03x93 - Usagi's Idol: The Graceful Genius Michiru

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x93 - Usagi's Idol: The Graceful Genius Michiru

Post by bunniefuu »

Michiru, who I look up to,
invites me to a concert.

But another problem appears there!

To you, who gets in the way
of a nice romantic night...

...I, Sailor Moon, will punish
you in the name of the moon!


It's Usako!

I brought some delicious cookies!

And... I-I-If there is love,
I'm sure or ...

...or or ... burnt ones
won't get in the way!


Such a mature atmosphere as always...

F-Future Considerations
of Genetic Engineering...?

Mamo-chan is in college!

He's at a really high level!

I guess it doesn't fit Mamo-chan...

These charred cookies...


I really am good for nothing.

What are you saying all of a sudden?

I fail as Mamo-chan's wife after all!

D-Don't cry...

It's not bad to have
something on the bitter side...


Usako, you're fine the way you are now.


And so Mamoru ate all
of the charred cookies?

Poor thing.

I hope he didn't get
an upset stomach from it.

What do you mean by that!?

She's right, that's saying too much.


If it was thoroughly cooked,
there is little...

...chance that he'd get
food poisoning from it.


She's gonna get mad!

Today's Usa-chan is a good Usa-chan!

Say, Ami?

I want you to teach me something!

W-What is it?

Generic... No, genetic engineering!

And Mako-chan!

Can you teach me how to cook?

T-Teach you cooking, Usagi!?

Genetic engineering?

I decided that I want to
be even a little bit...

...closer to where my lovely
Mamo-chan is right now!

Minako, you're great
with English, right?


Rei... would be how to wear a kimono.

Yeah! That perfects my
preparations to be a wife!

Preparing to become a wife?

Oh, no! Crap! I forgot
I had something to do!

M-Me too! I have to get back!

Mako-chan? Minako?

I'll see you tomorrow!

Um, Usagi, I think you'd
be better off studying...

...biology and chemistry for our
school before genetic engineering...

It's all right, Ami.

She's just being whimsical as usual!

What do you mean by that, Rei?

When I was teaching you how
to wear a priestess's kimono...

...I told you many, MANY times
but you never got it!

To be your teacher is something
I never everwant to do at all, Usagi!

Rei, you meanie!

Can you say all that, Usagi?

When you learn
cooking from Mako-chan...

...or get tutored by Ami...

...you always quit within three days!

Everyone is sick of it already!

Really, at this rate
Mamoru will probably...

...say that he doesn't want
to marry you anymore!

Hey, Usagi, are you listening!

That's why I wanted to do my best...

But, Luna... even Luna...


Oh... I guess she really
was serious about this...

Luna, you idiot!

At least there's no doubt that strong
powers are concentrated in this city.

And when that power grows especially
strong... those mysterious evil things...

...attack humans!

Nothing will come from worrying.

What we are given is a very vague memory
of our past life that came back to us.

Our mission is to find
the three talismans...

...call for the holy grail which is the
source of an extreme amount of power...

...and return it to the rightful
owner as soon as possible.

Who are the three owners of the pure
hearts that hide the talismans?

If only we knew who they were...

But to extract those talismans means
the death of the respective owners.

We can't help that.

To meet the ultimate objective
of saving the world...

...a few sacrifices
have to be made.

If that's the mission given to us,
we can only plunge onward!


This is it!

This is the ideal princess figure!

That bun-headed girl from before...

Do you want something from us?

U-Um, I was just awed that you
could play a violin like that...

Like a princess...
no, um, it's very mature...

I look up to people like that!

Well, I'll be going.

Uh... Um...

I'm just a little frustrated...

I'll go on a little spin
and cool my head off.

Bye, bun-head!

Somehow I don't feel
angry at all... but...

They're not buns!

She knows this isn't a problem that
aimlessly running around will solve...

Miss Tsukino... was it?

Call me Usagi.

All right... Usagi?


Michiru, are you going to
become a violinist in the future?

I don't know...

I'm... not sure why I was born...

I can't get a hold of which road I
should take... and I'm lost, so to say.

That's like me! I'm lost too!

Um, you're Michiru Kaioh, right?

The one who painted this picture?

I'm a big fan of your art!

I'm looking forward to
the upcoming exhibition, too!

Thank you.

She paints, too?

She's not like me at all! She's lost
because she has too much talent!

But, but... Me too!

I feel better now.

I thought about finding their HQ as well
but, of course, it's not really that easy.


I see, that's why you
wanted to play the violin.

But it's no good. Even if I wanted
Mamo-chan to hear it, I can't get better.

Don't give up, Usagi.

You look wonderful when you're trying.

Girls always get better that way.


I'll give this to you.

There is a wonderful
violin recital coming up.

It's this evening.

Please come with
the person you cherish.


The time has come.

Kaorinite. How are
your preparations coming?

I have a good idea already.

Now, go, egg of Daimohn.

Go steal a pure heart.

A tuxedo without a mask
is also wonderful!

I'm so happy!

But a violin concert...
Aren't you trying a little too hard?

Excuse me! I may look like this,
but I am a future princess!




You're all going to say
this isn't like me, right?

I'm sorry about earlier!

You really were serious
about learning how to cook.

I heard from Luna that
you guys were here, Usagi.

I'm sorry, Usagi.

Well, leave everything to me!

If you fall asleep during the performance,
I'll pinch your butt and wake you up!

Are you fine with your music lessons?

Oh, Ami!

Oh, there he is.

He's a pretty attractive guy.

It's so nice to be young.

You sound like an old woman!

Oh, really?

Usagi! Look in front of you!
In front of you!

Where were YOU looking, Rei?

I was watching!
I was looking in front of me!





Hurry! Go outside!


What's wrong?


It's coming!

Everyone, transform!








Hold it right there!

You wrecked my important,
very important romantic night!

Maidens, love with all of your life!

The sailor team of
pretty soldiers will...

...in the name of the moon...

...punish you!


I-I can't move!


Tuxedo Mask!

A serenade fits a
beautiful moonlit night.

Noise that is painful to listen
to shall all disappear immediately!




Be careful! There are a lot
of people in the concert hall!

That's such a cowardly move!

Really! It's got a twisted personality!



You guys...!

Guided by a new era,
Sailor Uranus acts with elegance!

Same here. I am Sailor Neptune!

Uranus! Neptune!

What in the world do you--

Whoa. I ask you not to
do any unnecessary probing.

Our objective is to find the talismans.

Other than that, we have
nothing to do with each other.

Nothing to do with each other!?

I thought you were our allies, but it
seems like you guys are pretty hardheaded!

Look out!


Thank you.

Oh, you're welcome...

Dammit! How dare you!?



Now, Sailor Moon!

Oh, o-okay!





She took the best part.


No, it's not a talisman.

It looks like another wasted trip.

Uranus! Neptune!

Who in the world are you?

And what are the talismans?

If you really want to know,
figure it out on your own.

The heart of an artist that performs
a graceful tune is very delicate.

Take care in returning it.

Oh, wait!

They don't have any manners!

But... they seem like good people...

It's a shame... we missed out on
listening to a wonderful performance.

How about I treat you
to a meal in its place?

Lucky me!


What about those lessons
to become a wife?

I-I'll start that again tomorrow!

Of course you're going to treat
us as well, right Mamoru?

- HEY! Stop clinging onto him!
- Chinese food! Definitely Chinese!

- No, let's go French and have some wine!
- What are you saying? We're under age!

How cute.

I guess so...
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