02x18 - A Tale of Two Heroes

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x18 - A Tale of Two Heroes

Post by bunniefuu »

(rock music)

♪Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪

♪Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪


robots in disguise ♪

- [Narrator]

Transformers Energon

♪Transformers ♪

- [Autobot] Optimus,

I've discovered the source

of the transmission.

It appears to be coming

from a Decepticon w*r point.

- [Optimus] Keep

a safe distance,

but maintain surveillance.

Megatron might have

set up a defensive

line and we don't want

to fly into a trap.

- [Autobot] Yes sir!

(orchestral music)

- [Alpha Q] My head is

spinning out of control!

How much energon was taken?

How much?

We'll need even

more energon now if we

want to complete Unicron!

Let nothing stand in our way!

Not the Autobots!

Not Megatron!


(maniacal Laughter)

- Allow me to get it Alpha Q.

Megatron still

thinks I'm working

with him to complete

Unicron's torso.

It's going well but

we need more energon.

- [Alpha Q] Do you think you can

get the energon by

yourself Scorponok?

Is there another way?

There is no other way.

What are you scheming?

- I'll use Rodimus.

(maniacal laughter)

You want to use Rodimus?

Hmm Very well.

Bring us the energon

any way you can,

but do not fail.

I'm starting to lose control.

- I got a bad

feeling about this.

- Do you really

think the Decepticons

are going to try and attack us

all the way out here?

- Why wouldn't they?

But it's not so much the

Decepticons that worry me,

it's that Unicron thing.

- Yeah I definitely know

what you mean Kicker.

Unicron gives me the creeps.

- [Kicker] Me too.

I don't know what

it is but I feel

Unicron getting

stronger all the time.

- Huh?

- [Kicker] Is that

what I think it is?

- Yeah it's a Decepticon ship!

Let's get em!

- No wait!

It's something else.

Look at the colors their flying.

- That's what

Kicker said Optimus.

It's Rodimus' ship.

- Rodimus?

- Hmm I wonder why

he's following us?

- You can ask him if you want.

I have Commander Rodimus on

a secure channel right now.

- Good open the channel Misha.

(beeps and tones)

- Optimus Prime,

Well it's been a

long time hasn't it?

- Too long Rodimus.

It's good to see you again.

- I'm sorry there's no time

to talk about the old days.

I'm afraid it's the future

that we need to discuss.

I'd like your permission

to come aboard.

- Yes, but we're in a hurry.

- I understand but believe me,

what I have to tell you is

of the utmost importance.

- We'll slow down so

you can come across.

All engines full stop!

- Thank you for granting

me my request Optimus.

I'll try not to delay you

any longer than I have to.

(beeps and tones)

- Optimus I don't like this.

Something's not right.

- What do you mean?

- I don't know how

but I think Rodimus

is somehow involved

with Unicron.

- Hotshot do you have any

proof to back that up?

- No I just have a

feeling that's all.

- Keep those feelings

to yourself Hotshot.

And let's give Rodimus the

proper reception he deserves.

- Excuse me sir?

Rodimus is coming aboard?

(engines roaring)

(air doors opening)

- I'd like to thank

you again Optimus,

I realize this is a bit

of an inconvenience.

- It's not a problem

but we don't much time.

Let's talk privately.

- It's hard to tell what

Rodimus' intentions are.

We'd better keep an eye

on him just to be safe.

- [Rodimus] This

might sound strange,

but you mustn't destroy Unicron.

- Not destroy Unicron!

- That's right instead

of destroying Unicron,

I would rather see

Megatron defeated first.

And of course I'll offer

you any help that I can.

- Megatron is my

priority but I'm sure

you realize how

dangerous Unicron

can be once he's awakened.

- I suppose you see Unicron

as the ultimate evil.

Is that what you think it is?

- Yes of course!

- [Rodimus] I'm

afraid that's not so.

- What do you mean?

- [Rodimus] Unicron has the

power to create new life forms.

- It can create new life?

- Yes that's right.

Take the Terracons for example.

They're a life form

that Alpha Q used

the power of Unicron to create.

- I wasn't aware of that.

Rodimus I do know that Unicron

is bent on destroying

the Universe.

So I have no other

choice but to destroy it.

- Don't you see Unicron becomes

a danger only in the hands

of someone like Megatron?

But Unicron can be used

as a force of good.

- You're being naive.

What happens if Alpha Q takes

complete control of Unicron?

- You may not know

this but Alpha Q's

home planet was consumed

by Unicron in the past.

- Huh?

- Hey Kicker I'm going

to run a diagnostic

on the warp engine.

Give me a hand.

- Hey Inferno.

- Hmm?

- I was just

wondering how Rodimus

Optimus know each other?

I mean are they old

friends or what?

- Commander Rodimus

became a great

warrior after leaving

planet Cybertron.

Whereas Optimus Prime decided

to remain on

Cybertron and became

a great hero to

all the autobots.

(dramatic music)

- Back then many of our

kind joined Rodimus and

headed off into space

under his leadership.

But that put our

planet in great danger,

and left us open to

attack by our enemies.

It was lucky for all

of us that Optimus

has chosen to stay on Cybertron.

And we became organized and were

able to protect the planet.

I don't know how long

they've known each other,

but I know they have a

great respect between them.

Even though they've lived

very different lives.

- [Misha] They really

are heroes aren't they?

- Hmm?

- I mean both of them.

They are one of a kind.

- That's right they are.

- If you choose not

to destroy Unicron

it may be possible to recreate

the planets that it consumed

in its quest for energon.

- It's not that I don't

understand how you feel,

but have to realize that

once Unicron is resurrected,

many more planets

will be put in danger.

It's just too risky!

- I'm aware of the

risks involved in this.

- Hmph.

- Listen Optimus,

the reason I'm telling you all

this is because I want to

restore Alpha Q's planet.

- No that's too dangerous!

How many times do

I have to tell you

I'm not prepared to go

along with this gamble?

- You are being stubborn!

Prowl let's go!

- Uh yes sir!

- Hm there must be more to

this than Rodimus is saying.

- Optimus?

- As soon as Rodimus leaves,

we're going to make immediate

preparations to depart.

We're going after Unicron!

- Yes Sir!

- Rodimus, do you think we

should be leaving like this?

I mean what are you

to tell Alpha Q?

- I'll think of something.

I just wish Optimus

could see things my way.

- What!?

They're working with Alpha Q!?

(dramatic music)

(rocket engines roaring)

- Hey Ironhide what's going on?

What are you doing

out here all alone?

- What oh uh nothing?

- Yeah right!

If you're not

doing anything then

what's the energon star for?

- What?

Uh uh Oh well it's

just for uh...

- I know it's for Alpha Q,

and if you follow Rodimus he'll

lead you straight to him right?

That's what you're

planning isn't it?

- Uh well yeah how'd you know?

- Nevermind that just

hurry up and transform.

The ships going to be gone if

you keep standing around here.

- You think I should go?

I mean do you think I

should go all by myself?

- All personnel

to your stations!

Set a course for Unicron!

We're going in!

(engines blasting off)

- Uh it's just I've

always lived my life

following someone else around.

Like maybe it's time that I see

what I can do on my own.

Do you understand

what I mean Kicker?

- I know exactly how you feel.

I'm always being

told what to do.

If you have to do

this on your own,

then go for it.

- Yeah I will!

(dramatic music)


- Come on!

What are you waiting for?

This is your chance

get on with it!

- Okay and thanks!

Thanks a lot Kicker.

- Just get going would ya?

Rodimus' ship is

already leaving.

- It is?

Oh right!

- Here!

You might need this!

- Oh!

- Take it.

I wouldn't want you

to get hurt out there.

Oh give me a break!

Don't start bawling!


(engine blast)

- I guess this is goodbye

until we meet again Rodimus.

- Good luck Ironhide!

Be careful out there and make

sure you come back in one piece.

(engines roaring)

- Eh how far is this

ship going anyways?

- (chuckles) Well it looks

like we have a

stow away on board.

Is that the only one that's

tagging along with us?

- Yes it is sir.

He looks familiar.

Say isn't that the one

who tried to fight you?

- Well maybe he's

come for some more?

Do you want me to

get rid of him Sir?

It'll be my pleasure!

- We'll let him be.

I'm sure he means no harm.

After all, weren't we all

young and adventurous once?

I hope he enjoys the ride!

- Sir there it is.

Do you want me to go in closer

or should I keep the

ship at this distance?

- Hold this position

for the time being,

I want to see what

we're up against here.

So that's what Unicron

looks like now.

- Big and ugly as ever Sir!

- But getting bigger

all the time no doubt!

Look at the size of that thing!

- Whoa that's Unicron?

- Well one good thing is

it's not complete yet.

- But it's still dangerous.

It has more power than

anything we've ever dealt with.

- That's Unicron?

Man it's practically a planet!

I heard it was big

but until you see it

you don't realize

how huge it is!

- Is something

bugging you Kicker?

- What me scared?

- You should be,

that thing could

consume the Universe

if it really wanted to.

I'm pretty scared myself.

So hey it's all right

- I'm not scared!

- Huh!

Hey, where did

Ironhide disappear to?

- Um maybe he's on

the port side deck?

Yeah that's it!

- Ah don't tell me!

Well I've done some pretty

crazy things in my past too!

- So I've heard.

Like that time you

snuck into that

enemy base on your own and

went totally ballistic.

You understand then!

Ironhide looks up to you,

he didn't know what he

could do on his own,

so he gone to test himself.

He's just tired of

being told what to do.

Just like I am.

- Yeah I understand

Command Optimus.

This is Hot Shot reporting.

Ironhide has taken off.

He's following Rodimus' ship and

it looks like he

is going to enter

into Unicron.

- Hey Hot Shot!

- Hey I'm sorry it's

my duty to report that.

- But ugh.

- But I do understand

that a soldier's

got to do what a

soldier's got to do.

Hey we all have to.

- That Ironhide

sure is a wild one.

Do you want me to

call him back Sir?

- (chuckles) No leave him.

He'll be fine.

- I'm starting to

think that maybe

that wasn't such a

good idea after all.

Oh man there's Unicron!

(engines roaring)

(dramatic music)

- Oh no!

We're going to go

all the way inside!?

I sure hope I can

find my way out again.

This really was a very bad idea.

Ah I wish Kicker was here now,

he'd know how to get

us out of this mess.

(engines powering down)

- So where was the

suspicious ship last seen?

- On the side of Unicron

that faces the Earth.

- (evil laugh) It

must be Optimus Prime!

He's come snooping around

to see what he can find!

Leave him alone.

- Huh!?

- This is perfect.

Unicron will be

resurrected shortly

and it's first victim

will be Optimus Prime!

Things couldn't have

worked out better

even if I'd planned

them all myself!

Just relax Starscream

and enjoy the show!

(maniacal laughter)

(alarms blaring)

- Sir!

I've picked up a

Decepticon signal.

They're very close and

moving fast towards us!

- How many are there?


- The Autobots

should know better

than to try and sneak up on us!

(evil laughter)

(lasers firing)

- Yeah it's time

to do some damage.

(rockets firing)

- Tidal Wave.

Tidal Wave.

Tidal Wave!

(Lasers firing)


(dramatic music)

- Rats!

There on to us!

- [Optimus Prime]

Kicker move it!

Get back onto the

ship right now!

- What?


- I said go!

There's no one here

that can protect you.

- What are you talking about?

I can protect myself!

Otherwise I wouldn't have

let Ironhide go on his own.

- Kicker wait!

Ugh what am I going

to do with that kid?


Optimus Prime power link!

(upbeat music)

- Fire One combine!

Copter Two Combine!

Digger Three Combine!

Submarine Four!

Optimus Prime power

link complete!

- Listen to me Misha!

Release the energon now!

- What are you talking about?

I can't do that!

It's way too dangerous!

- Just do it!

Ironhide is out there

fighting on his own,

he needs all the

help he can get.

Release the energon

before it's too late!

- Kicker I don't

think that's such a..

- Look a small

chunk is all I need,

just give me what you got left.

- Yeah okay.

(dramatic music)

- Ah!

(crashing sounds)

- I got to get out

of here and fast!

Ugh, I'm sure Rodimus and

his crew went this way.

- What is that

Autobot doing here?

How did he get inside Unicron?

- He's just a

reinforcement soldier

that stowed away on our ship.

He's harmless I think

he wants to meet you.

Perhaps he can be

of assistance if

you let him have

a word with you.

- How ridiculous!

Why would I want to talk

to a lackey like him?

- (evil laughter)

I think that we may

have made a mistake by thinking

we could count on you Rodimus.

- Oh why don't you just be

quiet and listen for once!

Can't you see that all we're

trying to do is help you out?

- Stand down Prowl!

- Listen!

We'll do what we have

to to protect you.

We'll get you back the

space that belongs to you.

And I'll honor the

promise I made.

- [Autobot] I don't even

know why we have to protect

this guy anyway.

What has he done for us?

- Our job was to

protect the Universe,

but we couldn't reach

as far their realm.

And now their planet is gone.

I feel responsible.

- You can't be serious Rodimus!

- Prowl this is a duty

that we have sworn to

undertake and we

must see it through

whether you like or not.

- Scorponok come here.

- Yes Alpha Q!

- I want you to go

find out if this

reinforcement soldier

can be of help to us.

- Yes Sir!

- Before he come near me,

I want to know if

he can be trusted.

We'll test him,

and then we'll decide if

he is of any use to us.

And please be careful Scorponok.

I don't want to damage him,

at least not yet.

- Ah man it seems like I've

been walking for hours.


Kicker was right!

I do need this puppy big time!

(door opening)

- Huh?

Somebody's trying to

tell me something.

All right!

You want me to go this way?


If this is a trap

then it's a trap.

So be it!

Oh good at least there's a

light at the end of this tunnel.

Ah man what is this place!?

Looks like some

kind of warehouse.

And it's full of

those Terracon eggs.

Uh, looks like the only way

out of here is through it.

Well, wherever it leads

I just hope there's

nothing waiting

on the other side.

As long as they don't

hatch I guess I'm okay.

(metal egg hatching)

- Huh?

Hm must be imagining things.

Ha, come on Ironhide what

are you so afraid of?

You can take care of yourself.

- If you ever get lost,

don't give into your

fear or you're a goner!

- Okay!

All I have to do is

remember what Kicker said

and everything

will be just fine!

Hey Kicker look at me

I'm not afraid anymore!

(Dinobot roars)

- Wha!! Whoa!!

Uh oh!

So much for all those

Terracons not hatching!


Get away from me!

Stay back!

I said get away!



Oh no my sword now

what am I going to do?

Stay back!

Get away from me!


Get away from me

or you'll be sorry!


- [Misha] Kicker get ready.

I'm releasing the energon.

(multiple explosions)

- Okay I hope this works.


Now Inferno!

Aim for the energon!

- Oh yeah!

I get it okay!

(lasers firing)

(energon explodes)

- Can you do that again Inferno?

- No problem, but we'll

need some more energon.

- Coming up!

Get ready!

This is going to be a big one!


Okay Ironhide!

You decided to go

it on your own,

so you better be able to hang

in there till we find you.

- Ngg, It's no good!

They're too strong!

(Dinobot biting Ironhide)

- Ah!


(cannons blasting)


- Scorponok!

- (evil laughter)


You've shown a lot of guts

by making it this far!

- You!

You work for Alpha Q?

Where is he?



Where is Alpha Q?




You can't stop me!

I won't give up!

I will meet Alpha Q.

Yes I will!

You can't stop me!


- (evil laughter)

- I have to know

what Alpha Q is.

I gotta figure out this mess.

What is his connection

to Unicron and Rodimus?

You gotta let me talk to him!




- Why you!

hmm very well you'll

get your wish,

but you might not

like what you see.

(door slides open)

- No what have you done!

- So this is what you call

reinforcement soldier?

- Forgive me Ironhide.

I'm sorry.

- Alpha Q I think this

one can be trusted,

he passed the test.

He proved that his

motives are true.

- Are you sure?

- Yes I believe him.

I don't think he's

a risk to any of us

- [Alpha Q] Very well.

(gasping for air)

- Inferno don't stop sh**ting!

Blast them!

- It's okay Kicker,

they're starting to withdraw.

We won this round.

- Stand down Autobots!

It looks like we

chased them away

for the time being.

But they'll be back.

- You can count on it.

- We'll be ready

for them next time.

We'll have to be.

(evil laughter)

- [Megatron] Oh Optimus Prime,

Yes you don't have a clue what

I have in store for you next!

(maniacal laughter)

(rock music)

♪Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪

♪Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪


robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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