04x14 - Shine on Sparta Moon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x14 - Shine on Sparta Moon

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪♪

This is for you,

Did you put my name
on here?


Did you fill out
this order?

Uh, no, no.
Chief did.

Can't you tell
his handwriting?

The chief?


Where's he at?

He's at home.
What's the problem?

Problem? Problem?

I made lieutenant,
didn't i, parker?


Worked hard, didn't i?
I paid my dues, didn't i?


Shouldn't my days

Of busting up teenage
drinking parties be over?


Hell, nowadays,
that's a full-time job

And a waste of my time.

That's right.

Hell, it's even a waste
of your time.

[Rock music plays]

[Telephone rings]

Will you wait
until I tell you
when to eat?

No use.


So I'll remove
temptation from you.

That's the only
thing to do.

What's wrong?

Uh, chief,
about this order...

Breaking up
that drinking party
on saturday night,

That won't change
come next saturday.

I've had two complaints
from mrs. Benita ogilvie

That the commotion

That those kids
make out there

Are causing her hens
to lay tiny eggs.

I must be responsive

To complaints
from the community.

Does he want us
to arrest kids?

Where would we put
a bunch of kids?

What's that?

Parker thinks
we ought to arrest them.

Only if you find them

To overthrow the state
of mississippi.

Now go on,
you and parker,
and scatter those kids.

Call me later on.
Tell me what happened.

I'm serving dinner here.

Chief, come on.
Can we talk--

[Dial tone]

You got to go out there,
don't you?

Yeah. Yeah.

And so do you.

Hey. Throw me a brew.


Going to share
some of that?

You always get
what you want,
don't you?

You always say that

Like I'm the only one
who wants something.


You know
how my parents feel
about me drinking.

Oh, look.

You ain't drinking,

I am.

That awful stuff.
How do you stand it?

It's supposed
to taste like that.

It puts hair
on your chest.

You want hair
on my chest?

you are too much.

There's his pickup.

What are you
going to do?

I don't know,
but I got to do something.

Can't pass up this chance.

The party's
by the fire.

Wait a minute.

what I found.

What are y'all doing
by that truck?

What's it to you?

Put that whiskey back
where you found it.

Where'd I find it?

In robbie's truck.
Put it back.

When I'm ready.

If robbie was here,

He'd kick your butt--

No way. If he was here,
I'd kick his.

Now b*at it, geek.

Don't call me geek.


It's the cops!

Some other time,

Let's get out of here.

All right. Hold it!

Hold it!
Just hold it!

Whoa, son.
Whoa, whoa.

All right.

Make me
come find you,

Be a whole mess
of regretful youth.

All right, children.
Get over here. Right now.

Go! Move it!

Get in a straight line.

I want y'all
in a straight line.

Get in line.

Come on. Get in a straight--
straight line.

Come on. Get over there.
Get over there.

We're going to do
a little test.

Close your eyes
and throw
your heads back.

Do you want them
to hear us?


This is just pitiful.

Get over there.

be walking,
much less driving.


All right. Open your eyes
and look at me.

You're lucky
I'm in a good mood tonight.

Now, you all look here.

These here--
designated drivers.

They're going to drive
the rest of y'all home,

I said, do you understand?

Yes, sir
yes, sir.

Yeah. Let me
tell you something.

If I ever--ever--

Have to come out here
and do this again,

I will haul every single one
of your little butts in.

Go on. Get out of here!

Be careful.

k*lled this one.

♪ Turn out the lights

♪ The party's over

♪ All good things
must end ♪

♪ Turn out the lights

♪ That party's over,
parker ♪

♪ We got to go back

♪ And work again

♪ Turn out the lights

♪ That party's over ♪


Don't--don't worry.
I'm--i'm fine.

Don't worry
about anything. I'm fine.

I got it. I got it.

You all right?

You're sure
sweating a lot.

This shine's got
a real kick to it.

Well...maybe you shouldn't
have drunk any.

Thanks for telling me
that now.

Maybe you ought to stop
and let me drive.

Just maybe you ought
to shut up!

What's wrong?

Just a, uh...

Just a cramp.

It's, uh...
It's just a cramp.



Robbie, look out!


Excuse me.
Are you the jeffries?

We're the tollivers.
How's our becky?

She's still in surgery.

How did it happen?

Pickup truck
went off the road.
We don't know why.

The boy's
still unconscious.

The jeffries boy
was driving.


We don't know.

He'd been drinking.

I swear,
if anything happens
to my little girl--

Vern, please.

Vern? What do--

Any word?

Mr. Tolliver, mrs. Tolliver.

I'm sorry.

We couldn't save her.

She was dead
when they brought her in.

No. No. No...

Mr. Tolliver,

The minute I know
there was something

A drunk
k*lled my girl.

Isn't that criminal?
I think so.

So do i.

I've asked the police
to bring me the details.

Well, here's
a couple of details.

That jeffries boy
ain't nothing

But a reckless show-off.

abusing alcohol.

Gets that from that
drunken father of his.

He was bound
to k*ll somebody.

I hated him first time
becky brought him home.

Excuse me.

Detective tibbs and
lieutenant skinner
are here.

Thank you.

Mr. Tolliver,

I promise I'll do
everything possible

To ensure
justice is done.

You count on that.

Oh, I will, mr. Darnelle.

I will count on that.



That's all father stuff.

Sounds like me
on the subject of
my daughter's friends.

What are we going for?

Vehicular manslaughter.

under the influence.

Right. But we only
have a preliminary
report, darnelle.

I can't go
for anything less.

In our tri-county area,

We lost 100 kids
on the roads last year,

Half of them d.u.i.

Which this
may not be.

No, darnelle.
I know robbie jeffries.

I coached him
in football.

He's not a bad kid.
He's not a habitual user.

You don't have
to be habitual

To drive drunk
and k*ll somebody.

This may well be
a case in point,

If we needed one.

Yeah, I know,
and I agree with you.

It's just...

I just feel particularly
bad about this one.

I just hate
to see it get worse.

Well, that's
what we're going for--

Vehicular manslaughter.



Good morning.

Well, what is darnelle
going for?

The limit.

He thinks he should.

Maybe he'll
come off of it.

Where's bubba?

He's outside,
and he's dragging.

This accident's
got him down.

I hear you're feeling
a little down.

Was something wrong
last night?

Hell, chief,
I don't know,
I don't know.

But I can't help
but thinking

If I'd
have done things
a little different,

Well, maybe little
becky tolliver

Would still
be with us.

I suppose you could
say the same thing
about me.

If I hadn't decided

To put the run
on those kids

And ordered you
to do it...


Dr. Robb just called.

Says the jeffries boy
regained consciousness.


There's some good news.

What you looking
so sad for?

Doc says he's blind.

Oh, lord.


No. It's bubba.

I know
you can't see me,

But I bet you know
that voice, huh?


It's the first time
I ever heard it
so quiet.


I'm trying real hard

To figure out
what happened.

If you up
to talking to us...

They told me...

That becky was dead.

Yeah, son.

She is gone.

did something happen
to that pickup truck

To make it
go out of control?

do something to it?

We know
you was drinking.

We know that.

But I can't believe
you're the kind of kid

To get drunk
and drive off the road.

I just want to sleep,
o.k., Bubba?


You go ahead
and do that.

But we're going
to have to talk soon.

I don't want you
having any legal problems.

And I'm real sorry
about becky.

How long will
robbie's blindness last?

Won't know
till we find out
what caused it.

Head injury?

There isn't one.

No glass fragment,
no trauma
to the face.

You don't think
it's psychosomatic,

he k*lled the girl?

No. He was blind
as soon as he
regained consciousness.

Wasn't he?

Right. He was blind
before they told him
becky was dead.

Mrs. Tolliver.
What can I do for you?

Her purse.

I beg your pardon?

Becky always
carried her purse.

It wasn't found
in the pickup.

Is it at the hospital?

No, ma'am.
There was no purse.

Now, it has to be somewhere.

Becky would never go nowhere
without that purse.

We'll try
and find it, ma'am.

I want my little girl's

Yes, ma'am.

They're all
that's left to me.

Well, we'll do
the best we can,
mrs. Tolliver.

Pete, show
mrs. Tolliver out,
will you, please?

Ain't nothing in here.

Want to go on up
by the campfire?

Hold on.

That's not what I think
it is, is it?

Sure is.

I'd say it's
way over 100 proof.

Take another one of those.

I want to give one of them
to mrs. Tolliver.

Tell her she can't
have this purse back yet

Because we need it
as evidence.

What should I say
about the jar?

Tell her the truth
as far as we know it.

Yes, sir.

Yeah. That's
mostly alcohol.

If they're trying
to figure out

How robbie went blind,
could this be it?

Depends on the alcohol.

That's good thinking,

Sweet, take this
over to dr. Robb.

Have him analyze it.

Yes, sir.

Get the fingerprints
first, sweet.

Thank you, parker.

I noticed something
about that jar.

The glass is stamped.

You noticed, no doubt,

That it once contained
l&f's hot peppers.

That's right, chief.

You know, that's
definitely not

Your authentic
mason jar

the one we keep--

We keep in your
private room.

And so you concluded

That some kid went
in his mama's pantry,

Took that jar, and filled it
with daddy's moonshine.

Yes, sir, chief.

We ought to start
asking mamas

Whether they're missing
l&f's hot peppers.

You've got sense,

You got good sense.

Thank you, sir.

I don't care
what anybody else says.

[Honk honk]

Well, well.

Goody, how you been?

Well, I have
my good days, my bad.

If I can
tell the difference,

ahead of the game.

Well, it looks
like you're enjoying
your retirement.

Oh, I am.

You can't take
your money with you,

I got that
figured out.

So I spend it all.

that makes sense.

Yes, sir.
I'm going to die
owing folks money.

Listen, goody, the reason
I come out here--

I think I know.

I heard talk in town

About bad shine
make this boy blind
and have a wreck.

Could that happen?


You know,
in the old days--

Well, bad old days--


I'll show you what
I'm talking about.


Bill, this equipment...

All copper.

Some of the crazy

They'd run their hooch
through radiators.

That's where
you'll pick up lead.

I'm thinking about
something that could
hurt somebody now.

Something you'd have
to add to it.


Some boys
would put in arsenic.

Of course, they k*lled
a lot of customers.

Well, uh, I'm thinking
about today.

Folks put most anything
in there

To add to the color
and the taste--

Oak bark, charcoal.

I've even seen them

Use horse manure
and cow manure.

For taste?


It'll give you a zing,

And it'll make you
spit and holler,

But it won't
make you blind.

What about too much
of the wrong kind
of alcohol?

That sure will.
But who'll drink it?

The taste would
knock your head off.


[Dog barks]

Say, uh, bill,

When will you bring
your dog back here?

I want him to spend time
with miss gertrude.

She wants pups
awfully bad.

Well, I'll have to
talk to beauregard
about that.

you better cover up
all this equipment.

If sheriff macombe
comes by,

He'll think
you didn't retire.

I ain't in
sheriff macombe's county.

And remember,

I ain't in yours,

Well, I guess
you know where you are.

[Telephone rings]



Yeah. What?

What did tate say?

That he isn't located
in any known county

Of the state
of mississippi,

And I believe him.

Did he say
anything about
robbie's blindness?

He confirmed
what I suspected--

That it didn't
happen by accident.

Oh, look, um...

Doctor robb called.

The moonshine
was bad, all right.

It was spiked
with methanol.

Wood alcohol?

and poisonous.

Well, if it didn't
happen by accident,

Then we don't want
the jeffries boy
for manslaughter.

We want somebody else
for homicide.

Not to add
to your troubles,
but we have to talk.

I wasn't drunk.

But that lab report
may say different.

Tell us
about the accident.

My stomach,
it, uh...

It started hurting.


It, uh...
Made me double over.

I jerked the wheel...

And becky screamed.

That was
the last thing
I remember.

We think your moonshine
may have been spiked
with methanol.

It could have
knocked out your vision.


Where did you buy it?

I didn't buy it.

Who gave it to you?

Sooner or later
we'll know all about this.

It was dad's.

Your daddy
gave you moonshine?

No. I took it from
his private stash.

I poured it
into another jar.

Is there more
of this stash?

2 1/2 More jars.

The mickey may have
been meant for him.

His stash
was poisoned?

I don't know,

But we'd better
find out.



call the nurse.

I'm feeling
sick again.

I'll get
right on that.

Poisoned? How?

By something
put in his moonshine.

He lost his vision,
lost control
of his vehicle.

Oh, my god.

He says he got
the stuff from you.

Poisoned moonshine
from me?

You crazy?

Said he took it.

My son
is lying in that
hospital blind.

Mr. Jeffries--

You're trying
to build a case

And you
come here with
an accusation--

mr. Jeffries.


That poisoned moonshine
could've been
meant for you...

Or your wife.
We don't know.

I can't
believe that.

I buy nothing but
high-quality stuff,

And nobody
goes near it.

We have to test it
to know when it
was spiked.

I'm sorry.

It's just not been
the best of days.

The doctors say
robbie's blindness
may be permanent.

Thank you.
Is this all?


I don't suppose you've
had any ill effects.

No. I haven't touched
the stuff in weeks.

Is there anyone
with any reason

To want to harm you
or your family?





Mr. And mrs. Jeffries,
I'm sorry.

We'll be in touch.

What's the matter?

Don't worry, marci.
You're not in trouble.

This is
lieutenant skinner.

I saw you
the other night.

You sure did.

Marci, who'd want
to hurt robbie jeffries?

I don't know.

Dean, maybe.

Dean harbin? Why?

They got into a fight.
Robbie b*at him up.

He come around
looking for robbie.

That harbin boy's
bad news.

Why do you
say that?

We've had
to arrest him
a few times.

He would've went for robbie
but for greg casan.

What did he do?

Talked him out of it
before y'all arrived.

Aren't greg and robbie

Yes, ma'am.
I think so.

Marci, do you want
to go to class?

Yes, please.

Go ahead.

[Bell rings]



Do I need
a court order

To get information
from a druggist?

if it's information

About prescription dr*gs
sold to a customer,

Then I'd say yes.

Can I help you
find something?

[Chirp chirp]
yes. A cricket
got loose in here.

What druggist?

Cripps, down by
greg casdan's house.

[Chirp chirp]
shh! Hush.

[Chirp chirp]

What are you all--

Hush, virgil.
Listen. Listen.

What are we
listening for?

A cricket's
loose in here.

Driving me crazy.
What about cripps?

Just a wild idea.

The casdans
might have
an account there.

Greg could've been
doing some shopping.

I got to
meet bubba.

[Chirp chirp]

Chief, chief, chief.

moonshine was pure.

It must've been spiked
after robbie got it.

It was meant for him.

Chief, this sounds
like some kid
out for revenge.

[Chirp chirp]
hush, hush.


[Chirp chirp]

There she goes again.
Fan out!

If we don't catch her
before she lays her eggs,

We'll never
be able to do business
in this office again.

Play three!

Play three!


Pass! Pass!
Oh! Pass!

[Whistle blows]

Hey, greg!

Yes, sir.

Come over here,

Mrs. Tibbs would
like to talk to you.


You know
sergeant jamison.

How you doing?

You used to
coach some track.

Lieutenant skinner.


We know robbie
and dean
had a fight,

But we
don't know why.

Can you help us?

Dean likes to fight.

About what,


About what?

Robbie's the captain
of the football team.

The girls are
crazy about him.

Dean was jealous.

Yeah, you can
understand that.

We just got through
talking to marci.

She said you
stopped dean from
fighting robbie,

But that you
and him got into it
a little bit.

I caught him fooling
around robbie's truck.

What's this all about?

Somebody poisoned

Put something
in his liquor.


You're kidding.


You and robbie
was good friends?

Still are.

I'm not saying I think
dean spiked that moonshine.

I'll never say
I heard it.

Who do you think
spiked it?

I can't help you.


Let us know
when you can.

Yeah. O.k., Bubba.

You're going to have
to leave that to
somebody else, dean.

Oh yeah? Why?

under arrest, son.

What's it about?

Death of
becky tolliver.

Your fingerprints
was found all over
robbie's truck.

How do you know
they're mine?

We got yours
on record,

What's the crime?

Feeling a fender?
Handling a hood?

Spiking the shine.

Robbie was poisoned
with spiked

I don't know what
you're talking about.

We'll tell you
all about it down
at the station.

What the hell
are you charging me with?


Let's go.

I thought I told you

I never wanted
to see you here again!

I ain't here
by choice.

They drug me in.

Well, I'm going
to dock each one
of them a day's pay

For bringing you
in front
of my weary eyes.

Then let me go.

Go ahead.

Go ahead.

They'll just slam me
back in this chair.

Is that what
y'all boys would do?

No, sir.
That'd be mean.

Wouldn't do that at all.

What makes
you think

'Cause you said you
wanted me for m*rder.

They do?

I don't know that I do.

Do i?

Do i?


Why were you looking
for robbie?

I went there
to fight him.

We split when we
saw y'all coming.

I didn't even see him.

You don't have to
to spike his shine.

But somebody
saw you messing
with his pickup.

Who saw me?

Greg casdan?

He was hanging around
that truck before
we got there.

You can ask anybody.

I don't think
he did it.

I don't think so
either, chief.

This boy's the
type of fella--

He going to come
straight at you,

Not poison you.

I think
bubba's right, chief.

So if I was to say
once again, "go on,"

Y'all boys would
just let him go?

No way.
Can't do that.

No, sir.
Not a chance.

His fingerprints were
all over everything,

And d.a. Darnelle
wouldn't like that.

I think that
dean harbin's
the wrong guy.

You tell me.

You know,
when you was talking
with mrs. Tibbs and me,

I got the feeling
you wanted to
tell me something.

I wanted y'all
to know how bad
greg felt.

Greg? Greg casdan?

Him and becky
breaking up

Like to
broke his heart.

Greg and becky?

How long
they go together?

Not long.

It was sad.

How's that?

She liked him, but
she wasn't serious.

Greg's nice and all,
but big and slow.

So she dumped him.

Oh, sure--
for robbie.

Greg played real
macho about it,

But he
was hurting.

I sure bet he was.

Marci, thank you.

Unrequited love is
frequently a very good
motive for m*rder.

I had no problem
at the drugstore,

Seeing how methanol's
not a prescription item.

Mr. Cripps gladly told me
greg had bought some.

I'd say that
evidence is pretty

Would you say it isn't
worth talking about?

No, I wouldn't
say that.

I believe I know
where we should
start talking.

Afternoon, chief...

Detective tibbs.

We're coming in, boy.
Step out of the way.

Your mama
and daddy home?

They went to gulfport
for the weekend.

You know what
this is about?

No, sir.

Attempted m*rder...

Intention to
do bodily harm...

Complicity death
of a minor.

Fundamentally, I think this
is all about foolishness.

And I'm speaking as one

Who's done some
foolish things.

When I was
a little younger than you,

A bunch of us boys
had a grudge against

A rich farmer
named catelby.

He'd fired a shotgun at us

Trying to ride his horses
in the pasture.

One of the boys put a spike

In his truck tire
so it would blow.

And it blew.

And catelby drove
that truck off the road,

And he k*lled a poor
worker in the field.

Now, that boy
never intended

Any kind of harm
like that.

None of us did.

We never shook that
out of our memories.

But it made our consciences
a little bit easier

When we told
the truth about it.

You know
what I mean, greg?

I spiked that shine.

Dean didn't have
anything to do
with it, did he?

No. I spiked it
before he ever
got there,

But I swear to god

I didn't mean
for no one to die.

Not becky.

I--i loved becky.

You just wanted
to hurt robbie.

Yes, sir.

But not like that.

Not blind him.

I just wanted
to make him sick
or something.

We used to be friends.

Best friends.

What made you
so mad?

He had it so easy.

College scouts in
the stands every weekend.

Any girl he wanted.

Why'd he have
to want becky, too?

I just wanted
to make him
feel some pain.

Just once.

Just like
the rest of us.

Your folks got
a phone number down
there in gulfport?

It's in the little book
by the phone.

Who's that?

Oh, it's just old
coach bubba again.

Mind if I
sit down a bit?

Go right ahead.

How you doing,


The food's bad,
but I get all
I can eat.

There's lots on tv...
To listen to.

Yeah. I bought
this cassette
here for you.

I don't really
don't know who this
harry fellow is,

But they tell me
he's banned
in florida.


Yeah. I also brought
some good news.

The d.a.'S dropping
all the charges

Since greg casdan
was the cause
of everything.

Not everything.

I was drinking.
It was my fault.

I should've
let becky drive.

You might do
a lot of folks
some good

If you talked
about that.

Will talking bring back
becky or my sight?

No, son, it is not.

But it might--
just might--

Save somebody else
from ending up
the same way.

How you doing, robbie?

Well, I didn't
mean to start
preaching on you.

I'll go now
and let you eat.



Preaching ain't so bad.
You come back, you hear?

You can bet
on that, son.

Go ahead
and visit, now.

Come on.

Let's go, beau.

Come on, come on.

Good to see you,

Thank you.

Sure is a fine day.

Praise the lord.

Yeah, amen.

I reckon we can
let these two
run along.

Oh, I reckon so.

They not like
these here
high strung breeds

You got to watch
for fear they'll turn
romance into disaster.

You know, that's
a sad turn of phrase.

Makes me think of
that case we just closed
with the kids.

I don't think
kids today

Are any worse
than we were.

Fact is,
I don't think
they're as bad.

Aw, come on, goody.

Well, they sure
have a better time.

That's why folks
get mad at them.

You take brother ben.

He's scared we're all
going to get massacred

By some g*ng of teenagers
in pickup trucks.

Has he got any reason?

No, no.
None whatsoever.

He's just getting strange.

Told me last year
the world's
getting hotter.

In point of fact--

No. He told me today

That the world's
getting colder.

He's had me stand up
in his bedroom,

Twice now,

Listening for crickets.

He thinks crickets going
to take over this house.

Is he, sure enough?

Sure, he does.


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