We All Lie My Darling (2021)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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We All Lie My Darling (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

You sure no one's gonna hear us in here?

- No, it should be fine.

- Okay.

Take your shirt off.

Can you turn the radio off please?

If you're worried about it.

What's going on?

What? What's going on here?


This is not the way that I've raised you.

I don't know what's going on.

What has happened to you?

Look, I wanted to tell

you both for so long,

but you make it so hard

and I don't know what to do

'cause this is who I am.

This is not who you are.

It's not a choice, mom.

It is a choice, Nick.

If you choose not to change

I'm not gonna change.

Well then you can no

longer live in this house.

I do love you, but this is

not acceptable in this family.

- What am I gonna do?

- Not my problem anymore.

Where am I gonna go?

That's not my problem anymore.

Quickly go and pack your bags.

Mom, I'm not leaving.

Did you hear me?

I said leave!

- Doin' all right?

- I'm looking for Kat.


Thank you.

Alright, it's okay you're with me now.

Come on.

Sit down.

All right, what happened?

It was just a matter of time, I guess.

Nicky, you know you always

have family with me, right?

I'll look after you.

Thanks, Kat.

Can we please get two of the same?


So why are we here?

Well my friend has his

first show here tonight.

He'll be on that stage.

Is it drag?

You're in Sydney now, baby.

Shh, it's starting.

Yeah, Paulini.

Let's go, girl!




Yeah, Paulini.

I'm glad you're here, Nicky.


And then there was that time

he stole all my Barbie dolls

but wouldn't admit to it.

Oh hey, b*tches?

Oh, hey mamacita.

How are you?

Oh you know, pretty amazing.

Oh yeah, you slayed it out there.

I was so proud.

I know.

Can we get outta

here before your fans mob us?

Yes, thanks.


I'm dying to go home.

All right, we'll grab our stuff.

Oh hey.

Let's commemorate Nicky's

first night in Sydney.


Smile for the dicky-bird.

All right.

Ready? One, two, three.

- Face tune that, my god.

- Let's go.

Yeah, come on, honey.

Don't worry, little Nicky.

We're gonna look after you.

He looks good.

Looks good from behind, hello.


Oh for god's sake!

Baby drags, what is your problem?

Get up. Get up or I'm

gonna slap you in the head.

This is why I stayed home.


You followed me around for a week

begging to be wearing

that sombrero, I remember.

It's the only thing I took with me.

Nicky, you know that you're

never gonna lose me, right?


Thanks, Kat.

Okay, goodnight.



My feet are k*lling me.

It's the best offer I've had all night.

You want more?

You know I do.

Guys, I just wanna let you know

that my cousin is sleeping on the couch.

No, he can sleep with us.

Okay, thanks for the offer.


That's gotta be the

nicest sounding alarm clock.

I'll be here all week.

How's my Nicky?

It's been so long.

It's good to see you.

It's good to see you too.

Everything good?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

You okay?



Oh my god. Thank the lord Jesus.

I need coffee. You want some?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

And this is the couch surfer.

- Sam.

- Nick.

- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

He's our new roommate.

- Oh, nice.

- Morning.

How you doin'?

- Better.

- Good.

Thank you.

I better go.

Ladies, let every man

be master of his time.


Whatever that means.

He likes to quote Shakespeare.

Okay, I gotta go, you guys.

I'm gonna be late.

Aww, kissing cups.

Uh, excuse me.

Are we forgetting something?


Oh my god.

You're so needy.

Come here.

Muah, see you guys later.

- See ya.

- Bye.

Yeah, no.

No more chocolate chip

cookies for breakfast.

Have pears.

You know what? You take that.

Eat fruit.

I'll take this.

And, no, that was disgusting.

No, can you empty that

out and clean it for me?

- Yeah.

- Good luck finding a job.


Kissin' cups.






That's Centrelink done for the week.



What do they call ya?



You play?

Not guitar, a little bit of piano.

You want a drink?

Yeah, okay.



This would have to be the

most uncomfortable sling

I've ever been in.

I love spending time with you.


You're fun.

How'd you like a weekend

away just you and me?

I would like that a lot.

Where would you like to go?

Somewhere hot

and a bit tropical.


Oh, what's in Brisbane?

Well we could go to the Gold Coast.

We could go swimming.

We could go skinny dipping.


But Melbourne might be colder.

We could practice keeping each other warm.

Yeah, Melbourne would be perfect.

Yeah, would it?

- Yeah.

- Why's that?

Well the coffee's infinitely better

and there's a lot more culture.

We can go to an art exhibit,

maybe a theater show


You'd like that?

Yeah, especially if you're there.

That wasn't good enough.

I can't wait to go to Brisbane with you.


Somebody is lookin'

good tonight, kitty Kat.

Just goin' for a drink with a friend.






You know I've got your back, right?


Why, what's up?

I dunno.

Do you ever feel like

you're wasting your energy

with these guys that

keep you on speed dial

to distract them from their

miserable mundane lives?


No, mom.

But thanks?

Well maybe I'm the

only one that cares enough

to have this conversation with you.

I mean I get it.

I know I've been a little lost lately.

I'm just... trying to figure stuff out.

I know it's easier for you.

You've got this.

You've got yourself sorted.

Kat, you've got a job

here as long as you want it.

Thank you.

I just think that it's really important

that you start at least

thinking about who you wanna be

and where you wanna be.

I hate seein' you get hurt.

I'm tryin' to figure it out.

Thanks for looking out for me.

But I should go.

Don't wanna be late.

You look beautiful.

Have fun tonight, even if

it is just a bit of fun.

Who knows? He could be Prince Charming.

Don't wait up.

Hey, did you even clock-off?

We're closing in 20 minute huh.

Yeah. Okay, that's fine.



They like to get ready really early

to have the Christmas

set up before everyone.

I even have a playlist. I'll show you.

You're gonna love it.

Yeah, that'll get into

the Christmas spirit.

I love Christmas.

Oh wow.

Pierre, I'm going...

Pierre, I'm

Never mind.

This is actually nice.

Is it nicer than sleeping

with a married man?

Can it, Sam.

Maybe I don't want to.

Maybe I wanna know why

you're seeing him again.

You said you wouldn't.

You lied to us.

As I recall, someone once told me

and you may remember who said this.

"We all lie my Darling."

Nope, that was different.


I don't see how.

So you mean to tell me

that you have never done

one slight thing that

has been unscrupulous,

Mr. Self-righteous?

I haven't lied about it.

Hate to break it to you,

Sammy, but you ain't no choirboy.

Does that mean my choirboy career is over?

What will I do?

I'm serious though.

You know, you're a big girl

and you can make up your own mind.

But I just think you deserve

someone better than that.

Somebody who doesn't want you

on the side but all the time.

Someone who's worth all of your heart

and has a nice d*ck.

Not just big, but clean.

Clean would be nice.

Yeah, okay.

I thought we were having a moment.

I was wrong, very wrong.

I love you kitty Kat.

Yeah, I love me too.

Oh sh*t.


It's not good news, is it?

It could be better.

It's all right, honestly.

Just tell me.


So your test did come back positive.

You're HIV-positive.

Do you understand what that means?


Yeah, I understand.

Listen, HIV is such a

manageable disease these days.

People live with it every single day, Sam.

There's medications

that suppress the virus.

There's support groups.

I can give you the brochure.

What about Paul?

Is he all right?

I mean it's really good that

you guys had protected sex

before you got tested.

Honey, you're gonna be okay.

Hey Nicky.

Hey kitty Kat.

So you've been looking a

little under the weather lately.

I got you some multivitamins.

Take them, okay?

Yeah, okay.

Hey, Kat?

What's up?

I'm not sure if Sam's okay or not.

What do you mean?

Well he's been in his room

all day and he hasn't come out.


Okay, I'll go check.

Sam, it's Kat.


Sam, I'm coming in, okay?

What's wrong?

Sammy, you can tell me.

Whatever it is, it might

be better to talk about it.


Just went to see Blake.

What'd she say?

I've got HIV.

Blake would've told you

about the medication, right?

This is not a death sentence, 'kay?

This is something that you live with now,

not something that kills you.

Who's gonna want me?

All of your family and

friends who love you.

That's not going to change.


anyone who really loves you

is always going to love you.

You're kinda stuck with us now.

Think Paul's gonna leave.

If he goes, he goes.


You guys have only been dating two months.

This is his chance to show you his colors

and... lay his hand and

all those other metaphors

you're so much better at than me.

The right person will

love you no matter what.

Hey, what would Shakespeare say?

I don't know.

Yes, you do.

"To be or not to be".

"To be".




We'll leave you the

house to yourselves, okay?

And if you need me, you just call, okay?

I love you, Sammy.

All right, I will let you

make the rest of your Tinder

decisions on your own.

Thank you.

So how you been, Nicky?


Yeah, I'm lovin' Sydney.

Thank you again for you

know, letting me stay.

I feel like I'm a burden.

Stop saying thank you.

You are family.

You're staying with us permanently.

You know that, right?

Oh yeah, plan to.

Good. Squatter's rights.

Oh yeah.

So how long have you and

Blake been, you know?

Oh, we're just friends.

You know, we get drunk

and we hook up sometimes

but that's it.

Yeah, yeah.

I just think Blake might consider you

just a bit more than a friend.

- Bullshit.

- Mm-mmm.

Pretty soon I think you're

gonna find out either way.

Oh, you know what?

You're so full of it.

Blake, Blake.

Help, help, help. Stop being so

Oh my god,

I can't leave you guys

alone for like two minutes.

You're already pinching his nipples.

Nick, you were so calm and

mature about Sam's news tonight.

I'm really proud of you.


I wanted to let you know.

Also there's a job opening at ACON

and I think you should take it.

I'll put in a good word

for you. Don't worry.

Cool. Thank you.

Yeah, no problem.

Congratulations, Nicky.

All right, celebrating Nicky's

- Cheers.

- New job.

- You got an umbrella.

- Cheers.

But tomorrow you get to wake up

Whoa, guys. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Oh god.

That doesn't look good.

'Kay, maybe you should go in

first and we'll follow later.


Okay, come in in like 10 minutes?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Sam, honey.

Sam, honey.



It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

You hear me?

We're all here for you.

All of us, it's okay.

I had this almond biscuit the other day

and it just like gave me this flashback

of how my grandma used

to make me biscuits.

But then she used to be like

really passive aggressive about it

and make me feel guilty

and say like you know,

I owe her for making

these biscuits for me.

She used to lay on the

guilt like so thick.

And even though she only

d*ed like three months ago,

now my mom has taken

over this role in my life

and it's just like

confusing, I guess.

But apart from that,

like everything in my

life is going pretty well.

Like I just moved into a new place

and I'm getting more shifts at work.

But it's just like, you know.

Yeah, no.

No, I don't.

Nobody wants to date me.

I don't know why.

Yeah, I know why.


Nothing, honey. Here have a tissue.

You know, I think we should probably

book another appointment for next week

but maybe with someone else.

- What?

- Yeah.

Well hello.


You're one of the best-lookin'

things I've seen in awhile.


Thanks, I guess.

No worries, man.

Did you wanna book an appointment

with one of the counselors?

I've already got one.

Because of the HI...?

No, my parents have been

doin' some f*cking intervention

exorcism bullshit and I've

been surrounded by priests

and reprogrammers for days.


You said it.

Not from Sydney, eh?



Can I have your phone?


You don't want my number?


Yes. Yes.

Hold on.

There you go.

Call me.

Hey Nicky.

So originally, I was coming over here

to make sure you were okay.

But I just saw what happened.

Yeah and I think you're just fine.

His name's Nathan.

What'd you take last night, Nick?

Don't know.

You don't know?

They were pills.

What kinda pills?

I don't know, small ones.

Small ones?

Nathan said they were fine.

So you let Nathan allow

you to take something

and you didn't even know what it was.

You didn't think that was like stupid?

I mean it made me feel

good. I'm okay, aren't I?

Do you wanna lose your job?


Well if you keep doing crap like this,

you're gonna lose your job.

Is it worth it?

I don't wanna look at you anymore.

Can you leave me alone please?

I wanna finish this.

Hey Sam.



Hey, nice to meet you.

You're here for Blake.


You're here for the group.

- Yeah.

- I run the group.

- Really?

- Yeah.

How you doing?

I'm good, thank you.


Well do you wanna come through

and you know, meet the guys?



Come this way.

- Hey.

- What're you doing?

You don't even smoke.

It's been such a long day.

What's wrong?

Thanks for looking after Nicky today.


No problem.

I don't know what's gotten into him.

I mean

he's pulling some stupid stuff.

Feel like there's something else.


I'm just really glad that you're here.

Come here.

How'd it go, babe?

Was a bit of a one-sided conversation.

But other than that, it was fine.

Kat, it's me.

Don't do that.

It's her birthday.

Mom would've been 54.

Talk to me.

I don't remember the sound of her voice.

I remember other things like

she always loved lemon cake

and red candles, always red

candles on her birthday.

Do you know how hard it

is to find red candles?

But I can't remember the details anymore

and I need to remember because

I need to hear her voice.

I need to hear her telling me

that I'm not stuffing it up

'cause I don't know what I'm doing and.

I don't know how to do any of this.

I don't wanna stuff it

up now for Nicky as well.

I don't wanna stuff it

up for you now either.

I'm always gonna be here for you.


She would a really liked you.

I know.

C'mon, let's go.

You have reached Sam's mailbox.

Please leave a message.

Thank you.

Hey you, it's been awhile.

I just rang to tell you how

sorry I am for everything.

I was just scared.

I understand if you can never forgive me,

but, I want you to know

how deeply sorry I am

and that I want nothing

but happiness for you.

You're a great guy.

You deserve better.


Take care, Sam.

Wait, can I get discounts on this?

I think so.

Is it toxic?

Can you use it for humans?

I'll go.

Hi, how can I help you?

Hey, my gears are stuck.

Oh, lemme have a bit

of a play down here.

Like that?

Yeah, thanks.

What do I owe you?

Nothing. I'm all good.

You're definitely talented.

So I've heard.

Maybe I should take

you for a drink sometime,

to say thanks.

Yeah. Sure, I'd like that.

Good. Well I know where to find you.


Well keep those gears well-lubricated.

I will.


I should give you all the male customers.

I don't know.

Milky bar kid was kinda cute.

Yeah, he's definitely less of an ass

than I've seen you date lately.

All right, I'm upgrading, okay?

Cut me some slack.

You got somewhere better to be.

Oh! All right, all right.

I'm working.

What do I pay you for?

Michelle got super angry at me

because she thought I was like

flirting with this customer.

He was actually flirting with me.

Well were you?


No, I was just doin' my job.

Where are the boys tonight?

They're out, I think.

Sam too?

Yeah, think that's really good.

Wait, why are we out tonight?

I wanna go out.

I wanna feel pretty and get dolled up.

I can't. You know I have

to work early tomorrow.

Come on.

We can go out and have some fun.

I wanna pick up like this.

We'd look cute, don't we?

Come on, let's go out.

One drink.

Just one drink.


You barely said it.

Like every guy, okay?

Every guy.


Favorite song. Woo!



going to create equal rights

for people in same-sex relationships

which really should exist in somewhere as

supposedly forward-thinking as Australia.

It's a massive issue both politically...

- What?

- What?

- Really?

- Really.

Oh yeah, that's really mature, Blake.

You know what? What was

that at the club last night?

I thought.

I thought we were just having fun.

As I recall, we were just drinking

and playing that stupid swapping game.

Yeah. It was pretty stupid, wasn't it?

I don't understand.

'Kay, so what's your problem?

We were just having fun.

We were drunk, all right?

And you were with someone as well.

So why are you so angry?

Well it was your idea, Kat.

You're a big girl, Blake.

You can actually say something

if you didn't want to do it.

Yeah, you know what I'm gonna

say? I'm gonna say f*ck you.

Right back at you, Blake.

f*ck you too.

"Now I think

just emotionally for the country."


Ready for some fun?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

Who's this?

Just a mate.

Have you had a threesome before?

No, I thought it was

just gonna be me and you.

Nah we're gonna have some

fun. Take your shirt off.

No, I don't.

I thought it was just gonna be you.

Why does it matter?

Well I don't want to

do anything with him.

Have another line.


No, no.


Where's my phone?

I'm gonna go.

- Are you serious?

- Yup.


What the f*ck do you think you're doing?

I'm gonna leave, Nathan.

Why are you leaving?

I don't wanna do that.

So what?

You're gonna come and take all

my dr*gs and then f*ck off?

Nathan, I just wanna go home.

You're freakin' out.

- I just wanna go home.

- You're freaking out.

- Will you let me go?

- You're freaking out.

You're freakin' out.

Will you let me go?

- You're freaking out.

- f*ck off, Nathan!

Don't f*ckin' push me in

my house.

f*ckin' go.


That's when I decided to do

the whole backpacking

through southeast Asia thing.

Oh, okay.

So what made you decide

to move back to Melbourne?

Did I tell you I

moved back to Melbourne?

Yeah, you mentioned it back there.

- No, I didn't.

- Yeah, you did actually.

Did you Facebook stalk me?


Okay. Yes, I did.

But in my defense, a girl has to know

how much pepper spray to carry, all right?

A lot.

We're in a park.

Anyway, did you find

what you're looking for?

Aside from the 2005

emo fringe phase, no.

Ouch, that hurts.

So what's your deal, hmm?

Bored of your wife,

three different kids from

three different baby mamas?

What is it?

- Okay, full disclosure?

- Yes.

All right.

I'm not bored of my wife.

She's doing three to five in prison.

That's my kids.

That's Reginald, Persephone, Johnson.

You are too much.

Hey, where are you going?

I don't know those kids.

Think you're a weirdo.

Show me.


Man, you look like sh*t.

Yeah, I feel like crap.

Pass me a beer.

Here we are.


You gonna tell me about it?


Just be careful.

Don't wanna lose you, Nick.

Can you play something for me?

We like ya.

So first crush.

Princess Jasmine.

Oh, liar.

No, 100% truth.




Guilty pleasure?

"The Brady Bunch".

That was a really good show.

Okay, now you've had too much to drink.

- What?

- Sorry, guys.

She's had enough.

We're cutting her off.

No, don't listen to him.

- No more drinks.

- I need that to keep warm.

- No more drinks.

- Can I please have that back?

Thank you.

- "The Brady Bunch".

- Mm-hmm.

'Kay, so what do you like

about "The Brady Bunch" so much?

Um, I dunno.

I think I just like the idea

of a post-modernistic happily ever after.

What's wrong with that?

Why? What do you want?

Check please? Yeah.

Can you tell me more

about this "Brady Bunch"?

No, mm-mmm.



Hey Paul.

Great show once again.

It's Paulini.

So how's it been through

these last few months?

- Yeah, pretty full-on.

- Get used to it, honey.

It doesn't change.

How do you cope with it all?


I'm the last person you should talk to.

I'm way too cynical now.

No, tell me.


But you were warned.

I got it.

Well life is hard and cruel,

but we make our own way.

It's like a w*r.

You know there are enemies,

but you don't always know

from where they'll come

and they can't bear to see you

and can't bear to touch you.

Then they try and change you,

make you think that being you isn't enough

like it's all your fault.

I mean being kicked out of

home, that was bad enough.

But at least they were honest.

That's just awful.

I know.

No one should live like that.

So what do you do?

You do whatever you have to do

to live

and to love

and to love yourself.

There's no guarantees that

others are gonna love you

or that you'll even love them.

What do you mean?

It's like

seeing your reflection in a shop window.

Three seconds ago, you were oblivious.

And then you realize

that it's at that point,

that precise point when you're happy,

smiling, laughing,

madly in love,

living the best life you've ever lived.

That you're suddenly the saddest.

So what if the one comes along?

Then you run like hell.

So what do you do now?

For love?

Yeah, for love, to be

connected to someone.

Well life is about choices

and about choosing who

you really wanna be.

And if you wanna lie, that's fine lie.

We all do.

If you wanna be the absolute

best at what you do,

then do that too.

It's your choice

and it's up to you

to live, honey,

to really live.

And there is nothing

more exhilarating than that.

Oi, bitch.

Look who I found spying on you.

Good evening.

Nicky, let me introduce you

to the most amazing woman on the planet:

My mom.

Hi Nick.

- Hi.

- Lovely to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

Hi honey.

Why didn't you tell me you

got back from holidays so soon?

I wanted to surprise you.

I love you, mom.

I love you too, sweetheart.

Talk to me.

What's up, sweetheart?

You okay?

I'll be okay.

I love you so much and

I am so proud of you.

I see how professional your shows are.

I look at how far you come.

You're beautiful, darling.

You're absolutely fabulous.

I love you, darling.

Hang on.

Is that my dress?

You seeing anyone?

No, not really.

When you and Kat gonna get it together?

I don't know.

I don't know if it's her thing.

I really don't.

I think it is.

I mean but what do I know?

I sit out here.

I see everything.

That's why I'm here.

I've been workin' on a song for you.

You have?

Yeah, you wanna hear it?

Yeah, I wanna hear it.

Let's hear it.





We need to talk.


I know you've been avoiding me.


I don't get it.

We love spending time together.

We have so much fun and

obviously the sex is amazing.

And now you're dating that Chris guy.

I just don't get it.

I don't know. I don't know how I feel.

Not an excuse, but yeah.

Well don't you feel us?

You know, it's hard to explain to you

because you don't understand.

You know exactly who you are

and you know what you want

and you have this amazing

support system back home.

I don't have any of that.

And with Chris.

With Chris, I know the deal, all right?

There are no surprises.

You know that this has absolutely nothing

to do with you, right?

This is all me trying to

figure everything out.



So how're you doin' with it all?

Oh, with the group you mean?

That and other stuff.

I know I didn't respond

too well at first.

I know that feeling.



My sister, she's HIV positive.

She still had two kids

and had a great family.

What are you thinking?

Sorta thinking about

it in a different way.

Like I can imagine a

different world with it.

I mean not bad, just different.

Takes people a long

time to get to that point.

I don't wanna lie to myself.

That, mister, is a plan.

Let's go again.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

I can't believe you're here.

I'm so excited.

Are usually good-looking.

Oh my god.

Okay, everyone. This is Gabby.


- Hello.

- Hey.

This is Nick, Sam and then Kat.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Do you want anything to drink?

Water? Yeah.

Water, water?



You know what?

Babe, you didn't say you had a household

full of good-looking people.

I like her.

So nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

And I heard so much about you two.

All lies.

I don't think so.

So you guys together?

- Gabby!

- What?

And he's taken the news so well.

I'm so proud of him.

I'm so proud of you.


Because you just had

to tell your best friend.

I mean you're the strong one.

You've always been the strong one.

You know, babe.

I didn't come back just to see my family.

I've come back because I want

you to come back with me.

I don't wanna talk about that.

Okay, but you're coming to

LA for the holidays, right?

Yeah, to visit my family.

So we can talk about it then.

Oh yes, I'll get that.

God, Gabby.

Some things never change.

I like the new do.

Why thank you.

I don't even know why

did we break up again?

Well we were young and scared, I guess.

It's you know, just one of those things.

What kinda things?

The kinda thing where

you know, it just wasn't moving forward

and you know, we went

in different directions.

We just got off the bus.

Got off the bus?

Babe, you know what I mean.

It just stopped and, you know,

we wanted different things.


I did a really big thing and I moved here.

But you didn't have to.

- Yes, I did.

- Why?

Space and time.

I had to find myself again.

I had to be away from you, Gabby.


I miss you.

You know, LA isn't home without you.

I want you to come back with me.

I know.

Come on.

Guys, our last get together

before Blake goes on holiday tomorrow.


Hey Sam.

- Hey.

- Good to see you.

How are you?

Blake, you need to sing a song.

Sing us a song, Blake.

Your last song please.

Yes, c'mon.

One more song.

Everybody, Blake's gonna sing a song.

- Yeah.

- Yup, here we go.

Three, two, one.



Everybody now.

Bon voyage.

I'm sorry, Sam.

But can someone else make

the coffee from now on?

How 'bout you make it yourself?

Hey, what's wrong with it? I like it.



Okay, well the cultured people like it.

Yeah, we like it.

So should we leave you two

cultured ones alone then?

Yeah, probably. Yeah.


You actually seem so much happier, Sam.


Yeah, I think I am.

Just had to get my head around things.

Take my medication, eat vegetables again.

- I'm proud of you.

- Aww.

Proud of you too.

So hate to rain on the parade, but.

I don't actually know if

I'm coming back from LA.

Wait, what?

I just really miss my family.

But we're your family.

Yeah, but my real family.

You waited until now to tell us?


Well you don't wanna keep

your real family waiting,

so you should probably go.

Yeah, actually the taxi's here.

Come here for a minute.

You're always welcome here, you know that?

- Thank you.

- Come back for a holiday.

Okay. Thank you, Sam.

I love you.


- Bye Blakey.

- Bye.

Try and come back soon.

Do you need help?

No, it's okay.


I guess I'm leaving.

Bye guys.

See ya.


It's gonna be okay.

I'm here for you, Kat.
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