02x03 - The Empty g*n

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "T.J. Hooker". Aired: March 13, 1982 – May 28, 1986.*
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Adventures of veteran police officer Sgt. T.J. Hooker, who rides the b*at with his rookie partner Vince Romano.
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02x03 - The Empty g*n

Post by bunniefuu »

Sight picture.

Trigger squeeze.


Take a breath.

Romano's sh**ting the
eyes out of the target today.

Yeah, well, it all
evens out, stacy.

Last week he couldn't
hit a brick wall

If it fell on him.

All right.

Some of you phase-4
field-certified recruits

Are actually
getting to the place

Where you're beginning
to show you know

What your weapons are all about.

Accuracy is beginning to
creep into your sh**ting.


Is in the eye and
in the steady hand.

And the 3rd and most
important element is here.


Knowing when to sh**t,
and when not to sh**t.

Read over the law and
your sh**ting policy manual.

Next week, a sh**ting simulator.

I'll be testing
accuracy and judgment.

And I expect first-rate scores

From each and every one of you.

All right.

Throw your empties in the can,

Load your weapons
with factory a*mo,

Find your field officer,
and hit the streets.

Good sh**ting, romano.

Thanks, dempsy.

I'm just trying to
keep up with you.

Not bad, romano.

Well, paper targets are easy.

The army taught me accuracy,
you taught me judgment.

I just hope I can
put the 2 together

When I face the real thing.

Well, if it comes. Some
cops make it to retirement

Without capping a
round outside this range.

Well, that's for me.

I'm ready, man. Let's do it.

Don't get antsy.

We wait till all the
customers leave.

I've gotten some terrific
buys on records and tapes

At swap meets.

I mean, stuff just
off the charts.

The sound I dig, you know.

A swap meet? Yeah.

Hmm, maybe I'll give it a go.

Bet I could pick up
some decent music, too.


There's always a graybeard or 2

Who cleans out their attic.

Watch the graybeard
jazz, will you, junior?

And that music wasn't junk.

I mean, dorsey, goodman, beneke.

You just don't know good music.

Watch it, hooker.

Sorry, hooker.

Thinkin' about things, you know?

Annie, will you be careful?

Pretty as you are, you don't
want to end up as a hood ornament.

You know me, I'm a lover!

I just had a lover's quarrel
with the world, that's all.

They're after me
again, you know.

They are? Who might "they" be?

Bunch of 'em, that's all.

They're after what I
got in my cart, they are.

Well, we'll keep
an eye out for 'em.

Anybody gives you a problem,

You just holler loud and
clear for us, you understand?

You be careful, now.

Bye, annie.

How does that happen?

What does it?

Alcohol? dr*gs? Loneliness?

Annie grand is her name.

She turned up
when I was a rookie.

Her husband d*ed,

She moved out into the streets.

Family, friends, everybody
tried to get her back.

She wouldn't go.

So finally they stopped trying.

Forget how she looks
and how she talks,

Underneath all that grime,
she's as sharp as a tack.


But for an old lady like that,

I mean, life on the streets has
gotta be a game of day-to-day survival.

I mean, where does
she sleep at night?

Anywhere she can park her cart.

The park, bus stop benches,

The corner of an alley
on a cold and windy night.

As bad as it seems,
you talk to annie,

She says she's got one
priceless commodity

That makes it all worthwhile:

Her freedom.

Yeah? You believe that?

Not for a moment,
junior. Not for a moment.

Come on, man, you
got more than this.

I sell nickel and dime.

That all there is, I swear it.

Suppose you empty
your pockets, huh?

The back ones, too, pops.

Come on! Gimme...

Nickel and dimes, huh?

All units in the vicinity,

A 2-11 silent at
2301 south courson.

4-Adam-30, handle code 3.

Put a roger on that.

Hold it!

Go back up martinez.
I'll take this one.


We'd better back up
martinez and romano. You ok?

I will be when I nail that punk.

Oh, god.

Hold it right there!


Don't move!

Dump him, romano!

The other one get away?

Yeah, he got away.

Get him out of here.

What's the matter with you?

What do you mean,
what's the matter with me?

You unnecessarily exposed
yourself to a street punk,

Not 60 seconds after
he sh*t martinez.

There's a cop lying
dead over there!

You could be with him.

I thought I trained
you better than that.

Hooker, i... I'm sorry, junior.

I don't want to hear
your explanations.

Save it for the sh**ting team.

You'll be writhing with them,
answering their questions.

3, 4.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1...

Hey, it... It could've
been you k*lled out there

Just as easy as
martinez, romano.

Yeah, well, some of the
veterans around here

Are acting like they
wish it had been me.

Well, I heard a lot of
'em say you screwed up.

Screwed up? How?

You could've wasted that
dirtbag, romano, you didn't.

He's a juvenile, benteen.

He is a cop k*ller!

I didn't have to sh**t.

He's got 18 priors.

Not a day spent
in juvenile hall,

A hophead supportin' his habit

By preyin' on old people.

Now he's a cop k*ller.

I just talked to
the sh**ting team.

Martinez's piece was empty

When the creep
tried to k*ll romano.

Romano knew it.


I counted.

He'd fired 6 times.

With not a livin' soul to
ask if you had counted,

With nobody to ever
know the difference,

You could have blown
that cop-killin' punk away!

All right, hey, ok.
Look, lily blossom,

You're never gonna
make it through probation

And you better hope you
never find yourself in a spot

Where you're gonna need
the help of a real cop. Hey!

That's the wrong kind of
talk around here, benteen.

I suggest you shut your
loud mouth and cool off,

Because if I hear it again,

I'll put you through the wall.

I owe you, hooker,

Not him.

You owe me nothing.

I did my job out
there, romano did his.

Right now you're on the
edge of not doing yours.

Don't you ever thr*aten

Not to back a fellow officer.

Anybody else got
anything to say?

You didn't tell me you
knew the g*n was empty.

Does it make a difference
to you that it was?

You did what the book says.

Look, thanks for what
you said to benteen,

But I asked you a question.

I gotta know.

Is there a difference
between what we're taught

And what goes
down on the street?

Under the same circumstances,

The same dope-headed,

Dirtbag punk with an empty g*n,

Would you have wasted him?

Come in.



I've just gone over the incident

With the sh**ting team.

That's, uh, first-rate
work on your part.

Well, I'm glad
somebody thinks so, sir.

Well, I do.

It's a fine example
for the other recruits.

Thank you, sir.

Capt. Sheridan,

What's the procedure for
transferring to a new training officer?

You mean, uh,

Transfer away from hooker?

Yes, sir.

That's exactly what I mean.


I saw you talking to mrs.
Martinez at the funeral today.

I just wanted to
say that I was sorry.

She looked at me

And said that I had a chance
to avenge her husband's death,

And didn't. Romano.

You're not an
avenger, you're a cop.

Like her husband was.

And martinez,

He was the best.

He had your kind of idealism.

Don't you ever lose it.

When I saw that woman's eyes,

And the eyes of her 2 children,

I had a hard time
remembering I was right.

Well, you were, and
that's what counts.

Well, benteen and a lot
of others don't think so.

Benteen will come around.

Or bring a lot of others
around to his way of thinking.

Do you know who
his new partner is?

A phase-4 recruit
like me, dempsy.

Sheridan told me that you
asked for a new training officer.

Yeah, well, uh,

It might be frying
pan to the fire,

But, uh, all things
considered, hooker,

I think it might be
better for both of us.

Hey, you've got a long way to
go before your probation's over.

And a lot to learn after that.

Oh, I'm learnin' new
things everyday.

Like how people act, and accuse,

And come down on other people.

Look, hooker, I've had
it with the whole thing.

Why don't we just
forget about it, huh?

Because you asked me
a question yesterday,

And charged off with
your own conclusions

Before I could bring up an
answer. 2Nd thoughts, huh?

Hey, romano, I've had
15 years of experience

To sort out yesterday.

The punk k*lled a cop.

Another one of us.

And I don't have any answers,

And I haven't got
the power to stop it.

And I can't change the system,

All I can do is what one
cop on the b*at can do.

So, yes.

I saw a friend of mine
lying dead on the street,

And for a moment,

It crossed my mind, down deep:

I wanted that punk blown away.

And that's the thought
that bothered me.

Because what you did was right,

For you, for me, for every cop

That straps into harness
and pins on a badge.

Because the bottom
line is the law.

Without it, the jungle out
there is 10 times worse than it is.

And if the people

Hired to enforce
the law break it.

Then there'll never
be hope for any of us.

You asked where
I was coming from,

And what I would
have done out there.

That's it.

How can I go wrong
learning from a cop like you?

That's what I was thinking

When I decided on
your transfer, partner.

I'm not approving it.

Mr. Bernstein!

We got a surprise for you!

You got a big
mouth, mr. Bernstein.

You better keep
your big mouth shut!

You open up your
yap to the police, pops,

And we'll be back.
That's a promise.

Let's get out of here.


Hooker! Romano!

Morning, annie.

Oh, isn't it a shame

That they did this
to that poor man?

It's more than a shame, annie.

You know, his neighbors said

That he played one
time with glenn miller.

Now, he must be a special man
to have been able to do that.

Tell that to my partner here.

He doesn't know
what good music is.

Well, you better
stick close to him

Because he knows his music.

Stick good and close to him.

And he knows a lot
more about life, besides.

You hear?

Thank you, ma'am.

I appreciate the advice.

We'll see you, annie.

Oh, I'll wrap you all up.

Mr. Bernstein, this is terrible.

I'm very sorry
that this happened.

There's not much to do
about it though, is there?

Don't, mr. Bernstein,

Don't be intimidated.

We know that terry
minetti's behind this,

And his trial is this afternoon.

We'll make a report on this,

You can ride with us to
the courtroom and testify

So he can be punished.


Hooker, I see the ones
from this very neighborhood,

They do terrible, awful things,

And they're back on
the street in days.

Not always, mr. Bernstein.

And this time, with
your testimony,

Maybe we can take
one off the streets.

I'm alone, hooker.

Alone for the past
6 and a half years,

And I only got a
little left in my life.

Somebody else has to fight.

I'm tired. Very tired.

Mr. Bernstein, you identified
terry minetti in a lineup.

They need you at that trial.

So I made a mistake.

If the judge wants to lock me up

For not obeying his subpoena,

You tell him
where I live, hooker.

You tell him

To come see what
they did to my place

Before he locks me up.

Excuse me, please.

I have work to do.

It's called the w*r on crime.

Lonely old men
shouldn't be the losers.

Now, just tell me what
happened in your own words.

Ok, ma'am. Um...

Well, f-first I heard the
noise in the liquor store,

A-and then these
guys come runnin' out,

And then the police came.

Is that when you ran from
the front of this liquor store?

Uh, yes, yes, ma'am.

Um, I was really
scared, you know,

'Cause i... I knew the
police had it in for me,

And... And, um, well, then
this... This big policeman,

That... That big policeman,
he... He grabbed me in the alley,

And... And I thought
he was crazy.

Why do you say that?

Well, he pulled
out his billy club

A-and he started
hittin' me and screamin'

And... And, I got really scared.

I didn't know what to do. I
mean, he was hittin' me, and... And...

Well, so i... I grabbed
at him, you know?

And... And everything
got all confused.

I mean, i... I didn't
know I had his g*n

And... And it just went off.

I mean, he was just grabbin'
for the g*n and... And it went off.

The m*rder one was reduced
to negligent manslaughter.

What about the 4 sh*ts
he actually did fire at me?

Well, they went the way
of the 2 that k*lled martinez.

He didn't really
fire them at you.

He was afraid, because
a cop had been sh*t,

And so he tried to scare you.

Believe it, the court did.

So what did he get
behind all of his defenses?

Juvenile probation for a year.

It was the best the
judge could come up with.

I don't understand.

Somethin's wrong, hooker.

I did my job.

He k*lled a man!

I brought him to trial.

He's guilty,

And he's strutting out of here

Like a peacock,

Putting dirt on everything
that's good and decent.

Where is the incentive
to do it right the next time

If this lousy system
doesn't work?

Well, the incentive is knowing
how much worse t would be

If we didn't do it right.

You don't like what
happened in there,

I don't like it, the
people don't like it.

And it's up to the
people to change it.

There's just aren't enough
cops to watch 'em all.

Especially a minetti.

Right. So we gotta
be resourceful,

Use what there is to be used.

You got the word out on him?

The word's been out on him.

I love it. Music to my ears.


What's music to your ears?

How about pat benatar?

We could agree there.

Who's he?

"He" is a she. A singer.

Of your kind of music.

But cute.


Yeah, we could agree on
cute girls, couldn't we?

Women. For example, peggy lee.

Peggy who?

$600 And change
apiece from that fence.


Not too bad for a
couple minutes' work, huh?

It sure beats what
my old man gets

Humpin' mail 6 days a week.

Check that license
on the hot sheet.

Oh, man, it's hooker.

Oh, why did I have
to drive by him now?

Just relax. We haven't got any
stolen goods on us. He can't do nothing.

Are you crazy? I stole
this car this morning.

Well, hit it!

Come on, give me your hand.

Let's get out of here
before she blows.

Come on, move, move, move.

Ain't that a shame?

Never would have happened
if you weren't harrassin' us.

Hands behind your back.

And deke?

What'll happen to him?

His poor family.

His family is financially
responsible for the property loss.

But the family
doesn't have any money,

So the victim will
suffer the loss,


But the car was stolen.

Won't he...

Mom, look, nothin's gonna
happen to deke, all right?

It was his first offense,
and it was joyriding.

The probation
officer'll let him off.

That's the way it always works.

What can they do to me?

Why don't you ask the sergeant?

Your son was a passenger.

We don't have any
evidence to hold him.

We're releasing him in
your custody, mrs. Minetti.

He'll be your responsibility.

Happy now? Let's go.

That's terrance
minetti? The one who...

Yeah. That's him.

I don't understand what's
happening around here.

Everyone says officer
benteen would've sh*t him.

Him and a lot of
others, I guess.


Are we gonna change?

I mean, after being in
the field a few years.

I don't know. I hope not.

Well, field-certified or not,

I wonder if I'll ever be ready for
a "sh**t, don't sh**t" situation.

In nam, I did a lot of sh**ting.

But always at
that invisible enemy,

Never eye to eye, man to man.

I know one thing, stacy,

Ready for it or not, I
don't want another one.

Being fired on. Code 34...

Freeze, police!

Hold it right there!

Turn around!

I'll take him, you guys
get the other one.

All right.


Your score has dropped
since the last time.

You're way below average
on judgment and accuracy.

You sh*t an innocent bystander,

You wounded a fellow officer,

You let an armed
felon get off 2 sh*ts

Before you returned fire

And then you hit
him in the foot.

Dempsy, I suggest more
work on the f*ring range.

As for judgment,
that'll come in time.

It had better. You can go now.

Yes, sir.


Dempsy's judgment
has taken a nose dive.

Oh, you can't tell jack
from these computers.

These you can.

Dempsy has developed an
attitude problem, benteen.

You're it.

Now, look, hooker...

No, you look. And
listen, for a change.

You've got your
ideas about this job,

And how it should be
done, and that's your right.

But you damn well better stop
bringing them to work with you.

And you damn well better
remember who you're talking to.

I'm not one of your
rookies, hooker.

That's right, you're not.

But if you think for
one particle of a second

That I'm gonna let you turn
decent material like dempsy

Into some kind of
swaggering cowboy cop

Who makes his own rules,

You're traveling down the
wrong road, friend, 'cause I'm not.

I'm givin' it to him like
it is. No, you're not.

You're putting it down
the way you want it.

And that's not the way it goes.

And it damn well better stop.

Send in romano.


Get on with it.

There's a difference
between being alert

And being tense.

I'm glad it's simulated.

Get on the car, partner.

On the line.

That place was a gold mine.

We hit the fence's place

And then I am gonna see
my man about a sleigh ride.

You've been doin' a
lot of snow lately.

Yeah, well, we
keep on like we are,

I'm gonna be able to
buy that pure stuff.


Thanks again, pidge.

There you go.

You ever notice how
much better food tastes

When you don't
pay for it yourself?

No, I guess you wouldn't.

Keep it up, romano.

Next go around on
the sh**ting simulator,

It won't be a routine of the
best scorers in the class.

I'm gonna program the
computer so you flunk.

Hooker! Romano! Hey, annie.

Afternoon, annie!

Next time, I pick the movie,
and I program the music.

What's happening, annie?

Say, you know,

Those burglaries
and the stolen goods

You were asking me
about the other day?

I'm here to tell you straight,

Right now, that
vicious young minetti

Is spendin' his crooked
money on snow.

Sound interesting?


I'm all ears, sweetheart.

That recording studio on baxter,

The one where no good
music is ever heard?

That's the place you want.

I can't push my cart
by there anymore

Without having to
put in my earplugs.

Thanks, annie.
I'm very grateful.

A favor, hooker?

For you, sweetheart, anything.

The man in the liquor store.

His trombone is an important,

Wonderful instrument.

My handyman friend
claudio at the salvation army

Is fixing it so it
can be heard again.

He'll have it ready tomorrow.

Meet me in the park at noon

So you can take it back to him.

That's nice of you,
annie. Really nice.

You can count on my being there.

♪ That's music ♪

Makes the world a better place,

Not so lonely.

This man saved my
bacon more than once.

Stay close to him, youngster.

Stay close to him.

Don't worry about it, annie.

I won't let him out of my sight.

N-not too close.


♪ Music ♪

Hey, I got music!

You know I'm learning
something everyday, hooker?

You never told me annie
was one of your snitches.

No, she's not a snitch, romano.

She's a... Another
concerned citizen.

My own private neighborhood
watch, you might say.


What do you say we go
shake and bake terry minetti?

You're on, partner.

The scum in here are as
deadly as their music, junior.

So watch yourself.

Well, I never said I
liked punk rock music.

I guess it all sounds the
same to my untrained ear.

We're always gonna
be around, minetti.

'Cause I've got
nothing but time.

Time. That's all I need is time.

Time is gonna see
you in jail, punk.

Or dead.

You know,

I laid awake last night
thinking about terry minetti.

Before I pinned this badge on,

I would've punched
that little punk out

For givin' us the kind of grime

He was handin' out yesterday.

Welcome to police work, junior.

He's gotta fall, hooker.

Sometime he's got to fall,
or there isn't any justice.

He's a punk and a thief
and a k*ller, and he'll fall,

And when he does, it'll be hard.

My equipment.

My radio.

You're beginning to
take over, eh, romano?

I didn't think you'd mind.

My rag, ok. My music, not ok.

Hooker, I don't understand you.

Let loose.

Get into it a
little. You'd love it.

To make any sense, music has
to have intelligible sounds.

That has no intelligible sounds.

Swahili's intelligible, to
those who understand it.

There's no sense to your music.

It's got life. A b*at.

It's something you feel, hooker.

It's something that's gonna
make you deaf by the time you're 23.

Let's hit it, we're on
watch in 10 minutes.

What did you say?

I'm expecting a better grade
from you next week, dempsy.

Well, I've been
workin' on it, sarge.

I've been at the
range every day.

4-Adam-6, see the woman,
possible 459 activity,

210 Brighton drive,
apartment 116.

4-Adam-6, roger.

They've broken into 119.

I saw the markings
on the doorhandle.

It's on that side
of the building.

Check the back.
I'll go this way.

Hold it!

They've split.

It's a green buick.
I got the license.

Let's roll.

All units in the vicinity,
a 459 just occurred.

Suspects driving
a 1974 buick, green,

East in the alley paralleling
200 block of brighton drive.

4-Adam-30, handle code 3.

They're heading
for the warehouses.

Go after them. I'll
try to head them off.

Come on out of there
with your hands up!

Where's minetti? Where is he?

Hands on your head. Where is he?

Where's minetti?

On your stomach. Hands back.


You or him?

Doesn't matter.
It was necessary.

He'll make it, hooker.

You ok?


What about me? I-i'm bleeding.

Romano, did you know
that when a juvie turns 18,

His entire criminal
record is wiped out?

No matter what his
past, it's a clean slate.

Right, that's the law.

And according to this
young fella's folder,

He turned 18 the day
before yesterday.

We're about to make a mark
on that clean slate, romano.

Happy birthday, punk.

My ears are killin' me, romano,

And I'm gettin'
tired of waitin'.

What did hooker want
me here for, anyway?

And why did I have to shave?

Once a week is enough.

It'll just be a few more
minutes, mr. Bernstein.

Why not?

Mr. Bernstein!

Hello, romano.

Romano. Huh?

I think he's objecting
to the music.

That, young lady, isn't music.

I guess we're outnumbered.

Ah, that's better.

Pop bernstein, I'd like
you to meet annie grand,

An old and dear friend of mine.

She went to the
same finishing school

As my mother, as
a matter of fact.

It's a great
pleasure, miss grand.


My name is arnold.

Charmed, arnold.

It's a great pleasure
to meet a musician

Good enough to have played
with the great glenn miller.

Arnold, this is yours.

From sgt. Hooker and me.



It's a long story

That annie'll fill
you in on later, pop.

I mean, a-arnold.

Arnold, my friend
claudio does good work

But he couldn't test it out.

I'd sure love to
hear some of that

Good music again.


You want to dance?

Oh, annie,

I have a feeling

That boy has a lot of
beautiful music left in him

That the 2 of you can share.
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