02x69 - Awaken the Sleeping Beauty: Mamoru's Distress

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x69 - Awaken the Sleeping Beauty: Mamoru's Distress

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Mamo, why are you running away?
Who is that girl?!

This has to be a dream!
It must be a nightmare!

Droid Akumuda, how dare you
give a girl a nightmare

when she was dreaming of romance?!

In the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

"Having journeyed through numerous
dangerous adventures,"

"the prince came to the
forest of briars"

"and gave a loving kiss
to the princess,"

"who had been put to sleep
by a witch. And then..."

This is boring.

What are you talking about?
This is the best part.

I already know that fairy tale.

Honestly! I'm being nice here
and reading you a story.

"Surprisingly, the princess,"

"who had been sleeping as though
she were dead, woke up."

Sleeping Beauty

Isn't that just so romantic?

Don't you think so, Chibi-Usa?

Oh, Chibi-Usa!

Usagi, leave her alone.

She's probably dreaming
about her mom,

who was captured in the future city.

Yeah. I wish we could do
something for her.

Awaken, Sleeping Beauty!
Mamoru's Distress

Awaken, Sleeping Beauty!
Mamoru's Distress
Awaken, Sleeping Beauty!
Mamoru's Distress

Awaken, Sleeping Beauty!
Mamoru's Distress


We're finally married; aren't we?



Mamoru Chiba, you must not
get close to Usagi Tsukino.

You, again?

Who the hell are you?!

When the two of you are bound
together, the world will crumble,

and Usagi Tsukino, in other words,
Princess Serenity,

will be struck by misfortune.

Like hell I'll believe that!

Making me have this dream
over and over again!

Are you trying to trick me?!

This is the truth from which
you cannot escape.

It's a lie!

It's a lie!

It's a lie!

If I get close to Usako, she will be
struck by misfortune?

That's absurd!



She will be struck by misfortune.

So, do I have no choice, but to
stay away from Usako?


Why will loving Usako
bring her misfortune?


That I came across you so early in
the morning, it must mean God...

By the way, did Chibi-Usa tell you
anything about Crystal Tokyo?

She won't tell me anything.

Oh, Mamo! Where are you going?

Early morning jogging is
good for your health.


Usako, I'm sorry.

Mamo, I'll... I'll...

...gain back your love,
no matter what it takes!

Your love...


What should I do?

Mamoru, what's up?

Oh, Motoki.

You look depressed these days.

Are you worried about something?


Don't lie to me. What's worrying you?

We're best friends. Talk to me.

Thank you, Motoki.

Hey, Motoki, what do I need to do
to get a girl to hate me?

What? Why are you asking me
that all of a sudden?

Just what kind of guys do girls hate?

Thank you for waiting, Mamoru.

So, Usagi, did you ask Chibi-Usa
about everything?

Crystal Tokyo, the future city
that Chibi-Usa is from,

is being att*cked by the Black Moon,
a clan from the Dark Moon.

And, it seems that Chibi-Usa's
mom has been captured
by the enemy, right?

Crimson Rubeus and the Four
Phantom Sisters are here
to destroy our world!

This is no time to just keep sighing!

Your ice cream is going to melt.

Hey, why do you think Mamo
is avoiding me?


Usagi, we have to find the enemy's
hideout as soon as possible!

She's right! We have to work hard
to gather information!


I've got problems here! Do you have
to be so loud and annoying?!



Mamo, who is she?

Is she your relative? Your cousin? Or...

It doesn't matter who she is;
it has nothing to do with you.

It's none of your business.

Hold on tight, so you don't fall off.

Mamoru, who is she?

Just someone I know.

Just someone he knows...

Usako, I have to find out why
I keep having that dream.

Until then, good-bye.

It's the middle of the night.
Is it a burglar?

Usagi, what's wrong?

Usagi, if you keep eating so much,
you're going to get fat.

Who cares...

Who cares if I get fat?

I didn't know Mamo had a girlfriend.

I've been rejected by
the person I love.

So, who cares if I get fat?


It's a lie that Mamo has
a girlfriend, right?

Huh? What was that?

Usagi, we're in trouble!

Chibi-Usa's nowhere in sight!

So, that energy was
Chibi-Usa, after all?!

What? The Rabbit's energy
was detected?

Yes. Near Juban Park.

All right. Attack her immediately.

Rabbit, we've found you.


You're not getting away!

You're not getting away!



I'm in a very bad mood tonight!

Moon Crystal Power Makeup!

Tonight, your life...

Will not be yours to take!

Sailor Moon!

Ouch! Ouch!

Two grown women

ganging up and bullying one little girl

is unforgivable!

In the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

Sailor Moon, we've been
waiting for you.


Akumuda, come on out!

Dream, dream, dream!


Dream, dream, dream!

What is this?!

Sailor Moon, be careful!

Sleep, sleep, fall asleep!

Sailor Moon, don't fall asleep!

I'm so full from eating too many
midnight snacks.

Good night.

Pitifully easy.

Time for you to die, Rabbit.

We came when we saw
the energy in the sky.

So, this is what was going on!

sh**t! Not again!

We are two and they are four.

It is obvious that we will be at
a disadvantage if we fight.


No fair!

Running away is cowardly!

Akumuda will be more than enough
to take care of you brats.

Akumuda, invite these girls into
the world of nightmares,

like Sailor Moon, and k*ll them!

Dream, dream, dream!

The enemy is going to use hypnosis!

Everyone, be careful not to be
put to sleep by her!

Everyone, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep!

I'm not going to stand by and
let you bewitch us!

Begone, Evil Spirit!
I'm not going to stand by and
let you bewitch us!

Begone, Evil Spirit!

Begone, Evil Spirit!
Rin, Pyo, Tou, Sha, Kai,
Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!

Begone, Evil Spirit!
Begone, evil spirit!

Begone, evil spirit!

Sailor Mars, thanks!

You saved us!

Sailor Moon, be strong!

Sailor Moon will continue to dream.

And in her dream, she will use up
all her energy and die!

What is that?!

Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon! Sailor Moon!




Sailor Moon, wake up!

Please wake up!

Don't sleep!

Her energy is leaving her body!

Unless we do something,
Sailor Moon is going to die!

Hang in there!

Sailor Moon, wake up!


Please don't go!

Wake up!


Wake up! Wake up!

She is really going to die!

I've been rejected by
the person I love.

So, who cares if I get fat?

Luna, where are you going?!

Oh! What?!

Mamoru, it's terrible!

Sailor Moon is in danger!

Please wake her up!
There's not a moment to lose!

There's no time!

You're the only one who
can wake her now!

But right now, I'm...

You and Sailor Moon have
loved each other

since the ancient world, haven't you?!

Why are you suddenly
so cold towards her?!

It's because...

Sailor Moon is about to die!

Sailor Moon...

No, Usako,

please stay alive until I get there!

Don't die, Usako!


Sailor Moon! Wake up!

Sailor Moon! Wake up!

Wake up! Please open your eyes!

Why? Why won't you wake up?

Sailor Moon...

Her body temperature
is dropping rapidly!


Tuxedo Mask?

Tuxedo Mask...

Tuxedo Mask!

Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon!

Wake up, Sailor Moon!


Usako, forgive me!

Stop it!

Sailor Moon is...


The power of love revived
Sailor Moors energy!


You're so warm.

Sailor Moon...

Thank goodness!

The fairy tale came true.

Damn you, Tuxedo Mask!
How dare you interrupt me?!

Watch out!

Girls always dream about pursuing
the one they love!

Useless, useless! It's a nightmare!

And I won't forgive you for
taking advantage of it!

Moon Princess Elimination!

Sailor Moon, your magnificent move
was as brilliant as ever.

Tuxedo Mask, you do care about me...

Sailor Moon...

I do not love you!


But you saved me.

That has nothing to do with this.

The red string of fate, that bound us
together, has been severed.


Tuxedo Mask!

Sailor Moon...

No, Usako, I'm sorry.

What?! Miss Unazuki Furuhata?!

You mean, you're Motoki's
younger sister?!

That's right.

Mamoru saved me when he gave me
a ride the other day.

Gave you a ride?


The restaurant was so busy,

that I wasrt going to make it in time
for my date with my boyfriend.

Boyfriend? Isn't that Mamoru?

Are you kidding?! I have somebody
else I'm really in love with!

Lucky! So, she already
has a boyfriend!

But then, why does Mamoru go to
the trouble of lying to me

and avoiding me?

There must be some reason for it!

All right, then!

I'll solve that mystery and
get his love back!

I'm going to do it!

I'll never give up, no matter
how tight a spot I'm in

That's right, that's the
sweet maiders policy

For the person I'll really meet
and cherish someday

I'll raise my chin and leap into the fray

Deep in my heart,
with a poignant ache

Love will awaken

There's nothing I'm afraid of

It's better to be passionate

I have big dreams

That's why I'll try to be brave

I'll become what I want to become

It's better to be someone
who does her best

Every so often, there are tears, too

But even so, I'll try to be brave
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