03x10 - King's Ransom

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x10 - King's Ransom

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Hey, king.

Hey, bubba.

How the king
doin' today?

All right,
bubba skinner.

I got regards to you
from one of the best

Ever to wear gloves.

Don't tell me.
Chili chamarro.

You got it.

He's in the hospital
in jackson.

He ain't got
much longer.

Who has, bubba?

Who has?


You take care now, king.

I called the boys
in detroit.

The answer was no.

They said
we don't pay people
to keep quiet.

It's cheaper to pay
to shut them up.

They said.
Who's they?

The people whose
number I called.

John caminetto's number?

I do not have
his number.

I do.

Hey, sweet.

Tell me something.

Who's the knothead
in my parking space,

And why hasn't somebody
decorated his windshield?

That's fbi,
new orleans,

Here talking
to the chief.

Hmm. Fbi, huh?



Uh, that's not
really a ticket,
is it?

Sort of.

Sort of.

Old man parker.

Hey, bubba.

Uh, guess what.


Fbi's in there,
about king baylor.

I just saw king
by a lawyer's office.

I knew it.
I'll bet you
it's back taxes.

Come on.

Prize fighters
have big tax--

Parker, let me
explain something.

In order to have
big taxes,

You had to
have made big money,

And that
ain't ever been
king baylor, hmm?

He stopped in '78

After the whitey
rosen match,

That's when he went
with the mob,

Started driving
for john caminetto.

Boxing commission said
he wasn't fit
to fight anymore.

You know, I first saw
conrad baylor fight

In a little hall
over in kenardia.

I thought he was
a great prospect
even then.

I told him so.

He drove for caminetto
for a year.

One night they drove
from detroit to toledo.

Caminetto picked up
joey memel

And shot him
on a houseboat on lake erie.

Baylor saw that?

No question.

But he won't

I can't get
through to the guy.

I think the old bulb's
burning kind of low
upstairs, you know?

When I did talk to him,
he got rough.


How do you expect us
to get through to him?

I thought your man--
what's his name--
tibbs could do it.

Baylor's one of his own.

Give him a pep talk.

He'll get money,
safe address, nice job...

All he's got to give us
is two days in detroit
federal court.

Well, virgil's due back
from new orleans
in a couple days.

Yeah, well,
I don't have
a couple of days.

Well, tibbs can't be
in new orleans
helping y'all

And here in sparta
helping y'all
at the same time.

you know baylor.

Can you help?

I know baylor.
Can I help?


Can I help?

Is there an echo
in here??

No. That was me.

I'll do what I can.

Come on, man,
put it up!

Come on, danny.
Up and down with the knees.

Up and down. Running
in place. All right.

Come on, you.

Hey! I want you
in the ring later.

Jimmy, put some air
in that bag.

You got to move there.
Get in close.

Move with the bag.

That way.

That way.

Move, punch...

Don't get behind.

Short punches.

There it is.

That-a baby.

Come on, come on,
make it sing!

Harold, harold,
left hand--jab!

Jab, harold. Jab!

That's it.

All right...

Eddie and harold,
in the ring with me.

Everybody that wants to
learn about defense,

Everybody that wants to
learn something,
come watch and listen.

Miss mellin
doesn't like it...

we brought in
king baylor.

She doesn't like
bringing in a pro?

She said it adds
the wrong emphasis.

Boxing's a dirty
game, right?

She could be right,
whoever she is.

Hey, chief.

how are you?

Hi, chief.

Mrs. Tibbs.

Vin, listen,

Could I have
a word with
king baylor?

Help yourself,
chief. Go ahead.

Mrs. Tibbs,
the boys won't let
us sh**t baskets.

We'll just go
talk to them.

Chin down.

Stick all the way out,
all the way back.

All the way out,
all the way back.

Come on, downstairs.


Hey, chief.

Want to join
the sparta
boxing club?


To join, you do
about 15 rounds
with the king.


Give me till next saturday
to get into shape.

Man, you're jivin',
you're just jivin'.


When you're finished
with the boys,

Could I have you
a minute?

You got it.

This fbi guy said
you got kind of rough.

Chief, the guy
follows me
to the bar.

He wants me
to say yeah,

But I say no.

So he says,

"You been hit
too much,

"And your brain's
only good

"For stuffing
an exercise bag."

Well, that's not
a nice thing to say.

So I gave him
a little push,

A little slap
in the mug,

Knocked him
off his chair.

King baylor
ain't going to be
no stool pigeon

For nobody.



You ready to go?

In a minute.

I can take you, king.

I like althea
to take me

'Cause she'll
pass the time
with my daughter.

Oh. Uh, listen.

I sense you're
in some kind of trouble.

And I would like
to help you.

Help me? Huh.

Can't nobody help me

But the big man
in detroit.

I'm going to call him

And tell him
the fbi made a deal,

And he got to come up
with a better deal.

You tired of living?



I'm tired of living
the way I'm living

And if I can't
change it,

I don't care
if I quit it!

Chief, forget this.

I ain't myself.

This morning
I hit my elbow
on the car door,

And I yelled
10 times
louder than that.

Haven't seen virgil
around lately.

When he gets back
from new orleans,

We'll have you
over for dinner.

Virgil's got the same face
he had as a little kid.

He favors his daddy,

But in ways, he's
more like his mama.

Yeah, well, someday
I'll tell you

Who you
remind me of.

You told me already.

Ronald reagan?

I didn't say that.

So where to,
home or work?

Home, althea.
Ain't no work.

They let me go.


Because I can't drive.

They told me
you didn't have to,

As janitor,
you'd just sweep--

They changed all that.

They said they
want me to start
hauling stuff,

And I said,
"these old eyes

"Ain't gonna let me get
no driver's license."

So that's that.

Don't worry.

I'm going
to get something.

Don't sh**t that airplane
at your sister.

Be still.

there's your papa.

Go on.


Hi, papa.
Where you been?

Up to school, teaching
the kids how to box.

Hi, etta. Calvin
in the house?

I wouldn't let him in.
He's over there.

Why you do this
to poor little
old calvin,

The only real
friend I got?

Come here, calvin.

I wanted you
to meet calvin.

You know,
he's from here.

He's my corner man
when I was fighting.

She always
hurts his feelings.

I'd hurt his head
if I could catch him.

Ask calvin for $400
for next month's rent,

'Cause I don't know where else
we getting it from.

It's going to be
all right, baby.

Thanks for the ride,

Bad news
about the job.

No luck.

We ain't none of us
never had no luck.

My eddie,

He's only odd days
at the mill.

We can't
hardly get by.

And papa want me
to run a fast food
for calvin,

Who at least got
some money from
some w*r he was in.


Etta. No.

Etta. Please.

Got the fbi printout
on john caminetto here.

Last of the midwest
crime tycoons.

He's into every
evil enterprise
you can imagine.

Yeah, well, I want
to help the fbi,

But I just
hate to push

Poor old
connie king baylor.

He's half blind,
and he's broke.

I wish
there was a way
to leave him alone.

We ought to make
a qualification list
to be let alone.

Let's start with
blind and broke.

Blind and broke means
you don't have to
assist the law.

What's next? How about
lame and half-broke?

After that, flat-footed
and on pension.
After that--

All right, all right.

I get your point.

I hope
you'll excuse me now.

I've got to go
try and talk a man
out of k*lling himself.

Well, I'm no expert,

But I really think
you ought to go
on tv,

Tell some
of these stories,

Like one
of those talk shows

Where you reveal

Them shows
don't pay.

The king's going
to write a book.

From that, they're
going to make a
movie. Right, king?

Calvin looking for
a starring part.

Well, he--he's
liable to get one,

I want to hear
what you started

The end of that
mitch walker story.

Mitch walker. Yeah.

Mitch walker's
a good fighter.

They's bringing him along
for a title shot.

I fights him
in gary, indiana.

They slips me $2,000
to go in the t*nk.

I decide
to whip this turkey

And run back
to mississippi.

So I bets the $2,000
on myself

At 11-to-1
to knock walker out.

But he's better than me,
knocks me out anyhow.

So you lost everything.

No, no, because
at this time--

Let me tell the story.

Go pay the man.

So this
is what happened.

The guys who own walker,

They come round,
and they visit me.

And they so happy,
they give me $3,000 more

For making the knockout
look so real.

Well, I want to tell you,
it's the kind of life

We country folk
don't know a lot about.

Yeah. Gone now.

Listen. Here's what
I came down to tell you.

This friend of mine's
fixing to reopen
that fertilizer plant

Over in marshalsburg.

He asked me
to recommend
some security men--

Hold it.
Hold it.

What y'all doing here,
old king baylor?

Didn't even know
you were here.

You're a liar.

Sergeant's not lying,
mr. Baylor.
Nobody's watching you.

Honest. It's just
a coincidence
that we're here.

What's going
on here?

What is
going on here?

Got a call
the school bus
broke down.

We had to carry
some kids home.

That's them
right there.

Come on, king.
Let's go.

What do you suppose
is eating him?

Boys, the years go by,

And the good things
don't happen.

The lord keep us
from that kind of luck.

I got to get
some money.

Quit disgracing myself.

Money for etta...

The kids...

And you.

I don't need
no money, king.

King, uh,

Let's get together
on this marshalsburg

Thanks, chief...

But the wheels
are turning.

Things are...moving.

Drive me, calvin.

Where's your keys?

There ain't no keys.
They fired me.

Come on, king.
Let's go.

Sit down.

What are we
doing here?

Making a phone call.

That's what
you're doing.
What am I doing?

You's watching.
You's a witness.

I got a phone
at my place.

Has to be done here.


So's I can get arrested.

[Siren blaring]


King baylor here...

In mississippi.
Sparta, mississippi.

Come on, king.
Let's get out of here.

Sit down.


King baylor here.
Who's I got there?

You don't know me.

Well, I don't know
you either, man.

Take a message
for john caminetto.

Tell him
that the feds
wants to know

About what happened
to joe memel

On the houseboat.

And tell him king's
about to tell them,

Reason being king
ain't got no money

And the feds say
they'll take care
of him.

Ain't nobody else
taking care of old king.

King's down here
hurting, understand?
Hurting real bad.

What? Where
can I be reached?

In the sparta
city jail.

who I was talking to

If anything happen
to me, ok?

Now, do like I say
and get out of here.

If I'd known who
you was gonna talk to,
I wouldn't have let you.

Them detroit people
gonna k*ll you, king!

They gonna try,
that's for sure.

Then I'm going to do
something else.

They going to k*ll
you, king.

They gonna k*ll you.

Oh, we got a good
lunch today, king.

Chicken fried steak,
collard greens, spuds,

Corn bread. For dessert,
custard or pecan pie.

That's good.

We can get you
lunch, too, if you want.

I'd rather my client
leave here

And lunch with me
on the outside.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Epp here went to
a great deal of trouble

To get you a bond
on a sunday.

It's very unusual,
most unusual for sparta.

Why won't you go
out with him, king?



That's my name.

Want to know the man
who gave me that name?

There he is,
right there.

Chief bill gillespie.

You came to my first
professional fight,

And you told me,
"you're going to be king

"Of the heavyweight

Of the world."

Ain't that right, bill?

That's right, connie.

He call me connie.

That's my name, too.

Why you call me
connie, bill?

'Cause I believe...

That's what your
mama calls you.


That's right.

[Door slams]

Mr. Trundle.

Is baylor free?

No, sir.

He's talking
to his lawyer.

You listen to me...

And listen good.

I don't want him
to walk out of here

With anybody
but me.

I can't reach tibbs
at the touraine
in new orleans.

Suppose you tell me
where his wife is.

it being sunday,

I suppose she's at
the crandall avenue
african zion church.

Agent trundle.

Where'd you
park your car
this morning?

Right out
in the front. Why?

Oh, I was
just wondering

If maybe warnings
improved your

More than tickets.

I reckon not, huh?

You have a good day
now, mr. Trundle.

Agent trundle.

The cash is
on its way.

It should
be here now.

I want it delivered
to a friend.

No, king.

We must deal
directly with you.

Then we ain't
got no deal.

The money must go
in your hand.

You must count

Then call detroit
and tell
mr. Caminetto

He doesn't have to
worry about you

You must do that

We's going to
have to figure out
something else.

Let me think
about it.

This looks
very funny...

For me, that you
won't acknowledge
my bond

And come out today.

No funnier than
it looks to me.


I haven't seen you
since harry delong's
victory party.

Oh, hi, missy.

Thank you, missy.

Mrs. Tibbs, my name
is phil trundle--fbi.

Where can I call
your husband?

About what?

I need his help
with a man named king baylor,

Who's about to be
bailed out of jail.

I know. Do you have
a problem with his release?

He's got a mafia lawyer.

Mafia. Really?

My, how they
do get around.

Good day,
mr. Trundle.

Where is chief gillespie?

Is he in church, too?

I didn't notice him
in this one. Goodbye.

In case baylor's
a friend of yours,
mrs. Tibbs,

You ought to know
he's going to
be k*lled.

How they treating
you, lester?

Day by day,

All right.

The money's here.

That's just for show.

They ain't laying
that kind of loot on you.

Now we're gonna take it
off 'em.

This is what
I want you to do.

King, the lieutenant says
your daughter called.

Thanks, wilson.

Can somebody tell her
I'm gonna be out tomorrow,

And everything is
going to be just fine.

I'll make the call
myself, sir.

I know our fbi friend
mr. Trundle

Is not
the most charming man

You'd want to meet
on a sunday morning,

But he's right,
you know.

King baylor
is in bad trouble.

Has it ever occurred
to all you police officers

That you could be
putting him in danger

By bringing all
this attention to him?

Now, listen, mrs. Tibbs.

King baylor
was poking around
in this hornets' nest

Before we arrested him.

Now, a phone call
came from detroit

To this lawyer epp,
here in sparta,

Of terga realty.

Now, what is
terga realty?

It's part
of a notorious network
of interstate infamy.

I mean, I think

That baylor is trying
to blackmail the mob.

[Telephone rings]

Yeah, what?

Little calvin's
just leaving now.

Is baylor
still in there?

Chief, he will not sign
that bond.

I got peake all set
to follow calvin.

All right,
follow calvin.

Yes, sir.

Well, it comes to this.

Uh...the mob is trying
to k*ll baylor

Before the fbi buys him.

The fbi's trying
to buy him

Before the mob kills him.

That's all
there is to it.

That's all
there is to it.

Well, ma'am,
I realize baylor is
a very likable fellow,

But you got
to keep in mind

That he was once
in the mob.

That's the coldest thing
I've ever heard you say,

[Rings doorbell]

Who--who is

I'm the lawyer.

That's the man
who brought the money.

What's in that bag?

Nothing now.

C-can I see
the money?

Excuse me.

50,000 A row?

That's right.

I need 50 in here.


It's what
the king wants--

50 In here.

You come in your car
to elm where it cross
the railroad.

I'm there.

I check the bag
for the other 100.

If it's there,
I'll wave to king

Who's waiting in a shed
south of the tracks.


6 P.m.

And you come
by yourself.

That little black rat,

He'll have to go, too.

This is peake.

Tell the chief
calvin is leaving
the lawyer's office.

Hey, king...glad
you're going out.

It's time.
It's time.

Parker's got something
for you to sign.

It's a release form.

King, I sure am glad
you're not in trouble
about your taxes.

Aw, parker,
au revoir.

King, come here
a minute.

the police chief,

And all the people
in this town
are my people.

This is not
the old days.

I'm here to help

If they let me.

I appreciate that,

Lookin' at that picture
on the wall
of old chief thatcher

Remind me of those days.

Blacks was all tore up.

And now we got
men like you, with sense,

And we still
all tore up.

Hey, king...i got it.


Yes, sir.

Uh, I've got peake

Out watching
those two...

Now I want you to do
a little watching as well.

So, put on
some regular clothes

And get on down
to the bottoms.

Yes, sir.

Ray, you're getting
bigger every day.

Here they come.
There's your papa.

Hey, little ray.
How ya doing?

I got something
for you.

Mrs. Tibbs.

Hi, althea.


We got something
nice to eat.

Why not stay?
Calvin, too.


All right.

I really got to go.

Little ray, let me show you
what I got for you.

We got to run,
too, baby.

Listen, I want you
to always take care
of little calvin.

Can I get an amen?


I want you to put
this equipment bag

Up in your closet.

Now, don't open it
till tomorrow.

It's a birthday

I don't have no birthday
till next january.

It's not 'cause
you was born in january.

I'm giving it to you
'cause you was born.

I love you.

Little cal,
we got to go.

See you,
little ray.


Bye, calvin.


Well, when he gave
that little bag
to etta...

Did he tell her
what was inside
of it?


Did he tell etta

What he
was going to do?

She thinks
he's leaving.
She's worried.

I think...

I don't even want
to say what I think.

Well, mrs. Tibbs, uh,

If it would help me
in any way,

I wish you would.

This can't help you,

It's just a memory
of mine.

Something long ago.

You know, king baylor

Reminds me of guys
I was crazy about

When I was a kid
growing up.

Not all of them were good.

In fact, not many of them.

But they were always
so loving.

They were so much fun.

Giving away presents
all the time to the kids...

All this laughter...

And they were very brave.

Then they were gone...

Gone too soon.

I think we ought
to blow this town now.

We need
the rest of the money.

We got to try for it.

We got that piece.

Let's leave it
at that.

If we cut a piece
of alligator's tail

And we say "let's just
leave it like that,"

What's the alligator
going to do--

Smile and let us
swim away?

Is everything
all squared away here?

I'll need a hand
in a second.

When these guys
get off work,

The hit man going
to sneak in
and wait for me.

I saw that man
in epp's office.

He's oriental.

Come on. Let's go.

[Whistle blows]

You looking
for king baylor?

If he's
in a happy mood.

Is he?

I wouldn't know...

'Cause he ain't here.

Know where he is?

Yeah. Somewheres else.


Excuse me.

Well, who'd you
expect to see?

The chinese fellow?

Well, there he is.

Now, give me that case
before I k*ll you.


Why don't you
come on out of there...



Well, well, well...

I've caught foxes
in the coop

But never before
a weasel.

How'd you come
to these parts?

That's all right.
I know...

I know.


There's sh**t'
out there, man!

I wouldn't do that
if I were you.

Just stay in the car.

Throw the g*n
out the window.

Might as well give up.
You ain't got a chance.

Somebody shot
king baylor!

He's in the church!

He went inside!

Ain't I silly, mama?

You always said I was.

You laughed at me.

And then you'd say,

"Come here...connie,

"You silly boy,

"And put your arms
around your mama,

"Who baked
a sweet potato pie,

"And if you hug
and kiss your mama...

"You can have...

"A slice...

"Of this pie...

"Before anybody...


Daddy, daddy, no, no.


Why, why?

Daddy, daddy, no.

Who was he
talking to?

usually think about.

Why, daddy?

Didn't sound
too important.

Didn't even
make sense.
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