02x11 - And Away They Go!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "90210". Aired: September 2, 2008 – May 13, 2013.*
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Follows the lives of several wealthy students attending West Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, California.
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02x11 - And Away They Go!

Post by bunniefuu »


It's about mom.
She has cancer.

- What?
- She's dying.

My mom died three years ago.

I knows what you're going through.

Continental accent.
He's for sale.

He's magnificent.
I've started my divorce proceedings.

We just need to send in
a deposit to retain the lawyer.

It's a little over $100,000.
I'm buying a racehorse.

I'd hate to see you lose your money.

- Who's talking about my money?
- You had sex with Naomi's sister?

She told me she was her neighbor.
I'm gonna destroy Jen

before she destroys me.
Just don't know how.

How we're gonna do it.

I want the same stuff
I got last time.

- Jasper is not a drug dealer!
- That's what Navid told me.

You shouldn't see him anymore.

I am not a drug dealer.
But if I was,

I wouldn't be the kind of
guy you want to mess with, would I?

Good, you're awake again.

How are you feeling?

Omar, he's awake.

How you feeling, Navid?

My head hurts.

- My arm hurts, too.
- That makes sense. You broke it.

You also got a serious concussion.

The cat scan results look good.

- You're very lucky.
- I don't feel super lucky.

Can you tell me what year it is?

- 2009?
- Excellent.

I'll be back in an hour
or so to check on you again.

Only two visitors in
the room at a time, please.



What's up, boy?

- Hey, champ? You good?
- What's up, bud?

Where's Ade?

You and Ade,

You aren't together exactly.

- Or at all.
- Right. Of course.

That's okay, sweetheart.

Can you tell us what happened?
How you hurt your head,

your arm?

I was at the blaze,

I was editing a report
on a student art prodigy.

I left the office.

I walked down the hallway.

I was on my way to
calculus, and then...

And then I don't remember.

Don't worry. The doctor said
there may be some memory loss.

I'm just actually very tired.

Of course.
Yes, you sleep.

Call me. Where are you?

Ade, it's Naomi.

Silver's mom just
got taken to the hospital.

I don't know where you are
or what you're doing

or why you haven't been in school, but
I really need you to come to the hosp...

Ade, it's me again.

I've been trying you for hours

and you're not answering and...
Silver's mom just died.

Funeral's gonna be tomorrow, and it
would be really nice if you could come.

I guess we're supposed
to be there at 10:00

I have no idea why I'm even
bothering to call you back;

it's probably pointless.
But you should know

that Navid got into an accident.

He's in the hospital.

He fell down the stairs at
school and it's really not good.

Oh, my god.

Hold that elevator!



What floor?


I thought you left for the funeral.

- Forgot my purse.
- Right.

Silver doing okay?

All right.

We parked on p3, right, Liam?

How are you feeling?

Not bad.

Worse than I've ever felt
in my life, but not too bad.

I wanted to tell you,
you were right.

I was high and stupid.

When I heard you were in the hospital,
it was, like,

this total wake up call.

I'm done, forever.

I know I said
some really terrible things.

When I said I never loved you,
I didn't mean it.

It was the dr*gs.

You are the love of my life.

When I woke up...

The first person...

The only person
that I wanted to see was you.

And then I remembered everything
that happened between us.

All of it.

How could you?

You should go.

I'm going to need your essays
on Kierkegaard by tomorrow morning

or there will be fear and
trembling in this classroom,

which was the name of the book
that you were supposed to read.

Aren't they angsty enough?

With all the hormones and acne.

Is existentialism really necessary?

To what do I owe this pleasure?

Well, Mr. Matthews, when
I attended West Beverly,

I always wondered
how sturdy these desks were.

Could they hold
a petulant catholic school girl

and, say, her very strict

yet dashingly handsome headmaster?



- What are your plans this weekend?
- I don't know. What'd you have in mind?

My horse is racing at
Santa Anita opening day.

I was thinking that maybe
you would want to join me and Naomi.

Horses, champagne,

my sister and I in very cute hats.

- What do you say?
- I could break out

my favorite pair of chaps.

I forgot my book.

My bad.

I know where we can take down Jen.
You still want to, right?

Season 02 episode 11
And Away They Go!

Is it bad that we left the Shiva?

Kelly will be fine.

You needed your space.

Anyway, they covered all those
mirrors, which was just rude.

All those people that...

I've never even met,

Kissing me

and telling me how sorry
they are for my loss, which...

What does that mean anyway,
"my loss?"

It's a person,
it's not a baseball game.

This whole day just...

It's been really surreal.

One minute she's here, and then

the next minute, I'm shoveling
dirt onto her coffin.

I can't believe
my mom's in a coffin.

I know.

And I can't believe
that Ade didn't show.

She didn't, right?

I could have missed her
in the blur of people...

She didn't.

I guess it's the dr*gs.

I don't care what it is;
she should've been there.

"I'm sorry I wasn't at the funeral.
I'm thinking of you.

Love, Teddy."

Why didn't he go?
When I saw him, he was all dressed up.

It's totally crazy.
This girl in my pre-calc class

said that Navid fainted,
but then Abby in my gym class

was saying that he had
a seizure or something.

- What did Navid say?
- I don't know.

My dad was in the ambulance, but
Navid was totally out of it. My dad said

I didn't ask what your dad said,
I asked what Navid said.

I don't know.
I haven't heard.

I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have brought up my dad.

I know our dinner didn't go the way that
it was supposed to, but don't worry.

I'm not gonna let
my parents come between us.

I got to go to class.


Way long.
Sorry, I call 'em how I see 'em.

- What are you doing here?
- I wanted to thank you for the flowers.


I wanted to find out
how you're doing.

Shouldn't I be asking you that?


But I'm asking you.

I was gonna come today.

Can't seem to do feelings.

They're not fun.

I don't know what
the hell's wrong with me.

It's okay.

- No, it's not.
- You barely knew my mother...

I didn't go
to my mom's funeral, either.

You didn't?

I couldn't.

I tried.

I put on my suit and tie,

And I rode with
my family to the church.

And then I just couldn't
get out of the car.

Like a...

coward, I couldn't
get out of the car.

You are not a coward.

You are so completely not a coward.

I'm sorry,
Silver, I wanted to be there for you.

You are.

You are.

- I'm sorry.
- No, I don't, either.


It was...

I don't know what it was.

We're both going
through a lot of stuff.

- Emotional.
- Vulnerable.

Totally vulnerable...

But since...

We did kiss...

You're kind of my boyfriend now.


I'm kidding.


What do you want?

What kind of hello is that?

I thought you might
be wanting something,

that you're running low.

I'm clean now.

I don't want anything,
and I'm not going to ever.

Willpower... very impressive.

How's Navid?

Not great.

He's in the hospital.

He fall down the stairs
or something?

I guess so; he doesn't
remember what happened.

I'm sorry, I got to get to class.

Hi yourself.

I want to say
sorry if I was a d*ck earlier.

The idea that your
parents don't like me,

it sends me into a dark place.

I totally get it.

And it upsets me, too,
but don't worry about them.

Nobody else matters,
as long as we have each other.

Which we do.

I love you.

I love you more.

- I got to get to class.
- All right.

When you get home from school,
we are gonna have a talk.

You kind of hold your pool
cue like you hold your chopsticks.

- How's that?
- Just completely and totally wrong.

- What?
- Nothing.

I'm kind of thinking
about this whole Jen thing.

You're not doing this because
you still like Naomi, right?


How about the fact that Jen's
been making my life hell for months.

- Isn't that a good enough reason?
- Yeah, totally.

- I'm sorry.
- No, I'm sorry.

As long as you're sure
it's not about Naomi.

It's not about Naomi.

Well, well, well!

This is a surprise.

- What's going on?
- You tell me. I knew you were close,

But I didn't realize how close.

This, us, it's not a big deal.

We're kind of just hanging out.

We kind of wanna keep that
on the down-low.

We don't really want to be a...
couple couple.

So don't tweet about it, pretty boy.

I don't get it. We told you
we didn't want you seeing Jasper.

I'm gonna see him at
school. I can't help it.

What am I supposed to do,
wear a blindfold?

You were kissing him when we told
you that we didn't want you to see him!

I can't believe
you were spying on me!

I was not spying on you.

I am the principal of your school.

You can control what I do at home, but
you can't control what I do at school.

That's fine. But we can control what you
do after school, and you're grounded.

What do you think? Little
Michael Jackson meets Michael Phelps?

Your mom had some crazy clothes!

I know.

You should seriously
wear that outfit out.

I'm not even trying to trick you,

like that one time with
the helmet lang padded bodysuit.


I'm actually gonna have to
venture out into the real world soon.


But I will be there
right alongside you,

and I'll even wear this.

If it'll put a smile on your face,
put a smile...

Come in.

I just want to apologize.

I've been a really terrible friend,

and I really want
to make it up to you.

Ade, stop.

You want to be
a good friend for Silver,

Leave her alone.

- But...
- No buts.

What Silver needs right now
are friends that she can rely on,

and clearly, that's not you.

- Can I get in there?
- When I'm done.

- Then can you hurry up?
- Nope.


Can you leave the bread out, please?

- Good morning, you two.
- Whatever.

What's on the agenda for today?

I have Saturday chem
study group at school,

but I probably can't go,
because I'm grounded.

Of course you can go to study group.

- Lucky me.
- What about you, honey?

- Any big plans for this weekend?
- Just plans.

- What are they?
- Hanging out with my friends.

If you get your books,
I'll drive you to school.

This day just keeps
getting better and better.

No kidding.

Have a good day.

I'll find my own ride home.

Ready for chem study group?

Yes, I am.

Let's go.

Oh, Continental Accent,
there you are, my darling!

Hi, Nate. How are you?
Aren't you a big, handsome man?

Yes, you are.

You are gonna run
so fast today, aren't you, darling?

Naomi, encourage him.

You are a big, handsome man,
aren't you?

Yes, you are.
So, muscular and...

Well endowed.

Thanks for noticing.

- Didn't mean...
- Darling, how are you?

Boo-yah! Who's your friend?

Oh, this is my sister, Naomi.

It's good to meet you, Naomi.

This is Danny Paris,
our very talented jockey.

And incredibly well endowed.

With equestrian talents, of course.

What do you think?

What do I th...
I think, yeah, right.

Fan-friggin'-no way in hell!

Come on, Naomi, Danny is a top athlete
with a great career, and I think

it would be good for you to have someone
take your mind off of you know who.

I know who you mean.

I just did not realize you had the
opportunity to smoke crack this morning.

Now, Naomi, Danny has a great
personality, and I think that...

You two would be amazing together.

Oh, shut up!

Absolutely amazing.

Then you go date
the flirty little Napoleon guy.

As Kirkegaard would say,
doubt is conquered by faith...

How are you feeling?


I'm glad to be in the real world.

If you can call this the real world.

- Ms. Clark?
- Speaking.

I have something for you.
From a secret admirer.

An Hermes scarf?

Ah, j'adore it!

Okay, who's it from?

Just a secret admirer.

Who names a horse

- Oh, disgusting.
- It's not that bad, it's just odd.

I mean, to name a beautiful,
elegant animal Daddyloves...

No. Disgusting.

No way. You have a box here?

My sister does.
We own a horse, actually.

- Cool.
- Yeah.

- Good luck.
- Thanks, honey.

Did you see what Ivy's wearing?

I wouldn't use that shirt as
a rag to scrub my bathtub.

Like you scrub your own bathtub.

You ever notice
how some girls are so girly

that they sort of... Skip femininity
and just cut straight to tr*nny?

Anyone irking you
in particular there, Ivy?

Oh, I'm not irked by Naomi.

I'm just worried that
she might suffer brain damage

- from swallowing all that lip gloss.
- Perrier's good.

And you can just write
your number on the check.

- What a flirt.
- Seriously.


You kind of forgot
about the rest of us!

Dude, you are such a player.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing.

I think it's kind of cool
that you don't get tied down.

- Girls are nothing but trouble.
- Whatever. Guys are so much worse.

- What?!
- You know what? You're both right.

Relationships are trouble.

Guess I have to accept it.

I'm a player.

Ms. Clark.


- It's pretty.
- It's so pretty.

Okay, I know you can't
tell me who it's from.

But let me ask you this.

Is my secret admirer five feet tall?



But that's all I can tell you.

He'll introduce himself
when he's ready.

You know, I wouldn't say
you lied to your parents.

How's that?

Because you and I,
we have great chemistry.

Shut up.

Could I get a ginger ale
for my friend and...

- A whiskey straight-up for me?
- Do you have I.D.?


Well, I'm flattered.

- Make that two ginger ales, please.
- Got it.

What is taking Liam so long?

Must still be with the tech
working on his phone.

What kind of moron
deletes evidence like that?

I mean, come on.

He had a recording of Jen

confessing on his phone
and deleted it?

- So stupid.
- Don't worry about it.

I'm telling you, I spilled this gnarly
yogurt drink on my laptop,

this tech guy
saved the entire thing.

- The laptop, not the yogurt drink.
- Finally, bro.

So? Did it work?

We're ready to go, my friends.


Sweet revenge.

Number five, Pauley's Folly,

ridden by Enrico Perez.

You're the best, Danny!
Bring it home!

- Good luck, darling!
- Break a leg!

- What?
- What if we win?

I mean, wouldn't that be amazing?
200 grand.

Wouldn't hurt, especially considering
the horse was a gift.

Someone gave you a horse?

The race is about to start!

- Go, Continental Accent!
- Come on, Danny!

I'm guessing it'd be too much to hope
your equestrian benefactor was, like,

anlderly aunt-type, right?

I'm sorry.

But I'll tell you
that I like the horse

a lot better than
I like the benefactor.

Oh, no! Continental Accent,

come on!


Wait, wait...

Go, go, go, go!

Look, I just wanted to tell you,
I'm sorry about your mom.

Thank you.

And thanks for coming
to the funeral. Means a lot.

Of course. Of course.

No, it's... hey...

It's not "of course."

We haven't exactly been friends.

I still feel really bad about
what happened at the end of last year.

About kissing Ethan

- and not telling you and everything.
- It's okay.

I forgive you.

I miss you, you know.

You weren't just my boyfriend,

you were my friend.

I miss you, too.

Come here.

- Congratulations!
- This was amazing. You were so good!

Please tell me you're here to turn
this thing off. I can't find the remote.

Hey, is this a bad time?

- What are you doing here?
- I just came from a meeting.

And I've been thinking a lot
about what you asked me.

And I think I know
why I did what I did.

You figured it out?

Even though I was sober
the whole time I was with you,

I was still acting like an addict.

I hate how self- destructive I am.

So I screwed everything up because

there's a part of me that really
doesn't like when things are going well.

It's like, I don't feel
like I deserve it.

And I get that now.
And I'm going to work on it.

And being sober, for me,
is going to be a lot more than just

not taking dr*gs.


I know it's too late for us.

But I'm gonna be working on myself.

And when or if

you ever want to be friends...

I'll be here.

Thank you.

I'll keep that in mind.

So I'll see you.


Come on.

Come on, Mutton Bird.
Come on!

We need to talk.


Ms. Clark.

Another present?!

So, you recorded me with your phone?

Gosh, you know, you are cute.
Like a little spy.

- That's mine.
- And what,

you thought that you'd play
the recording for Naomi

and she'd realize what
an evil, big, bad baddie I am?

Just tell me this,
do you have other copies or not?

You know what?
I'm sick of being bullied by you.

And Naomi, she deserves
to know the truth.

Please. That girl doesn't know
anything about anything,

and she never will.

That's one of the most charming
qualities about my sister:

her... naivet?.

Well, I have to say,
I love my new hat,

and my necklace and my scarf.

Obviously, our Mr. Secret Admirer
has great taste in accessories.

And in women.

Oh, my gosh.
It's so romantic.

He asked that you wait for him here.

Good luck.

Of course.

Either you have
another copy of the recording

or you don't.

There's only one way to find out.

I'll take that as a no.

- Screw you!
- Is your temper flaring?

Should I call your mom?
Ooh, or maybe your step-dad.

- He'd know what to do.
- I'm not giving up, you know.

Not until Naomi knows the truth.

How you lied to me that night.

You turned me against her and
got me to have sex with you.

Look, if it makes you feel better,
it's not like I enjoyed it.

I've slept with
a lot of men, Liam, and

you were easily the most boring.

It was you?

- Naomi, I didn't...
- No, Jen, stop.

I don't ever want to see you again.

We did it, dudes!

Yeah! Nice.

That was great.

- You!
- Seriously, man, the scariest thing

was trying to open this dang thing.
I was like, "Oh, my God."

- I didn't know.
- You wanted to use an umbrella.

An umbrella is cool.
An umbrella is Ocean's 11.

- We were all pretty damn Ocean's 11.
- We were, weren't we?


Can we get out of here, please?

Dixon just told me
something pretty messed up.

I don't want to believe it, but,

Did you have sex with
your sister's boyfriend?

A high school student?

These kids. They have it out for me.
They'll say...

Anything to...

Yes, it's true.

I did some terrible things.

But that was before I met you, Ryan.

You have changed me, and you have...

Made me want to be a better person.

And if you would just
give me a chance to...

There she is.
The big winner.

Eduardo, hello.

I just wanted to congratulate you
on Continental Accent's big win today.

You made a great investment
when you bought that horse.

- I thought the horse was a gift.
- A gift she bought for herself.

You bought that horse
with Naomi's money, didn't you?

And she has no idea.

Well, I...
I'll be off now.

Ryan, please.

I thought that you said that
if I was honest with you,

then there was nothing I could do...

That would scare you off.

I was wrong.

What kind of sister...
What kind of person...

I don't... I don't know. I...

You got me, okay?
I'm here for you.

- Whatever you need, I'm here.
- Thank you.

Oh, my God. Liam.

I have to talk to Liam.


Dude, we did it!
I told you.

Pure genius.

Why aren't you happy?

How can I be happy
when Naomi is so...


The look on her face.

I don't think it was worth it.

Come on.
You proved your innocence.

You, like, vanquished
your archnemesis.

- You must be kind of relieved.
- Yeah, I am a little relieved.

Yeah. You know what?

I'm sorry. I never even thanked you
for your help. You were great.

It's not like I had
anything better to do.

We're in public. What happened
to keeping things on the down-low?

Don't worry about it.
It's not like anybody saw us.

So, how was your study group?

What? Fine.

I found this in your room when
I was bringing up your laundry.

You went to your study group
without your textbook?

Hey, you guys found my chem book?

Wait, that's... yours?

Did I leave this in here?

Man, I was looking
everywhere for this.

Thanks, guys.


You didn't have to do that.

Yes, I did.

Annie, I owed you.
I screwed up.

And I should have
apologized a while ago,

but we were fighting and...

Look, anyway, I'm sorry.

I should have believed you when
you told me that you and Liam didn't,

you know...

So, why do you believe me now?

'Cause Liam told us who it was.

That night

Liam he had sex
with Naomi's sister Jen.


- Her own sister?
- Right?

I mean, I don't get it.
How can siblings get so messed up?

So, when did you get the turntables?


A couple months ago.

I guess I haven't spent
that much time in here.

At all.

Well, whenever you want
to hang out, or...

Even just talk,

I'm here.

So am I.

I lost the person
I loved most in this world.

Now all I have is a stupid horse.

A stupid horse and me.

Okay, I'm going to go
in the house and get

every high-calorie,
sugary, carby food

that Kelly has in there, okay?

We need comfort food, stat.

It's Naomi.

Please call me back.

I owe you a really big apology.

I'm so sorry, Annie.

Oh, dude. You're really
going to town?

When you're talented,
you're talented.

Okay, so tell me more.
Who'd you guys get to, be the waiter?

This actor kid Trevor.
He's in one of Teddy's dad's movies.

He did this hilarious British
accent, right, Liam?

Yeah, it was pretty funny.

Hey, I know...
why don't we get burgers?

In-N-Out or Fatburger?
Invalid's call.

- Dude, I'm in the hospital.
- So? We'll just...

We'll slip these puppies
on and we'll sneak you out.

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