12x06 - 15 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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12x06 - 15 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen In part one of a very unique challenge, the chefs had to rely on their memories to earn ingredients I got red roast.

Red roast.

Then in part two, working in pairs, they had to come up with something tasty for Chef Ramsay.

I've never made polenta before.

And despite working with an unfamiliar ingredient Absolutely delicious.

Rochelle's polenta impressed.


I guess I can make polenta now.

But unfortunately for Scott and Ralph, their dish was a little too outside

You don't cover swordfish in hollandaise.

The men lost their third consecutive challenge.

The women were treated to a day, in Laguna Beach.

The are no sea lions in New Jersey.

Then, early the next morning There's something very special going on in the dining room.

Chef Ramsay surprised everyone I now pronounce you husband and wife.

As the chefs were challenged with a special wedding brunch service.

- We are not gonna screw up.

- Yes, Chef.

You guys, we're gonna need help with some of this fruit.

Rochelle for the women You can start walking with fruit salad.

And Scott for the men Perfect.

These two.

Got both kitchens off to a harmonious start.

That's the noise I wanna hear, that noise there.

But when the red team was relying on Beth to deliver on eggs It's, like, snot on your wedding day.

It wasn't long before she cracked.

- Shut up and cook!
- You shut up.

I can't cook any faster.

I know how to do this.

On the blue side, despite his protests, DeMarco This one needs a little more time.

That's how it's supposed to be.

Listened to Ralph and faced the consequences.

- DeMarco, you put that on there.

- Yes, Chef.

It's raw! Listen to me.

But it was Richard and Gabriel's poor performance They're supposed to be doing scrambled eggs.

You're twice as quick then.

But right now you're twice as slow! That buried the blue team.

When it came time to choose nominees, DeMarco did his best to defend himself.

I am accountable for my actions every [Bleep]


But it didn't work, as he joined fellow nominee Gabriel and Chef Ramsay's nominee Richard, join them in the [Bleep]


In the end, it was DeMarco.

Who missed out on his chance to earn $250,000 and win Hell's Kitchen.

And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

No more excuses.

Start emerging, 'cause my patience is running out.

Head up to the dorms.

Now that DeMarco's gone, there's nowhere else to hide.

If you [Bleep]

up, Chef Ramsay is gonna see.

Gotta move forward.

Let's go, red team! I am so happy that I have a set of ta
-tas right now, because the red team, we are golden.

And the blue team they all suck.

- Yeah.

- Oh, my God.

I'm glad there's only seven of us now.

How are you doing, Ralph? Just living the dream, you know? We just lost a teammate and you're laughing about it? Like, they don't really seem to care all that much.

- I am seriously [Bleep]


- Really? While Anton fumes over his team's carefree attitude, Joy, Rochelle, and Melanie Beth's come through in challenges,
- but it's service I'm worried about.

- Yeah.

Are focused on their team's weakness.

We're not gonna be doing challenges at his restaurant.

We're doing we're doing the line.

Right now, we are carrying Beth.

She has no confidence in herself.

She has no technical ability.

And you constantly have to baby her.

Beth can't keep shutting down
- that's what I'm saying.

- I've seen it.

And it's like, "hmm.

" Beth's head I'm still trying to figure out where it's at, because the only time I realize that her head is here, is when she's crying out of it.

Honestly, not only am I thinking about what's gonna take us farther, but I foresee myself at the end.

And I need to think about
- Who you need.

- Yeah, exactly.

Most of us are here for one thing and one thing only $21,000 a month income.

Girl, what is you saying? I'd be happy if I had that every six months.

I'd put my little girl in a private school.

Take my mama off her feet.

What would you do with it, Melanie? I owe my life to my mom, so I would take care of her house.

'Cause she's, like, about to get her house taken away from her, so she doesn't have to cry every day.

- Beth?
- Are you all right? I don't even know if they brought an eviction notice to my house While I'm gone.

And I understand.

I can't [Bleep]

-up right now.

I can't [Bleep]


And that's why I get so emotional.

Because if I [Bleep]

-up, there's nobody that I could call and say, "Can you please help me?" Nobody.

I always have a plan "B".

But this is the first time in my life that I've never had a plan "B".

What scares me is, I live in Louisiana.

And when I got out of culinary school, I couldn't get a job, even with degrees and certifications that their managers didn't even have.

But because I didn't have a penis you can't get hired on at a fine dining restaurant, unless you wanna be the salad girl or the dessert girl.

You have to take it, because you have to pay your bills.

That's terrible.

I can only imagine what she's been going through.

It's a lot of pressure, but I know she's a fighter.

Everything's gonna be fine.

And us ladies have nothing to worry about right now.

After an intense night in the dorms Hey, guys, let's go.

The chefs are anxious to discover what Chef Ramsay has in store for them.

Good morning.

I've got something very important to tell you all.

But Chef Ramsay has had an overnight epiphany.

Let's be honest, both kitchens are lacking in leadership.

None of you are starting to emerge as leaders, so I'd like each team to go upstairs and decide which Chef you are appointing team captain for the night.

I agree with Chef Ramsay.

We need to have someone in charge.

And I think they need to make me their leader.

So, have a really good meeting.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

Off you go.

I came here to become that leader that Chef Ramsay needs.

I need to prove that I can do this.

This is an opportunity to show some leadership.

I wanna make sure that Chef Ramsay notices me.

There ain't nothing holding me back.

Okay, who's the captain? Jason, Anton, one of you guys.

That's how I look at it.

I'll take it.

We need a strong player.

You know what I'm saying? Anton's just too much of a [Bleep]


To have that position handed to him.

I say I say Jason.

Yeah, yeah.

What do you think about that? I know he's good at communicating at this point.

Jason is definitely a good Chef.

You know, he's got a lot of talent.

But as of right at this moment, I really haven't seen leadership skills.

Everybody's cool with that? Honestly, it's neither one of you, you or Jason.

I want this really bad.

I'll I'll get it on.

What are you, [Bleep]

crazy? Gabriel? I mean, come on.

"I wanna lead.

I wanna lead.

I wanna lead.

" What are you gonna lead? You can't cook.

What the [Bleep]

are you gonna lead? 'Cause you just start yelling, dude.

You'll throw off the rest of the team with all that yelling.

I'm laughing 'cause I know my abilities.

I know I can do this.

I do this every day already.

You kinda lose focus a little bit.

I agree.

Who wants to nominate somebody? I feel like it should be one of me or you.

I'll nominate myself.

Are you gonna be able to really take control of the kitchen?
- You gotta be involved in every station.

- Yeah, I'm ready.

Bev is not a strong cook.

And I can't trust her alone on a station.

Like, if I was a leader, I'm confident enough to hop from every station.

A couple of us feel comfortable too though.

Yeah, so speak up.

I'm just saying for myself too.

Miss "I know how to do everything.

" Melanie think she hero cook of the year.

Nothing personal.

I'm just I don't want someone that doesn't know what they're doing.

Let's not put you.

Looking for another way to improve both teams' dinner service performance, Chef Ramsay has asked each team to appoint a leader.

Come on, guys.

Honestly, you're like zombies.

And it's time for the teams to reveal their captains.

Red team, who did you choose as your captain for tonight's service?
- Me, Chef.

- Melanie? Good.

Step forward.

Come and stand by the side of me.

I am very excited and I cannot wait for Chef to see my skills.

Okay, great.

I'd like to know your station.

And how do you feel in terms of your leadership qualities? I have the confidence and the drive.

And I think I'm one of the strongest leaders.

And I am very confident with fish myself, so it should be a great service.

Melanie She's always riding on this [Bleep]

-ass horse.

She get on my [Bleep]


- Excellent.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

Good, good, good.

Blue team, you've nominated a captain ahead of tonight's service.

Who is it? Anton, Chef.

Anton? Yes, Chef.

Step forward, big boy, let's go.

He's gonna try to lead with his mouth, and put his foot in his [Bleep]


That's what I think.

You're team captain.

Where do you sort of rate yourself? I have the most experience out of everybody on the team.

Really? Because I'll tell you what.

I have a lot more [Bleep]

experience than you do.

And I'm gonna use myself as a floater.

So you're not gonna be actually running a station? No, I'm gonna be the person who jumps in.

I mean, it seems like I can do that pretty well.



Back in line.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.


Okay, all of you, get on your stations.

I want a 30
-second chat with Melanie and Anton.

Let's go.

I'm not gonna wait till service before I see you actually performing as a captain.

It starts now.

Get them set up.

And get them to cook off certain dishes.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

Good luck.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, Chef.

Chef Ramsay will definitely get a taste of my leadership skills.

We're obviously stronger than the boys, so it's gonna be a good night.

Up front, please, over here.

All right, ladies, we're gonna have a successful service.

There is nothing to worry about.

Yeah, I don't think their setup was good.

And then Anton's gonna be standing here? Dude, get the [Bleep]

in there and cook, you [Bleep]


I'm in a part of the kitchen where I can see the red team.

I could hear them talking very softly, and they're trashing us.

"I'm gonna float.

" Okay, good luck.

That's so stupid.

You're not at the point where y'all can do that yet.


We maybe can, but not them.

They're not.

The girls are too cocky, way too cocky.

I wanna take Melanie down.

I really wanna bring this little girl down.

I wanna get her off her high horse.

As dinner prep gets going, both Melanie
- We don't need the parchment.

- All right.

And Anton I just want everybody to worry about their station for now.

Are taking charge of their kitchens.

But there is someone else in the blue kitchen Come on, Gabe.

I need a microplane.

I need a knife.

Who is barking out orders.

We got our pasta water? Yeah, right there.

- It needs salt.

- There's a lot on this station that we need over here, buddy.

- I know that, I know that.

- Let's move it.

You know what? Ralph's pissed off because he's small, small, very small.

Are you guys good on pots? We got plenty of pots, man.

Man, Ralph Hey, relax, relax, relax.

Let's just get things done.

While Ralph tries to take charge of Gabriel, over in the red kitchen, Beth Ooh! Is not exactly making her team feel confident in her abilities.

- [Bleep]



It's fine.

- I'm sorry.

Oh, man, okay.

Beth cannot focus.

And that's the number one thing that you need, is focus.

Tell me if it needs a little more pepper.

She is lost.

- It needs a little more salt, salt.

- Okay.

Beth kind of is the next person to go home.

She don't really know it, but she is.

How about we go to service without her? I don't even care.

I haven't got time for it.

Really? [Bleep]


You know what? I don't care.

Oh, my God.

Are you [Bleep]

kidding me? You don't wanna work? Go home.

I don't need you here.

Joy, shut your [Bleep]

fat mouth already.

It's not helping.

This is [Bleep]


I really have to step up and stand my ground and not let these b*tches run over me.


tell her to shut her [Bleep]


I don't give a [Bleep]

who she is.

- She needs to shut her [Bleep]


- Well, it's your teammate.

- Then say that to her.

- She's a [Bleep]

bitch! It's an hour before dinner service.

And while there are some issues on the blue side between Ralph and Gabriel
- We got our pasta water?
- Yeah, right there.

It needs salt.

There's a lot on this station that we need over here, buddy.

- I know that, I know that.

- Let's move it.

That is nothing compared to what is going on between Joy and Beth.

Tell her to shut her [Bleep]


I don't give a [Bleep]

who she is.

She needs to shut her [Bleep]


Well, it's your teammate, then say that to her.

She's a [Bleep]

bitch! Beth has lost it.

The hamster has stopped running in that wheel of a brain of hers.

Are you guys actually arguing in the [Bleep]

hallway here? Come on, you can hear it from the front.

Let it go.

See, that's right, I'm supposed to let it go, but everybody else is supposed to get upset.

Okay, well, that's fine.

Come on, you're in the hallway screaming.

She had a whole meltdown.

I had to, like, shut her up.

Have some [Bleep]

semblance I'm not gonna let some bitch get over on me.

It's gotta stop.

I don't let this happen at home.

I don't know why I'm doing it here.

Let's go, guys.

Line up, please.

Let's go, quick.

Tonight, I've decided to increase the pressure.

Tonight, we will have chef tables.

Oh, my gosh.

Like, the pressure hit.

You could just read it on everybody's faces.

Like, "Okay, this is important.

" Sitting in the red kitchen will be an actress.

She's been nominated for three Emmys
- on her hit show Weeds.

- Ooh.

Elizabeth Perkins is gonna be dining in the red kitchen tonight.

- Nice.

- I love her.

Oh, my God.

I'm crazy excited.

In the blue kitchen, you have another stunning, well
-known actress.

She's known for her role in the TV series Charmed.

She's currently starring in the hit TV show Pretty Little Liars.

Tonight you'll be serving Holly Marie Combs.

I'm stoked.

It's about damn time we have some hot chick in the kitchen.

Oh, she's very hot, smokin'.

- Okay, let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

- Jean
- Yes, Chef? Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

Oui, Chef.

As the doors of Hell's Kitchen open on what promises to be an incredibly competitive dinner service No, I really wanna put a sock in this girl's mouth.

- Yes.

- All right.

Team captains Anton Put 'er in.

One, two, three.

Blue! And Melanie are both determined to lead their kitchens to victory.

One, two, three, red team! Everybody.

Ladies, here we go.

Melanie, lead them to victory.

Table 51 two risotto, two scallops.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

Apps, don't forget to communicate about the lobster tail.

I'm am a good motivator.

I know that I can get the team going.

It's just all about communication.

How many minutes, Joy? Every time I been over there by myself, I pretty much Joy, let us know on your two minutes, so I can put my scallops out.

Joy? Okay, good.

Off to a good start.

- Joy?
- Yeah? How long on that first risotto? Uh, about six going a little slow over here.


I'm a little bit nervous because, I mean, I can only control my own two arms.

I can yell as much as I want, but if people don't get it, then it is on my ass.

Come on, ladies.

As Melanie struggles to assert her authority in the red kitchen, over in the blue kitchen, Anton Dude, move that pan up.

Leave it right in the middle.

That's where it's hottest, kid.

Seems to be directing his crew with confidence.

Keep that right in the middle, Gabriel.

- Yes, Chef.

- A little salt inside there, Gabe.

- Yep, yep.

- Always remember salt.

I'm hoping it's gonna be a smooth run tonight, you know? And if my team listens, I can make that happen.

More cheese.

More cheese, Gabe.

We haven't put cheese in yet.

If somebody's not listening, if somebody's not cooperating, I'll throw them out of the kitchen myself.

Gabriel, drop a little butter in there
- and put it in the center.

- One minute, one minute.

Yes, Chef.

Put it in the center of the pan! I'm on apps.

That's my job.

What the [Bleep]

are you doing over here? Get the cilantro in.

Get that pan in the middle, man.

- Yep, yep, yep, yep.

- Aah.

- Don't move it right there.

- Sorry.

Anton is superchef.

I'm sure you got your cape in your closet.

I don't know if you fly around at night when we're all sleeping.

I have no [Bleep]


Risotto how long? I got your risotto coming right now, Chef.

Service, please.

You know where to go.

The risotto and capellinis came out perfect? [Bleep]


I wish I could go out there and toot my own [Bleep]

horn right now, and just jump up and down.

Good job, guys, good job.

With Anton happily accepting credit, appetizers are moving quickly out of the blue kitchen.

Let's go, please.

Service, please.

And the blue team is off to a solid start.

- On order
- 30 seconds.

- On order
- You guys, scallops set up? Anton? Sorry, Chef.

- I wait till you shut the [Bleep]

- I'm sorry, Chef.

So you do your bit, then I wait.

Then I start, and you [Bleep]

blurt all over it.

- Give me a [Bleep]

- I'm sorry, Chef.

Four covers, table one two capellini, two risotto.

Yes, Chef.

While Anton may be a little too anxious to keep the men's appetizers going, back in the red kitchen, Melanie How long on that risotto, ladies? Come on.

Is anxious to get the red team's appetizers started.

I'm walking with this risotto.

Let's go.

Follow me with the lobster.

- Joy.

- Yeah, Chef? That's a perfect risotto, perfect.

Thank you, Chef.


Anybody? One minute on the lobster.

Stop, stop.

The lobster's still raw.

Yes, sir, I haven't put it in yet.

Oh, [Bleep]


Beth! Beth freaks out and she doesn't know how to communicate with any of us.

She locks up in her little shell when she doesn't know what to do.

Come on, Melanie, nothing's coming out.


Drive your team, Melanie.

- Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

Melanie? Melanie? Hello? Speak up.

the red team has yet to deliver a single appetizer.

Melanie, I haven't heard you all night.

And Melanie's leadership Come on, Melanie.

Or lack thereof, maybe become an even bigger problem now that the VIP diners are being seated at the chefs' tables.

It's a little hot in here.

It is hot.

And it's gonna get hotter, trust me.

As soon as your appetizers get in, I'm gonna make sure that they're perfect.

I'm gonna deliver them myself.

And I'll check back on you, okay?
- Thank you very much.

- Thank you.

Is it me, or is he one of the most handsome men on television? While the VIPs settle in, ready for an excellent meal and It's quite the kitchen, isn't it? I know, very exciting.

Maybe a little entertainment.

In the red kitchen Hey, Sandra, get another pan down.

- What do you want?
- Get another pan down for the capellini.

I can't hear you.

It's business as usual for the not
-cozy duo of Joy and Sandra.

Go ahead and strain some of this.

- What?
- Strain some, right there, hurry up.

Stop screaming in my face.

Sandra, Sandra, Sandra.

She doesn't wanna listen to anybody else.

She's always in her own world.

Does it need salt? Does it need salt? Does it need salt? A little tiny bit.

- Thank you.

- Don't scream.

I need you to respond.

I'm so irritated.

You can't work with her.

She don't work.

You standing there looking at me like I'm a statue.

Sauce is [Bleep]


While Joy and Sandra continue to work on their interpersonal communcation skills Oh, my God.

Surprisingly Good.

Let's go.


Appetizers are now moving steadily out to the red dining room.

This is really good.

Meanwhile, in the men's kitchen Blue team, your Chefs' table.

Two covers and away one risotto, one scallops.

Yes, Chef.

The chefs are focused on keeping their positive momentum going.

We got risotto working.

- We got scallops going down.

- Yes, Chef, there we go.

Yes, right now.

Scallops? Sure.

No [Bleep]


The VIPs are gonna love it.

Risotto, scallops, how long? Chef table.

How much longer on those scallops? That's good.

That's good, good, good.

Risotto, Chef.

Where's the scallops? Come on, guys.

- Scallops, Chef.

- [Bleep]



They're overcooked.

All of you, come here.

- Come here!
- Yes, Chef.

Just touch them.

Just touch them.

They're [Bleep]


- I understand, Chef.

- Rubber scallops.

Sorry, Chef.

Chris, you're making me look bad, because you're not doing your job right.

Oh, [Bleep]

hell, man.

Chris, just make sure that pan is pipin'.

Oh, I am, trust me.

All right.

You cannot make this mistake again.

I will not.

While Chris tries to make good on his promise You got those scallops down, right?
- They're re
- They're down, yeah.

Thank you.

Back in the red kitchen The Chefs' table's scallops with risotto
- how long for that?
- Risotto ready to walk.

We're waiting on the lobster, Chef.

The women are working hard to make a good impression on their VIPs.

It's so exciting.

Lobster's ready when you are.

Walking with risotto.

Walking with your lobster.

- Who gave you that?
- Beth.


Hey, all of you, come here.

All of you, come here.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Look at it.

Rubbery, chewy, overcooked for the Chefs' table.

Come on, ladies, please.

Melanie, when the pressure's on, my God, do the standards dip.

Beth is a hot mess tonight, but I blame Melanie.

Because as a captain, I mean, you're kind of accountable for the team.

Come on, Melanie.

You're all stuck in [Bleep]


Let's go.

-fire right now, please.

While Melanie struggles to get control of her kitchen Scallops are ready, right? Anton is determined to not let Chris make the same mistake twice on the scallops.

Back's not seared.

As soon as that gets hot, drop it on there, get that seared.

- 'Cause you see the back, man?
- Okay.

- Get that seared.

- Get that oil right there.

I don't wanna take a chance of it coming back.

I haven't changed the way I've done this cooking, okay? Anton had [Bleep]

hands everywhere.

And I was like, "Shut the [Bleep]

up and let me put the scallops on.

" I know what is going on.

Go with these [Bleep]

five, please.

Scallops walking, Chef.

In his quest to get the scallop appetizers out to the VIPs So you regroup them there, and then you just bring them all out at once.


Anton has skipped the very important step of first getting Chef Ramsay's approval at the pass You guys are in for a treat.

All right, we're gonna go with the scallops on this side and the risotto for you.


I will be back in a couple minutes to check on you.

Delivering them directly to the Chefs' table.

Are those undercooked? They are? Everything well? The scallops may be a little undercooked.

I'm watching the [Bleep]


I can see and hear what they're saying.

Chef? Yes? Chefs' table would like to have it a bit more cooked.

Chef is gonna [Bleep]

flip a lid, throwing plates at me.

- Did you see them?
- No.

Oh, [Bleep]


Here we go.

I'm getting chewed out right now.


, here we go.

I'm just gonna sit here and look like I'm stirring.


Hey, all of you! An hour into dinner service, team captain Anton has taken matters into his own hands, delivering appetizers to the Chefs' table You guys are in for a treat.

Without first getting Chef Ramsay's approval at the pass.

Everything well? The scallops may be a little undercooked.

And unfortunately for everyone, the scallops were raw.

Chef? Yes? Chefs' table would like to have it a bit more cooked.

- Did you see them?
- No.

Oh, [Bleep]

, here we go.

I'm gettin' chewed out right now.

I'm just gonna sit here and look like I'm stirring.


Hey, all of you! Hey, hey, hey, stop! We're not even halfway through service, you're all asleep.

No, Chef.

We're good, Chef.

No, we're not good.

We're not good.

Okay, Chef.

We're not good.

We're we're going.

Chris, wake up.

They're not even colored on the underside.

And your Chefs' table complained they're undercooked.

These better be right.

I don't [Bleep]

get it anymore.

I don't get it.

While the blue team's Chefs' table was expecting dinner and a little bit of a show, right now they're getting a lot of show, but very little dinner.

Drop another pan and get your back
-up one on hot.

Back in the red kitchen Yo, I'm five minutes out on the risotto.

Heard that.

Team captain Melanie is trying to coordinate Beth's lobster tail with Joy's risotto for the Chefs' table.

Beth, lobster tails, please.

Give me a minute.

Hey, Beth, get my lobster tail ready now.

Huh? Beth.

Somebody hop over there.

There's not even a [Bleep]

lobster tail in there.

Beth's dead weight is so [Bleep]

heavy that we cannot pull through wi with her.

I got your lobster tail working.

Thank you.

I am the leader tonight, so if I have to take over a station on my own, I feel comfortable doing so.

Come on, come on.

Walking with the lobster.

Melanie, it's cooked beautifully.

Thank you.

Go, go, go.

Come on, please.

Pick up.

You need a lobster tail, right? Come on.

I did it already.

- It's already up there?
- Yes.

Beth, hey, you're gone, aren't you? You're just Huh? Gone.

Service, please.

Let's go.

With the red team's lobster risotto finally getting the approval of Chef Ramsay
- Lobster risotto.

- Ooh.


Oh, my God.


Perfectly cooked.

And the VIP diners.

- Mmm, it's good.

- It's really good.

The women begin steadily sending appetizers out to the dining room.

- I like it.

- Table 33, yes? And with Melanie stepping up Keep it going, guys, keep it going.

It appears that the red team has finally got their act together.

One risotto, one capellini, one scallops.

- I'm walking right now.

- Walking, Chef.

Where's the capellini? Sandra? Sandra, he's talking to you.

I didn't know we had a capellini.

Oh, my Hey, stop.

I know you don't care, but I do.


Between trying to carry my station and carry her, it was just too much.

Can I have the whole [Bleep]

table at the same time? Yes, Chef.

God, why is she so stupid? What happened? While Sandra and Joy work through their issues on appetizers Come on, man.

In the blue kitchen How long on that scallop replacement? Anton is hoping the third time is the charm for his VIP scallops.

- She's likes it a little extra cooked.

- I understand that.

- Okay.

- I heard, thanks.

I need to keep walking around that kitchen, make sure that they understand what they're cooking and how they're cooking it, and either fix it or get rid of it.

Perfectly cooked, kid, perfect.

Right behind you, Chef.


Scallops? Ay yi yi.

Anton, Chefs' table, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Thank God.

I'm [Bleep]

happy right now.

Again, I apologize for that.

- That's okay.

Thank you very much.

- Enjoy.

- Is that better?
- Yeah, it's way more cooked.

We're good.

It's an hour and a half into dinner service.

And most of the dining room is enjoying their appetizers.

It was excellent.

It's awesome.

Both kitchens have moved on to entrees.

Away now, first entrees one halibut, three wellington.

Yes, Chef.

And Chef Ramsay has a simple question for Kashia.

How long for the table? Two halibut, two wellington.

Wellington's resting now, Chef.

And I'm pulling some out now.

How long? On that wellington we need 30 seconds for Rochelle, and I'm slicing mine.

Kashia, come here.

How [Bleep]

- On the one that we gonna
- No.

I'm sorry, Chef.

Oh, my God.

People just do not know how to [Bleep]


Like, Chef Ramsay's right in your face, Kashia.

Just give me a [Bleep]


It's gonna take her seven minutes.

- Yep.

- Oh, my God.

Oh, [Bleep]


I'm not stupid.

I'm not dumb.

I'm very "flustrated.

" I am very "flustrated.

" I'm tired of looking like a [Bleep]


Now I just gotta fight hard and come back.

Come on.

Come on, come on, come on, baby.

- Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

While Kashia takes a moment to get over her slip up, on the blue side All right, I'm gonna slice and check.

Chef Ramsay keeps the pressure on.

Three wellington, one halibut How long?
- One more minute.

- After that, your Chefs' table
- Yes, Chef.

- Entree, one salmon, one wellington.

Yes, Chef.

- How long?
- I need one more minute on halibut.

The next [Bleep]

table, idiot.

One more minute on halibut, Chef.

No, for the next table.

I need one more minute.

For the next table!
- The table after that.

- Salmons, guys.

One more minute.

Come here, you.

Come here, you.

Come here.

Oh, my God.

- For the next table.

- I'm sorry, Chef.

You're just shouting at me, "One minute, one minute.

" Stop! I don't know what's going through Scott's head.

He's one of those guys that's like, "You gotta use your kidneys.

" Meaning, he doesn't know [Bleep]


That's for these [Bleep]


- Yes.

Yes, Chef.

- So get a fire so we can get going a little bit?
- Absolutely, absolutely.

- Okay.

Give me six minutes.

Give me six minutes, please.

While Scott seems a bit confused Stay focused, guys.

In the red kitchen Can we walk right now with that wellington and halibut? Melanie cuts through the confusion to get entrees out to the VIPs.

Gonna slice 'em now.

- Everybody heard that?
- Yes.

Thank you.

- Kashia, can we walk with that wellington?
- I'm walking now.

And I'm walking with my halibut.

Behind you.

All right, ladies, good job.

Kashia Wellington's cooked beautifully.

Here we go, finally.

Oh, my God.

- All of you, come here.

- Oh, no.

This was brought by your captain.

Just raw, soggy, pink halibut.

You can't even rip it apart.

How stupid do you look, being the captain of our team, bringing us raw fish? She's in way over her head.

Melanie, are you done? Have you given up? Answer me! I'm trying, Chef.

I'm not gonna tell you one more time.

Cut the [Bleep]

or go home.

Good night.

It's just over two hours into dinner service.

And the VIPs at both Chefs' tables are waiting for their entrees.

I'm walking with my halibut.

Behind you.

And team captain Melanie Oh, my God.

Is not exactly setting a good example.

This was brought by your captain.

Raw, soggy, pink halibut.

Melanie, are you done? Have you given up? Answer me! I'm trying, Chef.

I'm not gonna tell you one more time.

Cut the [Bleep]

or go home.

Good night.

Oh, my God.

What is going on? This is not how to run a kitchen, and I'm the leader.

Anybody, another halibut? Yes, Chef.

Please, we have one resting right there.



How long for the halibut? I'm walking with this halibut right now, Chef.

This one.

Ready? Walking with the halibut right now.




- It's done.

- Melanie? Coming right now, Chef.

I'm like, yes! Oh, my God.

I hope I win this.

Okay, sourdough
-crusted halibut, there you are.

- Thank you.

- You're very welcome.

- Wow.


- I apologize for the delay.

With Melanie bouncing back, the Chefs' table is now enjoying their entrees.


And over in the blue kitchen Two wellington, one halibut how long? How long, Jason? Anton is keeping a close eye on Jason on the meat station.

Wellington's coming up in about 30 seconds.

You're walking up? I'm walking up.

Behind, behind, behind, behind.

All right.

I got the garnish coming right now, Chef.

Hey, Jason, those wellington were cooked beautifully.

Nailed it, yes! Service, please.

Chefs' table for Anton.

- Salmon?
- Me.

All right.


Now that both Chefs' tables are looked after That's really good.


Let's go.

The teams are totally focused on completing the rest of their dinner service.

Service, please.

Thank you.


Bon appetit.

This just smells amazing.

Last table, red team.

Let's go, guys, come on.

Come on, ladies, almost finished.

- We're at the last ticket, man.

- I know.

You got the garnish and the wellington
- on the last ticket ready?
- All set.

Garnish, I'm walking with my wellington.

Salmon's going up.

Let's go.

Salmon's walking right now.

Okay, good.

Go, please.

Beautiful, all

- Red team, well done, good service.

- Yes, Chef.

Blue team, well done.

For the first time since we opened Hell's Kitchen, both kitchens did complete service.

However, we are still making mental errors.

The winning team tonight Is the blue team.

Anton, well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Ladies, I need you to go upstairs, come to a consensus which two of you you want to put forward for elimination.

Get out of here.

Melanie needed to step up as a leader.

I didn't really see her at all.

I saw her messing up fish.

I mean, she wasn't leading anything.

All right, ladies, let's go.

My first one is Beth.

I know everybody says that I don't communicate.

But to me, it's more confusing when we have eight people yelling different things at different times.

It's not like there's not room for your voice.

The fact is, we're on our fifth [Bleep]


- I understand that.

- You need to speak up.

We're at a time crunch here.

And we have to get rid of people.

I'ma put up Mel and Beth.


Melanie was all talk and no action.

Her leadership was a complete and utter disaster.

Mel, maybe we needed you to back us up just a little bit more No, not tonight.

We're talking about overall.

I thought we were talking about tonight, period.

No, we can't put up people just for tonight.

We gotta put overall.

We gotta trim our weak links.

It's always something.

All right, well, whatever.

"Oh, well, it's not tonight's service, just overall.

" They make up their own rules.

All right, well, you was the captain, so I guess you get to pop in.

Obvious reasons.

I don't even have to explain.

Go figure.

I wouldn't point to my team.

I run my ass off on those challenges.

I don't [Bleep]

up service.

I stood next to Chef Ramsay.

We're like, "How long on the capellini?" And you're like, "Oh, I didn't know there was one.

" The one capellini thing? Get the [Bleep]

out of here.

I'm talking about communication in general.

I got a problem with communication? I mean, really? Kashia couldn't even answer him back when the [Bleep]

gonna be [Bleep]


We gotta put somebody up tonight.

And I'm trying to figure out who, 'cause the leadership wasn't there.

The teamwork on my station definitely wasn't there.

Like, I don't know who to put up.

Men, well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Rochelle, women's first nominee and why? Chef, our first nominee is Beth.

Her lack of communication, her lack of drive, and she's been making critical mistakes that's just dragging down the team.

Second nominee and why? Chef, our second nomination is Tonight, both teams had a respectable service.

But under Anton's leadership, the men scored their first victory.

The women were forced to nominate.

And they chose Beth.

As their first nominee.

Second nominee and why? Chef, our second nomination is Sandra.

She's lacking communication, lacking that passion.

When you're on the line, there's a sense of urgency.

She doesn't have a sense of urgency.

Beth, Sandra, step forward, please.

Beth, where were you tonight? The only time I saw you was when you brought the rubber lobster to the window.

I know I'm not loud enough.

And this service, I was louder.

I can't go back and change what I did.

All I can do is go forward and be better and learn from my mistakes.

Are you done? Are you desperate to get home? No, Chef, I'm not.

You wanna talk about passion? This is it.

I can't go home.

I don't feel you on service.

There's not even a voice.

You're not even in the background.

You've disappeared.

Next service, I can promise you that you will hear my voice.

And I promise you that it won't be a mistake.

Sandra, clearly your team doesn't believe in you.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I'm consistent with my dishes.

I earn points for my team.

And I give it all when we have a challenge.

And I come through.

So why do they want you out? Help me to understand.

I don't know.

I back everyone up 100%.

And I move my ass.

I just think they don't wanna see me win, Chef.

Joy, why are you shaking your head? I'm shaking my head, honestly, because I worked with her today.

I'm like, "Sandra, Sandra, Sandra, Sandra.

- Plate, plate, plate
- "I was only saying that because her voice
- went up so high I couldn't understand her.

- This is another thing too, Chef.

When we're speaking, she never lets you finish.

- Wow.

- It's her way.

She never listens.

She never takes accountability for anything.

She just doesn't work as a team with us.

It's always like, "We're gonna do it this way.

" It's never, like, "What's best for us?"
- So she's not a team player?
- No.

So you think you're better without Sandra? Rochelle, who should be going home this evening? For the team's sake, Sandra, Chef.

Melanie, who should be leaving? Sandra.

- Beth?
- Sandra, Chef.

- Jessica?
- Beth.

My decision is Sandra Back in line.

Beth, your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.

Give me your jacket, please.

I just cannot see you leading a brigade as a head chef.

Thanks, Chef.

Thank you.

I wouldn't change coming here for $1 million.

But I'm worried that I'm never gonna be better than I am at this moment, and it scares the [Bleep]

out of me.

Right now, all I wanna do is go home and cry to my mama.

I am looking for a leader.

And I'm gonna start testing you to figure who's for real and who is just a pretender.

Good night.

Tonight, I think I did a great job.

It's just a hard thing to swallow when you're a leader and your team fails.

I can hold your hand till you get to the stove, but I can't help you the rest of the way.

Now it's very clear who the leader is.

Do I have the confidence that I can win this and walk away with the crown? Hell yeah.

Damn straight I can.

My team keeps scumbagging me.



That's exactly how I feel right now.

Beth thinks the reason she hasn't advanced in the culinary industry is the fact that she's a woman in the south.

I think it's because she can't cook.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen The chefs face some of their toughest critics yet.

Took an hour to get some food over here.

But when one Chef Ladies, come here.

Makes a major screw
-up That is disgusting.

You're gonna poison the kids.

Who in the [Bleep]

is responsible for that? Kashia cooked it.

And blames it on her teammate Dude, that's a bunch of [Bleep]



The gloves come off.

No! Melanie needs to eat a super
-sized piece of humble pie.

And she needs to be slapped in her [Bleep]


And when another Chef does the unthinkable Who done that? Will his teammate create a diversion I did it for a reason.

That could have serious consequences? Watch it, watch it.

Hot, hot, hot.

What the [Bleep]

is going on in here? All next time Get me Jean

We have an emergency.

On a dangerously entertaining episode Out of the way.

Of Hell's Kitchen.
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