03x01 - Promised Land

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x01 - Promised Land

Post by bunniefuu »

( Fun, lively theme playing )

And just what exactly do you
think you're doing, Ms. Wings?

I'm leaving. I failed.
I'm finished.

You're finished...?
Get in the car.

You're finished when somebody
says you're finished.

Tess, you were there.

The only person who can help
Chicory Creek...

Am I to understand
you're giving up?

Is this a giving up speech?

Well, yes.

Get in the car.

The cavalry's on the way.

And here they come!

Get in the car.

Hold on to your halo, baby.

MONICA: Angels in a trailer?


Humans are going back there
to finish my assignment?

Oh, this is so humiliating.

Now, you just get your wings
straight on this one.

There's been no failure here,
you did your very best.

But sometimes people
just don't pay any attention.

But that's no excuse to give up.

The Lord will just handle
it in a different way.

Inspire these folks up ahead
to save Chicory Creek

and maybe help themselves
in the bargain.

The people in the trailer?

They have no home,

hardly any money

and uh-oh... no gas.

What's the difference between
the United States and America?

What did you say, Dinah?

What's the difference between
the United States and America?

That's the United States
of America.

I know. I'm not a baby.

So, what's the difference?

America's what the United States
used to be

before they screwed it up.

Mom, Josh is being cynical

It's his opinion, Dinah.

The difference between
the United States and America?

( Chuckles )

There's no difference, honey.

It's like the difference
between blackjack and 21.

Twenty One sounds nicer,
but you're still losing money.

CLAIRE: Think we can
get there by morning?

RUSSELL: Maybe. If we push.

Well, we're gonna have to push.

How much we got left?

Not enough for breakfast.

( Sighs )

Well, Mama says old Doc Rogers

still gets up at 6:00 every
morning and fixes pancakes.

When I meet that man, I'm gonna
kiss him and wash his dishes.

What kind of a man gives a job
to a total stranger

and takes in his whole family,
no questions asked?

A kind one.

They still exist.


Hattie told me that Doc
has been carrying a torch

for her since 1947.

Hm. I wonder what happened.

Mama probably hit him
in the head with it.

( laughs )

Come on, y'all. Let's go.

Everybody back in the truck.

Okay, okay.

We're on our way.

RUSSELL: Well, look at that.

End of the road,
still plenty of gas left.

Amen. Hey. Hallelujah.

Sort of.

CLAIRE: This is your
grandma's hometown, kids.

According to my calculations,
we put enough gas in the car

to get to Chicory County.

But we've gone five more miles
than that and...

That's real fascinating, brain.

HATTIE: Something's
going on at the church.

DINAH: Looks like a wedding.

That's where you were baptized,
Russell. Remember?

No, Mama.

I believe I was 4 days old
at the time.

Hey, Doc Rogers' house
down there at the corner.

It's gonna be close...

Yeah. Aw, come on.

( Engine stalling )

RUSSELL: Come on. Come on.
DINAH: Please!

Everybody help.

Ah! ( Engine stalls )

By golly, we almost made it.

Next time, Dinah, you'll
have that mileage figured out

right down to the teaspoon.

RUSSELL: At least
this is the last trip

we'll have to take
for a long time.

That's what he thinks.

( Chuckling )

( Della Reese & The Verity
All-Stars' "Walk With You" playing )

REESE: ♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Hea-ea-eavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

REESE: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫
CHORUS: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
Don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫
♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell ya I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫

Maybe he's out on a case.

The old goat still
makes house calls.

I hope he still makes pancakes.

Hey, uh, Dad,

might wanna put this
on your fix-it list there.

Joshua, get off of there.

I thought we were gonna
live here.


Doc Rogers is kind enough
to let us live with him.

We should make the effort
to avoid dismantling his home.

That means don't poop
in your own cave.

( Doorbell jingling )

Come on, you old fool!

Mama, what about that wedding?

We can't just walk
in on a wedding.

I mean, everybody would
be so excited to see me,

after all these years,

I'll take all the sparkle
off of the bride.

Oh, then again, there's no harm
in walking down there,

Waiting till they come out.

Catch Doc Rogers before
he starts hitting the punch.

Keep an eye out for Joe.

What's Uncle Joe like?

Hm. Everything your daddy
used to be, only funnier.

Daddy says he's a ne'er-do-well.

Joe did some things well,

never quite the right ones,
poor baby.

He'll do well just to show up,
I expect.

I don't see
any basketball hoops.

CLAIRE: You think your
brother will really come?

I don't even know if our letters
have caught up with him.

Even if he comes,

old Joe'll just catch us
up on the last few years

and drag himself
through a week's work

before he takes off again.

If he does come,
it won't be for the work,

it'll be for Mama.

BOY: Hey.

What's in the box?


What's in the box?

Um, research. What?

Surveys, observations, opinions,
articles, organized by subject.

Are you a kid?

What you doing around here?

We're gonna move in
with Dr. Rogers.

My father's going to build
commercial property for him.

That's stupid.

Yeah, well, what does
your daddy do?

I can't tell. He works
for the CIA and it's a secret.

Well, if it's a secret,
then how do you know?

Funny music for a wedding.

You smell that?

( Sniffing )


I don't smell anything.

There's no factory here.

My throat doesn't hurt.

My eyes don't sting.

That's one thing I didn't mind
leaving behind.

The company probably did us
a favour by closing down.

Well, remind me to write them
a thank-you note

just as soon as
I can afford a stamp.

Well, it won't be long, honey.

We made it this far.

It's all smooth sailing
from here on.

Ah. ( Door opens )

HATTIE: Russell!




DINAH: Doc Rogers is dead?

So I guess this means
no pancakes then, huh?

Shut up.

You're looking wonderful,
by the way, Erasmus.

You haven't changed a bit,

Oh. Thank you, Erasmus.

This is my son, Russell,
my first boy,

and the one that's working
for Doc.

Or not working for Doc.

Oh. My Lord, son.

You've lost two jobs
in one month.

Russell Greene, sir.

Nice to meet you.

You have a handshake
like your brother.

You saw Joe. Was he here?

Joe came and went, I'm afraid.

The Thursday after Doc died,
he took off.

JOSH: Didn't want
to stick around

to see the family
fall apart, huh?

This is a setback, Josh,
not a disaster.

Doc was really looking
forward to you people coming.

You know how he was.

He showed me all his plans
for that little clinic-office

building of his,

and then, Tuesday morning,
keeled over in the barbershop.

I hate to see a man die
with unfinished business.

So where are we gonna live?

Who knows?

Well, I'm sorry to say it,

but... it looks like you all
made the trip for nothing.

You're welcome to pull your
trailer into my yard tonight,

rest while you get ready
to go back.

RUSSELL: There's no going back, Mr.

I lost my job when the factory
closed down.

We spent all of our money
getting here.

We'd be grateful to park
our trailer in your yard

if we could just afford
the gas to drive it there.

But, uh, we haven't got it.

Well, I have some good news
for you.

You don't have to worry
about the gas.

My house is right there,
right across the street.

DINAH: Mother!


My suitcase, it's gone!

He stole it, I know he did!

That weird little boy!
It was under the window...

What little boy?

Did he say that his daddy
worked for the CIA?

Yeah. He's a thief and a liar.

Now, calm down, Dinah.

He can't be far.


Get yourself out here
and bring that suitcase.

I got some people

I want you to meet.

You come out.

Go back to the house,
I'll make some pancakes.


Come on, kid!
Let's go, Nathaniel.

It's pancake time!

Nathaniel, come on out of there.

Come on.

Your brother Joe left something
behind when he took off.

this is your uncle, Russell.

Oh, man.

Well, ha-ha,
welcome to the family, kid.

CLAIRE: Lord, we thank
you for this food.

From thy hand may we be fed,

give us this day
our daily bread.

And thank you, Lord,

for Erasmus and his hospitality.


ALL: Amen.

Nathaniel, would you like
to pass the syrup?

Thank you.

HATTIE: Mighty thoughtful of the
Lord to keep you alive, Erasmus.

He spared the one friend I have
in this town that can cook

as good as my mum did.

That's 'cause my mama
taught your mama.

( Chuckling )

So, Nathaniel.

We just want you to understand
from start here

that you're family.

See, because your daddy's mother
is my mother too.

And Dinah and Josh
are your cousins.

I know what cousins are.


And your Aunt Claire
and I are gonna

take good care of you

until we can catch up
with your daddy.

Did he happen to mention
where he might be going?

It's secret army business.

He thinks Uncle Joe's
in the CIA.

He is. He said you'd understand.

He did mention a secret meeting
with a General Fitzsimmons,

as a matter of fact.

That's the one in Denver.


Excuse me.

HATTIE: Well, honey bun,

we got loads of postcards
from your daddy over the years,

but darn if any one of 'em
mentioned you.

I guess he was saving
you for a surprise.

I was kind of a surprise
to him too.


JOSH: "Life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness",

"that to secure these rights,

"governments are instituted
among men...

"And women." "And women,

"deriving their just powers from
the consent of the governed,

that to secure these rights..."
"The consent of the governed."

Think about that for a minute.

What constitutes consent?

HATTIE: Majority rules.

CLAIRE: There you go.

DINAH: Mom used to be a teacher.

She'll probably
teach you too now...

until we find a school to go to.

Not me.

Especially you.

That company in Carolina's
supposed to start mailing

my severance checks
here every week,

care of general delivery.

That and my military disability
ought to keep us going. Careful.

Soon as I can cash that first
check, I'm gonna pay you back.

No rush.

That check's gonna have
to spread pretty far,

especially now that you've
got an extra mouth to feed.

Yeah, well, that, uh...

secret army business.

I think Joe's headed
to a veteran's hospital

in Denver.

Well, I spent some time there
myself with Fitzsimmons

after the Korean w*r.

Excuse me for saying it,

but your brother's head
is messed up something awful.

Well, he gets real depressed,

and he'll check into
a vets hospital somewhere.

And then he gets real antsy
and he hits the road again.

Hardly been in one place
long enough to make dinner,

let alone make a baby.

Well, he did.

The boy lived with his mother
for six years.

Joe said he found the boy
living in a cocktail bar,

waiting for the girl
to get out of jail.


Joe gave the girl $50,
got her to sign some papers,

then he and the boy have been
travelling and on the road

for the last three years,

till they got
that letter from you

and they showed up here.

Joe is not a bad guy.

sh**t, before I met Claire,
I probably broke more noses

and bar windows
than he ever did.

Matter of fact, last month
when everybody got laid off,

I put a chair through the door
of the employees lounge.

Don't tell Claire. Hm!

Well, you Greene boys
lived some wild years.

Oh. Ooh.

It's a wonder either
of you is alive at all.

Well, Claire says it's angels
looking out for me.

I say it's Claire.

But, Joe...

he never wanted anybody
looking out for him.

I was kind of hoping we could
all get together here.

Three years,
that's about his limit.

I guess it's just time
for him to go crazy again.

Well, he sure did.

You know, maybe it's the thought
of seeing your mother

that, uh, pushed
him over the edge.

You ought to be ashamed
of yourself.

( Both laughing )

Erasmus said we could
sleep inside.

I think we better start
getting used to this.

It's gonna be Dinah's
birthday in a couple of days.

Erasmus loaned us $100.

When that check comes in,

I'm gonna have to pay him
back out of that.

It's her 13th, Russ.

We gotta do something.


how much is it going to take?

Well, I saw a Salvation Army
on the way in,

and the grocery has a
half-off sign for expired goods.

Say 20?

Well, I'll, uh,
go check the post office

first thing in the morning.

Maybe I can pick up some work.

I wonder if they need
a teacher here.

They barely have a school here.


So, what should we do, huh?

Well, the only reason we're here
is because Mama got us a job.

I guess the only thing
to do is to go someplace else,

find another one.

Well, we can't go back home.

I know that.

I'm sorry.

This might be a good time

for one of them prayers
of yours.

You could try, you know.

( Scoffs )

I don't know.

It doesn't seem quite right

meeting somebody
for the first time

with my hand out to him.

That's usually what it takes.

( Clears throat )

( paper rustling )

I'll go check on the kids.

( Kids murmuring )

( Trisha Yearwood's "You Don't Have
to Move That Mountain" playing )

♫ You don't have to move
That mountain ♫

♫ Just help me, Lord
To climb it ♫

♫ You don't have to move
That stumbling block ♫

♫ Just show me the way
Around it ♫

Come to think of it...

nobody ever writes songs

about "United States
the beautiful."

It's always
"America the beautiful."

( chuckling )

"Land of the free
and the brave."

Of course, usually the free
and the brave doing the singing.

I appreciate
your staying behind,

helping me with these carrots.

Oh, it's okay. It's kind
of Mom's way of keeping me here

while they shop for my birthday.

( laughs )

Shouldn't take too long.

What did you mean yesterday
when you said Doc Rogers

died with unfinished business?


do you believe in angels?

( "You Don't Have to Move That
Mountain" resumes playing )

♫ We must climb
A great, high mountain ♫

♫ To reach God's
Gracious kingdom ♫

♫ In his words
You'll find the street ♫

♫ If you will
Just believe them ♫

♫ You don't have to move
That mountain ♫

♫ Just help me, Lord
To climb it ♫

♫ You don't have to move
That stumbling block ♫

♫ Just show me the way
Around it ♫



Claire makes up
these real beautiful prayers.

Mama kind of yells at ya.

And, uh...

I had hoped to at least
be wearing britches

when you and me got serious,
but, uh...

Well, my wife's always saying

that the Lord will meet you
wherever you are.

Just look where I am.

( Pensive theme playing )

I love my country.

I love my family.

I love hard work.

I do, I'm not exaggerating.
I do.

And I followed all the rules.

And I did my best.

And it all just...
fell apart anyhow.

And I just...

can't figure out
what went wrong.

Maybe it's some big...

problem with me,

or maybe it is just as simple
as old Doc Rogers

just keeling over
in the barbershop there.

I don't know. I just...

( sniffling )

But if you'll just...

tell me... what to do now...

I'll do it, sir. I will.

And, uh...

wherever my brother is
tonight, please, sir,

take real good care of him.

( Sniffling )

Appreciate talking with you.

You were right.


We've found our man.

All right. Shut it off.

Looks like the carburetor.

Daddy, can we talk to you?


Mama too.


Been trying to find
that rattle for two years.

Never had time before.

ERASMUS: In the first place,

this is not my idea, so I don't
want you to feel obligated.

DINAH: Daddy,

Doc Rogers died
with unfinished business.

Dinah, that's really none
of our...

He saw an angel, Mama.

A real honest to goodness angel.

From heaven.

Doc Rogers saw an angel.

Like Gabriel.


She was a big, tall woman
with dark eyes.

Doc said she looked something
like my Aunt Georgia.

Uh, but she was the second one.

The first angel was short
and spoke funny,

Scottish or something.

And Doc said they came to help
him save Chicory Creek.

But I guess he dragged his feet

or something, because...

Skip to the part about New York.

Well, the days of our town
are numbered, I'm afraid.

You can't keep a little place

like this going
without a doctor.

But, uh, there was a little girl
who grew up here, real smart.

Chamber of commerce
got together,

gave her a scholarship,

sent her to college,
17, 18 years ago.

She went to New York,
got to be a doctor,

and never came back.

I wonder what she was thinkin'.

So Doc was going up north
to talk to the lady in person,

Get her to move into this clinic

that he's... He's gonna build.

Well, Erasmus, I'm real sorry
about all this, but...

I don't see what
it has to do with me.

DINAH: Daddy, don't you see?

Everybody else is too busy,
but you can go

'cause you don't have a job.

RUSSELL: Well, Erasmus, I...

appreciate you
thinking about me, but, uh...

I don't think so.

Come on, son.
Let's get back to the car.

Way to go, dummy.


Dinah didn't know what
she was saying.

I know that.

But she was tellin' the truth.

We are just sittin' around,

waiting for a check
to come in the mail.

And we haven't talked about
what happens after that.

We can't because you're too busy
blaming yourself

for something that is over
and done with.

Nobody's blamin' you, Russ.

Nobody's blaming you
for bringin' us here,

for gettin' laid off,

or countin' on a job
that died with Doc Rogers.

Then why do I feel so bad?

Because you're wasting time
and you know it.

And until a moment ago,
there was nothing

you could do about it.

But maybe there's a reason
we are sittin' around here

in the in-between like this.

If you could do something,

something that makes
a difference to somebody,

boy, that's never
a waste of time.

That doesn't make any sense.

None of this does.

I've never been to New York.

You never had a reason before.

We'll be right here
when you get back.

Round trip ticket to New York.

All right.

Y'all take care of each other.

Bye, Dad. Bye-bye.

She's, uh, Dr. Rebecca Cousins,
65th and Madison.

And I thought she might like,
uh, a jar of my, uh, peaches.

Hm. Well, she's gonna have
to fight me for them.

Would you do me a favour?
Yes, sir.

I don't expect Rebecca
want much to do with us,

but if you get a chance
to actually meet her,

tell her...

her daddy loves her.

( Melancholy theme playing )

Yes, sir.

You mind if I sit by the window?

( Indistinct farewells )

( lively theme playing )

( chuckles )

I got two sandwiches here.

Can I offer you one of 'em?

Oh, no, but thank you.

You go right ahead.

CLAIRE: Believing in
angels but seeing none,

he borrows their wings instead

and walks out to meet
his saving grace

at the end of the road.

( upbeat theme playing )

( horns honking,
sirens wailing )

( telephone ringing )

( door shuts )

You came all the way
from Chicory Creek

to bring me a jar of peaches?

Hm. Nope.

Got me in the front door,

Those from your daddy,
by the way.

He said tell you
he loves you very much.

What can I do for you,
Mr. Greene?

Well, uh, Doc Rogers died
last week

before he got a chance
to discuss somethin' with ya,

and, uh,

well, they need a doctor
down there pretty bad.

And they were thinking
that maybe you

might be willing to...

come home and practice.

You're joking.

No, ma'am. Chamber of commerce

paid for the bus ticket.
They're serious.

Oh, so now they think
it's payback time.

Why would I ever want
to go back there?

I broke my butt
to get out of that place.

You mind if I ask why?

To get ahead.

Of who?

Everybody else?


That's kind of the point.

I am living the American dream,
Mr. Greene.

Oh, you're livin'
some kind of dream, all right.

Those folks had a dream too,
you know...

back when they got together
and sent you to college.

They wanted to make the world
a little better,

not a little prettier.

You have no right
to walk in here

and insult me and my profession.

No, ma'am, I don't.

I'm sure there's lots of folks
better off

with one of your new noses.

But are you?

Now, your daddy's profession was

pumpin' gas and fixin' cars.

He spent 30 years washi"
people's windshields

and changin' their oil,

makin' sure they had
enough steerin' fluid

and that their brakes weren't
goin' to go out on 'em.

And I'll bet you he has saved
a lot more lives

than you ever have.

No, you not livin'
the American dream, lady.

Your daddy did,
'cause he made a difference.

Right now all I see you maki"
is money.

( Exhales heavily )

( elevator dings )

RUSSELL: I didn't take the
trip, I just lost the ticket.

I had it in my back pocket.

I had it just before I walked
into that elevator.

DRIVER: It's gone, pal.

You don't put nothin'
in your back pocket

in this city.

I'm sorry. No ticket, no seat.

I've got $19,
and I can pay you the rest up

just as soon as I get there.

That $19, that'll get you about
as far as Hensen on this bus.

You can take it or leave it.

( Somber theme playing )

Where you headin'?

I'm... trying to get back
to my family in Chicory Creek.

But I just had enough
to get to Hensen.

You were going home,
and they wouldn't

give you credit
till you got there?

( Scoffs )

That's a shame.

Strangers used to help
each other out.

Not anymore.

It doesn't pay to try to help
anybody anymore.

Bad day in America, huh?

I am sick of hearin'
about America.

No America anymore
for people like us.

There's just the United States
of greedy people,

trying to get richer quicker
than the next guy,

and they'll step right over
your dead body to get there.

Just some great, big
"Get out of my way" highway,

and man if you are too stupid
not to cheat and steal

to get ahead,
then you deserve what you get.

I tell you, if I had the money,

I'd move my family to some
little island or someplace.

I'd leave this country
like that.

Like that, huh? Yes, ma'am.

No lookin' back? No.

Well, I suppose
you could pack up

and say so long to
the United States,

but, still, you take America
with you wherever you go.

You want to leave America behind

because you think
it's left you behind.

You want to see what America
really is?


Uh, hello.

Uh, excuse me. Hello?

Uh, this young man is trying
to get home to his family,

and he's only got enough money
to take him part of the way.

Now, he's a good man.

He's not gonna spend
this money on anything

but a ticket to Chicory Creek.

Now, does anybody have a bag
or a hat or anythi...

May I use your nice hat, sir?


Thank you so much.

Now, he is gonna have
to get off at the next town

unless we all decide
to do something about it,

and I know I don't want
to tell his babies

that we left their daddy
behind in Hensen

'cause we spent the money on
donuts in the bus stop instead.

Will you help me?

( People murmur )

Will you show the kind of people
your mamas raised,

or have ya forgotten?

Thank you so much.

Oh, how wonderful.

I appreciate this so much.
He does too.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

No tengo dinero.

Um, no money.

Thank you.

TESS: Thank you very much.

Praise the Lord. God bless you.

Thank you very much.

Now, we have...


How far will that take him,
Mr. Driver?

All the way home.

( People laugh )

Oh, thank you so much.

Thank you.

Now, that's what America
really looks like.

( Chuckles ): It's all right.

All the way to Chicory Creek.

You gettin' off here?

Well, it all depends
on what happens

in the next five minutes.

Well, I just wanted
to say thanks.

You were an answer to a prayer.

I know.

And you ought to pray
more often.

You pray some real good ones
when you get around to it.

That one in the cemetery
was particularly effective.

And he liked the one
when you were 16 too.

Well, what did you think?

That they just floated
up, up and away like balloons?

God is very aware of you,

But, uh...

How? Don't worry about it, honey.

It's all gonna make sense
to you in a second.

Now, about that first prayer
of yours...

I don't remember a prayer.

Oh, sure you do.
Back in the '60s, the van,

route 66, looking for America.

Well, it's time.

The time is now.

Now, you're gonna run out of gas
every once in a while,

and the road's gonna be
a little bumpy,

but God says it's time.

That old van. My God.

He is your God, and he sent
me to remind you of that.

You know, Russell,
you've got a really good heart,

but every once in a while,

you put your faith
in all the wrong things.

God loves you,
he loves your family,

he loves your brother Joe,
and he loves all these people

whose lives you're gonna touch

when you get out there
on the road

like you've always wanted.


I'm an angel,

and you've got about 3 minutes.

I believe you.

I must be out of my mind,
but I believe you.

But tha... I had tha...
That prayer,

that was a dream
I had when I was a kid.

I can't take my family
on something like that now.

It's... It's irresponsible.

Yeah! Mm-hmm.

Shortsighted. Uh-huh.

Mm-hmm. Immature? Yeah!

And th-this can't possibly
be the right time.

Well, now, let's see.

Your children are gonna be grown
and gone before you know it.

Your mother's not going
to live forever.

Your wife and kids have
not had any quality time

with you in 10 years.

You got a nephew that thinks
the CIA stole his father.

You got a brother wandering
around all over creation,

needing his family.

You don't have a job

to keep you in one place,

and you don't have
a mortgage to pay.

I'd say this is exactly
the right time, Mr. Greene.

DRIVER: All aboard!

Well, I have to...

Yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


( magical theme playing )

Right on time.

I missed you.

The check came.


Sorry, Erasmus.

You did your best.

She's not an easy woman. Heh.

But maybe the trip
did you some good.

You have no idea.

ALL: Come on, come on, come on!

All right! Good girl!
( laughing )

I get the big piece.

No, the presents come first.

And this is the first one.

Thank you.

HATTIE: Salvation Army special.

The blouse is a present
from your mama and your daddy.

And your grandma customized it.

And Erasmus contributed
the buttons.

Oh, thank you. I love it.

HATTIE: Ha-ha. I'm so glad.

JOSH: And, uh, this is from me.

Thank you.

Oh, it's beautiful!

How did you pay for this?

I, uh, filled in for a box boy
down at the grocery.

Ow! Thank you.

Oh, yuck. Yes, indeed. Oh, yuck.

Mm. Happy birthday, honey.
Thank you.

And then I said something
about her coming back here

sooner or later and people with
new noses going to her funeral.

Poor lady, I gave it to her
with both barrels.

Called her a coward too,
I think.

I wish I could have been there.

So'd I.

You were right.

I'm glad I went.

Dinah would have been in heaven.

I must have passed
a hundred bookstores.

You know, I think some of them
people are happy living there.

But that doctor, I knew just
as soon as I looked in her eyes,

she wasn't.

Done her a world of good
to come back home.

But she didn't.

Not yet.

But I didn't marry you the
first time you asked, either.

Ha-ha. No.

That took some prayin'.

You know, I stood right over
there the other night

and actually...
prayed for somethin'.

I know.

( Heartfelt theme playing )

"Believing in angels,
but seeing none,

"he borrowed their wings instead

"and went out to meet
his saving grace

at the end of the road."


And I think maybe I did meet
somethin' out there.

What's the difference between
the United States and America?

You need to ask Dinah.

America is the best part of us.

It's, uh...

It's what's left after taxes
and w*r and v*olence

that near about made us
forget who we are.

It's the part that wants to keep
trying to be a good neighbour.

I met my neighbours on that bus
last night, Claire,

and I was ashamed,

'cause after everything
that's happened, I'd...

forgotten how to be one myself.

So I think maybe we shouldn't

just sit around here waitin'
for them to come to us.

Maybe we ought
to go on out there

and meet them at the end
of the road, wherever that is.


Dad has a weird look in his eye.

Bus lag.

You are so dumb!

And not funny.

Uh, your mother
and I been talkin',

and I think,

well, what we want to do is,
uh, buy ourselves some food,

put some gas in the car,
and move on.


Doesn't matter.

Now, look. I can't explain
all this to you right now,

but I just...

Somethin' is tellin' me
that we are not stuck here

or anyplace else,

and that home is wherever we are

and we can do some good
wherever we go.

What do you mean, wherever?

Children need roots.

CLAIRE: We've got you, Hattie.

You remind them
where they've come from,

and I'll work on where
they're going.

We'll get one of those permits
for Claire to school the kids.

People do that all the time.
And we'll just go.

We got a house right out there
in that trailer.

Now, hold your horses.

Darn it, where are we goin'?


We're gonna go see America.

Mama, do you remember when
I was 16-years-old,

and me and Andy Barnhouse
wanted to fix up an old van

and just drive
across the country?

To find yourself.

And I never did it.

I kept talkin' about it
and talkin' about it, and I...

I wound up in the Mekong Delta.

And after that,
it just turned into

one of those things I was always
gonna do and I never did.

Mama, I got sent
all over the world...

and I've seen
the worst it has to offer.

Well, now, I...

Now I want to see the best.

( Delicate theme playing )

It is still a free country,
thank God,

and we got the right
to go see it.

And now I got the time
and the people

that I want to go see it with.

And I'd...

I can't explain this, but I...

I think it's what we're
supposed to do,

with the amber waves of grain
and the purple mountains.

And, Mama, what is
an alabaster city, anyhow?

I wanna see one of those
before I die.

( laughs )

Any chance we could
stop off in Nashville?

Sure. Maybe we can
leave you there.

Erasmus, would it be
too much of an imposition

to ask you to forward
our checks?

You just tell me where.

All right.
All those in favour, say aye.

ALL: Aye.

NATHANIEL: What about me?

( Clears throat )

( sniffles )

Well, Nathaniel, uh, we'd like
for you to come along.

As a matter of fact,
I think we're gonna need ya,

'cause we're gonna be keeping
an eye out for your daddy,

and I was kind of hoping you
could help me with the details.



HATTIE: Well...

let's get this show on the road.

All right. ( Laughing )

Erasmus, thank you
for everything.

( Chuckles )

Well, we'll be writing.

And if you hear from Joe,
would you find out

where he is and just tell him
to stay put?

Will do.

Something happened to you out
there on the road, didn't it?

I don't think I'm ready
to talk about it yet, though.

No need.

Just tell me. Did it look
like my Aunt Georgia?

Just like her.

( Chuckling )

Thanks, Erasmus.

For everything.


Don't you die on me, Erasmus.

I wouldn't dream of it, Hattie.

Heh, okay.

( Kids bickering )

RUSSELL: It doesn't
matter where you sit.

Back seat follows front seat.

We're all gonna get there

and don't ask me where that is.

Get in the car, in the car,
close the door.

KIDS: Bye, Erasmus.

HATTIE: Take care.

( Horn honks )

I'm not promising anything,

It's, uh...

Just that I, uh...

ran out of peaches.

( Sobbing )

TESS: God bless America.

You still think people can't do

a little angel work
every once while?

MONICA: I think people like that
could put us out of business.

Well, I wouldn't say that

but I don't mind the help.

Where are they goin', Tess?

TESS: It doesn't matter.

God'll be there when
they get there.

( Tess chuckles )

( cooing )

( heartfelt theme playing )
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