clear the corner.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get some.

On the ground!

On the ground now!

Step back!

Hands up! Let's go!

- We're clear.
- On your stomach!

Get down on the ground now!


Bravo team clear.


Let's go, move it.

- He was taken.
- What?

It was critical
that his death look like a su1c1de.

What's plan B?

After being questioned, he'll be taken
to a high security facility for holding.

I'll send a team to take out the convoy.

It'll need to look like they're working
with Beckett.

No one survives.

We know you k*lled Bruno Diaz.

- What in the hell are you talking about?
- Don't bullshit me.

We got your DNA, we have your flight records
and we have your motive.

Now, what I want to know is,
was your father involved?

My father? Was he involved in what?

Your father was on a mission
in Costa Verde, things went bad,

this is your way of getting even.

Yeah, I read your stories in your e-mails.

Look, I've obviously been set up.

Where were you Tuesday?

Seven thirty-two p.m.?

I don't know.

The gym? In bed?

Sir, I'm on leave
for the first time in five years.

With all due respect, I didn't even know
there was an assassination.

Agent Franklin.

Pardon the interruption.

Can I have a word alone with Beckett?

Who the hell called you?

The colonel.

I guess your short-sighted inability
to see through the red tape

was a concern when dealing with someone
whose service record is as admirable

as Sergeant Beckett's is.

You got a minute.

- How about five? Okay.
- How about one?

Zeke Rosenberg, Homeland Security.

You can call me Zero.

Okay, Zero.

Look, I had nothing to do
with whatever this is.

I'm not gonna make a judgment on that.

What I am gonna do is,
I'm gonna look at the facts

and then I'll make my decision,
unlike Agent Franklin there,

who seems to believe everything he reads.

Now, listen. They're gonna move you
to a black site.

If you're guilty,
it's gonna get really ugly.

But if you're innocent,

whoever did this is gonna want to tie up
loose ends, and that's not so good either.

I promise you,
I will get to the bottom of this.

Thank you.

Don't thank me yet,
I might find out you're guilty.

I'm not.

- I hope that's true.
- All right.

Time's up.

Get him up and out of here, let's go.

Rosenberg, I have strict orders
to keep a low profile,

so I don't need you out there swinging
your big badge, blowing my cover.

You got me?

I have my orders too.

Don't worry, I know they only drag you
out of the basement if it's a big deal.


Let's get to work.


Okay. We need money up front.

Loud helicopter behind you.
I will repeat, money up front.

Not the helicopter?

Perhaps it is my accent. I will repeat
one more time, then I'm hanging up.

Money up front.

Very good.

Franklin tells me
you're the one who ID'd Beckett.

I wasn't working alone, but, yes, I tracked
his passport and found his e-mails.

The ones about his father going rogue
in Costa Verde?

It's a bit more complicated
than that, but yes.

Oh, it's a lot more complicated than that.

- Or it's the truth.
- I'm not ruling that out.

But a man that I respect very much
doesn't think so.

I can appreciate that.

But we need more than your friend's hunch
to overturn this concrete evidence.

However respected he may be.

You're right.

Why don't you pull up the video
of the assassination.

The immediate area was
under heavy surveillance.

Based off the trajectory
and size of the exit wound,

ballistics was able to create a simulation
that narrows the shot to this vantage point.

Over a mile away.

Only someone with Beckett's skill set
could plan and pull off this shot.

We're in agreement there.

Now, who's that guy?

Donald South, CEO of Novasil Pharmaceutical.

Jose Lucas, Gabriel Machado, Maria Garcia.

This guy, I don't remember his name,
but he is the Minister of Energy.

These are all politicians.

So, what is a big pharma CEO doing up
on that stage?

It's a good question.

Rodeo time.

You're not there to pull the trigger.

We don't need a second gunman conspiracy.

Just make sure the Russians do their job.

Clean up only as a last resort.

- Hey, something's wrong.
- Shut up.

- Shit.
- Go, go, go!

Let's get out of here!

Give me the key to the cuffs
so I can help you!


Donald, Donald, Donald.

That does not look like the picture
of your wife in my reports.

Thank you.

Excuse me, Mr. South,
before you get too comfortable here,

- may I have a word?
- Sorry, this isn't the time.

- Call my secretary to make an appointment.
- Okay, will do.

Is he free on Tuesday afternoon?

- Who are you?
- I'd hate to have to flash my credentials

and make more of a scene
than I already have.

Can you give us a minute?

That's great, thank you.

Your daughter's very pretty.

Hi, I am Agent Rosenberg, Homeland Security.

A couple questions,
then I'll be out of your hair.

What's this about?

I think you know. Bruno Diaz.

See, here's the thing.

I want to know what a corporate CEO
of a pharmaceutical behemoth

was doing on-stage during a speech
about trade relations.

Pharmaceuticals are one
of our nation's leading exports.

Sure, but I didn't see anybody from
the gas companies up there with politicians.

Are you accusing me of being involved
in the assassination of Mr. Diaz?

No, no, no. I just want to know
what you were doing there.

I was in attendance because I've been
an advocate for lifting the embargo.

I'm a personal friend of the trade minister.

I look forward to what the future will hold

in finally being able to do business
with Costa Verde.

"Personal friend."
His death must've been hard on you.


How about professionally?

Did I stand to gain?
Are you kidding me? This is k*lling us.

With the embargo lifted,
our stocks should've soared

before our merger with Phykus Industries.

Novasil Pharm is being absorbed
by another company?

Lord help us.

Does Homeland Security not have access
to Google?

We were weeks away from the merger.

Follow the money.
Someone didn't want to pay full price.

Are you saying
Phykus had something to do with this?

Follow the money.

Phykus Industries, a Vancouver-based company
that has a relationship with Costa Verde,

is weeks away from buying my company,
a small fish.

Lifting the embargo would've turned us
into a shark.

- Not now, Peterson.
- This is urgent, sir.

Beckett's transport appears
to have been att*cked.

There was a large wreck
just outside of Olympia, and...

One of our contractors was
among the deceased.

- What about the other two?
- Missing, with Beckett and the vehicle.

Oh, Jesus Christ. So he's not working alone.

Someone broke him out of our custody.
Do we know who?

Along with our man,
there were four more bodies.

They appear to have Russian mob involvement.

He's working with the Russians?

We are trying to find the connection...

I think the connection's on the side
of the g*dd*mn road, no?

Well, not exactly. There... There's more.

Our man was k*lled with a long-range b*llet,
not by the man on the scene.

- A sn*per.
- Yes, sir.

His father.

- I... I couldn't say, sir.
- I could.

Okay, heads up!
Thomas Beckett is now a priority.

It seems
his son Brandon isn't working alone.

He has our vehicle
and two of our contractors,

possibly as hostages.


The SUV transporting Beckett was
just reported dumped

at an abandoned lumber mill in Aberdeen.

The other men were still in the car,

Okay, he's on foot, he can't get far,
so let's highlight Aberdeen, Washington.

That means traffic cameras, ATM cameras,
cell phone traces, the whole works.

Let's find him. Now.

Sir, step away from the vehicle,
nice and slow.

I know you're just doing your job here,
but I can't let you bring me in.

Quiet! On your knees.

Get me the hell out of here
and I promise I won't hurt you.

- Can you put that in the glove box?
- Just drive!

All right, all right, shit!

Hey, talk to me.

Beckett and our team were att*cked.
He's on the loose.

I can't keep helping you.

He's the number one suspect
in a political assassination

who's now wanted
for k*lling three government contractors.

Or whoever set him up wants him dead.

Then why won't he bring himself in?

He did. Sounds like it
almost got him k*lled.

Whoever did this knew he was being moved.

If I'm Beckett, I'm thinking
there's a mole in the department.

He's gonna stay as far away from this
as possible until this is all sorted out.

With Franklin running the show,
I'm his only hope,

and I can't do this without you.

What do you need?

Did you look into the Phykus Novasil merger?
Find anything out of the ordinary?

Not much. One small red flag.

They had a security breach last month.

An accounting employee tripped an alarm,

trying to access an area
above his clearance level.

That's it?

Local P.D. arrived, but they were
turned away by the head of security.

He wouldn't even let them in the building.

Okay, well, that's something.

What's this accountant's name?

Josh Strayhorn.

Josh Strayhorn.


- Keep digging. I'll keep you posted.
- What are you gonna do?

Well, guess I'm heading to Vancouver.

Where have you been?

I know we're slammed, but we still have
bathroom privileges, don't we?


Brandon Beckett just escaped
from two police officers

in an Aberdeen parking lot.

He is now officially MIA.

So until we find him, hold it.

Okay. Get out.


Start walking, don't turn around
until you hit that last road.

Come on, man, I'm in this now.
I can help you.

You've helped plenty.

Dude, that closed exit wasn't my fault.

- I mean, wasted, I...
- Kid! Just walk.

Don't worry, I'll take good care
of your car here.

All right.

All right, well...


Sorry, buddy.

Drake Phoenix, head of security.

What can I help you with today?

Holy shit.

Hi. I'm just here to pick up a prescription.

Rosenberg, it's for my mom.
No, sorry. I'm just kidding. Hey.

How about Josh Strayhorn, Accounting?

- Can you help me find him?
- Josh Strayhorn.

Sadly, he's at home sick.

- Hopefully I can help answer your questions.
- Perhaps.

- Shall we go to your office?
- Is this gonna be long?

I suppose that depends
on what you have to say.

Mr. Strayhorn tripped
an alarm two weeks ago,

trying to access a secure area.

Right, I do remember that.

And then the police showed up,
is that correct?

Yeah, of course. That is protocol
when there's a security breach.

However, this was just simply
a misunderstanding.

May I ask why you're inquiring
into this minor incident?

Well, whether or not it's a minor incident
remains to be seen.

You see...

I have reason to believe
that Mr. Strayhorn may have been involved

with the assassination of Bruno Diaz.

- That seems like a bit of a stretch.
- I know, I know.

I've seen his picture. He looks like a guy
that likes to dress up and go to Comic Con.


But then again, so do I.

So, you know...


What I can tell you is that on that night,

Mr. Strayhorn left the office
with coworkers for drinks.

After having a few too many,
he realized he left his wallet on his desk.

When he returned, and not quite 100 percent,

he got off the elevator on the wrong floor.

It was a drunken accident.

- Right?
- Right.

Yeah, I see. I see.

But how about that merger though, huh?

I mean, absorbing Novasil Pharmaceuticals.

Your workload is gonna double,
I would imagine.

So does that mean your pay is gonna double?

Not quite.

Maybe more employees
to keep track of, really, but...

daily routine stays about the same.


Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Phoenix.

I'll be in touch.

Listen to me. That is not what we agreed on.

- Sir.
- I gotta call you back.

A man just reported a carjacking
to Idaho State Police.

He was taken from a parking lot in Aberdeen
where Beckett was last seen.

Okay, okay, he screwed up.
We find this car, we find Beckett.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Me again. What do you got?

Nothing new. Where are you?

Outside Josh Strayhorn's apartment.

- What?
- Yeah, they told me he was home sick.

I thought it was bullshit.

Turns out I was wrong.

- So you didn't talk to him?
- No, but I did talk to a guy

named Drake Phoenix.

I'm not sure about this guy.

Maybe see what you can find out about him.

- He's a ghost.
- That was fast.

Last five years, I've got bank record,
social security, you name it.

Right down to his g*dd*mn Netflix account.

Then poof, he disappears.

- What the hell is this?
- I gotta go.

Zero... Agent Rosenberg asked me to look
into a situation at Phykus Industries.

Zero. Phykus Industries.

g*dd*mn it, Clover.

I told you I wanted you to focus on Beckett.

Jesus Christ, where is Zero?

I'm not sure.

Listen, the next time he calls,
you patch him through to me.

Now stay tracking Beckett
and stop with this shit.

Do you understand?

- Yes, sir.
- Good.

Peterson, I'll be in my office.

- Stop right there, buddy.
- Homeland Security.

Why don't you take a bathroom break,
my friend.

Yes, sir.

Federal agent, I need a moment alone
with this patient.

- You cannot be in here.
- This is a matter of national security.

You'll give me and the patient this room
or I will have you both arrested.

Do you understand me?

- This patient is hours out of surgery.
- Yeah, I don't care. Wake him up.

Sir, he could die.
I'm not about to have him wake up.

He is a suspect in a political assassination

and potentially responsible
for the deaths of three men.

Now wake him up.

- I can't, I'm sorry.
- Why do we have to do this the hard way?

Wake him the f*ck up, please.

Jesus, Dad.

I could've shot you.

Yeah. But you didn't.

Well, you don't look
like you're outfitted for fishing, so...

What did you do?

Look, I've been set up.

Morning, sunshine.

Who hired you?

I'm not gonna ask nice this next time.
Who hired you?


Who f*cking hired you?

I don't know!

He never told me his name!

- We only talked on the phone!
- Please just let me stabilize him.

Nah. Not till he's done talking.

Who hired you?

- I told you everything I know!
- I don't believe you. Give me something.

Male, female, American, European, a sound.

Come on, give me something!

Scrambled voice!

I couldn't hear because of his helicopter.

I know nothing.

But I only hunt squirrel with my left hand

because it wouldn't be fair
or sporting otherwise.

A missing finger isn't enough
of a handicap, huh?

Hell, you've seen me sh**t.

This old boy's still got it.

It's tough, Dad.

I don't think I could've bounced back
from something like that.

Nah, you could've.

I'm sure you've gotten
your own battle scars.

Oh, a few.

I was in a knife fight in Calcutta once.

I got a pretty gnarly scar
across the old thigh here.

I don't want to see it.

I don't want to show you.

How about you?

Any other scars or skeletons
from past missions?

Well, yeah, there is...

something I think about once in a while.

It was the Nam.

We were in the central highlands, smack-dab
right on the top of the Cambodian border.

And our mission was to assassinate

a particularly nefarious NVA tax collector
and any of his escorts

that we might possibly be able to nail.

My partner...

and senior NCO,

Sergeant Major Conrad...

Well, we were all beyond exhaustion and...

But he snapped.

He decided he would order me to stay back
and then he would go in alone.

I should've never let him do that.

But he went in,

his hands were rock steady,

but his eyelids were just twitching.

And he kept repeating this phrase.

Whispering it.

And he goes in.

And then he comes out,

arm twisted behind his back,
blood coming down his face.

And behind him, the son of a bitch
that we were trying to assassinate.

With a p*stol stuck in his cheek.

And he's yelling, "Beckett, take the shot!"

This was long range.
I mean, they were together.

I'm talking inches apart.

I mean, I was pretty good back then,
but, God, I don't know what I was thinking.

I guess it was just,
my emotion got the better of me, and I...

So I shot my target.

But I also got my good friend.


I never looked it up.

I think it was Latin.

Maybe from this angle.

Have we located any more evidence?

This pattern here.

Agent Franklin. You don't mind
if I look around, do you?

- I do.
- Sir.

I found this in the bedroom.

"If you ever want to have a beer."

Coordinates. "Dad."

That's where he's gotta be.
We need a team up there.

Let's wrap it up,
let's head back to the safe house.

- Hey.
- Clover.

I need you to confirm that Drake Phoenix was
in Brandon's battalion.

Back row, far right.

You said "back row, far right"?

- I did, yeah.
- And you're sure?

Yeah, I'm sure. Why, what's the problem?

It appears
that this is Sergeant Clark McConnell.

He was wanted for w*r crimes.
Tortured a civilian.

But he died in the line of duty
five years ago.

Who else do you think knows about this?

We're gonna find out.



How's your mother?


She ever tell you
that I used to check in on you?


She always just used to say
that you were working.

Yeah, well, I was.

But I still checked in on you.

Phone calls. Later, e-mails.

But I... I should've done it in person.

You know, Mom told me that you proposed.

And she turned you down. Is that true?

Yeah, I did.

Three times. I proposed three times.


I just figured
she was making herself responsible,

so I didn't take it out on you
or something, but...

Well, whatever her answer was,

I should've been around.

It's okay.

Hey, I can sh**t.

I owe that to you.

What do you mean by that?

You pictured my face on a target downrange?

No, no, I...

I... Actually, I always kind of pictured you
there with me.

When I was a kid and Uncle Rick used
to take me out hunting, I'd...

I used to pretend
that you were right there next to me,

you know, giving me pointers.


I'm sorry.

Well, we're here now, huh?


Just two knots on a log. Eh, kid?

Mr. Strayhorn, hi.

I have a question for you about an invoice.

- Where's Drake Phoenix?
- I... I don't know. I don't know.

He never showed up today.

Yeah, that's what I heard.
That's why I'm asking you where he is.

I don't know. Okay?

I was sick yesterday,
and I haven't seen him since last Friday.

- Don't lie to me.
- I'm not.

Bruno Diaz.

Now, I know you sure
as hell aren't in charge.

- Why don't you tell me who you work for.
- I don't work for anybody.

I'm just an accountant.
I'm just an accountant.


Okay, now. Okay.

Phoenix. Phoenix is insane, all right?

All right? I don't have anything
to do with this, I promise you.

He forced me,
he threatened to k*ll my family...

Forced you to do what?
Forced you to do what?

- He said he was...
- Oh, for f*ck's sakes.

Get up, get up, you're fine.

It's fine, okay? It's okay.

It's gone. It's gone, okay?

- Talk to me.
- Phoenix.

Phoenix came in
with just this crazy plan, okay?

To siphon millions off the merger
with Novasil, all right?

If Costa Verde pulls the plug on
the trade agreement with the United States,

right, Novasil stock plummets.

The fluctuating price made it easy for me...

Really, anyone in accounting
that knows what they're doing. just shave pennies on the dollar.

Look, I refused to get involved,

then he got physical
and threatened to hurt my wife.

Is this why he didn't want the police there
when he tripped the alarm that night?

I was setting up the offshore account.

Okay, look, Phoenix...
Phoenix made me do this.

Hey, you want some coffee?

Nah, I'm good, Pops.

Oh, we got company.

Delta, proceed with caution. You're dealing
with two highly trained individuals.

You better get out of here.

Take that.

It's locked and loaded.

You follow this tunnel.
It'll take you outside of the perimeter.

Once you get there, you'll see a path.
Take a heavy northeast on the path.

Got it? It's a bit of a hike.

You can take the man
out of the Marine Corps, but you can't...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Come on. Go, go.


It's Rosenberg, sir.
He wants to talk to you.

All right, put him through.

Can you bring it up there?

Approaching target now. Taking position.

Zero. What's going on?
I'm kind of in the middle of something.

Guess what. I just got a crying confession
that proves Brandon Beckett's innocence.

What are you talking about?

Send someone to Phykus headquarters
immediately to pick up Josh Strayhorn.

All of this is just to make money
on the merger with Novasil Pharm.

The accountant, he'll confess to everything.

Come on out. Hands up.

One target in sight.
Thomas Beckett confirmed.

Other target, not known.

Standing by.

All right, Delta. Stand down.

I repeat, Delta stand down.

Standing down.

Got a sh**t!

Oh, my God.


Cover right!

We do not have eyes on! Advise!

Jesus Christ.


Your innocent friend
just took out two of our guys.

We're pinned down!

- g*dd*mn it!
- What do we do?!

Check the tree line!

- See anything?
- Nothing.

Stay down.

Oh, for God's sakes, Brandon.

What part of "get the hell out of here"
don't you understand?

Come on.

What do you see, Dad?

Because I see jack shit.

Oh, bingo.

Not fair.

Come on.

Take a shot.

Expose yourself.

I dare you.

You're outgunned.

I'm at home here in my own bedroom.

I could wait all day.


Damn it.

I'll track him down the path,
you flank him over on the right.

We'll get his back to the river
and then he's trapped.

We have to take him alive.

If he's the sh**t that framed me,
I need to bring him in and find out why.



Put your w*apon on the ground.

Put your hands up.

Mr. Phoenix?

Federal Agent Zeke Rosenberg,
could you come to the door please?

Hey. I need you to 86
an alarm system for me.

27 Milo Street.


"Brandon Beckett"?


Water taxi.

Duneberry, California.


Hello? This is Brandon Beckett.

Agent Franklin?

What do you got?

Holy shit.

All right, pull him up.

Sergeant Beckett, what do you say
we put an end to this now?

I would like that very much.

This woman here k*lled these five men today.

I'm convinced she set me up
for the trade minister's m*rder.

- See if you can pull an ID.
- I'm on it.

Okay, listen to me, Beckett. Why don't
we sort all this out when you get here?

Yeah, we will.

- I'm heading in now.
- That won't be necessary.

I already have a second team en route.
You stay put, we'll do this the right way.

We'll be here waiting.

Okay, listen to me, you let that team know

that the suspect is there to comply
and waiting for their arrival

but to proceed with caution.

- Hey, Clover, where are we?
- Got it! Yuki Mifune.

Multiple dealings with the yakuza,
where she goes by the handle Lady Death.

Raised in a crime family,
all private sector, no military service.

Okay, listen up.

We need a connection
between Lady Death and Bruno Diaz.

Okay, everyone now, let's go, we gotta move.

Come on!

Oh, my God, this is like the day
that never ends.

- You two, check perimeter.
- Copy that.

Let's get some more support around here.

All the way around the back. Let's go.

Excuse me.

Hi there. How routine are these departures?

Well, run on a cycle,

keep all the islands serviced.

We got more islands than boats, see.

- It's clockwork.
- How about 3 and 6:30 p.m.?

- Which island do you service then?
- Well, three.

There's that one, that one and that one.


Russian said he heard a chopper.

What's that you say?

Do any of those islands have a helipad?

Well, that one for sure.

- Private residence. Big place.
- Yeah, I need you to take me there now.

Like we were saying, 3 and 6:30.

I don't have time
for a long-winded explanation.

This is a matter of national security.


for your old buddy Ben Franklin,
take me there now, please.

Come on.


Well, checks out.

Homeland confirmed her flying in and out
of Costa Verde on the day of the att*cks.

She confessed, gave us the same name
Zero gave us in Vancouver.

Look, I'm sorry.

I know you've been through hell.

Yeah. You were just doing your job,
Agent Franklin.


So, what do we know?

Who wanted Bruno Diaz dead and why?

Agent Clover?


Framing an American for the death
of one of their public officials

was guaranteed to stop
the trade agreement in its tracks.

Excuse me.

The consequences of which sent
the stock prices plummeting

for an American pharmaceutical company
that was in the process of being absorbed.

Enter this guy.

Look familiar?

"Clark McConnell"?

Back when you knew him.
Now he's Drake Phoenix.

A mid-level employee looking
to make his fortune off the merger

with some shady accounting,
compliments of this guy.

Clark McConnell, he's dead.

Not anymore.

Okay. Move her up. Radio in.

Agent Franklin,
the team's ready to move her.

All right, good. Let's go.

Wait. Where are you taking her?

The same max security you were headed to
until she interfered.

Yeah, karma's a bitch.


Keep her here. We can use her.

Why the hell would I do that?

We can use her
to flush out McConnell... Phoenix.

Here's what you need to know
about that son of a bitch.

When we were deployed, I watched him m*rder
a woman and burn down her store

while we were doing recon
in a small village.

He had nothing on her. She was innocent.

So I reported him to our superior officer.

But before they had a chance
to question him,

he was k*lled in a battle.


- I saw the body with my own eyes.
- You saw a body?

So this is about revenge?


I agree with you. It's about money.

Revenge is just why he's trying
to hang this on me.

Her job is to k*ll me.

Let's make him think
she's still out there trying.

Have her call him.

Tell him that she has me
and that she wants to make a delivery.

This will work.

This better work.

This is Agent Peterson. Abort.

I repeat, abort.

Let's turn that convoy around.

Copy that. Returning to base.

Okay, folks, flag on the play.

Let's turn it around.

Tell him you're delivering me in person,

but you will not finish the job
until you've been paid.

That's your play.

I want full immunity.

You'll be extradited to Japan

where you're wanted
on three counts of first-degree m*rder.

Now, what they do with you,
that's their business.

Here in the U.S.,
your offenses will be expunged.

It's the best you're gonna get here.

We watched you m*rder five people,
and it's all on camera.

Now help us.

I'm supposed to k*ll you.

He's not gonna believe it.

Make him believe it.

That's the only way this works.

He has to trust you
or at least sense that you're pissed off.

Look, this has gotten way more complicated
than it was ever supposed to be, right?

Work that angle.

Agent Clover.

Undo the cuffs.

Is Beckett dead?

Hello, I repeat, is Beckett dead?

I have him.


That's not the deal.

I've k*lled 10 people
without seeing a penny.

I'll give you Beckett
when you give me the money.

You can k*ll him yourself.

How can I trust you?

You have no choice.

If you don't,
I will let Beckett come after you.

I've done enough k*lling
for the debt I owe you.

You haven't paid your debt
if Beckett's still alive.

When I order a steak,
I expect it to be cooked.

I'm Japanese.

We prefer raw fish.

Bring Beckett.

I'll send you the address.

He bought it?

I'm supposed to bring you to this address.

All right, let's start prepping the team.

She'll have an empty g*n,
there's no way I'm sending her in loaded.

- Sir, that is...
- End of story.

You'll have breakaway cuffs, you'll also
have a full clip concealed on you

in case the need for a firearm arises.

If she makes a move that strikes you
as remotely out of the ordinary,

you get ahold of the team
and we'll extract you.

You two are there to flush him out.

We'll have a team in the perimeter
to make an arrest,

and we'll have a sn*per if the need arises.

I'll do that.

- With all due respect, sir, you're retired.
- No. No.

You're sending my kid in as bait, unarmed?

Then you g*dd*mn well better believe
that I'll be the one taking that shot.

Yes, sir.

Okay, let's go.
Get her out of here. Let's move.

Son of a bitch.

Easy, Drake.

We don't need another dead body,
especially not in my hot tub.

I have another way to silence Mr. Rosenberg.

Okay, people.


Brandon and Lady Death have arrived.

Tactical team standing by.

We need to take care of him.

She'll be here with Beckett soon.

You heard the man. Enough of this charade.

Name your price, everybody has one.

Work with me.

I'm offering you your life.

I don't want to k*ll you, I'd rather deal
with money. I'm not a m*rder*r.

People are dead because of your money,
even if you didn't pull the trigger.

It wasn't supposed to be like that,
I wanted what was fair.

I spearheaded the whole merger with Phykus.

I made it seem viable,
I did all the negotiations, it was my deal.

And then I suddenly realized
as soon as they had us onboard,

they had no need for two CEOs.

As a businessman I understand that,
but as the architect

of a thriving corporation,

I don't.

You see, if they're squeezing me out...

I'm gonna take as much as possible.

I mean, surely you understand that,
Mr. Zero.

- Even if it means murdering innocent people?
- Innocent?

Bruno Diaz is a monster.

He had his fingers in more dirt
than I care to discuss.

The world's a better place without him.

One dead corrupt politician,
that's what I proposed.

Now, as for your friend Brandon, that's...

Mr. Phoenix's business.

See, Mr. Phoenix is involved in the details.

I'm more of...

an idea man myself.

You see, that is the key
to any successful enterprise: delegation.

Mr. Phoenix says he can take care of Diaz,
and I don't ask any questions.

When you delegate to a psychopath,
you still end up with blood on your hands.


You gotta sell this.

Here we go.

Knock, knock.

I turned Phoenix in for w*r crimes.

What's his beef with you?

I heard you say your debt was paid.

I was paid to k*ll
his piece-of-shit brother.

But his nephew got k*lled in the cross fire.

I'm a pro.

That can't happen.

Approaching the house.
I repeat, they are approaching the house.

Hello, Brandon. Recognize me?

I don't have time for a reunion.

You can relive your w*r days later,
after you pay me.

Relive our w*r days?

I never told you
Beckett and I served together.

Get in here now.

Why don't you come out here and get me
yourself, you worthless piece of shit?

You've always underestimated me, Beckett.

Get inside now.

They're going in.

All right, code blue. I repeat, code blue.

She couldn't get him out.
Extract Beckett and take out Phoenix.

Son of a bitch.

sh*ts fired! I repeat, sh*ts fired!

Delta, stand down.

Stand down! Beckett has been taken hostage.

Thomas, do you have a shot?

They're grouped too close together.

I want a chopper!
To take me and Beckett away.

Come on.


Hey! Untie me.
I'm a federal agent, I can help you.

Come on, you help me, I'll help you.


I want a chopper
to take me and Beckett out of here!

And I want $10 million
or Beckett dies right now!

Thomas, we need you
to take a g*dd*mn shot now.

Do you have a shot?


I got too much wind, it's downrange.

I don't give a shit about the wind.
Take the shot!

Come on.

g*dd*mn it.

Do you have a shot, Thomas? Take it.

Jesus Christ.

Do you have a shot?

Do you have a shot?


What the hell are you saying?

The past is the past.

Not for me, it's not.

You ruined my life.

You did what you had to do,

just like you're gonna do right now.

Thomas, we need you to find a shot.

g*dd*mn it, take the shot!

I trust you.

Who the hell are you talking to?

My dad.


All right, let's wrap this up.

Great job, Delta.

Not so fast, South.

It's over.

All clear at the fence. Let's go.

Thank you.

Thanks for getting the job done.

Actually, she did.

I'll see you around, Zero.

My God.

That was the hardest shot
I ever had to make.

I never doubted you for a second,
Master g*ns.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I did.

- What do you say we go get those beers now?
- Yeah, crack a couple of cold ones.

They tell me you've been cooperating.

Eight confirmed kills.

1.2 mile shot from a 30-story window.

And you helped me catch the bad guy.

Well... looks like you missed your flight.

Let me introduce myself.

Lady Death, my name is Zero.
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