Night of the Caregiver (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Night of the Caregiver (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Detective Roman Eckhart, NYPD.

Thank you for meeting me.

- Certainly.

So where did you say you

were from, Detective Eckhart?

- New York.

- A little bit outta your

jurisdiction, aren't you?

I'm just saying you've

come a long way from home.

- I'm on vacation time.

- California's a great place to vacation.

That is, if you can

avoid the forest fires.

Not to be rude, but it's getting late

and I still have a lot of work to do.

Not to mention my wife is gonna divorce me

if I miss another meal.

- Tell me about parapsychology.

- About the field or what we do here?

- Both.

- In short, parapsychology

can be best described

as a study of phenomena

that can't be explained by,

let's say, orthodox scientific means.

To be honest, it's a very small field.

- Not many believe in it.

- That's putting in mildly.

- And why is that?

- Well, unfortunately,

it's difficult for our field to provide

what the more obstinate members

of the scientific community

call replicable empirical evidence.

As a result,

there are many close-minded individuals

who feel parapsychology is nothing more

than a second-rate pseudoscience.

- And what makes you think they're wrong?

- Because seeing is believing,

and I've seen clear evidence

of phenomena not only

in academic laboratories, but

in the outside world as well.

- How do you deal with it?

- How do I deal

with it, what do you mean.

- You see phenomena, must do something.

- We study and research it.

- You just watch it.

- Well, there's

much more to it than that.

One must actually experience it firsthand

to understand completely.

Anyway, as I said, the hours

getting late, Detective.

What is it exactly you'd like from me?

- My mother disappeared 26 years ago.

- I'm sorry to hear that.

- I believe she was m*rder*d.

- Then why come to me?

- I think the k*ller

might already be dead.

You see, I'm chasing down an urban legend

that happens every 13 years.

- I know which one you mean

and I am very familiar with it.

Though you should know it's

just that, an urban legend.

- Hey girl.

- Hey, where are you?

- I'm on my way to a job.

- What job?

It's Friday night.

- No, I know.

I was gonna call and tell you, but--

- Friday night is for

movie night at our place.


Just the two of us, margaritas.

Lots of popcorn, horror flicks.

- I was gonna say before

someone rudely interrupted me.

- Who did?

I will k*ll her.

- No, I was gonna say,

I saw this one night job posted

on the center's golden board.

And I know it's Friday

and I'm tired as shit

but the job pays really well.

More for one night than I make in a week,

and we really need the money.

You know we do, Pamela.

- Okay okay, you are right.

Listen, just stay safe and

don't overwork yourself.

You do too much of that crap already.

- It's gonna be an easy job, I promise.

- You call me later so I

know you didn't get abducted

by aliens or something.

- Okay, I will.

- Love you, Jule.

- Love you too.



Ms. Gresham?


Ms. Gresham?

Ms. Gresham?

- Oh, you gave me quite a start.

- Oh, I'm sorry, Ms. Gresham.

I'm Juliet Rowe, the hospice nurse.

- Well, it's very nice to meet you.

Please call me Lillian.

- Oh, Lillian's a pretty name.

- So is Juliet.

- Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.

I called out your name

but you didn't answer.

- Oh, don't worry about it.

The devil himself could

walk in when I'm baking

and I wouldn't notice it.

Just get so wrapped up in things lately.

'Cause of age, I guess.

Oh, here, try one. Go ahead.

- Thank you.


- You really like it?

- This may be the best peanut

butter cookie I've ever had.

What's your secret?

- Just patience.

- What?

- You're so pretty.

- Well so are you?

- Maybe I once was, but

not so much anymore.

- That's not true.

You're, you're pretty and

don't ever think you aren't.

- Well that's good.

Two pretty girls.

We already have something in common.

- Are you sure you don't

want a cookie or some tea?

- I'm really not hungry right now,

and to tell you the truth,

I'm not much of a tea drinker.

Besides I made them especially for you.

- That's very sweet of you, Lillian.

- Oh, it's the least I could do.

You drove a long way to get here.

I really appreciate it.

- Sorry if I'm picking

out on all your cookies,

but to tell you the truth,

I came here straight from work

and I hadn't had dinner yet,

so I'm starving.

- There's no need to apologize.

Take as many cookies as you like.

- I tried to clean up, but

I'm sure I look like a mess.

- Don't be silly.

You look just fine.

- So do you Lillian, you

look pretty good too.

Do you mind me asking

why you need hospice?

There was no information on your card.

- I have a heart condition.

- What kind of heart condition?

- Oh, some fancy words.

I never can remember them.

- Well, let's see.

There's coronary artery disease.


- No, no, no. It's not

that kind of condition.

I have heart cancer.

- Heart cancer?

- Yes.

- You mean a primary cardiac tumor?

- That's what the doctors told me.

- Lillian, are you absolutely sure

that's what the doctor said?

- Yeah, I'm sure.

And they said it was inoperable.

- I'm so sorry, Lillian.

- They said it was a rare kind of cancer.

- It is, it's almost unheard of.

- Well, that figures, they

always said I was one of a kind.

- Just outta curiosity,

where's the nearest town?

- Well, there isn't one.

Not nearby anyway.

- Hospital?

No fire station, police station?

- Nope, I'm all alone in the boonies.

- What happens if you need

emergency medical treatment?

- I have you.

- Well, what if you need an

oncologist or a cardiologist?

I'm not even a doctor.

- I'm not worried.

I have my bad days, that's true,

but I have my frisky ones as well.

And tonight I'm feeling better

than I have in a long time.

- But I haven't even done anything.

- Part of a caregiver's

job is to be good company,

and you certainly are that.

- I wish I could do more, Lillian.

- You are exactly what I need.

- How about we take your vitals?

- Oh, can we do it later?

I'm so tired.

Is that really necessary?

- Like I said, Lilian,

it's part of my job.

- You have no idea what it's like having

your vitals taken all the time.

I mean, I know that I'm sick.

I don't need to be reminded.

Besides, my regular nurse just

took my vitals and I'm fine.

There's a chart over there.

- Hmm?

These are good, almost too good.

When were they taken?

- Just before you arrived.

- Where's your regular nurse?

- Oh, she had to take off the night,

family business I think.

It's okay.

I think I like you better.

- Okay, Lillian, you win for now,

but I am gonna check your vitals later,

and no argument from you.

- I'll be nice.

- Any problems going in the bathroom?

- No, not at all.

- What medications are

you currently taking?

- Oh, I, I don't take medications.

- What?

- I don't like them.

- That's not good.

You shouldn't be so stubborn.

- I know.

- If you need anything, anything at all,

I want you to ring the bell.

- I will.

Thank you dear.

- My pleasure.

- Detective Eckhart, how you doing?

- Dr. King, you still working?

- As a matter of fact, yes.

- What about your wife?

Hope you're not getting a divorce.

- She had to work late too,

so she gave me a reprieve for the night.

But next time, who knows?

But to be honest,

I don't feel right about

sending you out there.

- Why not?

- Listen, detective.

Delving into the paranormal can be risky

for a lot of reasons.

It can affect people in

different ways, even emotionally.

A lot of times people see

exactly what they want to see.

That kind of mindset

can make one overreact.

You could scare someone

or do something later

that you'd regret.

- I'm not like that.

- You're not like that?

Well, just so you know,

the police rather reluctantly went out

at the house a while back

because of all the rumors

and they went through it.

So did several ghost hunters.

They all found sick zip, pal, nothing.

He really is just an urban legend.

- Maybe they didn't know what to look for.

- Do yourself a favor, detective: Go home.

Wherever your mother is,

let her rest in peace.

- I appreciate your concern, but I'm okay.

I gotta go.

- Hmm.

No soap.



- I thought you were gonna call me.

- Don't trip, I'm peachy.

No aliens, no abductions.

- So what's it like there?

- The lady's great.

She's really sweet.

I like her a lot.

But I gotta admit I'm kind

of out in the sticks here.

It's really quiet.

No smoke, no fires, no traffic,

no fire engines, no sirens.

But between you and me,

her regular hospice nurse is terrible.

- Why, what did she do?

- It's what she doesn't do.

She does as little of

her job as she has to

and nothing else.

She doesn't care about Lillian.

- Okay, then what doesn't she do?

- She doesn't even keep hand

soap and towels in the kitchen.

She's so lazy.

She doesn't get any groceries

or keep the fridge well stocked.

- I can't f*cking believe it.

You're overworking as always, aren't you?

Being a maid instead of just a caregiver.

- Pamela, I'm supposed to

make the patient comfortable.

- Uh-huh, give me the

bitch's name and address.

- She's not a bitch.

- Let me rephrase: Please gimme

the lady's name and address.

- What for?

- In case Bigfoot takes you on a date,

I'll at least know where to find you.

Come on Jule, I'm just being safe here.

- Fine, it's Lillian Gresham,

74 Hooper Road.

But good luck finding it.

- Just text me.

You gonna call me?

- I'll call.

- Love you, Jule.

- All right, love you too.

Oh wait, Pamela, don't forget

to feed Cindy Crawford.




What was that?




Where were you?

- When?

- A minute ago?

- Here.

- You, you left your bed?

- No, I was curled up here

like, like a bug in the rug.

- Lillian, I checked your

bed and you were gone.

- No, I've been here.

Maybe you fell asleep on

the sofa and dreamed it.

It's a very comfortable sofa.

It's very easy to drift off on.

I've done it myself a million times.

- If you're going to get out

of bed for any reason at all,

please ring the bell first.

- Of course.

- Hey Jule, you okay?

- I don't know.

There's like a, lots of

creepy shit going on here.

- Like what?

- Strange noises, like

lights going on and off.

There was even a big

spider in the kitchen.

It was so huge.

It was huge, Pamela, it's

the biggest I've ever seen.

- Spider, really?

You got some paranormal

weirdness going down there.

- I don't believe in ghosts.

- Sounds like they believe in you.

- I called you to get some sanity

and instead I get you talking

some creepy pasta bull shit.

- Okay, okay, I'm sorry.

Okay, forget what I said.

Ah, look girl, you're stressed.

You worked over time on your shift

then you went straight there, right?

- Yeah.

- So now you probably fried,

so mind's f*cking with you.

Especially with the being

stuck in an old house,

with bad wiring and creaking

sounds and a huge spider.

- Yeah, you're probably right.

You're right.

- You keep running yourself

down like this, Jule,

all the time again and again.

I'm telling you it's not good for you.

- All right, that's it.

After tonight, no more side

jobs, no matter what they pay.

- And I'm gonna hold you to that.

You want me to come out

there and keep your company?

- No, no, no, no, you

don't have to do that.

- You sure?

- I'm sure.

- Okay.

I'm gonna get some sleep,

but the phone will be

right beside me, okay?

You call me if you need to talk.

And it doesn't matter what time it is.

- Thanks, Pam.

- You got it.

- Bye.

Is there anyone else inside this house?

- Something the matter?

- Is there anyone else

inside the f*cking house?

- No.

- Is there anyone else here, Lillian?

- No.

- Are you sure?

- I'm sure.

- If I had the cops come

here and search this house,

they're not gonna find anyone else here.

- If there were any cops for you to call

and you asked them to come

up here to find anyone else

but us you would be wasting their time.

There's nobody here but you and me.

What's, what's happening?

- I thought I saw someone, or something.

I don't know.

I don't know.

I feel like I'm going crazy.

My friend just says it's

'cause I'm overworking and I...

- Maybe you should listen to your friend.

When I was young,

long before the earth's

crust started to cool,

I was overworked too.

In fact, I almost had

a complete breakdown.

Cost me a year in therapy.

You don't want that.

- I do not.

I'm sorry, Lillian.

- Don't be.

Maybe we should both get some rest.

- Call Pam.



Hey Pamela, can you hear me?


- Sucker.

- Oh, hi.

- Did you ring me?

- No.

- Well, somebody did.

- No, I've been sleeping.

- Then why is the bell on its side?

- Oh, I don't know.

Maybe I accidentally knocked it over.

I get really restless and

move around a lot in my sleep.

It's been that way since I got sick.

I'm sorry I made you come up here

and check on me for no reason.

- No, I don't mind checking on you.

That's why I'm here, Lillian.

You know, if you're having restless sleep,

it could be sleep apnea and that could be

from cardiac arrhythmia.

All the more reason you should

be taking your meds, Lillian.

- No, I told you I hate them.

- I get that.

Meds can be a pain in the ass,

but they can also help you

cope with your illness,

side effects and all.

You should take them.

- I told you I hate them!

I, I shouldn't have snapped at you.

That, that was terrible.

Oh, please forgive me.

- That's no big thing.

Lillian, I'm, with everything

you've probably been through,

I'm surprised you've been

as sweet as you have.

- Oh, what a nice thing to say.

- Oh, if anything, it's me

who's been showing attitude.

- No, you're just, you're just fine.

- I am not fine.

I, I think I might be going crazy.

- No, not crazy dear.

Maybe you're just in a bit of a tizzy.

Like the roommate said, you're overworked.

And remember the experiences

I told you about?

- Oh yeah, you're right.

You're probably right.

Let's take your vitals now.

- Oh, oh, can we--

- Lillian.

- No, no, no, no.

- Yes, yes, yes.

- Really, we'll do them

later in a hour or two.


- Okay, you win.

- Thank you.

- If you need anything, ring the bell.

- Okay, I will.

- Okay.

- Hey Jule, you okay?

- I don't know.

Things are, things are getting

more wacky by the minute.

- What happened?

- I just, I keep, I keep dreaming things

or seeing things.

I, I don't know which it is.

And there's, there's strange

noises and there's shadows

that might be someone or something.

I don't even,

even Lilian seems sort of, I don't know.

Suddenly weird.

- That's it.

I'm, I'm, I'm driving down there.

- No, no, no, no, you don't have to.


- I kinda think I do girlfriend.

- No, no, no, no. It's no doubt.

It's just, it's just from

stress from overworking.

Like you said, I'll be fine.

I just,

I guess I just called

'cause I wanted to hear your voice.

- You always do the same for me Jule.

Look, you know what?

I think it's time for vacation.

- But that's, that's too pricey.

We can't afford it.

- Come on, we have savings.

Think about it.

I could see us just kicking

it on the beach in Mexico.

Maybe Puerto Vallarta, just the two of us.

- Yeah, maybe, I guess.




- Jule?

- Pamela?


Bring it, assh*le.


- What's wrong?

- We need to leave.

- Why?

- There's something inside the house.

Okay, something evil.

Okay, it's dangerous.

We have to go now.

- Wait, just wait.

There's no one here, but the two of us.

- Lillian will please

put your f*cking robe on.

We have to leave.

- Well, you know, I really don't like it

when you use that kind

of language, Juliet.

- We have to get out of here.

I'm just trying to save the both of us.

- From what?

- Lillian, will you listen to me?

Just listen.

There's something evil

haunting this house.

I've seen it with my own eyes.

It wasn't a bad dream.

It's not my imagination.

For the last time, I'm

telling you the truth.

- Houses make strange noises.

I've seen the effects it has on people.

You're just overworked.

- No, this has nothing

to do with my meltdown.

This is about us getting

the hell out of here.

Now, would you please put your robe on?

Okay, we need to leave.

- Okay, let's go downstairs.

- Oh, okay.

Yeah, let's go downstairs

and get the hell outta here.

- No, no, no, let's go downstairs.

I'll make you some hot

tea and we can talk.

- We can talk in my car.

- Would you like me to call your friend?

- Lillian, will you

please just listen to me?

- No, I, I, I really don't mind.

If you wanna leave, I'll pay

you all the money I owe you.

I promise.

You know, I think, I think

it's best that you do go home.

You can talk to your friend.

You can get some rest.

- No, no, no, no, I'm not

leaving you here alone.

For the last time, I'm

telling you the truth.

Okay we need to leave.

Here, put on your robe, Lillian.

- I have to get my shoes.

- Okay, hurry up, I'll be right back.

Okay Lillian, its clear.

Lillian? Lillian?



Lillian, where are you?

God damn it.

- What the hell?

- I'm so glad you finally figured that.

It's not like I didn't drop

clue after to clue for you.

- Why are you doing this?

Oh, I think it's like

when a cat is playing

with her mouse before she kills it.

Oh, it was so much fun playing with you.

It was the most fun that I ever had.

And I did get you pretty

shook up, didn't I?

- Why did you choose me?

- Oh, I didn't choose you.

I merely called into the hospice center

and you read the message

I left on the card.

- Your phone doesn't even work.

- It does if I want it to.

- This doesn't make,

this doesn't make any sense.

I came here to help you.

- Oh, I know that.

But since when does fate

smile on good people?

- What the hell are you?

- Oh no, I think you deserve

to know what's going on.

And I want you to know that

I did tell you the truth

about me having heart cancer.

I was very, very sick and I hated it.

I hated what he was doing

gradually to my body.

And I hated death getting

nearer and nearer.

And the doctors and their

medication were just worthless.

Oh, and then they told me

that they couldn't operate

on me and I didn't appreciate that.

I guess I'm being a

little harsh after all.

It all happened about 65 years ago.

And I imagine they did

the best they could.

But it was just, I was having

one leg down after another.

I was overwrought with worry.

So I decided to seek

help in a different way.

I consulted with a, a cultist,

a high priest actually,

and he gave me an invocation

that I could perform on myself.

- An invocation.

You mean he made a pact with the devil?

- No, no, no.

But I did summon his servant,

a man who called himself Aeshma.

Why he called himself that

strange name, I, I don't know.

But he did make a deal with me.

And I must say I wasn't so

crazy about it at first,

but it was better than death.

And the good thing was I didn't have

to feel sick anymore more.

I did have to agree to be

infused with an alter ego.

It took me a long time

to get used to that.

But I did, and you know what?

I just love having those wonderful powers.

- Yeah I've seen them, I've seen them.

- Yes, you have.

And, but getting back to Aeshma,

all I had to do was k*ll an innocent

every 13 years before the night was over.

And to tell you the truth,

having a caretaker like

you is about as innocent

a person as you can get nowadays.

I did have a problem with

your coarse language,

I must admit, but I think your

heart's in the right place.

Before I forget, I have

to suck your blood.

It's part of the deal.

- You're pure f*cking evil.

- Oh, there's that language again.

- Come with me.

- That didn't k*ll her.

- Yes, but maybe it'll buy us some time.

- Wait, who are you?

- Detective Roman Eckhart.

Come on.

- It's not gonna work, it's locked.

She's not gonna let us out.

We're trapped.

How did you find me?

- I was looking for Lillian Gresham.

- Why?

- 26 years ago my mother disappeared.

I've been looking for her ever since.

Then I heard about the urban

legend of Lillian Gresham.

At first I didn't believe it,

but after a while it

was all I had to go on.

A parapsychologist told

me how to find this place.

- Was your mother a caregiver?

- Yes, Good Care Hospice.

- She's here, Detective.

- What?

- She's here in a secret room

full of other hospice workers.

Lillian k*lled them all.

I don't even think

Lillian is human anymore.

I don't even know if she can be k*lled.

- Yes, but maybe she can be stopped.

- How?

- The parapsychologists also told me

the way to defeat an

evil entity is to keep it

from carrying out what it came back to do.

- And Lillian came back

to k*ll another caregiver.

- Exactly.

What's your name?

- Juliet.

- If you survive the night, Juliet,

the bitch will be defeated.

- Come on.

- It's almost dawn now.

- Yes, come on.

- There's a door right here.


Detective, run.

What do we do?

- Check the door.

- It's locked.


- Run!

- Don't be silly Juliet.

Where are you going to go?

You already know there

is no way to escape.

Be brave.

Come out here so we can talk.

If you do, I will spare

the detective's life.

He's hurt.

And if you don't, I will

go and finish him off.

But if you do, I will save his life.

It doesn't matter.

I was just playing with you like before.

I knew where you were hiding.

Excuse me while I put on

something more comfortable.

- Oh my god!

Look, it's daylight.

You lose Lillian.

You had one night to k*ll me.

That was the contract

you had with the demon

and you failed.

I wonder what old Aeshma is gonna think

about you blowing his deal, Lillian.

He might not be too happy about it.

I don't think you might be in deep shit.

- That's for Anna Eckhart, my mother.

- But who knows?

Maybe where you're going is overrated.

And it's really not so bad.

Have fun in hell.
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