05x08 - Sweet, Sweet Blues

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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05x08 - Sweet, Sweet Blues

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I'’ve got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won'’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat of the night.


What you doing
down there?

You can'’t fish here.
This is our land.

Since when did the county
sell you this land?

Sorry, lonnie. Didn'’t know
you was down there.

I know where your land
starts, hank mueller.

Right there where
your boat'’s tied up.

If that white face
down there

Belongs to
lonnie jamison...

Your bad manners

Don'’t surprise me none.


Ain'’t improved any
since you was a child.

Papaw, don'’t get yourself
excited over nothing.

That line'’s the place
where my land starts.

See you don'’t cross it!


Let--let'’s get out
of here, lonnie.

Let'’s go.

What are you
thinking about?

Oh. That man--

You aren'’t still bothered
by that old fool?

No, it'’s not that.
It'’s just, uh...

I heard the name

What, mueller?


He and his grandson
are the only muellers
left in sparta.

I guess the family went
way back, though.

You know them?

Just to say hello to,
which is enough for me.

Name bothers me.
A lot.

There'’s a story
behind it.


Story I don'’t
want to tell.

Somebody else
can tell it better.

[Blues piano plays]

♪ Some gentlemen
of means ♪

♪ Playin'’ stud
down in new orleans ♪

♪ Lost a hand that was
flushin'’ in diamonds ♪

♪ To three deuces
and two queens ♪

♪ With the car
in the pot, friends ♪

♪ That'’s how louis sweet
got, friends ♪

♪ His fine new packard

♪ Ha ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ One mornin'’
we all read ♪

♪ In the paper
what del mueller said ♪

♪ Three out-of-town negroes
done stole a car ♪

♪ And shot the owner dead

♪ I can swear
it'’s a lie, friends ♪

♪ Because only i, friends

♪ Witnessed the action

♪ Ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ I can swear
it'’s a lie, friends ♪

♪ Because only i,
friends ♪

♪ Witnessed the action

♪ Oh-ohh.

Y'’all are very kind.

I'’ll be back.

You heard. Mueller.

Yeah, but, willson,
that doesn'’t prove
a thing.

I know. I know.

Welcome back,
young willson sweet.
How you doing?

Fine. This here'’s
lonnie jamison.

Hey, man.nice to meet you.

That last song--
about being there

When louis sweet
was shot--

Did you write that?

No. And don'’t
never say I did.

Somebody might
come '’round here

And try to
shut my mouth.

You know who wrote it?

I better not know,

What do you think?

Don'’t know
if I should say.

Don'’t want to
not be polite.

Don'’t mind me, son.
Say what'’s on your mind.

Well, sir...

There'’s no doubt
in my mind...

Not from the way
you sang that song.

It'’s yours.

It'’s true...

And you were there.

Might as well forget it,

You'’ve been at it
20 minutes

That thing'’s still
flashing 12:00.

Thanks etta.
I can see that.

It'’s been flashing
12:00 ever since that
thundershower last december.

Well if anybody else would
like to try this,
they'’re welcome to.

[Knock knock]

I'’ll stick to doing
what I'’m good at.


It'’s half past 10.

Sorry, mrs. Kibbee.
Is virgil up?

Come on in, sweet.

Come ahead in.

Thank you, ma'’am.

Something wrong?

Uh. What a question.

Maybe he'’s here
because something'’s right.

I hope so.

That ain'’t it.
There'’s something wrong.

Could be both.

Well, anything... It'’s
got to be different.

it'’s definitely that.

It'’s got to do
with what happened
to my grandfather,

Which I think
everybody knows.

he was m*rder*d.

I didn'’t know.
When did this happen?

In 1948. I remember.

He told my father he was
going to drive to illinois

And vote for harry truman.

Never got there.

He was missing--
him and his car.

So he never
came back?

How could he?
He was m*rder*d.

Well, they never found
the body or the car.

Louis sweet liked to
provoke the white folk.

He was showing off
his new car he brought
back from new orleans.

So they k*lled him.

He was also
the first black man

To sit at the counter
of buck'’s diner.

Uh-oh. What happened
to him?

They sure
didn'’t serve him.

Buck and two of the young
sheriff'’s deputies

Carried him out.

There was something
in louis

That just drove him
to do these things.

Yeah. He wanted
his rights very badly.

Did you just hear
something about him?

May have met a man
who saw the m*rder.

So maybe we ought to
reopen the m*rder case.

If reopen is
the right word.

Did they ever open it?
I think not.

How do I get started,

Well, you'’d have to
go into the files.

I believe
the newspaper said

That your papaw just
disappeared from town.

Well, let'’s
find that story.


Now, this fella,
this bluesman, uh...

His real name
is chesh collins.

That'’s the name
I know him by.

He used to play piano
years ago at the old
mcguffy house.

This song of his--at least
the song he sings...

Supposedly, he--
or whoever
wrote the song--

Actually witnessed
the event.

Uh, saw the m*rder?

I'’m sorry, that's just what
my family always called it.

Yeah, yeah.
All the black folks
around town

Who remember it
call it that, too.

There'’s a lot of
white people called it that.

Now, it was
40-odd years ago.

The m*rder*r--
if it was a m*rder--

Uh, he'’s probably
in the ground by now.

And if he isn'’t?

Then he'’s got
one foot in the ground.

You don'’t mind
if I take a look
into this, do you?

No. Not at all.
Go ahead.

Just don'’t waste
too much time on it.

The old police file'’s
in the basement
over at city hall.

Virgil knows
where they are.

Why don'’t you take him
over there?

Yeah. Sure.
Sure thing. Come on.

Thank you, chief.

Man: this whole room
is stored police files.

Now, let'’s see...




This is 1948.

Let'’s see, now...




Here we go.

Louis sweet.

Now, let'’s see...

Oh, you see this stamp?mm-hmm.

This means that
the original report

Was made to
the sheriff'’s patrol.

Here you go.

Thank you.thank you.

hampton sweet."

This won'’t take long.

Let'’s see...

Uh, missing persons.

Possible m*rder.

Witness reports.

Uh... No suspects.

"Possible motive--
theft of automobile."

According to this,
a witness reports
seeing three black men

Follow louis sweet'’s car
into the woods
at allinton farm.

They were driving
a truck.

Say who the witness was?

Delbert mueller.

That'’s the old man
that yelled at me
the other day.

He'’s also the only
other name in the
bluesman'’s song.

So we know
nothing new?


Well, let'’s go find
something new.


This is
detective tibbs.

I knew your mama well.

She had the finest
catering business
this part of the state.

Yes, she did.

She took care
of all the fine people,

All the fine, big parties.

Used to call me
up a lot to come down
and play the piano.

Oh, I remember you.

Sure, you do.

I wanted
to ask you...
About the song...

The sweet blues?

You mean
the bad sweet blues.

Yeah. The man who wrote it--
is he still living?

Sure is.
You'’re looking at him.

Well, why didn'’t
you tell me?

Didn'’t want to.

Well, why'’d you lie?

Man, I felt like lying.

Some days I just lie
all day long, and...

Some days, just like
george washington,

I cannot tell a lie.

How about today?

Oh, today is a mixed one.

I can do both.

Is the song true?

Well, you know...

A song'’s a funny thing.

You kind of have to
judge it for yourself.

Now, this young man
here and his pal,

They found it true.

Maybe you wouldn'’t.

You saw louis sweet

You can say
who k*lled him.

So can the old man--
delbert mueller.


You want some money?

Is that it?

No no no,
let him go.

I made a mistake.


Somebody should
question the man.

What you expect to get
from del mueller--

A confession?

Don'’t know, chief,

But the man was
a very active r*cist
in his young days.

In his young days.
That'’s kind of
a smart piece back.

A good 60 years ago.

I suppose y'’all still talking
about del mueller?

You know, he'’s dying
over at the hospital.

He is?

Yeah, chief.
That'’s what I heard.

His arteries are closing
minute by minute.

Can we at least
have a word
with the man?

Oh, not you.

I don'’t mean
nothing by that.

What I'’m saying
is, um...

Virgil, you
remember how I was
when we first met?

Oh, lord!

Mm-hmm. Well,
multiply that by,
say... Oh, 10,000.

That'’s del mueller.

That'’s right.

O.k. Uh...

But you know the man,
don'’t you?

Sure. Played ball
with hank mueller.

I can talk to him
tonight, maybe tomorrow,

But right now I'’m tied up
with that robber at the mall.

Yeah. Go ahead,

Wait a minute.

Now, you also enjoy
the privilege
of knowing the muellers.

Oh, well, uh...

That'’s right, detective.

Chief knew them
better than anybody.



Who--who is it?

It'’s bill gillespie.


Chief gillespie.
Sparta police, del.

Uh... I know him.

That him?

Yes, it is, del.

What you want?

I want to ask you
a few questions

About a police case.
Goes way back.

43 Years ago.

Go ahead.
Go ahead.

A black man driving
a packard car disappeared.

Now, maybe
he was m*rder*d.

His only remaining
relative is one
of my young officers.


Louis... Sweet.

That'’s right.

The report says
that, uh,

You saw three black men

Follow louis sweet
into the woods.

Now, that... Ain'’t true.

You mean you didn'’t
see that?

I seen the whole thing.

That ain'’t what happened.

Then what did happen?

Between me and my maker.

Did you see
the man k*lled?

I said I did.

That'’s all I'm...
Going to say.

Now, del, this is not
an official investigation.

Get out... Gillespie,
and... Let me rest.

Dr. Perry says he can go
at any minute.

Well, he won'’t say
what he really knows.

You'’d think he would...

Coming to the end
like that.

Does he know he'’s
coming to the end?

I don'’t know.

Well, we can hardly
go to the man and say,

"Mr. Mueller, you'’re coming
to the end. Fess up."



W-who took mueller'’s
statement long ago?

It was a deputy,
according to this. Um...

Nate bedford.

Oh, nathan bedford.

Well, he became
the sheriff.

He retired on the job.

Should I talk to him?

He'’s still living.
He'’s pretty healthy.

Sound mind.
I suppose you could
talk to him.

I'’ll send jamison
with you.


B-because he'’s white?

Like bedford?

I suppose so.

Can'’t hurt.

I want you
to let del alone.

Oh, alba, this is
sergeant sweet
I was telling you about.

This is
detective tibbs.

These are
the two officers

That are conducting
this inquiry.

He can'’t
tell you nothing.

Well, now, alba,
he says he can.

Well, even if he can,
I wouldn'’t let him.

I'’m real sorry
to hear that, ma'’am.

He don'’t have
much longer,

And we'’d just as soon
you left him alone.

He'’s got the right
to die in peace.

Everybody has.

Even my grandfather
who made people mad

By showing off
his new, fancy car--

He had that right.

The living got a right
to live in peace--

I reckon you agree
to that.

Mm-hm, yes, ma'’am.

And louis sweet,
he had that right, too.

Well, so do i,
and I'’m still here,

And I never k*lled nobody.

I didn'’t even think
about k*lling nobody!

And I don'’t care what kind
of car y'’all drive around in.

I never did!

I never did!

People must'’ve laughed
at that story--
even back then.

Why would three black men
wanna k*ll louis sweet?

Well, it could'’ve
been a robbery.

After all, all murders
in the old south

Weren'’t racially motivated,
you know.

That one was.
And it was robbery, too.

Just like a whole lot
of those lynchings.

Well, all we have
is a bluesman'’s song.

What will you do next?

Finish this dessert.


I'’m sorry, honey.
I know this is serious,

And I shouldn'’t
be trivial about it,

But the chief already said
there is nothing we can do.

That'’s what he told
harriet delong
when her sister was k*lled.


Can'’t get v.j. Trendell.
No sense in trying.

And he was right.

But the lord took care
of v.j. In that plane crash.

There was nothin'’ else
we could'’ve done.

And the devil
took care of the rest.

Honey, all I'’m asking you
is to keep on trying.

If you don'’t want
to keep the heat

On this old
mueller character,

Why don'’t you start working
on the piano player?

I can'’t believe that people
can just say to you,

"I won'’t talk."

They have the right.

Can'’t choke it
out of '’em?

We do not have
that right.

Besides, I'’m not quite
finished with chesh collins,
you know.

Chesh collins
is no good.

Chesh collins lived with
three women at the same time.

You know, I think I just have
to approach him the right way.

He'’s a proud man,
and I think he'’s honest.

He ain'’t got no pride.

And he'’s the biggest liar
in the state of mississippi.

And that, my dear wife,

Is a distinct
and disturbing possibility.

Throw the ball,

All right, here we go.

Keep your eye
on the ball.

Oh, you didn'’t...

Chuck it back here.
Chuck it here.

Oh, well, it...

Well, stay here,
and I'’ll go fetch it.

Willson... You want
to do this?




Oh. Afternoon,

sheriff bedford.

Don'’t know if you'll
remember me--
lonnie jamison?

No, son,
I don'’t rightly do.

Lonnie, is it?

Yes. This here'’s
sergeant sweet.

Oh. Nice
to meet you.

Thank you, sir.

If you gentlemen come here
for a little advice,

All I can tell you is,

Don'’t stay
on the job too long.

What'’s too long?

Well, beyond retirement.
That'’s too long.

Y'’all have
your own family?

Well, get yourself some,

And then, uh, retire
when you'’re supposed to.

Oh, yes, sir.

Well, let'’s not
just stand here.

Come up on the porch here.
Come on.

Uh, danny, here.
Take your ball, sweetie.

Go on around the house
and play with it.

Come on up.

Sit down.
Sit down there.

Make yourself

What can I do
for you gentlemen?

Well, sir, thought you might
be able to help us

Clear up something
that happened a while back.

Well, I can try.


My grandfather--
louis sweet--

Was k*lled
here in sparta.

k*lled how?

Well, police file
confirmed a newspaper report

That three black men
followed him into the woods.

Well... What woods?

Followed how,
on foot or what?

The file in the report
didn'’t say.

Didn'’t tell us nothing.
That'’s what was peculiar.

Well, I was in
the sheriff'’s department

From 1945 to '’75.

This is 1948.

A white man threatened him
about a fancy new car?

The story came down to me
through my family.

They'’re all gone now.

The way it went
was that these men

Stopped the car
in allinton woods,

k*lled him,
and took the car.

Well, what men?

Well, the story might'’ve had
some names in it,

But I can'’t remember.

I see. Well, i...

I ju--i just ain'’t got
no memory of it.

The statement to the paper
was made my delbert mueller.


Well, there you go.

Now he says the story he told
wasn'’t true.

Lordy, lordy, lordy.

Uh, old del mueller,
is he still alive?


Well, i, uh...

Gee, i--i wish I could tell
you gentlemen something,

But I suppose I'’ve gone
silly like old del.


Well, thanks for
your help, sheriff.

Oh, gentlemen?

Don'’t forget what I said
about retiring.

Oh, yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Yeah, it'’s jamison here
for the chief.

Uh, yes. All right.
Thank you.

Yes, yes, yes?

Where are you?

We'’re outside
of his house.

You just going in?

No. We'’ve already
spoken to the man, chief.


Well, he'’s a nice man,
but he'’s lying.


Yeah. We both think
the same thing.

Hold on.

Maybe we'’re wrong, chief.
Maybe you could
help us find out.

Well, what do you
want me to do?

Could you possibly
talk to the man?

I hate to bother you
with this, but...

Well, it'’s not
bothering me, sweet,

But it'’s kind of like
fishing in a rain barrel.

People might
wonder about you.

If you talk to the man
and believe what he says,

I'’ll forget
the whole thing.

Just have a chat.
I'’ll follow your judgment.

All right,
I'’ll talk to him today

In about an hour
on my way home.

he'’s home now.

I don'’t need to go
all the way out there, sweet.

I know where I can find
nate bedford here.

Legion park.
Almost any evening about 5:00.

It'’s ten minutes
after five.

Why would bedford
even come here, anyway?

To sit.


Yeah, I heard
the chief.

But why?

People do that.
My mama used to sit
at the depot.


It'’s the last place
she ever saw my daddy.

He was headed
for fort bliss, texas.

Look there.



Bill gillespie.
How are you?

Same old story.
Well but worried.

Well, they got
pills for that.
I'’m on them.

I'’ll try some.
Give me a bunch.

A bunch is $10.
Get your own.

I want to ask you
about somebody.

Go ahead.

Del mueller.

Did he ever k*ll anybody?
I mean, was he up to it?

Well, long...

Long time ago
he was. I--

He probably did.

Who did he k*ll?

I think he k*lled
several people.

I think... He was
that kind of guy.

Uh, black people?

And a couple of
white people, too.


Del mueller was
the devil'’s own.

And that'’s a fact.

You know why
I'’m asking this,
don'’t you?

Sure, I do.

Same reason
those young men
of yours

Came over
to speak to me.

You all read
in the newspaper

Where mueller
reported a probable
k*lling to me

43 Years ago.

Was he telling
the truth? '’Cause
he told me he lied.

The only testimony
that could count here,

Is the dead man'’s

If science could cause
those remains to speak.

Well, uh...

Uh, nate, we--
we weren'’t fixing
to prosecute,

You know, in
the ordinary sense.

It'’s just that, uh...


Is it true
that great thoughts
come in small books?


And in this
little book

Is the greatest
thought of all.

There'’s no
other thought

That can give you
such complete...

Uh, can I tell you
what it is?

You certainly can.

If you want forgiveness,

All you need to do
is ask for it...

Believing in him
who alone can give it.

♪ One mornin'’
we all read ♪

♪ In the paper
what del mueller said ♪

♪ Three out-of-town negroes
done stole a car ♪

♪ And shot the owner dead

♪ I can swear
it'’s a lie, friends ♪

♪ Because only i, friends

♪ Witnessed the action

♪ Ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ I can swear it'’s a lie,
friends ♪

♪ Because only i,
friends ♪

♪ Witnessed the action

♪ Whoa.

Does chesh collins
know you got that?

No, sir.

Well, all he says

Is that he knows

But, uh, he doesn'’t say
what he knows.

He also says
he was a witness.

But to what?
He doesn'’t say.

So what are you telling us?

That'’s it, it's over?
Case closed?

No, not yet.

It depends on
what I hear tonight.

And so get your civvies on
and stand by.

♪ You see a pretty brown

♪ And beautiful gowns

♪ You see tailor-mades

♪ And hand-me-downs

♪ You see honest men

♪ And pickpockets skilled

♪ You'’ll find that ♪

♪ It never closes

♪ Till somebody
gets k*lled ♪

♪ I'’d rather be here ♪

♪ Than anyplace I know

♪ I'’d rather be here ♪

♪ Than anyplace...

what do you all
want to risk here?

I'’d like
a ginger ale,

A plain ginger ale--
give me the same
again. Virgil?

I'’ll have what
she'’s having.

Right away.

Well, listen,

I think I'’m going
to get this thing

♪ There'’s a darn good
reason why ♪

♪ Goin'’ to the river ♪

♪ There'’s a reason why ♪

♪ '’Cause the river's wet ♪

♪ And bees'’ feet's
done gone dry. ♪

Saw your party arrive.

First round'’s on me.

Thank you very much.you'’re welcome.

Thank you, chesh.

Listen. We can'’t
stay long.

We'’re all
city employees.

We have to be
early risers.

How much of the song
you want to hear?

Is there a verse
you usually don'’t play?

Yeah, there is.

Well, that'’s the one
I want to hear.

In fact, that'’s the one
I must hear,

But, listen,
I want to hear it all.

Make yourself

♪ The bad, bad sweet blues

♪ The lynchin'’
of louis sweet blues ♪

♪ Can never be sung
by a bluesman ♪

♪ Who'’s got something
good to lose ♪

♪ Like for instance
his life, friends ♪

♪ But when I
look at life, friends ♪

♪ I don'’t see nothin' ♪

♪ Ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ This run-down
sorry place ♪

♪ This 5 1/2 foot of space

♪ Going to be where
your weary old bluesman ♪

♪ Will finally
quit the race ♪

♪ But young louis sweet,
friends ♪

♪ Had a classy defeat,
friends ♪

♪ Drivin'’ a packard ♪

♪ Ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ Young louis sweet,
friends ♪

♪ Had a classy defeat,
friends ♪

♪ Drivin'’ a packard ♪

♪ Ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ Some gentleman of means

♪ Playin'’ stud
down in new orleans ♪

♪ Lost a hand that was
flushin'’ in diamonds ♪

♪ To three deuces
and two queens ♪

♪ With the car
in the pot, friends ♪

♪ That'’s how louis sweet
got, friends ♪

♪ His fine new packard

♪ Ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ Back in old sparta town

♪ He drove through the park
and then down ♪

♪ To pearblossom street
in the bottoms ♪

♪ Where the fine chicks
hung around ♪

♪ Took '’em from there,
friends ♪

♪ Back up
to the square, friends ♪

♪ In his new packard

♪ Ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ Brave louie

♪ But I fear

♪ 1948 Wasn'’t no year ♪

♪ For a high-talkin'’,
gamblin'’ black dude ♪

♪ To jive and joke
and jeer ♪

♪ At warnings he'’s got,
friends ♪

♪ That he just
better not, friends ♪

♪ Go '’round
in that packard ♪

♪ Ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ One mornin'’
we all read ♪

♪ In the paper
what del mueller said ♪

♪ Three out-of-town negroes
done stole a car ♪

♪ And shot the owner dead

♪ I can swear it'’s a lie,
friends ♪

♪ Because only i, friends

♪ Witnessed the action

♪ Ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ I can swear
it'’s a lie, friends ♪

♪ Because only i, friends

♪ Witnessed the action

♪ Whoa

That was wonderful,
chesh, but, uh,

You still come up
one verse light, didn'’t ya?

That last verse
has some names in it.

Maybe first you oughta hear
the story without the music.

I'’d like to hear it.

How old were you
back then?

I can'’t say, ma'am.

I don'’t even know
how old I am now.

I was a kid,
and I was scared.

It was november 1, 1948,

The evening of the day

Louis sweet drove
that packard '’round
the square.

I didn'’t see that.

What I saw was in the woods
at allington'’s farm.

You can imagine
what your grandpa louie
must have felt,

Thinking he could maybe help
this turkey blocking the road.

Then he saw
what it was all about--

The end of his life.

Who, uh...

Who was
this turkey?

Who were they all,

You gonna tell us?

Were they black guys?

♪ J. Boyd'’s in the ground ♪

♪ His pals are
still livin'’ in town ♪

♪ The colors
of all their faces ♪

♪ Are the whitest kind
around ♪

♪ Nathan bedford
was one, friends ♪

♪ And the man
with the g*n, friends ♪

♪ Delbert mueller...

Chief, I suppose you'’re
gonna say I'’m guilty

Of some kind
of bad crime myself,

Not telling the law
about this until now.

No, chesh.

After all,
it'’s still just a song.

Now you got names.

It'’s real.

And, virgil,

You didn'’t have to
give me no money.

I'’m real sorry
about that.

What did they do
with my grandfather?

They buried him...

Over in allinton'’s woods.

They'’re gone.

Everything goes...

Except the earth.

There it is.

Right over there,
under that swing set.

You mean you'’ve been keeping
your eye on that spot

Over all the changes
and over all the years?

Kind of.

And I ain'’t
the only one.

O.k., Sweet.

Go ahead.

Well, young sweet.

What can I do for you?

Thought you might like
to see this photo.

That'’s me--
at my granddaddy'’s grave.

I'’m glad I know
about that place...


I'’m gonna be going up there
every once in a while.

Maybe I'’ll see you there.

You want to pray?

I'’ll pray with you.

Keep the picture.

Well, sweet,
it'’s up to you.

If you want to have
his body exhumed,

I can start
the process.

It'’s a long,
long process.

Oh, no doubt
about that.

Just to find out
if he'’s here.

I already know
he'’s here.

And then what?

Bury him again?


Couldn'’t be
in a nicer place.

I think you'’re right.

I sure wish he
could'’ve seen all this.

I mean, uh...

Things are better,
aren'’t they, chief?

They'’re not great...

But they'’re better.

Yes, son,
they'’re better.

A whole lot better.

♪ One mornin'’
we all read ♪

♪ In the paper
what del mueller said ♪

♪ Three out-of-town negroes
done stole a car ♪

♪ And shot the owner dead

♪ I can swear
it'’s a lie, friends ♪

♪ Because only i, friends

♪ Witnessed the action

♪ Ha ha ha ha

♪ Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ♪

♪ I can swear
it'’s a lie, friends ♪

♪ Because only i, friends

♪ Witnessed the action

♪ Whoa.

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