05x16 - Star of the Ultimate w*apon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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05x16 - Star of the Ultimate w*apon

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

Geez! Talk about a sleep disturbance!

Mach Kick!

Wake up, Mach Kick!


What a guy...

Emergency! Emergency! We've caught an Angolmois capsule reading!

Everyone, report to the bridge!



Huh? Longrack, did you end up coming into my room half asleep?

Get it together, YOU!



The Cybertron trainee spaceship Gung-Ho,

...has rushed to an Angolmois capsule reading found on the Green Binary Planets Arachide.

How nice, those planets are a lushly green!

But absolutely no intelligent life exists on this planet.

So they're desolate planets, huh?

Their environment doesn't appear to be so bad, though.

Look, this is the appearance of their ground.

So, there were inhabitants and a civilization long ago.

But, they all look like weapons...

It seems they had a w*r between the two neighbor planets.

Then, they kept fighting until the very last man standing and went extinct.

Horrible, I hate wars...

I can't believe YOU said that.

Longrack, make up a drop team at once.

Understood, Big Convoy!

Let's see... considering its geography, it would be myself and...

You and me will be more than enough.

It's better for a drop team to have a minimum number of people.

We still don't know the clear cause of the inhabitants' extinction, Longrack.

I... I see.


Let's giddyup, Longrack!

How many times do I have to tell you?! I'm the lieutenant!

I'm the one giving orders!

I'm not ordering! It's a rallying cry, you know!

Are you sure just the two of you will be enough?

Yes! I'm ready to die for Big Convoy, anytime!

M-M-Me, too...!

You don't have to push yourself, Longrack.

The truth is, this battled-hardened 'me' is enough for the mission!

Huh~?! If you say that much...

I'll show you my true ability then!

Really, true ability, huh?

Transporter - Launching!

Sleep-talking is something you do when you're sleeping, you know!

Look who's talking!

I'd like you to cut back on your snoring, attitude, and idle chit-chat!

Snoring?! Just when was I snoring?!

Every single night!

That can't be true!

Yes it is!






It seems we've arrived safely.

Where's the Angolmois capsule reading coming from?

This way, straight ahead!

Good! Let's contact the Gung-Ho while we can.

This is Mach Kick. Gung-Ho, please respond!

What's wrong?

There's a jamming wave that's being emitted.

What did you say?!

Somehow, even though the residents of this planet are gone, the weaponry systems are still active.

Don't tell me...!

We'd better be careful. Don't let your guard down!

Th-Those are my lines!



It's in there.

It seems the Angolmois capsule is located in that tower.

I see.

We'd better hurry, as we can't contact Big Convoy!

Wait! I have a bad feeling about this.

What's the matter? Are you scared already?

I'm SAYING, it looks strange!

With what exactly?

Haven't you noticed?

That thing is the center point of these two planets.

It would have been an important base during w*r.

There must be a powerful defense system in there.

That can't be possible!

How would it protect a base when nobody's around?

See? Here comes something!

Does that mean, someone is here then?

No! It's a weaponry from an a*t*matic attack system!

A...An a*t*matic attack system?

It'd be a waste of time trying to reason the enemy, when it is a machine.

DOUBLE m*ssile!

Come on. That was disappointing.

Here it comes again!

Whatever... we don't have anything to fear!

DOUBLE m*ssile!

What did it just-?!


We're saved.

But I can't believe it fended off the Double m*ssile so easily...

That blasted UFO, it figured out the special characteristics of your missiles.

No way! You're not saying...

...I hope not.

Well, it's certain that the blasted UFO got more formidable than earlier.

Well, then what are we going to do?!

We'll have to use other weapons.

Other weapons...

It seems my hunch was right.

If we knew, we should have increased the number of the drop team members.

That's correct.

Sorry, it was my error in judgment.

Mach Kick...

At that time, the Destrons' spaceship, Dinosaur, was searching the planet Arachide from a different direction.

An unmanned and self-learning weaponry, you say?

That's right.

The more it battles, the smarter it gets; It's the ultimate weaponry.

Every time it gets destroyed, the collected data is sent to the central computer,

...then new and improved type is produced immediately.

So you're saying that the weaponry had evolved to the ultimate state and wiped out the inhabitants on that planet?

That's correct.


We'll have to hurry and get the Angolmois capsule.

The Cybertrons will just keep making that a*t*matic weaponry stronger against us.

However, if we leave it like this, the Cybertrons will be wiped out.

After that, we can carefully come up with a measure and take the capsule for ourselves.

And what is your measure?

It's... well... we will...

DNAVI, where is the main computer that controls the weaponry?


By the way, I would appreciate you addressing me as Dorothy-chan.

The Angolmois capsule is in the same place.

Archadis, what are you thinking?

If I were to face that weaponry...

...I would first run without fighting.

It would be best to run, run, run away, watch for an opportunity, and destroy the main computer.

I see, that's a good idea!

Run from an enemy? That's nothing but cowardly!

But this is the only way.

The problem is, there are at least two among the Cybertrons, who would realize this.

One of them is Big Convoy.

Another one is...

Mach Kick...

He's a battled-hardened one, he would notice it.

Mach Kick, we should fight!

Why are we running?!

'Cause I want to live longer!

But didn't you say earlier, you were willing to die for Big Convoy anytime?

It would be a waste of lives if we got k*lled by a blasted thing like that unmanned UFO!

You'll need to use your life and head a bit more wisely!

Wh-What did you say?!

Don't stop, Longrack!

Look out!


T...Thanks for the save, Mach Kick.

I don't need thanks, instead, give me your life.

I wanna keep it as a spare!

I'm just joking!

Now then, let's get the Angolmois capsule before the next new product shows up!

Y... Yes.

We still can't contact Longrack's team, can we?

Not yet.

Big Convoy, we should go!

They probably got destroyed!

By who? That planet ain't got nobody on there.

We don't know that!

But there's a jamming wave which is actually being emitted!

It's not surprising if there was some kind of a trap!

It's possible the Destrons got here before us?

Yeah, that's possible...

Whichever it is, we should go, Big Convoy!

All right. Everyone board the Seagull!

We're heading to Arachide!

Yes, sir!

The Angolmois capsule is on the top floor of this tower!

There's no time! Let's fly!

This time, it's coming in a group!



One more time!

No way!

Come to think of it... where's Mach Kick?

Where are you, Mach Kick?!

At this rate, I'm going to melt into whipped cream!


Mach Kick, where did you get off to?!

This way!

Just when did you-?

Nevermind. Let's get movin'.

The new product won't be chasing us for a while. Let's go!

Let's go?! Just what kind of situation do you think I was in?!

Mach Kick, did you use me as a decoy by any chance?

That's just your imagination.

Even if that were the case, the result was all right, wasn't it?

You used me as a decoy... you used me as a decoy... you used me as a decoy...

What's wrong, Longrack?! I'm gonna leave you behind!

Geez! I will NEVER believe what Mach Kick says!

The Angolmois capsule is over there!

All right...!

Hold up!

What?! You keep saying that!

Yeah, I know!

You called yourself battle-hardened but...

...the truth is, weren't you able to survive because you've been running away all this time?



You've gotta use your head in order to survive.

Watch this!

A-An electromagnetic barrier?

"Carelessness can be very dangerous", they say.

That main computer is quite well-made​.

We don't have any other weapons, except this.

But, what are you planning on doing?!

Destroying that computer's main switch.

Aim firmly!

No, I meant, what are YOU going to do?

I'm going to do this!

H-Hurry it up!

This is nuts!

You're not using your head at all!

Just hurry up and fire already!

R-Roger that!


All right! Blow it up!

You okay?

Yeah, somehow...

The Angolmois capsule...

Now's the time to get it!

Impressive as always, Mach Kick.

Captain Strata!

Have you been well, Mach Kick?

Captain Strata!

You're alive?!

Who is that?

He's the captain of the Thoroughbred Corps where I used to belong!

Weren't they completely wiped out?

That's right. Completely wiped out.

However, Mach Kick and myself survived!

Captain Strata, just what are you doing HERE?

I've been waiting for you.

For me?!


For us to build together a new Thoroughbred Corps.

R-Roger that!

Hang on a moment, Mach Kick!

You currently belong to the Big Convoy unit!

C'mon, don't be so square!

Does Big Convoy know about this?!

I've already contacted your battleship for you.

There's nothing to worry about.

Hang on a minute!

The Gung-Ho is not a battleship, but a trainee ship.

As a Cybertron captain, you should know this much!

Don't tell me--!

Look out!!

A hologram?

It's not like you, Mach Kick!

Use your head a bit more!

Damn! Of all things, it used Captain Strata to get to me!

But, when did this computer have the time to search our consciousness?

I programmed in Mach Kick's data.

Archadis!! You're a freaking scumbag for using such a dirty trick like that!

So close though...

A little bit more, and both of you would have been in Hell.

But, ah well... I can settle for this, as both of you will die here.

You gotta be kidding me!

Damn you, I won't let you escape!

No, no, I WILL escape.

You guys go ahead and keep on fighting forever against this ultimate attack system.



You do realize I wasn't trying to save you.

You're now in an even MORE difficult situation.

Now, Dorothy-chan, would you please teleport me?

Will do.

Hang on, Archadis. What about the Angolmois capsule?

You should know that, Sling.

You, the strongest Destron warrior, will go and get it.

No matter how much you flatter me, I ain't doin' that!

DNAVI, teleport me also!

Just who is DNAVI?

Uh, sorry about that!

Um, what are we calling you today?

It's Dorothy-chan!

Got it! Dorothy-chan, if you could, please!

I guess I have to...


What are we going to do? They've powered it up again!

There's one way to do this!

While I'm luring those guys, you go collect the Angolmois capsule!

You're kidding, right?!

I'm serious! Once you have the Angolmois capsule in hand, get out of here immediately!

I'm counting on you, Lieutenant Longrack!


I've screwed up two times already.

The first one was the number of the drop team.

Another one was Captain Strata from earlier.

As it is now, I'm too ashamed to face Big Convoy.

Mach Kick...

I'll return as soon as I get the Angolmois capsule!

Until then, hang in there!

Right! I'll hang in there as best as I can!

I have no weapons left to use.

Mach Kick, hang in there! I'm doing my best, too!


C'mon and get some!

Come and catch me!

Good! If I destroy that thing one more time!


What the heck?!

The main computer itself learns and gets upgraded as well?!

This is bad.

I've taken too many hits, and my gravity control device is acting weird.

But, it's just a bit further!

I've got no choice but keep going!

They're here again!

The ultimate defense system AND the ultimate attack system!

Which is truly stronger?

That did it!

Mach Kick, we've done it! I've got the Angolmois capsule!

Good work, Longrack!

But we can't be just rejoicing here!

The computer's a*t*matic recovery system will soon kick in.

We gotta hurry and get out of here!

You get out of here by yourself!

I told you to use your head!

No, I will no longer listen to what you say!

Stop trying to be cool!

Our mission is to bring back that capsule!

The most important duty of a warrior is to ensure the mission is accomplished!

To bring you back with me is also my duty as a lieutenant!

Did I flatter him a bit too much by calling him a lieutenant...?

This is bad. I didn't think it would recover this quickly...

Are you two okay?

Big Convoy!

They came for us just in time...!

Good work, both of you.



This operation wouldn't have succeeded without the teamwork between the two of you.

We are the strongest when we can recognize each other's abilities.

Yes, sir!

Why did I have to say something so obvious like that...

Indeed, I said something that wasn't like myself...

I know I have to recognize others in a positive way...

...but I just can't take this snoring!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


DNAVI is NOT beautiful today!

I'm beautiful; I spent one hour putting my make-up on.

That's not what I'm talking about!

Everyone is being teleported all over the place!

That's not my fault!

Isn't it a trap set by someone?


Are you saying we have a traitor within the Destrons?!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 17 is, Troublesome DNAVI

Please look forward to it!

Now then, call me Catherine.
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