01x06 - One Fresh Batch of Lemonade: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x06 - One Fresh Batch of Lemonade: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

l want my legs back.

Can you help me with that?

No l can`t.

Then just get out of here.

Get the hell out of here.

You said l blame my son for what happened?

That`s right.

l brought him that motercycle.

Well what do you think of my kid?

He is a heck of a prospect l`ll tell you that

- you`re darn right he is.

That`s his fourth no

-hitter this season.

Still rough around the edges but we`re working on it.

l mean he`s only seventeen, he`s still got another year of high school.

And he has broken every record they have.

There it is.

Hey, Deke.

Come here.

Hey, Dad.

We really stomped them this time, didn`t we?

You did okay, but got a bit squirrelly with that curved ball on the ninth.

He swung on it didn`t he?

-Yeah but you can`t always count on having a stupid batter lt`s okay we`ll work it out.

Son l want you to meet Mr.



- How do you do

-He is a scout up from LA.

l told you the majors would have their eye on you.

l have been telling him that ever since he was 1 0 years old.

That`s what l tell his little brother now.

l do like to talk to you to know a little bit about your plans.

Oh well l kinda got a date.

l didn`t know you wanted to talk right now.

lt`s okay son, it`s all right you go on your date and l`ll have a chat with Mr Martinez.

You know we thought a lot about Deke juniors future.

Yep, we got it all mapped out.

Well okay, l guess l`ll take off now so see you later.


Nice to meet you, Mr.


- Bye See you at home, son and walk like a champion.

You got it.

Don`t act this crazy.

l can`t help it.

l am crazy! Hey, hey, handed me one of those pompoms.

l swear l don`t know how you two manage to get Niedermayer to spring the money for two more physiotherapists.

All he ever talks about is how tight the budget is.

We made him an offer he couldn`t refuse.

What did you do?

thr*aten to slay his first born?

No my friend here just as a way with people.

He must have if he deal with Niedermaye.

Anyway that`s what you need in this job a way with people.

You`ve got a patient here a Deke Larson.

You know him?

- No, a friend of mine was asking about him.

That`s a tough one, we haven`t had too much luck with him though.

Star athlete, both legs lost below the knees.

How does his family doing?

His mother comes everyday.

She`s tried to get him to start therapy.

But it`ll take time

-what about his father?

He rarely comes and when he does he stays 5 min he hasn`t been around in weeks now.

Well that`s the end of the grand tour, l`ve got rounds to make Tomorrow is your first day, good luck

- thank you.

The boy, Deke.

He is the one?

Yeah, he is the one.

You know you might be a good idea if you go over and talk to his parents and see what you can find out Get their address from the nurses station.


-1236 Southwind Drive.


You`re welcome, l`ll see you later.

Well, everybody says to say hello.

They did huh Oh yeah, everybody Everybody?

Every abled body Well l be that`s all they do sitting around thinking about me.

Everybody asks about you, Deke.

ls that all you do?

Just sit around thinking about me?

l think a lot about you.

-Yeah, but Linda is that all you do?

Just sit around thinking about me?

On Friday night are you going to sit around thinking about me?


Answer me! Are you just going to sit around thinking about me?

l don`t just sit around.

That`s all l do, just is sit around.

You know this Friday night`s the spring dance.

Are you going to sit around and think about me?

Or maybe you want to come down here to have a hospital and hold my hand?

Yeah l guess you`ve got plans for Friday night right?

l come to see you as often as l can Deke.

Oh yeah, yeah l know how busy you are too, head cheerleader and all You`re out there shaking your tail for the boys in the band.

Deke, why are you so mean?

l being mean?

Sorry l was being mean.

Guess l get a little mean when people talk about dancing.

l`m nothing if l`m not footloose, right?

l`ve got the loosest feet in town Linda, do you want to see?

l think l`d better go.

-Yeah l think you can go too.

Don`t bother coming back right.

How you doing?

You`re late you know, l`ve be out here an hour.

l had been out here an hour and 45 minutes.

l don`t know what you`re talking about son.

Oh, l thought you were the orderly.

No, l am a physiotherapist, l start working here tomorrow.

You`re not about to do anything until you`re on the payroll right?

No, l will take you back to your room if that`s what you want.

Don`t do me any favours l`ll wait for the orderly.

He might have got busy and forgotten about you, they do that sometimes.

l said l don`t need favours alright lt`s not a favour l got to find out where your room is anyway.

Like l said l`m the one that you taking you down to physiotherapy.

You can push the chair there, but l`m not going to do anything.

lt`s just like pushing me out here.

They stick you out here to get some sun like you`re some kind of plant.

lt`s your game man, not mine.

lf you don`t like it out here why don`t you just go back to your room?

Because l`m a cr*pple or didn`t you notice it?

Come on the wheels are bolted to the ground if you don`t like it out here you just push off.

Like l said man that`s your game not mine.

lf you want me out in the sun, you push me there lf you want me back in my room you can push me there too?

Do you want to get that junk off my bed?

l want to lie down.

Somebody`s bringing your homework.

Some goofy broad She came by here once and l told her to buzz off.

She took off like a scared rabbit.

l don`t know why she keeps coming back?

Maybe she wants to help you.

That`s bull! let me set you straight on something.

People don`t come here because they want to help me, they come here because they feel guilty.

Come on you really believe that?

Believe it l know it.

She comes here so she can tell people she is helping a cr*pple l am her class project, you think l don`t know?

Here take a look at this, you know what it is?

lt`s a letter from the turkey who hit me The guy who crippled me.

His name is Richard Halberstrom.

You wanna read that crap him telling me how sorry he is.

Poor little Richard Halberstrom.

He`s so guilty because he was one driving the truck.

l`m not his priest l`m not any one of their priests.

People don`t come here to help me.

They want me to help them.

Then why don`t you help?

Because l`m the one who has to spend the rest of their life like this.

- l`m the one who needs the help?

All you have to do is ask for it.

l want my legs back.

Can you help me with that?

No l can`t.

Just get out of here, get the hell out of here.



- Yes.

My name is Mark Gordon l`m going to be working in physiotherapy at the hospital with your son.

Can l talk to you for a second?

- Sure, come on in.

l have some coffee on would you like a cup?

-Yes that would be great thank you very much, black Please make yourself at home.

-Thank you.

lmpressive aren`t they?

Oh thank you.

He won his share of awards didn`t he.

- Those are my husbands.

Oh lt said Deke Larson on them l thought

- Deke senior, Deke juniors are on that wall

- You can feel the competition can`t you?

- Even when there`s no one in the room.

How do you mean?

Look, Mr.



Mark You`re not going to have any luck with Deke Junior Getting him into physiotherapy.

l wish l knew what to do but l don`t.

l think this room about says it all.

- l`m not sure l follow.

- My husband wanted to be a ballplayer.

- Major leaguer He was good too and the best in his school.

Just not quite good enough.

He had a couple of years in the minor leagues He had some tough breaks.

But he never made it into the majors Do you understand?


Larson l thought we were talking about your son not your husband?

When Deke Junior was born, Deke bought him a ball, a bat, and a glove.

He had him shagging flies when he was two years old.

l used to get upset until l l saw that`s what Deke Junior wanted too.

He wanted it for his dad, but he wanted it just as much for himself.

The only thing he`s ever wanted in his entire life Was to grow up and be a major league ball player.

The accident ended all of that.

One set of dreams, there are still things he can do l tried to tell him that, he won`t listen to me.

He barely talks to me when l go over there.

What about your husband?

Couldn`t he

-You`ll have to talk to him l`ll give you his phone number and address.

We separated last week.

Deke Junior doesn`t know.

l`m sorry to hear that.

You see When the truck hit Deke lt k*lled two sets of dreams.

Hey friend Yeah

- You`re parked in a handicapped zone So what ?

- So it`s there for a reason.

Look Mr it isn`t any of your business where l park.

Well l think it is my business if you`re breaking the law.

Well maybe you want to make a move my car?

Come on, dude.


-l didn`t think so From now on keep your mouth shut if you can`t back it up.

lt isn`t easy sometimes.

They we go, l`ll take this $12.

95 plus tax Anyone in here own that blue Chevrolet parked out front?

Yeah l do, why?

You`d better see for yourself, pal What`s going on?

-You`ll see There you go

- and your change sir

-Thanks very much What`s going on?

l just parked it, it was fine You parked in the handicap zone?

- Yeah 2 minutes ago.

Then l`m going to have to write you up?

-Come on.

No you come on what you think those signs are there for?

Great, that`s just great.

You know, instead of writing me a ticket you ought to find out who did this.

How can the car get upside down?

-God knows Excuse me please.


Could you just give these to Deke Larson please it`s his homework.

Are you the mysterious lady who brings his books every day?

Yeah, l guess so.

l can bring him the books, but l couldn`t answer any of the questions he might have.

Why don`t you give them to him?

He doesn`t want to see me.

l`ve tried once that he got so mad.

Why do you keep coming back?

l mean somebody else could bring them.

Look l gotta go.

So if you could just give him these.

Alright l`ll make sure he gets them


What are you doing here?

-l work here, remember?

Work someplace else, l`m not interested.

The girl bought your school books.

-l`m not interested in that either l got you something you might be interested in, l bought you a book too l don`t want to read a book

-you might like this one lt`s about a guy like you handicapped.

Oh yeah, was he a big league ballplayer?

-No, no nothing important like that He was just the President of the United States.

l`ll leave it just in case you might like it By the way remember we`ve got a date tomorrow physiotherpy 1 0 o`clock in the morning Be there.

Then l drove by his motel.

The girl behind the desk said that he was out of town till tomorrow.

l`ll drive over after work That`s good.

What`s that getup?

l`m going to the gym.

Don`t tell me angels have to work out?

You know what they say strong minds strong body.

You could use a little exercise yourself.

Hey what are you talking about?

l want you to know something these are the pants l wore ten years ago.

Really l didn`t know you being overweight that long.

You can stop holding in your not impressing me.

Thanks l`m starting to pass out What`d you say, want to come along?

l would but l`ve got no workout stuff.

Argh, how`s that?

lt`s your size.

Cute Jonathan, cute.

l can`t believe these guys they all look like Conan l know what you mean there are some big guys here.

Big, look at that guy This guy won`t even fit through the pearly gates.

Let`s go work over here, l don`t want anyone to see me.

Anything you say.

Hey now this is for me, chin

-ups used to do this every day at the Police Academy Here watch this.

Hey Jonathan this is really good to do after a lot of chin

-ups, you know just to hang it stretches the muscles out lt`s good for you Did you see that girl?

Yes, you really impressed her?

l`m going to go and take the steam you want to come?

No thanks Don`t like it when it`s hot huh?

Very funny why don`t you go ahead l`ve somebody l want to talk to Excuse me.


You`re Robert Halberstrom?

-Yeah, do l know you?

No, l saw you with your son at the stadium.

l thought he should have won the all


- So did l.

Probably win it this year.

Yeah, maybe.

Robert, l work with Deke Larson at the hospital.

How`s he doing?

Like anything else it`ll take time

-Yeah, l know what you mean.

Your son`s taking it pretty hard isn`t he?

- He sure is What`s your name?


Well Jonathan you were talking about the State meet this year.

Richard`s not even going to complete.

The accident took everything out of him.

lt wasn`t his fault he must know that.

- That doesn`t matter, it happened.

There isn`t a night goes by he doesn`t dream about it.

He keeps seeing over again over again.

He tried to reach the boy calling by phone, sent him a letter Larson boy, keeps blaming my son, so my son blames himself.

- lt wasn`t his fault but he blames himself.

- l keep praying Larson boy will call up my son my son and say `` Hey Richard that was me, l did it not you, not you.

`` Maybe he will someday.

Let me ask you a question lf your boy could help Deke, really help him, would it make a difference?

Are you kidding.

lt would make all the difference in the world.

He`d do anything.

Okay Tell your son l will be in touch in a few days.


l still think that he will win the all round.

How you doin `?

-Oh, hi.

What brings you here so early?

l forgot to leave his work sheet yesterday.

l was sure l gave it to you that l found in my book when l got home.

Could you give it to him?

No, why don`t you give it to him?

l told you he doesn`t like me.


Are you a bad person?


Did you hurt him?

-Course not.

Then he is not angry with you, but he`s just plain angry.

You like him don`t you?

Don`t you?


lf you like him enough, maybe you can handle some of his anger.

God knows he has a right to have some.

What`d you say?

l`ll give it to him.

- Good.

Hi,l brought you Look l thought l told you to stay away from here.

l`m not interested in doing any homework, so just buzz off! No, l`m not going to buzz off, l`m not going to buzz anywhere.

You might be the best looking boy in school and all that But l am a nice person.

l am a good person.

You have no right to be rude to me Why do you keep coming around here anyway?

Are you doing a report on cripples or something like that?

l just want to be your friend.

l am very smart and l can help you with your school work.

Or we can just talk, whatever.

My phone number is on your assignment sheet.

lf you want me to come over just call and l`ll be here.

You will huh?

- Yeah Okay how about Friday night at eight o`clock?

What`s the matter, can`t make it?

That`s right, Friday nights the Spring dance huh l guess we`ll just forget it then You mean it?

Mean what?

l can come over Friday?

-What about the dance?

l don`t care about the dance.

Friday at eight would fine, we can study whatever you like l mean l`m pretty solid in the sciences, or humanities or We don`t have to study We could just play it by ear Yeah well, l`ll think about it Okay.

Hey What is your name anyway?

l don`t even know your name.


That figures.

What figures?

Nothing, you wouldn`t understand l`ll see Friday then

-l said l`d think about it.

Hey! How`s the book?

-Okay l guess for a book.

You`re going to have to finish it later.

-Hey what you think you are doing?

We got a day to work out remember?

-l really don`t feel like you know Come on, no pain no gain, your going to love it.

They call the physical therapy room the lemonade factory That sounds pretty dumb.

-lt`s from an old saying When life hands you a bunch of lemons, make some lemonade.

Here we go.

Oh nuts l`d swear l`d lose my head if it`s not screwed on, l`ve got go back to the nurses station to pick up your schedule l`ll be right back.

- Take your time and l`m not going anywhere.

Mark, Can you get my book for me, l blew it Hey, kid.

Get Scotty`s book will you?

Hey man you got legs, get it yourself.

Hey man, ain`t you got arms?

There you go.


What you doing anyway?

l trying to get the hang of flipping just one page at a time.

That looks pretty hard.

-it is hard, but it`s worth it.

When l read there`s nobody that has the use of all their limbs that gets any more pleasure out of it than l do How long have you been on wheels man?

-Two months.

Look, what you gotta do is concentrate on the minute Concentrate on what you can do And not on what you can`t.

When you read or see a movie You`re as good as anybody who can read or see a movie.

When you eat, when you drink, when you see something pretty Really see it.

Don`t waste any of it you know, live in the minute.

What do you do with the rest of the time?

There are times when it`s going to stink But hell everybody`s life stinks sometimes My name is Scotty, what`s yours?


Well, Deke the geek.

l got a law class.

Hang in there.

l don`t know what you want of me.

l come to see him as often as l can.

l`ve been putting in a lot of overtime lately Your son is making progress you know Working out on physical therapy.

We`ll have him up on crutches any day now Some progress.

This kid was a star athlete.

Now maybe he`ll be able to hobble around on some crutches.


Larson, you weren`t the victim of that accident, your son was.

Right now he needs you Let me tell you something friend l am the last person he needs to see right now.

All we ever did all his life was work on his career sports Do you know what l used to tell him?

l never used to say goodbye to him.

l always used that old Bear Bram line `Walk like a champion`.

Having me around we just humiliate him.

Make him think of all the things he can`t do any more.

- Maybe you can help him find the things he can do.

He had it all right in the palm of his hand you know.

His whole career right there Threw it away with that damn stunt.

ls that why you`re not going to see him?

Because you blame him?

You blame him because he blew your chance to see your name on a major league uniform.

Get out of here, just get the hell out of here.

- Sure.

- Hey Gordon.

You said l blamed my son for what happened?

That`s right.

l bought him that motorcycle.

Look at you! Charles, look at her You look wonderful dear! lt`s after eight, what time is he picking you up?

Well l just called him, and he has some car trouble.

So, l said l`d meet him there.

lt`s only a few blocks.

Oh no lf you can walk he can walk with you, now you call him back and tell him to come over here.

Oh daddy l can`t Don`t oh daddy me Eleanor believe me Boys have more respect for girls who ask to be picked up properly Daddy, that is so old fashioned.

- Well l am old fashioned.

And as long as you live in my house, your going to be a little old fashioned too.

The phone

- The phone Hey, it`s Jonathan.

Need a ride?

Mum, dad he must`ve got his car started l gotta run Just a minute, have the young man come in Daddy he came to pick me up.

lsn`t that enough?

Charles, the boy is shy.

l seem to remember the sound of your horns honking in the front of my house Well that was different.

Your father acted if he wanted to k*ll me.

And you`d probably look exactly the same to this young man.

Okay, go ahead.

Thanks good night you two Oh l couldn`t believe it, what you doing here?

Deke said you might stop by tonight.

l thought you might need a ride.

You don`t know how much l needed a ride Oh yes l do.


-What are you Oh yeah, it`s Friday night right Just dropped by for a few minutes on the way to the dance, huh?


oh, the dress no l told my mum l going to the dance So l had to do to this dress but l am not going anywhere just here.

Why aren`t you going to the dance?

l don`t like dances too much.

My parents think l ought to go but But l hate dances.

Why they`re not so bad.

-There horrible if no one asks you to dance.

Come on someone would ask you to dance.

Nobody l`d want to dance with.

Know what?


l`d always hoped you`d ask me.

l was at all dances you were at and l`d see you dance with Linda Or some girl like her.

Once l stood next to you at the refreshments table.

l almost asked you to dance Never thought l`d tell you that You know you look pretty in that dress.

No l don`t, l know my plusses and my minuses.

l`m smart, but l`m not pretty.

l think you look pretty in that dress.

lt`s hot in here l wish l`d asked you.

So do l.

You know not being popular doesn`t bother me except for my mum l mean l just wish l could have a date for the prom you know just to let my mum get all excited Have the boy show up at the door with a corsage.

l just wish l could do that for her in a way You know?

Boy do l ever know My dad l l mean he won`t come and see me now.

l was going to be a big league ball player.

l wish l just wish there was something l could, compete in Just so l could win something you know Just one more thing Just so he wouldn`t feel like l was somebody who blew it for him.

l really blew it for the both of us you know Hey, l`m kind of tired right now l think you`d better go lt`s okay.

lt`s okay Where is everybody?

-They are scheduled for later.

There`s something l want to show you What?

l got to thinking maybe there`s a sport you can compete in that you really like Oh, you`ve been talking to Eleanor.

We might have had a few words.

Look l wasn`t talking about wheelchair basketball or anything like that So let`s forget it and get on with the workout There`s nothing wrong with wheelchair basketball Some of the best athletes can`t beat them l have something else in mind.

l want you to watch this tape You know what that is vaulting horse.

Watch this guy.

lt`s all arms, all upper body strength Legs just swinging free.

See that?

Yeah, what am l supposed to do there fall flat on my face?

lt`s time that you started using those artificial limbs.

lt is not going to be easy, but everybody falls on the face once in awhile You got to be crazy.


because it`s a crazy idea.

l`ll never be able to do that.

You`re not going to know if you don`t try, right?

-Forget it.

Do you, Deke?

You`d never have made in the big leagues You have no guts.

l got work to do l`ll see you later.

- Hey Where do we start?


Hey Scotty, how`s it going?

-Not bad.

look l want to thank you for that little talk you had with Deke the otherday.

- l`m glad l could help, he seems like a good kid.

He is a good kid You got a class tonight?

No, done for the day, except for an opinion on Dyger versus Dyger What do you say, why don`t you come out with us tonight get a bite to eat?

No l should study.

Argh come on all work and no play lt would be good for you to have a night off Yeah it`s Wednesday that`s meat pie night here That`s as good an excuse as any to go out.

We`ll pick you up at 7 o`clock, okay?


We`ll see you then.

May l help you?

-Yes, three for dinner please Do you have a reservation?

- No l didn`t think to make one l figured you wouldn`t be this crowded on a Wednesday night Well it will be a few minutes if you`d care to wait in the bar

-Sure that will be finename is Smith.

- Smith Arnold, don`t stare at him.

Come on he`s used to it why in the hell would anybody want to live like that?

You know What`s he going to do with the rest of his life?

Will you just turn around

-Now who are you talking to?

! l want another drink.

Hey, honey.

Give me a another double, and ah buy that guy over there a drink.

The one in the wheelchair.

Yes, sir.

Now you see, l`m trying to be a nice guy May l take your order?

-Yeah, beer any kind Club soda please with a straw

- l`ll have the same.

Sir, that gentleman over there would like to buy you a drink.

Tell him that`s very kind, but l`m fine.

-Okay lf l`d have known this place was so fancy l`d have worn a jacket.

How you doing, pal?

-Fine, thank you.

l wanted to buy you a drink.

-l know, the waitress told me That`s very kind, but l do not drink when l`m driving What?

My chair.

You wouldn`t want me to run over anybody.

Look l was just trying to be friendly, you know and l said thank you Hey look, l understand how you feel, but you don`t have to take it out on me.

The man said he didn`t want to drink.

-it`s alright Mark Why did you want to buy me the drink?

Do l look thirstier than them?

What are you talking about?

-l asked a question.

Why me?

Well because

- Because you feel sorry for me Yeah, what`s wrong with that?

Hell everybody needs a drink to forget their troubles, l know l do Then maybe l should`ve sent you a drink, you need it, l don`t Oh well that`s what l get when l try and be nice to a cr*pple l`m glad l restrained myself, damn near asked him to step outside.
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