03x26 - The Schoolteacher

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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03x26 - The Schoolteacher

Post by bunniefuu »

The life and legend

Of wyatt earp

There was a time

When you was right

To come for me,

Seã‘or marshal.

But this time, no.

Do not arrest me.

You make one move

And I k*ll you.

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪

Narrator: the life and

Legend of wyatt earp,

Starring hugh o'brian.

For the most part,

Law enforcement in the west

Was pretty open

And uncomplicated.

With a g*n at his hip,

Every man was

A potential criminal.

But a good peace officer

Like wyatt earp

Could usually tell

Who were the troublemakers.

But sometimes

Appearances deceived

Even wyatt.

Howdy, ed.

Howdy, wyatt.

You come to

Meet the stage?

No, I'm just

Making the rounds.

Talking to

Some of the boys.

Thought maybe you heard

About the shipment coming in.

Oh, valuable?

, .

New silver dollars,

Direct from the san

Francisco mint.

Maybe I'll stick around.

Here it comes now.

Hey, it's running loose.

( Men shouting )

Nice work, marshal.

Billy still alive?

Yeah, but he's

Hurt pretty bad.

Couple of you men

Get him over to

Doc mccarty's quick.

Come on.

Run and tell

Miss nancy.

Miss nancy?

The schoolteacher?

She and billy hanley

Are engaged to be married.

There's supposed

To be a passenger.

He's dead.

They got it all.

I can't figure why

They'd do a thing

Like that.

Just sh**t down

An innocent passenger.

And he wasn't even

Wearing a g*n.

Yeah, and why did billy

Have the boxes inside

Instead of

In the boot?

They're heavy.

Maybe too heavy

To lift up there.

Yeah. What do you

Think, wyatt?

It's no use

Wondering about it.

We'll wait until

We can talk to billy.

What if we can't?

If doc can't

Save him?

We'll have to find out

Some other way.

Marshal, how is he?

He isn't--

No, ma'am.

The doc says he's

Got a good chance.

Oh, can I see him?

Well, I think

We'd better wait

Until the doc

Comes out.

He's in there

With billy now.

Yes, of course.

Does anyone know


Why it happened?

The "why" is easy.

There was $ ,

On that stage.

Oh, I knew something

Like this would happen.


Calm down, miss nancy.

He's gonna be

As good as new.

Can I see him?

Only for a minute.

We mustn't

Tire him.

I'd better

Go in first.


I've got some questions

I want to ask him

That are important.

That is if you want me

To catch

Whoever shot him.

Oh yes,

Of course, marshal.

Couldn't I go

In with you?

I wouldn't interfere

With your questions,

I assure you.

And I could

Look at him.

All right.

Oh, billy, darling.

- Don't.

- Careful, miss nancy.

That wound's painful.

Oh, I'm sorry, darling.


I'll make it brief, billy.

Did you see

Who did it?


It was...

Three men.

Did you recognize them?

That's why

They shot me.

They were wearing masks,

But one of them was...

Esteban morengo.

How do you know for sure?

He had an accent.

He looked mexican.

Besides, I saw esteban

Back at the relay station

At rock springs.

Him and two other men.

They were the same men.

There, marshal.

What more do you need?

Billy, if they were

Wearing masks,

How did they know

You recognized them?

And why did they sh**t

You and the passenger?


So as to take

No chances, I guess.

And where did

They stop you?

Sandy crossing.

Your horses ran loose

All that way?

I drove them

Part of the way.

I passed out, I guess.

Marshal, do you have to

Ask all these questions?

I'll talk to you later.


Can I have my g*n?


Well, they tried

To k*ll me once.

Here? Oh,

I don't think so, billy.

Billy, they'd

Never try it here.

Besides, there's

No need now.

No need?

The marshal knows

All you can tell him.

They'd never try

To k*ll you now.

Oh, you have nothing

To worry about.

Dr. Mccarty and I

Will stay here with you

And take care

Of you while--

While the marshal goes out

After the man who shot you.

Who is he, marshal?

Esteban morengo?

He's a mexican that's

Been around here for a while

Working on freighters

In and out of trouble.

Well, he's in

Real trouble now.

I have to catch him


Oh, buenos dias,


Como esta?

Bien. We're

Closed here.


Looks like I'm just

In time for dinner.

I did not

Expect customers.

There is

Not enough.

Where's the stage man?

Quien sabe?

The stage is not

Due until tomorrow.

Then you're all alone?

Who's the other

Dinner for?

It is none of

Your business,

Seã‘or marshal.

Might be.

Do you know a man

By the name of

Esteban morengo?

Do you?


Has he ever

Been here?

How do I know

If I don't know him?

This afternoon when

The stage came in,

Was there

A mexican man here?


There's none here now?

Do you always eat

Two plates of enchiladas?

Si, when I am hungry.

( Footsteps approach )

Andale, andale.

Es la policia.


No, I do not go.

- Por favor.

- Be quiet.

I do not run away

From the policia.

Tell me, seã‘or marshal,

What do you

Want with me?

I want to take you

Into dodge city

For some questioning.

( Chuckles )

I know about


I don't know why

You take me to dodge.

You've been identified

As one of three men

Who robbed a stage

And k*lled a man.

Who say this?

Stage driver,

Billy hanley.

- He lies.

- He lies.

Would I be here

Sitting down to eat

If I robbed a stage?

No, I'd be on

My way to mexico.

There was a time,

Seã‘or marshal

When you was right

To come for me,

But this time, no,

You do not arrest me.

You make one move

And I k*ll you.

Were you here when

The stage came through?

Si. Why not?

Were two other men here?

Seã‘or cassidy

And his brother.

Sam cassidy?

He has a ranch

Near here.

Yeah, I know.


Seã‘or marshal,

I tell the truth.

I do not rob

This stage.

Billy lies.

Well, maybe billy

Made a mistake.

What did you do

After the stage left?


Si, you fixed wagon

For seã‘or cassidy.

Oh, si.

His axel was broken.

Well, that must

Have taken a while.

Maybe two, three hour.


You have an alibi.

Now, are you willing

To ride down to

Cassidy's ranch with me

And verify it?


But not to dodge.


Not if it checks out.

Come on.

Wyatt, wyatt.

Somebody shot billy.

He's dead.

We should have

Listened to him.

He was scared.

There was something

He wanted to do.

I went out a few minutes

And left him with miss nancy.

( Sniffles )

They must have been

Watching outside that window.

If only I'd

Turned around.

I thought

I heard something.

Now, miss nancy,

You mustn't

Blame yourself.

Billy got shot

As it was.

b*llet nicked

The sleeve of her dress.

She was sitting

Right close there

Beside him.

I'm sorry, miss nancy.

He tried to tell us.

But I suppose you had

No more reason to believe him

Than we did.

I looked outside,


No footprints,

The ground's too hard.

But I did find this

Little cartridge shell.


It was a derringer that

k*lled the passenger too

And got billy

The first time.

Same g*n, probably.

Oh, marshal,

You've got to

Get that man.

He must be dangerous

To do a thing so terrible.

I never did like

That esteban morengo.

It wasn't esteban.

He was with me

When it happened.

Then his


He had no confederates.

He had nothing to do

With the robbery

Or this.

Either billy was

Mistaken, or--


Or billy sent me out there

On a wild goose chase.


You can't think billy

Had anything to do

With the robbery.

He might have.

If he lied,

He must have.

You mean he sent you out there

On a wild goose chase

So he could be

Shot and k*lled?

That's true, wyatt.

Well, that part's a puzzle.

But suppose he had been

Double-crossed by his pals.

He might still have hoped

To get part of that loot


You know he wasn't

That kind of a man.

Now why would billy

Want to hold up

A stagecoach?

He wasn't rich.

He was about

To get married.

$ , Would have

Set him up for life.

How can you cast

Such a stigma

On the memory of

A dear dead boy

Who can't defend himself?

Miss nancy,

A crime has been committed.

I've got to get

At the facts.

Whatever they are,

Whoever they hurt.

Now they might

Implicate billy,

But on the other hand

They may clear him too.

I hope before you cast

Public suspicion on him,

You get positive proof!

That's my job,

Miss nancy.

Howdy, miss nancy.


What are you

Doing out here?

It's my usual

Way home from school.

Then you've decided to stay

Here in dodge after all, huh?

No, I couldn't.

There are too many memories.

I understand.

Have you found anything

Out yet, marshal?


Didn't find anything

At sandy crossing.

Didn't even

Find a sign

That the stage had

Stopped there.

Maybe you were

Too hasty

In eliminating the mexican.

No, I don't think so.


Come by here about

The same time every



Sometimes you

See the stage?

Yes, sometimes.

You didn't see it

The other afternoon?

No no.

It was either

A little earlier

Or a little late.

I don't know which.

Billy would

Always wave.

I'm sorry.

I have to ask questions

Because I don't have any clues.

I'm up a blind alley.

Yes, I'm sorry too, marshal.

U.s. Mint.

San francisco.

I tell you, billy's

Record was perfect.

I would have trusted

Him with my life.

Especially when

He got engaged

To miss nancy.

She's perfect.

( Chuckles )

You sound like you were

In love with her yourself.


Every man in town

Is a little.

She's such a sweet

Pretty little thing.

Like today,

A pathetic thing.


That package

Came for her

On the stage from

San francisco.

Got damaged a little

And you can see what

It is.

New dress.

Part of her wedding

Things, I suppose.


Looks expensive,

But since when do

They start wearing

Black wedding dresses

With spangles?

Probably for parties

When they went back east.

Who knows.

Anyways, i...

Just can't bring myself

To deliver it to her.


I'll take it to her.

I want to ask her

Some questions anyway.


About billy?



I'd be obliged to you

If you would take it.

There's two dollars

Extra express charges

Due on it.

You want to

Collect it?

Well, i--

Well, never mind.

I'll waive it.

It's the least

I can do for her.

I'll see you later.


Come in.

Thank you.

It's one billy

Left here.

He was very proud

Of his whips.

He made them


What brings you here,


Well, i--

This package came

For you today

From san francisco.

I happened to be over

At the express company.

I was coming

Out here anyway.

It's quite

A fancy dress.

It was intended

For my trousseau.

I won't need it now.

Aren't you

Gonna open it?

Not right now.

If it's damaged,

The express company

Would like to

Know about it.

I'll let them

Know if it is.

I thought women were

Supposed to be curious.

I'm not.

Why are you?

That dress doesn't

Look much like

Little miss nancy,


It wasn't intended to.

It was for my honeymoon.

For my husband.

That's why I don't

Want to open it now.

I'd like to know marshal

What it is you're thinking.

What you're


Nothing, miss nancy.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean

To upset you.

But you have.

And I don't

Understand why.

First you suspect billy,

And now it seems me.

Of what,

I don't know.

It's only that I'm...

Trying to find

Any kind of a clue.

Anything that would

Seem strange.

Well, I don't see how

My buying a new dress,

Especially since it

Was bought weeks ago

For my trousseau,

Could seem strange.

No, I guess not.

Now please, go.

Oh wait.

There's money

Due on this.


I'll get it for you.

That's not necessary.

I always

Pay my debts.


I'm sorry.


You deliver it?


She took it

Pretty hard, huh?

I was afraid

She would.

I guess i...

Wasn't as diplomatic

As I could have been.

I wouldn't

Have been either.

You asked for it.

But thanks.

Now wait a minute,


( Clears throat )

Paid me the express due.


Hey, wait a minute.

Let me see that.

These are shiny new.


They're dated this year.

Must have been put

In circulation

Just in the last

Couple of weeks.


This is part

Of the loot?

Must be.

But how did miss nancy

Come to have them?

That's what I'd

Like to know.

She must have gotten them

From the robbers somehow.

Either that or

She and billy--

Now wyatt,

I can't believe that.

It's possible.

But that would mean

That she k*lled billy.

Well, she could have.

Could have gone outside,

Shot him through

The window,

Back inside before

The doc got there.

But the b*llet tear

On her sleeve.

Well, she could have

Done that herself.

We didn't look at it

Too closely, you know.

No, wyatt.

It's also possible

That she came by

These coins honestly.

It's been three days

Since the holdup.


It's possible.

I'm gonna have to

Find out.

Well, I didn't know

You were in the habit

Of breaking in on

A lady's privacy.

I see you changed your mind

About wearing the dress.


How do I look?

Well, different anyway.

More like I belong

South of the deadline

In one of those

Dance halls?

Go on, marshal,

You can say yes.

I won't be insulted.

I'll be complimented.

Because I'm a woman

Just like them.

And I like everything

About being a woman.

And I'm sick to death

Of playing the prim

Little paragon of virtue.

Do you know what it's like

To be a schoolteacher?

Why don't you say something?

Aren't you shocked?


I'm just surprised that

You forgot billy so soon.

This has nothing

To do with billy.

You said yourself no woman

Can resist a new dress.

Well, that's not

The kind of a dress

That a husband

Usually approves of,

Even on a honeymoon.

Of course,

Maybe you never even...

Planned to go

On a honeymoon.

What do you mean?

You gave me this

A little while ago.

It's brand new.


Where'd you get it?

I don't know. Why?

'Cause it's part of

The money that was

Stolen off the stage.

How do you know that?

I know.

That's enough.

Now where'd you get it?

Well, of course i--

I got from

The collection.

The collection

They took up

To help with billy's

Funeral expenses.

Now I'll tell you a story.

You and billy planned

That holdup together.

You met him out

There on the road

With your buckboard.

When billy pulled

The stage up,

One of you

k*lled the passenger

Before he knew

What was happening

So he couldn't

Identify you.

Billy helped transfer the money

Over to the buckboard.

Then you had

No more use for billy.

If you had shot straight,

You might never have

Been found out.

You're mad.

Don't you think billy

Would have told you

In the doctor's office

If I'd shot him?

He was almost

Scared enough.

But he must have

Had a reason not to.

Maybe he thought

He still might get

Part of the loot.

Or maybe he was

Really in love with you.

Wouldn't have

Turned you in

If it meant

His death.

At any rate,

It did mean his death.

I suppose

I did that?


You acted loving

And remorseful

Until he was

Lulled to sleep,

Then you went outside

And shot him through

The window

And came back

Before the doctor.

That's preposterous.

Well, I can say

It's just a story.

Now which one

Do you want to believe?

You could never prove yours

In a million years.

I could if I could find

, More of these

Around your house

Here someplace.

I think I can.

'Cause I don't think

You ever thought

That you'd ever

Be under suspicion.

Wyatt, look at me.

Am I pretty?

Well, am i?


Listen to me, wyatt.

I never loved billy.

He was just a kid.

But you're a man

And I've always

Admired you.

If your story

Was true,

If I did

Have that money,

You and I could go

A long way together.

Go back east,

Europe maybe.

We could have

A lot of fun.

It could be

Heaven, wyatt.

Miss nancy,

You already have a date

With a jury.

I think we'd

Better go.

In this dress?

Does it matter?


Do you think I'd

Stand a chance

With your good folks

If they saw me in this?

Let me change.

All right.

But don't try

To get away.

You wouldn't make it.

I won't.

Don't worry.

( Sighs )

Don't turn around yet.

I have a g*n.

A derringer?

Yes. The same one.

Now put your

Hands up, please.

It was kind of

Stupid of me

To forget about it,

Wasn't it?

It was careless.

You gave me my life

And I appreciate it.

I'm sorry I can't

Return the favor.

I know you're very

Good with a g*n,

But mine's out

And you know I can use it.

Yes, I know.

So don't try to draw.

Just turn around slowly.

Aren't you gonna

sh**t me in the back?

It wouldn't fit in

With my story.

And what will

Your story be?

That I was

About to retire,

Heard an intruder,

Shot before I saw

It was you.

No one will suspect

Dear miss nancy.

Everyone will sympathize.

You're quite an actress,

Aren't you?

I'll have to be

A little while longer,

But then I'll be gone

With the money.

And I won't have to

Pretend ever again.

Now turn around slowly

And keep your

Hands up.

( g*nsh*t )

- You--!

- I'm sorry.

I hate to hurt a lady.

Now come on.

- Wyatt, please.

- Look, if you wanted

Excitement and fun,

You should have stuck

To schoolteaching.

It's a lot more exciting

Than where you're gonna

Have to go.


Come on.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪
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