02x62 - A Guardian's Friendship: Goodbye, Ami

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x62 - A Guardian's Friendship: Goodbye, Ami

Post by bunniefuu »

Gomen ne sunao ja nakute
yume no naka nara ieru

Shikou kairo wa short sunzen
ima sugu aitai yo

Nakitakunaru you na moonlight
denwa mo dekinai midnight

Datte junjou dou shiyou
heart wa mangekyou

Tsuki no hikari ni michibikare

Nando mo meguriau

Seiza no matataki kazoe
uranau koi no yukue

Onaji kuni ni umareta
no miracle romance

Shinjite iru no miracle romance

Ami, thank you for everything.

Please don't forget about us,
even when you go to Germany.

Hey, you!

Sailor Moon isn't going to forgive you

for interfering with Ami's
trip to Germany!

Take a cold shower and
reflect on your actions!

The Friendship of Sailor Warriors!
Good-bye, Ami

The Friendship of Sailor Warriors!
Good-bye, Ami
The Friendship of Sailor Warriors!
Good-bye, Ami

The Friendship of Sailor Warriors!
Good-bye, Ami

Soft Serve Ice Cream Shop

Oh, it's mint chocolate chip!

This is stupid; I'm not a kid anymore!

Who cares about ice cream?!

I have to hurry up and find
the Silver Crystal.

Chibi-Usa! Are you going home?


What were you looking at?


Oh, you were looking at that
new ice cream shop.

I'm not interested in that stuff.

Really? But I heard that
it's really good.

I want to try some, too.

Say, Chibi-Usa, would you
have some with me?

My treat, of course.


If you insist, I don't mind going.

Ami, let's go!


What?! No way!

I heard that it's pretty definite.

I can't believe that Ami is going to
study abroad in Germany.

She did get the best score on
the national mock exam for
two years straight.

It's almost surprising that something
like this didn't happen sooner.

So, what about Ami?

I heard that she hasn't made up
her mind yet.

I'm sure she wants to go.

Ami's dream is to become a
doctor like her mother.

Germany is one of the best places
to study medicine.

But, but, but!

I don't ever want to say
good-bye to Ami!

Besides! Besides, she's the precious
brain behind our team!

If the enemy att*cks, are we going to
call her back from Germany?!

Usagi! Have some consideration
for Ami's feelings, too!

It's true that losing Ami will hurt,

but if we work harder, don't you
think we'll be okay?

Then, you're all okay being
apart from Ami?!

I heard that she cut down on
her sleeping hours

so she could study on the
days when we fight.

Her hard work is finally
about to pay off.

We can't hold Ami back because of
our childish desires.

I agree; she should go.

An opportunity like this
doesn't come often.

Usagi, remember what
you used to say,

"I want everyone to lead the
life of a normal girl."

Oh, you're right.

I think we should let Ami
go to Germany.

Usagi, you're more thoughtful
than I expected!

Then, let's throw Ami a
going-away party!


Well, then.

I have to go to cram school.

See you later, Chibi-Usa.

Okay, thank you for the ice cream.

Ami seems like a really
dependable person.

If someone has the Silver Crystal,
it could be her,

rather than that irresponsible Usagi.

These are new transformation wands
and communication devices.

These should make you guys
more powerful.

I guess Ami won't need hers.



Yes, sir!

Another Crystal Point, a lynchpin for
the barrier around Crystal Tokyo,
has been found.

Soft Serve Ice Cream Shop

We want to destroy the Crystal
Power in that place

and replace it with Dark
Power, correct?

Yes. I hope you will do it
right this time.

Yes, sir! Berthier will take care
of everything.

Absolutely Pass Cram School

Absolutely Pass Cram School
See you later.

We have another test tomorrow.




You shouldn't be out this late at night!

Ami, I want to ask you for a favor!


I want to stay at your place
for a while.

What's wrong? Did you have
a fight with Usagi again?

Not really, but...

The thing is, I just want to study,

but it's very difficult to concentrate
at Usagi's place.

but it's very difficult to concentrate
at Usagi's place.


I see...

If it's to study, then I don't mind.

I'll call Usagi and let her know.

Let's go!

Thank you, Ami!

A New Life

A New Life

I'm so sleepy.

It's only ten o'clock. We can still
study for another hour.

Ten o'clock?! Oh, no!
I have to go to bed!

My teacher told me I need to
go to bed by ten!

I know. It's not okay to stay up
late watching TV,

but studying is different.

So let's study a little more.

What's with this girl?

She's never off her guard.

There's no way that I can look
for the Silver Crystal.

Huh? What is this?


where did you come from?


You're lying about being
Usagi's cousin, right?

If you don't want to talk, that's okay.

But if you have nowhere to go,
do you want to stay at my place?


I may go somewhere very far away.

And if I do, my mother will
become very lonely.

Ami, you're going away somewhere?

Yes. My dream has finally come true.

Your dream?

No, it won't happen after all.

I can't leave Usagi and
the others behind.

Sorry, just forget about
what I just said.


Ami... Ami!


Ami, hurry! Let's go!

No, I can't.

Why not?

I can't go with you anymore.

It can't be!

I'm going somewhere very far away.



I can't see you anymore.


I don't love you anymore.

Farewell, Usagi.

Farewell, dumpling head.

Oh, wait!



Soft Serve Bob-Floy

Soft Serve Bob-Floy
Nipasu, it's time to work.

Yes, my lady.

Please begin.

I call this, "I love a cold treat!"

Good job. Please continue
with our plan.

Yes, my lady.

Good morning, Ami!

Good morning!

I bet you had a tough time
babysitting Chibi-Usa.

No, not at all.

You can come visit anytime.

I will!

I'll stay at your place as long as
it takes to find the Silver Crystal.

What?! My going-away party?

But I'm still trying to decide
whether or not I should go.

What are you talking about?!

I know that the departure date
is getting close!

I still have ten more days.

Only ten days?

I filed all the paperwork already,

but I still don't know...


No! Ami, you have to go to Germany!

You'll study hard there,
become a great doctor

and save lots of lives!


We've got high hopes for you, Ami!


Why? What's going on?

She doesn't want any going-away
parties or send-offs?!

She isn't thinking of
not going; is she?!

She's decided to go, but...

You know how terribly indecisive
I can be at times.

That's why, if you throw a going-away
party or send me off,

I'm afraid I won't be able
to leave you guys.

Because I don't want to say good-bye.

That sounds just like Ami.

But no matter what Ami says,
we should still at least see her off...

Then how about we go directly to
the airport to see her off?

Oh, that's a good idea!

I agree!

Then, let's do that!

Okay! To the airport!

How about some ice cream?

Here you go!

Thank you!
Here you go!

Thank you!

I heard that their ice cream
is really good.

Hey, don't stand so close!

You, too! Watch what you're doing!

Oh, it's so hot!

Welcome! How about some
nice cold ice cream?

Everything seems to be going well.


Once they have some of my
specially made ice cream,

they won't be able to stand
even a little heat.

And those who can't stand the heat

will crave even more ice cream.

In short, it will be impossible for them
to create the barrier in the future.

It is truly a brilliant plan.

Of course!

Who's there?!

Oh, it's a kitty-cat. Come here.




Good night, kitty-cat.

It's no use! I can't feel Artemis'
presence no matter how
many times I try!

Could he be...

Anyway, this is highly unusual.

Could the enemy have gotten him?!

Maybe we should ask Ami,
and with her computer...


I know. She's finally resolved to
go to Germany,

so we better take care of
this by ourselves.

You got it!


So today is the last day...


Thank you for helping me
with my studies.

I hope you do well in Germany.


Oh, thank you.

I hope you get along with
everyone else, too.


She's not the one with the
Silver Crystal after all.

So, who has it?

Minako, it's almost time to
send-off Ami at the airport.


What's wrong?

Oh, that's the ice cream shop that
Artemis was suspicious about.



Lady Berthier, everything is going well.

That's nice, but what about
taking care of the frozen

people in the back of the warehouse?

I'm terribly sorry!

If you don't work hard,

maybe I should get rid of you along
with those in the warehouse.

No, I will take care of them right
away. Please do not worry.

Are you sure? That's too bad.

If it gets too hard, just let me know.
I'll put you out of your misery.

No, that will not necessary.

Okay. Then, take care.

Yes, my lady.
Okay. Then, take care.

Yes, my lady.

Who's there?!

I should be the one asking you that!

What are you going to do with
these frozen people?

So you saw them.

Then I have no choice but to k*ll you!



Man, that's the eighth bus already.

This is getting to be a little too late.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Everyone, we have a new enemy!

I'm at Bob-Floy's in the Juban
Shopping District!

Let's go!

Okay! Oh...

But what about Ami's send-off?
I was going to give this to her.

Do you want me to deliver it
to her for you?


I'll give it to Ami for you.

Then, please.

I'll take care of it.


Chibi-Usa, hop in!


Okay, let's go!


Where did she go?!


Where are you aiming?!

Girls love ice cream! How dare you
use it in your evil plot?!

We can't allow you to get away
with it anymore!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

You impertinent brats!

You've been looking so down

It's cold!
You've been looking so down

I think this is colder than
the North Pole!
You've been looking so down

We have to do something!
You've been looking so down

We have to do something!

You suddenly stand still on
the windy sloping street

You suddenly stand still on
the windy sloping street


Mamoru and Chibi-Usa?
You never say anything

You never say anything

Luna-P! Magic!
You never say anything

You never say anything

Here, this is for you.
And worry about things,
so it makes me sad

Thank you.
And worry about things,
so it makes me sad

And worry about things,
so it makes me sad

This is from Usagi and the others.
And worry about things,
so it makes me sad

From Usagi and the others?

Leaning on my shoulder for a bit

I guess this is the kind of friendship
you guys had.
Leaning on my shoulder for a bit

I guess this is the kind of friendship
you guys had.
And relying on me isn't being weak

And relying on me isn't being weak

Arert I right?!
No matter what... No matter what...

I mean, it's weird that they didn't
even show up to see you off!
No matter what... No matter what...

That's because I asked them not to.
No matter what... No matter what...

That doesn't matter!
Comes in our way, we'll be okay
as long as we're together

They always said that they
were your friends!
Comes in our way, we'll be okay
as long as we're together

Comes in our way, we'll be okay
as long as we're together

Usagi and the others are
wonderful friends.
Comes in our way, we'll be okay
as long as we're together

Comes in our way, we'll be okay
as long as we're together

That's a lie!

That's a lie!
Like this... Like this...

Like this... Like this...

In the end, they only care
about themselves!
Like this... Like this...

In the end, they only care
about themselves!
We'll share our tears with each other

We'll share our tears with each other

No matter where you go,
we're there with you.

And let's stay together forever

There must be some reason for it.
And let's stay together forever

No matter where you go,
we're there with you.

Let's stay like this forever

No matter where you go,
we're there with you.

Something very important...

It can't be! It can't be!

Mamoru! It can't be!
Sitting in a cramped photo booth

Sitting in a cramped photo booth

We had lots of fun, just the two of us

Chibi-Usa, you were right.
We had lots of fun, just the two of us

We had lots of fun, just the two of us

I was only thinking about myself.
We had lots of fun, just the two of us

I was only thinking about myself.

Looking at the photo where we
both have our eyes closed

Mamoru, I need to ask you for a favor.
Looking at the photo where we
both have our eyes closed

Looking at the photo where we
both have our eyes closed

It's no use. It's too cold to
use my powers.
Looking at the photo where we
both have our eyes closed

We'll die if we don't do something.

We'll die if we don't do something.
It makes us laugh whenever we
teased each other about it

It makes us laugh whenever we
teased each other about it

Always doing your best
all by your lonesome

Now, what are you going to do?
Always doing your best
all by your lonesome

Always doing your best
all by your lonesome

There's nowhere to go!
Wouldrt it be sad if that were
the only right way to do it?

Wouldrt it be sad if that were
the only right way to do it?

No matter where... No matter where...

Time for the finishing blow!
No matter where... No matter where...

Time for the finishing blow!
I could get to like this place,
we'll be okay if we're together

I could get to like this place,
we'll be okay if we're together

I know what I need to say now.
Like this... Like this...

Like this... Like this...

In the end, I'm still Sailor Mercury,
one of the sailor warriors!
Like this... Like this...

We'll face each other with the
same smiles as always

And let's stay the same forever

Mercury Star Power Makeup!
And let's stay the same forever

Mercury Star Power Makeup!

Mercury Star Power Makeup!
Let's stay like this forever

Let's stay like this forever

Hold it right there!

Sailor Mercury!

Shine Aqua Illusion!


Now, Sailor Moon!


Moon Princess Elimination!


I'm glad you're okay!

I'm glad you're okay!

Mercury! You're back!

In the end, I just can't leave you guys.

They got back together
because of me, right?

That's right.

Ami, are you really okay? No regrets?

When I study, it will be the same
no matter where I am.

I will study much harder and
become a good doctor.

I'm sure you will, Ami!

That's right! Though, it's something
Usagi could never do!


Donna pinch no toki mo
zettai akiramenai

Sou yo sore ga karen na
otome no policy

ltsuka honto ni deau daiji
na hito no tame ni

Kao o agete tobikonde yuku no

Tsun to itai mune no oku de

Koi ga mezameru wa

Kowai mono nanka nai yo ne

Tokimeku hou ga ii yo ne

Ooki na yume ga aru yo ne

Dakara kitto ririshiku

Naritai mono ni naru yo ne

Ganbaru hito ga ii yo ne

Namida mo tama ni aru yo ne

Dakedo kitto ririshiku
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