05x110 - The Secret of Merone Base

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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05x110 - The Secret of Merone Base

Post by bunniefuu »

Tsuna: I'll... I'll destroy the Vongola!

Guy: I accept your resolve firmly.

Guy: You will now inherit the mark of the Vongola.

Tsuna: X Glove ver. Vongola Ring.

Reborn: We've all been sent ten years into the future.

Reborn: To return to the past, we've spent our days in desperate combat.

Reborn: And to protect everyone from the Millefiore Family, led by Byakuran,

: we decided to go on the offensive.

Reborn: So we've struck Merone Base, where Shoichi Irie is.

Reborn: But Reborn can't leave our base...

Reborn: Hibari-san is facing the Millefiore's as*ault force alone...

Reborn: Lal Mirch lost consciousness after her battle...

Reborn: And I...

Reborn: I'll end this.


X BURNER: I left my group to act as bait, but I was captured by the enemy.

Yama: Watch out!

Goku: He can't move! It's over.

Ryo: Manny!

Goku: He's... flying!

Arab: Oh? You can fly?

Arab: The ability to fly will not change your fate!

Arab: It's finally time.

Arab: I've been waiting for this.

Arab: With only two fists, you cannot block both Serpe Tempesta's wall of flames

: and the eight simultaneous att*cks of the CV Tempesta.

Dialogue: On Screen,EpTitle: Target The Secret of Merone Base

Yama: All at once?

Goku: He can't dodge them all!

Arab: Farewell, Vongola Guardian of the Sun Ring!

Arab: I-Impossible... He took out all of the CV Tempesta?

Arab: There's no way!

Arab: Bastard, what did you do?!

Yama: He didn't even touch them...

Ryohei: It's like the stag beetles' flames self-destructed!

Ryohei: Yup, Octopus head.

Ryohei: Their flames were thrown out of control by the sun flame's active factor.

Arab: Active factor?

Arab: That sent them out of control?

Arab: But I didn't even see your attack...

Arab: This is absurd!

Arab: Back then?

Arab: Was it back then?!

Ryohei: You got it.

Ryohei: I beat your stag beetles a long time ago.

Ryohei: And the reason I'm flying is to take out you and the Tsuchinoko.

CherB: The system is % back online.

Irie: How much longer will it take?

CherB: We're doing everything we can to get the system back online.

CherB: However, the damage is greater than first estimated.

Irie: We're practically crippled in this state!

Irie: Prioritize recovery of the labs.

CherA: Yes, sir!

Irie: What of Vyshana and the Phantom Knight? Can we contact them?

CherA: Still offline.

Irie: We let the Vongola in, and now look at this mess...

CherA: But Spanner took out Vongola X...

Irie: Just find the other Vongola!

CherA: Yes, sir! We'll do everything we can.

Irie: If they get near that block...

Ryohei: Vyshana, prepare yourself!

Arab: If you think you've won, you are a fool!

Ryohei: What?

Arab: Serpe Tempesta!

Arab: Serpe Tempesta is no mere snake!

Yama: Man, it's fast!

Goku: Well, duh, it's a Tsuchinoko.

Goku: Haven't you ever read the Encyclopedia of Mythical Creatures?

Yama: No, I'm not really into that stuff.

Goku: Tsuchinoko are actually excellent jumpers.

Goku: In a way, you could say their specialty is air combat!

Goku: I can't believe I get to see one in the flesh!

Yama: Um, Gokudera?

Goku: Ah! Y-Yeah, this is bad...

Yama: Oh no!

Goku: Senpai!

Kyoko: My brother's gloves!

Kyoko: I still have them!

Kyoko: It takes me back...

Kyoko: Ryohei...

: Whoa...

Ryohei: Nice punch.

Arab: It's futile.

Arab: The speed of Serpe Tempesta's revolutions completely outclasses your punches!

Arab: And the faster it spins, the more damage it inflicts!

Arab: You cannot possibly succeed.

Ryohei: A corkscrew?

Goku: He's not going to dodge?

Arab: Your life ends here!

Arab: It's useless!

Arab: What?!

Ryohei: I countered your corkscrew with my own!

Goku: A counter?

Arab: H-He's s-strong!

Ryohei: Wait! Vyshana!

CherB: Irie-sama, incoming message from Vyshana.

Irie: You located him?

Irie: Where is he?

CherB: The exhibition hall.

Irie: The exhibition hall? Open a channel.

Arab: I request aid!

: What?!

Arab: I request...

Irie: The enemy?

Irie: They're already at the exhibition hall?

Irie: Vyshana!

Arab: I...request...aid...

Staff: The transmission was cut off.

Irie: Damn. You said the exhibition hall, right?

Irie: Where's Nigella?

Staff: No word yet.

Irie: What is everyone doing?

CherA: The Phantom Knight is still unreachable as well.

Irie: Isn't there anyone else?

Staff: Yes, sir. I'm checking...

Staff: This is bad!

Staff: There are no allies in the vicinity!

Irie: What?!

CherA: Irie-sama...

Irie: This is bad... Very bad...

Irie: At this rate, they'll reach the lab!

Ryo: Vyshana, where are you going?

Ryo: You're not going to abandon your Box w*apon, are you?

Arab: S-Silence!

Arab: It's none of your concern!

Ryohei: Loser...

Ryohei: It's too late to escape.

Goku: Watch out!

Yama: Behind you!

Arab: Serpe Tempesta!

Ryohei: Poor thing.

Ryohei: Still loyal to the master who abandoned you?

Ryohei: I won't k*ll you.

Ryohei: Instead, why don't you rest with your master for a while?

Ryohei: Here I go!

Ryohei: Extreme...

Ryohei: Maximum Ingram!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Extreme Maximum Ingram

Paisha: H-Halt!

Paisha: I wish for my life...

Yama: Man, Senpai is strong!

Goku: And Vyshana's a wuss.

Ryo: All right, let's keep going.

Tsu: U-Um...

Tsu: Um, hello?

Tsu: Can't he hear me?

Tsu: No! I won't move... I won't move, okay?!

Spanner: You can pour your own tea.

Tsuna: Oh, thanks...

Tsuna: Wait, I wasn't asking for tea!

Tsuna: Um, excuse me?

Tsuna: May I ask you something?

Tsuna: Um, excuse me?

Tsuna: No good, huh?

Tsuna: I don't know what this Spanner guy is thinking...

Tsuna: But he doesn't seem like a bad person.

Futa: We still can't contact Big Tsuna?

Jan: Not yet.

Jan: I think it's due to their location,

Jan: as well as some minor adjustments needed on our side.

Bianchi: There's no point in panicking.

: Yeah.

Bianchi: Where's Reborn?

Futa: He went for a walk.

Haru: I-Pin-chan, the trick to the ribbon is all in the wrist.

: See!

I-Pin: Oh, the wrist, is it?

I-Pin: Pathetic...

Lambo: Look, look! Lambo-san can do acrobatics.

Haru: It's not acrobatics, it's gymnastics!

Lambo: Watch me!

Lambo: Ouch!

I-Pin: Help, immediately!

Haru: Eek! You both need more practice.

Haru: Wait, hold on.

Reborn: Looks like fun.

Haru: Oh! Care to join us, Reborn?

Haru: Exercise does a body good.

Reborn: Sorry, I'm busy.

Reborn: But why are you playing in the training room?

: Huh?

Reborn: There are other open spaces.

Haru: Tsuna-san and the others trained here, right? So...

Haru: When I'm here, I feel close to him.

Tsuna: Um, excuse me?

Tsuna: Everyone's waiting for me.

Tsuna: I can't stay here forever.

Spanner: What is it?

Tsuna: Um, what's everyone... What's going on outside?

Spanner: Outside?

Tsuna: Do you know anything about the people I came with?

Tsuna: Also, I don't understand what you said earlier.

Tsuna: Why didn't you k*ll me?

Tsuna: Why are you trying to perfect my special move?

Tsuna: You're with the Millefiore, right?

Tsuna: Why would you...

Spanner: Don't ask so many questions.

: Huh?

Tsuna: Sorry.

Spanner: Like I said, I'm helping you perfect your move because I want to see it firsthand.

Spanner: And the reason I didn't k*ll you was because it didn't feel right.

Spanner: Through a monitor is one thing, but finishing off a person who's right in front of you...

Spanner: It was just too real. I couldn't do it.

Tsuna: What are you saying?!

Tsuna: k*lling is wrong, whether it's behind a monitor or not!

Tsuna: S-Sorry. It's a bad habit of mine, so I just...

Spanner: By outside, you mean outside this room?

Tsuna: Y-Yeah.

Spanner: No idea.

Spanner: Shoichi's causing a commotion, I guess.

: Huh?

Tsuna: Sh-Shoichi?

Tsuna: You mean Shoichi Irie?

Spanner: Pipe down.

Tsuna: R-Right, sorry!

Tsuna: I'll be quiet.

Spanner: You're too loud.

Tsuna: So Shoichi Irie's really here.

Tsuna: Really close.

Spanner: But if you're after Shoichi, you should give up.

: Huh?

Spanner: I've known him since the International Robotics Competition back in high school.

Spanner: He's sharp.

Spanner: He's always looking at the bigger picture; it's impressive.

CherA: Irie-sama, are you going to use it?

Irie: Is there a problem?

Irie: From what we saw, Vyshana was most likely defeated.

Irie: Once they reach the research lab, it'll be too late.

CherbA: The only ones privy to this secret are you, Byakuran-sama, and ourselves.

CherbB: If you do this, the other squads,

CherbB: especially Black Spell, are sure to object.

Irie: That's insignificant compared to what we'll lose if we do nothing.

Irie: This is the only good course of action.

CherbA: If you use it, any functions subsequently put into place will be paralyzed.

Irie: Are you objecting, then?

CherbB: No.

CherbA: Your orders are absolute.

Irie: Flattery aside, I'm happy to hear it.

Chief: But you said we lost contact with the Japan branch!

Chief: If it's due to an enemy attack, we've no time to lose!

Byakuran: It's all right.

Chief: I'm not comfortable with White Spell being responsible for that base.

Chief: Please entrust the battle to Black Spell...

Byakuran: That's not something for you to concern yourself with.

Chief: But...

Byaku: Sho-chan will be able to handle it.

Byaku: He's been saving a box for something like this.

Ryo: This leads to the next block.

Yama: At this rate, we'll be done soon.

Goku: Yeah, thanks to the boss drawing the enemies away!

Ryo: Hurry, they may have laid a trap.

: All right!

Irie: While a foreseeable outcome,

Irie: I didn't expect to be able to use the function I begged Byakuran-san

Irie: to allow me to install so soon.

Irie: Let's begin.

Irie: Now, my box, awaken...

Irie: Merone Base!

Irie: Flame energy has entered the bypass of each block.

Irie: Starting up the mobile block.

Ryohei: What?

White Spell: It's an earthquake!

Cervello: All facilities have been restored in the research lab's vicinity.

Cervello: New cameras are online.

Irie: You've had your fun, Vongola rats.

Irie: But now it's time for your Vongola Rings to be hunted!

Haru: Hey!

Haru: It's another episode of everyone's favorite "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: Today's guest is very strong and incredibly cute!

Reborn: Romario!

: Eek!

Haru: No!

I-Pin: Sorry.

Reborn: Then who is it?

Haru: When I say strong and cute, of course I mean...

Haru: I-Pin-chan, come on down!

Adult: I was just bringing someone their dinner, so why am I here?

Haru: Eek! Why is it a ramen delivery girl instead of I-Pin-chan?

I-Pin: This is bad.

I-Pin: I need to bring this ramen to Mr. Kawahira.

I-Pin: What is this?

Haru: Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews...

I-Pin: I see.

I-Pin: Well, I've gotta deliver this food.

Haru: W-Wait!

Haru: And so, today's guest is this ramen delivery girl!

I-Pin: Ni-hao!

Haru: Let's get started!

Haru: You're always delivering food to Mr. Kawahira, aren't you?

Haru: What's he like?

Reborn: Wow, you're going after a mystery nobody's ever touched before.

Haru: But, but, don't you want to know?!

I-Pin: Mr. Kawahira...

Haru: Eek! At last, the greatest mystery of our time shall be revealed!

I-Pin: He likes soy ramen.

Haru: No, that's not what I meant...

I-Pin: Seems he likes salt ramen too.

I-Pin: He orders one every other day.

: That's not...

I-Pin: Miso ramen too.

I-Pin: Once every three days or so.

Reborn: Does he only eat ramen, then?

I-Pin: Not at all. Every fourth day, he gets cold Chinese noodles.

Reborn: Same thing...

Haru: On that rotation, he eats nothing but ramen!

Haru: So really, what's he like?

I-Pin: Um, well, Mr. Kawahira's...

I-Pin: Oh no, I've gotta run!

Haru: But the interview's not over yet...

I-Pin: He gets mad if his ramen gets cold.

Reborn: And there you have it.

Haru: We didn't solve the mystery at all!

Reborn: Nothing new there.

: No...

Haru: Next time, my interview will succeed!

Haru: That's all for "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: We'll see you again next week!

Next time: Next time:

Next time: The Enemy is Octopus Head.
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