04x13 - Deconstructing Harry

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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04x13 - Deconstructing Harry

Post by bunniefuu »


"Which way should you turn
the steering wheel in a skid?"

I'm an angel. I don't skid.

Next question.

I don't think they'll accept
that answer in the test.

Do you think God
would allow an angel

to fail a driver's test?

Don't know.

I didn't think angels
had to take driving tests.

Neither did I, but
the Father says,

"Render unto Caesar the
things that are Caesar's,

and to God the
things that are God's."

And apparently,

Caesar thinks everybody
should have a driver's license.

Next question.


Good afternoon.

Take this over there.

No talking, no cheating,
and no coaching.

I'll be waiting
for you over there

in one of those
lovely plastic chairs.

All right, baby.




Didn't I tell you third
time was the charm?

Yeah, right after you told me,

"If at first you don't
succeed, try, try, again."

So, where's my license?

That was the easy part.

Now you have to
pass the road test.


- You passed.
- Yeah.

Shall we celebrate?

Well, soon, baby,

but I've still got to
pass the road test.

And then we've got to
get our new assignment,

so you should stay here
for further instructions.

It shouldn't be too long.

Look, I don't care where
the part is being shipped from.

I want my car here by
4:00 like you promised.

No, no, you listen
to me, sparky.

No, if my car
isn't here on time,

I'm going to make
your life a living...




I bet you a place like this

can make you
pretty frustrated, huh?

You don't know the half of it.

You want to know
what I do sometimes

for a little peace?

No, and I don't really care.

Why don't you just mind
your own business, huh?

That took an eternity.


Hello, sunshine.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪


I stopped, I looked
and I listened.

What, are you in
the third grade?

Okay, make, make a
left at the next corner.



Your signal should be turned on

100 feet before the turn.

You didn't give
me a hundred feet.

Well, learn to anticipate.

I anticipate.

I anticipate this is
going to end badly.

Come on. Step on it.

The speed limit is 25.

You know, I don't care.

I don't have all day.

I don't suppose you
can parallel park.

I parallel park just fine.

Oh, yeah?

All right, go for it.

Right there.

You're kidding me, right?

Yeah. Ain't I a pip, huh?

What, you want me

to find you a smaller space?


Where you going?

I got to make a call.

I'll be right back.

You just keep doing
what you're doing.

About your car?

What'd I tell you about
minding your own business, huh?

Never mind.

Quick, hang a U-turn.

Is that legal?

Well, it is now.

Well, go!

Wait right here.

I'll be back in a minute.

I know this is not
a part of the test.

You scratch my back,
I'll scratch yours, okay?

I'd like to thank Father
Wilbur of the church

for allowing us to honor Harry

in the way he'd like
to be remembered,

the way we all remember him.

Harry Applegate
liked to run his life

the way he ran his train:

on time, with a lot of whistle.

Harry was fearless

when he got
something into his head.

I remember one winter
when he was still an engineer

on the Bismarck Express.

We hit a snowstorm
long around Des Moines.

Harry wasn't going to
let a few feet of snow

on the tracks slow
him down for a minute.

You're not supposed
to park here, you know.

And you're not supposed
to sneak up on an angel.

And it doesn't
look like I'm the one

doing the sneaking.

How'd your driving test go?

It's still going.

What are you doing here?

Well, I had a case
about a week ago,

and, um, I got sent
back for some follow-up.

What kind of follow-up?

Isn't your assignment dead?

Yeah. Usually my work
ends before the funeral,

but sometimes the
people left behind

just need a little
extra attention.

Well, anyway, it's
good to see you, baby.

Where's Monica?

She's back at the DMV

waiting for me
to finish my test,

although things have
taken something of a turn.

And if God put us
two angels out here,

there must be something
really interesting

going on up in there.

Is that your cruiser, baby?

Yeah, it is.

Does it have a spare tire?


I know Harry's pulling
into the last stop

at the end of the
line about now.

He's finished his run

and he's settling in
for the big overnighter.

All aboard!

You're good to go, Harry.


Hit it!


Hit it!

We gotta close up.

Does it usually take this long?

Well, you never know with Doris.

I'm sorry, but you're
gonna have to wait outside.


I know I'm supposed
to help connect the dots

on this assignment,

and I know what you
want me to tell Tess,

but I only have one question.

Could you please tell me
where I can find the next dot?

Come on. Get on the highway.

Who's in the urn?

It's my Harry.

Oh, no wonder you
behave this way.

Trying to focus on your job

at this difficult time.

Oh, what you really
need is a friend to lean on.

You just go ahead and let it go.

Tess is here.

Harry died three days ago.

It was a heart attack.

I mean, from stress, I'm sure.

Oh, Tess, you
never met his family.

They were horrible.

Horrible, hateful people.

They never cared about Harry.

Well, they seemed to care a lot

when you were taking
him away from his funeral.

No, they never
liked me very much.

Well, some people see other
people's happiness as a threat

instead of a blessing.

You got that right.

There was just one thing
wrong with our relationship.

Oh, what was that, baby?

His wife.

His what?

Are you listening to me?

Yes, ma'am.

Why didn't you sh**t her?

Because I'm not in the habit

of wearing a g*n at a funeral.

There's one right in there.

I know that,

but I'm not very
comfortable wearing it here

and, by the way, don't you think

that sh**ting somebody
is just a little extreme?

That woman stole Harry.

Stole him!

As in didn't belong to her.

Are you with me?

Yes, I think the picture's
getting very clear.

Then move it.

Let's, let's catch
her and get him back.

How many times are you

gonna steal that man
away from his family?

You don't understand, Tess.

Harry wanted it this way.

To be h*jacked
from his own funeral?

Stella was gonna put him
in her family mausoleum.

Harry hated that mausoleum.

The last thing Harry
wanted was to spend eternity

in a, in a concrete box
with-with those, those snobs.

Are you familiar
with the phrase,

"What God has joined together,

neither man nor woman
shall put asunder"?

Please, don't give me
that holier-than-thou stuff.

I-I just don't feel
like being lectured to

for the next 14 hours, okay?

14 hours?


Harry wanted his ashes spread
over the ocean at Pismo Beach.

And you expect me to drive
you all the way there and back?

You said you were
gonna be my friend.

I am trying to be your friend.

Well, if you're
gonna be my friend,

then find us some dinner.

I'm starving.

Look, Stella, even
with a description

of the car, this is...
this is a big state.

And do you have any
idea who this woman is

or, or, or where she's going?

She was Harry's mistress, okay?

It's almost...

a-a relief to finally
say it out loud.

I mean, no one
would ever say a word.

Even when he died, no
one would say anything.

Look, I-I-I'm not
stupid, Andrew.

I used to unpack his overnight
case, for heaven's sake.

I could smell the
dime-store perfume of hers

even before he opened the bag.

15 years of that stench.

15 years?

And you never said anything?

I-It was just a fling.

For 15 years?

Look, I knew Harry loved me.

Why, why even dignify
it with a response?

And I, I wasn't about to,
to give the gossips in town

something like that to feed on.

They would have had
a field day with me.

How did you ever get yourself

in this kinda situation, baby?

It was destiny.

It's the only way
I can explain it.

I was just meant to rescue Harry

from that... that
horrible woman.

You know, as sure
as I'm sitting here,

his heart attack
was all her fault.

He was perfectly
fine when he left me.

Ooh. Oh, oh. Heaven
on a Bun. Pull over.

Number 14.

Do you have a ladies' room?

Great Beyond with cheese.

What are you
doing in that outfit?

Um... I have
information for you.

Celestial Plate's ready.

Doris is your assignment, Tess.

Do you think I haven't
figured that out?

Well, did you know the ashes
she has don't belong to her?

I know that, too,

but do you know she
wants to take them

all the way to Pismo Beach?

Pismo Beach?

You might want to mention
that to another customer

that I imagine is
not too far behind.

Connect the dots.

We got two trains
running on the same track.

You've got to control the signal

so they don't run
into each other.

Number 17.

15 years.

Harry was a free spirit.

That's why I married him.

I grew up back East

in a very strict household,

with lots of money
and... lots of rules

about acceptable
society behavior.

Harry's life was so rebellious

and independent, free.

He rode the rails.

He lived out west in Reno.

Re-Remember the,

the old Western movie serials

where the hero rode
in and saved the girl

tied to the railroad
tracks just in time?


that's how I thought of Harry.

So you... you thought of Harry

as a... as a hero.

I thought of Harry as a
lot of things over the years.

I loved him.

Hated him sometimes,
wanted to k*ll him,

and at the end of the day...

I really did love him.

And he really loved me.

And he really loved me.

You want some ketchup on this?

Not too much.


Did you, uh, love him
enough to let him go?


Boy, you must really
think I'm a terrible person.

Whoa. Hold that.

I'm not here to
judge you, Doris.

I-I-I-I-I-I-I didn't
know what to do.

I mean, he told me
he'd leave his wife

as-as-as soon as
the time was right.

But the time never was right

and you stayed anyway.

I really couldn't help myself.

Remember the
first time I saw him.

Standing there at the
Santa Barbara train station...

all sad-like...

in his little engineer suit.

I just couldn't resist
going up to him

and trying to cheer him up.

I said to him, ♪
"Pardon me, boy... ♪

♪ Is that the Chattanooga
Choo-Choo? ♪

He laughed so
hard that I thought

he was going to toss his
cookies right then and there.

Do you know...?

Tess, I had nothing in
my life before I met Harry.

Nothing I could really count on.

I-I was, I was
finally having fun,

and that's what we
were about. Fun.

I-I didn't demand anything
from him... like Stella.

Well, it sounds to me
like Harry used you

as an excuse to keep
from working on his life.

That is not true at all.

Welcome to Heaven on a Bun.


What do you recommend?

These lovely beverages
should keep you on track.

Would you like fries
with that assignment?

Pismo Beach?

What about Pismo Beach?

That's where she used to live

before she moved
to Reno to ruin my life.

Have a nice trip.

Thank you.

Celestial Plate's ready.

Two Cherub Shakes.

The Great Beyond with cheese.

Padiddle! I win.

That was not a
burned-out headlight.

That was a motorcycle.

No, it wasn't.

I don't like this game.

Let's do something else.

♪ You are my sunshine ♪

♪ My only sunshine ♪

♪ You make me happy
when skies are gray ♪

♪ You'll never know,
dear, how much I love you ♪

♪ Please don't take... ♪

I can't do this.

Why not?

Harry didn't like me to sing.

Wow, that's really some man

you were hanging on to.


This is Harry's old wallet.

I bought him a new one

after this one went through
the permanent press cycle.

I made him give me his license,

after he got the replacement.

This is him.

This is the only
picture I've got.

I'm going to use the restroom.

No, not that one, not that one.

That one, that one.

Yeah, yeah.

What's going on, angel girl?

The word is, it's imperative

that these two women
do not meet yet.

In their emotional states,
anything could happen.

Wow, do you have a twin sister?

I'd ask my mother
again if I were you.

Come on. Let's go, Tess,

before that bloodhound
sniffs us out.

Keep in touch, angel girl,
if you know what I mean.

Carbonated beverages.

Why can't I just say no?

It's gone.

What's gone?

Harry's wallet!

You know, I left it in the
bathroom at the gas station.

We've got to go back, Tess.

Baby, I don't
think we ought to...

Don't think. Just go!

I've got to have
that picture of Harry!

They're not too
far ahead of you.

Is there something
you can do to stall?

Maybe the car could break down.


'Cause you're a
terrible mechanic.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

I'll be right out.

Look, I have an
emergency out here.

So do I, Father. So do I.

Open the door!

I said I'll be right out.

I'm just looking for something

I think I left in there.

Do you see a
wallet laying around?

Maybe on the sink.

Oh, um... Oh, oh,
yes, yes, it's here.

Let's see... Are you...?


It's you, isn't it?!

Never mind.

Get back here!

Come on. Let's get out of here.

What in the world are you doing?

You didn't hear
that clanking sound?

I can't believe it's gone, Tess.

I... I can't see him.

I don't remember
what he looks like.

Well, that picture
didn't look like anybody.

And you were seeing
memories when you looked at it,

and you've still got
those memories.

Life's funny, huh?


I mean, not funny
ha-ha, funny, funny weird.

Like Harry and I...

Destiny brought us together,
and destiny kept us apart.

What's that about?

That's about you
using the word "destiny"

to keep from being
responsible for your own actions.

A good relationship

is supposed to
add to your life...

Not take away from it.

And it should feel
like a beautiful gift,

not stolen property.

Hey, Stella...

You okay?

I don't know.

It wasn't really real
until this afternoon.

Now I've met her.

I've even spoken to her.

I can't ever... say to
myself again that...

that she was just
in my imagination.

I mean, Harry was
never really loved

until he was loved by me.


Oh, he was loved
by someone, Doris.

Whether you want
to admit it or not,

his wife loved him.

And I think believing
that she didn't

made it easier for you
to keep seeing him.

And somebody
else loved him, too.


God loved Harry more
and better than anybody.

You thirsty?

Harry only bought
the cheapest things.

Never anything nice.

He'd park three blocks away

to avoid putting a
quarter in a parking meter.

I thought you loved him.

I did.

It's funny how
the things you love

about someone can become
the things you hate about them.

Harry was everything
my family wasn't.

And I loved that.

My mother always said

he'd never be anything
more than an engineer.

She warned me he'd run
off with some cheap floozy

sooner or later.

But I believed in Harry.

And he became one of the
top executives of the rail line.

So you were right.


So was my mother.

I couldn't say anything.

In my family, it's... it's
better to be miserable

than to be wrong.

You know we get truckers
here in between deliveries,

and men and women
in between relationships,

but this is the first
customer I've had

who's here between the
here and the hereafter.

Make sure you keep the lid on.

Oh, believe me, honey,

nobody else is getting
a piece of Harry.

You know...

I actually sang in a
place just like this,

but it was a long time
ago before I knew Harry.

Before he put your
dreams on hold.

Oh, singing wasn't as
important to me as Harry.

Uh-uh, baby.

I saw the look on your face
when we were singing in the car,

and for a minute it
felt good, didn't it?

It did.

I didn't realize how
much I missed it.

Feels good being the woman
that you're supposed to be...

The woman God made
you to be, doesn't it?

Kind of a strange
bird, isn't she?

But hey, to each his own.

Like a friend of
mine used to say,

"The best houses have a
front door and a back door,

but it's what's in
between that's important."


Seems like she's
got a real good heart.

She does.


What's wrong?

I need Harry.

♪ I never thought ♪

♪ That there could be ♪

♪ A love like yours and mine ♪

♪ I never dreamed
that I would see ♪

♪ The day that I would find ♪

♪ A love that feels so right ♪

♪ But here we are tonight ♪

♪ Now the only thing
we really need is time ♪

♪ We live on borrowed time ♪

♪ No one can be sure ♪

♪ When the loan
will finally come due ♪

♪ We live on borrowed time ♪

♪ Let's celebrate... ♪

A lady outside asked
me to give you this.

♪ ...into the unknown ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
gonna be just fine ♪

♪ Whatever life may bring ♪

♪ We'll face it all together ♪

♪ And we'll never be alone ♪

♪ We may not have forever ♪

♪ But our time will be ♪

♪ Our own. ♪

Del Ray said he loved your
song, and dinner's on the house.

It was great to see
you back up there,

finding that special
part of you again.

Didn't that feel better?

It felt great!

That's because that's
who you really are...

not a stealer.

What do you mean?

It's like the lyrics
of that song.

Only you weren't borrowing
time, you were stealing it.

I don't really want
to hear this now.

Well, when are
you going to listen?

When are you going to
stop romanticizing your life

and rationalizing your
mistakes and face the truth?

It's not pretty, but it's right,

and it's the only way

you're going to be able
to pick up and go on.

You don't understand.

Wait, you can't leave now!

Hey, hey, that's my car!


What's going on?

Somebody stole my car!

Thank goodness
I still have Harry.

Will you hush up?

Harry doesn't belong to you

any more than my car
belongs to that thief.

I'll call the cops.

Oh, my goodness.

Please, Father...

help Tess understand I
couldn't let them drive away.

They'd better not
mess with my car.



Oh, boy.

Now... we finish it.

Stay away from me.

Give me Harry.


I will sh**t you.


Stella, give me the g*n.

I'm not going to let
you take my Harry.

He is not your Harry.

That's right. He's my Harry!

Stella... put the g*n down.

What are you doing?

Are you just going
to stand there

and let her do this to me?

You said you loved him
enough to let him go in life.

Love him enough
to let him go in death.

Tess... this is all I have left.


You have your
whole life left, Doris.

And a chance to live it
the way God intended.

And it's about time that
someone around here

started to do the right thing.

Oh, Harry.

Harry, I tried.
I-I really tried.

I really loved him.

So did I.

Not like I did.


My way.


Cheap and dirty.

What did you say?

You heard what I
said: "cheap and dirty."

It's just like
Harry always said:

"When you have a
beautiful front door,

a back door is just
a hole in the wall."

You are wrong, Stella.

Uh, don't let them k*ll
each other till I get back.

But... That is not
what Harry said.

What Harry said was

that the front door
is just for show,

but everybody really
uses the back door.

That's what Harry said.

And "used" is definitely the
operative word there, lady.

You got used, and
you're so pathetic,

you didn't even know it.


He didn't love
you. He pitied you.

He used you.

Stop it, please!

You-you-you drove him crazy!

Oh, you are crazy!

You let go of that, or
you're going to lose a finger!

Well, what do I care?

I've already lost
Harry, thanks to you!

Ladies? Please, please.

Thanks to me?!

Are you kidding?!

A Saturday night with
you would k*ll anybody.

What do you mean,
Saturday night?

He never spent a
Saturday night with me!

He was with you,
and you know it.

Are you out of your mind?

He spent every Friday
and Saturday with you.


Oh... dear Lord.

Oh, my God.


So, tell me something.

Now, if Harry wasn't

with you, Stella,
on Saturday nights...

He wasn't with me
on Saturday nights.

Where was he?

He-he was here.

Tell him what he really
said about the doors, baby.

Well, Harry always used to say,

"The best houses have a
front door and a back door,

but it's what's in
between that's important."

You knew Harry?

Harry was-was fooling
around with a waitress?

No, he was a regular here.

He came every Saturday night,

and he ordered a
corned beef and cabbage.

Harry hated corned beef.

No, just, just yours.

You're, you're Doris, right?

And, and you must
be Stella, right?


Well, anyway,
you know how it is.

After you see the same
customer for 15 years

every Saturday night,
you get to know him.

He came here
every Saturday night?

Yeah, he'd come in
and he'd eat a little dinner

and he'd talk for a few hours,
then he'd say good night.

What would he talk about, baby?

Everything and everybody.

He was a really nice guy,
but he was very confused.

He always looked so sad

when he'd get in
his car to leave.

It's like he didn't
know which way to turn

when he was driving
out of the parking lot.

He was ashamed
for hurting both of you,

but he was afraid to
let either of you go.

Did he ever tell you
which one of us... I mean...

if he had a choice?

He had a choice, Doris.

His choice was to
do the right thing.

And he never could do it.

Harry liked corned
beef and cabbage. Ugh!

Must have been on special.

Well, he was
always a little cheap.

You know, in a certain way,

this was Harry's final wish.

How do you know?

I was there.

I'm an angel.


An angel?

Oh, my God.

This is it. I knew it!

He's going to
punish me right here.

He's going to sh**t
flaming arrows at me

and zap me.

He's going to
burn me to a crisp!

My God! My God!

Doris, hush!

Harry never went to church.

Why would he get an angel?

No one dies without
God's knowledge

or without getting the
chance to know God.

And Harry almost
missed his chance.

He waited until his
very last moments.

You're the angel of death.


been riding in a car
with the angel of death?

What are you doing here?

Well, obviously,
somebody's going

to H-E-double-hockey-sticks
for what she's done.

Nobody's going
anyplace right now.

Go ahead, angel boy.

I'm not here to
judge you... or Harry.

He was a very troubled man.

But in the end,

he took responsibility
for what he did.

And he asked God to forgive him.

And he also asked God

to help him fix
what he couldn't.

He asked God to,
to reconcile his life

with those that he loved.

And that's why there
are angels here now.


Like, like, with an "S"?

More than one?

Right here, baby.

Oh, my God.

They're everywhere.

How could two intelligent
women let this go on for 15 years?

You sound like it was a choice.

It was a choice, Stella.

You knew your husband
was having an affair

and you chose, you
chose not to talk about it.

Not to fight for him.

Now, I'm not suggesting
that Harry was right

because he wasn't.

He was very wrong.

But you had the right,
the power to fight for him

to fight for your marriage...

and you didn't.




Because you were
afraid that you would lose.


Stella, you would be amazed

at how much God loves
to put back together again

that which is impossibly broken.

He wanted to help.

Now it's too late.

For your marriage, yes, it is.

But not your heart.

He can put that back
together again, too,

right now... if you let Him.

Doris, how could you
allow this to happen

in the first place?

You knew he was married.

I told you.

I fell in love with him.

That's not love.

Real love... God's kind of
love... Doesn't let you fall.

It lifts you up.

And it lifts up your loved ones.

Love doesn't lie
and cheat and steal.

It doesn't despair and
it's never hopeless.

But that's the way
you felt, isn't it?

God must have given
up on me by now.

Absolutely not, Doris Bernstein.

God made you.

You're His child.

And all He ever wanted for you

was the best that He could
give, not that the world could give.

He wants you to sit down
and eat with Him at his table,

not steal crumbs
from the leftovers.

Can I say something?


Um, well, I know this
sounds kind of crazy,

but Harry always said

it's too bad things
are so messed up

'cause he thought you two ladies
would actually like each other.

I mean, under
different circumstances,

of course.

I could never be her friend!

God couldn't expect that.

God's not asking
that of you, Stella.

But I'll tell you something.

No healing can ever begin

until first some
forgiveness takes place.

Forgiveness starts, by the
way, with sincere repentance.

That means you... I
know what it means.

I'm sorry, Stella.

No... I only wanted to love him.

I never wanted to hurt you.

Even though deep down inside,

I knew how much
pain I was causing you,

I just didn't want
to think about it.

Can you forgive me, Stella?

Please, will you try?

I always knew that there were
things that I could have done.

Should have done, for myself.

For our marriage.

But hating you was easier.

I forgive you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, good-bye, baby.

Farewell, my love.

I hope you found

what you're looking for, Harry.

Oh, I'm sorry.

He was my friend.

I'm so glad he had one.

♪ No guarantees apply ♪

♪ Except what's meant to be ♪

♪ Will surely be ♪

♪ And we can only try. ♪

It's okay.

She knows.

It's about time you showed
yourself, Miss Wings.

I'm sorry, Tess.

It's just that everything
started happening so quickly.

I didn't have time...
Where's my car?

It's right outside.

Come here.

You, too, angel boy. Come here.

If I've got to carry
this thing around,

I want them to
see my best sides.
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