02x64 - A Town That Welcomes Pirates! Setting Foot on Whiskey Peak!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "One Piece". Aired: July 22, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese animated television series based on the successful manga of the same name.
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02x64 - A Town That Welcomes Pirates! Setting Foot on Whiskey Peak!

Post by bunniefuu »

Destiny... Fate... Dreams...

These unstoppable ideals are
held deep in the heart of man...

As long as there are people
who seek freedom in this life,

these things shall not
vanish from the earth!

♪People tell me
my head's in the clouds

I don't care what they say

because I'm dreamin' of you

You are the treasure I've found

So bright, so bold,
yet so elusive

It's hard to look away,

even though it's blinding me

There are no words to describe

how I feel inside

I'm really, really stuck
on you whoa, whoa!

I have to follow my dreams

however crazy they seem

And I won't stop 'til
I get there, you will see

You're all I need

to have the strength to believe

Believe in Wonderland!

I'm gonna follow my dreams,

however crazy they seem

I'm gonna share them with you,

a love so true

You're all I want,
together we can move on

Live how we want to!

There is no limit to us,

we have the power of love

And we don't wanna
live ordinary lives

We have the chance
to live in paradise

Believe in Wonderland!♪

"A Town that Welcomes Pirates?

Setting Foot on Whisky Peak!"

Can somebody please
tell me why it's snowing?

It was hot and sunny
just a few minutes ago.

Perfect! All Done!

Well, look who just dropped
in: It's Mr. Snow Barrel!

Ha ha ha ! You amateur! You call
that pathetic blob a snowman?


Behold‐‐a soulful,
inspired work of art...

The Snow Queen!

Whoa! Nice!
But can your lady do this?!

What in the hell do
ya think you're doing?!

Hey, you big bully...

Who's the amateur now, huh?!

[USOPP] Come back here!
And taste your m*rder...


How they can be
so freakin energetic

in the freezing
cold is beyond me.

Nami! Shall I shovel
some more for you?

[NAMI] Just keep going
'til it's gone! Doin' great!

Thank you! My pleasure!

Excuse me... Doesn't
this ship have a heater?

This environment is inhumane!

I'm cold.

Shut your mouths!
You're not guests here!

You wanna warm up,
go shovel snow or somethin'!


First snow, now lightning!

What's going on
with this weather?!

I've never seen
anything like it.

One minute it's a cloudless sky,
the next it's a blizzard.

It's like the normal rules
of nature don't apply.

Just like Crocus warned us...

So what do you think?
Ready to turn back yet?

[MR. ] You and
your friends have no idea

how to survive this place.

I noticed you haven't
steered for a while...

Is that wise?

I know our heading.
I just checked it a while ago.

[NAMI screams]

Huh? What's wrong?!

Sounds mad.

Don't be afraid!
I'll save you!

Ah... No way!

Make a hard turn!

One hundred
eighty degrees! Hurry!

[USOPP] A one‐eighty...?! Why
would you want us to turn back?!

Did you forget something?

The ship has turned around!

We're sailing in
the wrong direction!

I only took my eyes off
the Log Pose for a second!

I thought the waves were calm...

You're not a very good
navigator, are you?

You can't trust anything here.

Not the winds,
sky, waves, clouds...

Nothing is as it
seems in the sea.

The only way to get
reliable direction

on the Grand Line
is with the Log Pose...

Everyone knows that.

[NAMI] Shut your
condescending mouths,

and do something
useful around here!

Brace the yard!
Force the wind starboard!

Turn the ship one hundred
eighty degrees to the left!

Usopp, man the lateen sail!
Sanji, take the helm!

Leave it to me!

Work! You two!

This girl's crazy...

Hey, wait!
Looks like the wind's changed!


The first spring gale!

You sure?!

Yo wake the hell up, snowman!

We're in a crisis!

Hey, I think I just
saw a dolphin jump!

Let's follow it!

You keep quiet!

The waves are
getting really high!

And there's an
iceberg at ten o'clock!

This isn't good...

A fog's rolling in!

This is crazy! What's going on?!

[USOPP] It's the end!
We're gonna crash!!

Nami, water's coming in
from the bottom of the Merry!

Then go patch it!

Got it!

The wind is picking up...

Quick we gotta hurry!

Big time!


Pull in the sails!

The wind is too strong!

We're gonna overturn!

Everyone needs to eat
to keep there strength up...

Slow down!


Oh crap!
The sail's gonna tear!

Forget about that,
fix the leak...

There's another part
of the ship damaged below!


Ah! I'm rested.

Come on, the weather's
nice n'all, but...

...that's no reason to be lazy.

We'd better be on the right
track, that's all I can say.

Shut up, you bastard!

What are you two doing here?

You fool!

We're on a side mission
to take them home.

Their town's called Whisky Peak.

[ZORO] Since when did we become
a transport service for thugs?

We don't owe them anything.

I dunno...

Why did I even ask...

So, tell me...

What were your
strange names again?

Cause I don't think
that you can be trusted...

Uh, well my name is Mr. !

I'm called Miss Wednesday.

Right, you know those
names sound familiar,

and that's what's
bothering me.

In fact... the more
I think about it,

the more I'm certain I've
heard them somewhere before.

Or maybe I have‐‐Ow!

You jerk...

You think you can just sleep
while we do all the work!

You're lucky we didn't toss
you're lazy ass overboard...

[smacking sounds]

Listen up, everyone!

There's no way to know
what's gonna happen next.

During the terror most
of us just experienced,

I came to an understanding
of why this sea

was named the Grand Line.

My navigation skills
are useless here,

anything can happen, but mark my
words, I will guide us through.

[USOPP] Um, okay...
You sure about that Nami...?

Without a doubt...!

We're gonna be fine
just wait and see!

Speaking of which...

We're here!

Our first journey on the
Grand Line comes to an end.

It's an island!

So this is Whisky Peak...

The landscape is unlike
anything I've ever seen.

[LUFFY] Whoa...
Those cactuses are humongous...

[MR. ] Thank you,
but we must be leaving.

It's been an interesting ride

to say the least.

[MR. ] Perhaps we'll
meet again someday!

Bye‐bye, baby!

That's a quick exit.

I guess we'll never learn what
those nut jobs were up to.

Aw, who cares!
We're landing!

[NAMI] Well, there's a waterway
right up to the shoreline.

It looks like we
can go inland by ship.

Um, I'm weighing the possibility
of monsters out there.

It's definitely a possibility.

This is the Grand Line.

No problem.

If we find monsters,
we can just leave...

That's not true...

According to what Crocus said,

it's imperative we
stay on this island,

at least for a little while.

But why?

The Log Pose needs enough time

to record the island's
magnetic field.

So, until that's done,
we have to stay put.

The Log Pose can require

a different amount
of time for each island.

Some will take a few hours,
others may take several days...

Suppose this island is
crawling with monsters,

but we get stuck here waiting...

That's stupid. We'd be done for!

What's the point of gathering
navigation coordinates

if your dead?

We're staying.

Lets not think about the
monsters till we have to.

They're not even there.

As strange as this seems...

I agree. There's no
need to worry yet.

Now that that's settled.

Let's get going , and
I'll keep you safe Nami...

I don't think I'm gonna
be able to make it.

It's this cold‐‐it's
a condition really.

You guys should
just go on without me.

All right, get ready... and...

Make sure you're prepared
to run, as well as fight.

[USOPP] In fact, it's
commonly referred to

as "Don't Go to
the Island" disease.

Heard of it? No?

[SANJI] What's waiting
for us out there?

Please don't let us die!

Hey, it's a pirate ship.

[MAN B] A new group
of pirates are here...

Something's moving over there.

Who are they?

Now be on your guard, everyone.

Well, I may have
to fight monsters,

but at least I came prepared!

Whoever's out there, I'm ready!

Show yourself and face my wrath!


Welcome to the Grand Line!

[TOWNSPERSON B] Greetings and
good tidings, brave travelers!

[TOWNSPERSON C] We're happy
to have you here in Whisky Peak!

Why, those aren't monsters,

they're people and they actually
seem happy we're here...

What the hell's wrong with 'em?

[TOWNSPERSON D] Pirates are
always welcome in our town!

[TOWNSPERSON E] Hurray for
the heroes of the sea!

Whoa, yeah!

I've never seen so
many cute girls in one place!

Hey, handsome! You're cute!

[USOPP] I guess some
folks consider pirates

to be heroes. Who knew?!

Man, I should have
come here ages ago!


Welc‐‐ [coughs]



My name is Igarappoi,

and it is my honor as mayor
to welcome you to Whisky Peak.

Oh... Great! I'm Luffy.
Nice to meet you...

Nice hair. I like the curls...

You'll find that this is a place

that thrives on
making liquor and music.

Hospitality is a matter
of pride in our town.

The smiles run long,

and the liquor flows
as bountiful as seawater.

Would you permit
us to throw a party

in honor of your arrival
so that we may hear... [coughs]


...your tales of adventure?!

‐‐[USOPP] With pleasure!
‐‐[LUFFY, SANJI] Be glad to!



By the way, how
long until the Log Pose

records this islands
magnetic field?

Log what...? Oh...

Such boring details
will have too keep for now.

Surely you'd like to
rest after your journey.

Now, lets prepare to party...!

Sing and be merry!
Entertain our guests!


Then I looked 'em straight
in the eye and I said,

"Sea Kings, you don't
dare touch my friends,

or you'll have to answer to me."

Oh, wow!

You're amazing, Captain Usopp!

Well, even I trembled
when facing

the deadly landscape
of the Calm Belt.

Trembled with
excitement, that is.


You're a true hero!

[IGARAPPOI] Please, don't hold
back on my account. Drink up!

Uh, no... Thanks,
but I'm not drinking.

Don't worr‐‐ [coughs]


Don't you worry...

What you have there
is a very special drink...

Made by using only the
very sweetest premium grapes.

It contains all the flavorful
benefits of a fine wine,

but zero alcohol.

I see...

Yeah, you're right!
It's delicious!

We had an excellent
grape harvest this year.

Now, to celebrate that harvest,

our traditional
toast competition!

It's simple.
Make a toast, take a drink.

This continues for as long
as you can hold your liquor.

Last one standing is
the winner... Join us!

No, thanks. You go ahead.

I'd rather watch
the competition.

Did I mention that the prize

is one hundred
thousand berries?!

Then fill'er up!

Zoro! Stand up and join us!

You need the money, don't you?!


Whoa! That's his th mug!

No more!

That's it; I'm done!


[DRUNK MAN C] That girl's
drinking 'em under the table

with mug number twelve!


Give me more!


The captain just finished
a meal fit for people!

The cook is down!

Good night.

[MAN E] Whoa! This pirate's
trying to hit on girls

at the same time!

[MAN F] We don't stand
a chance with these pirates!

Hahaha! This is truly a fun...

[coughs] Ma‐ma‐ma...

...a fun‐filled night!

It pleases me to see you all

enjoying the celebration
with such vigor! Hahahaha!

Oh, yes, indeed,
I'm quite pleased.

[MR. ] We do formally
admit complete failure

in our mission to secure food...

However, it should
be duly noted...

That without the slightest
concern for our well‐being,

we bravely succeeded in leading
the g*ng to Cactus Island.

Sincerely, and with best
regards, etc., etc. baby...

There, that'll do...

Now, we submit this,
and with any luck...

All is forgiven.

Right. I'll drop it

in the Unluckies'
Box immediately.

deliver it to the boss for us.

I hope it works...

[ZORO] I'm calling it quits...
Need to get some sleep.

[MAN G] That one's finally
down after drinking mugs!

Aw, come on!
You quitin' already Zoro?

You wuss...

[MAN H] Only two left,
and they're both women!

[MAN I] th mug‐‐
Pirate versus Sister!

My child, forfeit
for your own sake,

there's no disgrace.

Ha! Well, I appreciate
the concern, Sister,

but you're not getting
me to quit that easy...


This is a new
feeling I think it's full...

Three cooks are down!

Glad to hear it... Thanks...

I'm out.

I won!! Hahahaha!

The prize money's mine!

She's finally down!


Whiskey Peak!
What a marvelous town!

We've stumbled
upon pure paradise!

[IGARAPPOI] They've worn
themselves out partying

and are fast asleep.

Sweet dreams...

...brave adventurers.

My, how the Cactus Rocks gleam

under the pale moonlight...

Beautiful as ever.

[MR. ]
If I may say,

your poetic skills are
beyond compare, Igarappoi...

I mean, Mr. .

Oh, it's you.

So where are they?

They're falling...

...straight to hell.

Damn my head is k*lling me.

Our guests didn't have the good
taste to pass out gracefully,

so I doctored
their drinks a little...

Otherwise, they'd still be up
drinking us all into oblivion.

So, tell me...

Was it really necessary

to put on this elaborate
show for those idiots...

I get that nobody
wants to hear me whine,

but it's my duty to point out
the amount of food we wasted,

when we could've just
ambushed them at the harbor.

We're already
short on supplies.

It's not like anyone
had high hopes

for that whale
meat or anything.

Well, why don't you go try
and k*ll that damn whale?!

We tried our best you know...

you calm yourselves...!

Before you question
the validity of my plan,

you should see this...

What?! Thirty million berries?!

For those morons?!

Don't be foolish...

Appearances can be deceiving.

That goes for‐‐

[coughs] Ma‐ma‐ma...

That goes for all of you.

I'm sorry.

It's no matter,
our prey has been trapped...

And that's news
the boss will enjoy...

For now confiscate everything
of value from their ship...

So what do we do with them now?

k*ll them?

[IGARAPPOI] If they die,
the bounty drops thirty percent.

The Government prefers
to hold public executions.

Now, go!
I want them alive!

Hey... Sorry to interrupt.

Do you mind lettin'
my friends sleep?

They've had a long day,
and the journey was exhausting,

so I've been told.

Hey, Mr. ! Miss Monday!

One of them escaped from the
room when we weren't looking!

He's right over there!

Sneaky wretch!

You should've stayed
asleep with your friends!

A good swordsman
never makes the mistake

of letting his guard down‐‐plus,
I took a nap earlier.

Judging by the scowls
and cheap disguises,

I'm guessing you're
all bounty hunters.

Your specialty is
robbing drunk pirates

who fall for your hospitality...

It's original,
I'll give you that at least...

I count a hundred of
you scumbags, give or take.

And I'll fight all of you,
you hear me, Baroque Works?!

Ah! How do you know our name?!

I was in a similar line
of work once upon a time...

Your company tried to
entice me with a job offer.

Naturally, I said no.

Do the same rules still apply‐‐

Employee identities kept
secret, cheesy code names.

The boss' identity and
whereabouts‐‐also a mystery...

Baroque Works: The criminal
group that faithfully carries

out their orders‐‐like
herded sheep. Hmph!

That's some secret.

This is a surprise...

If you know all of our secrets,

then we are left with no
other choice but to k*ll you.

And another gravestone...

Shall be added to
the cactus rocks tonight...

k*ll him!


He... disappeared!

♪Oh, you've got me heart and soul

I wrote you a
love song to let you

Know that I wanna be with you
'til the end of time

Even when the sparkle fades

The doubts invade our
once so trusting minds

Promise you that I will stay,

we'll find a way to look
through the cloudy skies

We built a castle of sand

And now we're
watching it wash away,

It doesn't have to end

We'll start again,
this time 'round,

we'll build a stronger love

Oh, you've got me heart and soul

I just wanna hold you
and not let go

You know that I'll be
with you 'til the end of time

Oh, you've got me heart and soul♪

[NAMI] The town that welcomed us
hides a nest of bounty hunters!

[ZORO] You sure one
gravestone's gonna be enough?

No one touch that meat.

I'm gonna eat it...

It's a good time

to try out the "Kitetsu
the Third" and "Yubashiri,"

I got in Loguetown.

Ladies, please come closer.

[USOPP] I'm the brave
and fearless Captain Usopp!

[ZORO] Get ready cause
I'm not holding back!

On the next One Piece:

"expl*si*n! The
Three Swords Style!

Zoro vs. Baroque Works!"

I'm gonna be
King of the Pirates!!
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