01x37 - Getting To Sleep

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x37 - Getting To Sleep

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hooble doop, tiddly peeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland,

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite

Hoobs down to Earth to

find out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come!


♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove and Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ and Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ "We keep the

engines spinning" ♪

♪ "Hoob-Hoob-hooray!" ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say? ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪

- (groaning)

(groaning and fidgeting)

- Oh, Iver! You've

done it again!

- ... Huh? What have I done?

- You wriggled!

- Yeah, and fidgeted,

like you always do!

- And woke us up.

- I did? (yawns)


♪ How, how, how? ♪

♪ How, how, how, how, how? ♪

♪ How, how? ♪

- Here's how.

(fidgeting and groaning)

- What?

- It's hopeless

trying to sleep when

that's going on.

- Yeah!

- Well, I'm sorry.


Do you know why I've been

wriggling and fidgeting? Because

you two have been

keeping me awake!

- What?

- Yes, Groove! You

never stop making

weird grunting noises!


And Tula, you go--


- I do not!

- Yes you do!

And those noises were

keeping me awake,

which is why I was fidgeting!

- Well if you think

our noises were

keeping you awake,

then if we're perfectly

quiet, you should

go to sleep, right?

- It's worth a try.

- Right. Groove and I will be

perfectly quiet. Ready, Groove?

- (sniffles) Ready.

- Right. (fidgets)

- Ah, you see? You're awake and

fidgeting even though we

weren't making any noises!

- So it couldn't have been

our noises keeping you awake.

- But they did! I just don't

feel like going to sleep

right now, that's all.

- Listen, if you're

keeping us awake

because you're awake,

then all we have to

do is work out a way

for you to go to sleep.

- Hmm, what can we do to make

Iver to go to sleep?

- [TV] Hubba! Hubba!

- Yikes, it's Hubba Hubba!

- What can we do to

make Iver go to sleep?

That's a fan-tabby Hooby

question for today's Hoob news!

Hoobs everywhere will want

to know the answer to that!

- Well I certainly

know two Hoobs in this

Hoobmobile who'll want to know!

- Yes, I'll email Roma to see if

she can come up with

any ideas, Iver!

- Thanks, Hubba Hubba!

- (yawns)

You know, I have done

a lot of sleeping

in my time. And I

find that I can't go

to sleep unless I am tired.

Perhaps it would help if

I see what I can find on

Hoobnet about what peeps do

to make themselves tired!

- That's a Hoobly-Groovly idea!

- Ah, yes! Ooh! You might find

something useful here, Iver!


- [Hubba Hubba] Oh,

what a big jump!

Oh they're all running.

That'll make you tired!

They're jumping and

waving their peep arms.

This one's pushing, they're

wriggling their legs-

I'm feeling tired

just watching them!

They're going- I think

they're going straight down!


- No wonder you

can't sleep, Iver!

You've never done

any of those things.

- And they should

really make you tired.

- Yes. All right.

I'll give it a try!


- Go Iver! Yeah!

- Now, why don't you

go to the roof and

jump up and down

like those peeps did?


- (jumping) Yeah!


- Oh Tula, he'll be

asleep in a blink of

a Hooby eye! I tell you!

Look, here he is now!

- Whoa (laughing)

- [Groove] Oh Iver Iver, Iver!

Mind my collections!

- Don't you worry, Groove!

Everything's under contro-- oh!

(falls) ooh, ouch!

- Oh, Iver! Honestly!

Good job, you fell

in my collection of

soft and furry things,

and not my collection of

hard and spiky things!

- Yes

- Thank you

- [TV] Hubba Hubba!

- So Iver, are you

exhausted? Worn out?

Drained? Spent?

Fatigued? Sacked?

Ready to go to sleep?

- Well. Um.

No, Hubba Hubba.

- Oh. Oh well, never

mind. I've just found

a story from a

tiddly-peep on Hoobnet

that I am certain will help!

(electric sound)

- [Narrator] Katie

Kangaroo's tucked up

on a bed of leaves.

It was soft and comfy!

Her mother put her

to bed early because

all the grown-ups

were having a party.

(doorbell rings)

Soon, the guests

started to arrive.

(doorbell rings rapidly)

First came the wombats.

William Wombat always

made everyone laugh by

pulling funny faces.


The laughter woke Katie up.

Then the koalas arrived.

Kenneth Koala had a very

loud voice and had to

make it even louder to be heard

above the laughing wombats.

- Goodness!

- [Narrator] - he cried.

- I've never seen so many

laughing wombats in my life!

- [Narrator] Poor Katie.

She had to stuff eucalyptus

leaves in her ears to

try to get back to sleep.

Finally, the parakeets arrived,

and they were the

noisiest of all!

(parakeets squawking)

- Katie got out of

her bed of leaves

and ran to find her mother.

- I can't sleep.

- Never mind.

- [Narrator] Said

Mother Kangaroo

- [Mother Kangaroo]

Climb into my pouch.

I'm going to dance.

You'll soon be asleep!

- [Narrator] Mother

Kangaroo started to dance.

Katie couldn't believe

that she'd ever

get to sleep now!

But as Mother Kangaroo danced,

Katie began to rock

from side to side

in her pouch. The

swaying made her feel

all floppy. And before

she knew it, Katie was

fast asleep.


- Sounds like my kind of party.

- Hmm, very interesting.

Not only was Katie

in a warm and comfy spot, but-

- She was being rocked.

- Quite. Maybe swaying

backwards and forwards

will help you go to sleep.

- No, it doesn't work.

- Doesn't it?

- No of course not, we

can't rock ourselves.

- We must be able to find

somewhere we can rock you.

- But where?

♪ Where, where, where, where? ♪

♪ Where? ♪

- Here's where.

- You two get into

your hoovy pods,

and I'll rock you.

- Hoovy pod time!


(lullaby music plays)

- Ah, I love my hoovy pod.

- Are you ready?

- Ready when you are!

- Then rock-a-rock-a-hoo!


- Rock-a-rock-a-hoo!


Hey Iver, is it working?

Are you sleepy yet?

- No, I'm feeling seasick.

- Hehe, rock-a-rock-a-hoo!

- Just stop it, please.

- Stop it please!

- All right, then.

- Groove!

- I'll stop you, I'll stop you.

- Oh! Well that's obviously

not working, is it?

I think we'll have to think.

- Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Listen, listen.

(Tula snoring)

- What is it?

- I don't know, I was going to

ask you the same question.

(snoring continues)

- It's Tula!


- There, I told you

she hooba-hooba-hoobas

in her sleep!

- [TV] Hubba! Hubba!

- Ah, I see Tula's asleep

and hooba-hoobaying.

Oh! But you're

still awake, Iver!

- I'm wide awake.

Exercising didn't make me

feel sleepy, and

neither did rocking.

- Then I think you should

go see the tiddly-peeps.

They're very good at sleeping.

They're bound to have

some suggestions!

- Hoobacious idea, Hubba Hubba!

- Yeah, I'll drive. Let's

get those Motorettes singing!

- Seatbelts?

- Yeah.

- We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps!

(chiming sound)

♪ Yee-Hah! ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ They're smart! They're

fun! They know! ♪

♪ The tiddly-peeps,

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ They're smart! They're

fun! They know! ♪

- Oh. Oh hi, you

two! Will you do

a hooby-hello for me?

- Yes!

Hooble-doop! Hooble-doop!

Woop! Woop! Woop!

- [Iver] All right! Why

don't you wave into the

Hooby-cam so that Groove

and Tula can see you?

- Hooble-doop, Tula!

Hooble-doop, Groove!

- Hooble-doop, tiddly-peeps!

- (groaning) Hooble-doo,


- I've been having

trouble getting to sleep,

and I was wondering

how do tiddly-peeps

get to sleep?

- Oh that's easy.

First we go to bed.

- [Iver] Oh. Oh, that's

just like getting to

our Hooby-pods!

- You get inside like

this, and get tucked in.

- You have to be really comfy.

- [Iver] So do Hoobs.

But Hooby-pods are the

warmest, comfiest

places in the universe.

There's got to be

something else.

- Well if you really

can't sleep, our moms

and dads sings a lullaby.

- What's a lullaby?

- It's a really gentle song.

- How does it go?

- Like this.

(sings together)

♪ Rock-a-bye baby,

on the tree top ♪

♪ When the wind blows,

the cradle will rock ♪

♪ When the bough breaks,

the cradle will fall ♪

♪ And down will come

baby, cradle and all ♪

- That was a

Hoobaciously pretty song.

What was it called again?

- A lullaby.

- Get the Hooby-pod

ready, Hoobs!

I think I might have the answer!

Thanks tiddly-peeps, thank you!

I better be going soon.


- Oh, your Hooby-pod

is ready for you, Iver.

- Thank you very much, Tula.

- Yeah, and we're gonna

sing you a lovely lullaby.

- (groans) Right. I'm ready.

♪ I'll sing a soft

and gentle tune ♪

♪ Hush, little Hoob.

Don't you sigh ♪

♪ You'll be sleeping very soon ♪

♪ Hush little Hoob, and

listen to our lullaby ♪

♪ Oh, la la la la lullaby ♪

♪ Close your little Hooby eye ♪

♪ We'll rock you

in your Hooby-pod ♪

♪ Rock you to the land of nod ♪

♪ Oh, la la la la lullaby ♪

♪ Hush little Hoob ♪

♪ And close your

little Hooby eye ♪

♪ I'll sing a quiet

and gentle song ♪

♪ Hush little Hoob,

don't you sigh ♪

♪ For you won't be

awake for long ♪

♪ Hush little Hoob, and

listen to our lullaby ♪

♪ Oh, la la la la lullaby ♪

♪ Close your little Hooby eye ♪

♪ We'll rock you

in your Hooby-pod ♪

♪ Rock you to the land of nod ♪

♪ Oh, la la la la lullaby ♪

♪ Hush little Hoob ♪

♪ And close your

little Hooby eye ♪

♪ Hush little Hoob ♪

♪ And close your

little Hooby eye ♪


- What's that?

(Groove snoring)

- Aha!

(Hooby-pod bounces)

- What did I tell

you? Groove makes

funny grunting noises

when he's asleep.

No wonder I couldn't sleep.

- Groove, wake up.

- [TV] Roma!

- Oh no, here's

Roma. Groove wake up,

it's Roma's report. Maybe

she's found the answer.

- Answer? What answer?

- Hooble-doop, Hoobs!

- Hooble-doop, Roma!

- I'm reporting today

from a tiddly-peep's

bedroom, and I believe

I found exactly what

we need to help

Iver go to sleep.

- What is it?

- It's this.

- What? A book?

- Yes, but this

isn't just any book.

This book is filled

with Hoobacious stories

that send tiddly-peeps to sleep.

They're called bedtime stories.

There are hoob-loads of

different stories in here,

but this one's my

favorite. It's called

Sleeping Beauty. Should

I read it to you?

- Yes please, Roma!

- Are you sitting comfortably?

Then I'll begin.

- Once upon a time,

a king and queen

had a beautiful

baby (yawns) girl.

They had been longing

for a baby, but they were

very, very happy.

- Oh, that story

sounds really exciting.

What do you think

happened to that

beautiful baby girl?

Oh no. Everyone's asleep!



Oh, it's no good.

Maybe Hubba Hubba

will be able to tell

me what happened

to that beautiful baby girl.

- [TV] Hubba! Hubba!

- Hooble-doo, Iver! I

see you're still awake.

- Yes, and I want to

know what happens to

the beautiful baby girl

in the tiddly-peep's

bedtime story.

- Well, why don't you

tell me the story,

and I'll see if I

know how it ends?

- Um, it goes like this.

Once upon a time,

a king and a queen

gave birth to a

beautiful baby girl.

They've been longing for a baby,

and well, they were very happy.

What happens after that?

(Hubba Hubba snoring)

I don't believe this!

Come on, you lot!

Wake up!

- Oh I'm sorry, I don't

know what happened there.

Large lunch. You

know, late night.

Well, I never.

- I'd say that's a

Hoobelly groobelly story,

Hubba Hubba. Certain

made me fall asleep.

- Yes, but not me! I

was the only one still

awake while you all grunted and


and... whistled.

- Whistled?

- Yes, Hubba Hubba.

You whistle while

you're asleep!

- Do I? Well, I'm

surprised no one has

ever told me. Well

perhaps you might take

another trip to

the tiddly-peeps.

- Hm.

- What do you think?

- I don't think we've

got much choice.

It's almost time

for Hoob News and

we still don't know how to make

me go to sleep!

Come on Tula, let's get

those Motorettes singing!

- Oh, yes!

(chiming sound)

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ They're smart! They're

fun! They know! ♪

♪ The tiddly-peeps,

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go! ♪

♪ (laughing) Yahoo! ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ They're smart! They're

fun! They know! ♪

- Hooble-doop, tiddly-peep.

Tiddly-peep, wake up.

Sorry to wake you,

tiddly-peep. I've tried

everything to get

to sleep, but it

just isn't working!

- Have you tried

cuddling something?

- Cuddling? Cuddling?

- Does cuddling help?

- Hooby-groovy

- Yes. Can I cuddle you, Iver?

- Of course you can!

Oh! That's really Hoobacious.

But what can I cuddle

to help me get to sleep?

- You need to cuddle

something really cuddly.

- So what's the most cuddly

thing you can think of?

- (gasps) My teddy bear!

- Hooby-galooby! Look, Groove!

- Shh.

- Oh sorry. Look,

Groove! A teddy bear.

Do you think it'll really work?

- Yes, there's nothing

more cuddly than

a teddy bear.

- Oh yes. Hoobacious.

Then cuddling a

teddy bear's bound

to get me to sleep.

Thank you so much, tiddly-peep!

I'm gonna go back

to the bus right now

and cuddle Groove's teddy bear!


- Hooble-toodle-doo.

(soothing music)

- Where's the teddly?

- Right here. I had

it in my collection

of soft and furry

things all along.

- Hm. I feel sleepy already.

- Well, you can't

sleep now. It's time

for Hoob news! Come on.

♪ Twang is running,

Twang is running ♪

♪ Round the room,

round the room ♪

♪ Don't take any notice,

don't take any notice ♪

♪ He'll fall down soon,

he'll fall down soon ♪

(Twang falls)

♪ Timp is snoring,

Timp is snoring ♪

♪ See her shake, see her shake ♪

♪ She sounds just like a piggy ♪

♪ Make her wake,

make her wake. ♪

(startled noises)

♪ Iver has a teddy,

Iver has a teddy ♪

♪ Oh, how old! Oh, how old! ♪

♪ Soon he will be sleeping,

soon he will be sleeping ♪

♪ In his pod, in his pod. ♪

- [TV] Hubba! Hubba!

- Well now, Hoobs. Are

you ready to give me

what you got for

helping Iver sleep for

my great Hoobapedia?

- We're ready, Hubba Hubba.

Hooble-doop-woop to all

you Hoobs out there!

Welcome to Hoob

News. The new show

for Hoobs everwhere.

I'm Iver-

- I'm Tula-

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question:

- What can we do to

make Iver go to sleep?

- [Tula] We've decided

we have to make Iver

tired, so Hubba Hubba

searched Hoobnet

and found us lots

of ways that peeps

make themselves tired.

- [Iver] But none of

them worked for me.

- [Groove] Then we heard

a hooby-groovy about

Katie Kangaroo, and

how she got to sleep

by being rocked.

- [Iver] But it

didn't work for me.

- [Tula] So then,

Iver went to see

the tiddly-peeps,

and they told him

all about songs

called lullabies.

- [Groove] So we sang

a lullaby to Iver.

- [Iver] But it didn't work.

- [Tula] Then Roma told

us about bedtime stories.

- [Iver] But then

she fell asleep.

Everyone fell asleep,

except me.

I went back to the tiddly-peeps,

and this time they told me that

the best way to

go to sleep is to

cuddle something cuddly!

And the cuddliest

thing of all is a teddy bear.


- But we're still

not sure if it'll

make Iver go to sleep.

- Groove!

- What?

- So, as you can see, the

answer to the question

"What can we do to

make Iver go to sleep?"

is give him a teddy to cuddle.

- Ah. And so it's

thanks once again to

Iver, Tula, Groove and

Roma, for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of peeps.

And remember, wherever

you are, have a

Hooble-dooble-duper day

and Hooble-toodle-doo!


♪ Hubba Hubba in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob Hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪
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