04x02 - Brotherly Love: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x02 - Brotherly Love: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Yeah. Collect
from virgil tibbs.

I don't know, operator.

I never accepted
a collect call

From philadelphia before.

Parker, get me
the chief, please.

Detective, I'm sorry.

I don't want to get
in trouble.

Then you better
accept it.

Ok, operator.
I'll accept.

Hi, detective,
how's it going?

The chief, parker,

Get me the chief.

Well, sure.
Right away.

Chief, a collect call
from detective tibbs
on line three.

Betcha he's coming home.

Probably afraid we can
manage without him.

You finally
coming home?

Sparta sounds
really good about now.

The city
of brotherly love

Hasn't exactly welcomed me
with open arms.

I've been arrested
as an accomplice
to m*rder.


This got anything
to do with your
friend dwight?

How do you feel

About making a trip
to the big city?

Well, I better be
on the next plane.

I need another favor.
Can you tell althea?

Yeah, sure.
I'll take care of it.

Thanks, chief.

Now then, boys.

Virgil's in trouble,
ain't he?

He sure is.


Philadelphia cops
arrested him.

Got him in jail
for doing something,

Trying to get
his old friend's
name cleared.

Parker, make me
plane connections
for philadelphia.

Yes, sir.

you're in charge.

Jamison, sweet,
back him up.

Yes, sir.

What should I do?

Get me on a plane.

Oh! Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

Good afternoon.

Hi, chief. Never
thought I'd be
doing this, either,

But it's relaxing.
You should try.

I don't think I'd look
nearly as pretty
as you doing that.

How is it with you today?

Today is a good day.
What's up?

I been in touch
with virgil up
in philadelphia.

And, uh...

There's a problem
up there.

I've got to fly up
and be with him.

It's about dwight,
isn't it?

Yes. Uh...well,
the fact is,

Another officer's
been k*lled.

The police there
are holding virgil.

They've arrested him?

Just for questioning.

I knew something
would go wrong.

I got to go there.

No, you can't fly up.

But I can drive.

No, you don't have to.


Sit--sit down here.
Now please.


Take it easy.
We'll get help.

Dee, come here, will you?

Yes, sir.

She ain't having
problems, is she?

Well, I don't know!

It was close,

But we stopped
the contractions.

We'd like her
to carry to term,
since it's twins.

Well, can we go in
and see her?

She has
to stay calm.

No more
unexpected news.

Yes, ma'am. No, ma'am.

Are you sleeping,
mrs. Tibbs?

Oh, hi, chief.

Hi, bubba. Hi.

When do you leave?

I leave in an hour.

Virgil said dwight was
k*lled by the police.

Yeah, well, we're going to
have to see about that
when I get there.

And in the meantime,

Bubba's here,
you call on him
for anything you want.

[Chuckles] I asked
for bubba's help once,

I think he got more
than he bargained for.

Oh, but I can handle it.
I've been working
on that lamoose.


Please ask virgil
to come home soon.

I sure will.
I sure will.

We'll be calling you
from philadelphia.

You call me
if you need anything,

No matter what,
you hear?

She wants to sleep now.

Yes, sir.

Are they charging virgil?

I think "framing him"
is the right phrase.

I'd like to see
your captain, please.

Yeah, you and
a hundred others.

What's your beef?

I might ask you
the same question,

But I'd much rather
speak to your captain.

Is he around?

Around for who?

"For whom," sergeant,
"for whom."

Yeah? Well,
whom are you?

I'm bill gillespie.

I'm the police chief
of sparta, mississippi.

Oh, I'm very impressed.

The captain ain't here.

Well, who's
the officer in charge?

Lieutenant reynolds
is the watch commander.


Virgil tibbs
is in trouble.

What evidence
have you got?

A m*rder*d cop,
tibbs found on the scene.

He won't say why he
and officer edwards
were there.

Find a m*rder w*apon?

We're looking for it.

You present an entirely
different aspect

Inside that cage.

I will not
respond to that.

Listen, since you have
so little to hold him on,

Why can't you release him
into my custody?

You'll have to see
the captain about that.

Tibbs has a fine record,

But he's withholding
information about
a m*rder.

Give chief gillespie
a few minutes alone
with tibbs.

Thank you, lieutenant.
Thank you.

You all better
be careful.

Looks like they're
bringing in reinforcements
from mississippi.

You always underestimate
the competition, ryan.

Let's go.

We got something
to take care of.

Okay, well, sit down.

Well, well.

How's althea?

Althea's fine.

She sent down some
clean clothes for you.

Got them
in a bag outside.

She did start labor,
you know.

Well, then
she's not fine.

No, no, she's all right.

They stopped
the contractions.

They're going to keep
her in the hospital

Till she delivers.

You can call her
tomorrow morning.

No, no, I better...

Would I be sitting here
telling you she's fine

If she wasn't fine?

Now, sit still.

I want to talk
about you.

Are you withholding

Edwards died

Because the cops were
trying to k*ll me
and missed.


How many?

There's at least three.

Why did they want
to k*ll you?

I'm onto something.

Like dwight.


Something big.

The cop who discovered
the so-called evidence
on dwight

Is the same cop
who arrested me.


Mighty coincidental.

Who are the others?

The only one who knows--
a bag lady named hannah.

I wouldn't say anything.

I didn't say anything!

No! Please!




Your father-in-law
told me about this.

Why is it happening?


I, um, was getting
too close, like dwight.

I haven't put it
all together yet.

Look, i...

I don't know if this--
if this means anything,

But I found it
in dwight's wallet

Behind aja's picture.

These names
mean something to you?

Well, feemster,

He was in all the papers
about six months ago,

Suspected of k*lling
seven black children.

I remember.

Dwight was furious
when he got off.

They found feemster's
body in the river.

It was horrible.

And very strange.

How long are they
holding you, virgil?

The chief
is working on it.

This is harlan cassidy,

Head of
internal affairs.

How do you do?

I heard about
detective tibbs' situation.

Too bad.
He's a good man.

Sit down.

How are we going
to get this situation
straightened out?

Believe me, gillespie,

There's nothing
I'd like better

Than to get it
straightened out,

But tibbs is
withholding information.

Tibbs assures me that
he's not in violation
of any law,

And I believe him.

Now, I want him released,

And if I have to,

I'll go to
a higher authority.

I don't know about
your neck of the woods,

Gillespie, but we don't
respond well to threats

Here in philadelphia.

Well, it seems tibbs
is being released.

It appears
we have our m*rder*r.


The g*n used
to k*ll edwards

Was found in
a drug dealer's

Last night.

Well, well, well.


And, uh, thank you.

I won't take any more
of your time.

Mr. Cassidy.


When are
you headed back for
sparta, gillespie?

Well, I'll wait
on tibbs.

He's got loose ends
he wants to tie up

Before we leave
the big city,

But no doubt
I'll see you all again.

Well, althea,
I just think I owe it

To dwight's wife
and child.

Don't you?

Of course you do,

And I know you want
to be satisfied

With what's happening
up there.

All right. Now, you call me
if anything, um...

Or if you start to, uh...

I promise.

You know what?

I know.
I love you, too.

[ Blows kiss ]

Be careful. Bye, baby.

And I will have coffee,

But I'll have it
after dinner.

Thank you.

Why...virgil tibbs.

This is a surprise!

Mama chamino.

I'm happy you remember me.

This is the first time
I see you without a girl.


Don't worry, honey.

A good-looking man like you...
Things have gotta pick up.

So this is the place where
you used to take them

To wine 'em
and dine 'em, huh?

Among other places, chief.
Among other places.

Hm. Those were
the good 'ol days.

These days are better.



Chief, I found this article
in dwight's desk.

Ray naguchie
was the drug dealer
that was k*lled.

Did your friend dwight

Have some personal
interest in this case?

Well, I'm not sure.

But dwight's wife
also found this list...

In his wallet.

Now this guy was accused
of mass m*rder,

Then k*lled,
nobody knows by who,

After his release.

What are you
getting at?

Ray naguchie
beat the system, too,

Just like
this feemster did.

He was released
on a technicality.

24 Hours later,
he was k*lled.

Yesterday on the news,
another m*rder*r...

on a technicality...

Was k*lled.

Years ago
down in alabama,

There was a county
sheriff down there

Had a feud
with a crooked judge.

The sheriff would
catch all the criminals,

Then the judge
would find reasons,

If you
follow my meaning,

For turning them
all loose.

The sheriff decided
he had to take justice
into his own hands.

He became a vigilante.

A vigilante.

Vigilante cops...

Dwight stumbled
onto vigilante cops.

Well, we got to--
we got to find hannah.

Let me do something.

Let me visit
captain jenkins,

See if I
can get permission

To go poking
around in the files.

I'll try and find out
the names of the
police officers

That arrested the men
on this list.

Now, what was the name
of that malefactor
you saw on tv?



Well, I'll keep these.

I wouldn't want it said
I wasn't cooperating

With a fellow
law enforcer.

I certainly
wouldn't want to say it.

Parker, this is
chief gillespie.

How do you do?

How you doing, sir?

Parker will pull
any file you need.

Well, your name
is parker?

Yes, sir.

We got a parker
in sparta, mississippi.

He's good
at searching files

If he can get
the file drawer open.

Here are
the list of names.

Oh, I can't quite
make that one out.

Oh, excuse me.
That one is delgado.

Dwight walker didn't
have anything to do

With the delgado case.

He didn't?

Well, that's interesting.

What are you working on,

I'm working on a hunch.

You trust your hunches,
do you?

No, but if I don't
follow them up,

They keep
on plaguing me.

Here you go, sir.

Thank you. Well, that
was swift work, parker,

And that's something
I never thought

I'd hear myself say.


Well, well.

Gillespie's here.

Shh! Where?

He's upstairs.
He's going
through some files.

Well, let him dig.

Without hannah,
they have no witness.

Without hannah?

Shut up.

She's a bum.
She's a bag lady.

Nobody cares.
Why should you?

First dwight,
then edwards--

We had no choice.

They live.

We die.

We die,
and what happens

To what
we're trying to do?

Excuse me, sir.

Hi. I'm looking
for hannah.

I still haven't seen her.

There's plenty more
where she came from.

Take your pick.

Is she in trouble?

There was a cop
here yesterday
looking for her.

Was it a cop you knew?


if hannah comes back...

Have her call me....

At this number.

Ok? Thanks.

Ok. Come on.

Come on.

"Hammerin' hannah."

"From debutante
to the 12th street mission."

Yeah, they k*lled
the poor bag lady, too.

Hm. What kind of men
would do such a thing?

Well, crazy men,

You know, virgil,

My father knows that city
like the back of his hand.

He'd be happy--

Yeah, well, I was a cop
here, too, althea.

Yeah, but, honey,
he was a cop there
for over 30 years.

Why do you think
they called him
"iron jaw peterson"?

Uh, well, I can't recall
a story this second,thea,

But I've heard it
a number of times.

You, uh...

Uh, so you doin'
all right, then?

Yeah, I'm feeling okay.

I get any bigger,
they'll have to put me
in a double bed.

Now, don't change
the subject.

My father was a great cop.

Yeah, I've heard that,

Many times.

Virgil, you will be coming
home soon, won't you?

Yeah. Real soon.
I promise.

I'll call you
tomorrow, baby.


[ Blows kiss ]

What do you got?

Well, we know that
ryan or d'agostino

Arrested these criminals.

The only way cops could
keep getting away
with these murders

Is because somebody's
protecting them.

That's true.
Maybe even captain jenkins.

You asked me
about two guys--

D'agostino--he's one of them.

I remember d'agostino.

He was always in trouble.

Roughing up people.

Came up before
internal affairs
several times.

You remember a ryan
with the same trouble?

Mmm... No.

But you can check
with internal affairs.

We will.

Yeah. Thanks for the lead,


Always available
for consultations

With those in need
of my expertise.


Thanks again.

Hey, chief gillespie.

How do you do?

Detective tibbs.hello.

I was happy to hear
about your release, tibbs.

Sorry about what happened.

Anybody could make
a mistake.

How true.

Anything I can do for you?

Yeah, uh...
Is there any chance

We could take a peek
into your files?

No problem.

I got just the man
you want.


Roberts, take chief gillespie
and detective tibbs

To the computer room.

I'm sure roberts can help you.

He's been around forever,

And knows everything
about this department.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

"Been around forever."

"Knows everything."

We've switched over
to these monsters.

All our records
are on here.

We got one of those things.
I don't trust it.

You'll come around.

Even bubba came around.

Can I see what you have
on charles ryan?


Try this.

Huh? Hey.

Hey, wait a minute.

I mean, you don't know
the code.

I mean, how could--

Well. Huh.

Well, there's no record
on charles ryan.

Well, would you
please try d'agostino?

Lou d'agostino.

I don't think
this is any faster

Than thumbing
through file drawers.

Chief, there are
5,000 file drawers
in this thing.


There's no record
on him either.

Anything else?

Yeah. When you
switched over
to these things,

Did you keep any of
the old-fashioned
paper files?

'Course. You think
I'm a dope or something?

could understand

Why they kept
these files

All the way
down here
in the basement.

Let's see.
That was d'agostino,
wasn't it?

Yeah. Yeah.


Oh, well,
here it is.

We do have

And here's ryan,

Well, well.

You're right.

You can't trust
those machines.

Somebody didn't want
this information
in the computer.

It would seem.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

I just wanted to thank you
for all your help.

Seems as though we went off
on the wrong track.

What track
were you on?

That detective of mine

Was so intent on proving
his friend innocent

That he began
grasping at straws.

I have nothing but
respect for tibbs

And for what he tried
to do for dwight walker.

Well, he'll appreciate
hearing that.

I better get going.
Thanks again.

You're very welcome.

safe journey home.

Thank you.

You're accusing
two of my officers
of m*rder?

That's right.

It seems that
they and cassidy

working together.

At first we thought

The higher up protecting
these guys was you.

In the, uh...
Past year,

These six criminals
were released on
a technicality

And then m*rder*d
24 hours later.

We've checked
their files.

All the arrests
were made by either

D'agostino or ryan.

D'agostino and ryan

Were up before
internal affairs.

And cassidy dropped
the charges on both of them.

Well, just because he
dropped charges--

Dwight's the proof.

He caught them.

So they trump up

This phony
internal affairs

Otherwise, no one
would believe

That dwight
would k*ll himself.

These vigilantes, they're
liable to k*ll again.

We've got
to hit tibbs
and gillespie now.

They're at a dead end.
I took care of that.

They're headed back
to sparta.

Now what
about kasch?

He flipped over
the bag lady.

I think we made
a mistake about him.

Just initiate him.

The r*pist
kasch arrested
was released.

This time
we'll make him
do the hit himself.

What if he
doesn't go for it?

He's got to.

He's either in...

Or he's out.

Checked with the d.a.,

Four people released

All on technicalities.

Thank you.

Well, the
arresting officers
on these cases

Were rhodes,
simms, kasch,

And michaels.

There's no
d'agostino or ryan.

There's at least three
officers involved in this.


Kasch was
brought up before
internal affairs.


A rookie.

brian kasch.

And cassidy dropped
the charges.

Kasch...was at
dwight's funeral.

What were the charges?

His partner was k*lled.

Kasch then fired off
three rounds

Into the assailant.

He's our man.

Who did kasch arrest?

A r*pist named amato.

Heaven amato.

Amato was released


All right. Let's go.

Come on!

I can't do this.

Now, listen to me.

Amato r*ped
a 12-year-old girl.

Who's going
to keep him
from doing it again

If we don't?

Could somebody
come in the front?

got that covered.

There's no time
for second thoughts.

Look. Cassidy says
you're either in

Or you're out.

You understand?

Now, come on

Come on!

I can't.

It's nothing
but pillows.

What's going on? Shut up!

Let's go.

What now?

I got to
go on duty.

So do i.
I'll meet you there.

But they're
on to us.

If they were,
they would've moved in.

Then who
set that up?

We don't know.
Just get going.

Gillespie and tibbs must have
worked out this set this up.

I'm telling you k*lling dwight
was a mistake.

We did
what we had to do.

He should've
stayed out of it,

Minded his own
damn business,

Instead of trying
to play the noble cop.

That's it!

That's what
we needed!

We need cassidy, too.
Now wait.

No. Let's
get them now.

Please, virgil.
We have a plan.
Let it play out.

They admitted it.
They k*lled dwight!


Gillespie's right,

We still don't know
who else is involved.

Send a team
over to ryan's and
arrest him for m*rder.

I'm not disturbing
you, am i?


Not at all.


'Cause i, uh...

I got something
I think you
ought to listen to.


Glad you
could make it.

You probably want
to hear this, too.

Gillespie and tibbs must have
worked out this set this up.

I'm tellin' you,
k*lling dwight
was a mistake.

We did
what we had to do.

He should've
stayed out of it,

Instead of trying
to play the noble cop.

If dwight hadn't
been so noble...

He would have
lived longer,
wouldn't he?

But you--

You can't understand

Cops like dwight
and edwards, can you?

They follow rules
that you have thrown out!

Rules the rest of us
follow every day!

What kind of man...

Would k*ll another cop

And leave him hanging
there for his wife...

And child...

To find?

Did you...

Stand there...

And wait for dwight...
To die?

Or was that m-maybe even
a little too much for you?


Your friend...

Wasn't too noble
in the end, tibbs.

He begged
for his life...

Just like all the others.



You got a minute?



It's kasch.
They're onto us.

It was a setup.
They got ryan
and d'agostino.

Don't panic. Meet me.


But they're
onto you, too.

I don't think so.
Not yet.


I'm starting now.

Over here.


What was the setup?

Amato wasn't there.

Just pillows
in the bed.

And then they bugged
the car.

Gillespie and tibbs.

But who do they want?
It's not just us.

Us is all there is,

I chose you three
for this operation,

Two of you
are reliable.

But you're not
one of them.

All depends on
your point of view.

Don't turn around.

Put that g*n
up in the air.

Get it up there
like he says,
or I'll fire!

The way I look at,
mr. Kasch there
is very reliable.

He did everything
itold him to.

I wonder if you know
what this is about.

None of you understand.

The criminals
are taking over.

My way is the only way
to stop them

If the judges keep putting
them back on the streets.

The judges are doing
their jobs, cassidy.

They're trying to make
the law work!

You want
to throw it out!

The cop's job
is to bring in
sufficient evidence,

Legally obtained,

So the judge
can do his job--

Do it right, quick,
make it stick.

You're not talking
to me, are you?

No, I reckon
it's too late
to talk to you.

I'm talking to these men
standing around here.

These lawmen might be
interested, 'cause...

Many's the time
I find myself with
a g*n in my hand,

My finger
on the trigger.

I was sorely tempted
to be the judge
and the jury.

Something held me back.

Praise the lord.

And I did not
break the rules.

And I did not
become a criminal
like this man here.

Well, captain jenkins,

I expect you want
to take him now.

Get him
out of here.

Kasch, too.

Detective tibbs, we got
a message from the precinct.

I think you're wife's

Well, come on, virgil,
the twins are not gonna
wait on us.

Oh, no. Captain jenkins,
I have to go now,
I'm having twins.

My wife is having twins.

I know what you mean.

I'm very grateful
for everything you've done.

I know it was hard on you.


Car's over there, virgil,
go ahead.

Okay, then.

You better
take charge of this.

Captain, I want to
thank you very much too.

Maybe one of these times
you'd come visit
the town of mississippi.

you'll be surprised.

Good. Good.

Althea: oh, bubba.

I really appreciate
you being here.

But I do wish virgil
was here.

He was counting so much
on being the coach for me.

[ Screams ]

Mrs. Tibbs, I'm still banking
on him making it.

we'll be right back.

Bubba, I want you
to step outside
for some air.

Mrs. Tibbs, we'll be
right back.

[ Althea moans loudly ]

You're lookin'
a little piqued.

Are you sure you want
to go through with this?

No, ma'am.
I'm not.

But I can't let her down.

All right, then.
Let's go.

Yeah. Let's go.


Oh, you like to cut things
close, don't you?

Am I too late?
Where's thea? In there.

Come on, virgil.


Come on, thea.
Push, baby.

One, go ahead. [Screaming]

One... Two...
Three... Four...

Come on, baby,
you're almost there.

Come on, thea. Push.

One... Two...
Three... Four...

That's it, baby.
You're almost there.

Okay, stop pushing.

[ Baby cries ]


It's all right.
It's all right.

[ Baby crying ]

Here we are.

It's a boy.

Oh! Honey,
look at him.

It's beautiful.

It's beautiful.

Okay, now you can relax.
This could be a while.

Oh, no.

I don't think so.

She never was one
to waste any time.

Come on, althea,
deep breaths.


Well, bubba.

I hate to see you sittin'
out here on this bench.

Missin' all that's
goin' on in there.

I know how disappointed
you must be.

Not being able to witness
the miracle of childbirth.

It just isn't fair.

Chief, this ain't funny.
That lamooz stuff.



Chief, I've just been
scrimmaging up to now.

You got the real ballgame
goin' on in there.

All right, thea.
Just one more push.

You can do it.
There you go, baby.

Push, thea.
Come on.

There's the head!

[ Baby crying ]

Here she is.


Oh. Oh!

Oh, honey. I was afraid
you weren't gonna be here.

Well, I was there
for the fun part.

You think I was gonna let you
go through this without me?

Oh, god.

They're beautiful, thea.

[Knock on door]


Come on in.


You're the godfather

Of a godson
and a goddaughter.

Well, well.

What a charming picture.

And now I've got a charming
picture to show you.

Thank you, chief.

Hello, dear.

Here they are.

Here they are.

Hello, dear heart.

Little leroy
and eugenie.


Althea, oh,
they're precious.
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