04x08 - Homecoming

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x08 - Homecoming

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪♪

Morning.good morning.

Virgil, I hate that--

Fix the collar.

I hate that tie.
Put on the one--

No. No time.

I'm late.

For a silly meeting?

Silly, but the chief
wants me there.

Doesn't hoag
deserve a parole?


The city council
can reverse

The state parole board?

No, it cannot.

Nobody in town
wants hoag released.

One of your
own officers
would be upset.

Which one?

Willson sweet.

His cousin is
still going through
plastic surgery

Because of that
terrible accident.

It was an accident.


Got to run.

[Door opens]

Now chew this slowly

Or we both
going to suffer
from your flatulence.



Sparta police.
Parker williams.
Can I help you?

Parker, have you got
my list there?

Uh, yes, sir.

I'm to call mrs. Greely
and assure her

That kevin fox won't be

Playing his drums
on sundays

And no later than
9 pm on week nights.

And if, uh,
carsey lipton calls,

You can't
make lunch today.

You there, chief?

I'm waiting to hear

About lamar jeeter's
parking ticket.

Oh, yes, sir.

If lamar calls,
you can't fix it.

What?you won't fix it.


It's fixed?

It's in the hands
of the court clerk

And can't be touched.

Oh, yes, sir.
That's right.

Have you got
my list there?

Yes, sir.
It's here.

What about my laundry?

Whoever is out
that way should stop

And pick it up.

Let's see
what else I got.

You got
nothing else there

Because I told you
nothing else.

Yes, sir.
Uh, chief?

What time do you
expect to be back?

When the council meeting
is over.

Yes, sir. Bye-bye.

I got to go.

The chief?

Uh, yeah.
He's on his way
to a council meeting.

This whole business
is ridiculous.

Why do you say that?

You don't k*ll
three little kids
and cr*pple two others

And expect people
to forget.

I expect people
to make sense.

You'd feel different
if it was your relative.

I'm not defending
the man, sweet.

He was judged,
and served his time.

The chief might
get caught in the middle.

Why would he?

He wrote a letter for hoag
to the parole board.

I happened to see it.

Hey, virgil.morning, chief.

What's on your mind?

I was thinking
driving over here

Calling this meeting
an ombudsman committee

Is ridiculous.

What else
would you call it?

The committee
of no hope.

An ombudsman
can do something

About public

This committee
can't do squat.

It's just for people
to sound off.

Fine. Why do we
have to listen?

We don't have to listen.

I just think it's wise
now and then

To be tuned in.

Here's a copy
of that letter
that I wrote.

They might refer
to it in there.

Well, sounds pretty

I walked around
a holly bush

And stepped
in a chuck hole.

And what's more,
it gives--

Niles, you may of course
say your say,

But here I make a standard
preliminary statement.

We've all heard
that statement
more than once.

Let me
remind the council

It has a duty
to represent
this community.

just sit down.

Mr. Tanner, you do
not have the floor.

Let him talk, ted.

Prosper hoag k*lled
three children--

In an accident,
and he's paid his debt.

Is seven years
paying his debt?

Look at my boy.

He's paying his debt
for the rest of his life.

You call that

Emory, we can
register your complaint

With the state
parole board.

What we want is prosper hoag
to stay where he belongs.

In prison.

Or out of the city
of sparta.

Mr. Chairman.

Mrs. Meredith,
I'll call you.

Why? We don't
want to hear
from hoag's lawyer.

This ain't
no courtroom.

I am here as a citizen
with as much right--

You working to free
that child-k*ller?

Order, please! Order.

I have a point of order
before this goes further.

Let's respond
to the point of order.

Mrs. Meredith,
go ahead,

And, please, sit down,
mr. Maitland and mr. Tanner.

This committee
of the city council

Should not be
hearing this matter.

Now, sheila,
this committee room

Is simply
a complaint forum.

People sound off
about everything

From the panama canal to
the revolution in china.

We can do little

About many
of the issues here,

But the people still--

What these people say
about china

Does little
to affect the chinese.

What is said here
about prosper hoag

Can put him
in serious jeopardy.

He deserves
the jeopardy we'd give.

He k*lled three children
and crippled two others.


You see what I mean?

What is this all for?

The parole board
has already acted.

Now, can anybody
reverse that?


Only hoag himself.

If he violates
his parole.

So we'll see him out
walking the streets?

My wife and I'll see him.
We won't see our daughter.

Will he have
a parole officer?


Yes, I'll be acting
as his parole officer

For the time being.

Did you help
get him out?

No, sir, I did not.

Did you, gillespie?

No, I didn't,

Although at
mrs. Meredith's request,

I did write a letter.

A letter to who?to the parole board.

Recommending him parole?

I merely stated
that I knew no reason

Why it should be denied.

The man
has served his time.

Just maybe you've served
your time, too, gillespie.

Come next election,
you might not have
any friends.

Your letter might
have cost you your job.

Wait just a minute.

We're not here
to discuss

The employment
of bill gillespie
as police chief.

[Gavel pounds]

Harriet's right.

We're talking about
what, if anything,

Could be done about
prosper hoag's parole.

It's out of our hands.

Niles, emory,

The parole board
may very well--

Forget it.
Just forget it.

We'll take it from here.
We know what to do.

sh**t him.

Mr. Tanner.

Mr. Tanner,
I don't think

You want to be
making threats.

I don't think
you know what I want,

Unless you know me
better than I do.

Even the devil
don't know that.

What will you do?

I don't know
if I can do anything.

I may have
done too much.

There's a mrs. Krin

Who investigates
for the parole board.

I think I better let her
know about this.

Harriet, nice seeing you.
Got to run.

Nice seeing you,

Thank you for helping me
up there.

You had to write
that letter?

I didn't have to.

It didn't say anything.
Sheila thought it would help.

It helped, but not
because it didn't
say anything.

Well, it's done now.

I heard you were sick.

Oh, a little summer flu.

It's autumn.

A little autumn flu.

How you been?

Busy. The civil
service committee

Will meet on
the police budget.
Want to be heard?

I guess I better.

Want to meet
before the hearing?

I guess I ought to.

Want to call me?

Well, I guess i...

I sure do.

Chief gillespie,
thank you for your help.

And I want to thank you
for prosper hoag.

Most people deserve
a second chance.

Hoag deserves it.

He was a model prisoner,

And he worked very hard
to turn himself around.

He's writing a book.really?

Sheila's stirred up
quite a hornets' nest here.

I've heard a lot
of tough talk
in my time--

We're past
the talk, bill.

Show him.

Oh, excuse me.

Prosper hoag
got his in prison.

Mine came
in the mail yesterday.

It's a long time
since I've seen
a death threat.

You're staying at
this place temporarily?

Soon as I see
a little money,

I'll get
an apartment.

And you'll be working
at art fox transmissions?

On route 4 at main.

Transmissions used
to be my specialty.

I wanted
to thank you for
being my contact.

Glad I could help.

Now, I just
have to make sure

You understand
these provisions.

Stay sober
and out of the bars
and keep your job.

That shouldn't be hard.

Oh, look.

Don't be too visible
for a while.

Let people get used
to you gradually.

Anymore threats?


Any idea who might
have sent those letters?

How many people
we got in this town?

Well, only a few
that would send hate mail.

I think most people
are willing to be fair.

Look, at the first hint
of any trouble,

You let us,
someone, know.i will.

So, what did you do
your first day out?

I took him
to the cemetery.

Your folks out there?no.

Just wanted to
visit the kids.

from the accident.

Mr. Tibbs...

I just want you
to know that...

I'm not
going to let hubie

And sheila meredith

the only people
who fought for me.

They did it all
for nothing.

Came to see me
in the pen, too.

Sheila did it
all, really.

They kept on

They worked
for my parole.

I'm going to be
a credit to them.

I'll make up
to everybody.

That's fine, hoag.


I don't know how
to thank you, chief.

You already have.


Did you tell hoag
about that council meeting?

I felt it was wise.

You're right.

Hoag, you just go on
about your business.

Don't you be scared.

I don't want you
to be foolish, either.

Yes, sir.
Thanks again, sir.


Find out where
he's living?

Yes, sir.
A trailer on mcleen.

Where did
he get that?

The merediths.
It's registered to them.

Well, keep
an eye on it.

Keep an eye
on him, too.

Yes, sir.

Well, sweet.

Yes, sir.

You been kind
of glum lately.

It's this hoag
thing, chief.

You know, it's
just not right.

You mean his parole?

He shouldn't be out now.

When should he be out?

Five more years?

My cousin got hurt
in that crash, chief.

She's still got a lot of
surgery to go through.

10 More years?
How much is enough?

I don't know.

It's not fair
that he's done
with his suffering

And my cousin's not.

He's done with
his suffering, is he?

I want you
to think about that,

And when you can tell me
how anybody aboveground

Is done with
his suffering,

Let me hear from you,
will you?

Yes, sir.

It can't
be 3 miles
to your house.

It is if I go around
the square three times,

Go past the library,
come back by the square,
and run down floyd.

It's better than
running around
a track.

there are more

More distractions.
That's the key phrase.

The track
is just a track.

His route has several
stop-and-visit places.

It's a drill.

It's no fun.
It's boring.

You said it, mom,
not me.

See you later,
ms. Tibbs.

I checked his files.

His grading period
is coming up soon.

He's doing a little
above average.

He's smart, harriet.
He's just not
a good student.

And I was
a good student,
but not too smart.

Still not smart.

That's not true.

You are
what you feel.

When you're alone,
you don't feel smart.

Being alone is your choice.
I've always said that.

No. It's not my choice.
Not anymore.

I look,
then I step back.

And then I look again,
then I step further back.

You telling me
you're scared?

Yes, I am.


Harriet's courage
impresses me.

The way she went after those
tough guys at that meeting.

That councilwoman,

Miriam sprague,
didn't say a word.

Ted marcus was fine,

You know...


But for a minute there,

I thought harriet was going
to come off that dais.

She seemed to me
to be very much in control.

She was...

Until they
att*cked you.

Then she looked
like she was
ready to spring.


You can't let
letters like that
drive you crazy.

But I always do.

You know,
I have never learned

How to protect
a person from
anonymous threats.

the brand and model
of that typewriter.

The typewriter
we'll be looking for
for a while.

Looks like an oldie.

It would be a shame
if hoag was safer in jail.

Well, what you got

You know
what this means?

That was left
for you by parker.

That says, "trailer
out on mcleen."

That's where
prosper hoag

Is staying
for the time being.

Heard that boy's
as good as dead.

Where'd you hear that?

Charlie's barbershop.

Whole lot
of k*lling goes
on at charlie's.

I wouldn't
take it so lightly.

Some of them's
followed up by funerals.

Anyway, put hoag
on the patrol schedule.

It's not while
we're on patrol
he'll be shot at.

But when we are,
he won't.

Yes, sir.


Find everything
felicitous on
your trip to natchez?

Victoria noelle
up and got
married on me.


Well... Southern man?


Now, that is a shame.


The license plate
is about two years old.

Didn't the "m"
stand for marshalburg
under the old system?

Does the tanner boy
use crutches now?

I believe
he does, sweet.

Uh-huh. Well,
I'm seeing something

making me nervous.

I'll get
back to you. 10-4.

I think we ought
to say something.

Tell the truth.

You know I'm a firm believer
in the truth these days.

Well, you know what
it means if we don't?

It means I ain't free.

Might as well be locked
back up in that joint.

It's worse being so close
to you and not being able--

What's the difference?

He knows.

We know he knows.



All right.

When do I see you?

In a few days?

What's a few days?


I know
it'll be best for us.

I'm going to miss you...

A lot.


Good night.


Is somebody out there?

What the hell?



How is he?

He's bad.
Shot four times.

The chief?

He's in there.

In case pros comes to.

I was talking
to the paramedic.

He said
he brought him back
from the dead twice.

But the last time...

Do you smoke?

No. I ran out
without mine.

Okay, um...

There's a machine
down the hall here.

He didn't make it.

What happened, huh?

Honey, what happened?

He didn't make it.
He's dead.

Oh, that's terrible.

I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.

I need to be alone
for just a few minutes.



She gave up
the best part
of three years

Getting him out.

Is that how
you're going
to protect her?

Like you
protected him?

Did hoag
say anything?

No. He never came to.

I'm feeling
a little nervous
about sheila, though.

You better put someone
watching her house.

For how long?

For as long
as I'm feeling nervous.

Someone left him
a message.

We won't get much
off the rope. What else?

The slug they
didn't find in him.


Some, but not good.

Did hoag smoke?


We found three more
in the trash, though.

He had a visitor
who stayed awhile.

Think somebody had
a long talk with him,
then shot him?

The butts
were in the trash.

The talk was
probably earlier.

There were
a lot of different
prints in there.

This is a manuscript.

I think it's a novel.

I had some bad feelings
about the man,

But now
I'm kind of sorry.

I didn't think hoag was
the type to write a novel.

These are relatives
of the kids.

Some do own .38s.

How many?

Seven, but maybe
the sh**t didn't
buy his .38 nearby.

Thanks, luann.

Maybe the sh**t
k*lled hoag

For some reason
besides that accident.

We have
to start someplace.

Emory tanner owns
a .38 police special

And a 12-gauge shotgun.

I'll find out
where emory tanner
was last night.

And walt, too.

Parker, can we
find out about walt?

Uh, yes, sir, chief.

I'm working
on it already.
I heard something.


What about niles there?

Niles owned a .38 also.

Bought it from himself.

That's where
emory tanner got his,
from the store.

Well, I think
you're right.

I think we ought to
start with those g*ns.

What is it about g*ns?

They're dangerous.

I know that.
Tell me something else.

too many of them.

You got one.

I have to use this
for my job.

What does my son walt
need one for?

I don't know.

You're a cop.
Take it away from him.

It's not illegal,
mrs. Tanner.

I know that.

You think I'm stupid
or something?

I'm just kidding.
Just kidding.

Yes, ma'am.

I just think
it's insane, that's all.

What's that?

Blowing up $100 worth
of a*mo on saturday,

Maybe the same
again on sunday.

Why don't he
just turn on the tv

And watch ballgames?


Walt...and emory.

They're out sh**ting
all the time.

Niles maitland got them
started on all that,

Being big
with g*ns himself.

Mrs. Tanner,

We're investigating this
fellow prosper hoag.

Prosper hoag?

They ought to make
a target out of him

Instead of
sheets of paper.

sh**t hoag for all
the grief he brought
this family.

You haven't heard.

Somebody did sh**t hoag.
Last night.

k*lled him.

k*lled hoag?

And you think walt did it?

Or emory? You wanted me
to tell you something?

Any information you have--

Get off this porch.

Yes, ma'am.

Where are they now?

Coffee break.

If emory and his son
didn't turn up for work,

What kind of excuse
did they give?

Walt just hangs
around his daddy.

What was the excuse?

Emory said he and walt
were running the hills

Playing w*r games
and things.

Got too tired
to come in.

You believe that?


Lying doesn't bother you?

Sure, it does.

I'd like
to buy emory out.

I think I will.

That your typewriter?
How long you had it?

I tell you what.

I'm not going
to answer that.

I'll tell you why.

I ain't about
to do anything

To help you catch
hoag's k*ller.

You think emory
and walt done it.

If they did,

They done this town
a big favor.

Right over there, bessie.

Thank you.

Bessie, this
is chief gillespie.
Chief, this is bessie.

Hi. Hi.

I have a feeling

I may know you
from somewhere.

Well, when you ran
maybelle out of town,

You seen me with her.

I'd have to see
you going away.

Well, anyway,
bessie's back.

She's not here.
She's in kenard.

Working for who?


She's an
independent contractor.

Is somebody going
to tell me about
walt tanner?

He didn't do it.

He wasn't even in town.

Wasn't even in the county.

Was walt tanner over
in kenard with you?


But I'll need
another $25 to say so.

Another $25?

I had to give her $25
just to come here.

Say so.

I certainly will, chief.

Walt tanner was with me
last night in kenard.

Yes, miss krin,
I'd like to meet with you.

Yes, I can spare
the time.

It's very kind
of you to make the trip

Because it spares me
making the trip over there,

I or my chief
investigator mr. Tibbs.


We're anxious
to see you.

Thank you.


What trip are we
about to make?

Over to see miss krin
from the parole board.

We don't have to now.

Harriet delong
called her.

She's coming over here,

Bringing prosper hoag's
file with her.

Should be
very interesting.

A fellow wants to tell you
about a m*rder.

Whose m*rder?prosper hoag's.

He wants to tell you
he did it.

Bring him in.

Yes, sir.

O.k. Come on in.

What's on
your mind, tanner?

My partner says you want me.
You think I k*lled hoag.

No. No, we said
you could have.

You're right. I did.
I'm glad I did.

You k*lled
prosper hoag?

That's what I said.how?


Where is it?

Bottom of earl's creek.

We're going to need it.

Well, go drag the creek.

Meantime, what do I do?

Wait downstairs.

What's downstairs?

The jail.

show mr. Tanner

Let's go.

Emory tanner
doesn't know it,

But his son's got
as good an alibi
as he got.

The boy
spent last evening

With a hooker
in kenard.

That's verified?
I would say so.

The daddy spent
the evening with
ida ivy,

The cashier
at the magnolia.

Why bother
holding him?

He confessed, didn't he?

You hold him,
and the real
k*ller relaxes.

You know...

I can understand
walt running over
to kenard,

But emory running
around on rachel?

Doesn't surprise me.

That's right.

Sweet knows
miss tanner,
don't you?

You could say I do.

Don't you care
about fingerprints?

Just ballistics.

That g*n
didn't k*ll hoag.

Isn't it your father's?

My father
didn't k*ll him.

Your father use
this typewriter much?

He didn't write
the letters. I did.

Why?to scare hoag.

If he returned,
my dad might k*ll him.

Did you think
you might?

No. And I didn't.

We know
where you were.

You went to kenard?

Let's just say
kenard came to us.

Uh, detective,
the typewriter goes?

The typewriter goes.

And the people stay?

The people stay for now.


God bless you.god bless you.

God bless you.

No relatives?

Not here.

While we were
working on his case

We met a few
in alabama.

But they were
like strangers.

All he really had
was us. Sheila.

Just us. Me.

It's all so senseless.

He just wanted to try

And make up
for what he'd done.

They wouldn't
give him a chance.

Did emory tanner
do it?

He confessed to it.

You don't
sound convinced.

We think he was trying
to protect his son.

Excuse me.

She spent a lot of years
trying to save him.

Always in danger,
was he?

I meant, for the world.

She thought
he had great gifts,

Like maybe another
william faulkner.

We'd like
to see his file,

The one
your wife kept.

There might be
something there.

Well, I'll ask her.

Thank you.

Get back to you.

She definitely paid him
a visit that day.

She was his lawyer.

Then why didn't
she mention it?

You think
she k*lled him? Why?

Jealousy. Hate.

Or the other
side of hate--love.

Was she
in love with him?

That's what
we have to think.

Seems so.

How is it a man
who didn't have a wife

Was able to arrange
conjugal visits?

Prosper hoag
asked for them.

His lawyer made
the arrangements.

Sheila's smart.

She knows who to see
and what to say.

She arranged the visits

And then became
the visitor.

You all weren't
interested in that?

The visits were
the important thing.

Who was
visiting him was not.

But I thought it might
be important now.

It sure is.
Ever read that novel of his?


Did you?

Yeah. Part of it.
I found it engrossing.

Virgil agrees.

Evidently, only
two other people
ever saw it.

It says here,
"copies sent to..."

Sheila must be
one of them.

Sheila is one of them.


[Doorbell rings]

Good evening.


Good evening,
mr. And mrs. Meredith.

I told you
I'd get back to you.

What's the rush?

We have more
than one thing
to follow up.

For instance?

For instance,
miss meredith.

Don't you own
a .38?

I bought it
and gave it to her.

I know that, hubie.

When we had
those r*pe att*cks.

Would you mind
getting it for me?

Yes, I would.

We have to see it,
miss meredith.

It's upstairs
in my nightstand.


It's over there
in that secretary.

Top drawer.

Thank you.

Do you recognize
that document?

That is
a false document.

It was made out
by mrs. Meredith

Under her maiden name--
sheila leadie,

And in that she swears

That she was
the common-law wife

Of a prisoner
at parchman prison
named prosper hoag.

the last two years
of his imprisonment,

Hoag and your wife
shared quite a few
conjugal visits.

Mr. Meredith doesn't
seem surprised.

No. He already knows.

I'm sorry, hubie.

I doubt it.

I never
stopped loving you.

I just loved him, too.

I guess I loved him more.


Don't get into it,
sheila, please.

Don't make
a case for them.

Well, I'd
say the novel
makes the case.

The novel doesn't mention
the right names, of course,

But there can't be any doubt
about the right people.

I've seldom seen
a love affair
so intimately explained.

Why did he send
a copy to your office?

Was he inviting you
to k*ll him?

He wanted hubie
to know and to understand.

The betrayed husband
is always looked to

For superhuman

Did your wife know
you were doing this?

My personal lawyer
is richard blore of sparta.

Did you know
your husband
would do this?

She doesn't know anything
about her husband.

She never did.

Well, parker,
would you please...

Do you
really need those?

No, sir, I don't.
Not really.

But with the chief
standing here...

Well, you know.

Chief, you look like
you're trying to escape.

Anytime I step in there,

I make somebody mad at me.

Well, but not me.


Darnelle, he tells me

Hubie meredith's
fighting his own case

And he might win.

Even though
the g*n was his?

Ballistics don't
always prove that.

Anyway, that mrs. Krin,

She helped me
solve this case.

Thanks for putting me
next to her.

Sparta doesn't
want to lose you.

That's kind of you.

There are times
when I think

I ought to see
the world again.

I often heard you say
the world's right here.

I often
don't make sense.

Well, see you soon.

See you soon.
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