03x13 - Hello in There

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x13 - Hello in There

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

I'm not surprised.
It was bound to happen.

Thanks for calling me.

Goodbye, betty ann.
Bye now.

It never fails.

Every time
our distinguished
district attorney

Takes a case away
from his young assistant

And tries it himself,

The jury brings in
the wrong verdict.

Reminds me of a hunting dog
I had named roscoe

Who was short-sighted.

I ever tell you
about roscoe,

The short-sighted hound?

Oh, yeah.

You sure?

Far-sighted. Short-sighted.

Loved to hunt.

Inspiration to me
in my darkest hours.

Roscoe wasn't
an inspiration.

Matter of fact,
roscoe was kind of pitiful.

You're going to tell me
about him, too, huh?

Well, if that's
your attitude,

I won't
tell you anything.

[Telephone rings] answer your phone.

Skinner here.


Hello there, daryl.
How you doing?

I was hoping
maybe we could talk.

Well, sure we can.

I'll be off
in two hours.
Can it wait?

Yeah, sure.

Is something wrong
with you?

Yeah, I just...

I won't take up
any more of your time.

No, daryl, wait.
Hold on. Daryl.

Good afternoon.
May I help you?

[Clears throat]

What's the matter
at the other end
of that line?


Sounds like
a sad phone call.

No. An old
high-school buddy,
daryl tyler.

I remember that name.

Didn't he play something?

Yeah. Halfback on
the division winning
football team.

Oh. Yeah.

The funny thing
about roscoe was this, see,

Being short-sighted,

You'd fire at the duck,
turn old roscoe loose,

He'd go running
into the tules,

Splashing in the water.

In a few minutes,
he'd come back...

Gnawing on the decoy.


There. My sister
in jackson uses nothing

But that automated
teller machine.

She just loves it.

Had the longest talk
with your manager.

Swore up and down
he would get one,

But I just
don't see it.

It'll take time,
I guess.

You're probably
hoping it will.

You may find yourself
out of a job.



2...and 47 cents.

[Chuckles] can't be too sure
these days.

Have a nice day,
mrs. Thurman.

Man: daryl!

Can I see you
a minute?


[Tires screeching]

[Siren wailing]

You could've
k*lled somebody!

Like me,
for instance!

I'm sorry, officer.
I was just...

Let me see
your license.

Woman: daryl?

It's only 5:00.
What are you doing here?

I left early.
Wasn't feeling well.

You get some rest.

We'll talk
after I get back
from the store.

I'm leaving odell
with you.

Did you hear me?

What is it?




I love you.

remember that.

Well, don't you ever
let me forget it.


Is something wrong?


Nothing that
can't be fixed.

I was thinking
about that daryl tyler.

Didn't we have
a daryl tyler in here

A while back, got himself
in some trouble?

That's the same fella.

That why you dropped him?

Ain't nobody
dropped nobody, chief.

You know how it is.

Guys just naturally
drift apart

After high school.

Daryl is, um...

Well, daryl had
his friends,

And I had
my friends, ok?

Plus he had a hard time

after high school.

Oh, a hard time adjusting.

That sometimes means going
to jail, doesn't it?

I remember when you guys
played football together.

He was a good halfback
for a skinny fella.

Fast, too. He had
a lot of heart.

He could've went pro.

Why didn't he?

Blew out his knee
in that all-star game

And chances
for a scholarship.

And then
you can't go pro

And go to jail
at the same time,

I don't believe.

I believe it's time
for me to get
out of here.

All right.
See you, bubba.


is daryl here?

No, but come in.

Lieutenant skinner.

I'm glad you're here.

I just stopped by
to see daryl.

Daryl's gone...

And so is $100,000.

[Chatter on police radio]

Man: a self-inflicted
g*nsh*t wound.

I can finish
a portion of this.

Let's make some
room here.

That's good.
All right.

Officer: got it?

I know, cora.
I know.

Keep your eye
on that room.

Make sure nobody
touches anything.

Yes, sir.

Too many people
around here.

I'll move them.

[Indistinct talking]


[Dog barking]


I'm awful sorry
about your friend
daryl tyler.

What happened, chief?

He shot himself.

Excuse me, chief.

We were teammates,

And we promised
we'd always

Be there
for each other.

I should have
been there for him.

That's over.

The one you want
to be there for now

Is cora tyler...
And the boy.

He hasn't
said a word

Since his mama
found him.

I know that, chief.

I keep thinking
it's my fault.

You didn't pull
that trigger, bubba.


I didn't stop him
from pulling it,

Same thing.


Oh, lord.

I got daryl tyler's

From the coroner's

It always gives me
the willies,

Going through
a dead man's things.


What do we have?

His wallet,
some change,

A wedding band,

His watch,

Some kind of key...

One comb...

What do you
suppose this is?

It's a celtic cross.

The coach gave it to him
senior year for luck.

I've seen this kind
of key before.

I'll see
what it's to.

Daryl did not
take that money.

I'll handle this.

I don't think
you're objective enough

To handle this.

Well, who is? You?

Sounds like you've
solved this already.

How objective is that?

I'm looking
at all the facts.

Like what?

One, your friend
daryl tyler
had a record...

That was
five years ago.

Two, $100,000 is missing
from his place
of employment,

And three, powder burns
on his head

And the paraffin test
on his hands

Proved that
he used the g*n
he k*lled himself with.

Why did he do it?

You're on a roll.
Tell me.

To avoid
the consequences
of what he did.

Come on. That's
circumstantial evidence.

You got nothing tying
that money to daryl.

I don't have
to step in manure

To know that
I'm on a horse path.

Well, you're on the wrong
horse path this time.

Why are you
looking at me?

He's closed up
inside of himself,

Like he's got
this terrible secret

That he's afraid
will spill out

If he opens
his mouth.

There's a woman
on the city council

Named harriet delong.

She's worked with
kids like odell.

She's trained
in art therapy.

I think
she can help him.

Art therapy?

Sometimes when
people go through


They bury
their hurt and fear

Inside of them.

I know I did.

Art therapy
could help
open those doors

And release
those feelings.

But odell
is just a child.

I know, cora,
but children
in particular

Hide their fears.

Cora: I really need
my little boy
back again, althea.

We're all
each other has
right now.

Bubba: you're
the assistant manager?

That's right.

Do you recall
seeing any changes
in daryl lately?

I mean, was he
forgetting things,

Making mistakes,
things like that?

No. Daryl was
very conscientious.

He was never
a penny short.

Let me ask you this.

Do you remember him
saying anything,

Or did you notice

Anything strange
that happened that day?

Think about this
real hard, now.


All I remember

Is he was
with a customer,

Mr. Williams
called him in
the office,

Then he went
home early.

I didn't
talk to him.

When did youfind out
the money was missing?


When mr. Williams
told me.

Thank you, diane.


I'll take care of it.

I sure will. You, too.

lieutenant skinner.

Won't you
have a seat?

I'll stand
if you don't mind.

Not at all.

I understand that you
spoke with daryl

Right before he left.

daryl came in...

Said he wasn't
feeling too good.

Daryl just came in
to your office.

Well, I might have
called him in here

For something.

Oh, I did.
That's right.

I had a question about
the general ledger.

Acting unusual
to you, anything?

Well, the fact
that he left early

Was a bit unusual.

In the two years
he was here,

Daryl was never late,
never missed
a minute of work.

You know
he had a record.

That's right, I did.

But like they say
in my church,

It's not what
a man has done,

It's who he is.

I don't care
about the money.

The bank's insured.

I'm just sorry that
my faith in daryl

Proved to be
a mistake.



What do you want?

Look, I know
it's never easy

When a friend dies
under any circumstances.

I know
you don't think
this was su1c1de...

Sweet, unless you
got something
important to say...

I pulled daryl over
on his way home
that afternoon.

He looked
pretty nervous.

A ticket would make
anybody nervous.

I mean real nervous.

It wasn't
just a ticket.

He had something else
on his mind.

you got a right
to your opinion.

I got
a right to mine.

But I got to take
this stuff
to daryl's widow,

And I don't want
to hear yours
right now.

That's enough, mrs. Tibbs.
Thank you.

I got to take
daryl's things

Over to his family.

I'm jumpy enough

I know.

That's the part
of the job

Virgil hates
the most.

Kind of funny,
ain't it?

If virgil
wasn't still
in new orleans,

He'd be talking
to cora today.

Who knows?
Daryl might have
called him instead.

How could anyone say
what would
have happened?

Mrs. Tibbs,
I'll say this,

Every instinct I got
as a cop and a man

Tells me
that our friend
daryl tyler

Did not take
that money.

I agree with you.

Well, I guess I put off

What's got
to be done
long enough.

Bubba, you and I
are right.

Yes, ma'am.

Now all we got
to do is prove it.

Miss delong?

Oh, hi.

You must be
cora tyler.

I'm harriet delong.


And you must be


Oh, that's ok.

I know you're
in there somewhere.

It probably feels like
the safest place to hide.

You might be right,
for now.

Mama's leaving us alone
for a little while

So we can
make a mess.

I'll see you
later, baby.

Mamas don't like to see
this sort of thing.

Want to know why?

Because they usually
have to clean up.



Isn't it fun?

Just like mud
oozing all up
between your toes.

That's right,
hold your hands up
like that.


Just relax...

And let your hands
just slide
across the paper.

That's right.

That's good, odell.

Oh, look at that.

Relax your hand.

That's right,
just let it slide.

That's right.

That's good.



Man: [on pa] attention.

The bus to jackson
is now loading.

The bus to jackson
is now loading.

Thank you.


The bus for jackson
is now leaving

With continuing service
to biloxi, mississippi.

Chief: we just need to find
the other $80,000.

Maybe he had
a safe deposit box.

I had an aunt hilda,
never trusted banks.

She took
to smoking cigars,

And she kept her money
in a cigar box.

He could have stashed
it anywhere.

A mattress, back yard.

Before you dig up
cora's back yard,

You'd better be sure
daryl took that money.

There's no question
about mr. Tyler's
guilt, bubba.

In your mind.

Yes, in my mind.

I can't disregard
what I see.

What I don't see

Is any evidence
in his favor.

Here's his file.
He had a record.

That was
five years ago.

Daryl didn't have
no job at the time.

He took that money
to feed his family.

That ought to mean
something to you.

Come on, bubba,
will you?

Oh, hell.
I guess it don't.

Harriet delong: now close
your eyes, odell.

What do you see
in there?

Do you see anything?

Let the pictures talk
for you, odell.

Your mother told me
you saw something.

that scared you.

What you saw
would scare anyone.

I just want you
to know that.

I also want you
to know

That in time
you'll feel better.

You'll run around
in the rain

Catching raindrops
on the tip of your tongue,

And you'll talk.

Believe it or not,

I can't
get excited over
this art therapy.

As far
as I'm concerned,

of these artists
need therapy.

Art therapy is
a highly-respected
form of analysis.

If it's so

Why are you
on the city council
of little sparta?

Why aren't you
in jackson,

Trading opinions
with the celebrated

over there?

It's a new approach,

Which would
set you against it
in the first place.

Bubba: look! None
of this matters.

We have a witness
to a m*rder.

But the witness
can't tell us

The witness
can't speak.

And I think
you'll agree,

This is hardly
a composite drawing
of a suspect.

It's more
than you had.

Chief, a little boy
saw something.

Oh, well...

You're going
to ignore that?

You can't
turn your back
on this one.

You owe it
to that little boy

And his mama
to reopen this case.

It's not closed.

We just don't
have much to go on.

It's someplace
to start.

I'll tell you
where to start.

You start up here.

You never thought
of this,

But a deer has
no natural enemies
in the trees.

That's why a deer
never looks up.

What do I mean
by that?

You've got to build
your stand up here,

So that you
can look down
on the situation.


Come again?

I'm trying to say
to you that I may be

The only one with
an objective view

Of this situation.


I'm not sure
if I can help you.

Mrs. Tyler,
you might have evidence

That you yourself
are not aware of.

For instance,
that g*n.

Where did
your husband keep it?

That wasn't his g*n.

How do you know?
Did you see it?

No. Daryl
never had a g*n.

Mrs. Tyler,

Do you know
of any people

That might have
wanted to hurt
your husband?


liked daryl.

Well, mrs. Tyler,
everybody has...

Daryl didn't take
no money.

You didn't know him,
chief gillespie.

He was...


And hard-working

Sure, he made
some mistakes,

But he paid
for them.

He wouldn't no more
take that money

Than he would
his own life.

Did he have any
other kin in town?


Just his grandfather,

We hadn't seen him
in years,

But he came
to the funeral.

Where does he live?


145 County line road.

Thank you.

There was one thing
I remembered
last night.

I never did
tell bubba.

Well, tell me.

When I got home,

I thought
I heard something
in the kitchen.

Well, I went in

And the back door
was cracked open.

I thought it must
have been odell, but...

But now that
I think about it,

He was...

I know
what you mean.

He was the, uh...


Thanks for your
help, mrs. Tyler.

And, uh...

I'm going
to keep you

And your little boy
in my prayers.

[Car door opens]

[Footsteps approaching]

Who you looking for?

Winston tyler.

He ain't home.


Yeah, well,
I can see that.

Maybe you can tell me
where he is.

Don't know.

my own business,
which is nothing.

Since 19 and 47,
no business to mind.


And no minds
to worry about it.


Oh, thank you.


Uh, no. I don't like
that kind.


Well, neither do i,

But it's the best
I can do.


What do you think
about all this?

Terrible thing,
what happened
to daryl.

That boy
was a natural.

He used to run
like the breeze

On a hot
summer's night

Coming down
off the hills,

About to pick you up
and carry you off
with it.

So I heard.

Till he hurt
his knee, huh?



I thinks to myself
daryl was like
a race horse,


It don't make
no sense.

You mean
his k*lling himself?


No, daryl didn't
take to no g*ns.

Never did.

I took the boy
hunting once.

He cried so much,
he like

To scared away
every critter
for miles.

How very interesting.

The boy had
a curse on him.

Didn't have
no luck at all.

that woman.

Excepting cora.

And that little boy,

That sweet...
Little boy.

Thank you
for your help...

Mr. Winston tyler?

Any of these men
look familiar,

How about these?


He hasn't
lit up yet.

Thanks, chief.

Lieutenant skinner's
got a form there

For the release
of that money.

Here and here.

What do you think
the chances are

Of finding
the other $80,000?

Cash is hard
to find.

I'd say the odds
are 50-to-1
against us.

But we ain't
giving up.

The boy odell
may have
given us a clue.

His boy, huh?

Chief: yeah.

He hasn't said
a word

Since he
saw his daddy
k*ll himself,

But he may yet.

Poor little boy.



Y'all take care,

Same to
yourself, sir.

Lieutenant skinner.

Yeah, yeah.



Doesn't that look
like fun, baby?

Honey, don't
you want to swing?

Go on, honey.

That's it, baby.
Go on. Go on.

That's it.

That's right, baby.

It's fun, remember?
You love the slide.

That's it. Come on.
I know you can do it.

You love the slide.
Come on, baby.


Let's try it
one more time.

Mrs. Tyler
didn't see anybody.

Did any of those
other women

In the park
see anything?

No, sir.

Why is this
happening to us?

I haven't
got the answer,

But I'm sure going
to find the answer.

Now, officer culburn
is waiting for you.

Mrs. Tyler, I'm going home
with y'all.

[Telephone rings]

Cora: odell?

Come on, baby.
What's the matter?


Did you see the look
on that kid's face?

Hell, yes, I did.

I'm telling you, chief.
That boy knows something.

Here comes
somebody else

Who thinks
she knows something.

how are you?

How are y'all doing?

I thought
it was important

That you take
a look at these.

We've gone as far
as possible

With art therapy.

It's going to take
something drastic

To make that boy talk.


Well, you weren't
so lucky

For poor old
daryl tyler.

[Tea kettle whistles]


bill gillespie here.

Yeah, well, sorry
to disturb you,

But I've
just gone over

These child's paintings
that you gave me

To look at.

I saw something
very interesting here.

There's one
I'm looking at

That has a...

I'd like to talk
to you about it.

The magnolia? Yeah,
that would be fine.

I'll meet you there.

Sure. Thank you
very much.


[Indistinct chatter] [music playing on speakers]

Good evening.

Good evening.

It's good
to see you.

Here's cheryl here.

Can we get you
a cup of coffee?

How about some tea?

Yeah, fine. Tea.
Tea for two.

Yes, sir, chief.

Now, I sure
appreciate your
coming down here.

Well, sure, chief.

So, what's
this evidence
that you have?

Oh, yeah.

I was looking
over some

Of these paintings
of odell's

That you brought
by today.

In particular,
this one here.

And, uh,

I think
that little fella

Is trying to tell us
exactly who it was

Who k*lled
his daddy.

Mm-hmm. Hmm.

Well, do you know
who did it?

I have
a pretty good idea.


There you are.

Thank you.

Thank you.
Now, then...

You want
a piece of cake
or something?

Oh, no.

No. Well, i...

Uh, I don't
need anything.




This, of course,
is a pocket watch.

Mm-hmm. Yes, it is.

I find that
very interesting.

Why? A lot of men
wear pocket watches.

I know, but this one
gave me an idea

That I wanted to
talk over with you

About how I can
catch this guy.


I find this particular
pocket watch

Very interesting.

Mr. Williams.

Thank you for coming.

Not at all. Uh,
why the park, chief?

I had one or two
private questions
to ask you.

The park's about
the most private
place I know.

Well, if I
can help, i...

I've been thinking
about that boy
odell tyler.

I know that
he saw something,

And I wish,

I just wish
that I could get him...

Well, I declare.

That's the very boy
we're talking about.

Chief: why, that's
most peculiar.

He's usually
with his mama
these days.

Well, odell,
how nice to see you.

You k*lled my daddy.

Well, listen to that.
He talked.

I got my wish.

Sure enough.

[Chief laughs]

And look who's coming.

You stole that money

And tried to blame it
on the man you k*lled.

That is
a shocking crime.

As for that $80,000,

I believe our chances
of finding that

Are getting better
by the minute.





You sounded
really good.

Now, listen.

I've got
something here

That used to be
your daddy's.

Now I guess
it's yours.

Oh, chief?


Thanks for walking down
that horse path, huh?

Oh, well, bubba,

You were with me,
weren't you?
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