03x08 - Tattoo's Romance/Handy Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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03x08 - Tattoo's Romance/Handy Man

Post by bunniefuu »


The plane! The plane!


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.

Boss, who's that dude
over there with the shades?

ROARKE: His name is Mr. Holly
Ryan. He's a small-time bookie.

And he comes to us
from New York City.

What's his fantasy?

Well, it's very simple, really.

Mr. Ryan is being stalked by a
desperate man who intends to m*rder him.

m*rder him? You
mean, k*ll? Dead?

Yes, k*ll. Dead.

Quite naturally, Mr. Ryan's
fantasy is to avoid that eventuality.

Isn't that Miss
Donna May Calloway?

Don't worry, boss.

I guarantee you

this is gonna be our
best fantasy ever.

But, Tattoo, you must
know that her aunt,

Ms. Ellie Simpson, has
requested this fantasy for her

twice before and I
turned them down.

I know, boss. But
give her a chance.

Don't be mad. Don't be mad?

When I see that she also
brought that aunt of hers with her?

They're very close.

Of that I am well aware.

Aunt Ellie has been preparing
her niece for the musical career

she was never able
to achieve for herself.

There have been many years of
lessons and practice, guitar, piano,

musical composition, voice...

That's why her fantasy's
gonna be a cinch.

Oh, yes. Yes.

She merely wishes to be a
country and western music star.

A cinch.

She is lovely to look at.
She may even have ability.

But what if she doesn't
have sufficient talent?

Boss, this is Fantasy Island.
Leave everything to me.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


Well, Mr. Ryan, I see you've already
made a new acquaintance. Good.

Good is right.

But Holly and me are
nothing new, Mr. Roarke.

Yeah, you better believe it.

Me and Mona go back a long
way and a lot of heartaches.

Well, Mr. Ryan, are you
ready to begin your fantasy?

I wanted to talk to you
about that, Mr. Roarke.

You see, I won't be
needing your fantasy.

The fact is, Mona asked
me to stay on board her yacht.

Oh, well, that's extremely
generous of Ms. Treloar.

But I'm afraid it's
out of the question.

You see, I've already made
certain plans in your behalf.

Well, I wanna change 'em.

But, Mr. Ryan, you're
the one who told me

that Spider Sloat
was trying to k*ll you.

What? Hey, Holly,
spell that out for me.

Don't worry about it, Mona.
Now, just don't worry about it.

You see, Ms. Treloar, Mr. Ryan saw
Mr. Sloat commit first degree m*rder.

And the New York grand jury
needs his eyewitness testimony

for an indictment next week.

It's your civic duty to go
back and testify, Mr. Ryan.

Are you kidding?

My fantasy is to stay alive.

You don't do that by
testifying against Spider Sloat.

Listen, Mr. Roarke, if Spider was
to come snooping around my yacht,

all we'd have to do is just
up anchor and just head out.

That's my girl.

I'm gonna stay with Mona. Sorry.

How sorry you are, Mr. Ryan,

perhaps still
remains to be seen.

Will you excuse me?



Oh, hello, Tattoo. Mr. Roarke.
Won't you please come in?

Thank you, Ms. Simpson.

Oh, Donna May's
gonna be thrilled.

She's so excited, she could
hardly remember her own name.

That's all right, I remember
her name. Hi, Donna May.

Oh, Tattoo, I can't believe I'm
really here. And I owe it all to you.


Oh, and you, too, Mr. Roarke.

I promise I won't let you down.

Let us down? Mmm-hmm.

My audition with the first and
foremost star maker in country music,

Colonel Hank Sutton
of Riverboat Records.

An impossible man
to see back home.

I tried to get an appointment
for Donna May for six months.

But I never could even
get past his receptionist.

But Tattoo arranged
it just like that.

You know, you
are purely amazing.

Yes, he purely is.

I was under the impression that
Colonel Sutton came to Fantasy Island

to produce a record
album in complete solitude.

He specifically requested
that he not be disturbed.

But it appears that Tattoo
persuaded him to make an exception.

That's remarkable.

A piece of cake, boss. Hmm.

Donna May, gather your notes and get
your music. The Colonel is expecting us.

Oh, so soon? I can't believe it.

Oh, my. Well, we can't
go looking like a farm hand.

You gentlemen will have to
excuse us while we get dressed.

Certainly, Ms. Simpson.

I'll wait for you outside.

I can't thank you
gentlemen enough.

Well, let's see that dress.

Ooh, yes.

Oh, that'll make the Colonel
sit up and take notice.

No. No. Let's wear the new one.

You know, the one
with all the sequins on it.

It cost a mint, but we've waited
a long time for this opportunity.

And we can't
afford to miss a trick.

We surely can't.

I gotta tell you something.

You really run yourself
a class operation here.

You ain't seen nothing
yet. Name your poison.

Always the same,
bourbon and milk.

You got it.

Hey, girls, why don't you
go powder your noses?

I'd like to talk
to my old flame.

Let me help you.

Come back.

Terrific, Mona. Terrific.

Don't worry, Holly. You'll get
a chance to meet them later.

Your old ulcer is
giving you a fit?

Yeah, you know,

ever since I had
that run-in with

Machine g*n Kelly in Chicago...

Oh, come on, Holly. This
is Mona, no name-dropping.

You never came within 30 years
of ever meeting Machine g*n Kelly,

Al Capone or any of
those other biggies.

All right. So I
exaggerate a little bit.

It's good for the
old reputation.

I wouldn't worry about your
reputation anymore, Holly.

Spider? Mona, you set me up.

I thought we had
something going.

Now look, Spider,
all this isn't necessary.

You know me better than
that. I never intended to testify.

I wouldn't do that
to you, Spider.

You're right, Holly. Knowing
you, I believe you wouldn't testify.

But I can't take any chances.

I'm not gonna go through life
with a noose around my neck

and you holding the other end.

Now, hold on, Spider.

How about you just put me
on ice until after the grand jury?


(FIRES g*n)


SPIDER: Where is he?


Now, bring the melody right up
there, boys. That's what we're selling.

Hold it, men. It appears
we have some company.



Well, Tattoo, you
sure are punctual.

Now then, which one of these
pretty little ladies is the giant talent

you were telling me about, hmm?

Oh! Oh, no. It's my niece,
Donna May Calloway.

I'm her aunt, Ellie Simpson.

And you better believe this
child's been making music

ever since she was
old enough to crawl.

Now, Aunt Ellie, Colonel Sutton
does not need to know my life's history.

His opinion of me
is going to be formed

strictly by what he
thinks of my music.


You say it blunt, but you
say it right, Ms. Calloway.

Well, whenever you're ready.

Now, the boys would be
happy to back you up if you like.


I don't know where to start.

Don't worry, honey. Whatever
you play, you will be terrific.

She's fantastic.

Well, this here is a little song
I just wrote down yesterday,

and I hope you all like it.


♪ Ain't no good just
sitting there crying

♪ 'Cause he went and
broke your heart in two

♪ Even though inside
you feel like dying

♪ Just remember
this one simple rule

♪ Into each life a
little rain must fall

♪ And it don't matter if
you're short or if you're tall

♪ Just keep your head up
high Don't stop to wonder why

♪ 'Cause love will come
knocking at your door once more

♪ Love will come
knocking at your door

♪ Into each life a
little rain must fall

♪ And it don't matter if
you're big or if you're small

♪ Just keep your head up
high Don't stop to wonder why

♪ 'Cause love will come
knocking at your door once more ♪

I fell in love with a country boy

♪ He promised
he'd always be true

♪ But he went and
left me for someone else

♪ Tell me what
can a country girl do?

♪ 'Cause it's the
same old heartache

♪ Same old story again

♪ He told me he loved me

♪ And ran off
with my best friend

♪ Yes, he ran off
with my best friend ♪


Well, those are just some
of my recent compositions.

But I have a lot more
songs that I wrote earlier.

I really enjoyed
hearing you, Donna May.

You got some real good ideas.

But it takes a lot of effort

and more than a little luck
to put those ideas across.

But now if you just
keep working at it

and don't get
discouraged, well, I'm...

Don't get discouraged? What
happened to our contract?

To be a star she needs
a recording contract.

Just a mite premature, Tattoo.

But I'd be more than happy
to listen to Donna May again.

Maybe in a year or so.

Give her a chance
to develop her skills.

A year? But, Colonel...

Oh, Aunt Ellie...

Take five, boys.

I'm sorry, Tattoo. I didn't
mean to hurt her feelings,

but I don't think she's got it.

I didn't want to say it to
her, but, well, that's how it is.

I think you are wrong.
I think she's fabulous.

She's so sweet and so beautiful.

Look, if she really has a
career in the music business,

nothing anybody can
say is gonna stop her.

Besides, who knows?

If she keeps working at it, she
might just turn out fine. Maybe.


Donna May was counting
on me to deliver her fantasy.

She counted on me.



Where am I?

He's coming to, Ms. Parkins.

Oh, children, our prayers
have been answered.

How do you feel, Mr. Ryan?


Well, that's not surprising,

considering that the children
and I fished you out of the ocean.

Oh, yeah. Now I remember.

How do you know my name?

We found it in your wallet.

Listen, move, kid.

Listen, you didn't see
some pasty-face guy

and a big hulk
around here, did you?

Well, no. Ah, good.

Look, sister, I gotta
talk to you in private.

The name is not sister,

it's Emily Parkins.
Miss Emily Parkins.


All right, children, go
off to do your chores.

(ALL MOANING) No, come on.

Go on. GIRL 1: Right now?
Couldn't it wait till later?

GIRL 2: I hate chores.

I'm sure glad you
didn't die, Mr. Ryan.

I prayed a real
special prayer for you.

Oh, yeah? Well, thanks, kid.

My name is Amy.

Yeah, well, thanks, Amy.

Okay, Amy, run along.

Cute kid.

Yes. You said you
wanted to speak in private.

Yeah, let me ask
you something first.

What kind of joint
is this, anyway?

Oh, it's a Christian
missionary home for orphans.

That's perfect.

Look, I got a real problem.

Well, what I'm trying to say
is, I need a good place to hide.

(STAMMERING) Mr. Ryan, if
you're being sought by the police...

Oh, no, not the bulls.
Just the opposite.

See, this guy's
trying to rub me out

because I can
identify him to the law.

How 'bout it, sister...

How 'bout it, Miss Parkins?

I mean, ain't there something
in the Good Book that says

you can take me in
'cause I'm a stranger?

Well, uh, yes,
Mr. Ryan, there is.

Then I can stay? That would
be the answer to my prayers.


Well, it might be the
answer to my prayers, too.

You see, we desperately
need a handyman...

All right. But you will have to earn your
keep and you must abide by the rules.

Oh, yeah. Sure. I'll
do whatever you say.

I'll be a regular saint.


What a beautiful ending
to a budding career.

Now, you just stop saying that.

You may have lost
the battle, honey,

but you're not
about to lose the w*r.

Mr. Roarke will bring
Colonel Sutton around.

Really? And just who is going
to put Mr. Roarke on my side?

In case you haven't noticed, he
politely bowed out of my fantasy.

I keep telling you,
Tattoo will convince him.

That little guy's crazy
about you, sugar.

I know. He's been so kind to me.

But, Aunt Ellie, I don't like
to take advantage of him.

If you're gonna be a star, you've gotta
get those ideas right out of your head.

Now, there's not a man alive

that won't take advantage of
a woman to get what he wants.

And unless you're
prepared to look out for

yourself, you're never
gonna get discovered.

Like me.

Here he comes. Now, you
think pretty and be strong.

Hi, Tattoo. Hi.

I'm real sorry I let you down.

Oh, you couldn't let me
down. It was my fault.

No, it wasn't. You
were wonderful.

And I guess too nice to realize the real
reason why Colonel Sutton didn't like me.

I don't understand.

Well, it was because
Donna May wouldn't play ball,

if you get my meaning.

Did he suggest that...

Oh, well, not in so many words.

But a girl can sense
what's on a man's mind.

The dirty bum. The dirty bum.

Look, Donna May, it's my fault.

I didn't deliver your fantasy.

But you will, Tattoo.
I just know you will.

Why, you're so
smart and so clever.

And I know you couldn't stand
to see Donna May's heart broken.

Well, I'll just bet you've got
lots of tricks up your sleeve.

I do? Yes, I do.

Don't worry, Donna May.
I will think of something.

You did just fine.


Well? No, nothing, boss.

Nobody's seen Holly.

Somebody had to.

Even if he drowned, his
body would've washed ashore.

Well, not if the sharks got him.

I gotta be sure, Mona. I
can't take any chances.

Tomorrow we start a new
search. Every inch of the island.

Well, if you can get this old
rattletrap running again, Mr. Ryan,

I'll know you're a gift from
heaven. Here are the tools.

Oh, you're really in luck. I used to
tinker with these things all the time.

Mr. Ryan, for whatever it's
worth, I'm very glad you're here.

Well, I...

Excuse me. I'll leave you to it.

Okay. Here we go now.

The roll, it's a five and a one.

What does that
mean? That's a six.

All right. That means I
have to roll another six

before I crap out, okay?

Now, I can do it any way.
I can roll three and three.

Four and two. Or
five and one. Okay?

Okay. Mmm-hmm.

Here we go.

Six! It's a winner.

All right, who
else wants to try?


PARKINS: Mr. Ryan!

ALL: Uh-oh.

Oh, uh, hi, Miss Parkins.

I was just teaching the
children the evils of gambling.

Children, I would like
you all to go to bed now.

Mr. Ryan and I have
something to discuss.

GIRL 1: I'm not tired.

GIRL 2: See you in the morning.

GIRL 3: Come on, do
we have to go to bed now?

Good night, Mr. Ryan.

Good night, kid. See ya.


"Judge not according
to appearance."

That's from the Bible.

"What you sow, you also reap."

That, too, is from the Bible.

I am afraid you have reaped a less
than bountiful harvest here, Mr. Ryan.

Teaching children to gamble,
you ought to be ashamed.

We weren't really gambling.

Only because I happened on the
scene of the crime prematurely, no doubt.

Oh, Mr. Ryan, I had hoped to speak
to you tonight on a much friendlier level.

The truth is, this orphanage
needs a full-time handyman.

And I had favorably
considered offering you the job.

But, in view of what
has transpired here,

I cannot in good conscience
extend you the offer.

Well, thanks for considering me,

but I'm not in the
market for a full-time job.

Perhaps it's just as well.

You will be allowed
to remain here

until the garbage scow, the
Adeleter, pulls in later this week.

But not one moment longer.

Well, if you will excuse me, I
have to put the children to bed.


I'm sorry.

No. No, Mr. Ryan.
It is I who am sorry.

You see, the orphanage
has long needed a man.

There are certain things
that a woman just can't do.

I hoped that you were
the answer to our prayers.

ELLIE: One and two
and three and four.

And straighten your legs more.

One, two and three...

Oh, hello, Mr. Roarke.
Do come in.

Thank you, Ms.
Simpson. Ms. Calloway.

Forgive me for interrupting,
but could we talk a bit?

Oh, anything to
get out of exercising.

Staying in shape for show
business has got me plumb wore out.

Yes, I realize you must expend a great
deal of energy to achieve certain goals.

I just hope you're not using
Tattoo for the same purpose.

Why, Mr. Roarke, are you insinuating
that Tattoo's infatuated with Donna May?

Oh, I think you are already
aware of that, Ms. Simpson.

And I would have no objection, if I weren't
sure that Tattoo is being manipulated.

How dare you, Mr. Roarke?

How dare you do this to
any man, Ms. Simpson?

Whether you realize it or not,

Tattoo's heart is as large and
as vulnerable as any man's.

And he has the trusting
nature of a true innocent.

Can you imagine the
pain, the hurt he will feel

if you have been leading him on?

(STAMMERING) Mr. Roarke,
I really do like Tattoo...

If you value your
friendship with Tattoo,

you'll see to it that we get that
record contract with Colonel Sutton.

That sounds like a
threat, Ms. Simpson.

Does it, Mr. Roarke?
Does it really?

If you'll excuse me.

So, you see, your
Mr. Roarke is neither the friend

nor the gentleman
you thought he was.

At least he's not
behind your back.

I don't believe it.

Would I say all these
things if they weren't true?

I mean, would I make
this up just to hurt you?

I guess not.

I really didn't
wanna tell you at all,

it's just you've been so
nice to me and Donna May.

Well, it just don't
sound like the boss.

Tattoo, can anyone possibly
know what Mr. Roarke is thinking?

Or what he'll do
at any given time?

Can you?


Hi, Mr. Ryan. Mind
if I watch? Hi, Amy.

If Miss Parkins don't
mind, I don't mind.


Amy, you gotta hide me quick.

All right.

In here.

Good morning.
Something I can do for you?

Well, hi there.

Say, we're looking for a guy.

Have you seen him?

What do you want him for?

I owe him something.


Well, have you seen him?

No, sir.

Don't you think we
ought to look inside, boss?

Where's your faith, Horsehead?

This here's some
kind of church place.

And they don't let kids lie.

Right, little girl?

Right, sir.

Thank you.

They're gone.

Yeah. Well, they'll be back.

Spider can't afford to give up.

I gotta get off this island.

There. That ought to work now.

I'll close the hood.

Amy, wait!

Ow! Oh, ow!



Let me see. What happened?

It may be broken. You gotta
get her to a doctor right away.

Me? How? Drive.

What? No, I don't
know how to drive.

How far is it to town?

Well, it's about 10 miles.

Amy, can you show me
where the doctor's office is?

Yes. But you shouldn't go, not
with those two men looking for you.

What men? Never mind what men.



Tattoo, I've been
looking all over for you.

What do you wanna
take away from me now?

Take away from you?
I don't understand.

Me and Donna May,
you tried to break us up.

Why did you do
that? I trusted you.

Tattoo, I did no such thing.

I can understand you looking
after me, but making a pass at her.

She told you I did that?

Well, the fact that
she would say it

doesn't bother me as much as
the thought that you would believe it.

Look at me.

Tattoo, look at me.

Do you believe it?

Boss, I love her.

I think the best thing is I go look
for her and leave Fantasy Island.

Oh, Tattoo.

Boss, I knew you wouldn't hurt
me, but after I mess up all this,

I think it's better I resign.


Oh, Tattoo.


♪ It doesn't really
matter what you do

♪ Just as long as you
got me and I got you

♪ Doesn't really
matter where you go

♪ 'Cause I... ♪

Oh, hello, Mr. Roarke.

Did you decide to intercede
with Colonel Sutton?

Ms. Calloway, I spoke to Tattoo.

He's going to leave
Fantasy Island.

Oh, no. Mr. Roarke,
I'm so sorry.

Now, you attend to
our recording contract

and I'll see to it that Donna
May gets your little friend back.

Is that how you want to build
your future, Ms. Calloway?

Can any amount of success
ever compensate for a foundation

of trickery and
heartless deceit?

Pay him no mind, Donna May.

He just doesn't
wanna admit defeat.

And you, Ms. Simpson.

Can't you see how your
hopes for your niece have

become as warped and
bitter as your own life?

Do you truly want
this child you raised

to relive the unhappiness
you've known?

To avenge you for the fame and
fortune you never experienced?

I don't want her to be a nobody.

I never knew how to fight
for the things I wanted.

But I know now. And I'm
gonna fight for Donna May.

And then what?

Who will be there to
share her triumphs?

And more importantly,
who will be there

to comfort her when
things turn out badly?

I'll be there. I've worked
just as hard as she has.

All we have... No!

What did you say, child?

I said no, Aunt Ellie. I
can't go through with it.

Why, of course you can. You
mustn't let Mr. Roarke intimidate you.

Don't you see? We were
both wrong. Both of us.

I know I should've
said something sooner,

but, well, I didn't
wanna hurt you.

And, well, instead
I hurt Tattoo.

I have to speak to him.

I forbid it.

There's no way
you're gonna stop me.

Now, Donna May.

Just... Just butt
out, Aunt Ellie.

You've done all the
damage you're gonna do.

Well, that's all
the thanks I get.


I hope you will be able to reach
Tattoo with the truth, Ms. Calloway.

He's been quite
defenseless, you know.

I'll make him
understand, Mr. Roarke.

He's such a warm and
understanding person.

And I hated lying to him, seeing
the trust and affection in his eyes.

I just hope that, well, someday
he'll be able to forgive me.

think about it, Donna May.

But first of all, I think you
owe an apology to the boss.

Come on, apologize.

Tattoo, how much of our
conversation did you hear in there?

All of it.

And how did you manage
to get into the control booth?

I was looking for Donna May,
and I came in by the back door.

Boss, I want to apologize,
too, for not trusting you.

Apologies accepted.

You had me very
worried, my friend.

Everything's fine now.

Are you certain?

Very certain. Good.

Enough of this seriousness.
Why don't we play some music?

Boys, give us some backup.

MAN 1: All right. MAN 2: Yeah.

♪ It doesn't really
matter what you do

♪ Just as long as you
got me and I got you

BOTH: ♪ Doesn't really
matter where you go

♪ 'Cause I'll be
there if you need me

♪ Don't you know

♪ Doesn't really
matter if you're blue

♪ 'Cause he can make
your fantasies come true

♪ He can make your
fantasies come true ♪

Good afternoon,
Ms. Parkins. Hello.

We are looking for a man.
We think that perhaps...

Holly Ryan?

Why, yes. Have you seen him?

Well, yes. Little
Amy had an accident

and Mr. Ryan took
her to the doctor.

He's in trouble. A gangster
by the name of Spider Sloat

and his accomplice
are trying to k*ll him.

Well, Amy said that there
were two men here earlier.

It could've been them.

We've got to stop him.

Mr. Roarke, could I come along?


But I can't leave the
children unattended.

Children, come on, into
the car right away. Please.


Children, not the goat.
Into the car, hurry up.

That truck, we've
seen it before.


Now we just hang around
and nail him on the return trip.


Tattoo, take care
of the children.

Yes, boss.

Come on, children. Let's go. GIRL:
What are we gonna have to play?

Mr. Roarke? No time
to explain, Mr. Ryan.

Get your clothes off. Huh?

In there. Hurry.
You, too, Ms. Parkins.

You can use that room.

That's right.

Come on, kids, pull.

ALL: Pull!

Hey, come on. Pull.

Pull! Pull! That's it.

That's fine. Just walk and
act accordingly, Mr. Ryan.

Oh, you mean...


Well, good luck, Mr. Ryan.

Look, I...

I'm really sorry I got you and
the kids involved in all this.

Well, I'm sorry I was
so harsh with you.

I had it coming.

About that garbage scow...

maybe you shouldn't
leave on it after all.

Let me get past these two gunsels
out front and we'll talk about it, okay?

ROARKE: Mr. Ryan.

It's him. Ryan.

Wait a minute. Wait.

Come on.

Hey, someone started the winch!

turn it off, you idiot!

I can't. It's jammed.

Well, unstick it!

Well, I see that your friends
Spider Sloat and Horsehead Harry

have come up in the world.

Yeah, Mr. Roarke, way up.


Well, Mr. Ryan,
what's the good word?

The good word is "involved."

Me and little Amy both
learned what it means.

She's gonna get involved
with the kids at the orphanage.

And I'm off to New York to
testify against Spider Sloat.

And then what?

Back here to Fantasy Island.

Didn't Mr. Roarke tell you? I'm
Emily's new handyman at the orphanage.

Oh, I see you are now on a first
name basis with Miss Parkins, huh?

Well, we kind of got a
good relationship going.

I think she's sweet on you.

That makes it a two-way street.


Where's Aunt Ellie?

She left on an earlier flight.

Ah, Ms. Calloway.

I do hope you managed
to enjoy your stay.

Well, most of it. In a way, it's kind
of a relief the way things turned out.

I mean, being a singer
was really Aunt Ellie's dream.

I've always felt my talent was
more as a songwriter, anyway.

Oh, well, then you'll
be happy to know

that Colonel Hank Sutton has
had second thoughts about you.

He's still not sure you'll
ever be a performer,

but he would like to record some of
those songs you left behind at the studio.

I took the liberty to give your
phone number to the Colonel.

(CHUCKLES) Oh, thank you.

You know, you really
are a very special person.

Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

Goodbye, Ms. Calloway.

You handled that
extremely well, Tattoo.

I know you suffered
quite an emotional ordeal.

Well, boss, as the French
poet says, "C'est la vie."

I think I need a
little rest for awhile.

I'd like to be alone
with my thoughts.

I see.


Colonel Tattoo, is this instrument
all right for my recording date?


How's my instrument, Colonel?

Gorgeous! I mean, fine.

Alone with your
thoughts, huh, Tattoo?

Well, you see, boss,
you've got your thoughts,

I got mine.

Come on, girls.
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