06x03 - Louise's Old Boyfriend

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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06x03 - Louise's Old Boyfriend

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

♪ Movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin'

♪ Just to get up that hill

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat

♪ As long as we live,
it's you and me, baby

♪ Ain't nothin' wrong
with that

♪ We're movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

♪ Movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪


You can relax, Miss Jefferson.

I ain't carrying no g*n.

Oh, Florence,
I just finished
polishing my nails.

I'll help.

Thank you.

Are you sure you can manage?

Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Jefferson,

but I just bought a new hat
and I'm dying to put it on.

I know how you feel.

I'm excited every time
I buy a new...


Well, what do you think?

Well, it's...

But on the other hand...

Oh, but then again, it's, um...

That about sums it up.

Well, just say what you feel.

I don't like it.

Who asked you?

Well, on second thought,
it kind of grows on you.

I like it.

'Cause I bought
one for you, too.

You shouldn't have.
You really shouldn't have.

Oh, don't worry, it was on sale.

Buy one, get one free.

So I figure
I got the free one
and you owe me $ .


I'll let you have it for $ .



Bill Simmon?
Bill Simpson?

You're kidding.

You're kidding.

You're kidding!

it's my first boyfriend.

You're kidding.

Oh, it must be years.

Thirty-five years?

Oh, no, I haven't
changed that much.

A promise we made?

Well, I do remember
something about that, but...


Oh, I...
Oh, I don't think I...




I can't believe it.

That was your
very first boyfriend?


Bill Simpson.

Oh, I thought I was
so much in love with him.

Of course, that was
long before I met George.

Oh, I get it.
Bill was the calm
before the storm.

When we were just kids,

we made a promise
to get together in years.

And tomorrow is the day.

Oh, Miss Jefferson,
that's really exciting.

Tell me all about him.

Was he tall?
Was he handsome?

Or was he like
Mr. Jefferson?


And there's not much to tell.

Then make something up.

What's gotten into you?

Oh, I don't know.
I guess I'm a sucker
for this kind of stuff.

It's like
this old soap opera I saw.
The Young And The Worthless.

Two old lovers met
at the restaurant.

What happened?

Well, he got amnesia,

she got pneumonia,

and the waitress got pregnant.

Well, one thing's for sure.

Bill doesn't have amnesia.

my first boyfriend would call.

sh**t, I wish
any boyfriend
would call.

Oh, we had some
great times together.

We used to go to the park,

the zoo, the movies.

Our favorite place
was the circus.

I loved the clowns.

Well, you must have.
You sure married one.

Oh, we had so much fun.

We used to talk for hours.

Oh, Miss Jefferson,
I bet you're gonna have
a good time tomorrow.

Uh, that's if I go.

Think of the excitement.

Think of the fun.

Think of George.

I'd rather think of the fun.

I don't think he'd want me
to see an old boyfriend.


Oh, I'm sure
Mr. Jefferson
will understand.

Florence, that hat must
be squeezing your brain.

Hello, Mrs. J.

I'm going to hang a picture

and I'd like to borrow a hammer.

Oh, certainly, Mr. Bentley.
Come on in.

would you get it for him?

Hi, Mr. Bentley.


I've got to cancel that dinner.

I just love my new picture.
It's a print by Van Gogh.

Oh, my God.
I don't know
how to reach him.

Oh, that would be difficult.
Van Gogh is dead.

I'm talking about Bill Simpson.

Oh, is he dead, too?

Bill Simpson was
my first boyfriend.

Oh, what did he die of?

He asked me to go to dinner.

Food poisoning?

Uh, Mr. Bentley,
let me go slowly.

Bill Simpson
was my first boyfriend

and he just called

and asked me to go
to dinner tomorrow night.

Ah, your first boyfriend.

Yes, I still remember
the very first girl

I was ever in love with.

Oh, we weren't in love.
It was just a teenage crush.

I was just a lad,

mowing lawns for the summer,
trying to earn some money.

And this girl lived
in one of the houses.

She was so delicate,
so beautiful.

Well, I finally
shored up my courage
and asked for her phone number

and she gave it to me.

And under it, she wrote a poem.

I'll never forget those lines.

"I like you, Harry Bentley

"To meet you has been thrilling

"We could get
better acquainted
for £ , shillings"

That's terrible.

I know. By the time
I had earned enough money,

she had moved.

Here you go, Mr. Bentley.
Oh, thank you.

I don't know
if I should go or not.

I think you should go.

It ain't every day you get
to visit your past.

Yeah, but if I go,

George may not
let me visit my future.

Well, I agree with Florence.

There's nothing
really wrong with it.

A man and a woman
can see each other
without anything happening.

Don't I know it.

Well, I am curious
about what Bill is doing.

If he's a success,
if he's happy.

If he's got hair.

Well, Mr. Jefferson
will be home any minute.

Why don't you just ask him
if you can go?

It's worth a try.
That's right.

And we'll be right here
to back you up.


Nice seeing you,
Mrs. J.

Don't let me rush you, Bentley!

Oh, uh, Mr. J,
perhaps you and Mrs. J.

Would like to stop by
and see my Van Gogh later.

No, but I'd like to
see your butt go now!

Go ahead.

Uh, George...

This is one of
the worst days
of my life.

Ask him.

Ask me what?

Uh, oh, uh...

I just wanted to, uh...

To ask you how your day was.

I just told you, it was rotten!

Uh, well,
I just wanted
a second opinion.

don't you have
something else to do?

No, not really.

Why don't you make dinner?

Yeah, right.

Why don't you get started
if you wanna burn it?

George, what happened today?

Six employees were out sick.

We ruined
some woman's suede coat.
Two machines broke down.

If I hear one more
bad thing today,

I'll just drop dead.

If you don't tell him, I will.

Look, everything's
going to be all right.

Everyone has one of those days.

Yeah, I guess
you're right, Weezy.

I think I'll just
lie down for a while.

What the hell is this?

Florence's hat.

That's the ugliest thing
I ever saw.

Now, what's this?

My hat.

Oh, that's nice, Weez.

You didn't ask him, did you?

I just couldn't.

Miss Jefferson, poor Bill
is gonna be waiting for you.

Well, he's been
waiting years.

What's another day?

But ain't you
just dying to see
what your old boyfriend

looks like
after all these years?

Yes, I am, Florence,

but I'm not
gonna do anything
behind George's back.

But I do wish
there was some other way

to find out about Bill.

Well, if I was you, I'd go.

Well, you're not me.
And I'm not about to go.



No, it's not.

Oh, sure, Bill,
I'll be glad to
give her a message.

You still wanna meet her
at The Big Top Restaurant,

but at :
instead of : .

Well, I don't know.

What she told me
was she doesn't wanna...

She really doesn't wanna
miss her date with you.

No, she's just dying
to find out about you
after all these years.

How will you know her?

Well, uh, I'll be...

I mean, she'll be wearing
a red hat with a feather
in it.

Mmm-hmm. Bye-bye.

See you at The Big Top.







I mean, speaking.

Louise, you know,
I kept thinking
of all the things

that I would say to you
after all these years.

What would be my first words?

Do you still have my skate key?


Same old Bill.


Well, uh, we better get a table.

I phoned ahead
for a reservation.

First words, "Do you
still have my skate key?"

(STAMMERING) Why are you
writing that down?

Oh, I'm just taking notes
for Mrs... Mrs...

Because I misses you so much,
I just wanna write it down.

Oh. Oh.

Uh, do you have
a table for Simpson?

Yes, sir. Party of two.


I'm glad it ain't
a party of eight.

Oh, thank you.

Uh, uh...
My bridge is loose?

I think he wants to know
if we want something
to drink.

Oh. Uh, could you
bring me some champagne?

This place is
something else.

You know,
I can't get over
how different you look.

Uh, I know what you mean.

You know, it kind of feels like

I'm seeing you
for the first time, too.

Yeah, uh...
No, I mean it.

You look almost like
another person.

And didn't your voice
used to be much deeper?

Uh, it used to be deeper.

But when I got older,
my voice changed.

Of course, it did.

do you remember
when we used to...

And then we...

Right, right!
And... And... And
then we went...

Oh, oh, did we ever.


You know,
I'm surprised you remember.

Who could forget?


So, uh, Louise,
tell me about Mr. Jefferson.

Mr. Jefferson?

You're married to him.


Me, married to
Mr. Jefferson?

Are... Are you all right,

I mean, uh...

Well, Bill, I guess a nice guy
like you must be married, too.

No, I'm not married.
I'm... I'm divorced.

Maybe someday
I'll... I'll find
the right woman.

Uh, Bill,

there's something
I forgot to mention.

About my husband.
He's dead.

Oh, Louise, I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

That's okay.
He doesn't, either.

I mean...

He went quick.
Real quick.


Hi, Mrs. J.
I just came
to return this.

Thank you.

Ah, is that
what you'll be wearing
when you meet Bill tonight?

No, I'm not wearing anything.

that should be
quite a reunion.

I mean, I'm not going.

Oh, what a shame.
How did Bill take the news?

Oh, I didn't call Bill
at the restaurant yet.

I hope he doesn't
feel too bad about it.

I know, but you might feel bad

if Bill calls here
looking for you

and Mr. J answers.

I'll see you later.

If I don't call Bill now,
there may not be a later.

Hello? Information?

Would you please
give me the number
of The Big Top Restaurant?

Thank you.

Who was that?

Oh, uh...

Oh, one of those places
selling free dance lessons.

You know how
they're always bothering you.

Oh. I didn't hear
the phone ring.

Right. I called them
and told them not to
bother me.



Yeah, she's here.

Is it a man or woman?

A strange man?

Uh, George, I know
I should have told you.

An old boyfriend
asked me to have
dinner with him tonight.

It was all perfectly innocent,

but I didn't think
you wanted me to go.

I know I didn't
tell you about it,

but I know I should have.

And he's calling now.

George, say something.

You wanna talk to Bentley?


Yes, Mr. Bentley.

No, I haven't called Bill yet,

but I think George
already knows about it.


Weezy, I'm surprised at you.

But I didn't do anything.

I know that.
I'm surprised you thought
I wouldn't want you to go.

You mean,
you don't mind if I go?

Of course not.
I trust you.

Oh, George, you're so nice.

Oh, if I hurry,
I can still get to
the restaurant on time.

George, where are you going?

With you.

But I thought you
said you trusted me?
I do.

It's your old boyfriend
I don't trust.


I wonder if I'll
still recognize Bill.

He's bound to look different.


In this place,
everybody looks different.

George, I don't believe it.

Look at that hat.

You mean to tell me
they let another one loose?

George, that's Florence!

Uh, excuse me, Bill.

I gotta go powder my hat.

I mean, I gotta
go powder my face.

Uh, you know what I mean.

The food here is terrible.

Get out while you can.

What the hell
are you doing here?

Um, I decided to run away
from home and join the circus.

Florence, has this got
something to do with Bill?

Miss Jefferson,
I knew you wouldn't come.

So I came to find out
about him for you.

And I got all kinds
of great notes.

They go all the way up
to "Not married."

You shouldn't have done that.

Oh, Miss Jefferson,
please don't give me away.

He thinks I'm you.

He must be dumber than he looks.

I think he likes me, too.

Nobody's that dumb.

Well, aren't you gonna
introduce us, Louise?

Well, I'm...
Of course.

Uh, Bill,
I want you to meet, uh...

Excuse me. Um...

Haven't we met?

You look very familiar.

A family resemblance.

See, these are my two cousins.

I'd like for you to
meet Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson.

Hello, Mrs. Jefferson.
Mr. Jefferson.


Well, that was fun.

No, no, no, look,
that's nonsense, Louise.

Yeah, nonsense, Louise.

Come and join us.
No, no, no,
we were kind of...

Oh, we'd be delighted.

Good, good.

Now, I always say
the best way to
learn about a woman

is from her family.

Yeah, well, you can learn
a lot from us, all right.

May I?
No, you mayn't.

So, uh,
what have you
two been doing?

Oh, just talking
about old times.

And Louise looks
even more beautiful
than I remember.

No, I don't.
Yes, you do.

No, she doesn't.

Uh, well,
let's change the subject.

isn't this restaurant great?

Louise and I always
did love the circus.

Especially the back row
of the bleachers.

That's where Louise and I
first kissed.


Boy, I just love
this restaurant.

Listen, Bozo...


I'm not talking to you, clown.

I'm talking to you, clown!

Louise is my wife.

But you told me
your husband was dead.


Look, chump,
you're gonna be dead

if you came here
to fool around with my wife.

Uh, maybe I better
straighten this out,


Oh, look, here's our waiter.

Let's watch him
for a couple hours.

We ain't watching nothing!

Florence, you straighten it out.

And everybody else be quiet!

You, too!

Well, you see,
I'm really Florence.

Not Mrs. Jefferson.

See, when you called,

Mrs. Jefferson
didn't wanna come,
because of Mr. Jefferson.

And I didn't want you
to be here by yourself,
so I said I was Louise.

And then when
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson came,

I introduced them
as Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson,

but not the real
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson.

See, this is the real
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson.

It all started with
The Young And The Worthless.

Charlie and Marissa
were meeting
at this restaurant.

Charlie got amnesia...
Wait, uh, uh...

I... I think I understand now.

I don't.

So you're Louise.


Do you still have my skate key?

Oh, God, I haven't had
this much... much fun
in a long time.

Then you ain't mad at me?

Oh, no, no. No. I, uh,
I hope I can see you again.

Yeah, well, I hope
we don't see you again.

Come on, Louise.
No, no, no, wait.

I ain't sitting here hanging
while no turkey's trying
to hit on my wife!

No, Mr. Jefferson,

the only reason I asked Louise

to meet me here tonight
was so I could thank her.

Thank her for what?
The kiss in the bleachers?

Something more than that.

You did more than
kiss in the bleachers?
Now, George...


when we were just kids,

Louise was the only person
that ever said to me,

someday you're going
to be something special."

Now, I spent a lot of time
going to law school at night

and I think the only reason

that I was able
to stick in there,

was because
Louise gave me
confidence in myself.

Oh, Bill...

Man, what you talking about?

Weezy's done more for me
than she ever done for you.

Me and her
have been through
some hard times together.

And ain't another woman
in this world

who would stick by me
the way she has.

You ain't lying.

You're a great woman, Weezy.

And I want everybody
to know that you're mine.

All mine.

George, you're embarrassing me.

You're a lucky man, George.

I'd like to propose a toast

to a woman who's made
a difference in both
our lives.

To a great lady,

Louise Jefferson.

Oh, thank you, Bill.
Thank you, Bill.


♪ Movin', movin' on up ♪
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