22x10 - The Royal Rangers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x10 - The Royal Rangers

Post by bunniefuu »

pretty sweet

the treasures of xandar


oh come on

kendall oh

it's this is morgan

did you work all night

destroying monsters is one thing but

with fury in charge of the terror zord

you made a stronger battle mode in your



which is why i developed these

they activate dino drive mode

awesome eerie won't know it hit him

let's hope so

they haven't been tested yet but if they

work they'll double your power

but remember

only in the megazord

dino drive

mode that's great kendall

the zendon treachers have arrived

we're on our way up to help and load

not me

shelby needs me for something urgent in

the cafe

oh must be very important


come on kendall i mean miss morgan

julian's work is great

look at the sketch it's beautiful

i completely agree

julian your work is terrific

but this is a history museum not an art


i'm sorry


thanks for trying


maybe it's just not meant to be

you know

julian i'll see ya



does julian get a show no

that guy lives and breathes for his

heart it just needs a break


look at this

wow this exhibit has the stone of xandar

what's that well if you believe the

legend it all started when the night sir

ivan found the stone

nights are so awesome so

what happened

well supposedly

hundreds of years ago

the young prince of zandar was being

escorted by sir ivan

i'm thirsty fetch me some water


just because he's a prince he can't say

please uh that's

not the point of the story


while they were stopped to get some

water the knight noticed something

shimmering in the creek he reached out

only to find

sounds like a

big eagle



we must fight to survive

try to break the chains that divide

there is only one chance to take the

right stance


you will rise up to the top




we need some firepower

dino charger ready


summon paranoid


thank you hachan

oh not so fast he's coming back

recognize this

i have my own megazord now rangers

it changed that's the terror charge

megazord i sure wish it was on our side

deal with this rangers

dino charger ready summon see rex jordan


hey rexy team up

dino charge mega sword para stego

formation swords combined

dino charge megazord parastego formation



i don't like battling our own zords

tyler we weren't expecting fury to

control a megazord

it's dangerous but you have to try your

new dyno drive mode understood we're

willing to take the risk right yeah dino

chargers ready

i can feel the charge of strength

awesome kendall you very smart

i just hope it gives you the edge you

need oh yeah let's go

pathetic rangers


he's so strong

i told you i'd get your energem someday

today is that day

our defenses are down

we can't take another hit coda throw

your shield stinker shield block

tarot lightning bolt

cannot hold much longer


sensors indicate fury's megazord is

running low on power

that's our only hope we need you now hot

shot parasites



good job guys but that cat has more

lives he'll be back


our dino chargers last so long

why would fury run out of power

well the ghost like being furious

getting his energy from could be getting


but even a small amount of power in the

tarot charger could still do a lot of


look at this tiara

it's worth a small fortune do you know

how many people that could feed


some selfish princess keeps it in a box

just in case she wants to wear it to the

grand ball

what a waste

bottom line

i've got to get that tara charger back

careful with the stone of xandar



what going on

no idea

but it looks like it stopped

try lifting it again

everyone okay

yeah yep


the stone of xandar is the golden gem


this is amazing

it's authentic

welcome back my old friend the gold

energem is bonded to the spirit of the

pterodactyl how did it end up in the

treasures of zanda sanders in europe

lots of pterodactyl fossils have been

found there if fury were to get a hold

of this he would have unlimited power

over the terrazord then

we hide it or

we could tell fury


where it is


the terror charger is connected start

charging it you tin can

soon i'll have the power to destroy the


why isn't it charging that thing inside

you it's blocking the energy transfer




give me the turret

charger but it's not even half full

hopefully it's enough i'll defeat the

rangers without your help you worthless

wind-up toy


this charger better work if i can't

control the pterosaur i'm no use to



it's the latest world episode what's

going on in here you're watching that

gossip tv show again get back to work

all of you oh

fur ball wait till sledge hears about


the stone of zandar exhibit has its

grand opening tomorrow it's rumored the

zandarian prince will be making a rare

public appearance with his new bride

what and she will be wearing the stone

itself a princess has the golden gem

yes our fake story

make it to tv yeah good job kendall

let's just so sandra catches it

i heard her say to curio that she never

misses an episode

this is the worst

and now for phase two of the plan



you look like cotton candy

i can barely


and my feet feel like they're getting

chomped on by alligators


no way

i refuse to pretend to be a whiny

spoiled princess well it sounds like you

don't have to pretend



uh but shelby you have to yeah how else

are we going to learn fury and close

enough to get the tarot charger back

that's fine

i'll do it

thank you


awesome isn't it maybe i should play the


just so we can get the territory back

you know shelby a princess does not have

to be spoiled her royal position can

sometimes allow her to do good deeds

ladies and gentlemen presenting prince

and princess

of zampa


anything okay

no fury

prince of zandar huh

never even heard of xandar



there he is

oh she is so beautiful

maybe i should take your arm

okay can we get a kiss





excuse me for a moment

what's she doing don't know this is


i must have it for the uh castle

and one for the uh

the summer palace excellent idea thank

you fine sir thank you

hey how about a photo what's your name

what's your specialty where did you


now what do we do i don't know fury

should have showed up by now

make something up



800 years ago

when the night






from an evil


vile beast


give me the energem

with the zord and now this elder gem

your rangers are finished


finally endless gold energem power

i'm invincible

did he take it he has the energy now the

power of the megazord

the program will activate in three two

one the energems are fake now

they fooled me

fury is down i'm sending you his


rangers you have to get that tara

charger we're on it

master fury what did the rangers do do

you have

hands off spike balls we have company


looking for this

your little charade nearly paid off

but now you'll pay the price

trust me i'm already paying it these

heels are k*lling me we've got to morph

down your target

we did look good eh

oh yeah




unleash the power



dinosaur knight ready to fight relics

that's my job

raptor claw


their fake energy made me look like a

fool destroy them tyler we'll take the

spike balls you need to destroy fury

take my power chopper right we need to

get the terror charger good luck this is

it fury

parrot chopper blast

you'll never get the terror charger

the territory is mine to control don't

count on it

you're mine t-rex smasher parrot chopper


t-rex chopper

fury thunder


give me the terror charger or i'll

destroy you

you've got no choice fury

it's happening again

do it tyler

destroy him

tyler what are you waiting for

is it possible


you will not escape me

nice try red ranger

get me to the ship


what'd they say


no sign of tyler

yeah it's not like him to be a no-show


they want to see my art in london

yeah okay just hold on

shelby i had to come tell you ever since

the prince i saw my sketches i'm going

to new york next week for my first show

and now london that is so great julian

you totally deserve it

we always believed in me


you're a great friend

hello so about london


keeper was right

being a princess is more than just

wearing a tiara


tyler i've been looking for you

from what i can tell you had the chance

to destroy fury and retrieve the terror

charger but you didn't


what happened out there

hey it's okay i wouldn't have destroyed

fury either

not today



you made the right choice mate it was

the only choice tyler

until you know for sure

know what for sure

that spirit

the one inside fury

i think ten years ago

he captured my dad

trying to escape

that's why i didn't destroy fury

you followed your heart my friend that

is never a mistake

until whoever is locked inside of fury

is free

you cannot destroy him






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