04x05 - The Love Doctor" / "The Pleasure Palace" / "Possessed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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04x05 - The Love Doctor" / "The Pleasure Palace" / "Possessed

Post by bunniefuu »



The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

ROARKE: Let's go.


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


Boss, is that Kim Holland?

Indeed, it is, Tattoo.

TATTOO: She's a
famous movie star.

I saw her last
picture four times.

Did you? She has
made only three films

and she's the hottest
property in Hollywood.

TATTOO: What is she
doing here on Fantasy Island?

She's got everything.
Money, fame and beauty.

ROARKE: Miss Holland
is a very troubled girl.

Her only hope of avoiding
a complete breakdown

is the fulfillment
of her fantasy.

What is her fantasy, boss?

Total anonymity, Tattoo.
To be sequestered.

Protected from
people for a while.

TATTOO: Can't she
take a simple vacation?

I'm afraid not. You see, Miss Holland
is so well known throughout the world

that it's impossible for her to just...
get away from it all, as they say.

It seems, Tattoo, that
the life of a superstar

is not as pleasant
as one might think.

That rather intense young
man is Mr. Gordon Hughes.

Thanks to hard work and a modest
inheritance from his great-grandmother,

which paid for his tuition,
he just finished law school.

what is he doing here?

Mr. Hughes is here
because he is a little fearful

about starting work in the
big harsh world of reality.

He hopes to find the courage
and inspiration he needs

by going back to his roots.

His roots, boss?

Yes, you see, his great-grandmother
was a self-made millionairess

and a pillar of the
community in San Francisco

at the turn of the century.

His fantasy is to find out
everything he can about her.

But, boss, the turn of the
century was years ago.

His great-grandma must be dead.


Can anyone who still lives in the
hearts and memory of her descendants

be anything less than
vibrantly alive, Tattoo?


My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


It's so good of you to accept me
as a guest on such short notice,

right off the cruise ship.

We are lucky to have
you, Miss Holland.

You're lucky that we had
a last-minute cancellation.

I can just imagine what
you must be thinking.

I'm a spoiled movie star who's
making a big deal out of nothing, right?

I mean, who would
feel sorry for me?

I lead a life of wealth and glamour
most people only dream about.

We're not here to
judge you, Miss Holland.

[SIGHS] Maybe it's just
that it all happened so fast.

I still remember when I
was working in the pharmacy

and taking a drama
course nights.

I never finished the course.

I've made three films,
one right after the other,

and I'm still not an actress.

It's my body that's
the star, not me.

It's not that, Miss Holland.

You must be tired, that's all.

Maybe you're right, Tattoo.

I just need a couple
of days away from it all.

So long as you understand that
anonymity, I mean real anonymity,

may be no bed of roses either.

You may in fact be trading one set
of problems for another, Miss Holland.

I'm willing to take that chance.

Very well. Tattoo.
Allow me, Miss Holland.

As you pilot the boat up river,

you will be entering
another world.

A small primitive
community of natives

who live precisely as their
ancestors did many centuries ago.

That's just perfect.

That remains to be seen.

Tattoo, thank you.

Where you are going
is not a healthy area.

Here are some medical
supplies that you might need,

including one that most doctors
have never heard of before.

It's for combating a new
and deadly jungle fever.

Have a safe
journey, Miss Holland.




HUGHES: I'm afraid I don't
understand, Mr. Roarke.

Why have you brought me
here? This place is falling down.

I am sorry, Mr. Hughes.

I thought you might have recognized
this house from old family photographs.

Well, even though
time has taken its toll,

it is an exact architectural
replica of the mansion on Nob Hill

built by your great grandmother,
Miss Lily Niles MacHenry.

Oh. Well, that's different.

Did I tell you,
Mr. Roarke, that in her will,

my grandmother recalled as a
young woman she almost starved.

But she made a vow to herself, like
Scarlet O'Hara, she'd never be poor again.

She wanted her
family to be well off, too.

Unfortunately, the generations
that followed failed her.

Let's face it. So far, I
haven't done much better.

Shall we, Mr. Hughes?

Oh, Mr. Roarke.

Oh, just think.

Why, this must have
been a famous salon.

A center of culture,
refinement, good taste.

And my great grandmother
presided over each gathering.

- Queen of all she surveyed.
- Indeed.

- Ah, thank you, Tattoo.

That brightens the mood.

I'm sure your great grandmother,
the illustrious Miss Lily,

was a happy person, Mr. Hughes.

A brandy in her
honor, gentlemen.

HUGHES: Thank you.

To wealth, and the
quality of society it creates.

Forgive me for saying
this, Mr. Hughes,

but you seem to have an almost
arrogant pride in your roots.

What he means is that some
people may think you're a bit of a snob.

I have an honest pride
in my lineage, gentlemen.

If that's snobbery,
then so be it.


You know, I can see
the assembled company,

the servants pouring
tea and sherry,

the stereopticon
slides on that table,

the formal portrait of the hostess
on the wall above the fireplace.

This is hardly the fantasy
I had in mind, Mr. Roarke.

Mr. Roarke?

Of course, you can. Come on,
Ducky, we'll show you a good time.


Howdy, lad.


- Who's the stranger?
- None of your business, Blaney.

Hello, handsome.

-Hm? -Come and have a drink.

What's your name?

I have to be going.
I don't belong here.

Oh, sure you do, honey lamb.

Any gentleman as good-lookin'
and dapper as yourself

belongs at Lily Mac's
Pleasure Palace.

Now, don't we make
a fine lookin' couple?

Oh, my.

What did you say this place was?


Honey, this is Lily
Mac's Pleasure Palace.

This is the finest sportin' house in
Nob Hill, San Francisco, US of A.

May I present the owner
of the establishment?

How do you do?

It's my gran-gran.

Your what?

Oh, no. No, that's
wrong. That couldn't be.

She's... It looks
like her, I'm...

It's a mistake though.
It must... Or else it...

My God! She was a madam.

Yeah, she is.

It's a good thing
she's out of town, too.

Why don't you come on
and dance with me, honey?

Wait a minute. The
dance floor's over there.

Yeah, but I think I have to show
you a few of the movements.

No, no, no. That's
not what I'm here for.

I'm looking for roots.
I have this fantasy.

Oh, honey lamb, I make
fantasies come true every day.




Now, Kuto, don't
you give up on me.

I'm not gonna let you die.

Maybe something
in here will help.

Well, it's about
time you showed up.

I wrote the institute three
months ago asking for a nurse.

I figured they forgot all
about me. What's your name?

Kim Holland.

Well, they probably told
you mine is Greg Miller.

Is this all they gave you?

I sent them a long
list of things I needed.

That kid is burning up.

He needs something to
get his temperature down.

What's this? I've
never seen it before.

"Atromylizan." Is
that a new antibiotic?

Yes, for jungle fever.

Well, it can't do any less than
what I've already given him.

What was your name again, nurse?

Kim. Kim Holland.

Does that name
mean anything to you?

No. Should it?

Well, I just thought
you looked familiar.

Haven't we met somewhere before?

No, I don't believe so.

You look beat.

[SIGHS] Right.

Where can a girl get
a bath around here?

Well, the Jacuzzi's
out of order, but...

you can use the river if you don't mind
sharing it with a few hungry... crocodiles.

Great. Is there just
some place I can rest up?

The presidential
suite's booked, but...

you can use that primitive
hut right next door.

Gee, thanks.

Oh, one more thing.

Don't wander too far. Our neighbors,
savage tribe of headhunters.

And they don't take
too kindly to strangers.

I'll try to remember that.


Up with you, sir.

-Huh? -Come on, up with you.

What's going on?

Well, the other
gentlemen have all gone.

I can't do me work with some
great lummox snoring away.

Gosh! What's going on
here? Oh, no. I didn't, did I?

Well, if you didn't, Miss Libby has
lost her touch and I don't think she has.

I did.

Hey, wait a minute. Miss!

Can you hold on
just a second, please?

I don't have any place
to stay in San Francisco.

Where am I supposed to go?

Miss? Miss, please,
wait just a minute.

Miss. Miss, please.
Look, I don't have any

place to go in San
Francisco. I need a room.

Lily Mac's Pleasure Palace ain't
no backdoor flop house, you know.

[SCOFFS] Lily Mac.
Lily Niles MacHenry,

matriarch of the Philadelphia
MacHenry's, no less.

And how would you be
knowing her full Christian name

when only a few
have the truth of it?

And them sworn
to eternal secrecy.

Ha, that's an easy
one. I'm Gordon.


Her baby brother, who's been up
in Princeton College, New Jersey?

No. That was my great, great
uncle Gordon. I was named for him.

Miss Lily speaks
right highly of ya.

You must be a lovely fella.

I'm Molly.

- Hi.
- We'll get along just grand.

Well, I'd like that. You're
a very pretty girl, Molly.

Thank you.

OLIVIA: Get your mitts off me!

-Miss Olivia. -Hey.

Look, you was warned how
it was gonna be from now on.

Don't you try holdin' out on me.

I don't take orders from you!

- Leave her alone!
- Get out of here!

- Look, I want those contracts.
- No.


Hey, keep your hands off of her!

Why you little...


You're gonna
regret this. All of you!



- Thanks, Gordon.
- Oh, you're welcome.

- Molly, are you all right?
- Oh, yeah, sure.

Now, that was really
something to see, wasn't it, girls?

"Gentleman" Jim Corbett
couldn't have done better himself.

A grand sight it was.

All Nob Hill will be
laughin' when it hears

that Lieutenant Bill Blaney
finally met his match.

Lieutenant? Oh, don't tell me
I just clobbered a policeman.

That you most surely did, sir.

A crooked cop's what he is.

And just to show
our appreciation,

you are cordially invited to stay
here as a guest of the establishment.

All right? At least until Miss
Lily gets back from Sacramento.

- HUGHES: Thank you.
- OLIVIA: Molly'll prepare a room for you.

- Thank you very much.
- All right. Come on, girls.

It was fun.

-I enjoyed it. -[CHUCKLES]

- Have a nice evening.

I'm not at all sure Miss Lily
will approve when she finds out

that her baby brother is the
new fancy man hereabouts.

I'll give a yell when your
quarters are ready, sir.

HUGHES: Molly, I...

Oh, that's just terrific.

Now Molly's mad at me, I've
just assaulted an officer of the law

and I'm the new fancy man
at Lily Mac's Pleasure Palace.

Oh, dear God.

How am I ever gonna
live this one down?

- Mr. Roarke...
- Now, let's face it, Mr. Hughes.

All the money
your family lived on,

even the legacy that
put you through school,

came from this establishment.

Oh, Mr. Roarke, please, please,
tell me this is some kind of a joke.

No, no. It's a fact. Your true
roots are here, Mr. Hughes.

In a house of ill-repute.

Before you pass judgment,
learn to understand.


[SCOFFS] Oh, Grandmama.

Thank goodness my
parents never knew.


What brought you out here, Greg?

Well, I...

I got concerned about the way
medicine was going in the States.

I guess I was born a
hundred years too late.

I should have been one of those
old-fashioned general practitioners

who made house calls late at
night in his horse and buggy.

[CHUCKLES] There's still
room for that kind of dedication.


Not when you have to spend
half your time filling out forms,

running credit checks
on your patients,

covering yourself
against malpractice suits.

That's why I came
out here in .

To help people who
really needed help.

Do they really realize that
you're helping them, though?

I've heard that primitive tribes
and modern medicine don't mix.

Well, they resisted
me at first, but...

slowly but surely we've
come to an understanding.

I teach them about
the outside world

and introduce them to some of
the marvels of modern civilization.

Like the generator,
the electric lights.

Wait till Saturday night. That's
when we're really civilized.

-What happens then? -Movies.

Well, the institute sent me
a -millimeter projector.

You show movies here?

Well, they're not epics
of the silver screen.

They're just Mickey
Mouse cartoons

and National Geographic
documentaries but...

they really enjoy them.

[SIGHS] I see.

Well, shall we call it a day?

We haven't even started yet.

Started what?

You can start
with the steps here

and I have some
work to do in the office.

Get the water in the lagoon.


And if your work
doesn't pass inspection,

you lose cartoon
privileges Saturday night.

Ah, that's him, folks. The
knight who trounced poor Blaney.

He'll keep things running right
around here till Miss Lily gets back.

-You'll see. -[PEOPLE CHEER]

My hero.



Molly, what's the matter?
What have I done?

[SIGHS] I thought you were different
from the other men who come in here,

but you're not.

I am, believe me.

Different, why?

Because you're Ms.
Olivia's fancy man?

Just get it through
your thick skull.

You'll be gettin'
nothing from me.

Not even a little information?

It appeared the way Blaney
was talking this morning

that there may be
some crooked cops

trying to take over
the Pleasure Palace.

And they will, too.

Unless Ms. Lil' can get her
friends in the legislature to step in,

which is why she's up in
Sacramento this very moment.

Now, would you kindly
take yourself out of me way?

I have me work to do.


You had no right
to be doing that.

Don't think you know the kind of
girl I am just because I work here.

Miss Lily's given me a roof over
me head and an honest job to do.

God bless her for her goodness.

Huh. Her goodness?

'Tis clear you know
little of your own sister.

Miss Lily tries to better the lives
of all the women in this house.

To teach them
readin' and writin'

and get them respectable
careers when they're ready to leave.

I'm wastin' me time.

'Tis clear you're a bigot, or a
fool, or maybe a bit of the both.


All right, everybody.
This is a raid.

Now, get everybody in the wagon.

Oh, wait a minute. Don't
take the paying customers.

Hi, Commissioner.

-Ah. -Get your hands off of her!

Take care of him.


Oh, dear.

What has he done to you?


Good evening.

Oh. Mr. Roarke.

It's a beautiful
night, Miss Holland.

Don't you agree?

I guess so.

Is something wrong?

Look, I'm not complaining
or anything, Mr. Roarke.

I'm just confused.


Why am I being punished?


Well, my fantasy was for
anonymity, not penance.

Well, if you feel that way,

why don't you simply get back
into your boat and continue up river?

There are other
villages, you know.

Oh, I can't do that. Greg...

Dr. Miller needs me.


Could it be that you find
yourself also needing Dr. Miller?

Well, I need someone to
talk to about ordinary things.

I see.

Someone who doesn't
know who or what I am.

I like him, sure, but
that's as far as it goes.

I think.

I understand
completely, Miss Holland.

Now, regarding your workload.

Most anonymous
people lead hard lives.

They must labor long hours and
often the returns are only meager.

No one hands them anything.

I remember that.

I worked a lot of hours of overtime at
the pharmacy to pay for my acting classes.

You think I'm some
pampered, frail little flower

who's gonna bail out the minute
she breaks a fingernail, don't you?

If that were true, I would
have told Dr. Miller who I am.

Well, I haven't.

Miss Holland, once
a fantasy begins,

it must play itself out.

How it ends

is entirely up to you.



Mr. Roarke?

Mr. Roarke?




Silence. Silence in the court.

Would you be quiet? You
heard the judge. Shut up.

- You shut up.
- Any further disturbance

and I shall have the
courtroom cleared.

Now, then. The charges are
resisting arrest, unlawful assembling

and/or running and
participating in the activities

of the disorderly house.

- And, uh...
- Blaney's got Judge Nicks in his pocket.

This'll finish Miss
Lily in San Francisco.

And put us all in the hoosegow.



-Silence! -Silence!

Before I pass sentence,
how do you plead?

Oh, if only Miss Lily was here.

She'd beat that judge with
his own gavel, our Lil would.

-Yeah. -Yeah, she would.


Your Honor, I protest.

I happen to be an attorney,

and I maintain that these
proceedings are improper and illegal

and hereby duly notify you
that any decision rendered here

shall be appealed
forthwith to a higher court,

and furthermore that I shall petition
the Justice Department of this state

to initiate proceedings against the
San Francisco Police Department,

and also against this court,

for collusion and
criminal conspiracy

to violate the civil rights
of all of the defendants.

You'll what?

Go ahead, honey,
whatever you said.

Ah, to hell with 'em, Ralph.

Throw the book at
the whole lot of 'em.

Young man, I have to warn you

this court views your
charges with complete disdain.

And I will remind you, sir,

that the Constitution of the
United States views illegal entry,

false arrest and the willful
suspension of the Bill of Rights

with a sense of outrage.

We have evidence.
Police witnesses.

Perhaps Your Honor would be
good enough to provide as evidence

the search warrant issued
to authorize the police raid

on Lily Niles MacHenry's
Nob Hill premises.

Look, it's about time you
learned some manners.

No, Bill, don't do that. I mean,

please, remember this is a
court of law, Lieutenant Blaney.

If it please your Honor,

I hereby charge
Lieutenant Blaney

with as*ault and battery,
solicitation for bribery

and assorted misdemeanors
during his attempt to extort money

from a member of Miss
Lily MacHenry's household.

And I have witnesses.
Is that correct?

ALL: That's right.

Now, Counselor,
I'm sure you have

no wish to embarrass the duly
constituted police force of this community.

Your Honor, I contend
that the civil rights

of all the defendants
have been violated.

I therefore insist that the
charges against us be dropped.


Case dismissed for lack of evidence,
and you get the hell out of my court.


Well, Nurse Holland, it looks
like our young patient, Kuto,

has completely recovered.




She's saying thank you for
helping to save her son's life.


Oh, what is it?

The Tonabas.

The headhunters?

Look, you stay here.
I speak the language.

Maybe I can reason with them.

-No, Greg. -Don't argue with me.



Kim, get back inside.




They just posted
two more guards.

Greg, we are gonna
get out of this, aren't we?

Oh, boy. I'm not handling
this too well, am I?

Well, I wonder what Jane Fonda
would do in a situation like this?

Jane Fonda?

Thank God I don't have one of
those movie stars on my hands.

Listen. What I have is a
level-headed lady with a lot of guts

and a very, very real person.


What's that?

It's the Tonabas. They're
sending a signal to the chief.


Well, the village
is in their hands,

so now I guess it's time for him
to show up and make a decision.

A decision? About what?

About us. Now, look, I
want you to stay calm.

And very, very quiet.

And do something with your hair.

Greg, where are you going?

I'll be right back.

Look, Kim, it's the
only chance we have.


BARTENDER: Here's to the man who
whipped old Blaney single-handedly.

And by the way, Miss Lily
is back from Sacramento.

- Where is she?
- She said for you to wait here.

Be downstairs in
just one minute.



Well, I expect you'll
be movin' on then.

I just wanna say
one thing to you.

I love you.

Through all time
that is and will be.

And I love you too, Gordon.

But why do you
make it sound so sad?

Love should be
cause for rejoicing.


-Blaney. -True love.

You know, the pair
of you touch my heart.

So I think it's only fitting that
you die in each other's arms.

Put down that g*n,
Blaney, you big lout.



Heaven knows you're stupid.

But you're not stupid enough to
think that you can sh**t three of us

and get away with it.

You're all wrong, Lily. It
ain't me that's gonna do it.

You see, the way
it's gonna look,

there was an altercation
in this house of ill-repute.

Fancy man here and one
of the girls got in a scrape.

You try to break it up,

and the three of you was dead
when I arrived on the scene.

So goodbye, and don't
count on seeing heaven.

But you, you're gonna go first.

-Don't do it. -[g*n FIRES]

Hold it.


For heaven's sake,
what's happening?


What's the date?

April th, .

Oh, my God, it's the San
Francisco earthquake.



Get out of here.

Stay, stay right there.

Hey, there's no time
for that. Get out of here.

Look, I am not saving
myself without my earnings.

I made a vow that I
would never be poor again.

Forget the jewels.

Here, take the stocks. They'll
be worth a lot more in the future.


If we don't get out of
here, our future is zero.

Come on. Come
on, whoever you are.


Don't you recognize me?

Grandmother, don't
you know who I am?

Well, I know you're
not my baby brother.

- But you do look kind of familiar.

Did you just call
me grandmother?

I certainly did.
Great-grandmother to be exact,

and I do mean great.

Uh-oh. Look, Molly,
go, go... No, wait.

All right, go now. Now!

Go. Go, Lily Niles MacHenry.



Molly? Molly, where are you?

You didn't finish your
brandy, Mr. Hughes.


No, Molly needs me.

Your fantasy is
over, Mr. Hughes.

Mr. Roarke.

You met your great-grandmother
and followed your roots to the earth

from which they sprang.

I trust you found
the experience...


Mr. Roarke, what
happened to Molly?

The earthquake, it was
destroying the house.

Earthquake, what earthquake?

Oh, I see you managed
to preserve a souvenir

of your journey
back through time.

May I?


Oh, I'm sorry, Tattoo.

"Stock certificates of the
Burlington Pacific Railroad

"issued in and made
payable to the bearer."

That can be worth millions.

It appears
Great-Grandmother MacHenry

has helped you once
again, Mr. Hughes.

Even across a chasm of
more than seven decades.

Mr. Roarke, please.
What happened to Molly?

Did she...



Oh, Greg. Oh, that's terrific.

You're gonna run a Bugs
Bunny cartoon for them, right?

Not exactly, but
you're on the right track.

Come on. Give me a hand.

Those drums mean the
big guy's getting close.

Uh, take the sheet off the
bed and hang it over the door.


You ready? Okay, look,
I'm gonna go outside.

When I give the signal,
you hit the switch.




Greg, what's going on out there?

I just told them that
you were a goddess.

A goddess?

Hit the switch.




Princess of the Lost Galaxy?

Oh, I don't believe it.



MAN: thought I'd
never see you again.

PRINCESS: Oh, I told you
I'd never leave you, never.

It's too late, princess. Your planet
will be mine within a few hours.

k*ll them.


Princess, come out here.


I think...

I think we've pulled it off.


What did he say?

They think you're a goddess.

They wanna take you back to
the village and pay homage to you.




What did you say to him?

I told him, if he didn't
get rid of his g*ons,

you'd zap him the way you
did that alien chief just now.

All right, Greg. Where
did you get that film?

Well, uh...

You see, I have this friend
of mine who's a game warden.

He comes up river
every couple of months,

and he brings me my
mail and magazines, and...

When there's a new
Kim Holland film out

he gets me a
-millimeter print of it.

[STAMMERING] Wait a minute.

Are you trying to tell me
that you knew who I was?

You recognized me from
the minute I walked in here?

Of course. I went back to
the States about a year ago.

And one night it was raining
so I ducked into a theater,

and Tropical Nights was playing.

I fell in love right
then and there.

Like a million
other guys, I guess.

I just don't understand.

Why did you pretend? I
mean, why the nurse bit?

What about you?
You accepted the role.

I figured there was a special reason
that you came up here on your own.

I didn't want to do
anything to spoil it for you.

And besides, damn
it, I needed help.

Thank you, Greg.

You taught me something I really
needed to learn. People do need people.

I guess it's time for you to
go back and face your people.

There's plenty of time for that.

I don't wanna walk out on
that bedside manner of yours.

Remember, I make house calls.


Mr. Roarke, I'd like to thank
you both for my fantasy.

I want you to know that after finding
out the truth about my great grandmother,

I'm even more proud of
her. I'll never be a snob again.

By the way, there'll be another
passenger traveling with you.

A young lady whose fantasy

was to know about her

Who was an immigrant girl who
survived the San Francisco earthquake

to become the first female graduate of
the California State College of Medicine.

May I introduce her

Ms. Molly Delahanti.

Boss, you know what?
You're just an old softie.

Thank you.

Mr. Roarke, you don't know
what you've done for me.

I'm a person again.

And still a star, Miss Holland.

You will be making pictures
for a great many years.

But you will also have
your own private life.

Oh, yes. And I'm going to get
started on the private sector right now.

-Goodbye, Tattoo. -Goodbye.

- Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.
- Goodbye, Miss Holland.

Boss, where is she going?
She's gonna miss the plane.

Oh, she's not going
to the plane, Tattoo.

At least, not for a while yet.

Not until she has helped Dr. Miller train
some of the natives as hospital orderlies.

But what about her
Hollywood career?

From now on she will only
make one picture a year,

but she will sign as many autographs
as she possibly can at one dollar each

in aid of...

BOTH: Dr. Miller's hospital.

Right, Tattoo. Very good.


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