12x04 - 17 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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12x04 - 17 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen.

The chefs had to dig for potatoes.

Come on! Well done, blue team.

And then they were challenged to be creative with them.

We got it, we got it, we got it! While Mike's dish left a bad taste in Chef Ramsay's mouth Horrible.

Joy's dish blew Chef Ramsay away.

Absolutely brilliant.

The victorious women had an amazing day on the ocean There's one.

While the men were on cleanup duty.

Oh! Splashed back in my mouth! Then at dinner service It's not ready.

Don't [Bleep]

open the oven.

Chris and Mike butted heads on the fish station Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

I can't fix stupid.

And found themselves in Chef Ramsay's crosshairs.

- Where's the crust?
- I didn't get it on.

- Well, get it on then!
- Yes, Chef.

While in the red kitchen I've got one lobster tail raw still.

Simone, listen to Chef! Simone's lack of effort It's funny now, right? There's just something there.


Something's not right up here.

Got under station partner Jessica's skin.

Close the damn oven.

The duo had an early exit from dinner service.

Congratulations for being the worst two cooks.

And with more food being rejected at the pass
- than going out to customers
- Get out! Both teams were thrown out of the kitchen.

Guys, get downstairs.

I want three nominees from each team.

Mike was an easy choice for the blue team.

Go back to the grocery store, [Bleep]


But he wasn't going quietly.

- No!
- Do something.

- Do not you guys
- Right here!
- If you hit him,
- You're guys! At elimination, the blue team nominated Mike, DeMarco, and Chris, while the red team nominated Simone, Rochelle, and Sandra.

But before Chef Ramsay had a chance to announce his selection It's okay, Chef.

I can go.

Simone, good night.

Simone took herself out of the competition, ending her chance of becoming a head Chef and winning Hell's Kitchen.

- The way you walk and talk
- Idiots! Down there, stay where you are! Really sets me off To a full alarm, child Yes, it does The way you swerve And curve Really wrecks my nerves And I'm so excited, child
- When you shake what you got
- Let's go! And, girl, you've got a lot You're really something, child
- Catch it!
- Yes, you are Well, I can tell by your game You're gonna start a flame Love, baby, baby The way you squeeze and tease Knocks me to my knees 'Cause I'm smokin', baby, yeah, yeah Fire Yeah Fire Yeah Fire And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Get out, guys.


those hating b*tches.

The guys, well, I'll let them talk [Bleep]

, point the finger at me.

That's okay.

I'm not gonna be all like, Like, crying.

I'm not gonna cry about it.

Really? We're gonna keep Mike? I was pissed when he sent Simone home.

No one wants Mike here.

He's poison.


'Em all.


'Em all.

I'm better than that guy.

I can [Bleep]

guarantee that.

Yeah, you are.

If I had to go home, and he didn't, I'd [Bleep]

hang myself.

Mike has to go.

You know, with the Jersey hair and his earrings and his attitude and his stupid, dumb
-ass tattoo he sucks.

When you're on elimination twice, your confidence goes pfft.

I have to admit, I'm not 100% confident.

My confidence isn't there.

But it is now.

It wasn't there.

Don't ever say you're not 100% confident.

You are confident.

Scream at us right now! Show him, dude.

Mike sucks! Yes! All right, what happened, happened.

But this has got to go because if we're gonna have animosity with Mike, we're just gonna [Bleep]

up again.

This is a team.

Tomorrow's another day in the kitchen.

None of this happened.

Water under a [Bleep]


After three dinner services and three challenges, the chefs are all feeling a little more comfortable in Chef Ramsay's kitchen.

Put a little more pep in your step.

This morning, they are all eager to show him that they are worthy of staying in Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go, Bev.

Sorry, Chef.

Good morning.

Good morning, Chef.

- How are you feeling?
- Good, Chef.


The thing that's really bothering me after the first three services is the amount of waste you're creating you're creating in Hell's Kitchen.

The real reason why we've got so much waste is because of the lack of consistency.

Last dinner service, we wasted 16 wellingtons.

Let me show you what it looks like to me when you screw up one wellington.

I just see money cascading out of the restaurant.

Now let me show you how much money you wasted from last night's service.

_ Oh, my gosh.

Look at all that money just wasted.

And I'm broke as hell, so, you know, I'm counting every penny.

One cent, two cent, three cent.

There is one more piece of scallop.

Wow, there's a direct correlation between your lack of consistency and how much money you waste.

Come with me.

I want to show you something.

Boy, is Chef Ramsay dramatic about making a point.

If that's not a wake
-up call that you're wasting a man's money, nothing is.


Now it's time for your next challenge.

All of you, you're gonna be cooking a brand
-new dish, a stunning ravioli of lobster.

Okay? Watch carefully.

Every single time I'm standing next to Chef Ramsay, it's an honor.

Roll it nice and smooth.

I used to watch videos on the Internet of him cooking.

And just sitting there like, "oh, my God.

This is so cool.

" Mushrooms, sauteed.

Everybody has their own way of doing things, but when you watch Chef Ramsay do it, it seems so much easier and simpler.

Simple, elegant, but each ravioli, consistent.

Yes, Chef.

The first team that gives me dishes wins the challenge.

Yes, Chef.

You'll all be working in pairs.

Blue team, seeing as how you have one extra person, the last team will consist of three of you, Gabriel, DeMarco, and Mike.

This is not good.

Those three as a group are clearly our weakest links.

On your marks, get set, go.

- Let's go.

- Behind, behind, behind.

After being disappointed by the chefs' lack of consistency Aprons.

Chef Ramsay hopes this challenge will instill in the chefs the importance of attention to detail.

This one's better than that one.

The first team to complete ten perfect lobster ravioli dishes wins.

There a sheet pan under there? Yup, you got it.

I'm paired up with Jessica.

Jessica and I are two of the strongest people on the red team, so I just hope that we can rock it out.

All right, I got four bowls, guys, behind.

I want nothing more than to just beat the crap out of them girls.

In the kitchen, though, of course.

Of course.

I'm gonna take this up front
- and start working pasta.

- Yes.

We don't all three need to work on pasta, right? I'll make the mix.

While the men get organized quickly
- You got the mix?
- Yeah.

- The women
- Take our time.

Take a slightly different approach.


See what happens.

Oh, put it back.

Right here, right here.

Easy, easy, easy, slower.

Go ahead, go ahead.

The hardest part for Sandra and I was definitely rolling out the pasta.

It's trying to go its own way.

Come on, ladies.

You should start by now.

Don't waste all your time rolling the pasta.

- Come on.

- Yes, Chef.

While the red team is hung up rolling out their pasta
- Good, right? Let's go.

- Yeah.

The blue team's organization has paid off.

All right, Jay, we can drop three raviolis.

And Scott and Jason are ready to present their first dish to Chef Ramsay.

Lobster, cooked, seasoned.

That's good.


Well done, well done.

Yes! Is anybody else starting their sauce right now? I'm about to start mine right now.

All right.

Truffle butter lobster.


Well done.

Come on.

Start another sauce.

- Go! Let's go!
- Start another sauce.

Ladies, come on.

They've got two portions up.

- Come on, girls.

- Let's go! We're starting off really slow.

And I'm concerned.

A slow start is not a good thing.


- Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

Whatever system the men put in place seems to be working.

Come on, boys.

Keep going, keep going.

While the women Beth, make sure that pan isn't too, too hot.

We don't want to burn that onion.

Are still struggling to get their first dish to the pass.

- No, Beth, you
- What? You got to do it the way he teaches us.

Oil down first.


Ay, yi, yi.

My God.

Didn't you watch the same damn demo I did?
- Joy and Beth.

- Yes, sir.

The sauce is just taking way too long! If you only knew.

While Joy tutors Beth on the pasta Pat those dry.

Most of the blue team has successfully moved on to their second round of dishes.

Stay focused.

No, just very little.

The other pairs are putting raviolis up at a fast pace.

It's delicious.

Really good.

Thank you, Chef.

All right, don't put too much, 'cause we need for it to sautee.

But Mike just seems to hold us up.

He doesn't do anything.

He stands there.

He's useless.

Come on, guys.


Thank you, Chef.

Behind you.

Walking with the first one.

Where's your partner? Jessica, come.

Wrong sized plate.

Come on, look.

Come on, hurry up.

Let's go.


I feel like an idiot.

Look at your [Bleep]

plates! I'm sorry.

It was a stupid mistake.

Go grab a bunch for your side.

Ravioli, Chef.


Thank you, Chef.

Come on, girls.

Let's go! Girls, six to the blue team.

This is a blowout.

Yes, yes, yes! That's good.

Well done.

- Good job.

- Finally, we got a point.

We got a point.

Bev and Rochelle have finally put the women on the board.

And Melanie and Jessica are hoping to score with the re
-plate of their first dish.

- Delicious.

Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

They are quickly followed by Joy and Beth.

- Who made that?
- Me, Chef.

- Who rolled the pasta?
- Me, Chef.

What did Beth do, then? Supported, Chef.

Joy, come on.

Really? I wasn't just standing there with my thumb up my [Bleep]


- Delicious.

Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

I'm pissed.

It's not the Joy show.

I'm just praying in my head, please let him like it, please let him like it.


Well done.

- Good job.

- Yes! Another one.

Let's do another one.

Thank you, Jesus! Come on, guys.

Nothing's coming out.

We got to hurry up.

All I can hear is bells ringing, coming from the red side.

Come on, ladies, these guys over here are struggling.

Who made the raviolis? We both did, Chef.

Bing, another bell.

Ding, another bell.

Like, [Bleep]

, we got to get more dishes up.

- Delicious.

Well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

With the red team having an amazing rally Come on, let's keep pushing.

The blue team's big lead has shrunk to just one point.

Guys, nothing's come out for the last five minutes.

Another batch is comin' out! I'm gonna drop the pasta.

Hey, look at me.

- 90 seconds.

I'm timing.

- Any second, Chef.

I'm watching you.

If Chef Ramsay told me that, I'm standing there for 90 seconds, waiting for them to be done.

He came back over and started re
-rolling raviolis that I already had done.

More mushroom, more mushroom, more mushroom.

You don't need to recheck them.

They're done, bro.

- Wow.


Great job.

- Thank you, Chef.

We are just on a roll.


- Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

- DeMarco.

- Yes, sir.

They've been in there now
- hey, for 2 1/2 minutes.

- Yes, Chef.

Hey, how long are we cooking them for?
- 90 seconds.

- For 9 minutes 90 seconds.

- So they're overcooked.

- Yes, Chef.

DeMarco, Mike, and Gabriel, I have no idea what the [Bleep]

is going through their simple little minds.

Push it, push it.

Let's go! In spite of getting nothing out of the trio of DeMarco, Gabriel, and Mike Who made this one?
- We did, Chef.

- We both did.

The men continue to be in a neck and neck battle with the women.

- Delicious.

Great job.

- Good, good.

Delicious good job.

Tastes delicious.

- Good job.

Well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Delicious.

Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

All right, guys, we need one more.

One more, one more! [Bleep]


Ready? Go.

Raviolis coming! Let's go, guys.

Come on! Come on, someone has to be plating right now.


Good job.


Red team, blue team, we're all tied up.

Come on, one more, guys.

Come on, let's go.

We got this.

We got 'em.

We're close! We're almost there! We got to go up as a team, guys let's go.

Up as a team, up as a team.

With the score tied, the men can clinch a victory with the first plate delivered Wow, wow, wow.

Who made this one? By the team of DeMarco, Gabriel, and Mike.

- We all did it together.

- Yeah.

The question now is, does the dish meet Chef Ramsay's exacting standards? Here's a plate, here's a plate, here's a plate, here's a plate! Come on, push! Push! In Chef Ramsay's consistency challenge Let's go! The first team to produce ten perfect lobster ravioli dishes wins.

We got this.

We got 'em.

The score is tied.

We're almost there, guys.

Up as a team, up as a team.

And now the much
-maligned trio of DeMarco, Mike, and Gabriel have a chance to win it for the blue team.

Pasta, way too thick, and it's not cooked properly.


We're starting again.

Damn it! You guys again?
- Yes.

- Yeah.

Me and Jess.

Come on, keep going!
- Delicious.

- Whoo! Well done! [Bleep]

! Oh, my God.

We won this challenge.

This is unbelievable.

You rock, girl.



Gabriel, Mike, and DeMarco, only one of their [Bleep]

damn plates went up there.



right now.

If they were in my kitchen, I would've fired them.

Line up at the pass, please let's go.

Ladies, congratulations.

Well done! For your very special reward, you are taking over a stunning Beverly Hills mansion With breathtaking views overlooking the city, poolside, and with your very own Butler.

Ohh! I'm getting real pissed.

You know, it's just getting on my nerves, because we keep losing, because the weak links aren't stepping up.

Get cleaned up, because your limos are waiting.


Thank you, Chef! Well done.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Girls till the end, baby! Blue team, let me tell you, I honestly thought you'd nailed that.

And then the stupidity crept in.

You had it in your hands.

And Gabriel, DeMarco, and Mike, it was like dumber and dumber and dumber.

While the ladies are lapping it up, living like the superrich, all of your are in for a miserable, miserable day.

All of you are gonna be stuck here, crawling around on all fours, cleaning all those pennies up.

after roll after roll.

And, by the way, first of all, you're gonna clean and prep both kitchens, because I am opening Hell's Kitchen tonight.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

Now piss off, all of you.

That is really frustrating.

While the men begin their punishment by cleaning the women's kitchen We have to wait, guys.

The women are getting all cleaned up for their luxurious reward.

You guys, we're gonna be in a [Bleep]

mansion, poolside.

Hell, yeah.

This is the [Bleep]


With our own Butler.

I'm ecstatic.

I've never been in a mansion before.

I've only been in a regular
-sized house.

Party time! Take it easy, boys.

And clean all those pennies while you're at it.

Whoo! Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo! We all know how much they really hate each other.

Yeah, and we have a little more love.

Oh, my God, you guys.

This is ours, you guys!
- Oh, wow.

- Look at this view.

- Well deserved, ladies.

- Good job.

- Oh, my God.

- Yeah! A year ago, I didn't even have a home.

And today, I'm chilling in Beverly Hills at a mansion.

Ladies, welcome in.

- Oh!
- Wow.

I feel like fresh prince right now.

I know.

What took you so long? Where have you been? Would like to welcome you to your private estate for the day.

If you don't mind, follow me.

High tea is ready.

Oh, thank God.

- High tea.

- Ohh, yes.

It's just amazing at the mansion.

And I've, like, never had the privilege of high tea, as you call it.

I love tea.

And don't forget to put your pinky out when you drink your tea, okay? While the women are living the life of high society Dude.


damn it.

Man, come on.

The men are thoroughly frustrated by their predicament.


I got to roll [Bleep]

pennies all day.

I'll be honest, dude.

Mike and DeMarco, you guys are not helping your cause today.

Sometimes you got to trim the fat.

You guys didn't do [Bleep]

for us.

What? Why, were you at our station, watching us? I should've been.

One ravioli got overcooked, so it's not my fault.

Nothing's your fault, right? It's not your fault.

It's not your [Bleep]


Yeah, it's my fault, because I cooked.

You don't do anything.

I didn't make any raviolis? All you do is give us pasta that needs to be rolled out more.

- Come on, guys.

- Come on, guys.

As temperatures rise between Mike and DeMarco, the women are ready to cool off.

I know, we're laying out poolside, yeah.

I don't see how rich people always get up and, like, go do stuff, 'cause I would never leave.

This feels so good, lady.

I know.


There's a camaraderie in the red team right now.

We're strong we just need to keep that momentum and help one another get through dinner service.

Look at Sandra up here.

Sandra is just laid out She is in her element.

Those boobies are keeping her afloat.

As Sandra and the red team continue to float on cloud nine, Mike and the blue team are drowning in pennies.

So let me ask you guys, DeMarco and Mike, what do you guys think you guys were missing there? We need to communicate more.

He doesn't want to work with anybody.

Dude, you could suck my [Bleep]


Come on, dude.

We got to fix this, man.

Listen to DeMarco.

He knows everything.

I don't care what they think.

The final word comes from Chef Ramsay, so They can kiss my ass.



I'm asking everybody's opinion on what you thought it was.

I'm not talking about the past.

Dude, he's asking a question.

Just answer the question.

All this B.


, it's got to stop right now.

Otherwise, tonight's service is doomed.

Seriously, everybody can go [Bleep]


Ladies, aprons.

After a rewarding day in Beverly Hills, the women are back, rested and ready.

We got to prove to the guys today that even though we had a nice, relaxing day, we can still kick their ass.

And considering how disappointing the dinner services have been, both teams have something to prove.

- We got to rock it out tonight, man, golly.

- Yeah.

Come on, ladies, you 90210 girls.

Let's go.

Gents, line up.

Let's go.

So far, we've had three dinner services here in Hell's Kitchen, and let's be honest.

They've been disastrous.

Yes? Yes, Chef.

That cannot continue tonight.

So I am going back to basics and turning tonight into steak night in Hell's Kitchen.

I am the master of the grill.

No errors whatsoever, mark my words.

- Excited?
- Yes, Chef! Good.

Tonight We have to have success.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

Let's go, guys.

This is an easy night.

We can totally rock this out.

Hey, DeMarco, you got to step it up tonight.

I'm going to, bro.

I promise you.

This is probably my last chance.

If we don't win, and I don't perform, I'm going home.

I have to prove to these guys that I can cook.

And I don't know what it's gonna take to show them that.

You just nail those salmons.

You nail them out of the park.

I'm gonna k*ll them, dude.

Everybody, say a little prayer if you need to.

Stay focused.

We're finishing service.

All right?
- Jean

- Chef? Open Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go.

Oui, Chef.

It's steak night in Hell's Kitchen.

And although the chefs only found out a short while ago, the customers are excited about the change to tonight's menu.

Uh, I'll have sparkling.

They are eager to try tonight's special menu items, which include a chop salad appetizer and a prime rib entree to be served tableside by Beth and Rochelle for the red team and Scott and Gabriel for the blue team.

My name is Gabriel.

How are we today? Chef, first table.


Blue, you're out of the gate first let's go.

Two salad, two ravioli away.

Yes, Chef! Ralph, nail that section.




table, let's go.

Yes, Chef! I feel very confident.

You know, I want to be focused.

I want to not miss anything.

And I want to show Ramsay what I got.

Two ravioli, two salad.

How long? I'm waiting on crab cakes.

I need those crab cakes! There's not even crab cake on there.



Really? Good job, Ralph.

Can't remember? Blue team! He's asking for crab cakes!
- It's not on.

- I don't know why, Chef.

The first table.

Come on, Ralph, please.

I'll just be honest with you.

I [Bleep]


What else you want me to say? Is he still waiting on that crab cake? No! There's no crab cakes on order.

There never was.


All right.

I thought I heard crab cake my bad.

Oh, my God.

While the blue team deals with its first order, both real and imagined, over in the red kitchen Ladies, watch this table.




, Vanessa Marcil, yes? Chef Ramsay is making sure the women are focused on the next order.

one ravioli, two sliders.

Yes, Chef! Let's go, ladies, please.

Come on there, Bev.

- Watch out.

Watch out.

- Ravioli, go.

No, this is for the sliders.

Too much oil.

Way too much oil.

Pour some of that out.

Bev, she needs you to teach her at all the wrong times.

- Ready?
- No! Are they done? They're hard.

Look at them.

Two salad, two ravioli.

Come on, Bev.


Here we go.

Drop 'em, Bev.

- Walking with ravioli.

- Your your herbs! There's no salt in there.

You're cooking raviolis with no salt.

Bev, this is basic stuff.

Yes, Chef.

My ten
-old daughter knows that salt's got to go in when she's cooking pasta.

I made a mistake.

I understand.

But he kept yelling at me like I'm a kid.

I'm the oldest on this [Bleep]


Let's start again.

While Bev tries to prove to her team that she's more competent than she's looking Bounce back, Bev.

Don't worry.

Bounce back.

Over in the blue kitchen How long for the ravioli? One minute and a half, Chef.

Okay, let's go.

Raviolis are in.

Mike is trying to get involved in the service.

Hey, you're flat you're putting them down too quick, man.

- I didn't tell you.

- You said a minute and a half.

It doesn't matter.

I'll tell you to drop 'em.

Ralph was trying to do everything.

Get the [Bleep]

out of the way and let me do it.

- I can help with that.

- I don't need help.

Why is Mike not doing anything? 'Cause nobody wants help, Chef! What? I can't force somebody to help, Chef.

Get in there! Ralph, you got a big bear standing behind you.

He's got to do something! Get your head out of the [Bleep]

sand! Yes, Chef! Mike has had terrible service since day one.

I wasn't gonna let him lead tonight.

Oh, my God.

Raviolis right now.

Ravioli, Chef.

There's no lobster.

Hey, blue team, all of you, come here.



All of you! Yes, Chef.

What's missing in there, visually? Crab meat.

Crab lobster.


You said crab.

I meant to say lobster, Chef.

We practiced these all [Bleep]


And now it comes up minus the lobster.

Get a grip!
- Yes, Chef!
- Right now.

- Chicken stock.

- Come on, man.

Just keep that off to the side.

While Mike and Ralph try to work together on their first appetizer order, over in the red kitchen Two salad, two risotto, two salad, two ravioli.

Three minutes out on risotto, two minutes out on ravioli.

Joy is doing everything she can to make a good impression on Chef Ramsay.

- Joy's got it.

- Get this on here.

- Yes, Chef.

- Okay, drive them, yes? Let's go.

Let that get hot.

Let that come up.

I need to prove to him that I can be a good leader and get us out the gate.

Walking on risotto.

- Joy.

- Yes, Chef?
- Delicious.

- Thank you.

Okay, yes, Chef.


Well done.

Good girl.

Let's go.

Oh, my gosh, it was just a feeling of relief.

- Red team.

- Yes, Chef.

You're off to a good start.

Don't start celebrating.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go! With Joy proving herself as a leader We're looking good, ladies.

Appetizers are making their way out to the dining room Unbelievable.

It's is so good.

Much to the delight of the red diners.

Meanwhile, at the blue tables Hopefully, sooner or later, we'll be getting our appetizers, while everybody else is eating desserts, possibly.

One Chef is doing his best to distract the hungry guests.

I'm gonna clean this up, make sure that I have clean plates.

Everything must go out clean.

There we go.

The rest of the food's not coming.

I look like a dumb

So I have to wait, I have to stall and put their minds mainly on the conversation that was at hand.

I've done a lot of banana fosters in my day.

Oh, I love that.

I love it.

I burned off all my hair once.

Please get the food over here.

Please get the food over here.

It's horrible.

- You got to love tableside.

- I love it.

You got to love it.

You can't rush perfection.

On order, 4 covers, table 23 and away.

Two salad, one crab cake, one ravioli.

Now your crab cake's on [Bleep]


I need four minutes on the crab cake.

These young guys can't get food out of the kitchen.

I know I can do it.

I mean, [Bleep]

, I've been cooking for 30 years.

Crab cake walking.

You guys ready?
- Yeah, I'm ready.

- Okay.

Coming up hot.

One rav walking.


Crab cake, stone [Bleep]

cold in the middle.

The crab cakes are very simple.

You just drop it in the fryer.

Any monkey can do that.

- It's not hard.

- Fridge cold! [Bleep]


I don't even know how the [Bleep]

he does that.

Like, he doesn't check the food before it goes out.

God help the next person that gives me a stone
-cold [Bleep]

dish! God help anyone.

How much longer, crab cake? I'm checking it right now.

Be sure you Pierce it with your knife, man! It's ready.

I'm walking, guys.

You guys walking? Crab cake walking.

Are they still the same ravioli from before?
- No, Chef.

- Fresh.

Two ravs.

Oh, my God.



Stop! It's more than an hour into steak night.

Crab cake walking.

Are they still the same ravioli from before?
- No, Chef.

- Fresh.

And Ralph and Richard continue to struggle, as they have yet to produce a single acceptable appetizer.

No! Stop.


-cold again! You ravioli watery, bland, no seasoning, no fines herbes.

- Come on!
- Come on, guys.



Hey, John.

John, come here.

Hey, you.

Come here, you, both of you.

Table 11, they've both got an appetizer and maybe a little chardonnay.


Chardonnay, please.

I want to know what it's like for you to eat stone
-cold crab cakes.

Now [Bleep]


Sit down.

I don't like getting belittled or berated.

I'm too old for that [Bleep]


Sit down, Richard! I know you both want to go back there.

As long as this is not finished,
- you won't go back in the kitchen.

- Yes, J.



Can you get those appetizers fired up? 'Cause I'm gonna flip my lid in a minute.

Two minutes, Chef.

All of a sudden, I had to go over and make an order of risotto, because Mike didn't step up.

I think Mike's just had enough.

Risotto's going.

Sorry, Chef.

- Finally.

- Service.

With Anton answering Chef Ramsay's call for help on appetizers Just keep talking, guys.

Food is finally trickling out to the hungry diners.

That looks nice.

Meanwhile, back in the red kitchen Incredible.

Table 50, let's go.

Appetizers continue to fly out to the dining room.

Keep rockin', ladies.

We're doing good.

We're doing good.

And now the women are about to tackle the steak night entrees.

On order, 2 covers, table 33.

Entree, two prime rib, two fillet.

Yes, Chef.

Melanie, first table.

Don't sit back! I need five minutes, five minutes.

Now that I'm on meat, we are definitely gonna make it through tonight's dinner service, without a doubt.

Mel, how long on that first entree? You can go now.

I'm walking with two fillets.


Behind you.


Melanie! Yes, Chef? Great sear and great temperature on the fillet.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you finally, I get a little bit of recognition for my strong points.

That temperature is extraordinary.

With Melanie excelling on the meat station Service, please.

Entrees are hitting the tables in record time.


It's incredible.

Truffle fries are my favorite.

Meanwhile, on the blue side Let's go back.

Well, let's down this first.

Ralph and Richard are now returning to the kitchen to help the blue team begin firing entrees.

On order, 4 covers, table 23 and away.

Entree, one prime rib, two fillet.

Yes, Chef! If we could just get these first fillets out, we'll be good.

We'll be fine.

How's that fillet? That's looking pretty [Bleep]


If you're not confident, don't put it up.

Yeah, I know.

It's good.

- We're good?
- Yeah.

Two fillets walking! Right behind you.

Right behind you.

I know how to cook a fillet.

These are perfect.

These are ready to go.

Chris, come here, you.




Oh, agh! Can I have the one that is rare back in the [Bleep]

oven? Yes, Chef! We're just going down like the [Bleep]


It's sinking, and it's sinking fast.

We're backed up on the appetizers.

We're now backed up on the entrees.

- I know, Chef.

- Where's the redemption? Where is the fallback? Where is the comeback? Oh, my God.

While the blue team tries to avoid going down in flames Listen, you hear them guys over there? They're struggling.

Keep flowing, ladies.

The women charge full steam ahead.

- Keep it going.

- Yes, Chef!
- One minute!
- Let's take this chicken, baby.

We're getting a kind of rhythm.


Everything was as it should be.

All right, on the plate with garnish.

Tell me when you're ready to walk.

Walking with a fillet.

Entrees, you can get them all together now.

They can be at the pass.

The girls are over there, they're like a [Bleep]


They're like the Russian military.

They're just all one [Bleep]


Two fillet walking right now, Chef! Nice.

You guys ready with that chicken? Give me 30 more seconds.

You need sizzle pans? Yes, please.

I'll get you some.

"I'm getting this.

I'm getting that.

" You know, it's just, like, insane.

Two chickens, Chef.

Put them over there, babe.

Here's my that medium re

Ugh, he's checking the chicken.

Sandra and Kashia
- Chicken cooked perfectly.

- Yes! You couldn't hear anything sweeter than that.

We got this.

- You guys need anything?
- We're okay right now.

We're gonna [Bleep]


While the red brigade appears ready for their victory march
- Ready?
- Hold on.

Let me get the sauce.

I got the sauce.

Come on, guys.

Anton tries to rally his troops by delivering on the meat station.

- Let's move!
- Yes, Chef.

One coming through.

Fillets ready, Chef.


I have to acknowledge you, dude.

I thought you heard me.

I'm sorry.

You can't just, like, run up like that, like a jackass.

"Ooh! My stuff is done, so I'm just going up there.

I don't give a [Bleep]

about anyone else.

" The guy's just a stupid beast.

Hey, medium rare I asked.

It comes out rare, and it's still cold in the middle.

Easiest steak to cook, the fillet, and we're dragging the whole kitchen down.

- Sorry, Chef.

- All of you, come here.

They've got every appetizer out.

And they've barely got three tables left.

Look at you.

Come here, you [Bleep]


Out of the way.

One, two, three [Bleep]

tables of appetizers still! Still! Clearly, we're in the [Bleep]


We're not getting out.

It's that bad.

As the men continue to search for answers Garnish right behind.


Last table, ladies.

Keep it going.

We're fixin' to walk now, Chef.

The women are on the verge of completing an excellent dinner service.


Let's go.

Yes, yes.

Ladies, come here.

Come, come.

Look at me.

Well done.

Melanie and Joy, phenomenal.

- Yeah? Well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

I want all of you now to go into the blue team and get on every section and help them get out nine tables! Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

That was a gangster service.

I mean, we even had to go over and help the guys, 'cause they didn't even know what the [Bleep]

they were doing.

Ah, here we go.

This is [Bleep]


We're good over here.

Go over there.

Hey, blue team, the ladies have finished! They're in here now to wake you up and finish.

- I'm good.

- Hey, shut up! You [Bleep]

do need help.

Anyone that gives me a stone
-cold crab cake twice, trust me, you need help.

Take the help.

Run with it.

The more help you take, the faster you can get out the kitchen.

You got the salt and pepper in there already? Salt and pepper's in.

All right.

Jason, this one's gonna need, like, three minutes, all right? They're really raw.

Look, we know what we're doing here.

I'm not saying you don't! He just told me to come here.

- Don't argue with me.

- I'm just checking.

It's not fired yet! Of course it's raw! And then she's cutting it open? Like, who the hell does that? You're just gonna lose, like, valuable, tasty juice.

- We just need to get this food out.

- You don't need to cut it open! I'm
-a do what Chef tells me.

Did he tell you to [Bleep]

tell me what to do? No.

Well, then get the look, get out of here! Don't push me with a knife.

All right, well, then move away.

There's no need to argue! Why are you cutting it open? Because the [Bleep]

chicken is raw! I know, 'cause it's not on fire yet, you dumb little Keep it going, guys.

Last table, ladies.

Keep it going.

Yes, Chef.

It's two hours into steak night.

And the red team has just completed dinner service for the first time I want all of you now to go into the blue team and help them get out nine tables let's go.

And Chef Ramsay has sent them into the other kitchen
- to rescue the blue team.

- This is [Bleep]


We're good over here.

Go over there.

That chicken's no good.

Look, we know what we're doing here.

And Jason definitely doesn't appreciate the help.

Why are you cutting it open? Because the [Bleep]

chicken is raw! I know, 'cause it's not on fire yet, you dumb little [Bleep]

- What?
- It's not on fire! It's not on fire yet.

Hey, you and you, come here.

- Ah, [Bleep]


- [Bleep]

serious? To get in her face like that and yell, I don't know.

Maybe his [Bleep]

shrunk up a little bit because a woman had to jump on his station.

Damn it.

I just yelled in front in your kitchen, and I owe the whole restaurant an apology.

- Look at me.

- Yes? I told Sandra to get on there.

You may not [Bleep]

like it, but it's my [Bleep]

choice! So take it.

Shut the [Bleep]


- Yes, Chef.

- And put your head down.

- Yes, Chef.

- Stay on the section.

Yes, Chef.

- Okay? Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

Did I look scared for a minute when Jason got in my face? I don't freaking think so.

He's all huff and freaking puff.

Screaming in my [Bleep]


Just don't cut it open.

I'm not gonna [Bleep]

up your chicken.

I just didn't want the juice to leak out.

- That's all I'm saying.

- Okay.

With Jason and the rest of the men now working with the women instead of fighting them Melanie! Push him.

Let's go.


Money in the bank.

- Yeah.

- New York strips walking.

- That's good, right?
- Yeah, you got it.

Sorry for the wait.

The blue team's entrees are finally being delivered to their grateful diners.

- Melanie.

- Yes, Chef? Those New York strips are cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

Nothing against any of these girls on the red team, but, yeah, this is extremely embarrassing.

That's it.

That's the last one.

They smoked us over here tonight.

Wow, what a nightmare.

Finally! We had a respectable service from the red team.


Thank you, Chef.

Men, I'm gonna ask you all to do something you're very familiar with.

Head up to the dorm, come to a consensus on two nominees for elimination.

Now [Bleep]

off out of here.

This service was a [Bleep]



If you have two guys per station, and you still can't perform, give me a [Bleep]


So where did things get hung up, man? Meat and appetizers [Bleep]


What are you talking about, appetizers?
- Well, they were kind of slow.

- That's all I'm saying.

I'm not gonna put out [Bleep]

bad risotto.

It doesn't take that long, though.

I don't give a [Bleep]


I had eight risottos going at once, four [Bleep]


And I banged every single one out.

And you were by yourself, so I mean, Mike was there, swishing the risotto.

Where is Mike? Mike just sat there.

He gave up, guys.

You can tell.

So what are we doing? Are we putting up Mike? He's right here.


You can fight it all you want, but you're going up.

It doesn't matter what I do.

They're gonna pick me anyways.

So who is the other guy, guys?
- Mike and Richard.

- Me? What the [Bleep]

did I do? The whole crab cake thing.

I had one crab cake come back, dude.

How many steaks came back? Are you kidding me right now? I think Anton was rushing a little bit.

If you think I'm gonna go up, you guys are out of your [Bleep]


There's no [Bleep]

way I should be up there.

What a [Bleep]

crock of [Bleep]


These guys, they're screwing everything up left and right.

I'm the only one who hasn't had a problem the whole [Bleep]

time I've been here.

I had one [Bleep]

bad day.

How many bad days did you have? Two.

How many bad days did you have? Three.

I was ready to cook all [Bleep]


I'm sorry, but you're not ready when you cook three [Bleep]


I understand that I didn't have a lot of food, but I was ready.

Nothing, nothing was sent back tonight for me.

Those guys just want to blame everybody else and never themselves [Bleep]


When you guys [Bleep]

up, you don't want to take the blame.

Every time I [Bleep]

up, I say, "yes, I [Bleep]


" I didn't [Bleep]

up tonight.

All right, so who has the most votes, besides Mike? Ladies, great job.

Thank you, Chef.

Ralph, first nominee and why.

We picked Mike.

He hasn't been here since day one.

He's hiding behind every station.

Second nominee and why.

Second nominee is After having their dinner service completed by the women, the men had to nominate two chefs for elimination.

Their first choice was Mike.

Second nominee and why.

Second nominee is DeMarco.

Him again? We decided, in the long run, he's just the weakest link for this team.

DeMarco and Mike, step forward, please.

DeMarco Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I was ready tonight.

I wasn't the weakest link.

And I actually care to be here, unlike him.

He doesn't care.

I do.

I don't want to be up here.

I said I don't ever want to be here again, and I don't think I deserve to be.

Mike Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Because when you finally convinced Ralph to allow me to help him, we were able to start getting things rolling, Chef.

Is that true, Ralph? No, he just stirred some risottos, and, you know, he did a ravioli or two.

I can't help somebody who doesn't want it, Chef.

Why is there so little trust in you from your team? I have no clue.

It's been a hiding game, and it's been a finger
-pointing game since day one.

If he would just man up and just take control of his station, it would be one thing, but he hasn't yet.

Chef, I would like to make a request and say give them what they want.

Take me off their team and put me with the girls.

I think that they'll appreciate me a lot more than the men.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Mike.

Time to go.

I definitely feel like I was the fall guy.

I'm gonna have fun watching the guys go down, because they're a bunch of backstabbing b*tches.

There's no camaraderie there.

I will definitely forget about these guys as quickly as they've chosen to forget about me.

Blue team, no more excuses.

Somebody get out there and lead, quick.

Get out of here.

It felt good to come as a team and finish as a team.

And we're gonna continue to show Chef we have what it takes.

I will never quit.

You can put me down on the ground every [Bleep]

time, and I get right back up.

Mike, thank God, is gone.

We have a solid core now, and the blue team is stronger than ever.

We are a force to be reckoned with.

There once was cook named Mike.

He couldn't cook fish or any other dish.

So I told him to take a hike.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen Hey, shut your [Bleep]

damn mouth and do your [Bleep]


Will bitter infighting Shut up and cook! You shut up! I can't cook any faster.

Push one Chef out of the competition? [Bleep]

off home.

And when Hell's Kitchen hosts its first
-ever wedding ceremony You are husband and wife.

This is not wedding attire.

Will wedding bells turn to a funeral march when one Chef cooks up something so heinous Ah, that's [Bleep]

gross! And so horrendous
- I'm gonna puke.

- Uh

It will make someone sick? That's it.

Find out who's responsible.

You're not manning up, bro? I'm not saying that we didn't have a mistake.

Okay, so man up! All next time on a fast Go, go, go, go! And furious
- You guys are all in my way!
- Come on, DeMarco! Episode of Hell's Kitchen.

Get your [Bleep]

together, bitch.
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