07x217 - Celestial Spirit Beast

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x217 - Celestial Spirit Beast

Post by bunniefuu »

[HISUI] If all this has

been for the king's sake,

then the spirits haven't

been acting for themselves.

What could he stand

to gain from this?

If he's sacrificing his own

subjects, then he's lost it.

Is the Celestial Spirit King

behind this, or not?

Ya know, I always wanted to go

toe to toe with ol' nose hairs,

but I didn't really have a

decent excuse until right now.


How can you defeat my king

when you're

about to fall to me?

[OPHIUCHUS] I am Ophiuchus,

the Snake Charmer.

Chosen guardian

of the Celestial Spirit King!

I am the thirteenth

spirit of the zodiac.

The deadly shadow of my liege!

Oh, I'm more than just human.

I'm a dragon slayer, got it?


With all eighty-eight

heavenly bodies...

Shining! Uranometria!


Shutting all those gates myself

would have been

quite the challenge.

Thank goodness I had you.

You've returned

all twelve zodiac members

to the Celestial

Spirit King's grasp!

The Celestial Globe

serves as a conduit.

It channels power from the

constellations of the zodiac

to my king.

The ritual we set out

to perform's sole purpose

is to grant him

the zodiac's strength.

It's called

the "Liberam Verus".

Becoming an Eclipse spirit

did endow the

Celestial Spirit King,

who was already the

strongest being in his world,

with power greater

than he had ever known,

but it also gave him

an appetite to match.

Fearful of his mighty hunger,

the zodiac spirits attempted

to flee the celestial world.

They strove to be free of him.

But their celestial bodies

pulled them back to the stars,

to resist was to suffer,

and to give in was to die.

The setup was perfect.

With the false hope

of the Liberam,

I set them and you to

work at granting my king

the power he craves.

The Celestial Spirit King

was that affected?

We thought we were

fighting to protect the spirits,

but we ended up putting them

right into harm's way.

To think we've

been banishing them

to the very place

that they were desperately

struggling to escape,

a world ruled by a

power-crazed monster.

How awful...

That isn't the

worst of it, either.

If this demented Celestial

Spirit King goes unchecked,

if his rampage

can't be stopped...

...then the

celestial spirit world

will collapse in on itself.


You don't learn, do you?

Poor fools!

The result will

always be the same!

[OPHIUCUS yelling]

[HAPPY] Celestial Spirit Beast!

Did we get it?

It stopped glowing!

The globe was destroyed.

That much is certain.

Looks like it's over.

[NATSU chuckles]

So she fades like the others?

Too bad, I was hoping

for Snake-Ke-Bobs.


I think I landed on my flute.

Is there a nurse in the house?

[HAPPY] Natsu, look!

All the zodiac constellations

are starting to disappear!

We rule,

snakes drool!

[NATSU] Talk about fireworks!

[LUCY] No kidding.


Princess. Are you unharmed?

[HISUI] Yes. I'm fine.

We did it! We saved them!

Now Loke and the other spirits

will go back to normal!

When has anything ever

turned out to be that simple?

[crashing noise]


I tried using my zodiac keys,

but the spirits

still won't answer!


Yo! What's the deal?

Did we stop the ritual?


It's about time you showed up.

I've been here from the start

and you know it, magma breath!

You're all okay!

Oh yeah!

So, Did the oversized

python turn tail or what?

Happy and I took care

of business, as usual.

Never turn your back

on the Cat-mander!

[PANTHERLILY] I don't see any

Zodiacs trying to k*ll us.

[GAJEEL] I'm guessing we should

take that as a good sign?


We shut all of their gates,

so there's no need to worry.


There's still no sign

that we were able

to turn them back

to normal, though.

Hey, keep your chin up!

We'll figure

out how to help 'em.

That's right.

It'll be okay somehow!

Why don't we take

this opportunity

to compare

notes and make a plan?

And I can heal

everyone so we'll be ready!

Something tells me

we should relocate first!

[ALL gasp]

[ELFMAN] So loud!


Where's that coming from?


It sounds like a monster!

Hey! Get it together!

Tell that to the ground!

We may have

overdone it earlier.

Yeah, no kidding.

Who thought this much

damage was a good idea?

Someone that never

learned how to pull her punches.

Is there something that

you'd like to say to my face?

--No ma'am!

--No ma'am!

[ELFMAN] Can we leave?

My ears are bleedin'!

[CANA] Does it look like

there's a way out, ya wimp?


What if we used the keys?


They should be

able to get us home.

I don't think

that's a monster roaring.

It's the Celestial Spirit King!

You're right,

I can feel his power!

And it's even more

intense than before!

The Liberam Verus

must have finished.

Didn't we destroy the globe?

We did.

[HOROLOGIUM] I'm afraid

you didn't stop it in time.


That voice! It's the man clock!

[MIRAJANE] How did you

manage to get here?

[HOROLOGIUM] Help us, Lucy!

What's happened to you?

If you don't do something,

the celestial spirit world

will vanish forever!

Take these.


Celestial garments! Nice!

[GAJEEL] If we're

gonna be in the spirit world,

we might as well

look like we belong there.

What insanity is this?

Don't worry.

I'll take care of

everything from here.

[YUKINO] Not alone, you won't.

Thanks, Yukino.

[HISUI] I'll go, too.

No, I can't let you do that!

In the Celestial world,

time flows considerably faster

than it does in our own!

[HISUI] I know.

Then you're also

aware that letting you go

would be a

dereliction of my oath!

Even if you do return,

there's no telling how many

years will have passed!

I'm willing to take that chance.

[ARCADIOS] Princess!

Quit sweatin' the small stuff.

You'll rust your armor!

We'll protect her.

[ARCADIOS] You hear that?

Of course I do,

that's why I have to go.

Please don't!

As long as that

howling fills the heavens,

I will have failed

in attaining my atonement.


Now that that's settled,

can we get going?


We're not getting any younger.

We're gettin' manlier!

Screw all the

wibbly-wobbly time crap.

Loke and the other spirits

need our help, big time.

We're goin' in.

End of story.

Lucy, you with me?


Just remember:

Even if we return to this world

a hundred years from now,

as long as we're

with our friends,

there's nothing to fear!

I'd be happy a hundred

years in either direction

as long as my love-sicle

is beside me.

We've already lost

seven years together,

so what's another

century or two?

I don't care what year it is,

just give me some iron to chew

and a world to rampage in.


Lisanna will understand

why we're doing this.

Of course she will,

she's our sister!

Not to mention,

she's pretty manly herself!

I can never tell

if you're joking or not.

The Celestial Spirit King

will soon absorb

the Astral Spiritus.

This will be a bumpy ride.

But it will allow you to enter

the Celestial Spirit world.

Make sure you're wearing

the proper garments!

[ARCADIOS] Princess...

It isn't safe to travel

without your guardian nearby,

so I shall accompany you.

Thanks, Arcadios.

We'll save you soon!

Hold on!

Watch your back, Fuzz Face!

We're paying a visit! Real soon!


[HISUI] Is this it? It's barren.


These winds could be a problem.

It's nothing like the

world we visited last time.

Why don't we ever go somewhere

that rains fish and

has a nice litter box?


--Time is flying by!

--[LUCY] Horologium!

--Time is flying by!

Looks like we found what

was making all that noise.


Now, what the hell is it?

Um, it's manly?

[LUCY] No way...

[HISUI] That's the

Celestial Spirit King?

[ARCADIOS] How disturbing.

[LUCY] What happened to him?

He doesn't look

anything like he did before.


He's the Eclipse Spirit King.

Or the "Spirit Beast".

Either way, it spells trouble.

Check it out!

Around its head thing!

[HAPPY] There's no mustache!

[CARLA] That's not

what she's pointing at!

[GRAY] I see 'em!

The celestial spirits

are in those orbs!

[YUKINO] Oh, no!

[WENDY] Does this mean

they're being held c*ptive?

[NATSU] Loke!

[LUCY] Hold on!

We'll get you out

of there, I swear!


The wind is gone!

[GAJEEL] Guess he's full.

He stopped pulling things in

after he swallowed

the Celestial Spirits.

No... They're gone?

[NATSU] Don't worry.

We can get them back

after we take him down.

[ERZA] Natsu's right.

This is no time

to be disheartened.

Let's go!

[ALL yelling]

Ice Impact!

Water Slicer!

[GRAY] It doesn't look

like he even noticed us.

[JUVIA] Then we'll hit harder!

[JUVIA, GRAY screaming]

Attacking in smaller

groups won't work!

We need to strike as one,

with a well-timed barrage!

[ELFMAN] Beast Soul!

[MIRAJANE] I'm ready.

Try some Card Magic!

--And a Solid Script b*llet!

--[CANA] Thunder!

--And a Solid Script b*llet!

Ice Cannon!

Water Whip!

[WENDY] Sky Dragon...

[GAJEEL] Iron Dragon...

[NATSU] Fire Dragon...




You've gotta be kidding!

That didn't hurt him at all?

I think it's

about to counter-attack!

Stay on guard!


[LEVY] Oww!

Levy, are you all right?

[LEVY] Yeah. Thanks.

[GAJEEL] Careful.

I can't always save you.

All that from just one swing?

It looks like

everyone's okay, though.

[NATSU] Did we just die?

[HAPPY groaning]

[ERZA] Don't falter now!

Keep up the pressure!

[ALL] Right!

Come on.

He must have

some sort of weakness.

All we can do

is watch and hope

that one reveals itself.

And soon.

[GRAY] We can't let it get off

another swing like that!

Let's take out its arms!


Right! Let's go, my love!

[JUVIA gasps]


[JUVIA] Farewell, Gray.

[CARLA] I don't believe it.

She's a constellation!

That light changed her!

[GRAY] Juvia!


I don't wanna play anymore!


[LUCY] Oh no!

Is this what happened

to Loke and the others

when we closed their gates?


He won't get away with this!

[WENDY] How do we

turn them back to normal?

By making

that celestial freak

feel the wrath of Fairy Tail!

Not much of a plan,

but it's our only option.

If we live long

enough to carry it out.



I let my guard down.

[GAJEEL] Dammit!

Saved you.

[LUCY] Levy, no!

[GAJEEL] Idiot.

Why couldn't you

mind your own business?

Sky Dragon Roar!

[WENDY screams]

[NATSU] No way!

[HAPPY] Carla! Come back!


That stupid light makes it

impossible to get near him!

I have to avenge Carla!

Let's go!


This is for our friends!

[HAPPY yelling]

[GRAY] Crap!

We can't catch a break here!

He's forcing us to

play nothing but defense.

[YUKINO screams]

[LUCY] Yukino!

[HISUI] Arcadios!

[ARCADIOS] Princess!

You have to find cover!

Don't worry about me!

[HAPPY] They're in trouble!


Okay! We're coming, Pops!


This can't be happening...

[NATSU] That's it.

I'm putting your

light show out of business!


You're in big trouble now!


[HAPPY] Whoa! What are you

planning to do, Natsu?

[NATSU] Ain't it obvious?

I'm gonna bash him with this!

Guess that's one strategy.

Are you crazy?

[NATSU yelling]

You have to ask?

Come on!

[ERZA] Calm down!

Don't let your anger

take control!

You'll end up stuck

in the sky like the others!

Only if he hits me,

and that won't happen!

[GRAY] Ice Make Cannon!

How are we supposed

to deal with this guy?

[GAJEEL] Iron Dragon Club!

What is he?

I can't tell if he's

made of flesh or thin air!

I don't care if

he's made of cotton candy!

Just thrash him!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!


[LUCY] He's got a point.

Standing around here

isn't going to solve anything.

If we're going to turn

the Zodiacs and our friends

back to normal, we have to

defeat the Spirit King.

No matter the cost!

That's it!

I've had enough of you!

Heads up!

Those black holes

are absorbing everything!

Don't let yourself

get pulled in!

[LUCY screams]

[NATSU] You don't

listen too good, do you?

[HAPPY] Let us

handle things up close!

[LUCY] No!

I refuse to do nothing

while my friends are trapped!

I can't argue with that.

Just don't do anything crazy!

[LUCY] Back 'atcha.

[NATSU] Fair enough.

Iron Dragon Sword!

You'll be sashimi

when I'm done with ya!


That was close. Too close.

This thing's playin' for keeps.

[LUCY] Fall already!

[NATSU] Happy! Topside!

[HAPPY] Okay. If you're sure!

[NATSU] Of course.

So... what's your big plan?

Whaddya do to score a KO?

You aim for the face

and hit 'em hard!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!

It's time for

your wake-up call, pal!

Snap out of it!


[NATSU] Jeez, that's loud!

[ERZA] Now what is he doing?

[GRAY] Natsu!

[HAPPY] Hey...

I feel like I know this attack!

[NATSU] Me, too.

It's the same one

that blindsided us

when we were

fighting Loke earlier!

Make up your mind!

Either spit stuff up

or keep it down!

[LUCY] It's the

Eclipse Spirit King's roar!


Thank me later!

Passing gas won't scare me off!

Iron Dragon Roar!

Well... crap.

He just wiped the floor with us.


Such overwhelming power.


I'm officially runnin'

on fumes and a prayer.

[LUCY] Ow...

[LUCY] Everyone...

[LUCY] Natsu!

[NATSU] I smelled him.

[LUCY] Huh?

We're not finished.

Not while we can move.

If we can move,

we can stand.

[GAJEEL] And if we can stand,

we can keep fighting.

Fairy Tail never quits!



I caught Loke's scent.

[HAPPY] Huh?

[NATSU] During his roar attack.

No doubt about it.

Loke and the others

are still alive inside him.

[HAPPY] So that means--

[NATSU] Let's go, Happy!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!


Is that moron blind?

He must have a plan!

[GAJEEL] He can't be serious.

[GRAY] That maniac!

No! He's crazy!

[ERZA chuckles]

He is that.

[HAPPY, NATSU] Max Speed!

Looks like he's planning to

shove himself down its throat.

We'll handle things out here!

Give that freak some

hardcore heartburn, Salamander!

Good luck, Natsu!

Let's give it all we've got!

We can still do this!



[HAPPY] Whew!

We managed to get inside the

Celestial Spirit King's body!


But what's with this place?

It's full of stars!

[HAPPY] Are you sure

Loke and the others

are being held hostage in here?

[NATSU] Yeah.

We may not see 'em,

but I can smell 'em!

And the nose always knows!


We have to save them, Natsu!

Everyone outside

is counting on us.

We can't let them

fight for nothing!

[NATSU] Don't worry, pal!

We'll bust the spirits out

and put an end to this

once and for all!


Next time! Believe!

[NATSU] All right, Happy.

Let's purge this beast!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!
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