04x10 - A Final Arrangement

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x10 - A Final Arrangement

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I'’ve got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won'’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Sorry, sweet.
An important call
come in.

That was dlw-8gi?

No. Not 8gi.
It'’s dlw-8j1.

dade county, commercial.

It'’s got current tags.

It'’s been sitting here
since yesterday.

Why don'’t we tow it?

No dr*gs anywhere.

According to samson,
this vehicle'’s been
clean a while.

That dog
didn'’t sniff
nothing at all?

Anything of interest?

Couple of porno mags
and an adult video.

Doesn'’t he mean
a dirty movie?

Adult video--
that almost makes it
sound respectable.

Well, parker, the way
they selling that stuff
everywhere nowadays,

Make a fella
start thinking.

Mention that sh**ting.

Oh. Lonnie,

We got a report
of a sh**ting

From mr. Tibbitts
of the book mart,

3217 Tyler.

That'’s where you buy
reallyrespectable things.

It had better be.
Sweet'’s their best customer.

Carl tibbitts
phone that in?

Who got shot?

Mr. Tibbitts couldn'’t say.
He sounded real confused.

Ask when you get there.


I want to talk
to the florida dmv.

Yes, sir.

Parker, get a tow truck
to the square.

All right.
Right on it.

Carl, what
happened here?

She--she'’s dead, sweet.

She'’s dead.

b*llet through the head
left to right.

Call this in,
then look for that slug.

This is, like,
not real.

I was just
talking to her

Yesterday afternoon
around 5:00.

She was showing me
a couple of plays.

James baldwin.

Sweet, make the call.

Yeah, yeah.

This how she was
when you found her?

When I came in...

When you came
from where?


And when was that?

Just a little while ago.

I don'’t know.
10 Minutes,
15 minutes.

Lieutenant, that sh**ting
was a homicide.

Mrs. Carl tibbitts...


She and her husband
own the bookstore.

He'’s here.
He found her.

Have you
had a chance
to look around yet?


Does it look
like a robbery?

Yeah, I think so.
There'’s money missing.

I don'’t see her car
out there.

It looks like
somebody robbed the place

And k*lled her.

Yeah, you'’re
hearing right.

I'’m taking it badly.
They'’re friends of mine.


I have really lost it
this time.


Oh, great.

How do you turn
this damn thing off?

What'’s that?

The smoke alarm.

I tried to get
to the switch.

I can'’t wiggle it.

Poke it!

I did.

Then hit it hard.

Thea, is something

[Beeping stops]


It'’s just your breakfast
going up in smoke.

[Babies crying]

[Telephone rings]


I'’ll get it.
I'’ll get it.

It'’s probably
the fire department.

Very funny.

Etta! Will you please
settle the babies down?

I'’m going.

Yes, parker.


Her husband
found her when?

Oh, I see. O.k.

I'’m leaving now.

Look, honey, don'’t burn
anything else for me.
I got to run.

Where'’s the husband?

He'’s sitting in the car.

He don'’t know
what to do.

I told him
not to drive.

Naturally, he'’s
pretty busted up
over this.


Looks like she was shot
at pretty close range.

.38 slug, I'’d say.

I'’d say
you were right.

She'’s been dead
for hours.

Checked all over
for that slug.

Can'’t find a thing.

As soon as you finish
your picture-taking,

We can get the body
ready for postmortem.

Find out anything else
from her husband?

Nope. Nothing.

I tried to talk to him.

All he kept doing
was shaking his head

And saying,
"I don'’t understand."

Neither do i.

Neither do i.


Can mr. Tibbitts
tell us

What'’s missing
from the store?

Yeah. Carl says
that there was $200

In a cash box
in joan'’s desk
that'’s gone.

I think $200.

Maybe it--
not that much.

And the car.

Yes, the car.

It'’s gone.

He dumped her bag
on the desk.

I looked, saw
the keys were gone--

Also a small purse
with money.

Couldn'’t have been
much money.

carl says that
last time he saw joan alive

Was, uh...

6:00 Last night.

Was that here
at the store, sir?

Yes. We'’d just closed.

She stayed on to do
a lot of paperwork--


When did you
expect her?

Well, I knew
she'’d be late.

Maybe most
of the night.

Maybe she'’d just sleep
on the shop'’s day bed.

We both did that
now and then.

Did you call
to find out?

I called at 5 a.m.

There was no answer.

I figured she was
in the car heading home.

When she didn'’t get there
by quarter to 6:00,

I called again.

No answer.

So I came right over.

Back door was open.

It was unlocked.
No break-in.

It was even ajar.

I came in and found...

What you saw.

Take it easy, sweet.

I'’m not saying that
carl k*lled his wife.

So what do you mean,
something'’s wrong
with his story?

Just that, sweet.
Exactly that.

That'’s not
an uncommon thing

For a policeman
to say, sweet.

I imagine you'’ve said
the same thing yourself.

I have a problem
with it.

The tibbittses
were his friends.

Carl tibbitts
still is,
if you don'’t mind.

Of course.
Excuse me.

You know, real friends?

First day I came here,

They were people
I could talk to...

Not just about books,
about anything--
about me, my life.

They were wonderful,
generous, loving people.

What virgil
is thinking...

I don'’t even want to know.

Can I go?
I'’d like to
be with carl.

Yeah. You'’re excused.

Thank you.

But you know, virgil,
you'’re right.

There'’s something wrong
with carl'’s story.

See, I'’m not saying
carl tibbitts is lying.

His story,
as far as it goes,

May be true.

You were merely wondering

How the k*ller got in
without breaking in.

Did he have a key?

Did he disarm
the alarm?

Did she disarm the alarm?

Did she even set it?

Was it
somebody she knew?

Somebody she just
let in?

You know--

Where is carl,
at home?

Should be by now.

Lonnie took him
by his doctor.

We closed the place,

Left a man there,

Taped off
the entrances.

Find out anything
from the neighbors?

Yeah, I sure did.

The lady
in the store
across the street,

A mrs...tamsey,

Said she saw
both of them

Come out
the back door,
lock it,

And then leave
at 7 p.m.

She'’s positive
about that time.

Which car?

She didn'’t see that.


Do they come to work
in two cars?

Yeah, so they
can come and go
at different times.

The bothersome thing
about all this

Is this--

Carl told us that
he left by himself

At 6 p.m.

As y'’all know,
this means one
of two things--

Either there'’s
something wrong with
the woman'’s time,

Or there'’s something
seriously wrong
with carl'’s story.

Did you find
anything in there
we missed?

What I didn'’t find
is most interesting.

The floor in there'’s
exactly like
this picture we took--

Just a little blood,

Hardly any mess
at all.

Yeah, I know, chief.

A wound like that
always makes a mess.

Sure does.

At least, I'’ve never
seen it otherwise.

It almost makes you
think that, uh...

She might have been
shot somewhere else.

Chief, we got an i.d.
On that fella
from florida.

What fella
from florida?

Owner of the pickup
we towed off the square.

Is this something
I need to know,

I'’m not sure
you needto know.

Well, mull it over,

Take your time,

And then
you can let me know.

Yes, sir.

I'’m surprised.
I'’d guessed
around midnight,

Going by the amount
of stiffness.



thank you, sir.

Was that dr. Robb,
by any chance?


He places
the time of death

At 8 p.m.
Last night.

I'’m wondering
whereit occurred.

If it occurred
someplace else,

That would explain
the missing b*llet.


Got anything
on those fingerprints?


A lot of them off
the cash register

Are the same as
we took from joan.

We'’re getting carl's

Carl say anything
about that back door
being open?


If we presume joan
knew the k*ller,

We better
start guessing.

We better ask carl
to start guessing.

He knows their friends.

We don'’t.

But were all her friends
his friends?

[Train crossing
bell clangs]

Just came in
to check on you.

Nice of you.

Joan didn'’t quite
finish her work.

I thought I'’d just
try to pick it up.

You can open the store
tomorrow if you want.

They fingerprinted me.

Yeah, they have to
tell your prints
from others they find.

I see.

You know,
I'’m driving to natchez
the week after next

To look at some
of those old houses.

I could use
the company.

That'’s very kind
of you, sweet.

Thank you.

Tell me...

Why do they want to
talk to rusty conners?

I guess it'’s because
he worked here
off and on.

We got to talk to
people who know you,

Anybody who
might have been
in and out.


Uh, I'’ll call you.

I got to go.

Has anybody
seen her car?

No, sir.
Not as far as I know.

You'’re a good friend,

Carl, you can
depend on that.

miss keesham.

How do you know
my name'’s keesham?

Your name'’s on
the mailbox right there.

my sister'’s name.

I see.

Is she home?


Where might I find her?

In the cemetery.

Well, um, did you know
the lady across the street,

Mrs. Joan tibbitts?

Yes, for 15 years.

Well, we think

That she might
have been k*lled

By somebody
she knew real well.

Do you mean me?

Oh, no,
I don'’t mean you.

Didn'’t you used to be
a sergeant?

Yes, ma'’am--

Well, joan tibbitts

Was the kindest soul
I ever knew.

She and carl ran
a free literacy

Out of
the book shop,

And they
gave away books
to the grade school.

You didn'’t
know that.

No, ma'’am, I did not.

Joan read
a different book

Every thursday
for children'’s hour
down at the library.

Bet you didn'’t
know that, either.

I did know that.

She never had any
children of her own.

Poor thing.

She loved children.

Loved everybody.

Now what is poor
carl going to do?

Well, ma'’am,
we'’re hoping carl--

I have to go.

You'’ll have to
come back or phone.

I hear my bathtub
filling up.


Yeah, yeah.

Hope you get your
sergeant stripes back.

Yes, ma'’am.


Mr. Rusty conners?


Does he know
why we'’re here?

I sure did tell him.

And it was
on the radio.

Working at the book mart,

You knew the tibbittses
pretty well, I'’d say.

Yeah. Pretty well.

You see them lately?

Not since
I worked there.

Oh. Well, since when
would that be?

Since just before their
last trip to mexico,

About two months ago.

Their last trip, uh...

Yes, sir. They loved
going to mexico.

They went there a lot.


Why did they
let you go, rusty?

I left them '’cause
they didn'’t need help.

They could barely
afford to pay me.

They did it to help me
earn money for school.

Did they have many
student customers?

Quite a few.

Were there any like you

Who knew them
well enough

So they'’d let them in
after hours?

If they were there,

I think they'’d let
anybody in.

We'’re talking about
two very special
people, chief.

He'’s a very unusual man,
that mr. Tibbitts.

He didn'’t treat you
like a customer,

But more like a friend.

I bought book presents
there over the years,

And I bought
my greeting cards there

Till they stopped
selling them.

They couldn'’t sell them
cheap as those mall places.

I really liked
joan tibbitts.

I wanted to
know her better.

she seemed so frail.

Well, she'’s always been
that way for years.

You remind me of darryl.

What, your
crazy boyfriend?




Drinking all the time,

And can'’t understand
a word you say.

Donna, you'’re crazy.

Now the poor woman gone.

Mmm, just like that.

k*lled over
a few dollars.

Lord, lord, lord,

There'’s some sorry doin's
in this little town.

Come live with me
in houston.

I remember
when virgil and I
met joan and carl

At a dinner party
ted marcus had thrown.

They took us on a picnic
at purvis lake.

It was
their favorite spot.

They say fish is
all dead in purvis lake.

Joan said that.

Then carl would say,

"When the fish come back,

We'’ll build
our cabin there."

How? They had
no money.

No. They had some.

They would
take trips.

Joan had
a nice little car.

Hey, I wasn'’t
holding billy.

I was holding sarah.

This looks
like the car.

Check it out.
I'’ll see who
we'’re dealing with.


Is this yours?

Oh, yeah. Thanks.

Where'’d you get
that car?


Oh, uh, it'’s not mine.

How did it get here?

I don'’t know how
I got here myself.

What'’s your name?

Um, uh, cleve rumford.

Let me see some i.d.

This is tibbitts'’ car.

You know, I'’m
starting to remember.

I found that car

I found it,
and I brought it here.

Mr. Cleve rumford,
you might want to
find your pants,

'’Cause I'm bringing you in.

What for?

For stealing that car.

You can'’t.
I told you
I found it.

The keys
were in it.

Was this in it, too?

I don'’t know
anything about that.

Well, neither do we,
but we'’ll find out.

Get your pants on.

You'’re going down
to the station.

Get this to the lab.

It probably k*lled
mrs. Tibbitts.

Randy, run this
to the lab.

Chief'’s waiting
for y'’all.

Come on.

Sit down in that chair.


Well what?

Make sense,
that'’s what.

It was a dumb move,

But I make lots of them
when I'’m twisted.

What other dumb moves
have you made?

When you were twisted.

Come on, boy.

The woman was m*rder*d.

So I understand, but
I don'’t know nothing.

I don'’t know
who she was.

Who was she?

What about the car?

I drove the car home

'’Cause it was there,

But I didn'’t
k*ll anybody.

He knew nothing
about that g*n.

Where was it?

In the glove

you took that car.

You didn'’t think
it was yours.

I don'’t
remember much.

Gone on booze, were you?

Where were you?
Where'’d you find the car?

Walking home
from sidetrack tavern.

I took that dirt road
up near purvis lake.

I--i saw the car.

Keys were in it.
Nobody around.

What time was that?


I said what time
was that!

It was late.

It was real late.

I didn'’t k*ll anybody,
all right?

How do you know?

You were drunk
out your mind.

You sober now?


Well, lookie here.

Listen, let'’s see if
he can walk from here

Down to
one of those cells.

If he can, know what
we ought to do?

Put him in it.


Come on, cleve.

Come on, now.


Carl, you in here?

Yes, I'’m here.

Hi, sweet.
How are you?

I saw the open sign.

It'’s good to see that.

I'’m glad you liked it.

You'’re the only one
who'’s seen it,

Or so I believe.

Nobody else
has come in.

I want that book
you mentioned.

The book joan mentioned.

Yeah. Right.

You know,
I forgot the title.

Native son
by richard wright.

I'’ll get it.

I was the one who said

You should read
white writers, too,

And today I'’d like you
to take away something

By william faulkner...


And, uh...

Something by...
Katherine anne porter.

Um, carl, I got to say
something about joan.

Of course. What?

Um, it looks like

She was k*lled
away from here.

We think that
the body was put here

After she was k*lled.


Well, we don'’t know.

You'’re the only person
that could tell us

That could maybe
help us form an idea.

Was there somebody
she might have
gone to see,

she had a...


A what?

A special friendship?

A relationship?

I know I'’ve
extended my life,

But my voice has changed
since I gave up smoking.

It lost some of
the resonance that
fine tobacco can produce.


Mind you,
I don'’t advocate smoking,

Unless you put
a fine voice ahead
of a long life.

Chief, can I make
an observation?

I don'’t think
cleve rumford k*lled
joan tibbitts.

I don'’t think
he did, either.

I think he'’s just
a pitiful young man.

He couldn'’t pull
a trigger of a g*n

Or a hook
out of a fish.

I'’ll make
my observation.

The boy is dumb.

Which works
against him.

Dumb enough to k*ll
joan tibbitts,

Park her car
in his driveway,

Leave the g*n inside.

The d.a.
Will say that.

He sure will.

Bubba, let'’s go
to the sidetrack tavern,

Ask what time
cleve left

The night
of the m*rder.

I'’d like
to know that.

I want to know
the woman who knew
joan tibbitts.

your missis has invited
me over for sweet tea.

She didn'’t know her
better than I did.

Sure, she does.

How could she?

Being a woman,
how could she not?

You a little
innocent sometimes,
ain'’t you, virgil?

Well, he'’s naive,
you know?


People were
very fond of her,

But nobody seems
to have been close
to her except carl.

You and virgil
think she had a lover?

We'’re just trying
to figure out,

Because her husband
didn'’t know

Who she would'’ve let in
at 1:00 in the morning.

I didn'’t
know her well.

She did
seem to be someone
I'’d like to know.

Virgil and I
had a lovely picnic

With them
at purvis lake.

That was one
of their favorite

They had another
favorite place.

Joan sent me that
from mexico.


Are you ready
for some homemade
rhubarb pie?

I'’m not supposed
to have any.

But are you ready?

Yes, I'’m ready for some.

Yeah, well, it may be
just a coincidence.


Well, we arrested
some fool for stealing
the tibbitts'’ car.

Uh, he says he took it
from purvis lake.

When was she up there?

I can'’t say,
but the car was taken

At the same time
that she was
supposedly shot

In the store.

That is a rhubarb pie,

I want to
tell you something.

You'’re a lucky man

Being able to get next
to a pie like that
now and then.

that g*n that
peake found.

No prints.
Must'’ve been
wiped clean.

Wiped clean?

Cleve was
at the sidetrack cafe

Same time
mrs. Tibbitts was k*lled.

Boss remembers
throwing the fool out.

We were at purvis lake
looking for tire prints.

Mrs. Tibbs
gave me an odd piece
of this little puzzle.

What was it?

She said that carl
and joan tibbitts

Had a favorite
little spot by that lake.


Yeah, sweet?

I was going
through that stuff
at tibbitts'’ office.

What is it?

This is a canceled check
for $7,000.

It was made out
to the clinica del sol.

I checked it out.

It'’s in mexico.

What is it?

It'’s a place
that specializes

In alternative
treatments for cancer.

Here we go.


We got something.

Have you any idea
how irritating
that can be?

What have we got?

Well, according
to the tibbitts'’
bank statement,

The annual payment
on their insurance
policy tripled

Eight months ago--

Two weeks from the
date of this check

To the cancer clinic
in mexico.

Chief, you in earshot?


Yeah, bubba. What?

That car was where
cleve said it was.

I bet these tire tracks
will be an exact match

For joan tibbitts'’

is that by any chance

A secluded,
romantic-type spot
up there?

Yes, sir, I would
have to say it is.




Looks like somebody'’s
been up here.

Yeah, and not long ago.

They sure
wasn'’t any kids.

This ain'’t cheap wine.

"Shall I compare thee
to a summer'’s day?"

What do you got?

I don'’t know, but he's
smelling something.

Looks like
blood over here.

Let me see that.


That'’s blood.

[Car door closes]

You got a search warrant
to go poking around
in there?

Yes, sir. I sure do.

Who is the issuing judge?

Judge kolvan over
at justice court.

For the residence,
place of business,

And any other
personal effects
of carl tibbitts.

We do suspect the man,
don'’t we?

That'’s what I told
the judge.

I find it hard
to believe,

Almost as hard
as your friend sweet.

I think the tibbittses
went in their two cars.

After he k*lled her--

If he k*lled her.

After she was dead,

I think mr. Tibbitts
drove her here
in that car

And put her
where we found her.

And left that car
of hers by the lake

Where the drunken fella
come along and found it

And took it home.

Did you find
any blood in there?

No. Tibbitts must'’ve
wrapped her body
in something.

I did find this
on the floor
of the car.

I think it fell
out of her hair.

We can'’t figure out
why he wanted
to k*ll her.

I'’d say he didn't.

I'’d say
it'’s very peculiar.

I'’d say you're right.

Carl tibbitts stands
to collect a large sum?

Yes. With double indemnity,
very large.

But double indemnity is
for accidents, isn'’t it?

Well, joan'’s death
will be considered

I mean, k*lled on
the business premises
by an intruder.

But, you see,
they got this policy
not too long ago.

Both of them
did have small
term life policies.

Carl wanted to make
sure that something
was there for joan

When he died.

He even upgraded
the insurance himself.

Did he ask for that
double indemnity clause?

I think that was my idea.

It was also
my idea to upgrade
joan'’s policy, too.

Both would be
in the same position
if one died.

What kind of physical
did you require?

Well, just cursory.

Blood pressure.
That sort of thing.

Is that all?

Well, they do have to
fill out a exhaustive
medical questionnaire.

If they fail
to reveal anything,
the policy is void.

Is there a question
about cancer on that


See, we had an autopsy
done on mrs. Tibbitts.

She was dying.

The b*llet just
made her die sooner.

But a su1c1de,

That wouldn'’t have
paid off, would it?


You see, they had to
think of something else.

This goes
to the evidence locker.

You and your wife
staged a m*rder,
mr. Tibbitts.

Mr. Tibbitts...

You and your wife
drove out to purvis lake
in separate cars.

Your neighbor
saw y'’all leave.

Then at about 1 a.m.,

You drove her back
in your car.

You didn'’t
find your wife dead
in your bookstore.

You put her there.


I loved her.

All the evidence says so.

Nobody ever doubted it.

"Rough winds do shake
the darling buds of may."

"And summer'’s lease
hath all too short
a date."

How is willson sweet?

He'’s fine, sir.

I presume that
the clinic in mexico
couldn'’t help your wife.

It was no use.

No use at all.


Joan couldn'’t bear
the thought

That I was going to
be left with nothing.

She planned this all out.

But when the time came...

I just couldn'’t
fire the g*n.

I couldn'’t...

Let her go.

Did she fire the g*n

That'’s what she did.

If you need anything,
just let me know.

Thanks, cheryl.


Well, did you see
d.a. Darnelle?


I figured he
wouldn'’t see you.

He was polite.
Gave me 10 minutes.

He'’s going to charge
carl with joan'’s m*rder.

Whether the jury believes
carl'’s story,

That'’s up to carl
and his lawyer.

He'’s going to do time
for something.

He won'’t be alone.

Meaning what?

I'’m standing by him.

He'’s my friend.

I guess what he did
was wrong.

Do you think so?

We don'’t know
what he did.

We only know
what he said he did.

He had no right
to do anything.

He probably
should'’ve done nothing.


What do you
feel like?


Just nothing.
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