10x33 - The Soul of Humanity

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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10x33 - The Soul of Humanity

Post by bunniefuu »


what's right forever together











red light


you really are gone



princess princess

can you hear me


I think I've been to princess Shayla

she's in a deep sleep

why is she asleep

she protects the Wilds Lords

now that they're gone

she's gone too

he let the princess down

we let animus down

he took our wild swords away because he

doesn't believe in us anymore he's upset

because we didn't try harder to keep

humans from destroying the Earth

we did our best

it wasn't enough

we're not good enough to protect the



how about a game


I don't feel like playing


Amanda luck is such a great Boss look at

what he said to the Rangers thanks to

him they have nothing

they're defenseless

am I not a genius coming up with the

idea to find mandala put that one here

baby what talking about it wasn't your

idea it was my idea your idea I thought

of it did not did too did not silence

finally the wild thoughts are gone huh

is taking them away abandoning the

Rangers leaving them to fight without

their help

it's going to be fun watching the

Rangers lose their final battle


you taught us all so much about the wild


and Amaria

the orgs nature


I have always wanted to just

say thank you

for everything you've done for us

even if you can't help us anymore

still continue your mission

fighting to protect the Earth





what I found her on the animarium this


sleep again

like she had been for three thousand

years Merrick

what is that destroy all humans

humans destroy the Earth

there's an org

we have to do something

can't fight without our wild Zords

we're not strong enough

we're Rangers

we have to protect the Earth with or

without our wild Zords


we have to try

we have to show animus that we don't

need his help that we can do it on our


we can't give up

never give up


never give up

never give up

illusion is not the solution



destroy more stuff


stop right there org ah the Rangers

you Rangers have no chance against Orcs

now without animus and your wild swords

you are too weak We're not gonna let

that stop us guys

let's do it


my friends

I don't know what to do

the princess is asleep

animus took the wild Zords away I don't

know how we're gonna protect the Earth

without them


you can't fight for the people in this

world you're from a different time when

humans cared about the Earth

you don't belong here

come be with me in the wild zones

okay yeah




join me in the Wilds

together we will find a new world


I'm born with the Rangers



hang in there guys



you protect they only care about

themselves and run away in fear leaving

each other behind

try to stay calm

and coming


they're coming back to help

them hang in there


they came



get to safety we'll be okay come on

let's get out of here

you see that mandalock

that is the true soul of humanity

to make mistakes

but in times of need we humans will do

whatever it takes to help our friends

we found our swords

it's time

let's go


but in times of need we humans will do

whatever it takes to help our friends

you're young without your swords

three rangers are so weak

we're gonna protect the Earth and all

mankind from you ORS until you can't

fight anymore what's your choice Merrick

come with me and be saved

or stay here in this doomed world


three thousand years ago you were my

dear friend and I will never forget that

but now we live in the present

and these people

come my friends

they don't have you or the wild swords

to protect them

all they have are their friends

that's why I can't leave them

I choose to stay


I'm sorry animus but I can't abandon my







this is great you came to help us of

course I'm here to protect the future

and hope of this world

and help my friends defeat the orgs yeah

I never doubted for a minute they did

show up let's show these Orcs who's boss

yeah never give up the world is relying

on us

return to help me thank you my friends

so you wanna play a game of pool huh

laser pool





ERS may not have their wild swords

anymore but I still have mine

wild swords he said




to Shayla you're awake Rangers your wild

swords are forever connected to your

heart calling them now to help Merrick


blazing life

Noble tiger

okay guys let's do it Souls of the wild

swords men Merit your strength









have you come to take me away with you

that is

that it then why I wanted to fight

alongside you three thousand years ago

but never had the chance so fight with

me now I'd be honored

destroy swords




all right


thank you

it's you

the boy from the dark dimension

we not only saved ourselves that time

we also brought you back to this world




I took the wild Zords from you as a test

I wanted to see if you were truly

dedicated to protecting the Earth you

have passed my test


I am giving you back your wild zones

they will be here as long as you need


thank you enemus

this is a gift for saving my life

I present to you the Wild Force Rider


bye my friend

you have done well here



will we see you again

there is no reason for me to return now

the Rangers have proven their worthiness

this is your fight now



goodbye animals I'll miss you old friend


we won't let you down Anonymous I





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