10x30 - Team Carnival

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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10x30 - Team Carnival

Post by bunniefuu »


Power Rangers



wild foreign






hey come back here


what's going on that kid just stole an

apple from my Fruit Stand

okay is that true

better not catch him stealing from me


what are you doing

don't you know stealing's wrong

you're hungry aren't you

fresh computer bars they're delicious

I'm glad you're pleased mandaluck I

marinated it in motor oil for 20 minutes

oh mental oxide I have a lovely recipe

gastronomical Delight I only eat

fresh food remove that smelly junk from

my site

whoa that is ripe

sorry about that one boss sorry you're

worthless get out of here

right I am worthless

anything right

talks are cooking cooking make organs

grow but

I do

that's it

at times like this you need your family

around you

I'll go find my brother and we'll start

a new team yeah

how did animus show up

I saw a master orc destroy him three

thousand years ago

those five wild swords that combine to

form animus

were unlike our wild swords


if animus has been Reborn

I wonder where he is now

good job

you know the rules he shouldn't be up


but he was hungry

oh really

come with me I'll fix you something to

eat yeah



it's reaction

it's so good to see you bro you too but

I'm sorry I don't have any money to give


I'm not here for money this time I want

us to team up again really bro that's


if we work together the world can be

ours for the taking this is perfect

you'll be the clown and I'll be the

juggler and together we'll be team

Carnival clown do I look like a clown to

you are you nuts


excuse me uh

you guys



I know you're having fun here


it's time to find your parents

someone should take him into town

and see if there's anything he


I'll take them come on

you can't let one kid babysit another



does any of this look familiar

Max Taylor over there what is it do you

see something you recognize come on

let's go




sounds good you go by hey wait

why do I have to pay

you are the babysitter right


excuse me

sorry three tickets Please three tickets

coming right up


what if we're here looky Juggalo it's my

long time rival of the yellow ranger

you're gonna help me defeat her wait we

can't go looking like this everyone will

recognize the famous team Carnival

that's using the old Noggin me neither

some disguises

and there they are come on


screaming mummy

I think it'll help his memory right

let's go

hey what are the controls for this thing


there aren't any controls

okay I'm getting off

sit down fly girl enjoy the ride



there she is now's your chance go for it

bro bye-bye yellow

oh yeah

how can those tubes feel fine

I thought you were a Jet Pilot

that must have been a long time ago

I only like flying when

I'm in control

an arcade

it's my turn look at those two kids

no no no you guys are doing this all


let a pro show you how it's done

over here b*llet

our famous longtime rivalry ends here

young Ranger

bye bye

again oh you better



let's just get the two boys

and that is how it's done

Max kite


hey Kite wait up there's no one there






I see you've already had the pleasure of

meeting my brother

who are you who are we allow me please

no let me do you okay thank you very


told you I'm his younger brother Juggalo

and together we are team Carl

Max the Orcs have kite



these Rangers aren't so tough are they

they'll never be teens Carnival ready

Max ready yeah yeah



hey I've got an idea let's form our own

team soaring shark that's a good idea

but I like the name surging Eagle yeah


I can't act is that supposed to be blue

shark fight fans Golden Eagle sword



all right Max teamwork yeah You Ain't

Seen Nothing Yet now for a secret w*apon

run away

let's get him wait

oh this trick in the bucket you fell for

it we have your little friend here you

don't put down your weapons he's coming

with us

wait we can't risk it Kai could get hurt

if we don't do what he says

you're right

show them what they win you got it Max


team Carnival is just too so wet


come on guys we're here come on right


dear clutcher Rhino sh**t so what do

you want an invite attack already

let's do it tonight




are you okay with you two protecting me

how could I be in danger thanks buddy

kite you need to get to safety we'll

come back here once we put team Carnival

out of business yeah let me give you a


now get to safety thanks guys you got it

can't wait to get back on the roller

coaster with you little guy yeah let's

try and focus will ya what'd I do


wow those weapons are fantastic and we

have new ones for you too the sword of

part Oles best time and this is your

armadillo book thanks Danny come on guys

let's put them together




no oh what have they done to you

I hate to do this to you my brother but

I don't have a choice

evil spirits of toil and strife give

this Fallen org new life yeah


you may be big but we're gonna cut you

down to size you got that right but

first let's get bigger selves




come on



nobody threatens innocent kids and gets

away with it





I've been looking everywhere for it

Ginger ax what are you doing with it

here you can have it back I've got what

I need

what are you talking about this

Ginger ax what are you doing I'm gonna

eat these beans and Grow Big so I can

help my brother defeat the Rangers


if you grow you can never return that'll

be your end so what

sorry toxica but I have to do it

prove that I'm worth something


evil spirits of coil and strife give the

interacts a jumbo-sized life




she came to help me bro of course your

team Carnival your team Carnival for

Life yeah yeah


with the master of blades

they're double teaming us

Megazord can't take much more of this

how about a little Megazord shish kebab


time to make our move


now Ranger's right let's go oh



ah how could this happen

all right gendrax now it's your turn

I'll offend you my brother

I'm losing my strength

stupid beans


was that what I thought it was



hey are you all right

Amanda lock was right I am worthless

oh Ginger X come on

Hey listen

you are not worthless you are very brave

to eat those beans and fight with your


I'm proud of you

really toxica yes

well then I will carry on team Carnival

yeah Juggalo would have wanted it that


and besides I have my best friend to

help me right

know it Ginger we're a team come on

let's go yeah

hey guys

Joe kite did you see your Megazord from

here pretty cool huh you guys did great

it was a long day hanging out with you


admit it Taylor you had fun hey it was

hard bringing myself down to the level

of you two kids


I'm not a kid that's right he's a


it was like hanging out with a couple of


hey you better run


you're married

the lunar wolf ranger that's right

the first time we've met face to face

I don't know how

I feel like I've met you before

long ago


next time on Power Rangers Wild

excellent fight the animals for my

sickness no one can tame us you don't

have a touch

on the ground





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