02x45 - The Omega Train

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x45 - The Omega Train

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Transformers more

then meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers more

then meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers

robots in disguise ♪

- Transformers Energon

(Eerie piano)

- [Rodimus Prime] Pile that

debris over here and hurry,

time is not on our

side gentlemen.

- [Jetfire] I hate to

question your tactics Rodimus,

but why are we on

garbage detail?

All this junk

wouldn't stop a fly

never mind an incoming planet.

- Maybe you're right,

but we didn't come

all the way out here

to waste time

questioning our orders.

I'm just hoping this barrier

will help slow down Cybertron

before it gets up

to the space bridge.

- Like that'll happen.

- well Jetfire, that's the plan.

We just need to distract

Galvatron's attention

long enough for

Optimus and the others

to make it to Central City.

- Yeah, and if they don't?

- Optimus Prime has

never let us down.

And I know this will

be no exception.

- [Kicker] C'mon, C'mon!


What's taking you guys so long?

- [Group] Transform!

- Just relax Kicker!

- [Omega Surpreme]

The Energon gas

may not have affected you,

but it has hindered

our abilities.

- awww and these underground

routes are a complete maze!

- [Ironhide] It'll take us

days to get to Central City.

- [Optimus] We haven't got days,

we've got to stick it

out and keep going.

- You're right Optimus.


- Hurry!

- Constructicon and Bruticus

Maximus followed us.

- We don't have time to

waste on them, let's roll!

- [Group] Transform!

- Ironhide remind them

who they're dealing with!

- Okay!

- Oh no!

- Great there's more up ahead.

- Return fire!

[Group] Transform!

- I thought he

said not to sh**t?

- [Wingsaber] Hold your fire,

everyone hold your fire.

- hang on men, ceasefire!

- Optimus ?

- They're not the enemy.

- Uh, hey, it's Wingsaber

what's he doing here?

- Don't fire! Its Optimus

and the rest of the Autobots.

- Optimus Prime?

- As in the Optimus Prime

the one who defeated Unicron.

- He's come to

get us outta here!


- I'm so sorry Optimus I don't

know what I was thinking,

I had no idea it was you.

- No need to apologize

Wingsaber, you've

done a great job

rounding up warriors and

holding down the fort.

Excellent leadership.

- Uh, leadership? Aha, really?

Uh, thank you very much sir!

- What the? Get up

here guys its Optimus.

- Well what's the

racket? Why all the fuss?

- Hey you right its Optimus,

the Autobots are here.

- It must be severe.

- There's nothing to fear

with the Autobots here.

- You guys, don't look now

but I think I see Ironhide.

- Its not him your

circuits are fried.

- Sure its him it

can't be denied.

- What a delight

- what a treat

- This is really neat.

- Huh, I have fans?

- You know them?

- Nope, but ill

get to know them!

- Oh brother.

- Don't mind him.

- Whatever you say!

- yeah it's your call!

- What a wild day.

- And to think we meet our

hero in the heat of battle.

- There's worse.

- small universe.

- Ironhide are you

leading this team mission?

- 'cause if you are,

- We'd be a nice addition.

- [Unison] It would be a

dream to join your team.

- you guys crack me up.


- Who's that?

- there's no rest for a hero.

- Optimus, we've got

an underground hidout.

If you want I can

show you where it is,

We'll be safe there.


- Right, let's move!


- [Sixshot] Where in the

universe is Optimus hiding?

- [Galvatron] Hey Sixshot.

- Galvatron sir.

- You deceitful pratt, so

you thought I was sleeping?

And you could start

your own little project.

- Uh, no. Wrong side

of the bed or what?

- Sorry I missed that Sixshot,

just like you missed

the orders I gave

to clear the space bridge.

I doze off for a half second

and you've gone and launched

your own little recon mission.

Gah your just like that idiot

brother of yours, Shockblast,

he was never bright enough

to do as he was told.

so before you head

down the same path,

you'd better start

learning from his mistakes.

Unless, of course, you

want to end up like him?

Yes I didn't think so,

now forget about Optimus,

and get this planet through

that warp gate, pronto!

- Yeah right, you wish.

- What did you say?

- I said, as you wish

Galvatron, commander, sir.

- [Offscreen] These

are our coordinates,

in this area here in the

region south of Central City,

is where we think

Galvatron may have

Doctor Jones and the others.

- The Decepticon base.

- No doubt we'll find

a strong opposition

guarding the area, but

there's no indication

of the size of their force.

- Those Decepticons

are worthless

there's no way we'll get caught.

We've got Ironhide, and he's

the toughest Autobot ever.

- Well I don't know about

ever but I've had my moments.

- We heard all about

your big debut,

how you searched all of

space to find out the cue.

- And how you totally

clocked Scorpinok

- Yeah and the way you

fought against Unicron.

- There's nothing to fear

now that Ironhide is here!

- I love you guys!

But seriously, part

of being a great hero

means thinking of your

teammates as well.

Kicker's who family is

in real danger right now.

- Kicker's family?

- in danger?!

- Uh oh.

- Well what are we waiting for

guys, let's go rescue them!

- This is an issue

we can't ignore,

they can't wait anymore.

( Dr. Jones grunting)

- [Rand] Dr. Jones? There's

got to be an easier way

to get to Primus from

here, don't you think?

- [Dr. Jones] I doubt it Rand

this is the secret tunnel

where Kicker found

Primus when he was a kid.

- Here let me take over.

- No arguments here,

my back's killin' me.


its not going to be easy

to jack that thing up.


- No! Dr. Jones!


- I told you Primus

was down here.

- Yep you called it.

(both screaming)

Thanks for the pillowy

soft landing Primus,

you might want to give

us a little warning.

- He can't hear

you he's sleeping.


- Oh no they found us.

- So this is where the party is?

- Looks like you losers

are caught again.

- Look up there, that

must be the super energon

- What's that buddy?

Its not super energon?

It's what's left of

Cybertron's regular supply?

- Ha like you can

even understand

what that Teracon just said, Ha.

- I can, we have a connection.

- [Mirage] Starscream

tricked us,

or maybe it's some

kind of scavenger hunt.

- We found the first clue!

We found the first clue!

Oh man I love riddles.

- What do we do Dr. Jones?

- We can't let them

nab the both of us,

so, I'll play along with

their scavenger hunt idea,

while you try to wake up Primus.

- Hey what are you

humans whispering about?

I bet you know where the

next clue is, take us to it.

- As you wish.

- Dr. Jones!

- Okay Mirage, you

stay here and guard.

- Me? Why me?

- Because you're the smartest.

- I'm smart enough to

know you're full of lies!

- Shhhh, the kid might

drop some more clues.

- Now I'm the babysitter too?

- Don't worry Mirage as

soon as we get all the clues

we'll be back for ya.

- Promise?

- Yeah sure.

- You promise right? You're

not just saying that.

Thanks a lot, kid.

- Don't look at me, you think

I wanna hangout with you?

Not that you don't

look like fun.

(Galvatron laughing)

- [Galvatron] That's the

barrier? There's no way.

That heap of junk

couldn't stop a fly.

- [Sixshot] As you

wish Galvatron sir,

preparing to fire

up the energon grid.

- Lovely, now, blast

that trash to pieces.

Not that its really

must of an obstacle,

but I want those Autobots

to know who's in charge.

- [Rodimus] Okay here they come!

- Defense ready?

- Yes sir!

- [Optimus] All soldiers

gather round for a briefing.

Wingsaber and Superion Maximus,

you'll leave the

hideout with me.

We'll destract the Decepticons,

Kicker, while we're

keeping the enemy busy,

you Omega Supreme and Hotshot

will head for Central City.

You've got to

rescue your family.

Ironhide I want you

to act as an operative

to lead the Omnicons

in a rescue mission

for Bulkhead and the others.

You got that soldier?

- [Ironhide] I get my own team?

My very... own team?

Uh, but Optimus sir,

do you really think I'm

ready to be a leader?

- I know you can

do this Ironhide.

- Way to go big guy!

- Let's do it

- Hit after hit

- till they submit!

- We're team Ironhide

- And we're supreme.

- [Omincons] Team

Ironhide, we're surpreme!

Team Ironhide, we're surpreme!

- Ironhide!

- Yeah?

- Your value as a warrior

isn't something you

decide on your own.

In fact, even my confidence

as commander sometimes wavers.

but, I am still commander,

and I am only successful

because I have a superb

team to support me.

And now you have these

Omnicons, who trust in you.

You have what it takes to

lead this team Ironhide.

- That's right big guy.

- we're here for you.

- We'll stand true!

- We're ready.

- We're steady.

- let's rock.

- If you guys are

gonna do your best

then we will too!

- [Kicker] Great attitude

guys, my family will thank you.

- What did you say?

- Will you lead our team?

- Build our esteem?

- I'll do it!

Autobots away.

- That's Ironhide for ya.

- It's okay guys

Kicker's my parter.

- Oh Ironhide you're so tough

- and buff

- And so rugged. (giggles)

- And that's why

you're the best.

- better then the rest.

- And you've got zest.

- Yeah.


- [Omega Surpreme] Impressive

show of leadership Optimus.

- Huh?

- You instilled

confidence in him,

now he'll be able

to go into action

without questioning

his abilities.

- Team Ironhide supreme!

You can't stop the Autobots!

- Okay everyone its go

time let's do this right.

- Well?

- They didn't come this way.

- Then where are they Scorpinok?

- [Optimus] Right here!

- Optimus!


- Wingsaber!

- [Wingsaber] Right!

- Optimus Prime!

- Wingsaber!

- [Together] Power link!

- Power link complete

- Fire!

- Ten-four!

- Gotcha!

- [Sixshot] I found em. I

found em! I found them sir.

I found Optimus.

- You continue to disobey

me, you stupid tin can!

Didn't you learn anything from

our little heart to heart?

- I did sir, but

this is our chance

to bring Optimus

down to his knees.

- I told you to clear a

path to the space bridge.

Now get over there and aim the

energon grid that way, now!

- But, sir!

- Of course I want to bring

down Optimus you idiot,

that's been my cause

since I came into being!

However, right now

my orders to you

are to get this planet

through that gate!

Where's Starscream?

I'll send him out

to take care of Optimus he'll

obey me, I know he will.

If I didn't have to stay in

here and keep an eye on you,

I could deal with

Optimus myself!


- Not to fast Hyperion Maximus,

we've got to keep those

guys on our tails until

Ironhide and Kicker

are at a safe distance.

- Optimus, are you okay? Huh?

- [Starscream] Optimus Prime!

You don't have what it takes

to defeat the new

and improved me.

- He is stronger!

- It's not going to

be that easy Optimus.

- Things are intense out here,

Starscream and Optimus are

fully engaged in battle

and Scopinok's gone

after Superion Maximus.

They're keeping the

Decepticons busy in the air.

- [Omega Surpreme] Okay

Kicker, that's our cue

- [Kicker] Gotcha, we are

busting into Central City,

and we will free Cybertron.


- [Ironhide] This is the real

deal fellas stay with me.

- [Omnicons] Action

time, action time!


- Get a grip! Optimus

and the others

are acting as decoys

for us remember?

Those Decepticons don't

even know we're down here.

Chill out!

- Ironhide I've never

been in a real battle

- Me neither

- my nerves are rattled

- I understand, sometimes

even I get scared

or confused during the big

battle too, its natural.

- You do? The how do

you always look so pro?

- How do you do it? Cause if

you are nervous it never shows.

I'm serious.

- I fake it.

That's right boys that's my

motto, fake it till you make it.

- You what?

- [Together] He what?

- I'm a winner, now you try.

- I'm good

- I'm great

- I'm the best

- That's right, if I

keep telling myself

that over and over

I get so courageous that I feel

like I can confront

anything at all,

no matter how scary it is.

- I'm great!

- I'm greater!

- I'm the greatest!

- oh brother as if one

Ironhide is not enough.

- Yeah no kidding.

- I'm swell.

- I'm cool.

- I'm a rebel.

- I rule!

- I'm neat.

- I'm sweet.

- I feel like I can do

anything and not be beat.

- [Omnicons] Who's team

are we? All together!

- Us? There's no way!

- Team Ironhide, we're

supreme! We're team Ironhide!

C'mon, Let's go! (screaming)

Yeah c'mon you can dish

it but you can't take it!

We're team Ironhide.

Let's go boys!

- What's going on down there?

- Don't mess with the best,

don't fool with the cool,

don't mess with the best,

don't fool with the cool,

don't mess with the best!

- According to Wingsaber there

should be a tunnel up ahead

leading straight

to Central City.

- [Omega Surpreme] A

station! I've got an idea.

- Fire at will boys!

- Transform! If there

is a station up ahead

then this way is faster.

- Omega Surpreme, wait up!

- Sweet move Omega!

- Hurry!

- All aboard that's

going aboard!

- Riding in style!

- No free ride for you guys.


- Full speed ahead Omega train!

- Oh no you don't!


(train horn)


- The Omega train

and team Ironhide

have made it out of the city.

- That's it, our job

is done here Superion.

Now for part B, we need

to meet up with Kicker.

- Yes sir!

- Get back here! Cowards!

- There he is, I found

Optimus again, You creep.

- You idiot!

- Oh no!


- You moron! Are you

disobeying me again?

All you had to do was push

this one little button,

you complete imbecile!


- What was that?

- [Rodimus] Hang on men, you

can do it! Don't give up!

- Take a look Sixshot

we're almost there.

The planet will soon be

blasting through space.


it's happening we're

finally on our way!


- [Offscreen]

Planet Cybertron has

passed through the space

bridge, and Galvatron

has totally lost his marbles.

- What could he have up

his sleeve this time?

What could the

future bring for us?

- Yes, and have

Optimus and his men

managed to stave

off the Decepticons?

- Who knows?!

- Will Kicker be able

to reach his family

in time to rescue them?

- Oh! And what if

Ironhide's inflated ego

gets in the way of the mission?

- So many questions!

- But I'm afraid

we're all out of time!

- That's a wrap.

- tune in next time!

♪ Transformers more

then meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers more

then meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers

robots in disguise ♪
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