03x22 - The Search for Darrell Andrews

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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03x22 - The Search for Darrell Andrews

Post by bunniefuu »

(laughter, indistinct chatter)

Get that ball! (laughter)

Get that ball!

(laughter, chatter continues)

(laughter, chatter continues)

(doorbell rings)


Mr. Tully? Yes, sir.

Uh, we're from the
Western Legal Aid Society.

I'm Tom Coleman.
This is Henry Gaynor.

How do you do? Good.

You probably heard
about our work.

Yeah. Sometimes, it's odd though

how little people
realize just, uh,

how extensive our operation is.


(children laughing)

(laughing, indistinct chatter)


(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Oh, hi, Peggy.

I thought I heard you come down.

Oh, thanks.

Just stacks up,
doesn't it? (chuckles)

How about that?

Did you have a nice flight?

Yeah. Not a bump.

Joe... I'm sorry
about Wes Tully.


Now, he... was a nice guy.

I talked to headquarters

right after you phoned
from San Francisco.

What did they say?

An accident.

He went out for a swim, fell,

hit his head on
the side of the pool.

Was knocked
unconscious and drowned.

Oh... Peggy?

Charleston is due back

from San Francisco
in the morning.

Give his office a call.

Tell him I'll be there to
meet him at 9:00 a.m.

I want to talk to him.

About Wes Tully?

That's right.

Is something wrong, Joe?

Well... Wes.

Well, Wes had a hunch

that he might be in
line for an "accident."

How do you know?

He came to my apartment Sunday,

couple of hours before
I left for San Francisco.

He said he was
working on a case,

thought they had spotted him.

And you think he was m*rder*d.

I don't know.

But he had come
across some evidence.

He didn't want to talk
about it until he was sure.

But he did tell
me where to find it

in case something
happened to him.

I offered to stay
and help him, but...

Man, I wish he had
taken me up on it.

Oh, come on, Joe, you
can't blame yourself.

And maybe it was an accident.


Yeah, that's what I'm
going to find out, Peggy.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(tires squealing)

(door closes)

(metallic rattling)

♪ ♪

Did you get what you were after?

Yeah, but it took
a bit of doing.



Peggy, uh, get Martin
Kimbrough on the phone.

The banker?

That's right.

Tell him I'd like to
meet him at his house

at about, uh, 7:00 tonight.

What does Kimbrough
have to do with all this?

He's the man Wes
Tully was working for.

(doorbell chimes)

Yes, sir? My name is Mannix.

Mr. Kimbrough is expecting me.

I phoned earlier.
Yes, sir. Come in.

Mr. Mannix, sir.


Mr. Mannix, Martin Kimbrough.

How do you do?

Thank you, Ben.

You said you wanted to talk
to me about Mr. Tully's death.

Yes, but, uh, before we do,

I'm a private detective,
like Wes Tully.

I, uh... well, we were friends.

What did you want to say
about Mr. Tully's death?

He was m*rder*d.

It was ruled an
accidental drowning.

Well, it was made
to look that way.

He was m*rder*d.

How can you be so sure?

I was told so... in a way.

No, thanks.

Told by whom?

Wes Tully.


Mr. Mannix, you'll forgive
me, but riddles don't amuse me.

Wes came to my apartment

on the morning
of the day he d*ed.

He was worried.

Worried about what?

About this.

He had it hidden in his home.

Cost him his life.

What is this?

Undeveloped negatives
of a man Tully thought

masterminded the robbery
at your bank four months ago:

Darrell Andrews.

Wes took the pictures,

but he never got a
chance to develop them.

How did you get this?

He told me where
he hid it... just in case.

Wes Tully's been
dead for two days.

Why have you waited so long?

I was in San
Francisco on a case.

I left a couple of hours after
talking to Wes last Sunday.

I just got back this afternoon

and heard what had happened.

Why have you brought this to me?

Wes asked me to.

After all, you and the bank
directors were his employers.

Yes, of course.

I'll call the police.

I've already called
them, Mr. Kimbrough.

Charleston is due back

from San Francisco at 9:00 a.m.

I'm going to meet him.

And I don't think it
would be very healthy

for you to have this
around the house.

You may have callers.


Two men have been following me.

(phone ringing)

Excuse me.


Yes, he is.

Just a minute.

It's for you.

Thank you.


Yeah, this is Mannix.

Who is this?

(line clicks)

What is it?

A warning.

I'm not to go to the police.

Who was that?

Darrell Andrews.

Maybe we can flush
Mr. Andrews out of hiding.


By going to meet Lieutenant
Charleston as scheduled.


(knocking continues)


Who is it?


You asked us to stop by
before leaving, remember?

Come on in. (laughs)

Sorry, we're late,
but the rental agency

had trouble finding
the keys to the cabin.

Hey, you got your jungle
survival kit all packed?

Mom packed it with
bandages and stuff

like I was going to be
att*cked by bears or something.

I filled the survival
kit to protect the bears.

Hey, you know what?

I've got something for you.

Here you are. How about that?

Boy! Gee, Mr. Mannix, thanks.

I'll take a picture of
the biggest fish I catch.

We'll frame it and
hang it in the office.

Well, now, I don't think
we've got a wall big enough.

(laughs) Hey, have
a nice time, huh?

Thanks, Joe.

Come on, darling.

♪ ♪

Mr. Mannix? Yeah?

May I speak with you a
moment, please? What about?

It's about your secretary
and her little boy.

Morning, Joe. Andy.

What about my secretary
and her little boy?

Well, they're all right.

They're quite safe, in fact.

I'm sure you'd like
to keep it that way.

I know that you will honor

the confidential nature
of all this, Mr. Mannix.

For the lady's sake, as
well as the little boy's.

If it's the film
you want... It is.

I don't have it on me.

Well, it would hardly do for me

to search you here,
would it, Mr. Mannix?

Where is the film?

In a safe deposit box.

Just in case something
like this happened.

I thought I'd let
the police open it.

Very well, then.

Get the film.

Go back to your
office. Wait there.

We'll be in touch
with instructions.

Two lives are depending

upon your cooperation
in this, Mr. Mannix.

I'm sure you understand.

Good morning.

I wouldn't, Mr. Mannix.

I really wouldn't.

You're being watched.

Every second.

Your every move.

Please don't force us

to do something
we don't want to do.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Smells funny in here.

Well, let's get some air then.

Can we go fishing pretty soon?

Oh, honey, we'll go later.

Let's get this place
cleaned up first.

Oh, Mom, that's no fair.


Go into the kitchen
and get a broom.

Aw, Mom... Go on, now.

They're in the cottage.

Very well.

You, uh, seem worried.

No, I'm not worried.

I just hope Mr. Mannix

doesn't force us into
anything, that's all.

Well, if he does, would
you rather that I take

the lady and the
little boy fishing?

Sentimentality isn't
one of my weaknesses.

Nor is it one of mine.

I just detest unnecessary
complications, that's all.

(phone ringing)



Yeah, I'm alone.

Yes, I have the film with me.

No, no one.

Yeah, I understand.

I know the place.


Now look, my secretary
and her son all right?

(line clicks)


♪ ♪


(door opens)

MAN: Hello there.
Is your mother in?

PEGGY: Yes. Can I help you?

How do you do, ma'am? We
were, uh, fishing around the bend.

We saw you arrive and thought we better
come over and make ourselves known.

We're your neighbors, about
half a mile down the road.

Oh... oh, come in. Come in.

(both chuckling) Thank you.

I'm Peggy Fair and
this is my son, Toby.

Hello, Toby.

Young man, how are you?

I'm Al Beckworth.

This is my nephew,
Eric Beckworth.

How do you do?

A welcoming gift.


How kind of you. Thank you.

Why don't I clean them for you?

Oh, no, that's not necessary.

No, no, no, no... I insist.

Well, all right.

There should be a
Kn*fe here somewhere.

Oh, I've, uh... I've
got one right here.


Take a look at those.



Do you like to fish?

You bet.

Ah, good.

Listen, we'll go together.

And I'll show you where
all the best spots are.


You know, you have four fish

and Toby and I can only eat two.

Why don't you stay for lunch?

Well, I don't know.

Well, they won't keep.

And Toby and I would love it.

Well, you'd better ask my uncle.


AL: Well, you've got a
little snag there, young man.

Mr. Beckworth?

You're staying for lunch.

Well now, that's
very nice. Thank you.

But only on one condition...

You let me do the cooking.

Now, I happen to be
an expert with trout.

(laughs): All right.

I'll light the stove.

Okay. It's butane gas.

We have one just
like it at our cabin. Oh.

What's the matter?

It doesn't seem to work.

Well, maybe you're out of gas.


Oh dear, no, much
worse than that.

(hissing) No, you've
got gas, all right.

And luckily,
somebody turned it off.

You've got a broken fuel line.

Oh, no!

Is there anyone in the
village that can fix it?

Yeah, but that's
a 45-minute drive.

Oh, it's 3:00.

But I have to go and
get somebody to fix it.

My son had his heart
set on going fishing.

Oh, look, I can fix this,

at least to tide you
over until tomorrow.

By 5:00?

We have some friends
dropping by at 6:00.

Yes, I think so.

Well, then, why don't you

come along with me, Mrs. Fair?

I just promised the boy
I was going to show him

where all the biggest fish were.

Oh, but I couldn't
leave him with that.

Oh, look, this is easy to fix.

And, frankly, kibitzers
make me nervous.



All right.

Toby. (camera shutter clicks)

We're going out on the
lake with Mr. Beckworth.

Gee, Mom, that's great!


You don't know how
happy you're making him,

taking us with you.

Well, believe me,
it's my pleasure.

♪ ♪

(car approaching)

Thanks for
cooperating, Mr. Mannix.

Where are they?

All in good time.

Would you mind leaning
against the car, please?

I'm sure you know how it's done.

Thank you, Mr. Mannix.

Okay, I've done my part.

Now, what about my
secretary and her son?

We're not quite
finished, I'm afraid.

Would you get
in the car, please?

To go where?


In the front seat.

Good afternoon, Mr. Mannix.

If anything has happened
to Peggy or her son...

Just relax, Mr. Mannix.

It will all be over quite soon.

(engine starts)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Any trouble?

No trouble at all.

Mr. Mannix has
been very cooperative.

What about you?

Oh, just fine.

The woman and the boy
are on the lake, fishing.

Having a good time
with, uh, my uncle.

They'll be back
at 5:00, exactly.

We'll have just enough time.


That's right, Mannix.

It's a little dark room.

It'll all be over in
about 15 minutes or so.

So I hope you didn't
play any games

with that, uh, little
metal cylinder.

Because if you
did, I pull this trigger.

And the sh*t that
kills you will be a signal

to my uncle on
the lake, and, uh...

the boat will capsize.

You see, my uncle isn't
a very good swimmer.

Oh, I dare say the papers

would probably praise
his valiant, but, uh,

unsuccessful efforts to save

the woman and
the, uh, little boy.

But then, of course,

you won't be around to
suffer the heartbreak of it all.

Thank you, Mr. Mannix.

We're leaving.

Oh, uh...

when do I get my
secretary and her boy?

You'll find the cabin in
that direction, Mr. Mannix.

Don't worry.

Nothing's happened to them.

(engine starts)

Just follow along
the lake, Mr. Mannix.

♪ ♪

(footsteps approaching)

(gasps): Joe!

What are you doing here?

You're all right, huh? Hi, Toby.

Oh, why shouldn't we be?

Look, uh, those
fellas that were here...

Mr. Beckworth and his nephew?

Yeah, what did they
do? What happened?

"Do"? Nothing.

Mr. Beckworth took us fishing.

Uh, Toby, honey,

go get Mommy a
handkerchief in the bedroom.

It's in my suitcase
somewhere, I think.

(door opens and closes)

Okay, Joe, what is it?

You were kidnapped.

Oh, that's ridiculous.

We came here on our own.

You were kidnapped

by your Mr. Beckworth
and his nephew.

Now whether you know it
or not, you were hostages.

But why? What for?

Well, they wanted
something from me.

If I didn't deliver,
they were going

to drown you and
Toby in the lake.

So I delivered.

Delivered what?

That undeveloped
film Tully took.

I had it. They wanted it.


Yeah, of Darrell Andrews.

Oh, that bank robbery
about four months ago.


I still don't understand

how they knew you
were coming here.

Look, Peggy,

when you went to the
real estate agent's office

to pick up the
keys for this house,

was there anyone else there?

There was a man.

Waiting his turn, behind me.

We chatted.

About coming here for the
week, just you and Toby alone?

Yes, among other things.

Did he come in after you did?

Why, yes.

What'd he look like?

A business man, I thought.

Well dressed.

Polite, carried a briefcase.

That's one.

What'd the other one look like?

Uh, elderly, hefty.

Like a nice, old...

MANNIX: Uncle? Yeah,
but what'd he look like?

Like that.

Like a nice, old pleasant man.

I took a picture of him.

You took a picture of him?

Mm-hmm. Where's your camera?

Right here.

I took a picture of them
through that window

when they were first
coming to the house

the first time with the fish.

Is the film still in the camera?


Good boy, Toby.

MANNIX: Unless I'm
very badly mistaken,

that is Mr. Darrell Andrews.

Well, he is the
general build of the man

who came to the bank
that day with the others.

Said he was Darrell Andrews.

But that man was bearded.

Well, beards can be
grown and shaved off.

I'm sorry, I just can't say.

Mr. Kimbrough, four men

walked into your
bank office that day,

supposedly to talk to
you about a bank loan.

They talked for a while
before they pulled a g*n on you.

They walked behind
you to the vault.

Now, that must have
taken a minute or two.

They held a g*n on you
while you unlocked the vault.

They made you place
money in five large briefcases.

That must have taken
another four or five minutes.

They then took you
outside to the car,

drove you away,
and they let you out

some ten blocks from the bank.

Now, this man was one of them.

How can you not recognize him?

(sighs): I'm sorry.

I think... You think
what, Mr. Kimbrough?

Well, I don't
know. I'm not sure.

You're not sure of what?
That you do recognize the man?

Don't you think I want to help?

Have you any idea what
this robbery did to me?

Contrary to any notion that
you may have, Mr. Mannix,

that bankers are
rich men, it's a job.

Often enough, it's just a job.

And I'm getting on.

I had looked
forward to retirement.

With some security,
some promise of ease.

Have you any idea what
this robbery did to that plan?

It almost k*lled it.

When you handle
other people's money,

you're responsible.

And when something goes
wrong, you are the scapegoat.

To hear some of
my own people talk,

you'd think that I
had robbed the bank.


Since the robbery, new
accounts have fallen off drastically.

Some old ones, very good
ones, too, have been withdrawn.

People lose faith, Mr. Mannix,

in the bank and in me.


Maybe... if you imagined a beard

there might be some
slight resemblance,

but I don't know!

I don't really know.

You see, when this
happened, I was frightened.

Voices and faces, and
appearances just seem so unreal.

I know it's whispered
behind my back,

that if I had acted
with any gumption,

I could have outfaced
the robbers, defied them.

There were a lot
of people around,

standing back helpless
because I was helpless.

And if I had shown the
least bit of courage...

they might have made a move.

The robbers would have
been caught, then and there.

But they didn't make a move.

In my terror, I kept
telling them to stand back.

No, if I make an
identification for you now

from this photograph,
Mr. Mannix, and I'm mistaken,

I'll be judged to be
even a bigger fool

than I'm thought to be
now, and I cannot risk that.

I cannot jeopardize what
little future is left to me now.


All right, Mr. Kimbrough.

Thank you.

I'll let myself out.

Good night.

Mr. Mannix, just a minute.

May I see that photograph again?

Oh, sure.

You know, I, I think...
Suddenly something,

something clicked
in my mind, yes.

That man, the bank...

This man used to
work in the bank,

several years ago
for a short time.

Are you sure?

I think so.

In the Executive
Training Program, I think.

What was his name?

I don't know.

But the bank would have that:

his name, address,
references, everything.

Can you remember
anything about him, for now?

No, nothing. Well, yes.

He was a quiet man.

Certainly not the
sort... (g*nsh*t)

(tires squealing)

You all right?

They tried to k*ll me.

Well, it could have been
meant for me, Mr. Kimbrough.

Mr. Kimbrough,
I-I heard a noise.

Oh, Mr. Kimbrough,
are you all right, sir?

Are you hurt?

Wha-what happened?

He's all right.

Oh, yes, Ben,
yes, I-I'm, all right.

Go on back to bed.

Yes, sir.

I was beginning to think
that Darrell Andrews

was a cool, careful operator.

I was wrong.

He's getting desperate.

I have the information,
Mr. Mannix.

Charles Vincent Addison, single.

Born March 3, 1924,
Newington, Connecticut.

His address is 1276 Dunston Way.

His address and past
references going back to 1960.

Shall I call the police?


Let me check out
that address first.

He wouldn't still be there.
He wouldn't be such a fool.

Why not?

It's probably his real
name: Charles Addison.

I've got a hunch that
these references are valid.

They are.

The bank is very careful
about checking references.

Well, then, Charles
Addison is in the clear...

That is, until we can prove
that he is also Darrell Andrews.

(distant piano playing
classical music)

(piano music grows louder)

(piano music grows louder)

Doc will be through in a minute.

You know what
he's going to say...

That Addison
was painting a roof,

he slipped on the wet paint,

the fall k*lled him.


There is a skid mark
on the fresh paint,

where he could've slipped.

That was put there after.

He was pushed off that
roof, by one of his buddies.

All right, you and Peggy show
up here tomorrow morning, okay?


I want to hear everything, Joe,

for the record,

from the time you
went to Tully's house,

day before yesterday.

And I want to hear
Peggy's story, too.

I want to find out about what
happened up at that cabin.

I told you.

From her.


Joe. Yeah?

Why didn't Wes Tully
develop that film to begin with?

Well, I got a hunch
he was going to

and then he found out
he was being followed.

He didn't want to let the
film out of his possession,

so he hid it in the
porcelain figure,

and told me about it.

Like he said, just in case.

Eat your sandwich.

You know what
Addison did for a living?

He translated Greek poetry.

Well, then why would he become
involved in a bank robbery?

Maybe Greek poetry didn't pay.

Oh, with brains like that,

certainly he could've
found something else to do.

He did.

He translated Latin poetry, too.

It's still hard to believe.

What is?

That a dedicated
intellectual likes to eat, too?

Four dedicated intellectuals.

But m*rder, Joe.

I think m*rder
was forced on them

when Wes Tully
started getting too close.

Those pictures of
Addison, or Andrews.

So they had to k*ll him.

(phone ringing) Yes.

I'll get it.


Mr. Mannix? This
is Martin Kimbrough.

I have some very vital
new information for you,

about Charles Addison.

I think it will lead you
to his accomplices.

Um... what is it, Mr. Kimbrough?

Some papers they sent
over from the bank files.

I can explain better in person.

Can you be here by 2:00?

Where are you?

I'm at home.

I'll be there.


You did very well.

Don't feel so bad,
Mr. Kimbrough.

Nothing's going
to happen to you.

If you behave.

Thank you.

To your health, Mr. Kimbrough.

Excuse me.

(doorbell ringing)

Answer the door, Mr. Kimbrough.



Answer the door.

(p*stol cocking)

Mannix, come in.

Mr. Kimbrough.

Easy, Mr. Mannix.

They forced me, Mr. Mannix.

Broke in and forced me.

To the library,
please, gentlemen.

You first, Mr. Kimbrough.

Take that chair,
Mr. Kimbrough, please.

Tie him up.

Would you bring the
car around front, please.

I, uh, take it I'm
going for a little ride.

You take it right, Mr. Mannix.

What about Mr. Kimbrough?

Oh, Mr. Kimbrough?

Mr. Kimbrough's not going
to cause us any trouble,

are you?

Because if he talks,
we'll come back.

And you know that, don't you,

Mr. Kimbrough?



Come on!

(door opening) KIMBROUGH:
Drop your g*n, Mannix.

Drop it.

Now stay where you are.

So it was you behind
this all the time.

That attempt on
your life last night,

that was just to throw
suspicion off yourself.

Stay where you are.

That act you put on in there,

that was all staged
for the benefit

of old faithful Ben, wasn't it?

He can back you
up later in court.

Men broke in, forced
you to call me here.

They k*lled me and got away.

That leaves you in
the clear, doesn't it?


I'll sh**t.

What did you have in
mind when you retired?

A numbered bank
account in Switzerland?

You and your buddies,

a nice life of
retired gentlemen?

I will sh**t, I mean it.

Why don't you?

Your buddies were able to.

They k*lled Addison
and Wes Tully.

Why can't you?

It's pretty easy to give
an order to k*ll, isn't it?

But to do it yourself?

No, no, you're too much
of a gentleman, Kimbrough.

Ben, call the police.

Have them to send
along an ambulance, too.

Ben, go on.

Mr. Kimbrough won't be
giving any more orders.

(theme music playing)
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