02x03 - Sympathy for the Devil

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x03 - Sympathy for the Devil

Post by bunniefuu »

Thank you.

That was lovely.

Really comfortable, too.

Well, that's going to change.

You're going to
have to use a saddle.

But that's so unnatural.

Where we're going

will be a study
of the unnatural.

Ah... whoo!

The joys of human form.

You got a problem, Miss "I
Love Everything Natural"?

No. It, uh... smells
very... healthy.

There he is... Over there...

That's Matt Duncan,
a good father,

a fine husband...
and a hard worker.

A really nice man,

and he wants nothing more
than the best for his son.

What's so unnatural about that?

Well, he may think he has

all the happiness in the world,

but a little bit of hate
can attract enough evil

to destroy him and
everybody else he loves.


Don't you feel it?

There's something
terribly wrong.

What's wrong with this picture?

You mean apart from
the fact that Mr. Duncan

doesn't look much like a cowboy?

He's not.

He runs this place.

Last week, he
had a rock concert.

Next week, he's going to
have a computer convention.

But this week, he
brought in a rodeo

with a truckload
of evil along with it.

Tess... that's my friend.

That's Kathleen.

She's not your friend anymore.

But... And no
"buts," Miss Wings.

She's going to
walk all over you.

I think not.

I love it when you
cop an attitude.

♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

I'd heard the rumors about her;

I just couldn't believe it.

Believe it.

We were on Search
and Rescue together.

Floods, fires,
travellers in peril...

She taught me everything
I know about safe landings.

She was the best.

How could she do this?

She is not the first

to choose darkness
instead of light.

And she sure won't be the last.

But she has made her choice,

and she is not
your friend anymore.

You remember that.

Kinda tough running
this one, Andy.

Don't put him in
with the others.

Easy! Easy!

Come on, let's go. Come on.

Bull... bull...

Dad! I'm going to go watch
them bring the bulls in.

Not without me, you're not.

This shouldn't take that long.

Sandy, this is Kathleen... Luna.

Kathleen Luna. She said she
booked a space on the midway?

Could it be under anything else?


I heard fortune-tellers
are just faking.

Daniel... That's okay.

The truth is, some
are, but I am very real.

I know exactly what's going
to happen sooner or later.

What's going to happen to me?

Let me see.


You're standing in
front of something very...

very big... very scary...

but you're Daniel the Brave...

very courageous...
and you destroy it.

What is it?

Something that
moves in the night...

in the shadows...

Oh... that.

My dad fixed that years ago.

He put a night-light by my bed.

I don't even need it anymore.

It's for babies.

Maybe you should
practice a little more.

Listen, I can't seem
to find it anywhere.

Do you have a
confirmation number?

It flew out my window
coming through Texas.


You came that far?



Well, I'm sorry.

Um, I would love to help you,
but we are completely booked.



Matt, excuse me.

But it looks like there's
a space open after all.

Jim Harper, the T-shirt guy?

Someone ran him right off
the interstate this morning.

His wife says he's
in pretty bad shape.


Well, the, uh, Harpers
had... booth number one.

Prime location,
top of the midway.

You can have that if you'd like.

Great. Thank you.

I'm sorry it had to go
down like this, but...

Well, I'll move in and maybe you
can come by later for the check?


And Daniel, here's some
real fortune-telling for you.

Look behind the soda machine.

There's a $10 bill.


Ten bucks.



Well, it is a small universe.

So, I guess it's true?

Truth, I'm finding
out, is relative.

Ah... or you just
make it look that way.

Well, I would love to
stay and pursue this theory

but I just can't.

Why don't you stop by
later, booth number one,

We can have tea, catch up...

angel to angel.

You're not an angel anymore.

You know what you are.

♫ There's a cold
spell moving in... ♫

Just let it go.

Good shot!

Two more just like
that and you'll win!

Hello, Mr. Duncan.

I'm Monica.


The veterinarian.

You know, from the
insurance company.

That's right.

I got a call you'd be coming.

I didn't know they required
a vet on the premises,

but then again, I've never
promoted a rodeo before.

Why now?

I'm not sure.

It's not my thing really,

but business is business.

Uh, is this your son?
Yes, this is Daniel.

Daniel, you shot real
good; You're going to win!

Hello, Daniel.

Are you going to the rodeo?

No, my dad hates
the rodeo and...

Well, my mom's in Florida
on some business thing, so...

Well, don't you have a
brother you could go with?


We're the last of the Duncans.

Just Dad and me.

Well, now we can't have
the great Duncan heir

missing the rodeo.

Thanks, no.


Listen, Daniel, why don't you

go back to the office
and wait for your mum.

She said she'd call around 4:00.

Our time or her time?

Daniel, go on.

Tell your mother
that I miss her,

and did she get my flowers.


'Kay... Okay.

Attention, rodeo fans!

We have a late announcement...

I'm sorry, it's just that

he seemed so
interested in all this.

Four-time national
bull ride champion...

He's better off without it.

Six-time best all-round
national champion,

the original eight-second
hero, Ty Duncan!

Another Duncan in the
world. Anyone you know?

Duncan will ride 2,000 bulls.

Yeah, I'm afraid so.

Yes, that's 2,000 bulls

at the closing ceremonies
on Saturday night.

You won't want to miss it.

♫ He's not much to look at ♫

♫ The years haven't
been kind at all ♫

♫ From Cheyenne
to Denver to Dallas ♫

♫ He's rode in them all ♫

♫ Now he's on his
way down to Tulsa ♫

♫ To put on a show ♫

♫ And he'll ride the
meanest bull there ♫

♫ He's an eight-second hero ♫

♫ He's an eight-second hero ♫

♫ They come to their
feet when he rides ♫

♫ And he never does
mention the pain ♫

♫ It's a matter of pride ♫

♫ But he's getting older ♫

♫ He feels it each
time he rides in ♫

♫ And this eight-second hero ♫

♫ Knows someday
that bull's gonna win. ♫

These pens are much too small.

This poor fellow right here,
he can't see what's going on.

If he's left out,

you see, this could cause you
serious problems down the line.

There is no "down the line."

These cows are being
auctioned tomorrow for...


Oh, dear.

Hey, Matt.

What can I do for you?

Well... how about... "Hello,
Poppa, how you doing?"

Is this your dad?


He's just my father.

Look, son... Don't call me that.

I didn't come here
to fight with you, Matt.

Whatever you came
here to do, it's too late.

I came here to ask
you to give me a chance

to make things up to you.

Whatever's happened in
the past, we're still family.

No, we're not.

The only thing you
know about family

is how to wreck it.

You've got a right to be
mad... I don't blame you...

But, son, hate... hate is
like water in a dry riverbed.

The longer it runs,
the deeper it digs in.

You can save your two-bit
philosophy for the cowboys.

And don't call me son.

You've probably got one

in every hick town
in this country.

So this is it.

This is why you're here.

That old man's ticker is
going to give out any day now.

Wouldn't it be a
shame if somebody

keeps them apart until
they just run out of time?

"Too late... "too
bad... Bye, Dad."


Think of the possibilities.

You'd better think about me

getting in your way
every step you take

because that's
not a possibility,

that's a fact.

Listen, I, uh...

I'm sorry that you had
to hear all that before.

With my father.

How long has it been
since you've seen him?

15 years.

It's a good thing
my wife isn't here.

She would be after me to...

Patch things up? Yeah.

Well, it's always good
not to put things off.

Look, there's
nothing to patch up.

I spent my childhood watching
my mother polishing trophies

and trying to make a few
bucks in prize money last

in between rodeos.

I learned to grow
up reading postcards

that were always promising

that this would be his
last year on the circuit.

My mum and I always took
a distant second to the bulls,

the booze, the
women... and the lies.

I'm not even sure
why I said yes to this.

Everything in my gut told me
to pass on the rodeo, you know?

Take a loss, pray that
the next rock concert

would make up
the difference, but...

I don't know, something
made me say yes.

You know, it was
very hard for him

to come here and face you.

He knew that you would be angry.

But he wants to
connect with his family

before it's too late,

and he wants to
be a grandfather.

Listen, I appreciate you

letting me blow
off steam like this,

but this is my problem.

And I don't want
Daniel involved in this.

I don't want him to know
that his grandfather is here.

As a matter of fact,

I don't want him to know
he even has a grandfather.

But that's lying to your son.

No. I'm saving my son.

All right. I won't
tell him, I promise.

But I'm not going
to lie to him, either.

One question, though:

If your father lied to you,
and you're lying to your son,

when does it stop?

I don't know.

You got a point.

Mr. Duncan... I have
that check for you.

Excuse me.

But, I, I thought
we could take a look

at the conditions
and the horse trainers.

Uh, that's your department.

If anything's not up to
code, just let me know.

When you're dressed up,
you look very handsome.

Well, I like this new "Monica",

"tough, aggressive, angel
with an attitude" business.

You gettin' it, girl.

Well, I'm obviously not
getting it fast enough.

He just walked away with her.

Do you think if I
dressed like that,

I'd be more successful?


I'm just afraid to think
what you'd be successful at.

Maybe I can reason with
her, make her go away.

Kathleen is just one
soldier in the army, baby.

If she goes away, somebody
else will come take her place.

But Matt, one way or another,

stands a chance of losing
his father... and his own son.

You concentrate on that.

Forget about her.

It's hard to forget
about a friend...

but it's dangerous to
forget about an enemy.

You got it, baby.


Hyah, hyah!



Get off of my horse!

Possessive, aren't we?

We used to share everything.

Why did you do it, Kathleen?

Why did you leave us?

I got an offer I
couldn't refuse.

There was no better offer
than the one you already had.

Oh, the old party line.

Haven't you ever once wondered
what it's like on this side?


Well, we're winning, Monica,

and I like being on
the winning team.

It only looks that
way, Kathleen.

You fight the w*r
one battle at a time.

Then we'll have to choose
our battles carefully...

and I choose Matt and his ilk:

The got-it-all-together
types, with their insides

all cut up, just wanting
for hate to settle down.

Not if love finds
its way there first.


I remember how you used to
love funny-sounding words like that.

You used to say them
over and over again:

"Ilk. Ilk. Ilk."

I know you, Monica.

So you might as well
be a good little angel,

and give up now.

You're not going to win.

And who's going to stop me?

God is.

Ah... God.

I forgot how damned
hopeful you get

when you're about
to get whupped.


She's a beaut.

All riders, all riders.

Your attention, please.

Registration is now open...

Practice, practice, practice.

I see a lot of talent in you.

Give it another try.

This time could be magic.


Oops. Sorry.

Daniel Duncan, you are good.


Daniel Duncan, you're
a regular cowboy.

Daniel Duncan, you are good.

Have a hog-tying, roping
future in you, yes, you do.

Daniel Duncan, rodeo star!

Excuse me.

Your name's Daniel Duncan?


You any relation to Matt Duncan?

Yeah, he's my Dad.

He's your dad?

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

My name is Tyler Duncan, Daniel.

I'm... I'm your granddaddy.

But... No, it's the God's

honest truth...
I'm your grandpa.


Is that you?

Yeah, that sure is.

What the hell is going on here?

I thought I didn't
have a grandfather.

Have you been lying to this boy?

You don't deserve a grandson.

That's something
you earn, old man...

Not something you get
into your head one day

and then try to
claim after 15 years.

I'm just trying to
make up for lost time.

Not with my son, you won't.

Daniel, this man
might be related to us,

but he is not a
member of our family

and never will be. And you...

Stay away from my son

and don't make me
any more promises.

I didn't tell him.

Is there a problem?

I just left for a moment to
get Daniel some cotton candy.

Thank you.

I thought Monica
was looking after him.

No, there's no problem.

It's all settled.

Daniel, come on.

Let's go.

Running off isn't going to
solve anything, Chicken Boy.

Sorry it has to be
the way that it is.

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, but you can't give up.

Yes, I can, ma'am.

One thing about bull-riding:

You got to know when to get off.

I don't get it!

You told me my
grandfather was dead.

Well, I lied. I'm sorry,
there's no excuse for it.


I thought it would
be harder on you

if you knew your
grandfather was alive

and I was keeping
you away from him.

So now you're not
going to let me see him?

No, I'm not.

Dad, he's a star.

He knows more about the
rodeo than anyone in the world.

Why can't I just see him?

Because I don't think it
would be good for you, son.

You just don't like him.

That's true, I don't.

What does "Chicken Boy" mean?

That's what your
grandfather called me

when I told him I didn't
want to be a part of the rodeo.

He used to call me
that to embarrass me.

So now you don't love him?

I didn't say that.

How can you love
somebody you don't like?

It's not easy, son.

This sucks.

I don't even know
if I don't like him yet.

Yeah, well, trust me.

I did.

That's it...

You're going to keep your butt
in that chair until we go home,

and then tomorrow, you're
not coming to work with me.


That's it! I mean it!


What was that?

I thought I told you
to leave me alone.

Matt, I didn't tell Daniel

about his grandfather...
You must trust me.

The damage has been done.

That's all that matters.

No, it's not.

Do you believe in evil?

Yeah. I lived with
it my whole life.

Ty is not evil, he's just human.

Yes, he's made
mistakes... Bad ones...

But he's trying to
make up for them now.

He can't.

He can if you let him.

Don't let this
chance pass you by.

I don't want you to regret it.

Look, I don't know how
you got involved in this,

but you're not part of it, okay?


Okay, now, see this one
here pointing to the left?

That means you will
follow your own path.

That your parents

may want one thing,
but you will want another.

Don't let them
tell you what to do.

You can tell all that
from old chicken bones?

My grandfather called
my dad "Chicken Boy."

Well, you know what it means

when you call somebody
a chicken, don't you?

That they're scared?

And weak.

I never thought
of my dad like that.

You don't ever have to worry

about somebody calling
you a chicken, Daniel.

You're very brave,
like your grandfather.

My dad won't let me see him.

That's a shame.

Ty Duncan is an important man...

and such a nice person.

Come here.


Everybody loves him.

Yeah, he's going to ride

his two thousandth
bull tomorrow.

I bet you he
practices all the time.

Some people practice on
mechanical bulls or barrels,

but your grandfather never did.

He just got on and did it.

Just like that?

That's the way
very brave men do it.

Well... I got to get back
to my paying customers.

Yeah. I'll see you later.

But if my dad asks,
don't tell him I was here,



You stay out of trouble now.


Qualifying bull ride

will be held for
non-seated riders...

Here you go... okay.

for non-seeded riders.


Hey, Daniel.

Come here.

You can call me Ty.

See this pretty lady here?

Hi, Daniel.

She's a real, live rodeo queen.

Everybody, I'd like you to meet

the rodeo champion
of the 21st century,

my grandson, Daniel Duncan.

See that one over there?


His name is Steamroller.

You can tell by
the look in his eye,

he's a real k*ller.

A friend of mine in Denver
tried to ride him once.

Old Steamroller took him

and threw him around
like an old rag doll.

See, when you're riding a bull,

you got to clear your
mind of everything else,

if you want to stay alive.

It's a battle of the wills.

Whoever wants it most wins.


You probably wanted
it more than anyone.

I mean, you're the champ.

Yeah, I wanted it more
than anyone or anything.

Do you know I have
dreams about this?

Like what?

Being in a rodeo.

I want to ride a bull, too.


Yeah. Maybe someday you can...

Hey, Danny, here, sit down.

I want to talk to you.

I don't have a lot of time
to get to know you, Daniel.

I know, and my dad's a jerk.

No, no.

He's not a jerk.

He's just, uh...

Well, he's a man
with a good memory.

I bet you got a good memory.

I guess, yeah.

You know, Daniel,

there's a lot of
things in your life

that you're going to feel...

well, you're going
to feel bad about.

You're going to wish
you'd done them differently.

There's no avoiding that.

But one thing you will
never feel bad about,

and that's following your heart
when it comes to your family.


That's where your
courage comes from.

But if you don't have courage,
you're a chicken boy, right?

I had no business
telling your daddy that.

I won't be scared.

You'll be proud of me.

You'll see.

I'm already proud of you.

Now you run along.

Go back to your daddy

before he gets
worried about you.

Go on.

Ladies and gentlemen,
direct from Nashville,

Daryle Singletary.

♫ Blue lights flashing
in my rearview ♫

♫ The sheriff said, "Boy, I
should have known it was you ♫"

♫ "You got 14 people
in the back of this truck ♫

♫ I warned you twice, and
now I'm writing you up" ♫

Come on, girl.

♫ I said, "Officer,
what have I done?" ♫

♫ He smiled and said ♫

♫ "Boy, you're
having too much fun" ♫

♫ Too much fun ♫

♫ What's that mean? ♫

♫ It's like too much money ♫

♫ There's no such thing ♫

♫ It's like a girl too pretty
with too much class ♫

♫ Being too lucky,
a car too fast ♫

♫ No matter what
they say I've done ♫

♫ I ain't never
had too much fun ♫

♫ There was a fight Friday
night at the Stumble Inn ♫

♫ Me and ol' Harley
just had to join in ♫

♫ Next thing you know... ♫

Daniel is such a sweetheart.

That little boy
had five hot dogs,

three ice cones,

and now he's all
tucked into bed.


He should be fine
in my trailer, though.

Listen, thanks for pitching in.

I know Daniel was getting
tired of me dragging him around.

I-I hope you don't
mind me coming back.

The-the truth is, um...

I was hoping you'd
save a dance for me.

♫ Being too lucky,
a car too fast... ♫

Listen... if I was going
to dance with anybody

besides my wife, it
would be you, but...

♫ I'm a holy terror, a tornado ♫

♫ Write me up, turn me
loose and let me go... ♫

It's a good thing your
wife's in Florida, boy.

You've got a lot of nerve
judging me, don't you think?

Now, just hold on a second.

What are you up to, lady?

Why are you messing
with my son, huh?

Now, you're the one...

You're the one who
set me up with Daniel,

aren't you?

What's he talking about?


She was shouting his
name all over God's creation,

just so I could hear it.

You know...

I have been mixed up with
a lot of women in my time,

and I learned one
thing the hard way.

That's how to tell the good
ones from the bad ones.

You've got a bad one here, boy.

She wants something from you,

and you're probably just
stupid enough to give it to her.

You really do
hate me, don't you?

Go ahead, do it.

Come on, you've been dreaming
about this your whole life.

Come on, Chicken
Boy, take your best shot.

If it seems like I'm always
walking away from you,

you just remember
where I learned it.

♫ ...'cause I ain't never
had too much fun. ♫

You're wasting your time.

Somewhere Matt
still loves his father.

It's still early.

♫ Tell me she's been
out with friends... ♫

♫ She swore I was
her only one... ♫

Daniel, come on,
kiddo, we're going home.






Over here!

Daniel, don't move.

Daniel, Daniel.

Daniel, don't move. Daniel.

Daniel, don't move, okay?

You're doing great.
You're doing great.

Now, don't move.

Now, what's going to happen is,

I'm going to pick you up...

toss you over the fence

on the count of three, okay?

Okay. Now...
one... two... three!

Dad, get out of there!

What the hell were
you doing in there?

My God, Daniel, a
few more seconds...!

Are you all right?

Dad, I thought...

Daniel, what were
you doing in there?!

I wanted to ride a bull.

Ty said... Wait a second.

Your grandfather
said you could do this?

I'm going to k*ll him.

He was telling me about... Matt.

Daniel, are you okay?


I want you out of my life

and I gotta k*ll
you to do it, I will.

You almost k*lled him.

k*lled who?

What are you talking about?

Get up!

Get up!

Get up, old man!

Fight me!

Get up!

Fight me!

I hate you!

I hate you.

Matt, stop.

This is a fight you
don't need to have.

There's already
a battle going on

and I've been sent to fight
for you and for your father.

Have you ever seen
an angel before, Ty?

You know, as a matter
of fact, back in '78,

I was riding with a guy
who got pinned under a bull

and I actually saw an angel

pull the bull off.

It happens all the time.

Angels do help to save lives.

But tonight, I
have the privilege

of helping you save
much more... Your souls.

Your son's... your future.

An angel?

I don't know when it started,
maybe generations ago.

But you've been caught in this
family cycle of escape and hate.

One father's anger
fueling the rebellion of a son

only to... to cause the next
son to rebel and on it goes.

And it has to stop...

It has to stop tonight...

Because the next son to be
angry with his father will be Daniel.

Why didn't you
tell us this before?

Somebody kept
getting in the way.

It comes with the territory.



She's not your friend.

She's not anybody's friend.

She comes from a place so dark,

you can't even imagine.

And she comes with one goal:

To destroy.

She almost succeeded.

Oh, don't be afraid.

She can't come any closer.

Love is here, so she can't be.



Absolutely perfect love.

You owe your son an apology.

Yes, ma'am, I know.

I've been trying.

And I have a message for you.

God loves you, Matt.

You can never change

what Ty has done, but
you can change tonight.

You can change what
it is that you do to...

to hold on to this pain.

Forgive and forget?

Forgiveness won't change him...

but it will change you.

And I think that's
what he wants for you.

It's going to take some time.

Maybe you don't have much time.

We don't always know
when it's too late...

until it's too late.

You know that guy
that used to beat you up

when you were a kid?

He hasn't been
around for a long time.

No, I'm the only
guy that's left.

It's not much, but...
it's all yours, son.

You turned out to
be one hell of a man.

I'm real proud of you.


I just need to know
something before you go.

Curiosity k*lled the angel.

There are so many
people in the world

who have never seen
what you and I have seen,

but they believe anyway.

But you... you have seen Him

and still you walked away.

I don't understand.

Don't you miss us?

What if I did?

I've made my choice.

Besides, I'm
having too much fun.

I'll never forget
who you were...

who I loved.

But I can't say I'm
sorry to see you go.

You turned out to be a
hell of an angel, Monica.

Next time, I won't
underestimate you.

I guess I should've called.


Maybe you should've called.

Well, there's always tomorrow.

MONICA: Excuse me.

There is no tomorrow for
you, I'm afraid, Mr. Duncan.

This is your last
night with your son.


It's nothing to
fear, believe me.

But it is something
to prepare for.

When I hit him, I...?


This day has been written down

for a long time.

It's not fair.

Why are you doing this now?

No, no, it's fair.

It's about as fair
as anything can be.

You say there's
no tomorrow, but...

there is tonight, yes?


Well, all right, then.

Wow, 2,000 bull rides and
we're here to see it, baby.

You ready?



Come on, Ty!

Ride him, Ty! Yeah!

Stay on there, Ty!

Stay on there! Stay on there!

Ride him, baby! Ride him!

Come on!

Eight seconds!

Yeah, Grandpa! Yeah!

Whoa! Yeah!

Yeah! Yee-haw!

Yeah! Yeah!



You did it, Grandpa!

You did it!

2,000 bulls!

2,000 bulls.

Yes, sir.

I never told you how good I
always thought you were at this.

Well, I'd better be.

It's about the only
thing I ever did right.

Except maybe come back.

Some fancy riding!

It was amazing.

I'll remember it forever.

Yeah, I never could
resist a good ride.

Of course, I've been
thrown lots of times

and I got the broken
bones to prove it.

But I guess if you
just keep getting up,

it's, uh...

I guess it's getting late.

Grandpa Ty, look
for me tomorrow.

I'll be sitting right
there again, okay?

You betcha.

But that's tomorrow.

Tonight was for you.

Just for you.

You remember that, huh?

I got something for you.

Thanks, Grandpa.

You bet.

Uh... good night... Dad.

Good night, son.


I'll see you in the morning.

You bet.

It's going to be a beauty.

Ladies and gentlemen,

that's the 2,000th
bull for Ty Duncan!

Congratulations to
the greatest bull rider

in rodeo history...!

♫ He's an eight-second hero ♫

♫ They come to their
feet when he rides... ♫

Good morning, Ty.

There's somebody
I'd like you to meet.

♫ He never does
mention the pain ♫

♫ It's a matter of pride ♫

♫ But he's getting older ♫

♫ He feels it each
time he rides in ♫

♫ And this eight-second hero ♫

♫ Knows someday
that bull's gonna win. ♫
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