07x219 - What a Pure Heart Weaves

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x219 - What a Pure Heart Weaves

Post by bunniefuu »

[ASCA] I know this place!

I remember all the pretty snow,

and laughing under

the moon and stars!

There was the

funny flying snowman!

I wanted to

play with him so bad!

Mommy and daddy

were there with me!

That made me so happy!

And then the snowman

banged the drum!

He banged it so hard,

we all went flying

into the sky with him!

It made us

all laugh and laugh!

It was so much fun!

[ASCA laughing]

[ASCA] Bye-bye, mommy!

Bye-bye, daddy!


Bye-bye, darlin'!

Take real good care

of our lil' dumplin' okay?

Sure! Don't you worry!

Don't forget to bring

me back lotsa presents!

We won't!

Love you!

[NATSU] All right, kiddo.

Wanna go get some juice?



What a Pure Heart Weaves!

Super yummy! Wow!

I wanna drink another one!

Uh, I don't think so.

You gotta be real careful.

Too much of that stuff

might make you wet the--

Shut up.

Don't say another word about it.

You'll hurt her feelings.

You'll whet your appetite!

And then you'll

be way too hungry

to have any kinda fun today!

[laughs nervously]

[ASCA] You were

gonna say "wet the bed,"

but big girls don't do that!

He's got to be the

most clueless person

I've ever met.

You're a really lucky

little girl, ya know.

Not everyone knows

someone as fun as Natsu!

Yeah, and he even said

that he's gonna

buy me some cake, too!

I did?

Do you even sell

cake at the bar, Mira?

Mommy and daddy

got some for me!

Well we normally have cake,

but we sold the

last one earlier today.


I'm sorry about that.

Will ya take a rain check?

You can just go to

the bakery across town

and get some there instead!

You gotta be crazy if you think

I'm gonna go through all that!

Don't worry, guys!

I'd be more than happy

to bake a cake for her!


I didn't know you knew

how to do stuff like that.

Well, I've only

made a few of them,

so it's not really

something I do all the time.

But I'll sure try!

While there's a slim chance

it'll be anywhere near yummy,

it might be edible

at the very least.

[chair sliding]

If you insist,

I will gladly join you

on this quest for cake!

Say what now?

Nobody was even talking to her.

But if we are to

take on this endeavor,

we must ensure they are the

finest cakes in all of Fiore.

Do you understand?

Huh? Uh, okay!

I think the real truth is

that you just want to

eat some, too, don't you?

But to achieve our goal,

we need to harvest some

Maximum Sweet Strawberries.

The rarest kind that exist.

The Legends say they only grow

once every ten thousand years.

She's completely

in her own little world.

I shall embark

at once to find them!

Now you're gonna leave

to go pick strawberries?

[ERZA] Look alive, Pantherlily!

I'm gonna need your help!

Say what?

Why do you need me?

Because, that's why!

Sounds like a good time to me.

So let's hit the road!

You're s'posed to be

playing with me today, 'member?

Uh... Of course I remember!


I guess I should get started

making some sponge cakes!

And I'll start whipping

up some cream for them.

Whoa, you mean you can

actually make food, too?

Did you say something?

I mean, that sounds yummy!

Our success depends on you!

Come on, Lily. Let's get moving!

What? You're serious?

[PANTHERLILY] Put me down!

[LUCY] Are Erza and Lily

going on a job together?

That's a weird team, huh?

They're picking strawberries!

Yeah? Never woulda guessed that!

[NATSU] All right,

the rules are simple!

Whichever one of us

hits the target the most times

is the winner!

I got it! Pow, pow, pow!

[LUCY] Hey, what are

you guys doing over here?

A little

sharpshooting contest.

We're gonna see

if he's better with fire

than she is with a toy g*n.

I like ya,

but ya ain't gonna beat me!

But if I do, ya gotta

do whatever I tell ya to!

All right, you're on!

You don't have

to take it so seriously.

She's just a little kid.

I'm not gonna go easy

on her just 'cause she's young.

Losin' just ain't my style!


Could you be

any more immature?

Get real, you know

Natsu is just a big ol' kid.

Let's do this!


Clippity-clop! Clippity-clop!

Giddy up, little horsey,

we got bandits to chase!

He knew the rules.

You gotta start makin'

some horsey noises, Natsu!

[neighs awkwardly]

Come on, you can

do better than that!

[neighs awkwardly]

That'll teach him

to never play a player.

Well, considering what

both her parents are like,

she was probably sh**ting g*ns

while she was in the womb!

Yeah, I'd bet you're

right about that one.

Where are her parents, anyway?

They went on a job.

And for some reason

they asked Natsu to babysit

while they were

gone for the day.

[neighs awkwardly]

--You're killin' me, kid!

--Okay, Mister Horsey!

I want you to gallop all

the way to the Southgate Park!

You're gonna make

me do this in public?

Oh yeah! So giddy-up, Natsu!

And this is why

I'm scared of children.

You lost fair and square, pal.

So just grin and bear it.

Okily doke, m'lady,

the park it is!


You got precious cargo there,

so be careful!

There's been a

buncha ne'er do wells

causin' trouble in town lately.

Keep your eyes on her.

Well, they're

gonna be really sorry

if they try and mess with us!

[ASCA laughing]

Pow! Pow!

Oh, ya got me!

--Pow pow pow!

--But I'm still goin'!


[ASCA] Pow!

So why did I

come along, again?

Because Natsu

is babysitting her.

And that's scary.

Let me teach you how to sh**t

since you're so bad at it.

Oh, you think

you're hot stuff?

You're just a kid! Oww!

Hang on!

Stop right where you are!

Stand still for me!

Huh? On this thing?

[ASCA] Yup! Now jump in!

Why the heck would

you make me do that?

Because you promised me.

You said you'd do

whatever I wanted, 'member?

[ASCA] Hey!

I wanna go on some jobs

with you guys!

Sorry, but

that's not happening.

Yeah, you're still

way too little.

You're not any

bigger than me, Happy!

We're out having fun,

so why would ya wanna work?

Because there's

something I really wanna buy!

So I need money!

So let's go on a job!

Let's go right now!

Geez, this kid is so pushy!

I don't know.

We'd definitely need

to ask your mom and dad

before we went and

did something like that.

But... But Natsu promised me.

Okay, fine!

So let's head back to the guild

and check the request board!

Do you mean it?

Just leave everything to me!

[ASCA] Yeehaw! Thank you!

[HAPPY] There's gotta be a job

we can take the rugrat on...

I got a bunch

of 'em to choose from!

[ASCA laughing]

[NATSU] Nice work!

Let's see here...

I don't even

understand this one.

What exactly do they need?

Whatever it is,

I don't think little Asca

can do it, anyway.

[HAPPY] Look.

I know just what

and who they need!


Uh, aww. This is gonna suck.


Gate of the Water Bearer!


Thanks a lot, mermaid lady!

I have never been

so humiliated in my life.

You owe me.

I'm sorry.

But there's nobody else

that could fill in

for a broken fountain.

This is so romantic.

From the first time

we met at this plaza,

I've wanted to ask you

this question.

And I pray that

you don't say no.

My darling girl,

will you marry me?

Oh, yes, I will!

And to make things worse,

I gotta stand here and watch

this sappy B.S. all day?

I know it's not ideal,

but it's not gonna last forever!

This fountain is beautiful

cause you're so pretty!

Okay, fine.

But don't expect me

to do this ever again!

[OLD WOMAN A] I haven't been

able to cook a thing for days.

Fire it up real good, Natsu!

I thought a

delivery job would be

something you and I

could do together!


So since we've

come all this way,

where are all of these

magnum sweeper special--

I'm sure you mean the

Maximum Sweet Strawberries.

The legends say

they're somewhere

in this mountain range.

Are you kidding me?

How are we gonna find them?

Watch and learn.

Now, requip!

What in the heck is that getup?

Some kind of strawberry armor?

You could say that.


It looks hard to move in.

The purpose of

this particular armor

is to emit the sweet

fragrance of strawberries.

Do you understand

what that will do?

[distant rumbling]

Oh! A woman that

smells like strawberries!

These creatures can't

resist women or berries,

so we shall ask them.

That's your plan, is it?


So apprehend those stinky,

love struck apes at once!

I get it!

That's why you brought me here!


That's all you had to say!


The throes of battle are

impossible for me to resist!

Strawberry Armor:

Berry Sweet Dreams!

What a sweet defeat.

[ERZA] Now...

I've heard tales that

you mountain-dwelling Vulcans

possess important information

regarding the secret location

of Maximum Sweet Strawberries!

You'd be wise to share.

Yes ma'am.

[ASCA] Wow!

I can't believe

how many bills

we were able to rake

in just one afternoon.

Going on a bunch

of those little jobs

really adds up quickly.

Just let her have it,

Natsu, she's just a kid.

Now I can finally

buy what I want!

And what's that?

[LUCY] Something from here?



What is it, anyway?

It looks like a really

pretty snow globe to me.

Is it some kinda lacrima?

It's so cool!

Yep, it's got mommy

and daddy's memories in it!

That thing's got what now?

So what's it

doing in a pawnshop?

I don't know.

But one time we were all

walking by that store's window

and they started

talking about it.

I can't believe

it's actually still here.

I know.

We sure have come

a long way since then.

[ALZACK] It's kind of

a beautiful memory now.

Aw, how sweet.

The whole reason

you wanted to buy it

is so you could give it

back to your mom and dad!


What a good girl.

Come here,

ya little sweetheart!

I'm gettin a little

misty-eyed over here!

Not me, bro.


When are you and Natsu

finally gonna kiss each other?

Say what?

Mommy and Daddy are

kissing all of the time!

[LUCY] That's great...

But we're not

your mom and dad, kid!

Give her a smooch, Natsu!

Right on the lips!

You gotta do

what she says, buddy!

You're way too

young to ask for that!

Yeah, I'm sorry

to let you down and all,

but that is totally

out of the question!

But you promised

me that you'd do

anything I asked you to do.

Well, it's not like

it'll k*ll us or anything.

Yeah, you're right!

Wait a second,

it's not my health

I'm concerned about!


You're actually serious

about this, aren't you?

And this is why

I'm scared of children.

That's good enough, I guess!

It's gone!

[ORCA WINGS laughing]

Sorry, little girl.

But this belongs to the

Orca Wing sky pirates now!

Who in the heck

are those jerks?

Sky pirates?

These must be the ones that

Wakaba and that other guy

were trying to warn us about!

Give it back to me!


That's Mommy and Daddy's!

It has their memories!

You can't take it away!


I sure hope this cake

tastes as good as it smells!

Well, the whipped cream

is just about ready to go.

All we need are strawberries!

Erza's getting those for us.

I wonder if

she's found them yet.

Oh my!

The secret strawberry grove!

I'm guessing those must be

the Maximum Sweet Strawberries!

That'd be great if they were,

but those are just

regular giant strawberries.

If you really wanna

find the Maximum Sweet one

that you've been looking for,

it's right down there.


Now harvest this rare delicacy

and deliver it straight

to Fairy Tail ASAP!

If we do that,

will you please stop

ordering us around?

Yeah, baby!

I betcha this lacrima here

will sell for a boatload of

jewel down in Hargeon!

It's our lucky day!

Take me up, Happy!

[HAPPY] My poor little

beak's been tainted.

Grow up, ya big sissy.

Give it back, meanie!

Give it back right now!

You're gonna need

way more firepower,

ya little brat!

I got him.

I just keep sh**ting at him

but he still won't stop!

I want mommy and

daddy's memories back.

They need them.

He can't just take them.


Why are you doing that?

I can't see the bad guys!

Hey! Stop that!


Okay, Asca!

Fire off four in a row!

[ORCA WINGS yelling]

You got all of 'em!

That's some awfully nice

sh**t' ya did there, Asca!

Nothin' but bull's-eyes!

Way to go, lil' sharpsh**ter!

[ASCA] Thanks!

I'll be.

I'm not gonna go easy

on her just 'cause she's young.

Losin' just ain't my style!

So he did

let her win earlier.

All that talk was for her sake.

What a sweet guy!

[HAPPY] My beak...

It's been poisoned.

[NATSU] All right!

We'll be taking

this thing back now.

No way.

You can't just take somebody's

stuff from 'em like that!

Oh yeah?

You ain't seen the last of us!

We'll be back! You'll be sorry!


No doubt about it,

you're Alzack and Bisca's kid!

And I wouldn't be

surprised if she's a better shot

than either of her parents!



We're back!

Gotta say, you guys

have impeccable timing!

They're just about to put the

finishing touches on the cake!

We have cake?

Yeah, I almost

forgot about that!

Welcome back!

So have they finished

making my cake yet?


[ERZA] No, not there yet!

These cakes

won't be Fiore's finest

unless the cream

instantly melts in your mouth!

We can't give up till

we've reached that goal!

We're working on it, boss!

I mean, uh, Miss Erza!

Well, will this be good enough?

Let's see...

I'll give it a taste-test.

It's melting splendidly!

This flavor mixed with the

Maximum Sweet Strawberry

may prove too much for

my tastebuds to handle!

All right! Prepare for plating!

I'm so happy that we

actually finished it in time!

[ERZA] Now, Asca,

will you do the honors?

Oh, this looks so amazing!

Hurry up and eat it

before it starts to melt away!

Just go on and shove it in!

That's the yummiest!

Oh, I'm so relieved

that you like it, Asca!

You deserve it

for all your work today!

[ERZA] Mmmm. That's nice.

So it was yummy.

Huh. That's good to know.

I can practically

imagine the flavor.

[laughing nervously]

I knew it.

She really just wanted

some for herself all along.

[ASCA] Mommy! Daddy!

I'm so glad to see you!

--Hey there, darlin'!

--Hey there, darlin'!

So were you a good girl?

[ASCA] Yeah!


We got you a little present!


Thank you so much!

And I have a

present for you, too.

Hey, thanks again, Natsu.

I appreciate you

lookin' after the kiddo.

It's cool. We had

a really awesome time!

Until that horrible

thing happened at the end.

I got this present for you.

No way...

How in the heck

did you get that?

With her own money.

She went on a

couple of jobs with us.


Oh, it was nothing

dangerous though, really!

[ALZACK, BISCA chuckling]

This here was the

reward from the first job

Bisca and I went on together.

It meant a lot to us.

Sure is pretty.


Well if the thing's

that important,

why'd you end up selling it?

Something more

important came up.

This brings back some memories!

You sold it 'cause

you didn't want it?

No, sugar.

We sold it because it

was the only choice we had.


You'll understand

one of these days, punkin'.

[ALZACK] Let's head on home!

[ASCA] Okay!

Thanks again, you guys.

It really means a lot to us.

We appreciate it.

[ASCA] Bye!

Let's do more jobs

together sometime, okay?

Yeah, sure! Sounds like fun!

[ASCA] Hey, guess what!

Natsu and Happy kissed!


Wow! I knew they were close.


[BISCA] This takes me back.

[ALZACK] Yeah. Our baby.

Fast asleep while the two of us

were talkin' about

how much we loved her.

Let's just borrow the

money from our guildmates!

I ain't gonna

ask them for money!

What then?

We can't afford her medicine!

Just hang on.

Please, darlin'.

Memories are nice, I guess.

But we can make

a lot more of those.

We gotta do it for her!

é\Please get better.


Mommy and daddy are always

gonna be here for ya',


[HAPPY] Hey, Natsu.

Does the number four hundred

thirteen mean anything to you?

[NATSU] No, why?

[HAPPY] Because earlier

I heard Juvia singing,

"today is day

four hundred and thirteen!"


I guess it's something special.


Maybe it's a day

when you gotta eat

four hundred-thirteen fish,

or something!

[NATSU] Naw, probably not!

[HAPPY] I got it!

It's a day when you eat four

hundred-thirteen types of fish!

[NATSU] You're

really reachin' there, bro!


Next Time: Days!

Well, then what kind of

fish-eating day is it?

[NATSU] Just let go

of the fish idea.
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