02x09 - The Fawn

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x09 - The Fawn

Post by bunniefuu »

[Birds chirping]

(John-boy) as close-knit
and self-sufficient

As our family was,

Still, neighbors were
very important in those days

When we were growing
up on walton's mountain.

[All chattering]

Of course not. I got new...

(Ben) harold.

Hey, harold!

What does harold
think he's doin'?

(John-boy) walking
erin to school.

(Erin) john-boy.

(Elizabeth) if he wants
to walk with erin,

Why does he stay way over there?

(John-boy) guess that's
just harold's way.

(Jim-bob) seems silly to me.

I guess it seems silly to everybody
except for harold and erin.

[All laugh]

Don't laugh.

Come on. Come on.

(John-boy) there were
families like ourselves,

Struggling to keep
the land we owned,

And there were tenant farmers,
at the mercy of the weather,

Crop prices and
absentee landlords.

Hi, beth ann.


(Erin) what are you doing?

We're moving.

(John-boy) you're movin'? Why?

Daddy says the place
doesn't belong to us anymore.

(Mother) beth ann.

Who does it belong to?

All I know is it's
something about taxes.

(Mother) beth ann.

Where will you be goin'?

Some other place.


Gotta help mama. Bye.


Bye, sara may. Bye, sara may.

Bye, sara may.

(Jason) the littlefields
have always lived here.

Must be awful to have to
pack up everything you own

And go to some strange place.

Guess it would be.

[Children yelling]

Harold, I made you something.

What is it?

See for yourself.

Aren't you gonna open it?

Hey, now come on, charlie.


Charlie, you give it back!

Harold, do something.

Hey, look what
she gave to harold.

A fancy hanky with
his initials on it.

Harold, don't just sit
there, do something.

Ow, my back. Ow.

And there's a note.

Don't you dare read that note.

(Erin) give it back to me.

Give it back! Give it
back to me. Give it to me.

Do something.

"To my brave knight,
from his lady fair."

Here, sir knight.
Blow your brave nose.

Give it to me.

[Birds chirping]

Come on erin, don't
let it bother you.

(Ben) I think she's still
mussed up with harold beasley.

(Jim-bob) I think
beasley's a goop.

I'm going to order us some of
these new-fangled soybeans.

The problem with erin
is that she just thinks

Harold beasley's something
out of king arthur's court.

Today she found out he's
just plain old harold beasley.

That's right.

I think I'll go up
and talk to her.

Don't anybody eat my pie.

What's this I hear about the
littlefields losing their farm?

That's right, grandma.
They moved out this morning.

Oh, good lord.

Daddy, the littlefields
have lived here just about

As long as we
have, haven't they?

What's gonna happen to the farm?

Graham foster paid the
taxes, he's taking it over.

Graham foster.

If this depression lasts any
longer, he'll own half the country.

Oh, that's right,
honey. I'll pat it in.

Yes, sir.

Excuse me, here you
go. Here's some more pie.

He's coming up tomorrow to get
himself a rent collector, I hear.

How much does a
job like that pay?

5 Percent of what you
collect, if you can believe that.

(Jim-bob) can we
go out and play?

After you finish the pie there.

Everybody got a piece?

(Ben) let's go up to the
tree house. Let's go.

(John) have you finished?

I'm fine.

[Reckless barking]

[Birds chirping]

(Jim-bob) reckless!


Anybody that's going
with me, better shake a leg.

I figure brannigan's hill's
gonna be about the best place.

You can go there if you want to.

I'm headed for
john-boy's meadow.

If I'd have said john-boy's meadow,
you'd have said brannigan's hill.

Mary ellen, you
may not take my pots.

I need them for cooking.

All right, here.
Mama, here you go.

Give me some of
the big ones. Here.


[Pots clanking]

Take the big one. See ya.

(Jason) wait a minute, ben.

Where's your hand?

Did you ask erin if she wants
to go berry picking with you?

She'd rather stay
home and mope about

Dumb old harold beasley.

Oh, ask her.



Come and go berry picking, erin.

No, thanks.

You think if you
hang around here,

Harold beasley's gonna
come and apologize?

Maybe he will.

He'll say it a lot sooner

If he gets the notion
that you don't give a toot.

That doesn't make sense.

Stop worrying about harold.

Let him worry
about you. Come on.


(All) ♪ the bear went
over the mountain ♪

♪ The bear went
over the mountain ♪

♪ The bear went over the
mountain, what do you think he saw? ♪

♪ He saw another mountain,
he saw another mountain ♪

♪ He saw another mountain,
what do you think he did? ♪

♪ He climbed the other mountain,
he climbed the other mountain ♪

♪ He climbed the other mountain,
what do you think he did? ♪


We sure are really proud of you.

Get out of here.

♪ He saw another mountain,
what do you think he did? ♪

♪ He climbed the
other mountain ♪

Don't look now, but
harold's right over there.

Come on, what did I tell you?

♪ He climbed the other mountain,
he climbed the other mountain ♪♪

Excuse me, sir.

Good morning. What
can I do for you?

I'm looking for
mr. Graham foster.

Well, you've found
him. Who are you?

John walton. John walton's son.

[Birds chirping]

Well, what was it you wanted
to see me about, john walton?

Well, sir, I'd like
to be considered

For the job of being
your rent collector.

2 Or 3 are already
after the job.


You must still be in school.


Yes, sir, I am, but I think I
can do a good job for you

And I'd appreciate the chance
to earn some money just now.

Your daddy know
you're after this job?

No, sir.

You understand what's involved?

Collecting the rents from 18
tenants the first of every month,

Checking my properties to
see that none are being damaged

And finding new tenants
for farms such as this.

Well, I think I could do that.

If you need, I can get you
recommendations from ike godsey

And sheriff bridges
and rev. Fordwick and...

Well, I don't know.

If it doesn't work out,
you could always fire me.

Tell you what, I'm
gonna put you on trial.

I'm gonna speak to
ike and the sheriff,

They better give
you a good report.

Thank you, sir.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't be
considering anybody as young as you,

But john walton's son,
that's something different.

Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.

You're welcome, son.

(Mary-ellen) ben, you're eating more
than you're putting in your bucket.

(Ben) have to check and
make sure they're ripe.

Mama's counting on these
berries to make jelly with.

And it'd be nice if we
had some we could sell.

This is fun.

Well, we better get going.

Where's erin?

She went mooning off over there.

Erin! Come on!

Come on, erin, we're leaving.

(Mary-ellen) erin! I'm coming.


(All) erin!

(Mary-ellen) erin!

(All) erin! Erin! Erin!

[All chattering]

(Mary-ellen) erin!
Come on, erin!

Don't be afraid.

I won't hurt you.

Don't be afraid.


Where's your mama?

Don't worry, I'll
take care of you.

I'll take care of you.


Daddy, I got me a job!

I got a job!

I got a job! Hold it, son!

I got me a job!

What'd you say?

I got a... I got
a... I got a job.

I've been trying to
figure out how to get

This encyclopedia down at ike's.

Now I know how I can do it.

What kind of a job is it, son?

You're looking at the new rent
collector for mr. Graham foster.


I didn't really expect
to get that kind of a job.

Of course it's
just a trial, really.

I... I don't think he would
have given me the job

If it wasn't for the
fact that I was your son.


What's wrong?

I wish you'd asked
me about it first, son.

I do believe he has a
grudge against our family.

I'd keep an eye on
him, if I were you.



Your daddy and I had to testify
in court against that clan.

Foster clan's been in on one
sharp land deal after another, son,

Ever since they
came into this county.

They'd have most of it by now if
we hadn't stopped their trickery.

Suppose I do a good job at it?

Your idea and his idea might be
different about what a good job is, son.

Well, daddy, if you're
telling me not to take this job,

Then I won't take the job.

No, I'm not telling you that.

I just want to warn
you what you're in for.

Then if it's all
the same to you,

I think I'll try and
see what happens.

Keep going, pa.

[Machine whirring]

Reckless, you behave yourself.

You might scare it.

I think its mama
left it over there

Just so it'll be safe from dogs.

(Ben) how old do
you think he is?

(Grandpa) it's hard to tell.

Still got its baby spots.

I don't believe it's
been weaned for long.

A fawn that size usually stays
pretty close to its mother, doesn't it?

Maybe he ran away from home.

Yeah, for its own protection.

We did see the game
warden up there.

Game warden?

Yeah. Said he was
looking for poachers.

We heard some g*ns, too.

What's this about
g*ns? The fawn.

We thought maybe the
mama could've been shot.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

He was just lying
there shivering.


Well, if he's an orphan,
he could do with a name.

How about skeezix?

No, orphan annie.

He's a boy.

How about greedy?


What kind of a name
is that for a deer?

I think that's a pretty
good name for a deer.

He's mine and his
name's lancelot.

He's not yours, erin,
he's not anybody's.

Well, if I'm gonna collect any
rent, I better be on the move.

Good luck on that job, john-boy.

See you later.

You found him and fed him,
but once he's strong enough,

He must go back
where he belongs.


He's a wild animal.

No, he's not. See
how gentle he is.

You'll find out how
gentle he is as soon as

His strength gets
back in them hind legs.

(Olivia) there are lot of
things this place needs,

And a deer isn't one of them.

Once you start
interfering with nature,

You'll find yourself
in a mess of trouble.

Get those in the house before
you eat them all. Come on.

Erin, did you hear
what your grandpa said?


We are not going to
be able to keep him.

But mama, he's beggin' to stay.

Well, it's too late to do anything
about it now. We'll give him a day or two.

But don't you get
too attached to him.

He's got to go.

Come on.

Where's he gonna sleep?

On the end of my bed.

Oh, no, in the barn.

But mama, he'll be miserable out
there all by himself in the dark.

Deer like the dark.

He stays in the barn
or he doesn't stay.

Guess what, lance? I'm going
to sleep with you here, all night.

(Jason) bye-bye, daddy.

(Ben) bye, daddy.

Bye-bye, son.

Bye, daddy.

(Jim-bob) bye, daddy.

Jim-bob, you study
hard, you hear?

(Jim-bob) all right.

[Bell tinkering]

Erin, you are not to
take that deer to school.

(Erin) but daddy, I want
to show him to everybody.

He's not a toy to
be paraded around.

But he'll be so lonely.

You put him back in the barn.

Hey, daddy. How's
the truck doing?

Just tinkered
with it, son, it's fine.

Well, I'd like to
borrow it after school.

I gotta collect some more rent
from the other side of the mountain.

All right, son. Good luck.


Now, honey,

That deer's gonna be just as
happy to see you when you get home.



Bye, honey.

Hey, mr. Roswell.


How are you, sir?

Can't complain.

[Laughs] good.

How's your folks?

All doing fine.

Granddad catching any fish?

Yeah, he caught a carp
the other day last week.

Got away from him, though.

Says it's the biggest
fish he'd ever seen.

Says it was the
size of a young calf.

It takes a heavy
line to catch a carp.

It's not the best
eating fish, in my opinion.

I could eat a catfish
about everyday.

Don't think I'd walk from
here to that door for carp.

[Birds chirping]

How's everybody around here?

Well, wife's laid
up with pleurisy.

She's been doctoring herself
with mutton tallow poultices.

I'd rather have the, uh, pleurisy than
be doctored with that mutton tallow.

Something I can do for you, son?


Mr. Roswell, I got me a new job.

Well, my hat's off to you, anybody
who can find a job these days.

I'm collecting the rent
for mr. Graham foster.

I... I don't have any kind of
experience in this line of work.



Now, I know your
orders are to get $15.

But I don't have $15.

And I wouldn't give it
to you if I did have it.

Now, the barley
prices are cut in half,

The egg prices are
dropping every day.

Everything is down
except the rent he charges.

Mr. Roswell... You
take the $9 right here.

And if mr. Foster wants
to put us out, he can.

Look, i... I'm... I'm certain that
if you just explain it to him...

You explain it to
him. Your job, ain't it?

Well, if you just tried
to make him understand...

[Bell tinkering]

Oh... Stop that,
you 4-legged imp!

Now look what you've done!

Oh, my! Stop it. Scat! Go on!

(Grandma) oh, you get! Bad!

That... That... That deer!
He pulled down the line.

Now everything has
to be done over again.

Poor animal.

They call that a
deer. It's a goat.

I don't suppose he said
anything about fixing the roof.

No, ma'am.

2 Years now we've been asking.

Nice weather it isn't
so bad, but in winter...

And when it rains...

You mean your roof leaks?

That's what put
the mister in bed.

We were both soaked

That last heavy storm,
trying to move things.

Well, ma'am,

I'm going to speak to
mr. Foster about this.

I'm sure we'll fix your
roof up right away.

Are you sure of that?

Yes, ma'am.

You are young.

He ate 2 rows of peas, cropped
them right to the ground.

How do you know
it wasn't rabbits?

Zeb caught him in the act.

Mama, he'll be good
from now on, I promise.

How can you promise
that? He's a wild thing.

He just does what
nature tells him.

I'm training him to
behave. He'll learn.

If you're so bent
on having a pet,

Why don't you get
yourself a kitten?

Mama, I don't want a
kitten. I want lance.

I'll do anything to
make up for the harm.

Anything. But don't
take lance away from me.

I'll tie him up.

Who's going to make
her understand that

She's got to let him go.

Pour it over,

Then use the spoon
on the scrapings.

Come here, honey.
You wanna try some?

No, no, no, no,

Let her clean up one mess before
she starts another. Come on.

I'm not mad at you, lance,

But you've gotta be
good, really good.

Are you listening to me?

'Cause if you're not good,
I'm gonna lose you for sure.

Hi, erin.

Hi, grandpa. Hi, mr. Hennessy.

Oh, he's a beauty.


Found him up on the mountain.

He was alone and scared.

But he's ok now.

Erin, I'm sorry, but the
warden tells me it's illegal

For a private
person to keep a deer.


I'm afraid that's right, erin.

You'll have to turn him loose.

You just wait till
my daddy gets home.

It's the law, erin.

Your daddy, nor nobody
else can interfere with it.

When did you get home?

Just a little while ago.


Mama, this is terrible.

Lots of people
don't have the money.

They gets upset
like it's my fault

That the rent's too high
and the places need fixing up.

Makes me feel like
some kind of a criminal.

But you have to be kind
of callous to do that job.

I'm just not cut out for it.

I'm gonna quit tomorrow,
that's what I'm gonna do.

Probably a good idea.

'Course, I hate to quit.
I mean, those tenants

Need somebody who
can speak up for 'em.

I think maybe I could
do that kind of thing.

You could.

Maybe I ought to just
give it another try.


Thanks, mama.

You're welcome.

[Clears throat]

[Crickets chirping]

Thought you might need this.

Why can't I keep him, mama?

We have been over and over that.

You knew he had to leave in a
few days, and tomorrow's the day.

But why?

Because that's
the way things are.

No, lance is different.

He needs somebody
to take care of him.

He hasn't got
anybody else, mama.

What'll happen to him?

He'll be just fine.

I know he won't.

I'd just like to take lance
and run away from home.

What good would that do him?

We'd be together and I
could take care of him.

And who'd take care of you?

I don't care.

Mama, I know he'll die out
in the woods all by himself.

[Sighs] erin, the reason
you are so upset

Is because you need lance

Much, much more
than he needs you.

Now, he's got to go
back where he belongs

And you have got to
get rid of the notion

That he can't
manage without you.

He can and he will.


Good night, erin.

[Birds chirping]

[Rooster crowing]

(Ben) poor erin,
she's so unhappy.

Lance acts like he knows
something's going on.

If we can have dogs and
cats, and cows and chickens,

Why can't we have a deer?

Don't ask me, I didn't
make up the dumb law.

What time is
mr. Hennessy coming?

He said sometime this afternoon.

Is erin going to stay
in the barn all day?

I'll see if I can get
her to come out.

Erin, come on out.

No, I want to stay with lance.

Come on, elizabeth.
I got an idea.

Think I'm going to talk to mama.


Hey. I got 2 cents.
Let's go down to ike's

And get erin the
licorice she likes.

Yeah. Come on.

On time, too.

It's hard to find a
punctual man in these parts.


How did you do with the job?

Well, sir,

Here, I'll let you
be the judge of that.

What have we here?

A handwritten report.

I'm impressed.

"Rents due. Rents collected.

"Agent's commission."

Mustn't forget that.


All right.

I've read the figures,
now, where's my cash?

Here it is.

$190 There.

$190. Where's the rest of it?

That's all of it.

That is not all of it.

There's $208 due me.

You're $18 short.

Sir, this is all itemized
in the list here.

The point is, you are $18
short in your collections.

Well, mr. Roswell says that the rents
are too high compared with other prices,

And mrs. Crofut wouldn't even give
me a penny till I had the roof fixed.

I'm not interested in excuses.

I contracted with you to collect

All my rents, not part of them.

And how come you haven't
found a new tenant for this place?

Sir, I've shown this
to several people

But no one's gonna rent it
until it gets fixed up some.

Like the tennyson's chimney
and the crofut's roof?

Yes, sir.

You do a better job of telling
me how to spend my money

Than you do collecting it.

Mr. Foster, as your agent,

I felt I had some
responsibility to the tenants.

I'm not operating a charity.

I'm disappointed in you, son.

Sir, I did my best.

It's not good enough.

Not nearly.

I hoped you might be different,

But it's plain you're
your daddy's son.

Yes, sir, I am.

I'm proud of that fact, too.

The walton pride.

Very poor collateral,
if you ask me.

I'll have to find someone else.

I'd like my wages, sir.

You didn't earn any wages.

I collected $190, sir.

5 Percent of $190 is $9.50.

I'd like my wages.

You're short $18.

Now, take away
the $9.50 you claim,

By my calculations
you still owe me $8.50.

I want my wages, sir.

You didn't fulfill the contract.

So, I don't owe you a cent.

I should have listened.

To your father?

Go right on listening
to john walton

And you'll end up just like him.

Keep your wages.

(Grandma) erin.




[Birds twittering]


Are you feeling sorry for
that deer or for yourself?

Please leave me alone, grandma.

I'm not bothering anyone.

You're bothering me.

[Bell tinkers]

Feeling sorry for yourself
is just a waste of time.

Believe me, time's too
precious to waste.

Well, if you're going to
just sit there and do nothing,

At least keep busy. Come on.


I just can't stop thinking
about him going away, grandma,

And if he'll be all right.

Just give yourself
a chance, child.

You keep busy.

(Elizabeth) erin.



I'd just like to be
alone with lance.

Ok, but we got
something for you.

It's for you. To
make up for lance.

We'll take it up and put
it in your room for you.

You'll like him. You can
name him anything you want.

Thanks, elizabeth.

I'll see you later.

Hi, kids. Go away.

Trade you a frog
instead. A thoroughbred.

I don't have my frog cage.

We're gonna get
reckless to eat you up.

I'll get her, mr. Hennessy.

How do you do, mrs. Walton?

Erin, mr. Hennessy's here.

(Erin) no, mama. He
can't have lance.

Erin, you bring that deer
out here right now, please.

She's very upset.

You do understand, if we don't get
this animal back where he belongs,

He'll soon forget
where he came from.

Come on.

Yeah, but she's
just a little girl

And she can't quite
let herself believe that.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Easy, boy.

[Truck door closes]

[Engine starts]

[Crickets chirping]

What a night.

Erin won't come out of her room.

The rest of the kids won't eat.

You haven't said a
word since you got home.

I'm sorry. I just
got a lot on my mind.

You certainly were right
about graham foster.

Was it bad, son?

It was terrible.

You still working for him?

Nope, he fired me.

Did he pay you?

[Chuckles] no, he
never intended to.

Well, daddy, when
you're right, you're right.

Being right in this case doesn't
give me any pleasure, son.

You want me to
have a talk with him?

No, you don't have
to do anything.

I made a fool out of myself
today and I know that now.

Graham foster is real good at
making people feel foolish, son.

Yeah, well, he taught me a lot.

I'll see if I can take
something from what I learned

And use it to get what's due me.

If you need my help,
you just let me know.


[Animal growling]



Mama, daddy, something
terrible has happened to lance.

What's wrong, honey?

Something's happened to lance.

Well, he'll be fine.

No. I know something
awful has happened to him.

It'll take a while to get used to
the woods but he'll be all right.

I've gotta go find him.

Erin, that deer is
where he belongs.

Daddy, please. I can let lance
go as soon as I know he's ok.

Mama, sometimes don't you have
feelings for the people you care for

And don't you have to do
what those feelings tell you?

We can't go thrashing around
in the middle of the night.

We don't know where
hennessy put the deer.

Couldn't you ask
him, daddy? Please.

All right, first
thing in the morning.

Thank you, daddy.

Get some sleep.

Stop worryin'.


[Birds chirping]

It's only a fawn.

Meat is meat, lester.

(Hennessy) I hiked
in about a mile,

Set him loose by a creek up here

Where I saw some deer tracks.

'Course, he could be on the
other side of the mountain by now.

(John) give it a try.


[Bell tinkering]

Lance, where are you?




(Erin) lance!


Come on.

[Men yelling]


Daddy, he's hurt!

He's just grazed.
Come on. Come on.

Now, you boys just bring
those g*ns on up here to me.

You won't be using
them for a while.

Come on, get up here.

Give me that g*n.

I'm ashamed of you boys.

He's gonna be fine in a
couple of days, honey.

Mr. Hennessy might
not have caught

Those poachers
if wasn't for lance.

That's right. Lance is a hero.

Right now, he needs
plenty of peace and quiet.

I'm glad I was there when
you needed me, lance.

Come in soon, honey,
and get cleaned up.



I think I got an idea how I
can get what's due to me.

Is it a good idea?

Jason seems to think so.

If it's all right with
you, I'd like to borrow him

And the truck for
a couple of hours.

You got it. Thank you.


You know, I'm glad
we're doing this.

Makes me feel better about
the littlefields having to leave.

Yeah. I know what
you mean, jason.

I don't believe it. I
just don't believe it.

I thought if we were ever going
to have a roof over our heads,

We'd have to find the
money for it ourselves.

Well, jason and I are gonna
do it for you right now.

However did you persuade
graham foster to do this?

(Jason) excuse me.

Well, if you're going
to be a good landlord,

You'll have to give as
well as take, I reckon.

Excuse me. Graham
foster said that?

Well, not exactly,
but the important thing

Is you'll have a
roof over your head.

Yes. I was wrong
about you, john-boy.

How do you mean?

You're not as young as you look.

Well, ma'am.

Excuse me. Sure.

Guess you realize, now I'll be obliged
to ask you for the rent you owe.

And I'll be obliged
to pay it to you.

Excuse me.

Come on, jason,
let's get to work.

Erin, I've been thinking about
you and your friend here.

It's a special case,

But there's just no way under
the law I can let you keep that deer.

Are you sure?

I'm afraid not.

But as a compromise,

We could turn lance
loose in the state game park.

Oh, well, uh,

Of course, he'd be
protected, all fenced in.

And maybe I could
go see him sometime.

That's the idea. Of
course, it's up to you.

I'll tell you what. I'll give you a
couple of days to think about it.

You make up your mind and
then I'll come and pick him up.

You'd be safe, lance.

And I wouldn't
really be losing you.

Well, I got to get back to work.

I'll see you in a
couple of days.

Come on, lance. Thanks.

Come on, son. I'm in a hurry.

I'd like to talk to you
for just a minute, sir.

If you're back to ask for
money, don't waste your time.

I did a pretty foolish thing
the other day, I know that.

If you're going to
get ahead in the world,

You're going to have
to find a better way

To turn the tables on someone.

Well, I think I may
have found a way, sir.

I've got a little
something for you here.

What's that?


I collected the crofut's rent,

I spent $6.67 for roofing,

Nails and pitch
for their new roof.

You had no right
to spend that money.

And I deducted $9.50 for
my work as your agent.

That left the balance of $1.83.

And I had you figured
for a woolly lamb.

Well, I think I aged considerable
working for you, sir.

I might just give
you another chance

Now that you know the ropes.

Well, I'd like to
take you up on it, sir,

But I wouldn't want
to get myself hung.

Thanks all the same.

That's quite a
bit of money, son.

Well, it's the hardest
$9.50 I'll ever earn.

How do you feel?

I feel good. Graham foster
doesn't feel so good, though.

He's not used to being taken.

He wanted to give
me a 2nd chance

But I've had enough
rent collecting

To last me the rest of my life.

Someday, I'm gonna write
a story about that man.

Someday, you ought
to write a story

About your poor
sister and that deer.

How's she doing?

She's still out in the barn
with him, feeling miserable.

I thought hennessy was
supposed to come by and pick him up.

He is sometime today, finally.

(Grandpa) getting him
ready for his trip?

I don't think he likes
me to brush him anymore.

He's growing up.

He'll probably never
be brushed after today.

I'm not too sure
about that, honey.

From what I've seen, they sort
of pamper their animals up there.

I hope lance will like it there.

Well, he'll be contented, maybe.

But he won't know
what's all about,

He'll never know the pleasure
of running free, picking out a mate,

Grazing in the
high wild pastures.

He'll be safe. That's
all I care about.

It is the best thing for him to
go to the park, isn't it, grandpa?

Well, I don't know that I can
answer that question, honey.

There's a lot of people that think
they know everything about wild animals.

Me, I'm not too sure.

I think sometimes it's best for them
to live out their life in their own way.

With all the dangers?

Hmm. And all the pleasures.

(Grandpa) hiya, hen.

Hi, mr. Hennessy.

(Hennessy) hi. How are you?

Is my passenger ready?

Well, erin is fetching him out.

Taking it all right, is she?


All set.

[Birds twittering]

Mr. Hennessy,

Do you think it'd be better
for lance to go to the park

Or to be free in the forest?

I don't know, erin.

It's hard to say.

They do get awful
fat and lazy in the park.

They seem happy enough, though.

Fencing lance up in the park

Would be the best thing for me

Because I'd know
he'd be safe, well-fed,

And maybe I could
go see him sometime.

I think that can be arranged.

But I don't think that'd be
the best thing for lance.

I want him to go free.

Ok, let's go.

Mr. Hennessy,

I'd like to set lance
free all by myself, please.

All right, erin.

[Crying] go on,
lance, it's the law.

You gotta be free.

Go on.


Please go, lance.

(John-boy) my sister erin
gave lance his freedom

And he took it gratefully.

Bye, lance.

We never did see him again

Although 2 years later, we
did glimpse a doe and a fawn.

The little one looked
so much like lance,

We told ourselves
that this must be his son.

Erin decided to give
boys another chance

And if harold beasley wasn't
exactly a knight in shining armor,

He was devoted and persistent.

I never regretted my brief
fling as a man of business.

When I'm reminded
from time to time

Of the lessons graham
foster taught me,

Memory carries me back
to that depression time

And the voices of my family.

(Jim-bob) I wish today
could just go on and on.

(John-boy) sounds like you
must've had a good time.

I guess this was the best day of my
whole life and now it's almost over.

Well, tomorrow
may be just as good.

That's right, or even better.

(Olivia) goodnight, jim-bob.

By the way, where's that frog?

Gee, mama, I don't know.
It was here a minute ago.

Good night.

(Olivia) oh, lord. Good night.
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