04x18 - The Blackout

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x18 - The Blackout

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪
♪ to the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

♪ Just to get up that hill ♪

♪ Now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live
it's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a
piece of the pie ♪♪

Put it there.

No, over here.

I can't decide where it goes.

Hurry, or it's goin'
over the balcony.

Just put it there.

I ain't movin' anything else.

You know what they call women
who overwork their husbands?

- What?
- Widows.

The living room needs a change.

We moved the
furniture last year.

You didn't like it.

Experimenting doesn't hurt.

Wrong. My back is killin' me!

Do you know what
it's like always lookin'

At the same thing?

I've been lookin'
at you for years.

Ain't you got no sense of humor?

Of course I have.

I married you, didn't i?

Ain't you decided
about the furniture?

I just can't decide.

If you ask me...

Who's askin' you?

Florence can say what she wants.

Go on.

Everything looked fine before.

Who's asking you?

In my family, our furniture
was always changing.

You moved it?

No, it kept gettin' repossessed.

George, let's try moving
the sofa over there.


Come on, george.

Are you too busy holding
down the floor to help?

Just ask.

Florence, dear,
would you help us?

Of course.

See? All you had to do was ask.

I'm giving her a raise. A raise?

If we pay her enough,
she can afford to quit.

Ok, george.



One, two,

[Doorbell rings] three...


It ain't polite to
keep people waitin'.

[Doorbell rings]


Hey, marcus.


Hey, mr. Jefferson!

Turn that off.
You can't hear me.

That's the idea.

Just kiddin'. Here's
your cleaning.


This place looks like
it was hit by a tornado.

It was hurricane louise.

We're redecorating, marcus.

Well, have fun.

Marcus, are you finished
workin' downstairs?

Yeah. Why?

Would you like to work upstairs?

Movin' your store?

No, the furniture.


This is more fun.

More fun than what?

Than me doin' it by myself.

Let's start with this desk.


Where does it go?

I haven't decided.

Back where it was.

But, george...

It's in the way.

It won't stay there.

It will unless you move it.

What's that?

Somebody blew a fuse. Ready?



[Weezy] george,
are you all right?

I'm all right. I tripped.

The lights went out!

I can see that.

I can't see anything.

George, where are you?

Right here.


Over here.

I can't... Ow!

Whose dumb idea was it
to put this chair here?



There you are. Put
your arm around me, ok?

Mr. Jefferson don't mind?


[Florence] hey, all
the lights went out!

[George] that
florence is amazin'.

You can't sneak
nothin' past her.

Open the drapes.

The lights are out everywhere.

You mean we're
havin' a blackout?

Unless everybody went
to bed at the same time.

How long will it last?

As long as "con" edison
can rip us out of more money.

If they owned the moon,

That would be out too.

Weezy, get the flashlight.

It's not here.

You should keep it handy.

First bring it back
from the store.

Well, get some candles, then.

They're in the kitchen.

I'll eat that chicken
in the refrigerator.

[Knock on door]

How can you eat now?

It might spoil.

You spoiled it
when you cooked it.


You're as much in the
dark about this as I am.

Move that light.

Sorry. Is everything all right?

We're fine, mr. Bentley.

Hello, marcus. I am
experienced in blackouts.

You've been blacked
out for years.

I mean because of the w*r.

Once my aunt and uncle

Gave their butler
a birthday party.

A b*mb fell on our
local power station.

Our lights went out.

I never saw my aunt again.

She got k*lled?

No, she ran off with the butler.

I found the candles.

Anybody want some chicken?

Splendid idea! Food and song.


We sang during the bombings.

I love to sing.

They could have
used you in london...

As an air raid siren!

How about...

♪ Row, row, row your boat ♪

♪ Row, row, row your boat ♪
♪ gently down the stream ♪

Cut it! ♪ Gently
down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily, merrily, merrily,
merrily... ♪ Have some chicken.

♪ Row, row, row your boat... ♪

Be quiet. We got to
decide what to do.

♪ Merrily, merrily... ♪

George, a little
music wouldn't hurt.

That's ear pollution, not music.

There's music on my radio.

They may have news
about the blackout.

All you dudes and
foxes at the drive-in,

Take a breather and
check the screen.

The movie ain't running.

We're having another blackout.

Police report scattered looting

In bedford stuyvesant
and the south bronx.

Give me that! We'll
have details later.

Now a golden oldie
for the occasion,

Little richard's "by
the light of the moon."

Ain't that a drag?

I like little richard.

I mean them looters.

I got a store in that area.

Come on, marcus. Where?

To get the clothes out.

But, george, it's
dangerous out there.

Besides, isn't your
store insured?

No, it ain't. What?

The south bronx
is a bad-risk area.

Can I help?

Lend me your flashlight.

George! I'll be back in a flash.

I hope george
knows what he's doin'.

Probably not, but
that never stopped him.

Well, in the meantime...

♪ Mairzy doats and dozy doats ♪

♪ And liddle lamzy divey ♪

♪ A kiddley divey,
too, wouldn't you? ♪

♪ Have a banana ♪

♪ Mairsy doats and
dosey doats... ♪♪

[Sirens blaring]

What will we get for this?

Shh! If we get
caught, six months.

Somebody's been here already.

Yeah. Let's come
back in the morning.

Come on.

Look at this place.

There's some clothes.

What are you doin' here?

This is my store.

We was here first.

That makes it our store.

I own this place.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

You own this place?

That's right. This is
george jefferson.

You're jivin'.

See the name on
them credit cards?

He is the owner.

Sorry, mr. George jefferson.

We ain't takin' these clothes.

Damn right.

We'll take your wallet.

I'll be takin' yours, too.

Hurry up, chump.

Yes, sir!

You need the money
more than we do.

Nice doin' business
with you, mr. Jefferson.

Be careful on the
streets tonight.

This neighborhood is a jungle.

You might need this!


A damn water g*n!

Let's get them.

What will we do, drown them?

Let's get these
clothes to the truck.


Up against the counter!

Spread 'em!

I own this property.
I'm george jefferson.

Yeah, and I'm kojak.

No i.d. On this one.

This one either.

Two dudes just
stole our wallets.

You can do better than that.

Two jerks we caught said they
were running a delivery service.

You wrong, man.

You're under arrest. You
got a right to remain silent.

If you give up that
right to remain...

I want my lawyer!

[All shouting, indistinct]

[Chattering] what? sh**t.


Hey, I ain't taking this
sittin' down, you know.

Then take it standing up.

Sorry about the accommodations,
but all the private rooms are taken.

Hey, man, I still got all
that ink all over my hands.

Oh, what a shame. The
manicurist won't be in till morning.

Hey! Look, I'm a voter!

I'm a veteran! I'm a taxpayer!
I wanna see my lawyer!

I wanna see my lawyer too! Sit
down, n*gga. You ain't got no lawyer.

Okay then. I wanna
see his lawyer.

[George] hey!
Hey. Relax, friend.

I ain't your friend.
Come on now.

Ain't no need to be hostile. After all, we
gonna be spendin' a lot of time together.

No, we ain't. I'm leavin' as soon as
my wife comes to get me out of here.

You got the time,
marcus? I ain't got a watch.

You wanna buy one?

Hey, man, how'd the cops
miss all them watches?

Simple. I let 'em frisk
the same arm twice.

First like this, then like this.

Man, what time you got?

What city?

This city, chump.

: , Chump.

You believe this, marcus? No.

Well, they ain't gettin'
away with it. Who?

Them cops can't do this.

I think they already did it.

Hey, the lights! All right!

What did they
catch you stealing?

I didn't steal nothin'.
See, I own this cleaners...


We tried to get the
clothes before the looters.


The looters beat us to it.

They took our wallets.
One looter had a g*n.

A g*n? Oh, wow.

I'm tellin' you, man.

We were takin' the
clothes to the truck,

And the cops thought
we were the looters.

That's quite a story.


Did it take long to make up?

I ain't stole
nothin'. I'm innocent.

We all innocent.
Right, brothers?


Right. We all been framed.

I was just walkin'
down the street,

And this cop arrests me

Because I was
carryin' a new color tv.

They caught me playin'
baseball. Baseball?

I pitched rocks through
a liquor store window.

We're law-abiding
citizens, like you.

Oh, no, I ain't no thief.

That's right. I'll talk.

I spent my life
buildin' my business.

Then there's a blackout,

And y'all grab whatever
you get your hands on.

I just wish my
hands were bigger!

You don't think you
did nothin' wrong?

Yeah, I did somethin'
wrong. I got caught!

I don't understand you.

I don't understand
none of y'all.

Of course you don't understand.

He understands! He understands!

Lighten up. We ain't criminals.

What are you doin' here?

What are you doin' here?

I'm here by mistake,
not like you.


You ever been poor?


I mean, real poor.

Sure. He was so poor,

His folks couldn't
afford a bigger kid!

Ha, ha, ha.


I been poor. I got a job.

I got a job.

Trick-or-treatin' tv's
when the lights go out?

I work at a car wash.

Yeah? I got a
waterproof watch here.

Gold band? Digital?

Hey, ok, ok! Forget it!

Why were you lootin'?

You try feedin' a family of five

On what you make at a car wash.

You do not eat too fancy.

To get food, I busted
into an appliance store.

Appliance store?

Were you planning on
feedin' your family blenders?

I was going to sell
them for real bread.

That's no excuse.

It beats starvin'.

Sometimes you do
the wrong things

For the right reasons.

You mean everybody who's lootin'

Does it to keep from starvin'?

No, some are lootin'
for the hell of it.

That kind gives
looters a bad name.

George jefferson.


Hey, weezy!

Mrs. Jefferson! [Wolf whistles]

Watch it.

Is this your husband?

Yeah, that's him,
"baby face" jefferson.

Funny, weez.

Come on, you two.

What took so long?

I walked down flights
of stairs in the dark.

You want a watch
with a lighted dial?

Sorry about the
mistake, mr. Jefferson.

You'll be sorrier
when my lawyer calls.

As I understand it,

It was an innocent mistake.

It could have
happened to anybody.

Anybody dumb enough to
roam around during a blackout.

Come on, it's late.

Tomorrow, I'm
going to the store.

I'll help clean up.

Nope. I ain't cleaning
up. You're not?

I'm closing up.

Bye, weezy!

Hey, come on. What's
wrong with you?

Come on.

Who? Me?

Say, let me tell you
what's happenin', man.

Oh, my, my, my.

My mama gave me these watches!

Oh, what a shame.

This place had a close
encounter of the th kind.

They took everything.

You heard the cops.

Only steel walls and iron
bars will keep them out.

George, look at this.

That's the first dollar
this store ever made.

That was six years ago.

I remember how happy you were

When you brought it home.

I'm surprised the
looters didn't take that.

Hi. What is it?

Are you george jefferson?

Yeah, but we're closed.

Is this your wallet?

It is your wallet.
Where'd you get it?

I found it in the alley.

Anything left?

Just a picture of your mother.

They took everything of value.

Thanks for bringin'
the wallet back.

No, I don't want your bread.

Then why return the wallet?

Because it's yours.

You live around here? No,
I'm an eccentric millionaire.

That belongs with
the other loot.

Not everybody here
was out looting.

No, some people stayed
home to hide the stuff.

They really did a job on you.

They ruined my store.

I didn't mean your store.

I mean your head, man.

Are you closing down for good?


George, anger
doesn't solve anything.

I ain't angry. I'm mad.

You're really closing?

It's the only choice.

Everyone around here is a crook,

Even people who worked here.

No, they ain't crooks.

No, they're just
unemployed, huh?

They ain't un...

I'm sure I'm not the only
store owner who's quitting.

This store has
done good business.

Your customers depend on you.

Closing because of last night

Is throwing the baby
out with the bath water.

What's this got to do
with babies takin' baths?

Your man's right, lady.

What's the point of
providin' employment

Or helping a community recover?

I can't hang around here.

I'm going to a cleaners
blocks from here.


You ain't got to do that.
There's one right here.

Bring your clothes
in tomorrow. It's on me.

Jefferson, you're all right.

You're not closing down?

Weezy, you got to have
faith in people. But...

Why punish everybody
because of some looters?


Weezy, weezy, weezy!

You got to learn
to trust people.

Oh, george, I love you.

What's the cost of
steel walls and iron bars?



Well, that's it. Everything's
back where it was.

♪♪ [Whistling] hey, weez.

Did you move all that
furniture by yourself?

Yes, and it wasn't easy.

Look, if you needed somebody
with muscles, why didn't you call me?

Why? You know
somebody with muscles?

For your information,
when I was in the navy,

I used to go into the weight
lifting room every day.

You must've felt right at
home with all those dumbbells.

Yeah, just like now,
except I can't lift you!

George, what have
you got in the bag?

Just a few things in case
we have another blackout.

Candles. A
flashlight. Earphones?

No, no, no, no. They
ain't earphones, weezy.

It's a radio so I can
listen to the news...

Without having to listen
to you and florence singing.

George. See? You just turn it
on, and you can't hear nothin'.

George... Can't hear you, weez.

Let me try it.

Hey, that sounds great!

Oh, by the way, the
willises will be down soon.

The willises? Yeah.
They're coming for dinner.

What they comin' here for?
Because you won't go there.

Of all the dumb reasons.
Wait. They can't come down.

Look, weezy... I can't
hear you, george.

♪♪ [Humming]

♪♪ [Humming]

[Woman] the jeffersons was
videotaped in front of a studio audience.

♪♪ [Humming]

♪ Movin', movin' on up ♪
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