03x21 - Fly, Little One

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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03x21 - Fly, Little One

Post by bunniefuu »

You stay here, Dana, okay?

I'll be right back.

AMOS: The corner window
is to Dr. Wallenberg's study.

The bonds are in the desk.

They're a gift to the school.

He's gonna put them
in the bank tomorrow.

They're negotiable...
You're sure?

Pay to bearer... I looked.

15 ten-thousand-dollar
bonds... $150,000.

And the doc won't
get home till later?

On the 6:00 plane.

HICK: What about
his housekeeper?

AMOS: Well, we... whenever
I bring the kid for her session,

she always takes her upstairs...

Stays with her all the time.

You'll be in the clear.


She heard us.

It don't make any difference.

Uh, she don't
understand anything.

She's sick, uh, you know.

She's the kid from the school

I'm taking to Dr. Wallenberg.

She's supposed to wait for him.


Did you hear
anything, little girl?


I'll go get the bonds.

She'd better be...
For 150 grand,

she'd better be.

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

I saw you coming, Amos.

Hello, Dana.

Come on, Dana,
you know Mrs. Carr.

This is Dr. Wallenberg's
house, remember?

You've been here lots of times.

Come in.

That's a good girl.

All right, now you can
go upstairs with Mrs. Carr.

Hello, Dana.

Hello, Amos.

I thought you weren't
getting back till 6:00, Doctor.

I never got away.

The meeting was
canceled at the last moment.

Hello, Dana.

Hello, Dr. Wallenberg.

I've been arranging
some surprises for you.

They're upstairs.

you like to see them?


Dana, will you let
Mrs. Carr take you up?

I have another present for you.

It's in the study.

WALLENBERG: I'll get it.

Well, good-bye, Doctor.

I think I'd better be
getting back to the school.

Aren't they cute, Dana?

Wouldn't you like
to play with them?


Now, when she came in,

you told me that you
and the girl went upstairs,

is that right? Yes, immediately.

And the driver,
Amos, left the house?

Yes, I heard his car drive away.

And at the same time,

Dr. Wallenberg went
into the study, huh?

Well, he must have, sir,

because when I looked
back at him from up there,

he was just about to go in.

And then when I
left Dana... (crying)

Oh, I'm sorry.

Joe. Hello, Art.

What are you doing here?

Bayshore Insurance
covers the contents.

Dr. Wallenberg...

He evidently surprised
an intruder in the study.

The housekeeper

and the little girl were
upstairs at the time.

She's still too
shook up to talk.

How old is the little girl?

About nine. She know anything?

She was a patient in the
school the doctor ran...

The Geneva School.

Yeah, I've heard of it...

Uh, mentally disturbed children.

She's been ill...
Withdrawn, they call it...

Ever since her father was k*lled

in an accident a
couple of years ago.

I see.

I tried to talk to her,

but I couldn't make any contact.

She doesn't even
know what happened.

(door opens)

What is it?

Wh-What's happened?
Who are you, ma'am?

I'm Dr. Harley, of
the Geneva School.

Why was I called here?


Is it Dr. Wallenberg?


How did it happen?

DANA: Why is
Dr. Wallenberg sleeping?

Why are you sleeping,
Dr. Wallenberg?



Dana, dear!


No, I want
Dr. Wallenberg to come up!

May I please come up, dear?


I want Dr. Wallenberg.

If you come, I'll fly away!

Please don't move.

All right, I won't come up.

Why is Dr. Wallenberg sleeping?

He's tired.

He worked very hard today.

Dr. Wallenberg is my friend.

We're going to talk.

DANA: Aren't we, Dr. Wallenberg?

I'll fly away!

Dr. Wallenberg, please wake up.

We haven't had our talk today.

Please wake up.

(whispering): Is there
a back way up there?

Yes, through the side door.

HARLEY: Dana, Dana dear,

may I please come up, dear?


No, I want
Dr. Wallenberg to come up.

If Dr. Wallenberg is too tired,

I'll fly home and
come another time.

It would be better for
you to use the stairway

to say good-bye to him.


Dr. Wallenberg would
want you to use the stairway.

I will, if he asks me.

He's very tired.

Then I'll fly home.

No, wait!

I'll try to wake
him up, all right?

Please hurry.

Dr. Wallenberg, would
you please wake up?

He can't hear, all covered up.

I'll try again.

Hello, Dana.

Can I stay up here with you?

You're not Dr. Wallenberg.


No, I'm Mr. Mannix.

You're not Dr. Wallenberg.


Mr. Mannix is a friend
of Dr. Wallenberg's.

May I take you home?

She lives at 12 Wiltern Terrace.

I'll call her mother and
tell her to expect you.

Oh, is it all right if I come by

and see Dana at
the school tomorrow?

All right.

Let's go this way.

The symptoms of
the children vary

with the nature of the
emotional disturbance.

The window is one
way; they can't see us.

The child who's dancing,

she does that continuously
for three hours every day.

We haven't been able to discover
what number five means to him.

HARLEY: A total absorption in a
fantasy represented by one number.

MANNIX: What is that thing?

That's our newest acquisition.

It's called a playscape.

It can be a house,
a log cabin, an auto,

a spaceship, a boat.

It lets the child's
imagination diverge,

rather than focus
on a single fantasy.

HARLEY: Contact.

And allows two or more
children to play together.

To relate to each other,
rather than only to themselves.

What hope is there for them?

Well, on the basis
of present knowledge,

for some, a great deal.

For others, a little.

For most, some improvement.

The problem is to make them

want to make contact
with another human being.

What about Dana?

We felt there was hope for her

especially since
Dr. Wallenberg took over.

Her relationship with him

was developing beautifully.

She's in with Dr. Gasperi now.

Do you know why she has
the idea that she can fly?

Oh, yes, it's from Peter Pan.

Her mother told her the story
before she became withdrawn.

Peter and Wendy and Captain Hook

have become almost
her whole world.

Dana, how would you like to
tell me about your favorite toy?

I suppose the loss
of Dr. Wallenberg

will probably set her back, huh?

I'm afraid so.

Dana, tell me about the toy.

Well, she's extremely tense.

But did you notice her look up

when you came in
the door just now?

I think she was hoping
to see you, Mr. Mannix.

In fact, I'm almost sure of it.

She's been looking
at the door constantly.

Remember when
she took your hand?

A transference from
Dr. Wallenberg, perhaps.

Probably when you told
her he was my friend.

Is there anything I can do?

At the moment, the
problem is to relax her.

I think you could help
just by talking to her.

Would you?

Of course.

Hello, Dana.

Hello, Wendy.

Would you like
me to talk to you?

Hello, Wendy.

Hello, Wendy.

Can I stay with you for a while?


Would you rather
I sat over there?

No, on the rock is safer.


You're getting your feet wet.


Hey, would you like to come
over here on the rock with me?

What about the crocodiles?

Oh, I'm not going to let
the crocodiles get you.

There we are.

You know what this
looks like to me, Wendy?

Like a table.

Do you hear them?


The pirates are coming.

MANNIX: Oh, is
this a game, Dana?

I'm Wendy.

I'm sorry, Wendy.

Are there really pirates, or,
uh, are we just playing a game?

That's the marker.

Of what?

Where the treasure is buried.

The pirate's treasure?

Dr. Wallenberg's treasure.

And the pirates
are coming to get it?

Oh! They got it!

They took it! Who?

Amos! He stole
Dr. Wallenberg's treasure.

Amos is our school driver.

He always drives Dana
to Dr. Wallenberg's house.

Yeah, yeah, so I've been to
the doctor's house lots of times.

So what?

Well, you were in the
room the morning of the day

Dr. Wallenberg was k*lled,
the room where he was sh*t.

So, what does that prove?

Well, according
to my information,

you picked up the bonds that
morning from the trust company,

and you delivered them
to the doctor's house.

Does that mean I stole them?

I never said you did.

Then what are you after me for?

For information.

You knew the bonds
were negotiable, didn't you?

How should I know that?

Well, you were in the
trust company's office

when they put the
bonds in the envelope.

Look, I wasn't at the
house when it happened.

Ask the housekeeper.

I was on my way
back to the school.

I didn't have
anything to do with it.

Who'd you talk to after
you delivered the bonds?

I didn't talk to anybody!

Have you ever had $150,000
in your hands before?

Me? Nice feeling, wasn't it?

Did you tell
anybody how it felt?

Why would I?

Well, it must have
been quite a thrill,

having all that money in
your hands, practically in cash.

Yeah, okay, but I...

Then you did know
they were negotiable.

I never said I didn't, did I?

Who'd you tell?



Look, why don't you tell
me exactly what you did

from the time you
delivered those bonds

until you left that little
girl at Dr. Wallenberg's.

Hey... I don't
have to talk to you.

You've got no right
to get on my back.

Now, you get out
of here right now!

All right, Amos, I'll get out.

I've got to stop by the
police department anyway.

Oh, by the way, have you
met Lieutenant Malcolm?

Come on, Joe, don't you
think we checked him out?

He's clean.

He's worked at the
Geneva School for 15 years.

Yeah, but he's never carried

$150,000 in negotiable
bonds before.

No record of any kind.

He's carried payroll
checks for ten years.

Hey, payroll checks
aren't negotiable bonds.

He's just not the type.

To pull the job himself, maybe.

But to steer
somebody else on to it?

Joe, are you suggesting

that I make an arrest
on the word of a little girl

who confuses
fairy tale and fact?

Well, now, Art, it's
just that confusion

that makes me think
there's something to it.

I don't follow you.

That little girl has absolutely

no motive to conceal anything.

Now, she's giving us

pure and simple repetition
of something she knows.


I don't know!

Look, Art, all I'm
asking you to do

is put a little scare into him.

He's just too nervous and
worried to be in the clear.

Now, there's something there.

All I want you to do
is shake him up a little,

and I'm sure he'll spill over.

Joe, I can't shake a
guy up for no reason.

You bring me
something more concrete,

and I'll give you a
hand. (phone ringing)

Yeah? Hold on.

Joe, it's your office.

Yeah, Peggy?

Dr. Harley called.

She wants to know if you
can come out to the school.

Did she say why?

They're having trouble

persuading the
little girl to go home.

She's asking for you.

All right, call them back.

Tell them I'm on my way over.

Well, maybe I can just get you
that "something more concrete."

You fool! Driving right in.

I told you to wait
till I got back to you!

Nobody followed
me; I was careful!

You don't get your cut till
the goods are fenced, mister.

I didn't come about that.

Wait in the office.

Keep your eyes open.

Make sure he's alone.

All right, why'd you come?

A private detective named
Mannix, he's after me.

He knows something.


What does he know?!

That I was in on it.

A private detective?

You saw the cops last night.

Did they come back with him?

No, he was alone.

It's the bonds.

He's working for the
insurance company.

Just what does he know, Amos?

He doesn't know about you.

He knows that I told
somebody about the bonds.

You're crazy. How
could he know that?

He says he knows.

What else does he say?

That's all. That's all he said.


And no cops... no
warrant... no arrest?

No, no.

Calm down, Amos.

Don't you see?

This detective,
Mannix, knows nothing.

It was just a wild
guess to pressure you.


Come on, you got
nothing to worry about.

Just follow your usual
routine till I call you

to come for your cut. Right?


Remember, don't
come till I call you.

You told me the girl in
the car was a dummy.

That she didn't understand.

Yeah, that's right.

She can't help herself.

That's the way she is.

Did the girl see
Mannix since yesterday?

Did she talk to him?

It was Mannix who brought
her back to school afterward.


Maybe she said something.

If she did, he'll see her again.

Maybe she'll say another
word and then another.

Where does she live?

Here in the city,
12 Wiltern Terrace.

She lives with her mother.

Amos... I'm going
to give you a chance

to earn an extra
share of the money.

What do you mean? How?

When can you
drive the kid again?

Well, uh, her mother
is supposed to

pick her up at the school today.

I could call up her mother and
tell her I can take Dana home.

You'd be coming
across the hills, right?

Yeah, right, right.

And the kid could have
an accident on the way.


Come up on the rock, Peter.

It's safer here.

They're going to att*ck.

I'm not afraid of Captain Hook.

He's a terrible pirate.

That's only in
make-believe, Dana.

I'm Wendy.

All right, now, it's time to
think about going home.

Not until you help me
escape from the pirates.

Okay. Where are they?

They're somewhere near.

Tell you what I'm gonna do,

I'm going to help you

if you promise to go home.

When my mother comes.

She'll be here
right after lunch.

Now, then... where
are those pirates?

Shh, Peter.

They're coming
to blow up the rock.

Captain Hook is going to get the
bombs and... and blow us all up!

From under there.

But that's where the
treasure is buried.

(whispering): That's
where the bombs are kept.

I'm ready to fly to
your house, Peter.

That's the shelter
in the day-room.

Dr. Gasperi will take you there.

Little girls can't really fly.

Now, you know that, don't you?

Wendy can.

Thank you, Peter.

Come on.

Dr, Gasperi?

What's the matter?

I'm not sure.

I wonder if you can help me

think through something
that Dana said.

If I can.

Over lunch?

All right.

What is it, Amos?

Dana's mother.

She was supposed
to come for her,

but I talked to her on the
phone a little while ago,

and I'm going to take Dana home.

All right.

The child'd better
have some lunch first.

Sign her out after she's eaten.

I will, Doctor.

Thank you.

Uh, no.

You think somehow the crime

has now become a
part of Dana's fantasy?

Well, it's a possibility.

Let's suppose she has heard
the whole story of Peter Pan

from beginning to end,
not just snatches of it.

What does that
have to do with it?

Well, she's got
parts of it all wrong.

At least, as I
remember the story.

But it's normal for her to
confuse things in fantasy.

Yeah, but there's
still something

about her version
that's bugging me.

About her flying?

No, in Peter Pan,
Wendy could fly.

Well, surely not confusing
Amos with a pirate?

A pirate who stole a treasure.

That's what pirates always do.

A pirate who wanted
to blow up a rock.

She just confused the
rock with the pirate ship.

Which in the story, Captain
Hook did try to blow up.

Yeah, but Dana... Dana
said he or the pirates,

wanted to take the
b*mb out from the rock.

I'm sorry for being so
stupid, but I don't see th...

Well, now, that's where
the treasure is buried.

What is it?

Well, a b*mb is
never buried treasure

in a pirate story.

Look, suppose if
somehow, somewhere,

Dana overheard Amos
talking about a b*mb?

A b*mb?

Bombs, bonds.


Well, he did deliver them.

Oh, even so...

Look, do you think
it could hurt Dana

if I tried to probe her memory?

No, I don't see any harm in it.

It might even help.

It's important for Dana to take
that first step back to reality.

I'll see you tomorrow, Wendy.

Now, go on, go on.

(no audible dialogue)

(glass shattering)

Are we going to fly away?

I hit something.

Blew a tire.

We both could've been k*lled.

I'd better take
Dana home with me.

I'll send back a
service truck after you.

Come on, honey.

The boss is waiting for you.


I couldn't do it.

You mean she's alive?

Mannix took her home.


He was following me.

He knows.

I want out. Please, I
don't want any money.

I just want out.

What did you tell him, Amos?

I didn't tell him anything.


I didn't tell him anything.

Okay, Amos.

You can have out.

Frank, take him to the office.

I want you to have a
few bucks for your trouble.

I don't want any money.

You're entitled to that, Amos.



Now we get rid of
Mannix, then the kid.

Darling, tell Mr. Mannix
exactly what you saw.

Wendy, when you were
picking those flowers,

did you see Captain Hook?

Wendy saw both pirates.

Did Captain Hook
look like anyone?

Like Amos.

Now, Amos drives you to school.

He's not a bad pirate.

I like pirates.

I like Amos.

I like Captain Hook.

Mm-hmm. What was Amos doing?

I picked some flowers.

Captain Hook was
talking to the other pirate.

Uh, can you tell me what
the other pirate looked like?

He had a pirate's face.


Could you hear what
they were saying?

They were going to blow
up the ship with bombs.

What ship?

The pirate ship.

Wendy, do you remember
at school, you told me

that they were going to blow
up the rock with the bombs?

Yeah, the rock in the lagoon.

We played on the rock.

(phone rings)

Excuse me.


Yes, please hold on.

Your secretary.

Thank you.

Yeah, Peggy?

Joe, I have a man
on the other line,

but he won't leave his name.

He say what it was about?

He just said it's
about some bonds.

Have him call me right
back on this number, huh?

Now then, those, uh, old pirates

just kept talking and
talking about bombs, huh?

Yeah, the
ten-thousand-dollar bombs.

(phone ringing)

May I? Please.

Hello, this is Mannix.

I understand you're looking
for some negotiable bonds.

That's right.

I bought them last night.

But I see in this
morning's paper

that they're hooked into m*rder.

I don't want any part of m*rder.

What'd you have in mind?

You can have them back for
what I paid for them: $40,000.

I'll have to put that up to
the insurance company.

I'll have to go to
them for the money.

I'll get right over there.
Where can I reach you?

I'll call you.

And, Mannix,
don't call the cops.

Worked like a charm.

You can pick him up

outside the Bayshore
Insurance Building.

MANAGER: Yes, sir, I consider
it the cheapest way out for us.

Very good, sir.

Well, he's leaving
it up to me, but I'm

bothered by one thing.

Making a deal with a fence

puts the company
outside the law.

That's a decision
you'll have to make.

(car phone buzzes)


MAN (over phone): Mr. Mannix?

Yeah, this is Mannix.

I'm just an errand
boy in this case.

It would be just

waste motion if
you tried anything.

Do I make myself clear?

Clear. MAN: Don't turn around.

Keep the phone to your ear.

Did you get the money?

It's in my pocket.

Very good.

I'll direct you to the address

where the exchange will be made.

If you take the phone
from your ear, the deal is off.

MAN: Is that clear?


(engine starting)

Keep within the
speed limit, please.

Turn right at the next corner.

(engine starting)

MAN (on phone): The bonds are
waiting for you inside, Mr. Mannix.

Now, throw your g*n
on the back seat, please.

Leave the money in the
office where the bonds are.

There will be someone watching.

MAN: Now, let the
phone fall as you get out.

Thank you. (line disconnects)



(footfalls approaching)

(footfalls retreating rapidly)

Make sure he's dead
and then get the money.

I'm going to take
care of the kid.

Operator, get me the police.

This is an emergency.
(engine starts)

(doorbell chimes)

Don't be afraid, little girl.

It's just a game.


You're the pirate!

Yeah... I'm the pirate.

Just going to
play a little game.

If you don't go, I'll fly away!

I will!

I will, I'll fly away!

I mean it! I'll fly away!

I will! I will!

WOMAN: Little girl,
what are you doing?

Get... little girl, get
down. Get back.

WOMAN: Little girl, you'll fall!

Please, little girl, please.

Won't you please get
down off that table?

WOMAN: Please, won't
someone help her?!

I'll fly away. I will!

DANA: I really will! I'll fly!

I'll fly away.

(siren wails)

I'll fly away.

I will!

WOMAN: Little girl, please.

Oh, my God.

Won't you please get down?

Please, please?

I mean it, I'll fly away!

(siren continues)

(brakes screeching)

(siren wails)

DANA: I'll fly away!

I really will.

WOMAN: Please, get down!

Get down off that table!

Get inside.


What are you going to do?

Hello, Peter.

I'm Wendy.

Look at me, Dana.

Who's my good friend?

"Good friend"?

Dr. Wallenberg
is my good friend.


Dr. Harley said so.

Who's the little
girl in Peter Pan?


What does
Dr. Wallenberg call you?

I'm Dana.

Does Dr. Wallenberg
say Dana can fly?

No, Dana can't fly.

Dr. Wallenberg says
Wendy flies, not Dana.

Who am I?

You're not a pirate.

Who am I, Dana?

You're Mr. Mannix.

Yeah. Yeah...


(theme music playing)
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