02x06 - Hot Nights

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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02x06 - Hot Nights

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Ooh

[Tires squeal]

Hey, you blind?




May I see
your driver's
license, ma'am?

Was I going too fast?

Maybe, but you ran
that red light
back there.

I did?

Yeah, you did.


I must have been
looking at the map.

I'm trying to find
the highway.

Don't people believe
in street signs
in mississippi?

Most people around here

Already know where
they're going, ma'am.

I wish you would
stop calling me "ma'am."

It makes me feel old.

I'm sorry
about that...
Miss holt.

The fine's $30.
You can pay it
at the courthouse.

I may just have to write
to the police department

Here in sparta,

And tell them
how nice you've been.

Officer skinner, is it?

Sergeant skinner, ma'am.

It's been very nice
to meet you, sergeant--

Well worth $30.

Now, don't worry,
mr. Cobb.

It's going to be
taken care of.

I want some action,
chief gillespie,

Not some runaround.

You'll see some action.

I'm putting
detective tibbs

In charge of
the operation.

What operation?

I don't want those
young hooligans

They've got to know
you mean business.

By the way,
one or two of them

Have been seen
naked up there.


Well, detective tibbs
always means business.

He has seen
action against

Some of the toughest
street gangs in the north,

In the city
of philadelphia.

He never mollycoddles
any hooligans.

He's particularly tough
on naked ones.

Am I right, mr. Tibbs?

What is this about?

I'll explain this
to you later.

There's no sense
in your wasting
more time here.

Go on about
your business.

Leave it to me

To fill in
detective tibbs

On the entire

I appreciate
your cooperation.

Don't mention it.
Goodbye, mr. Cobb.

What's the joke here?

There's no joke.

You're heading
a major police


We've got to muster
all available forces

To protect a highly
strategic position
from attack

From our most
hardened criminal


We're protecting
huell cobb's
lakefront properties

From kids swimming
there at night,

Some naked.

Come on, chief.

Nobody means
no harm out there.

Doesn't matter.
We got to
run them off,

Or he'll complain
to the city.

We're committing manpower

To keep teenagers
from swimming

In a public lake?

Where the kids swim
is private.

It's the site
of mr. Cobb's
vacation home.

Excuse me, chief.

A beautiful woman
to see sergeant skinner.

What for?

Hell, I don't know.

I don't know.
I'll see.

Sometimes I get
so tired.

Well, hello there.

Sergeant skinner.

I had to thank you

For giving me
that ticket.

That sounds funny,

But I followed
your directions
while leaving town

And found
the perfect place

To finish my new book.

Hey, well, that's,
that's terrific.

I've looked for a place
away from everything

So I could work
without distractions.

You're a writer, huh?

I figured you for
a model or something.


No, um...

I've rented a cabin
near bradford woods.

It's real pretty
up there.

It's more than pretty--

It's perfect.

It seems I'll stay
in sparta for a while.

I'm officer lon jamison.

If I can be of service...

Officer lon jamison,

You can finish
your report

On that car theft,
right now.


sorry about that.

I can see
you're busy,

So, uh...um...

Well, I'll walk you
to the door.


I hope I'll
see you again.

Why, i--i sure
hope you do.


Coming on to bubba?


Hold on.

Nobody's coming on
to nobody.

That's right.

She just wanted
to thank him

For a traffic

If you'd given
her two,

There's no telling
what she would
have done.


Oh, uh, bubba?

You going out
to bradford woods

To maybe take
a moonlight dip?

I didn't say

It's a little town
called "sparta."

I don't suppose
you've heard of it.

No, it's in mississippi.

I've rented
a place here.

No, I have not
lost my mind,

I have an idea.

I am tired of running.

I'm going to do
something about it.

I thought
you'd say that.

I just don't care.

You'll thank me
when this is over!

[Telephone rings]

Sparta police department,
parker williams speaking.

Yes, ma'am.

Hold on, please.

Bubba, it's your
lady friend,

The one who's turned on
over traffic tickets.

I'll take it
in the chief's office.

Line one.

one of these days,

You're going to
hear something
on that phone

That will turn you
into a bitter man.

I never thought
of it like that, chief.

Make sure all the doors
and windows are locked.

I'll be right over.

Yeah, I'll be right over.

O.k., Bye-bye.

Got an emergency,

Last time I caught
you using my phone,

The emergency was
about some woman

Driving your car
dressed in black
lace underwear.

I wish there
were some things
you'd forget, chief.

Well, if there was
somebody out there,

They're gone now.

You're sure?


You might have heard
a possum or raccoon...

I'm sure there was
someone out there.

You sure this
was a good idea,

Staying this far
out of town?

I wanted to
get away from people

So I could work.

And besides, there's
someone after me.

I was married before,
and it didn't work out.

He's never accepted it.

Your husband?

Well, he's not
my husband anymore.
We're divorced.

But he won't
leave me alone.

So, you're
running from him?

He follows me,
scares me.

He wants me back,
and he always
seems to find me.

He's been getting
sicker and sicker.

He's got a g*n,

And I'm afraid
he'll use it on me.

I considered
getting a g*n,

But I don't know
how to fire one.

Don't you worry
about nothing.

I'm going to
take care of you.

I knew that.

The first time
I saw you,

I knew that.

Will you stay
with me tonight?

Ever since that
woman arrived,

Bubba--he's in
over his head.

She's a beautiful,
young woman,

And bubba...


You can't understand
what she sees in him.

In a word, no.

Let me try to
explain this to you.


Is a hunk.


He's manly,
he's strong,
he's considerate,

And just rippling
with muscles.

Althea, althea...

You're a married woman.

Hey, I'm married,
I'm not blind.


If bubba's a hunk...

What does
that make me?

A super hunk.




Oh, bubba.



Bubba, that's it.


the best, bubba.

That's it...

Oh, bubba...

What are you doing?!

Yeah, right on it.

We're going over
these directories

From the department
of public safety,

Sergeant skinner was going
over them with us.

Bubba, go in
the office.
I want to talk to you.

Yes, sir.

When I was
half your age,

I could lie
twice as good.

yes, thank you very much.

O.k. Good morning.

Good morning.


Well, virgil,

Now that your
major operation
is organized,



Maybe you'll
explain it

To sergeant
skinner here.

Yeah, sure.

Since we have
to protect

Huell cobb's
lakefront property,

I've drawn up
a schedule of patrols.

If we stay
for a week straight,

We'll break the kids'
habit of swimming there.

I don't believe that,
and neither do you.

I take it as gospel.


I think it's ridiculous.

Bubba, post that.

And notice, you have
the first patrol tonight.


Why? You got
a problem with that?

No, uh-uh.

Wait here a minute,
will you?

Can I use the office
for a few minutes?

I beg your pardon?

I was wondering
if you could
step outside

For a few minutes.

Step out? This is
my office, too.

That's why
I'm asking you,

Not telling you.

I'd like a moment
or two in private

With sergeant


Yeah, right.


Thank you.

Now, bubba,
what's wrong?

You look kind of
tired lately.

Well, chief, it's been
a little too hot

To sleep at night.

What's too hot,

The weather
or the company?

I'll find more time
to get some sleep.

Then you
should set aside
the time for it.

You put
everything else up
a little earlier.

I better
get back to work.

I got a little behind.

I'll bet you did.

I just bet you did.


Can I talk to you
for a minute?

Yeah, I guess so.

It's about the woman
you're seeing.



I just want
to tell you...

Go for it!



you know who you
remind me of?

John wayne.

Oh, come on now.

It's true.
A strong, silent type,
a mythic hero.



Me and the duke, huh?

Well, let's take 'em
to missouri, jackie.

Who do I remind you of?

Oh, I don't know.

There must be
somebody romantic
that you think of.

Oh...i'm not too good
at this sort of thing.

Where do you think
you're going?

We got us
kind of a stakeout.

Can't you stay
a little longer?

[Telephone rings]


I found you, jackie.

I know
what you're doing.

I'm going
to get you for it.

I'm going to hurt
you real bad.

What's wrong?

That was frank.

He's found me.

He sounded like
he was drunk.

He said he was
coming after me.

Where was he
calling from?

I don't know,
some motel.

You can't leave me,
please don't go.

I got to be on duty
in a few minutes.

He's going to come
here after me!

Calm down.
First thing tomorrow--

Tomorrow's too late!
What about tonight?
He's coming here.

Shh! Hush, hush.

It's o.k., It's o.k.,

It's o.k.

yeah, bubba.

Yeah, I know it's late.

Can you cover
for me tonight?

I got a bellyache.


O.k., We're going
to do it again.

I've always hated g*ns.

You got to learn
to protect yourself
when I'm not around.

We're going
to do it again.

O.k., Now take aim.

Hold it steady, now,

And squeeze
that trigger.

Well, you're
closing in on it.

It's hopeless.
I didn't come
within a mile.

Now, hush up,
it is not hopeless.

You're going
to keep practicing,

Get comfortable
with it.

Look at me--

If old frank
was to see you
with that g*n,

He'd think twice.





Come on.

Good morning.

Good morning.

How are you?

Just fine.

Tom, eula.

Morning, bill.

Good morning.

Well, bill, looks like
we're gonna have wedding bells

In the police
department soon.

A police chief is
like the poor wife--

Always the last to know.

Eula says
a certain somebody
spends lots of time

Near their place
at bradford woods,

And it's getting

Real serious.

Could I have
a honey bun,
if you please?

I don't please,
you had two yesterday.

How about some bran?

Bran is
for feeding hogs.

A honey bun
is what humans
want with coffee.

Cora mae over at
the beauty parlor

Was telling me that
miss jacqueline holt--

That's how she says it,

Has been thumbing through
bridal magazines.

I thought you told me

Your boys would
protect my property.

That's what
I told you, huell.

There wasn't a man there
until 2 a.m.

By then a party
was going on there
you wouldn't believe.

Now, I expect the law
to be upheld.

If not, I'll
speak to my friends
on the city council.

Good morning, huell.

What's bothering him
is he wishes

He were spending
every night
at bradford woods,

If you
get my meaning.

It's hard enough
to get a honey bun.

Now it's getting hard
to eat one.

Hey, chief.


Since when do my
police officers

Change shifts
without asking
my permission?

I was sick.
I didn't want
to bother you.

I know who you called.
I called at 3 a.m.

They told me.

All right,
it won't happen again.

What's going on
with this woman?

Excuse me,
but I do believe
that's my business.

You're not taking care
of your business
very well.

I mean, what is it?

Are you serious
about this miss holt?

I don't know.

Is she going to be
staying around here,

Or moving someplace
with a little
more glamour?

You think she's
too good for me, right?

I think miss holt
will soon get tired

Of a little town
like sparta.

Or a hick like me, right?

You said that,
bubba, I didn't.

But I'll say this--

You wouldn't
be the first guy

Wearing his heart
on his sleeve

To get it
brushed off.

If you don't have
anything more to say...

I'll get back to work.

Go ahead.o.k.

Go ahead.

Jackie, you o.k.?

Yes, where are you?

I'm at the white columns inn
near potter city.

There's a man here that
fits your description

Of your ex-husband.

He's registered
under the name "anderson."

I'll wait here for him,
talk to him,

See if
maybe it's your ex.

What if he doesn't
get back until late?

It'll be dark
before you're here.

Come stay with me.

Don't worry.

I'll be over right
after I get off duty.

I've been thinking.

Remember when
you asked me

If you reminded me
of anybody?


Well, I think
I thought of someone.

Princess madeline.

Who's that?

She was in this
book I read

When I was
a little kid.

She was kind
and beautiful,

And everybody loved her.

Naturally, she had
all sorts of guys
after her.


She chose the poor man
because his heart was true.

[Telephone rings]

Huh, oh...


I know what
you're doing, slut.

I'll get you for it.

It's frank.

Let me see that.

Frank, stop calling here.
My name's bubba skinner,
I'm a cop.

Oh, you're there
with my wife, cop?

Well, how about if I
blow you away, too?

If you come
anywhere near here,

I'm personally
going to adjust
that attitude of yours.

I don't think
frank liked that.

He hung up.

Oh, I am so glad
you're here.

I'm glad I'm here, too.



I shot him.

I shot him!

I was getting water.
I heard the door open.

He was standing there.
I saw he had a g*n.

I grabbed
the g*n you gave me.

I don't know
how many times
I pulled the trigger.

Oh, god.

It isn't frank.

It isn't frank!

His name's john anderson.

It was so dark,
I couldn't tell who it was.

That lock's
hard to pick.

You sure
it was bolted?

I don't remember.

I think I bolted it
before going to bed.

How did he get in?

I don't know!

All I know is
he was standing there.

I k*lled him!
I'm a m*rder*r!

Stop it!

Just stop it!

It was dark and
the man had a g*n.

What difference
does that make?

It's not m*rder
when you sh**t
an armed man

into your house.

Why did you give me
the g*n, anyway?

I told you I hate g*ns,
I didn't want it!

You had to protect
yourself, and you did.

Why did it have
to be me?

You're a policeman.
If you had done it,

Nobody could say

It should
have been me.

You could say it.

Nobody would say anything,
they'd all believe you.

What are you saying?

I don't know.

I just want it
to be over.

Bubba, where
exactly were you

When you heard
the sh*ts?

I was in bed.

Were you asleep?

Damn it, virgil!
I can make out
my own report.

It's standard procedure
for a policeman involved
in a sh**ting

To be interrogated
by a superior officer.

Detective? Fbi office
in chicago.


Yeah, virgil tibbs here.

So, it was too dark
in that doorway

To see very well.


You couldn't tell
whether your husband

Was standing there.

What made you
think it was?

He'd been calling me,
threatening me.

Just that night,

Sergeant skinner
talked to him
on the phone,

And he said he was
going to k*ll us.

He's a violent man.

I knew he was
capable of k*lling.

I was terrified.

Can I get you
some coffee or tea?

I'd like some water.

Some water.

Thank you.

Get some water.
Bring it in to her.

Hey, chief?


She tell you
what happened?

Yeah. She said
it was dark.

She shot
the wrong man.

Thank you.
All right, bye.

Chief, can I see you
for a minute?


look, i, uh...

I had the fbi
run a check
on that victim...


Got something
to do with me?

Yeah, virgil
made some calls.

You tell him.

I had the fbi
run a check

On the victim,

He's a private

Who freelances
on cases where
a reward's offered.

Bounty hunter.


What would a bounty hunter
want with jackie?

I also had the fbi check
on jackie holt.

she's married...

To a man
who is a fugitive,

Wanted for
the armed robbery

Of a cash transfer
company in gary,

She's divorced,
she told me.

Her ex-husband's
following her,
that's all.

The fbi isn't wrong.

She's got a husband.

She's probably planning
to meet that husband.

He's still holding
that half million dollars

From that robbery.

Maybe she's chasing him.

But she's
sure enough a liar.

You got
to face that, son.

Anderson was
following her

To find her husband
and the money.

Do you think she
set you up?

Excuse me.

You lied to me--

About everything.

About being married,
about frank being
after you.

You called anderson,
didn't you?


I found him
for you.

And you waited
with an open door
and a g*n.

No! I...

And you tried talking me
into saying I shot him?


You don't
know what it was
like with frank.

If I tried
divorcing him,
he'd k*ll me.

When the police
told me about
the robbery,

I just
started driving.

I hoped he
wouldn't find me

Before the police
found him.

I've been afraid
for so long.

But when I saw you,
I knew I'd be safe.

I couldn't
tell the truth
and risk losing you.

You meant too much to me.

Damn, that was good,
real good.


Chief, I got
to get out of here.

Wait a minute, bubba.

Just listen to me, huh?

There isn't a man alive
who likes women

That hasn't played
the fool at least once,

Some more than once.

You all must've had
a pretty good laugh.

Nobody laughed
at anything!

Funny thing is,
I knew deep inside.

What would she
see in me?

I wanted
to believe her.

You're moving too fast.

No matter what
anybody thinks,

We can't judge
that woman now.

The facts aren't in.

We got to work together
to get the facts.

Cut this out and start
acting like a police officer.

I got suckered,
and a man is dead.

I ain't fit to be
a police officer.

You don't mean that.

The hell I don't.


Oh, I'm not going
to take that.

Wide open.


It's the back door
I'm interested in.


The back door
was bolted.

Now if it wasn't,

A professional
could've gotten
through that lock.


Looks like
a publisher's

See if you
can read that.

Rejection slips.

Well, at least
she wanted to
be a writer.


"Planning on
being in new york
at month's end

"To meet
with the editor
of your company

"To talk about
a new book.

I'm sure you'll
be interested."

Doesn't sound
like a woman

Running from
a bounty hunter.

[Knock on door]

No, but there's all kinds
of peculiar people

Writing books nowadays.

Hate to bother you.

What do you want,

There's something
over at my place
you ought to see.

Wanna go with him?

I figured he'd
just run off.

I was hunting
hickory nuts,

Found him laying
right there.

Had his
throat cut.

Best hunting dog
I ever owned.

It's a shame, tom.
It's a shame.

I don't suppose
you cut this fence.

I sure didn't,

I figured you
ought to know.


I'm guessing
this was anderson.

He was coming
to the house last night.

He didn't want the dog
to alert someone.

He cut the fence
and came through.

Then miss holt
might just be
telling the truth.

All right, huddle up!



All right!

Bring it back,
first down.

First down.

Come on,
get over there,
come on.

Come on, now.
Here we go.

Hut! All right,
go, go!



Well, bubba.

Seems kind of funny,
you sitting up here,

Not tearing around
on that field down there.

I'll bet you
never sat here

Watching games
when you were
in high school.

That was a long time ago.

Yeah. I remember
sitting up here,

Down around

Watching that
last game you played

In your final year--

Against potter city.

And we were losing,

We needed
a touchdown to win.

They threw you
a pass in the flat,

And that big old boy
hit you so hard,

I never seen anybody
hit that way.

I didn't think
you was gonna get up.

Thought they'd have
to carry you off the field.

But no, you got up

And you just
shook it off.

Stayed in the game.

And then,
with less than
a minute to go...

They pulled a draw play.

They slip you the ball,

And you broke through
and scored.

The whole town stood up,
cheering their heads off.

They won the game.

Well, you won the game.

'Cause you stayed in it.

You stayed with it.

Chief, you didn't
come out here

To tell me
football stories.


We think
this guy anderson

k*lled a dog
and cut a fence

To get
on that property.

So, we know
he wasn't paying
any cordial visit.

We released miss holt
for now.

We told her
to stay handy.

What I mean is...

We don't know exactly
what happened out there
last night.

So, what
you're saying is,

Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe she wasn't
lying to me, right?

Well, bubba,
I don't know, uh...

Well, I don't know,

'Cause this woman
got me all mixed up,

Uh, bubba...

I just don't know
what to tell you
about her.

All I can say is,

Whatever life brings you
in that way,

I sure hope it
brings you the best.

Because you're
one of the best men
I've ever known.

I don't want you
to do anything foolish.

I can't stand seeing you
do anything foolish.

Hut! Ahh! Yes!

All right,
nice one!

All right, throw it
back here, back here!

Did you
talk to bubba?


How's he doing?

He's gonna be o.k.,
He's fine.

I sure hope so.
Things wouldn't
be the same.


I've been over
to the hospital.

I had a saliva test run
on that cigarette.

Slow down.
What about it?

I had it tested against
anderson's blood type.

They're not the same.

Whoever k*lled the dog,
it wasn't anderson.

Who else would want
on that property

Bad enough
to k*ll a dog?

That's a good question.

Somebody else must be
after jackie holt.

Well, I think we, uh...

We better go out there.

Because I think
bubba went out there.

[p*stol cocks]

Hold it, cowboy.

Put up your hands.

Put 'em up!

Frank, what are you
going to do?

We'll take a walk
down by the river.

Just tie him up.

We'll have plenty of time
to get away.

I'm the only one
leaving here.

What are you saying?

I've been watching you,
night after night.

After a while, you
weren't pretending,
were you?

You said to do
whatever I had to do!

Well, it got
out of control.

You loved it,
didn't you?

Why are you saying this?

I saw what went on.

How he made you feel.

Obviously, I just
don't cut it anymore.

What do you
need with me?

What do I
need with you?

I kept anderson away!

I had the money!

Who's he?

It's her husband--


Jamison, get me
the first aid kit.


I'll call in
for an ambulance.

I've gotta
put these on you.

I know.




Can I talk to you
for a minute?

Please, just
for a minute.

I'm so sorry.

Sorry? Oh, well, if you
hadn't distracted him,

He would have k*lled me.

I owe you my life.

But I owe you mine.

Guess I was pretty much
a fool, huh?

You aren't a fool,

You're a good
and decent man.


I don't know
if you'll ever

Believe me
about anything.

I'd like you
to believe

That what happened
between us was real.

I don't want you
living the rest
of your life

Thinking it wasn't.

I'll never
forget you.

I hope you
won't forget me.

I don't think
there's any way I can.

Uh, bubba...

Yes, sir.

Oh, listen, uh...

How would you feel about
taking a couple days off?

No, uh...

I think
I'm going to do
what you said.

What did I say?

I'm going
to stay with it.


Fine, fine.


But now, uh...

You know
where I live,

And you know
when I'm there,
don't you?

Yes, sir, I do.

I sure do.

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