02x09 - Stranger in Town

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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02x09 - Stranger in Town

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall-to-wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Ooh

O.k., Sugar,
you ready?

I'm ready.

O.k., Here we go.

We can use the room
for half an hour.
That o.k.?

I may need more
attention than that.

I share it
with another girl.

Half an hour with me
will be just fine.

I never gets
no complaints.


Come on, girl.
Your time's up.

What you doing
lazing round here?

I told you, you got
to be more businesslike.

I don't know why
you have to be
so contrary.

Got your

Why not tell us
your name?

I said
my name's topaz.

You won't say if it's
your first or last name.

I ain't got no last name.

It's like
cher or madonna.

They don't got
no last name.

Why are you
doing this?

A friend of yours
was m*rder*d tonight.

Doesn't that matter
to you?

Now, please,
just help us.

We are trying
to help you.

Look at me.

Now come on,
this is silly.

What's your name?

Roberta strud.

Bubba, write down
"roberta strud."

But I'm topaz now.

That's my name.

My right to have
any name I want.

Can you give us
any idea at all

About this guy you saw
with your friend
before she got k*lled?


White or black guy?

Would it make some kind
of difference?

You look like the type
who would k*ll somebody.

If you saw that man,
he saw you.

Maybe he's coming back
to see you again.

You get my meaning?

I can take care
of myself...

Always have.

Let her go,

Listen, you stay off
them streets.

It's dangerous
out there.

Honey, didn't you hear?

I'll be up at
the university next week.

Got my final exams.

I'm going to be
a damned neurosurgeon.

There's lots of brains
that need working on
around here.

That woman's lying.

She knows something.

I want my check.

Yeah, I'm coming.

Here you go.

Hot scrambled eggs.
Here we go.

I want my check!i heard you
the first time.

Hold your horses.

Give me a hand.

Take these to
the booth over there.sure.

Here you go, fellas.

Hot off the griddle.

Oh, sorry
about that.

your breakfast.

Thanks, royce.

You have
a good day.

I'm going
to marshall city

To take some deposition
from a truck driver
who can't even talk.

Well, good luck.

Joann, slow down.

You'll live
a lot longer.

Oh, well, my cook
took off for hattiesburg.

He just--
I don't know,

Some kind
of family trouble.

He just threw down
his apron and left.

A waitress is sick.

I don't mean
to interrupt,

But I can cook.

Short order--
anything you want.

I could use the work.

Joann, your
kitchen's on fire.

Oh, no, the bacon.

You're hired.

[Engine revving]


Charmane rogers.


I said charmane rogers.
You know her.

Not that I recall,

But that doesn't mean
that it isn't possible.

She was m*rder*d
last night.

I heard about that.

Who'd you say she was?

Girl in that picture.

That was in her purse.

See, that's charmane
with guess who.

I go to bars,
and people
come up to me.

You're trying
to become sparta's
first and only pimp.


Organizing some girls
by twisting arms
and punching faces.

You believe
hookers' stories?

I believe the ones
with swollen lips
and black eyes.

I saw some today.

You hear me good,

I'm holding
you responsible.

You're my prime suspect
in this girl's m*rder.


Come on out!

I know you're in there.

What time is it,

It's almost time
for sunday school.

I promised
your mama and daddy
you wouldn't be late.

She's my little niece.

I'm baby-sitting.

Like you baby-sat
for charmane rogers?

I'll get your butt
if it takes the rest
of my career.

It's going to take
the rest of your life.

I didn't do it.

From this point on,
you're out of
the pimping business.

Every man on this force
is going to be watching
every move you make.


a*mo requisitions, unit
mileage comparisons,

And janitorial supplies.

Put them in the tray
over there, will you?

Yes, sir. Uh, chief?

Have you been over
to the magnolia today?

No, I have not. Why?

I was just wondering.

I was wondering if you'd
met joann's new cook.

No, I didn't
even know she had one.

Knowing it doesn't
change my pulse rate any.

He's a good-looking
fellow, chief.

I mean real good-looking.

He can look
like a possum

As long as he
doesn't burn beans.

Yes, sir.

Oh, and parker?

You're just about
as subtle

As a shovelful
of fertilizer.

That's true, chief.

That's the truth.


Oh! Oh, no!

Oh, hi, bill.

Can you believe this?

This has been the craziest
day I've ever had.

Do tell.

Let me help you.

Bill, this
is clay calder.

My cook suddenly took off
for a few days.

Clay popped into town
and needed work, so...

So here we are
with the gumballs.

How you doing?

All right.

Bill's the police chief.

I noticed as much.

It says
right there

On his badge--

Can you do anything
with turnip greens

So I'll want
to eat them?

Well, I can try.

Where are you from?

Cleveland, but I've
moved around plenty.

How long you planning
on staying?

Clay, I'm pretty well
caught up here,

And I know you want
to get settled in.

Why don't you
take care of that now?

Nice meeting you,


You tasted his cooking yet?

No, but the customers
seem happy.

I can't believe my luck.

He bring any references?

No, he just sort
of popped in.

Popped in from where?

I don't know. Why?

Well, it's like the fella
said about flies.

It's where they'd been
that bothered him.

My instinct says
he's perfectly fine.

He's a good man.
I just know it.

You go on your instinct.
I'm going on mine.

Want lunch?

Everything comes
with a side order
of gumballs.

Yeah, o.k.

It's a good deal.
Why don't you go
for it?

Jive turkey!

No luck, huh?

Maybe what you need
is a little
personal management.

Atticus, please!

Can't you
leave me alone?

I need every dime
I can earn.

Things is bad
for me, real bad.

Know what you're
doing to me?

You're breaking
my heart.

It's the man!

We're in!

Room service! Sweet!

Go! Take them!

We're upstairs.

Police! Open up!

All right,
all right, hold it!

Don't move. Don't move!

Get up!
Get up!

[Baby cries]

Full house tonight,


Let me in there, sweet.
See what we got here.

Hold up your
head there, fella.

Well, well.

The traveling cook
from cleveland.

I don't care what
you think it was.

You were in bed messing
with a minor child.

You'll wish
you never saw this town.

I didn't touch her!

Were you helping
with her homework?

earlier this year,

You spent 30 days
in jail in memphis
for as*ault.

You almost
k*lled a pimp

Over a dispute with
one of his girls.

He picked a fight.

I didn't know
he was a pimp.

You know plenty
about hookers.

But this girl
was only 16!

It's not against the law
to talk to her.

Except she was
in a whorehouse.

Where were you
friday night?

On my way here.
I arrived on saturday.

We're looking
for a man

Who m*rder*d
a prost*tute!

She was beaten, strangled.

She was as old as this kid
I caught you with.

I won't tolerate this!

You're like cops

I'm the convenient

The patsy for crimes
you can't solve!

If you have something
to charge me with, do it!

Otherwise let me go.

Charge you with something?

Chief, chief.

Let me talk to you.

Sit down.

That's not our man.

Well, then who is?

Atticus paul.

You're back on that
old tune again.

Look, he's trying to
organize prostitutes.

If they make trouble,
they're beaten.

If they're making
him money, why k*ll one?

To make an example,

To let them know
what happens
if they cause trouble.

Beating on them
isn't enough?

Your problem with
this guy atticus is

He is just the kind
of black guy

That you, as a black
police officer,
can't stand.

Wait, wait, wait!
Wait a minute.

Calder's just the kind
of man you can't stand.

He's working a little
too close to joann.

You hold it now.

In another minute,
we're both going
to be swimming

In the middle
of lake silly.

I could maybe hold him
for statutory r*pe.

I could certainly hold him
for corrupting morals
of a minor.

Not yet.

Please, I got a feeling.
Just not yet.

O.k. I'll go along
with your intuition.

I'll let him run,
but I'll keep
a tight rein on him.

What about a tight rein
on atticus paul?

You already got
a rein on him.

Not enough.

Not nearly enough.

I'm letting you leave.

I mean leave
the police station.

Don't leave town
without my permission.

I have no intentions
of leaving.

And quit working at
the magnolia cafe.


'Cause I don't
want you around there.

Around joann.

That would seem
to follow,
wouldn't it?


Go on.

I don't even know
where he's living.

Find out, will you?yes, sir.

[Knock on door]




Honey, I don't
work at home.

Well, I'm here
on police business.

Policemens are just
like anybody else--

Except they usually
end up wanting it free.

Yeah, well...
May I come in?

Sure, why not?

You can watch
my polish dry.

Topaz, is it fair

To ask you how long you've
worked the streets?

This is
a trick question.

I just know it.


I don't work
the streets.

Your parents
have any idea
what you do?

Well, I hope so.
My mama got me started.

She's what
a polite person
calls a drinking woman.

Have you ever thought
of going someplace else,

starting a new life?

Uh-uh. What I do best,

I do lying
flat on my back,

Right here
in sparta, mississippi.

Only as long
as you believe it.

What do you
want me to do?

Huh? Get a job working
in the cotton mill?

Getting old and ugly?

Giving it to the foreman
every friday night
so's I won't get fired?

Honey, you can
starve to death

for a living.

Finish school.

There's vocational

There are even
classes at night
at some of them.

You could
learn a trade.

I got one.

I'm real skilled.

So get the hell
out of here

And leave me alone.

Tell me the truth
about charmane rogers,
and I'll go.

You saw the man
she was with last night,
didn't you?


No, I didn't
see nothing.

I told you that.

Have a nice day, now.

Boy, talk about
being swamped.

You really saved
my life again today.

It looks like
I'll have to find
another job.

Why? I thought
you could stay
till week's end.

I was thinking
of asking you to stay on.

Well, your friend...

He all but ordered
me out of town,

Or out of here.

Bill?whatever you owe me,
that'll be fine.

Bill said
you couldn't work here?

These things happen
all the time.

Not to me,
they don't happen.

Jo, it's
not worth it.

You can't
go back there.


How dare you tell me
who I can
and cannot hire?

Would you like me to
visit your station

And tell you how
to run your business?

I am a grown woman.

I can handle
things myself.

Hold everything.

You want to talk,
let's go in the office.

Yes, I certainly will.

Keep your voice down.

I will keep it down.

Get control
of yourself.

Look, I am
a grown woman.

I can
run my business.

Well, I guess there
is no sense in
my talking to you.

Parker, come here.yes, sir.

You tell this woman
what we know about
her new cook clay calder.

Well, miss joann,
we found mr. Calder
with a 16-year-old girl.

A 16-year-old prost*tute.
Say it, parker.

A 16-year-old prost*tute
in a sweep last night.

I can't
believe that.

Yes, ma'am, it's true.thank you, parker.

You can't believe it?
I caught him myself
in a dirty little whorehouse,

Sitting with
a 16-year-old child.

I have reasons
to suspect

He might
be the guy

That m*rder*d that other
poor little hooker charmane.

That's ridiculous!

What do you mean,

What do you know
about him?

He asked you
for a job.

I asked him
to work for me.

Parker saw
it differently.

I won't argue about it.

He's a m*rder suspect.

I don't want him
around the cafe.

I know you're trying
to protect me,
and I'm grateful,

But what's
the difference

If he was
with a prost*tute?

He's guilty
of the same itch

That half the men
in this town have.

Your problem,

You didn't like him

From the minute you
laid eyes on him.

Now, listen,

My problem
is with an individual

That I could charge

With two serious
counts of felony.

Until I know that
individual is clean,

I don't want him
anywhere around you,

And that's final.

That is final!

Has anything

No, no, it's been
pretty quiet.

I must be
discouraging business.

Not too many
girls out.

If you'd let them get
a glimpse of me,

We'd have swarms
of them around.

Take it easy, sweet.

The girls need
our protection.

That's what
I'm here for!

You want my clothes
on or off?

I just
want to know...

Has anybody ever tried
any rough stuff with you?

What do you mean?

Has anybody asked you

If they could
whip you or tie you up?

Get away from me,
you freak!

No, I just
want to know

If you'd done that
with anybody.

I say, maybe I have,

And then
you've got me
tied up somewhere.

I've seen
your kind before.

Leave me alone!


Get away from me!

He's out there.

It's sick!

He wanted me
to do...

No, in plain english.
Did the man hurt you?

Did he?i already told
you everything.

You're not
going home, topaz.

not going home

Until you tell me
exactly what
the man did.

Now, did the man
as*ault you

Yes or no?

Course he did.

I said that.

Was this
some sex act?

the child said
he assaulted her.

That's all
we need to know.

I'm sorry, chief,
but I'm not picturing
what went on--

If I hadn't screamed,
who knows?
I'd be dead now.

Topaz, you want
to go home?

Go ahead.

Well, it's about...


Don't give me
the mad look.

Once you start
browbeating her,

You don't get more,
you get less.

Browbeating ?

She dried up
pretty damn quick
when you dismissed her.

I saw that
fountain quit.

the difference?

We know
what happened,

And we know
what we got
in mr. Clay calder.

No, no.

That's not
exactly true.

What we have here
is a hysterical
young girl

Who's not being
detailed or specific

About exactly
what he did to her.

There's very
little difference

Between one dirty
detail and another.

We have a pretty
fair picture

Of a spooky bird who
liked to frequent
the whorehouses,

Mess with
young prostitutes,

And liked
to beat on them.

One night
he beat too much

On poor little
and he k*lled her.

You think
it's atticus paul

that's stuck
in your head.

What's in your head?

You dislike clay calder.

Don't tell me
that's because

You thought he
was a m*rder*r.

O.k., I never liked him.
I admit that.

Thank you.

But I still say
he's the prime
m*rder suspect,

And I think
you know that.

I got an a.p.b.
Out on him.

There's nothing more
to be gained
by this discussion.

I'm going to see a woman
about some cornbread.

I wish I had something
I could throw.

There you go,
roland.thank you.

How about you, hurley?


Well, hello.
What can I get you?

Can I see you?

Uh, yeah.

I'm a little
busy right now.

What is it?

Since you and
I talked last,

Have you heard
from clay calder?

Now, listen to me,

I've had to put
out an all points

On that guy.

He was down
in the bottoms
again this afternoon.

He assaulted another
young hooker.

It's just so hard
to take in.

Every bone in my body
told me that he
was a good man.

Well, if he gets
in touch with you,

You let me know.

I--i guess I owe you
an apology.

I mean, you were right
all along.

Well, I don't know
as I'd say apology.

You were probably right
about those feelings
you accused me of.


I never thought
I was a jealous man.
I still don't.

But you got to admit
it looked real funny

To see you crawling
around on the floor

some mystery man.

I guess
that's just human.

I mean, you may not
be able to take that,

Bill gillespie, just
being plain old human.

Plain and human
is fine.

Leave off the old.

[Singing rap]

Oh, honey,

I know how
to treat you nice.
I sure do.

You giving it
away tonight?

I ain't no charity.

I ain't even
tax deductible.

Oh, yeah?

How much?

Don't you worry
about a thing.

You're not going
anywhere, girl.

Hey, man!sorry.
She's not available.

Besides, you don't
want this one anyway.

She's lazy in bed.

You just cost me $25!

Mr. Tibbs,
we got a disturbing
the peace call.

Read him his rights
and book him on as*ault.

Yes, sir.

You all right?

Yes, sir, I'm o.k.

I'm detective tibbs,

Sparta police department.

I know that.

What happened
here tonight?

Look, it's all right.

He's gone to jail.

If you press charges,
he can go to prison.

Oh, that's a good one.

I send him to jail?

You know what
he'd do to me
when he got out?

Just like
he did char--

What do you mean?

Look, if you have
information about a crime
and you withhold it,

You'll be in as much
trouble as he is.

Mr. Tibbs,

I think atticus
k*lled charmane.

Tell me what you know.

Charmane, she
was like me--

She wouldn't
give him no cut
of what she made.

Atticus said
if she didn't
change her mind,

He'd make an
example of her.

But charmane
was stubborn.

So he k*lled her?

Topaz knows
all about it.

You go ask her.

Thank you.

[Telephone rings]



Oh, eula. Hi, honey.

Can I call you back?
I've got to put
my groceries away.

Yeah, I'll call you back.




Clay, what happened?

I need your help.



I didn't mean
to scare you.


That looks...
Really bad.

You should
see a doctor.

I'll--i'll phone
one for you.

No, don't!


Well, at--at least
it should be bandaged.

I caught it
on a wire fence.

I'm sorry.
I didn't know
where else to come.

I'll just clean up
that arm for you.

But, uh, then
you'll have to go.

I didn't k*ll
that girl, joann.
I swear.

I'm here because
my... Daughter ran away
two years ago,

And I've been
trying to find her.

Oh... Clay,

Why didn't you
say something?

Why didn't you--
why didn't you
tell the police,

To ask for help?

I used to do that

I got to a town
she might be in.

They just decided I was
a suspicious stranger

And started accusing me
of crimes
they were working on.

They found you
with those girls
in the bottoms.

One said you
att*cked her.

No, I didn't.
I swear to god I didn't.

You've got
to believe me.
I just needed information.

I just asked questions,
that's all.

Joann, my...

See, sarah--

My daughter...

She's a prost*tute.

At least,
that's what she became
when she ran away.

She was angry with me,

And we just started fighting
about everything and...

School and bad grades
and dr*gs and...

I thought it was
what every parent
and teenager went through.

My wife tried to tell me
it wasn't my fault.

You think she's here
in sparta?


But I think
there's somebody
who lives in sparta who...

Who knew her.

I believe
his initials are r.j.

He's either
a businessman or--
or a lawyer.

Well, we have
a lawyer here
who we call r.j.,

But he's the last
person in the world

You'd ever find
with prostitutes.

I want to see him.

[Knock on door]

Who's there?

Topaz, it's me--
detective tibbs.

I need to talk to you.

Every time
you come around

You get me
in trouble.

I need to talk to you!

Atticus ain't here.

I know that.
Atticus is in jail.

as*ault charges--
he was beating up
on angie.

Stupid girl.

How long is it
going to take

For her
to wise up?

She told me that
atticus k*lled charmane,

And that
you knew about it.

Oh, man, and I suppose
you believed her.

Topaz, now is the time
for you to tell me
the truth.

Clay calder didn't
as*ault you, did he?

He was just
asking you questions.

Now, one girl is dead.

Another has been beaten.

And it's going to
get worse... And worse.

Do you want that
on your conscience
all your life?

I never thought
it would come down
this bad.

If you're
protecting atticus

Because you're
afraid of him,
now is the time to talk.

He can't hurt you!

I got the name.
When was this?

Yes. As long ago
as that, huh?


We were both wrong.

Excuse me a minute.

What were we
wrong about?

Just talked to topaz.

She finally broke down
and told the truth.

Atticus was with charmane
before she was k*lled.

He beat her because
she wouldn't
split her take.

You're still saying
he k*lled her?

No. Topaz walked
in on them.

Atticus left with topaz.

As they left,
they saw a white guy
head towards the room.

That's the last person
who saw charmane alive.

Who was that--
clay calder?


I want to see
everything we've got

On sex offenders,
sex freaks, whatever.

What kind of guy?

Short, uh, pudgy,
uh, kind of bald.

Our chief of detectives
walked in.

Says the guy we want

Is short, balding,
and kind of pudgy.


All right. Excuse me.

Well, what's doing?

Clay was
at my house.

What for?

He told me
why he's here.

It'’s a sad reason.

He's looking
for his daughter.
She's a runaway.

She's, uh... She's become
a prost*tute.

He's been trying
to find her
for over a year.

Yeah. Daughter's name
is sarah, isn't it?

How did you know?

Because I'm talking to
the nashville police here.

She was a hooker,
all right.

But she's dead now.

She was, uh...
She was m*rder*d.

Over a year ago.

Beaten, strangled.
Clay knows
all about it.

He stays in touch
with them.

He's still
looking for her.

Just a minute.

Let me call you back.

Uh, yeah.
Thanks a million.
Yeah, bye.

He's lying.

What he's looking for
is the man
who k*lled his daughter.

Do you know
where clay calder is now?

I just...
I just took him to
see royce johnson.

Royce johnson.

That's the lawyer.



Evening, chief!

Is royce johnson
in the building?

He's up
in the courtroom.

Why?he's setting up
for some case.

Is anyone with him?

Some guy.

Said he was
helping him.

Yeah. That would
k*ll him, all right.

He k*lled
my little girl.

And charmane, too.

Oh, yes.

He used to go
far from sparta,

Find prostitutes...

Pay them for the thrill
of mistreating them...

Give them pain.

Then he started
doing it around here.

He... He went too far.

It's a pity
you couldn't have
told me about this

From the beginning.

No. They...

These people find
legal ways
to protect themselves.

Who would you believe,

A hooker... An outcast...

Or a respectable man
about town?


I wanted this animal
to get justice.

You're the one
who's going to
get the justice.

And I'm deeply sorry
to have to tell you that.

I want you to
call me once a week.

Let me know
how you're doing.

If I won't
be flunking out.

Don't talk like that.

You're going to
knock them dead
in beauty school.

I don't know, mr. Tibbs.

I ain't good
at studying.

You're real good
at fixing hair.

You're real good
at doing nails.

Maybe it's a mistake.

I'm grateful
for the money and all.

I don't know if
I can cut it in jackson.

The choice is between
working the streets

Or getting out
and making good.

At least here,
I know what I am.

I live comfortable.

Yes, and you pay
for that comfort

With your dignity,
your self-respect,
your freedom.

That's what you use
when you got no money.

Not to mention
being beaten by atticus.

You want to wait
for that?

My daddy slapped
me around worse.

He never even put
money in my pocket

Or food on my table.

O.k. You wait
for atticus paul.

You work the streets.

But keep your looks,
and don't get pregnant.

Don't get the clap!



Mr. Tibbs!


I guess I'm scared.

There is nothing
wrong with that.

Everybody's scared,
leaving something
they know.

Baby, if anybody
could make it,
my god, you can!

You can.

I got me a new name.


It means noble
and brilliant.

I like alberta.

I like it.

It's enough like
my old name roberta,

To help me remember
some things.

But it's different enough
so I can damn well
forget most things.

You're the only man

Who never wanted to
try nothing with me.

There's something more
to a beautiful girl

Than just... That.

You know what I like
about you?

There's something more.
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