10x38 - Sealing the Nexus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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10x38 - Sealing the Nexus

Post by bunniefuu »













one thing's for sure we can't go back to

the nexus it's far too dangerous well at

least we don't have to worry about the

rangers bothering us they're too busy

trying to get the princess back from

afterward what what he still has the


that means he still has her necklace

so what do we care

with that much power at his hands he'll

be able to do anything he wants really

including finding us wherever we are

oh that is bad well so much for hiding

we need a plan and it's gotta be sneaky

don't worry i already have one


hey cole

can you see anything up there no if the

nexus is out here i haven't seen it yet

i'll meet you back on the ground

what do you intend to do with my


why are you doing all of this evil

cole told me you used to be good

a human i used to be human

but that was a long time ago

you've spent your whole life trying to

find the animarium

and for what so you could become the

master org and destroy it

i have gone too far down the path i have


even if i wanted to

there is no going back now

there's always a chance for forgiveness

cole forgave you for what you did to his


the world can forgive you for your other

evil deeds

dr adler


that is not my name

i don't need the forgiveness of anyone

or anything

hey rangers i know what you're looking

for gin dr*gs but you're not gonna find

it here

juju stop come back here

catch you if you can

he was just here where'd he go he's

around here somewhere up here rangers

don't worry i'm not here to fight you're

wasting your time looking for the nexus

it's protected by a force field and you

never find it unless you listen what we

have to say who's we


toxic is back

how's that possible

i thought mandela destroyed her he did

what are you up to jindrax what kind of

trick is this you rangers are always so


all i did was bring my best friend back

from the spirit world and now we have

something we need to talk to you about

that's right rangers master org has done

something that concerns us

all right


i have resurrected your spirits to

protect the nexus

make sure no one enters while i carry

out the final ceremony

so what do you two want

the same as you to rescue the princess


yeah what's going on

you guys want to help us

what's in it for you i don't trust them

i think it's a trick suit yourself but

remember the longer you wait the worse

it's gonna get for your princess

well what's it gonna be rangers

this is crazy but

i really do think they want to help

tell us what we need to do

first of all the nexus is amazed that

only oryx can navigate

second when master orc returned he set

up a force field to keep anyone from

reaching the princess

that force field around the nexus is

generated by three statues if you can

destroy those statues it'll destroy the

force field then we'll be able to get

inside and save the princess

look for the pillars of light in the sky

to find those statues but beware they

may be guarded

i guess we have to trust you

but if this is a trick yeah yeah yeah

save the threats come on let's get to


let's split up the statues




look there's one of the pillars of light

it's on the other side of that hill

let's go


there it is danny

the statue must be at the bottom of the



now's our chance let's go right

i'm going to make fish food out of you

all right we found it



toxic i forgot to tell us that the

statues would be guarded by the ghosts

of our generals yeah they set us up it

doesn't matter we beat them once we'll

beat him again yeah

you're going back to your spirit world

you can't beat me a third time





taylor i'll hold him here you get the

statue hurry all right






work hard

beat once again







i'm finally going to even the school

he's too powerful

i don't think i can beat him a third

time you can

he's tried to manipulate you for

thousands of years but failed it doesn't

matter how many times he comes back

you're right

i'll never succumb to his mind games no

matter how many times he tries


danny are you all right yeah

i give up

danny daddy get up

we're a team remember

we need each other

never give up

come on danny never give up you're right

never give up come on


are you okay i'm fine don't worry about

me but listen cole you're our leader

remember the mission now get to it yeah

we've got to save the princess

look toxica force field must be down i'm

going in ginger

i guess it is a down


max now's your chance right


all right but be careful


you can't hold me down


okay i'll be right back

it is




well i'll be they actually pulled it off

just wait

are you actually planning on saving the

princess you'll see





the prison is up ahead


blaster mode

your weak weapons are no match for us

now that we are ghosts how can you

defeat us

let's finish this all right

i've had enough

it's time to end this battle between

humans and orcs right here right now

ready when you are

only one side will walk away in the air

and it won't be you

what are you doing

this way

you saved me

thank you

keep going

what is he doing

if he stays here he'll be destroyed

look at that

whoa he's trolling the side

we have a surprise for you rangers



look out guys nexus blade evil slash


we're not giving up

guys you're gonna have to find the

strength to use the jungle blaster you

have no strength oh yeah jungle blaster






we still need to save the princess let's





that was fun


looks like our battle with the orcs is

finally over hey hey what are you

talking about we're the two most

powerful orgs in the world and we didn't

say it's over that's right it's over

when we say it's over that's right

well then

is it over


yeah it's over so um

what are you guys gonna do now

we're gonna hit the road you know find

ourselves that's right

sorry yellow ranger don't take this too

hard but looks like our famous rivalry

has finally come to an end uh yeah

you were a worthy opponent

i guess

well hey

if you guys ever need a place to stay

you can come visit us at the animation

oh it's really a shame you guys have to

leave yeah

i miss you already


after fighting the orgs for thousands of


i never imagined it would end like this

well you might need to hibernate another

3 000 years if you want to see us again

dog boy

thank you for helping me

oh sucks anything for you princess

we have to get going see you around

goodbye wildfirst rangers


thanks for the

memories be careful

you know toxica

it felt strangely good to help somebody

for a change yeah well don't get used to

it jinjax don't worry short memory spans

i'll totally forget about tomorrow next

time on power rangers

your wild swords are finally extinct


humans this planet is no longer yours


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