Barbie: Princess Charm School (2011)

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Barbie: Princess Charm School (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

You can tell she's a princess

She doesn't need a crown

You can tell she's a princess

She'll turn the world around

You can see it in her style

You can see it in her smile

You can see it in her flair

And the way she wears her hair




You can tell she's a princess

She doesn't need a crown

You can tell she's a princess

She'll turn the world around

Her shoulders are back

Na, na, na

You'll never see her slack

No, no, no

And even if she falls

Na, na, na

She'll laugh and stand up tall

Yeah, yeah, yeah

You can tell she's a princess

Yeah, yeah

She doesn't need a crown

No, no

You can tell she's a princess

Yeah, yeah

She'll turn the world around

Yeah, yeah

But the secret to her majesty

That sets the girl apart

Is the kindness

that shows royalty

It's etched upon her heart

And welcome back!

Andrea and I are

thrilled to be here

bringing you the 144th

Princess Procession!

That's right, Phil! And where

are those princesses processing?

Glad you

asked, Andrea.

Why, to Princess

Charm School, of course,

"Where Glorious Girls

Meet Dreams Of Destiny!"


I hope you're doing your homework

and not just watching that parade!

I am, Mom!

Yes, every girl dreams it,

but only a few can achieve it.

For those born to royalty

from kingdoms far and wide,

a chance to earn their

titles as princesses.

And for

those born commoners,

the opportunity to win a place as

a princess' most trusted advisor,

a lady royal!


Blair! You're here!

Dance with me,

Princess Emily.

Oh, Phil, it's a beautiful

day here in Gardania,

I've never seen so many

people for the parade!

I know, Andrea. You couldn't be

more right. It's a lovely day,

everybody's having

a wonderful time...

You'll hurt your

eyes looking at this.

Let me get your tiara,

Princess Blair.

I am so

not a princess.

...costumes are magnificent.

They are indeed, Phil.

Every girl's a princess.

Some of them just

have fancier crowns.


It's just adorable.

Mom okay?

Kind of. The doctor says

she's comfortable.


She should be all better.

She'll get

there, though.

I just have to

keep working.

Then we can afford our own

little house in a better area.

With better

doctors for Mom?

Mmm-hmm, and a better

place for you to grow up.

Some place right out of

the pictures you draw.


Hi, Mom! I brought

you a blueberry scone.

Oh, thank you.

It's the least I can do.

It's time!

It's time! It's time!

It's Princess Charm

School lottery time!

We have to watch!

And now we'll hear from

Headmistress Alexandra Privet.

At Princess Charm School,

those born to the royal life

unlock their princess potential.

Yet every year, one

regular citizen of Gardania

wins a full scholarship

to the school,

with a chance to

become a lady royal

and change

her life forever.

Will it be you?

Oh, I hope,

I hope, I hope.

Did I mention I hope?

When you're old enough

you'll enter. I promise.

To choose this year's

lottery winner,

I present Miss

Delancy Devin.

You of course mean

Princess Delancy Devin.

My daughter will soon

be ruler of Gardania.

Provided she successfully

completes the semester.

Miss Delancy?

Blair Willows.

And there

you have it!

Blair Willows! This year's

winner... Yes! I knew it!


What? But...

Who's a lady royal?

Blair's a lady royal!

Emily, that's not possible.

Who works in the palace?

Blair works in the palace!

Uh-huh, go Blair!

I never even...

Uh-huh, go Blair!


entered for me?

Only five or six times.

A day. For an entire year.

Who's gonna be a lady royal?

Blair's gonna be a lady royal! Emily!

They're here?

They're really here!


Blair Willows?

Congratulations. I'm here to

take you to Princess Charm School.

No, I'm sorry.

There's been a mistake.

I'm not going to

Princess Charm School.

Yes, you are!

Emily, I don't belong with a bunch

of princesses and lady royals.

Look at me!

I'm a waitress!

I've got straws in my pocket

and ketchup on my socks.

You look perfect.

Thank you. But the girls

there won't think so.

And I have

responsibilities here.

Blair, it wasn't right of

Emily to go behind your back,

but this is a

big opportunity.

A position as

a lady royal?

Would change

our lives forever.

I'll go.


Wow, you get to

ride in a carriage!

It's time to go.



Uh... Just let me pull

together some clothes and I...

It's all at

the school.

We need to leave now, or

you forfeit your scholarship.

But what about my...

Tick-tock, tick-tock,


I love you.

I won't let you down.





Bye, Mom!

Bye, Emily!

Goodbye, Blair!

You'll always be my princess.

Ah! Great!

I've already flunked

carriage riding.


Thanks for the ride.

Uh, hey, I wonder if

you could maybe show me...


Or not.



Pardon me.

You scared me!

Aww, it's okay.

You're a good dog.

"Prince. "

Good boy, Prince.

Hmm. You must

be Blair Willows.

We don't usually find our future

lady royals sprawled on the floor.

Oh! Um, hi.

Sorry about the floor.

He's just...

He's very sweet.

Not usually.

He's normally quite shy.

Go lie down, Prince.

I am Headmistress Privet.

Welcome to

Charm School.

Thank you.

It's really an honor.

Shall I take you

to your locker?

Princess Charm School was

founded on the principles

of instilling young women

with character and confidence.

And it has been preparing them for

royal life for nearly five centuries.


Emily would love this.

She's always wanted

to come here.


My little sister. She's the one

who entered me in the lottery.

I never would

have come,

but it's a chance to make a

better life for her and for my mom.


Blair, only 27% of the lottery

girls make it through to graduation.

Do you think

you can handle it?

I think so. I'll sure try.

You'll notice that

all of our students

carry themselves with dignity

and sophistication.


dress-up tea socials!

Yes! And we can give each other

fun nicknames and swap shoes!

Shh, ladies.

Dress up tea socials in

our dorm room every week!

This is the original

Princess Charm School.

The centuries-old castle.

Most classes and the student

dorms are in our new section.

Our world-class


include a state-of-the-art

digital classroom.

To your left, our

Olympic-sized ballroom.

And my personal favorite,

our luxurious spa.

I do enjoy a good

mani-pedi from time to time.

Blair Willows!

Ah. Here we are.

Blair Willows!

Anyone seen a

"Blair Willows"?

At your service, miss?

This is Grace.

Your personal

princess assistant.

Every student at Princess

Charm School has one.

They are usually punctual,

and usually helpful.

I shall leave you in her...

Capable hands.

I am so sorry.

It was buttercream.

Now if someone spills a pot roast

on me, I'll be a complete meal.

I just wanted to give you the

traditional welcome cupcake.

You wanna change

clothes? Follow me.

It has everything a

princess student needs.

Books, pens, paper,

make-up mirrors,

sparkle purse


And of course

emergency pumps.

This is my locker?

Then we've got

your beauty supplies.

Jewel-encrusted hairbrush,

diamond lipstick.

Oh, I love this perfume! Ooh!



I'm so sorry.

It was an accident.

Um, Delancy?

There's such a thing

as too much perfume.


Oh, no, you're...

Furious, that's

what I am!

How dare you?

Look, Delancy. They're

serving floor cakes.

I just got here.

You just got here?

Let me guess.

Blair Willows,

the lottery girl?

Yes! So you understand.

Oh, this is all so new to me, and I...

I understand the

lottery is a joke.

Isn't it obvious?

Commoners like you

don't belong here.

Right, Portia?



Yes, Your Wonderful...


I need a princess

pamper package, pronto!

Make way!

To the spa!

Uh, are you

taking orders?

Because I would do anything

for a double foam mocha latte.

The floorcake

was delicious.


As you can see,

everyone here is so nice.

Most of the time.

Uh, so let's get

you ready for school.

Locker, please extend

curtain for a princess primp.

Oh, it's fabulous!

The best thing about

Princess Charm School!

Go on. Get gorgeous!

Oh, pretty as a princess.

Lady royal.

Okay, now your schedule

and let's get you settled.

I'd love to.


Hey! Our new roomie, right?

Princess or lady royal?

Lady royal. You?


Isla, too.

Do you play?



Oh! I'm so sorry!

Are you kidding?

Isla's been Miss

Mum's-The-Word about the tunes

and I've been

dying to hear them!

I'm still working

on them.

They're not ready

for anyone to hear.

Really? What I heard rocked.

Yeah! See? Play one

of your tunes for us!

That's okay. No rush.

I'm Hadley.


Blair Willows?

The lottery winner?

Is it that obvious?

Yup, 'cause they

announced it on TV

that "Blair Willows"

was the lottery winner.

Oh, right. Sorry.

Guess I'm just a

little overwhelmed.

All princesses and


are due at the Starlight

Welcome in one minute.

One minute?


Welcome, students.


And dogs.

Tonight you begin the greatest

challenge of your life,

training to be a

princess or lady royal,

the most important

jobs of the realm.

Your classmates, Lorraine and Josette,

are bringing around your training tiaras.

Thank you.

Don't get

too used to them.

Only those who succeed this

semester will earn the real versions.

Fail as a princess-in-training

and you will not be crowned.

We have very high

expectations here.

Each of you must attend every

class on time and in uniform,

and your grades must

be exceptional.

That said, I believe every one

of you has princess potential.

Work hard and

stay dedicated,

and you will achieve it.

I'm so sorry,

Dame Devin,

that's a nasty little

tickle there,

would you like a

glass of water?

I'd like a

proper introduction.



Dame Devin.

I have an earth-shattering


This is my last semester

of teaching before I...

Um, before my daughter

takes over Gardania.

No, no, hold

back your tears.

Ms. Privet will take over

my classes next year.

In her own little way.

Of course, no one knows

the royal life as I do.

I've lived at the

palace ever since

my dear sister-in-law Queen

Isabella and her family d*ed,

and it has been my

great... If they d*ed...

You know the legend?

What legend?

There's a legend that

Queen Isabella and her family

didn't all die

in the accident.

I love that you

know that story.

...and so I welcome you all

to Princess Charm School.

May your time

here be magical.

Two lines, everyone!

Curtseys to all and then

everyone's excused for bed.

Favorite legend about

the Gardania Royal Family, go.

I don't know any

of the legends.

So missing out.

Isla, go.

My fave's a simple one.

Gardania's magical crown.

Gardania's magical



Oh, no.

Ugh! You again?

I'm so sorry.

What is with you?

You're a walking disaster!

I don't think Delancy and I

are going to hang out much.

That's okay, you'll be

hanging out with us.

Better believe it. And wait

till classes start tomorrow.

I bet you can do

anything she can do.

Sure, I can do

anything she can do.

I cannot do

anything she can do.

Poise. Proper poise

commands respect,

a necessity for anyone

in the royal life.

Thank you, Delancy.

Now, princesses,

lady royals,

let's see what

you can do, hmm.

Start with one book

and glide, glide.

Smoothly, gracefully.

I can balance a tray of coffee

cups for customers, right?

Of course, I've never

done it on my head.

Hadley, you're tenderizing

your brains. Stop.

That's lovely, Isla.

Thank you,

Dame Devin.

If you want to be the crazy

princess who hears music in her head.


Lorraine, you're practicing

poise, not lifting weights.

Like a princess, Josette,

not a migrating duck.




doing fine.

Come on. Come on!

Do it for Emily.

Did you get those

shoes at a garage sale?

Is it nap time?

How come

nobody told me?

You. What do you have

to say for this disaster?

It was an

accident, Dame Devin.

I was trying...

Stand up.

You're the lottery

girl, aren't you?

Yes, Dame Devin.

I should have known.

Meet my eyes, girl.

A true lady royal

never hangs her head.

Mother? You were going

to say something to Blair?


You are utterly unfit

for the royal life!

I want you out

of this class!

You might also think about whether

someone from your station in life

should even stay someplace where

you so clearly don't belong!

I understand.

They're serving

strawberry swirl today!

Thank you, Miranda.

Don't let Dame Devin bug you.

Legend has it she's

actually a reptile alien

from the other side

of the universe.

You know what really

bugs me, Portia?

Yodeling hand puppets?

When a commoner like Blair

comes to Princess Charm School,

she makes it less special.

She makes us

less special.

She does?

She totally does.

Specialness is like

this piece of cake.

There's only so

much to go around.

If Blair takes a

huge chunk of it,

what's left for us?

You stole my cake!

Not me.


How dare she!

I wanted that cake.

Don't worry. I have

a feeling she won't

be around to steal

cake much longer.


Yes, your

Royal Sneakiness?

So we're coming around showing

everyone our school spirit cheer.

'Cause when

you've got spirit,

it's what we

want to hear!

Thanks, Lorraine. Josette.

Yeah. That was cute.

Rhyming and all.

We'll see ya.

Oh, that wasn't the cheer.

Had to make that clear.

But don't you

ever fear.

'Cause the time

to cheer is here!

One, two, three!

Princess Charm

School is the best!

Royal skills put

to the test!

We can dance and

we've got poise!

Now it's time to

make some noise!

Go, Princess Charm School!

Wow. Cool cheer.

Thanks for sharing.

Part of caring!

You guys ready?

I'm so sorry... I...

I have to go.

Serves her right

for stealing my cake.

Who am I kidding?

I don't fit in

here at all.

I'm like a burp

in a symphony.

You have to give

yourself more time.

You're right.

With more time,

maybe I could destroy

the whole school.

No, Dame Devin's right,

I'm not Princess

Charm School material.

Seriously? Blair.

Dame Devin was Princess

Charm School material.

What do you mean?

Oh, I know this story!

She was a lottery winner, but no

princess picked her to be a lady royal,

not even her sister-in-law,

Queen Isabella.

Exactly. If Delancy weren't

in line for the throne,

Dame Devin would be no more

special than anyone else.



it's not just her.

Everyone thinks I

don't belong here.

Everyone except you guys.

A little help,


Ooh, care package!

It's for you from...

Emily Willows?

Emily? Really?

That's pretty.

Emily drew it.

She loved the story of me being

found on my mom's doorstep.

I was only one.

Mom adopted Emily

a few years later.

They're everything

to me.







and one-two-three,



one-two-three... Ow.

Again, Blair?

I'm sorry.

You've stepped on

eight of my toes!

I only have four left!

Two. You have two left.

That's even worse!

Thank you, everyone.

See you tomorrow.

Not you, Blair.

I'd like to see

you after class.

Well, isn't

that a surprise?


Is everything okay?

No, it's not, Blair.

Yesterday Dame Devin

recommended we expel you.


I can't say I blame her.

I know it's only been a

couple of days, but honestly,

I don't think

I have ever seen

such a disaster of a student

come through these halls.

I see.

Tell you the truth,

I was almost going to do it.

Did you say "almost"?


Do you know what it

takes to make a princess?

A crown?

No, not a crown.


All our classes in

poise, manners, dancing,

they're not superficial.

They build confidence.

But confidence without

character is dangerous.

You, Blair, have

a different problem.

Character without


So you are going

to expel me?

I'm going to tutor you.

If you can dig deep and

find the princess inside you,

I have no doubt

you'll graduate

with your pick of any

lady royal position.

If you can

handle it.

Now, what

do you say?



Uh, rule number one,

no hugging the tutor.

Sorry. I just...

When do we start?

Right now.

I can do this because I

am perfectly comfortable

and at ease with myself and in my body.

That's because you're not

surrounded by people

who make you feel like

a complete nothing.

No one can make you feel

inferior without your consent.

Right. Your turn.

Headmistress Privet,

there's no way I can do this.

Not if you don't

believe you can.

We start small.

Thirty seconds,

right here on the ground.

That's right.

Just like that.

I can't.

I can't do it.

Yeah, of course

you can...

Right. I see we have our

work cut out for us.

I don't have the balance

Think I'm gonna fall

Wish I had the talent

I don't belong here at all

Drowning in the pressure

In over my head

Why did I think

I could do this

I could have

walked away instead

This is my chance

to break free

Everything's depending on me

And if I keep trying I'll be

On top of the world

Where I can see

everything before me

Reaching up to

touch the sky

On top of the world

All my dreams are

rushing toward me

Stretching out my wings to fly

On top of the world

On top of the world

Nothing's gonna break me

Gonna get it right

Even if it takes me

doing it a thousand times

Trying once is easy

Discipline is hard

But nothing can defeat me

If the change is in my heart

This is my chance to break

free This is my chance

Everything's depending on me

On me

And if I keep trying I'll be

I'll be

On top of the world

Where I can see

everything before me

Stretching out my wings to fly

On top of the world

I need two rows. Ladies on the

pink line, gentlemen on the blue.

Welcome, everyone,

to our joint dance class

with Prince

Charming Academy.

If we could keep the

shrieking to a minimum,

it would be much


Hmm, it looks like

we'll have one extra lady.

Delancy, that's

the pink line.

I just don't see

Prince Nicholas.

He's the one I

want to dance with.

Maybe he's invisible.

No daughter of mine sits

on the sidelines at a dance.

But, Mother...

Looks like you're going to have

to sit out this one, dear. Pity.

All right, everyone's

paired up! Let's begin!


Okay, come along.

Gentlemen, please bow.

Ladies, will you curtsey.

Sorry I'm late...

Oh, no! I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

No, it's not.

I feel awful. Please.

Thank you.


Sorry. I didn't

mean to be late.

That's fine. The two of you can

partner up and join the dance.

Now, gentlemen, lightly kiss

the top of your partner's hand...

And dance.

Milady, I am Nicholas,

young swain from the east,

most privileged to

make your acquaintance.

Think that was

polite enough?


Think you can top it?

I, kind swain, am Blair,

maiden of Gardania,

honored above all to be

welcomed into your swaininess.

Well done.

I try.

Wonderful, everyone!

Wonderful, now a final bow

and curtsey to your partners,

and we say our farewells

to the young gentlemen

of Prince

Charming Academy.

Keeping in mind that

you will see them again

at the Coronation Day ceremony

at the end of the school year.

I shall count the

moments till then.

As will I, good sir.

I have an

exciting announcement.

Thanks to the generosity

of Dame Devin,

dinner tonight will be a chance for

you to get a taste of your future.

Our manners class

served in the palace.

Yes! Sweet!

No way!

The palace! Can you

even imagine it?

I grew up in the palace,

Portia. I live there.


But can you imagine it?

To prepare for this event,

you'll all have the afternoon

to pamper yourselves

in the spa.

Your princess assistants

will help you take advantage

of all the amenities.




Top thing you've always

wanted to see in the palace

that you can't

wait to see.

Blair, go.

Hmm, I've never thought

about the palace,

but Emily would

go nuts for it.

I want to remember everything

so I can tell her.

Manicure time!

Nice. Isla, go.

I'd love to find out more

about what happened

to Queen Isabella

and her family.

They're so mysterious.

So true. I want to find out more

about Gardania's magical crown.

Isla mentioned that before.

Emily would

love that story.

Oh! Tell her the legend.

It's said that the crown glows when

placed on the true heir of Gardania.

It lit up on Queen Isabella's

head at her coronation,

but it hasn't been

seen since then.

All done!

These are beautiful.


We should go.

The earlier we get to the

palace, the more we can see.

Our uniforms.

Every one is in shreds!

What are we going to do?

We're not allowed in class

without our uniforms.

And if we skip a class,

we get an F.

We can't fail!

Coronation Day

is two days away!

How could this happen?

Seriously? It was Delancy. It had to be.

She's the queen of

"Make Blair Feel Inferior. "

No. She's not.

No one can make you

feel inferior.

Not without your consent.

We're princesses, right?

We don't even have

our crowns yet.

And you...

I'm not talking about crowns.

I'm talking about character.

The rule is we have to show

up to class in uniform, right?

Currently they're

a little too breezy.

Hmm. They just need

a little alteration.

Grace! Caprice! Harmony!

Won't that

make them breezier?

Hmm. It seems Blair, Hadley,

and Isla are running late.

I do hope they're

not skipping class.

I'd hate to fail anyone

so close to Coronation Day.

Well, time's up.

Oh, come now,

Dame Devin.

I think we can wait

a few minutes more.

And keep the

other students waiting?

That hardly seems fair.

I'm afraid we'll have to

fail all three of them.


What do you think

you're wearing?

Those aren't school-issued


Forgive me, madam,

but they are, in fact,

made entirely from the material

in our original uniforms.

But that's against the rules.

Actually, Dame Devin, there is nothing in

the dress code against what they've done.

Right. We just used some hard work

to unlock our princess potential.

And beautifully, at that.

Come, join the class.


Where did you get

new uniforms?

Those are amazing!

We made them.

Blair made them.

How did you do that?

I want one.

I didn't know

people made clothes.

I thought they came from

elves. You know, like toast.

Attention, everyone.

Welcome to the royal

palace of Gardania.

As a special treat you will

have some time before the meal

to explore the first

floor of the palace.


Sweet. Royal secrets,

here we come!

No way.

Blair. It's a

picture of Blair.

That's not possible.

Why would there be

a portrait of me?

"Princess Isabella, age 18."

That dog.

It couldn't be!

"Queen Isabella,

King Reginald,

"the Princess Sophia,

and their loyal dog,

"Prince. "

No way!

Blair? Do you know when your

mom found you on her doorstep?

The date? Sure.

I mean, she made it my birthday

since she didn't know my real one.

April 26th.


Blair, you know what

April 26th is, don't you?

Um, yeah.

My birthday.

I just said that.

It's the day the royal

family d*ed in that car crash.

I'm thinking maybe baby Sophia

didn't die in that crash.

Maybe she was found and

left on someone's doorstep.


Yes, look at the portrait.

You look exactly

like Queen Isabella!

You could be

baby Sophia.

If it's true, and Dame Devin

and Delancy know it,

that would explain why

they're so awful to you,

because you're the rightful heir

to the throne, and not Delancy!


That's the craziest

thing I've ever heard.

Dinner time!

We've gotta go.

This is serious,

you know.

The whole fate of

Gardania is at stake.

Come on, you guys.

It's crazy.

Whoa! Whoa!

Excuse me!

My daughter has a declaration about how she'll

handle things when she's crowned princess

in two days.



I, um...



My brilliant daughter noticed

that Gardania's poorer sections

are a blight to the otherwise

beautiful community.


To remedy this she will

take over those areas,

bulldoze the buildings, and turn the

land into beautiful rolling parks,

full of trees and grass,

and streams.

Wonderful for the environment.

But people live in those

areas you just knocked down.

My neighborhood is there.

It is?

Delancy is

aware of that.

Those people will

move elsewhere.

How? They're like me.

They don't have money. They

can't just pick up and move.

If I were you I'd leave

this school immediately

and get my family

ready to move.


I think it is disgraceful.

Duly noted.

Now, shall we continue

our lesson in dinner manners?

Right, then, students,

we will start

with our salads.

Outermost forks.

You may begin.

Let's go.

Blair, are you okay?

I'm better than okay.

I'm ready.

Ready for what?

To fight.

If Delancy gets on the throne

she's going to ruin my family,

and probably this

kingdom along with it.

If she gets on the throne?

She can't, if we can prove

someone else is the rightful heir.

Gardania's magical crown.

It must be

in the palace. Right?

The crown glows when placed

on the true heir of Gardania.

But we have to find it

before Delancy's coronation.

So we have to find

the crown...


It's time.

Do we have

everything we need?

Game on.

What's that?

What's going on?

Fire drill! Fire drill!

There's no time!

Single file!

In a line!

Hmm. I don't see

a fire drill on the schedule.

What about the plan?

We wait a little longer.


this will be fast.

Lovely day for a surprise

fire drill, isn't it, darling?

Mom, what did you do?

Oh! What have you

done to your uniform?

I like it, Mother.

Ugh! Come on.

Let's join

the others outside.

Attention, students! You

may now return to your rooms!

How much time

did we lose?

Thirty minutes.

Plus another 15 minutes trying to

untangle Portia from the tether ball pole.

Let's go.

Thieves! They're thieves,

I tell you.


Arrest them.


I'm sure it's some

kind of mistake,

but Dame Devin believes

you stole her jewelry.

No! I would never!

Not to save your poor family

about to lose their home?

I doubt that.

Plus my daughter,

Delancy, saw you.

Didn't you tell me you saw Blair poking

around in my office the other day?

I don't...

I don't remember exactly,


Yes. Yes, I did.

I demand you

search their room.


Girls, it's procedure.

If you have nothing

to hide, it shouldn't matter.

Look what I found.

My jewelry!

That's not...

I didn't put that there.

Here's another.

No way!

One more.

We didn't steal anything.

Don't lie. It's unbecoming.

Lock them up.

Headmistress Privet,

I promise you.

With the evidence

and the witness

I'm afraid I have

no choice.

Brock, take them

to the detaining room.


We can't investigate until

after the ceremony tomorrow.

You will remain

detained until that time.


As in, locked up?

During the coronation?

I'm afraid so.

Unless there is another

way to explain this.


How very disappointing.

I'll say.


Isla, Hadley,

I'm so sorry.

Now neither of you

will become princesses.

Don't sweat it.

Who needs a tiara anyway?

They just make

your head itch.

And it's not easy to kick

a ball in four-inch heels.

Brock, stop!

I've got something else

in mind for the prisoners.

You may turn them

over to me.

But my orders...

Will officially come from me

in only a few hours.

The keys?

They're all yours.

Thank you. You may go.

If this is your way or rubbing

it in, you don't have to.

You've won.

Yeah, we get it.

What are you...

I'm supposed to be asleep.

Tell me,

are you really

Princess Sophia?

I... I don't know for sure.

But I think so.

I think so, too.

This is a map

of the palace basement.

There's something

of yours inside the vault.

Gardania's magical crown?

You have to get it.

Let everyone know

the truth before coronation.

Once I'm crowned,

it's too late.

Gardania's mine for life.

You don't want that?

I want what's right.

I have to get back. My

mother will be looking for me.

Thank you.

I'll leave a window open

for you on the third floor.

Good luck.

Hey, Prince.

Aw, don't look

at me like that.

I can't play

fetch, I'm on duty.


Prince. Prince. No, no.

Prince, come here. I gotta work.

Prince. Prince. Come on.

Come here.

That's the window.

Let's hope Delancy did

what she said she would.

You're sure this will work?

Positive! Just hold on tight

and don't look down.


Come on. Come on.

Come on.

Prince, hey.

Drop it. Drop it. Drop it.

Come back here!

The elevator should be

right down this hall.

It's time for

you to be asleep, Delancy.

You've a big day tomorrow.

Don't move.

What now?

Laser alarm.

We've got 'em at home.

If we break the beams,

alarms go off.

I can't see any beams.

Perhaps a little

touch up will help.


So, how good

are you guys at gymnastics?

I do a mean tree pose.

I think I can

do a somersault.

Follow me.



This way.




No, no. Whoa!

Welcome, Dame Devin.

Your security is our priority.

Please enter your password.


Try something.

What would Dame Devin choose?

Delancy's coronation day?

Today's date.

You seem

to be having trouble.

Would you like your

password hint?


Your hint is,

"The day it all

fell into place. "

Ten seconds

until your lockdown.

The day it all fell into

place? Nine, eight...

What does that mean?

... seven, six...

Wait. "The day it

all fell into place. "

The day Dame Devin's

plans started working.

The day of the car crash.

Thank you, Dame Devin.


Not in here!

Hadley, Isla, look!

Gardania's magical crown!

How do we get it

out of the case?

You won't.

But I shouldn't have

too much trouble with it.

Goodbye, Blair.

Enjoy Coronation Day.


That's it.

We're sunk.

Well, Phil, here it is.

The day we've all

been waiting for!

My birthday?


it's Coronation Day.

Even now, our beloved


are pulling into the royal palace

to receive their royal crowns

on their royal heads.

Ladies and gentlemen!

I welcome you to

our annual Graduation

and Coronation Day...

This will be the best

Coronation Day ever,

don't you think?

Grace, go find Miss Privet

and tell her where we are.

Now, what are we

going to do?

You are hereby dubbed

Lady Royal Josette

of Zinnia.

You are hereby dubbed

Princess Miranda

of Philadelphia.

You are hereby dubbed

Princess Portia

of Narcissia.

Ugh! There is no service

at all down here.

Hmm. What's this?

Stand back!

If only there was a

keypad inside the vault.

Maybe there is!

Standing before me now

is Delancy Devin,

who will now

govern our beloved

and flourishing

country, Gardania.

Delancy, I now crown you

Princess of...


Uh... Proper

princess protocol!

The bylaws state that before

a new princess can be crowned,

the entire assembly must

spin around seven times,

in honor of the seven

hills of Gardania.

What is she doing?

I don't know.

What are you doing?

You need to be crowned!

I just... Uh...

Want to do it properly.

Spin, you say?

It is indeed

proper protocol.

In honor of the seven

hills of Gardania,

let us rise and spin

around seven times!

I got it!

The phone's linked up

with the keypad.

Day of the car crash.

Ugh! Dame Devin must

have changed the code.

You're right!

I heard Dame Devin change it

when the doors were closing.

I heard it too!

That's what I've been

humming this whole time.

Let me see the phone.

Do, re, mi...

Ah! I got it!



We did it!

Now, hop on one foot

to honor those who

have hopped before us.

Bless you.

Hey! What are

you doing here?

And now everyone must pat his head

and rub his stomach at the same time.


The protocols have been

satisfied! Crown her!


No! Do not wait!

I am making a claim

to the throne,

because I am

Princess Sophia,

daughter of

Queen Isabella!

You know, there

is a resemblance.

This is ridiculous!

The princess d*ed

17 years ago.

Finish the coronation

and make Princess Delancy

ruler of Gardania for life!

Dame Devin, this is a serious

claim and we have to...

We have to crown

my daughter.

Come on!

Oh! Get away!


It is Princess Sophia!

You useless child!

Do you have any idea

what you've done?

I eliminated Queen Isabella so

you could be princess one day.

No, that's not what I meant.

Guards, please

take her away.

No! You can't

do this to me!

Get your hands off me!

You have to crown Delancy!

You have to!

You'll pay for this!

Blair... That is,

Princess Sophia,

is there anything you would

like to say to your new subjects?


I'm just a regular girl.

But I think Headmistress

Privet is right

when she says every girl

has princess potential.

It is an honor

to be your princess.

Blair, this is when

the Princess of Gardania

chooses her lady royal.

Now, I know it's

an important decision,

so if you need

more time, then...

I already know

who I want.

It would be

an incredible privilege

if my lady royal

could be


But Blair, why me?

I was horrible to you.

I wouldn't be wearing this

crown without your help.

Will you accept?

I would be honored,

Your Highness.

Lady Royal Delancy

of Gardania.

Ladies and gentlemen,

royals of all ages,

and dogs,

it's time to party!

Here's a special track

I wrote myself.

Hope you like it!

All of us


Put your hands in the air

All of us

We rule, we rule this school

We rule it

We rule it

All of us


And this is how we do it...

No way! You're

spinning your tunes?

It was totally time.

I love it!

Hey, Blair,

don't look now,

but look now.


Princess... Um...

You can call me Blair.


on your coronation, too,

Prince Nicholas.

Wouldst thou do me

the honor of a dance?

I would be

most delighted.

Jump up, hands in the air

Crowns on our head,

lighter than air

Come on, now,

spin to the left

Spin to the right,

we're graduating

And it's our night

We rule this school

We rule this school

It's friendship

that makes us strong

And we all belong

Yeah, we all belong

We rule this school

Your Highness? There are some

important people here to see you.

Emily! Mom!



Welcome to our new home!

Really? We get to live in the palace?

We do.

Oh, Blair.

I know it's not exactly the

place we dreamed about...

Are you kidding?

It's better than anything

we ever dreamed about!

It is, now that

the two of you are here.


If you're

a princess now,

does that mean

I'm a princess, too?

Of course.

There is a princess

in every girl.

Come on. I wanna

introduce you to everyone!

Jump up, hands in the air

Crowns on our head,

lighter than air

Come on, now,

spin to the left

Spin to the right,

we're graduating

And it's our night

We rule this school

And we all belong

Yeah, we all belong

We rule this school

All of us

We rule this school

We're fabulous

We rule this school

All of us

We rule this school

We're fabulous

We're fabulous

We're fabulous

You can tell she's a princess

She doesn't need a crown

You can tell she's a princess

She'll turn the world around

You can see it in her style

You can see it in her smile

You can see it in her flair

And the way she wears her hair




You can tell she's a princess

She doesn't need a crown

You can tell she's a princess

She'll turn the world around

Her shoulders are back

Na, na, na

You'll never see her slack

No, no, no

And even if she falls

Na, na, na

She'll laugh and stand up tall

Yeah, yeah, yeah

You can tell she's a princess

Yeah, yeah

She doesn't need a crown

No, no

You can tell she's a princess

Yeah, yeah

She'll turn the world around


But the secret to her majesty

That sets the girl apart

Is the kindness

that shows royalty

It's etched upon her heart

You can see it in her style

You can see it in her smile

You can see it in her flair

And the way she wears her hair

You can tell she's a princess

Yeah, yeah

She doesn't need a crown

No, no

You can tell she's a princess

Yeah, yeah

She'll turn the world around

Yeah, yeah

You can tell she's a princess

You can see it in her style

She doesn't need a crown

You can see it in her smile

You can tell she's a princess

You can see it in her flair

She'll turn the world around
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