03x21 - Citizen Trundel: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x21 - Citizen Trundel: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪



[Telephone rings]



It's for you.


How can you tell
it's for me?

The ring.
That's your ring.


Detective, seems like
we got ourselves a homicide.

The address
is 1114 polk way

Where it starts
at the bottoms.

The victim was probably
k*lled by an intruder.

Maybe a burglar.

Who's on it?

Jamison. Bubba
and sweet just left.

The victim was a lady.


A most important name--



Delong, but not
the councilwoman harriet,

But, uh,
natalie, her sister.

You sure?

Yes, sir.

Phone the chief.

Yes, sir.
We're right on it.


Do you know
harriet delong's sister?

Only to say hello to.
Why? What's wrong?

She's dead.

Somebody just...

Got into her house
and k*lled her.

Mmm. God.

[Telephone rings]


Yeah. What?

Homicide, chief.
House on polk. Female.

Driver's license
information from
sergeant jamison...

Who's on the scene now?


Thank you.






Oh, yes, chief.

She's here.

She can't come
to the phone.

No, sir.

She's taking it
very badly.

I will, sir.


Watch your
back there.

Careful of this
next door.


We called his aunt.

She'll be meeting you. O.k.

See the old-timer
on the porch?

Yeah. Staring like
he knows something.

Oh, he does.

How you know?

Some mighty strong
vibes coming off
that porch, sweet.

Want me
to talk to him?

No. He'll come
and talk to us
when he wants to...

Not one little second
before he wants to.

We got tire tracks
next door.

The guy
came over the fence.

We got footprints
by the bushes and steps

And fresh mud
by the door.

And in the hall, too.

The guy had a key.

The locks weren't
messed with.

Can they take
the picture frame
to the lab?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Thank you.

Bubba, we're going
to have to come back,

Do a lot
of looking around.

Things will tell us
more about a woman
than people can.

In the people department,
she did have a boyfriend.

I don't recall his name,
but he's on our files.

What for?


And then
there's the sister...

Who I gladly leave
to you and the chief.

Come on, sweet.
Let's tape it off.

...to pediatrics.

Dr. Mcmoore to pediatrics.

They tell me
the name delong

Was on the deceased's
driver's license.

I infer she was unmarried
with a 9-year-old son.

How was she k*lled?

She was smothered.

Housekeeping to room 40.

Housekeeping to room 40.

Hello, bill.

This is a shocking thing,
harriet. I...

Can hardly believe it.

But you could explain it,
couldn't you?


Couldn't you?

She taking charge
of the boy?

Taking him home.

Just waiting to hear
when she can have
her sister's body.

Dr. Victor to radiology.

Dr. Victor to radiology.

What's that all about?

This is the first time
since I've known you

That you've asked me
a question.

And what's the answer?

You know,
I don't know.

I have to say I haven't
the faintest idea.

[Squawk from police radio]

You mad at that cop?

I guess
I shouldn't be.

That sergeant
was nice to me.

He was the one
who came when I called.


Oh, sure, you did.

I never thought
to ask who.

Who else but you?

So you went in
to wake her up,

I dialed emergency.

Am I going to stay here
with you now?

Yes, baby.

You're going
to stay here with me.

We need each other.
We really do. O.k.?

Go on in.
Nellie's fixing you
something nice.

You hanging around here
for a reason?

Orders, ma'am.


Anybody who'd harm
one sister

Might harm the other.

Who's he thinking about?

He just said anybody.

That woman
is seriously mad.

Tell me.

When's the chief
explaining this case
to us?

A guy k*lled a woman.
That's the case.

There's more to it
than that.

Someone'll be by
about 3:00 to relieve you.

'Course I'm worried
about you.

A shock like that,

You're liable to do
or say the wrong thing.

I don't want that

[Knock knock]


Hold on.

I'll be with you
in a minute, virgil.

Now--now listen.

You were fine
at the hospital.

Please go on that way.

i--i won't keep

My men there long,

But, please,
just bear with me.

And listen...

Don't go making
phone calls.

Don't start accusing people
of anything.

Don't do anything.

Don't talk
to anybody but me,

Not anybody.

You hear me?


That's, uh,
harriet delong.


Uh, will you
allow her to talk

To your
chief investigator?

Well, why waste time?

We know that harriet's
sister natalie

Kept company
with a sparta man.

We know that he's here.
He's been seeing her lately.

You told harriet
not to accuse anybody.


When you're
feeling grief,

You liable to say things
you shouldn't,

Get people embarrassed. Embarrassed!

A very significant word.

A word for people
in high places.

That's silly. It's true.

Big people get embarrassed.

Little people get scared.

So who are we
talking about?

I think
I'm through talking.

Who would
harriet accuse?

Chief, those pictures
of tire tracks were useless.

They were mostly
on the lawn.

O.k., Thank you.

Now, virgil,

I don't want you
to get off

The main investigative
track here,

Which begins
with that card
in your hand.

So you order me
not to speak
to harriet delong.

I would prefer.

Wait a minute.

You're already
looking for this man.

You have assigned people

Yes, I asked--

Thanks for
informing me...


I'm sorry, ma'am.
Restricted area.

It's my sister's house.
Get out of my way.

Peake, let her by.

Still rummaging?

Harriet, you know
we have to.

There was a picture


The man who came in here
took it with him.

Harriet, do you recall
who was in that picture?

Was there a man
in the picture?

Oh, god.

Oh, natalie.

It's o.k., Luann.
I'm on my break.

Ms. Tibbs,
I should've gone
in there to you,

But I wanted to be
near my radio.

That's o.k.

I need your help
with harriet delong.

What's wrong?

Losing a sister
is awful enough,

But losing one this way

Could put you
out your mind.

I want to see her.

I even tried calling,
but she wasn't home.

The man that did it

Is going to turn out
to be somebody

Who knew the young woman,
had relations with her.

That's what virgil said.

Harriet thinks
that parties far
removed from this town

May be responsible.

Now, I don't want her
yelling that to the world.

Could discredit her,

Cause her great damage.

Yeah, well...

What do you
want from me?

I want harriet
to help us find
the actual m*rder*r,

Who is here in sparta.

I want her to put
her mind on that.

"Parties far removed"?
Who are you talking about?

This is sweet
looking for the chief.

Yeah, sweet.
Here he is.

Yeah, sweet. What?

She left
a little while ago.
Still gone.

She have any visitors?

Couple of councilmen,
that's all.

Call again, hear? Yes, sir.

You're watching
her house?

I don't know what kind
of k*ller this is.

Chief, natalie delong
had a life outside
of sparta.

Maybe her son eric
is from that life.

I can't investigate
out there.

Well, then maybe
harriet's right.

Even if she were,

We'd have to nail
the local m*rder*r
to prove it.

Am I making sense?

I can't argue
with you.

Can you bring
harriet around
to my point of view?

I'll talk to her.

Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you very much.

When will the house
cease to be evidence?


Not right away.

I want to take
certain things

And dispose
of all the rest.


The chief and the d.a.

Might want to keep
everything as is

Till we're able
to make a case.


Can you talk to me
about this?

About what?

About her boyfriends?

Gillespie probably
knows more than I do.

If you're hanging it
on a boyfriend,
I'm not helping.

I'm not 'cause
I know better.

I'm tired, virgil.
I'm going on home.

I raised my boy.

Now I'm going
to raise my sister's.

What you want?

Burt willins your boy?

He is.

Tell him
parker williams
is here.

He knows me.

I arrested him
last year.

I heard what happened.

Natalie delong
got k*lled this morning.

Burt kept company
with her.

Where's burt?

My son didn't k*ll her.

She was k*lled
by a white man.
Y'all know it.

We don't know that.

Don't bother my son.
And don't bother me.

You want to know
who done it,

Go ask chief gillespie.

He know.
He can tell you
who done it.

I got a heap of work.
Can I get to it?

Yes, ma'am.

What do you
want from me,
burt willins?

Thanks for coming.

I can't do
anything for you.

Look, I had nothing
to do with this.

I'm not so sure.

I didn't.

If I thought
you did,

I would've
shot you dead.

Harriet, I need help.

I think the cops
wanna gimme trouble.

Well, what we got here?

She came home,
went right back out.

To meet him.
Don't know him.

I know who he is,
and I want him.

You go on in.

I'm going

Stop telling me things
I already know

Tell me what
I don't know.

Why this after
all these years?

What happened
between you and her
and her and him? What?

What made that devil
do this?

Uh, excuse me.

Sir, I'd like to have
a word with you.

You followed me here?

Yes, ma'am.

You efrem tally? Yes, sir.

How do you do?

You, uh, wanted
to see me.

My nephew
is burt willins.

He's all upset.

He say
you hunting him.

Well, you hunting
the wrong man.

A white man
k*lled that woman,

And some black man
was with him.

Happened about
5:00 in the morning.

I was up to make
service runs
to kenard and mccomb.

Here come a car
round by the church
on polk.

And, uh...

Excuse me.
Don't go away.

Stop bugging me.
You told me nobody
saw anything.

That's what
I'm counting on.

Morning, mr. Turkus.

Are you mr. Turkus?

Yeah. Why?

Are you hiring
for trundel-mart?

Not at this facility.

I'm a cop looking for
off-duty security work.

I got security.

I heard trundel
gave preference
to local police.

I'd write
a complaint letter

To v.j. Trundel,
new orleans,

But I wouldn't wait
for an answer

Before looking around
for other work, hear?

[Knock on door]

Police picked up
natalie's boyfriend.

Waste of time.

Virgil said
there could be
a couple of boyfriends.

Virgil doesn't know.

He was long gone
when it started.

The chief was here.

And the chief knows.

But the chief
doesn't want to know.

I'm sorry
for being rude

And not even
talking sense.

Harriet, you can say
whatever you want,
however you want.

The man who
k*lled my sister

Is the father
of her child.

He didn't do it himself,
but he paid somebody.

Is the father
of the child from here?

Yes, and he's not
one of those
local jokers

Natalie had
hanging around.

You know, althea,
I don't usually
take spirits, but--


I can bring you
a glass of wine.

Thank you.

So you heard natalie
on the phone one day?

Not who she was
talking to.

She said?

"I'll ruin you.
I'll pull you down."

That's all.

Let me see your keys.

We checked on
the as*ault charge.

You beat up a man
at remo's bar.

Natalie was with you.

He said things
about her and me.

This is natalie's
own key to her home.

Opens both,
the back and front door.

You got the same key
on your ring.

Want to make
a phone call? Why?

You're staying here.

Aw, come on!

Come on!
You're withholding
criminal evidence!

And, good lord,
can you lie.

Don't you
look at me like that.

You lied
about remo's bar.

We keep notes
about those things.

All a man did
was walk up
to your table,

A man named quentin
who filed
the as*ault charge.

He spoke to natalie.

You punched him
and hit him
with a chair.

Then you
threatened natalie.

Your exact words were,

"I'll choke the life
out of your body."

My, my. You're
a jealous man...

With a motive to k*ll,

Access to the house...

Then when we asked you
where you were
the other night,

All you could say
was your mama's house.

That's pitiful.

I'm going to hold you,

See if a judge
believes you.

Bubba, put that
man downstairs.

Yes, sir.
Come on.

His uncle reported
a white man and
a black man in the car.

That's what I saw
at trundel-mart--

Same two guys,
same ford car.

Then pick up turkus.

And be careful of him.
He's dangerous.

I want him
in here walking
and breathing

On a m*rder warrant.

Well, better turkus
than willins.

Wait. Who is
turkus, anyway?

And why would you
put jamison onto him?

The minute you told me

That mr. Tally
mentioned a white man,

I knew it was turkus.

He's been watching
natalie delong
for a long time.


Because his boss
wanted her watched.

What boss?

I'm about to
introduce you to him.

Did this same boss
want her k*lled?

I presume so.

Turkus is
our k*ller, but...

That's the man
that runs turkus.

Well, it's you again.

Glad you remember.

Well, you're
under arrest.

What is it for?

We've got a warrant
for m*rder.

[Man] come on out here.
Check it out.


Don't do that, man.
Put the g*n down.

[Man] still going
after him.

You have the right
to remain silent.

[Second man] boy, y'all
better get back to work.

The chief was right
about this guy.

This guy turkus
is a goon for trundel.

I've had telephone
conversations about him

To atlanta, houston,
new orleans--

Every place trundel
has an operation.

I'm told turkus
is pretty good
at his job,

Which is to
make people agreeable

By pushing them around

Or busting their heads

Or even k*lling somebody

To let them know
where the power is.

But you wouldn't think
a man like v.j. Trundel

Would keep animals
of that breed.

All right,
I can believe that.

What I really
find incredible

Is the story
about natalie delong.

But he met her
in new orleans.

Anybody can
meet anybody there.

O.k., But that
he's the father
of that boy?

I wish I knew
who was in that picture.

So do i.

Here comes our witness.

Thank you
for coming,
mr. Tally.

You going to turn
my nephew loose?

We want to know
if you can identify

The man we've got
in court.

Then tell burt
to cooperate.

Let's get this
over with.

Bubba is waiting for him.

Yes, sir.

We've got our turkus,

But this
is harriet delong's

For death row.

That man
will never see

The inside
of a courtroom,

Much less
parchman prison.

V.j.'S landing the plane.
He can't take a call.

Are you kidding?

V.j. Doesn't mess
with this stuff.
I shouldn't, either.

Did you call
new orleans?

What did they say?

Well, do that.

The money doesn't matter.

Just keep him
out of jail.

Jail? Who?

One of our employees,
a white man,

Is being held
in connection with
a black woman's death.

Seems he fathered
her child and so on.

The usual.

We'll be at the mansion
in about 20 minutes.

Vidge? Looks like rain.

Well, well. Looks like
I'm going to ask for bail.

Well, you won't get it.

Why would you
oppose that?

Turkus is a k*ller.

The judge
won't say that.

The grand jury
might, but that's
two weeks away.

Let him out.
Why be vindictive?

Just can't help it.
Raised that way.

Why not assume the duty
of guaranteeing turkus'
court appearance

Rather than
putting up money?

That duty doesn't
naturally fall
to an attorney, chief.

I have never
heard of bail

In a case of
premeditated m*rder.

Been too long
up north, mr. Tibbs.

Maybe, but
the chief and I

Are going into court
with mr. Darnelle,

And you will not
get bail.

I am setting bail
at $100,000

Until the convening
of the grand jury
here in 15 days.

After that, we'll consider
whether or not to continue.

I don't believe this.

Bond, mr. Aikens.

Cash, your honor.
Came prepared.

This is an outrage.

Why, miss delong?

The man's entitled to bail

Until he's indicted.

If he's indicted.

He'll be indicted,

Your honor, this
is most unusual.
I must admit--

It is done,
mr. Darnelle.

Let's hear
no more of it.

He's crazy!

You're a crazy judge!

I am warning you,
miss delong.

You can't let
this man out!

You're not fit
to sit on that bench!

I'm reporting you
to the--

I'm putting you
in contempt of court!

I held this court
in contempt
before you said so.

Damn fool!

Put that woman in jail.

Put that woman in jail!

You can't let him out!

Put her in jail!

He k*lled my sister!
You can't--

He k*lled my sister!

Did you record that?
Read that back.

Record that!

I want that order
filed downstairs

Now! Before lunch!

Nobody eats until
my order is entered!

[Gavel pounds]


That's mr. Tally.

We can't let anything
happen to him.

Yes, sir.

Virgil, you're kind,
just like your mama.

She helped me
when my mama died

And I had to look after
little natalie.

I remember.

She was the one
who kept after natalie

With that music
and singing.

Natalie made two records

And sang in this big club
in new orleans.

And then?

Back to sparta, pregnant.

He bought her
that little house.

She wouldn't dream
about having an abortion.

Oh, natalie
wanted that baby.

We forget sometimes
girls do.

And what about
her career?


She never said
another word about it.

She stayed here,
she raised eric,

Made a few
good-for-nothing friends.

And finally...

She got k*lled.

We can't keep it up--

Making believe
vidge trundel had
nothing to do with this.

We know our m*rder*r.

But you don't have him.

If turkus
tries to leave town--

I want vidge trundel.

Harriet, we are never
going to be able

To connect v.j. Trundel
to this thing.

He may have
wanted her k*lled,

He may have
ordered her k*lled,

But we will never
find anybody
willing to say,

"I got that order
from him,"

Or a witness
who will say,

"I was there,
and I heard that."

You keep saying never.

Never. Because nobody
who knows trundel

Has anything to gain
by exposing him.

Everybody has
plenty to lose.

And there are
all kinds of people

And all kinds
of losses.

Can't we at least
try and get that
out of turkus?

Virgil, I don't believe

That v.j. Trundel
even knows who turkus is.

You understand
what I'm saying to you?



I guess I have
two things to do
up in jackson--

Get that menace colter
off the bench

And get you off this case.

I'm asking the governor
to send a special

And to turn this
whole matter over
to the state police.
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