06x16 - The Arrival: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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06x16 - The Arrival: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

♪ Movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin'

♪ Just to get up that hill

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat

♪ As long as we live,
it's you and me, baby

♪ There ain't nothin' wrong
with that

♪ We're movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

♪ Movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

NARRATOR: Last week,
Lionel was explaining

that because
he had an appointment

to interview for a new job,

he couldn't take Jenny
to her Lamaze birth class.

Lamaze child birth class?

I don't even see
why you gotta go to school
to learn how to have a baby.

My mother didn't have
to go through none of that

and look at me.

Child, you better study hard.

NARRATOR: All were
happy about Lionel's
new job prospect until...

Boston? What...

Yeah, uh,
I didn't know
how to tell you this,

but that's where the job is.


But, Lionel, what do you
wanna go to Boston for?
Ain't nothing up there.

All they got
is the Liberty Bell
and a bunch of beans.

Tom Willis
was supposed to take
Jenny to her Lamaze class,

but he had a cold,

and Louise and Helen
had made other plans.

Really, I can go myself.

No, somebody should take you.

But who?

But I don't want
to hurt the baby.

What, by touching my leg?

Well, you said
he moves all around.

Glad that
the Lamaze class has ended,

George thinks
his job is done until...

Oh, no!

was that groan louder
than the one before?

Well, don't do that!

Look, we gotta
get her to a hospital
and I don't have my car.

I'll get my van!


Where is my van?

Don't worry, I'll find it.
Meet me out front.


Lady, whatever you do,
don't sneeze.

Okay, uh, Jenny,

you gotta take it easy,

and I gotta take it easy
and everything will be fine

when we get you to the hospital.

(GROANING) There may not
be time for the hospital.


There. Is that better?

Yeah, thanks.
I hope your jacket
doesn't get too dirty.

Don't worry about it.

I know a great guy
who will clean it for free.

I'm sorry.

Oh, the contractions
are getting closer.

Well, move 'em back.

Frank. Frank?

Oh, God!

Is she okay?
Yeah, I think so.

There's still only
two of you, right?

Yeah. How much longer
before we get to the hospital?

Shouldn't be too much longer.

I hope not.

People have babies every day.

Especially women.

Jenny, you okay?

I just had
another contraction.
I'm gonna time 'em.

Don't worry, Jenny,
we're gonna make it.

I hope so. I'm glad
you're here with me.

Yeah. I mean,
yeah, me, too.

It's nice that we're together,
like a family should be.


Well, we better enjoy it
while we can,

'cause if Lionel gets
that job in Boston...

Yeah, why the hell
does he want to take
a job up there anyway?

It's for more money.

So what?

Can you believe
how some people make
such a big deal about money?

What about you?

No, I can't believe it, either!

Well, to tell you the truth,

I really don't
want to go to Boston.

You don't?
But I thought you did.

Look, it's a good
opportunity for Lionel.

I'm just doing what's
best for my husband.

But you should
tell Lionel you don't
want to go to Boston.

No, no, I shouldn't.
And I don't want you
telling him, either.

But, Jenny...
You promise?

Look, I...

Okay, I promise!
I promise!

God, I wish Lionel were here.

Me, too. Hey, Frank.

What? What happened?
Is it born yet?

No, but it will be
if you keep yelling.

Don't just sit there.
Shut me up.

Hey, is that one of those
CB microphones up there?

Well, hand me the microphone.

You know how to use it?

Of course, I do.
Ain't you ever seen
B.J. and the Bear?

If a monkey can use one,
I know I can.

Hello, anybody out there?

You gotta push the button.
Oh, right.

Hello, anybody out there

RED RYDER: That's a - .

You got the Red Ryder
over here.

What's your handle, come on?

Uh, uh, Frank,
what's a handle?
Your CB name.

Oh, uh, my handle?
My handle...

Oh, I don't think
I'm gonna make it.

Jenny, come on.

All right, Jenny,

let me hear you, buddy.
Come on.

Hey, look, uh,
I live on the East Side.

Colby East.
Apartment D.

Sorry, Jenny,
I ain't that kind of guy.

Neither am I.

I want you to tell my wife,
Louise Jefferson,

to find our son,
Lionel Jefferson,

and tell him his wife's
gonna have a baby.

Get to
the hospital right away.
Can you do that for me?

Negatory, Jenny,

but I could pass it
along for you.

Hey, yeah, please.
Would you do that?
Do it in a hurry.

- , Jenny.

All right,
breaker one nine,
this is Red Ryder calling.

Anybody near the East Side
with their ears on? Come on.

DIRTY DOG: Dirty Dog here
on Madison, Red Ryder.

I copied Lionel Jefferson

baby on the way
to Colby East D.

Affirmative, Dirty Dog.

That's D.

Come on.

That's a big - , Red Ryder.

I'll be there. We gone.


There you go, Jenny.
Take care of that baby.

We gone.

Okay. You see that, Jenny?

There's nothing to worry about.


Step on it, Frank!


I don't understand
why you want to move
to Boston.

It's not that I want to move.

It's just
that that's where
the opportunities are.

But, Lionel...

Look, Mom.
You always taught me,

prepare myself, work hard
and go after what I want.

Well, what do I know?

maybe you should
take the time to reconsider.

Yeah, like or years.

And don't forget
about the baby, Lionel.

Think of all the things
it'll miss.

Like what?

Like going to Central Park.

Playing with us.
The Bronx Zoo.

Playing with us.
The Statue of Liberty.

Playing with us.

Now, come on,
don't you think you're
being just a little selfish?

Well, they can't help it.


But Mom, look...



Uh, I mean, uh,
can I help you, Mr...

Dirty Dog.

Mr. Dog?

Call me Dirty.

Is there
a Louise Jefferson here?

I'm Louise Jefferson.

I got a message for you.

You're supposed to
find your son, Lionel.

That's Lionel.

Hey, you work fast.

Uh, yeah, yeah,
what do you want, man?

Well, good buddy,
I'm supposed to tell you

that a green-eared
breaker one nine

says to metal pedal down
to the butcher shop

'cause your ball and chain's
about to throw you

a brand new rug rat.

A what?

I said, your wife's
on the way to the hospital.

You're about to become a father!


BOTH: Father?

Oh, my God, it's the baby.

The baby's coming!

Florence, the baby's coming!

The baby's coming!



The baby's coming,
the baby's coming,
the baby's coming!

I know.
I delivered the news.

Now that's one
strange-looking stork.

Good one, mama.

Well, look,
the baby's coming.
What are we gonna do?

I think it might be
a good idea if you all
went down to the hospital.

That's dirty thinking, Good.
I mean good thinking, Dirty.

Well, congrats,
good buddies.
I'm history.

Well, come on, everybody,
let's go.

Come on, Helen,
get the lead out.


Oh, sh**t.

Oh, Miss Jefferson,
I'll be down to the hospital

just as soon as I change.

I want to make a good
impression on the baby.

And I hope
you ladies will understand.

I really have to go.

I'm having a baby.

I mean, I'm having a hospital.

I mean...

Get going!

That's what I mean.

Now, don't you worry, Jenny.
Everything is gonna be fine.

You just remember
everything I taught you
in that Lamaze class.

Right, Mr. Jefferson.
Good luck.

Remember, Jenny, think boy.

Mr. Jefferson.

I just called your house.

Everybody is on their way,
including your son.

Oh, yeah?
Who'd you talk to?

I think she said
her name was Florence.

She talked so fast,
I could only get
a couple of words in.

It must have been Florence.

You're lucky
you got one word in.

Well, good luck,
Mr. Jefferson.

I gotta get back to work.

Wait a minute, Frank.
I got a little
something for you.

Oh, no, really.
I insist. Thanks a lot.

$ ?

Hey, anybody else
in your family pregnant?

I don't think so.

Here's my card.

I can wait.
Good night, Mr. Jefferson.
Good night.


Oh, excuse me.
They're for my baby.

Oh. Well,
here's your zebra.

Thank you.


Uh, say, uh...


So let's say a girl
who, uh, who has

one white parent
and one black parent,

she marries this guy
with two black parents
and they had a kid.

I mean, that doesn't
necessarily mean that
the baby's gonna be white,

I mean, not that I care,
you understand.

I just wanted to know
if there's such a chance
of something like that.

There's a chance of it, I guess.

Huh. How much of a chance?

Oh, I'd say about
twenty to one against.

Can't I get
better odds than that?

No, see because...

Mr. Perry?


You have a healthy baby boy.

A boy.


You can go see your wife now.


Your wife.

Oh, is she still here?

Yeah. I'll bring
the baby right in.

Thank you. A boy.

Man, Jenny had that baby fast.

Hey, what is it,
a boy or a girl?

A boy.
I knew it. It's a boy.

I'll bet he looks just like...

He looks just like...

It looks just like Willis.


Well, he's got my...

He's got my...

He ain't got my nothing.


Well, they said
it could happen,
so I guess it did.

Well, he is kind of cute.



He's okay. Okay?

He's great.
I'll take him.

It's not yours.

Thank God.

Mr. Jefferson?

I'm Dr. Ortega,
Jenny's obstetrician.
Oh, hey.

Hey, why the hell
ain't you in there with her?

I came out to get you,
so you could get washed up.

Oh, that's okay.
I already took
a shower this morning.

No, no, we have to
scrub up before we go
into the delivery room.

What do you mean by "we"?

Jenny really wants you
in there with her.
She does?

Yes, she told me
how you helped her
at her Lamaze class.

Yeah, but...

Mr. Jefferson,
it's very important

that Jenny be totally
at ease during the delivery.

That's why we need you in there.

But, Doc...
Don't worry,
you'll do just fine.

Come on,
Mr. Jefferson.

Uh, is this
gonna be anything like
that... that birth movie I saw?

The same thing, only in -D.



Okay. First, we got to
find out where Jenny is.

Jenny! Jenny!

Lionel, let's just ask a nurse.

Right. Right.
Nurse! Nurse!

There's nobody here.

She probably just
stepped out for a second.

No, no, something's wrong.

It happens in these places
all the time.

Now, they done lost Jenny
and they're looking for her.

She's probably going up and down

on the elevator somewhere.

Lionel, believe me,
they know where she is.

Yeah, well, all right.
Then where is she?

I don't know.

See, I told you.
They lost her.

No, no, something's wrong.

I heard about this dude,
went into the hospital
one time

to get his tonsils out,

they ended up
giving him a vasectomy.

Lionel, you're being silly.

Oh, hello, can I help you?

You sure can.
Get Jenny off
that elevator!

Don't you give my wife
no vasectomy.


we're looking
for my daughter,

Jenny Jefferson.
She's having a baby.

Oh, yes. She's in
the delivery room
right now.

She is?

Oh, well,
I'm supposed to help her.

I better get in there.

Well, there's someone
else already in there,

a... a George Jefferson.

What's George doing
in the delivery room?

If I know George,
looking for an exit.

Look, I'm the father.
I'm supposed to be in there.

Well, sure,
we have to get
you a cap and gown.

Well, let's get it.

I hope Jenny's all right.

Everything's gonna be fine.

I bet Jenny is scared.

She gets so scared sometimes.

I remember when
she was a little girl, she...

Helen, Helen,
she's a grown woman now.

Yeah, she is.

Oh, Tom.

Oh, Helen.

Oh, Tom.

Oh, Tom, oh, Helen.

Oh, Louise.
Oh, Helen.

Oh, Louise.
Oh, Tom.

I'm ready.
Oh, Lionel.

Did the Jeffersons get here yet?

I'm sorry, I wasn't here.

Are you all right, honey?

Yeah, I think so, Lionel.



Are you all right?

He's fine.
He just fainted, that's all.

What... What about
Jenny and the baby?

They're still in delivery.
Are you the father?

Well, certainly.

Well, hurry up and come on.
Jenny's been calling for you.

Not half as loud as I was.

Are you sure you're all right?

Yeah, Weezy, look,

you'd never believe
what a woman goes
through having a baby.


thanks for making sure
Jenny got here all right.

Oh, it's okay.

Well, it won't be long now.

We will all have a grandchild

of our very own to play
with as much as we want.

ALL: Yeah.

What's the matter?
We're not gonna have
to change the diapers.

George, Lionel
got the job in Boston.

He's gonna move away.
He is?

Yeah, we tried
to talk him out of it,

but his mind's made up.

I wish you could
have been there to help.

Who, me? For what?

What do you want me to say,
"Lionel, please don't go.

"Stay here so we can
spoil your kid and to
hell with what you want"?

You expect me
to say that to my son?

Oh, I'm sorry, George,
you're right.

You're darn right I'm right.

We gotta trick him
into staying here.

Where's the baby?

Come on, Mr. Bentley,
move it.

Where's the baby?
Where's the baby?

Uh, Jenny is still
in the delivery room.

The baby, too?
No, he's out
getting a pizza.

Don't move.

Bentley, what are you doing?

I'm gonna make a photo album

ending with a picture
of the baby.

Oh, that's so nice.

Yes, then Lionel and Jenny
can take it with them
when they move to Boston.

I'll get some coffee.

Me, too.
Come on, Florence.

I need some atmosphere.

Then go outside.

Oh, Mr. J.


Oh, I wish they'd
hurry up in there.


It ain't
like the baby's
got that far to travel.


Man, pretty soon
we're gonna have
a grandson.

Yeah, or a granddaughter.

Yeah, or a grandson.

Yeah. Well,
I know what you mean.

Even if they do
take the baby to Boston,

we can still go up
and visit her.

Yeah, or him.

Yeah, or her.

Yeah, and maybe they won't
go to Boston at all.

Then we can play with him
as much as we want.

Yeah, or play with her.

Yeah, or him.

Or her.

So, what are you hoping for,
a boy or girl?


Oh, I wish they'd
tell us something.

Oh, it won't be long now.

I hope not.

It seems like only yesterday
that I had Jenny.

I know what you mean.
The time goes by so fast.

Oh, it sure does.

I wish they'd tell us something.

It won't be long now.

I hope not.

Uh-huh, that's hers.

I can't wait till
the baby gets here.

I wonder what's
taking them so long.

I don't know.

I just hope everything
is all right.

how can you stay
so calm at a time like this?

I drink lots of coffee.

All right now.

I'm gonna call this one,
"The Grandfathers."

Now, move closer together.

This is close enough.

No, no, come on,
put your arms around
each other.

That's it. Now hold it.

One, two...


I'm gonna get some coffee.

"Mr. J Getting Coffee."


"Mr. J at the Pot."


"Mr. J Getting Angry."


George, when you were
in the delivery room,

are you sure everything
was going all right?

Look, Weez,
there's nothing
to worry about.

The doctor told me so himself.

How did he say it?

How did he say,
"There's nothing
to worry about"?

Did he say it like,

"There's nothing
to worry about"?

Or did he say it like,

"There's nothing
to worry about"?

She's been watching
General Hospital too much.

Well, something
could be wrong
in there.

We've got to do something.

There's nothing wrong...
But we don't know.


Hey. Hey!

Stay out of this, Lionel.
We're trying to figure out
what's going on in there.

What's going on?

Tell us what happened.
Is Jenny all right?

We got the most beautiful baby.

Oh, Lionel.

I'm gonna call this one,

Is it a boy or girl?

It's gorgeous.

Is it a boy or girl?

It's beautiful.

Is it a boy or girl?

We got a little girl.

I always wanted a girl!

A darling little girl.

Is she black or white?


Yeah, yeah,
I mean, you know,
the color don't matter.

But she is black, ain't she?

It don't matter.

I hope she's black.


Uh, Pop, can I talk
to you for a sec?


Yeah, Pop,

you're not disappointed
it's a girl, are you?

Are you kidding?
I already had a boy.

It's gonna be fun watching
a little girl grow up.

Even if I do have to
go to Boston to see her.

You heard, huh?

Oh, yeah, look, Lionel,

I know you think
I'm gonna try to
trick you

or something like that,
but I'm not.

There is something
I have to tell you,

Oh, it ain't important.

It ain't nothin'.

It doesn't matter.

Come on, Pop.
What is it?

I'm dyin'.

Pop, you are not dyin'.

How do you know?
You ain't no doctor.

I'm not that excited
about going to Boston,

but I think it's good for Jenny.

But Jenny said...

Never mind.


I promised
I wouldn't tell you.

Tell me what?

Never mind, forget it.


Wait a minute!

now I wouldn't be telling you

if you were to ask me
a question, right?

I guess not.

Okay, well,
ask me if Jenny
wants to go to Boston.

She doesn't.

Are you telling me
the truth, Pop?

Look, Lionel, have I
ever tried to trick you?

But, no, not this time.

She told me on the way
to the hospital.

Oh, there's Jenny.


Oh, you look beautiful.


I'm gonna call
this one "Mother."

Oh, I'm so glad
you all got here.

Yeah, ain't it great
having the family together,

in one city?

Oh, it sure is.

Hi, Mom.

Hi, Dad.


I'm sorry
I didn't get a chance
to talk to you in there.

Well, you were busy.

Um, Lionel, did you get the job?


I mean, oh!

Would you mind very much
if I didn't take it?

No! I mean,
that's all right with me.

I'll call this one,
"No Job for Lionel."

You told him,
didn't you, Mr. Jefferson?

Well, I... Yeah.

Thank you.

Would you like to see the baby?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, she's so beautiful.

TOM: Oh, she's so tiny.

She's so cute.

And she's black.

Oh, wait, let me get
a picture of you all
around the baby.

Oh, that's a wonderful idea.

Yeah, for once
you're making sense.

All right, now,

I'll call this one

"Out of Film."

♪ Movin', movin' on up ♪
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