Odds Against Tomorrow (1959)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Odds Against Tomorrow (1959)

Post by bunniefuu »

You little pickaninny. You'll k*ll yourself
flying like that. Yes, you are.

- Windy?
- You bet.

- I thought you was deaf, pops.
- I'm sorry, I didn't hear you speak.

Didn't say nothing.

Didn't you?

- Mr. David Burke.
- , sir.

Excuse me.

- Floor, mister?
- Six.

You hear that wind?

I'm going to get myself grounded
out of the Air Force.

That's what I'm going to do.

Ain't going to fly this kind of crate anymore.

Can you blame me?

Right on time, Slater. Right on time.

All right, there, Yuley.

Come in.

Here, let me help you off with your things.

What are you doing
with such a big old dog in New York?

I never had a wife.

Right on the button.

That's what I'm looking for.
Someone serious, with a head for business.

All right, here. Come on over here. Up.

- Whiskey?
- I don't mind.

- Straight or with water?
- With water.

- I got ice, you want ice?
- No, just water.

Make yourself comfortable, Slater.
We got to talk.

Like the view?

You got a whole heap of it.

I used to be able to afford
a little space inside, too.

We call this dump home, don't we, old boy?

Not bad.

Well, here's to our mutual benefit.
May it be considerable!

I guess you know all you have to know
about me, Slater.

I know something.

All right, you tell me what you know, go on.

You said you wanted to talk to me.

Since we knew a few people in common,
I wanted to come and find out.

I mean the dirt.

I know you were on the police force...

had a session with
the State Crime Committee...

and you got a year for contempt.

Because I wouldn't talk.

I was on the force years.
I had my own squad, and I knew everybody.

Everybody was my friend
until they needed a patsy.

I know about you, Earle.

Two stretches:

One for as*ault with a deadly w*apon,
one for manslaughter.

- Every time you get a decent job...
- Knock it off.

What's so big about you, Burke?

How come you make so much noise?
You've been sniffing around...

trying to find a hole in the fence
just like everybody else.

What makes you so big,
you can call me up to this dump...

- and sh**t off your mouth?
- I got an idea, that's why.

How would you like to pick up $,,
all in small bills, just for yourself?

How would you?

Hello. Johnny?

No. When?

Sure, that's fine.


- What would I have to do?
- Just walk into a bank and take it.

Maybe you got me wrong, Burke.

I never stolen nothing in my life.

Except maybe a watermelon
when I was a boy on the farm.

I don't want a Big Joe
with more decorations than Dillinger.

I want a safe thing.

I want a man who needs some money
to set himself up. I want a man with guts.

I want a serious guy in trouble.

And that's you. That's me.
That's the both of us. This is a one-time job.

One roll of the dice,
and then we're through forever.

Come on, Slater, what do you say?

- Who'd like to make themselves a fortune?
- I would!

- Everybody stays off the car. Is it a deal?
- Yes.

I'll watch them.

- And who'll watch you?
- I don't know.

Six, please.

Do you hear that wind?

You sure we're going to make it?

Always made it before.

With my luck, daddy, this could be it.

- Maybe on the way down.
- I'm walking down.

Shut up, you mutt.

- Johnny, come in.
- Hello, Dave.

Scram. He'll get hair all over you. Take off.

- Here, let me help you.
- I can't stay long.

Well, it takes some explaining.

- How about a drink?
- No, thanks.

You got the floor.

Here. He keeps shedding.

All right, there. Come on, get up there.

- Those blue coats.
- That's all right, don't worry about it.

You don't look like
I could sell anything to you.

- You look like you have it all, right now.
- Come on, fill me in, Dave.

- You're into Bacco for too much dough.
- Now tell me something I don't know.

- You owe him about $,, right?
- Wrong, $,.

It was $, last week.

The horses are still running,
and I'm still losing.

- And Bacco's willing to wait?
- What's the pitch, Dave?

I know how you can pay it off.

And I know what's coming next.

The fix is in. It's a sure thing, right?

- Now, wait a minute.
- No thanks, Davey boy.

I'll go down the drain on my own.

You're crazy.

All right, so I'm crazy.

You're counting your fingers and toes.

I'm talking about $,.

I'll take that drink.

- Straight.
- Just tell me one thing, Johnny.

How come Bacco hasn't
knocked your teeth in for not paying off?

'Cause I'm paying $-a-week interest.

- Well, that can't leave you much.
- Just my teeth.

- You ever going to pay it off?
- If I can ever wear out this streak.

No use stopping now. I'm way past
the life ropes. I'm praying for a miracle.

What do you mean, $,?

Just what I said,
$, to $,, like that.

- All in small bills.
- And you need Johnny Ingram?

I'm just a bone picker
in a four-man graveyard.

It's a bank job.

- Are we social climbing, David?
- This is easy money.

- Man, you're drifting.
- I'm serious.

That's not your line, Dave.
That's the firing squad for you.

That's for junkies and joyboys.
We're people.

Okay, what's my line?

- I'll forget you asked me.
- You don't even want to hear?

I did all my dreaming on my mother's knee.

All right, forget it.

- You riding?
- Downtown.

I'll ride along with you.

A man like you thinking thoughts like that.
You're in trouble.

I've got to get out of this trap.
They've kicked my head in.

- What can I do?
- Find a hobby, man. Anything.

They sure changed your color
when they rehabilitated you at Sing Sing.

$, can change it back.

Come back here, you.
Get back in here. You heard me.

Mind the store.

- How are those two little women of yours?
- The kid's fine.

That ex-wife of mine,
man, she's worse than Bacco.

If that alimony isn't there on the first,
her lawyer's there on the second.

Thanks for the lift.
If you change your mind...

I think I can get you the $, right away
to pay off Bacco.

I've got $ on the nose
of Lady Care today. I can't lose forever.

You'd be surprised.

Just tell me, how come it isn't safe to walk
in the park at night in a big city like this?

It's these wild kids.

Well, if it isn't the old clam himself.

This fresh air will k*ll you, Coco.

I know it.
But it's pigeon time for the little king.

What's this, a press interview or something?

Go on, talk to the old man if you want to.
He wants to do you a favor.

"What's the matter with this Davey Burke,"
he says. "I want to pay him off."

- Hi, Dave.
- Hello, Bacco.

Join me?

Want me to open up something for you,
in the operation?

- I told you, whenever you're ready.
- You're outside the law.

Well, a little inside, a little outside.
More or less.

Everything is more or less. Just name it.

- A fellow by the name of Ingram owes you.
- Sure.

A very entertaining boy at Connoy's place.

What time is it?

I'm on my way, stupid. Go back to sleep.

- What time?
- :.

- Why so early?
- Burke is waiting.

Can you trust this Burke?

Not like I can trust you, but enough.

Come here, you big clown.

- Now you go back to sleep.
- Let him wait.

I'm off to make my fortune.

What kind of a fortune?

Just one of those fortune fortunes.
I told you about it.

Burke got hold of some kind of concession.

He's a friend of that Lefty Gowers, isn't he?

Yeah, he's the one
who told Burke about me.

You knew Gowers in jail, didn't you?

No, at the Millionaires' Club. Where else?

- Earle, what does he want with you?
- I'll tell you after I see the proposition.

Do you have to stay overnight?
Or you just want to stay overnight?

I have to see the concession.

- You got enough money, sweetie?
- Plenty.

How much is plenty?

About $.

- You better take some more.
- Burke is paying.

What do I care if he's paying?

You take some more and then
if you feel like paying, you just pay.

You don't have to take this deal
if you don't like it.

If this isn't what you want, you don't take it.
There's no hurry.

There is a hurry.

I have to make it, Lorry,
and I have to make it now.

It wasn't too bad
when I was grubbing along by myself.

It was always too tough, too greedy,
but now, because of you...

I have to make it on my own
because of you, any way I can.

No, you don't. Not just any way.
You mustn't even try.

I have to.

Earle, listen...

I have you, right? You have me.

What difference does it make
where the money comes from?

They're not going to junk me like an old car.

Now, don't worry.

If it isn't all right, I won't do it.

It's about miles up the Hudson.
I've got it marked there. Melton.

Now watch the waiter.

Over here.

Now here's the setup.
That side door's the key to the whole job.

The bank stays open Thursdays till :.
Most of the factories pay on Friday.

So the bank is loaded with payroll cash
and deposits from the stores.

Every Thursday night, there's close to
$, in untraceable cash sitting in there.

A half dozen clerks stick around for an hour
totaling and straightening out the books.

The Assistant Manager has a bad heart.

Joe Foss, the guard, is about to retire,
has glasses and arthritis. That's it.

That colored waiter from the drugstore
brings coffee and sandwiches after :.

The rest of the town's home at supper.
You could take it with a water p*stol.

Well, what do you think?

- There's just one thing wrong with it.
- What?

You didn't say nothing
about the third man being a n*gg*r.

At night, I tell you people

When that cold, cold sun goes down

At night, I tell you people

When that cold, cold sun goes down

I cry, I sigh, I wanna die

'Cause my baby's not around

What's the matter, pretty baby?

Tell me, what's your daddy done?

Won't you tell me, pretty mama

what's your daddy done?

You've got to come and hold me

Before the morning sun

Hi, baby, what's shaking?

Bacco wants to buy you a drink.

And I want to buy you a shiny new car.

Too bad about Lady Care.

Yeah. They bobbed her nose.

Believe me, pretty mama

It's not just me, I know

Believe me, pretty mama

It's not just me, I know

I just can't make that jungle

Outside of my front door

Well, at last, the invisible man.

- I had a heart attack.
- For a couple of horses.

Don't be like that, baby.

I don't care if you want to drop me, Johnny,
but send back the key.

- Who said anything about dropping you?
- Then you know where to find me.

That's good.
But it was better when you wanted it.

I told you Bacco has a message for you.

It's a long night, pretty boy.
I'm not going anywhere.

Maybe I should lend you a piece of iron.

- Maybe.
- I can let you have this juvenile delinquent.

I'm only playing with kids.

- Johnny? Come in.
- Hi, Garry.

Hello, Johnny.

- Can I see you, Ed?
- Why, sure.

- Do you want me to cut out?
- No, not for me, Garry.

Well, Johnny, what do you think of these?

- Who are they for?
- My oldest. Her sweet sixteenth.

- Those are real cultured pearls.
- Sixteen, already?

Yeah, they don't stand still like we do.

Well, what can I do for you?

Bacco just blew in.

He called me earlier today.

What do you owe him?


- Hello, Ed.
- Bacco.

- I come down for my money, Johnny.
- I don't have it.

Maybe you're not looking hard enough.

Maybe you think I'm a jerk
who can wait forever?

Look, I lost again today.
I've been losing steadily for a month.

I just got to break this streak I'm in, Bacco.
I can't let it knock me out.

Suit yourself.

Just get the money to me
by tomorrow night. All of it.

- Suppose I can't?
- There is no "can't."

I don't like the word "can't." I say have it.

Can you bail me out, Ed?

I'm sorry, Johnny. I can't help you.

You already owe me
a couple of thou, anyway.

I asked you to stop with the horses.
I told you once and for all to stop.

I can't get it for you tomorrow.

- You're saying what to me?
- Look, man, I'm telling you in front.

I don't have it now,
and I won't be able to get it by tomorrow.

I'm not dancing with you, Moriarity.

You mean you come here with a g*n
when I personally call you to talk to you?

When I stretch you six months
with a debt I would k*ll for?

- You come and pull a g*n on me?
- It's in my pocket.

The g*n's at my head, that's where it is.

I tell you, Ingram, I want you to know.

Have that dough at my place
tomorrow night...

or I'll collect it from you,
or that ex-wife of yours, or your kid.

- You'll do what?
- All right, Johnny, drop that g*n.

Tomorrow night at :.

Or I'll k*ll you and everything you own.

Well, it tells you in the good book

And they teach the same in school

Let a man get his hands on you

And he'll use you for a mule

My mama gave me warning
And now I know it's true

She said all men are evil
And Daddy, that's you

- All men are evil
- All men are evil

All men are evil

- She said all men are evil
- All men are evil

- All men are evil
- My mama told me

My mama gave me warning
And now I know it's true

- Lady Care in the fifth.
- She said that all men are evil

- They bobbed my nose.
- My mama used to tell me

- Annie, they bobbed my nose.
- Don't ever love no man

Johnny, please.

- He'll use you and abuse you
- Don't ever love nobody.

And that's something I can't stand

My mama gave me warning
And now I know it's true

- Talk that song. Tell 'em.
- She said all men are evil

And Daddy, that's you
All men are evil

He's been making crazy like that for hours...

like someone slipped the leash,
or something.

All of them cats is calloused!

And that's you!

That little boy's in big trouble.

- Is that your last word?
- I'll keep my mouth shut.

- Think it over, Earle.
- Nothing to think over.

Just the idea of it makes me nervous.

I wouldn't trust my own self
on a deal like this with a colored boy.


Hi. You're late.

I'm always afraid to wake up
on this once a week father's day.

- What time will you get back?
- Why?

I've got a P.T.A. meeting tonight.
Should I get a sitter?

- You got your sitter.
- Daddy.

- How are you?
- Fine.

- What do you see up there?
- The park, the lake.

- What else?
- I see a merry-go-round.

- Is that all?
- I see a red balloon. I see people skating.

Give me a kiss.

- It sounds like Central Park, today.
- I'll get my things!

Mrs. Anker, this is Eadie's father.

- How do you do, Mr. Ingram?
- Hello.

We're having a meeting
of the P.T.A. Steering Committee here.

Some of my friends.

This is Eadie's father, Mr. Ingram.

- How do you do, Mr. Ingram?
- We're glad to know you.

I hope you can steer your way out of it.

Very glad to have met you.

I'm ready, Daddy. Let's go.
I'll get the elevator.

What did I ever see in you?

- It's here, Daddy. It's here.
- That.

- Here's another ticket, Eadie.
- How about you?

- It makes me dizzy.
- You're too old.

- What's the big idea?
- Bacco's afraid you might blow town.

You tell that peckerwood boss of yours...

if he looks hard at my wife or baby
I'm blowing him a new one.

I don't want to see you here.
You gum up the scenery.

We like it here.

I'm telling you to fade
or I'm turning you right in...

now, to those cops.

That'll be the day.

- Officer.
- Yes. Can I help you?

Where can I find the zoo?

Just go through that tunnel
and follow the signs.

You stay right here, Eadie.
Daddy's got to make a phone call.

- I'm staying. I'm eating.
- Don't you budge.

- I'll see that she stays here if you like.
- Thank you.

- What's your name, little girl?
- Eadie. Eadie Ingram.

Mr. Burke, please.

Dave? Johnny.

Yeah, I know you've been out.

Listen, Dave...

I'll take out that deal.

Now, wait.

I need $, right away to pay off Bacco.


All right, I'll call back in minutes.


Hello, Bacco? Burke.

Fine. That's what I'm calling about.

Call those babies off.

I told you, Davey, I got a problem.

It got a little rough,
and now he has to make a deal.

It was a public thing. He has to make a deal.

That's what I'm telling you, he's got a deal.

I'm making it for him.
I'll give you the dough in two weeks.

You know what he did to me?
He pulled a g*n.

- He pulled a g*n?
- After all I did. I treated him like a son.

Look. It can still be straightened out.

You think I have no feelings?


What's going on in there, an orgy?

What's on your mind, Helen?

- Can't I flirt with you a little?
- Some other day.

- Are you staying home tonight?
- Why?

I can't get a babysitter.

Then stay home
and take care of him yourself.

Well, if you're busy...

You see, Sam's boss gave him two tickets
to this musical.

- I'm to meet him in front of the theatre.
- Take the baby with you.

What's the matter with you?
Am I bothering you, or something?

It's just because Lorry said that you would.

Just keep taking her around.
I have to make a phone call.

Mr. Burke, please.

Yeah, I'm listening, Dave.

Bacco is paid off. Start celebrating.

We could be on to something really big.

Stop crowing, man.
There's nothing to celebrate.

That little crumb
threatened my kid and my ex-wife.

Yeah, I know I got rid of a headache.

Now I got cancer.

Yeah, I'll see you tonight.

Wake up, Dave. We're committing su1c1de.

This is : in the morning.

- Come on. Just throw anything.
- Sure. Left.

- You're out.
- Hey, that's pretty neat.

It's all this new atom w*r stuff.
It's the first thing they teach you now.

I sure could use that technique
from time to time.

- The same, Earle?
- Hit me with a couple, Mac.

You know, I'd like to teach you sometime.

- You mean a girl could do that?
- Why, sure.

Doesn't matter how big the guy is.
Here, I'll show you.

What's this, the kiddie hour?

It's make-believe w*r time, Earle.
The hour of sweet romance.

Okay, Georgie, r*pe me.

I'm sorry, buddy.
I hope I didn't get any on you.

- Here, the drink's on me.
- I'll buy my own drinks.

Look, kiddo, let's just take it easy.

- Show me.
- Sure.

What do you do
when a guy grabs you this way?

I give in.

- Relax, baby. Don't fight me.
- I thought I was supposed to do that.

- Not yet.
- Not yet? In a minute it'll be too late.

Come on, grab my wrist.
Now don't try to break the hold.

Put your right foot over in front of mine.

Now throw your hips out,
bend forward, and throw me.


if you're going to throw that bum,
you throw him the other way.

All right, why don't we all just drink up
and quit fooling around?

Did you say something to me, bud?

That stuff belongs to my w*r.
Take her to Canaveral and launch her.

Maybe you know something better.

Now look, fellows,
let's just settle down, shall we?

- I'm going.
- Maybe you'd like to try?

You better go back and play with the girls.
Tell them all about Sputnik.

I thought you were an expert, or something.

Come on, throw a punch.
I'll show you if it's bull.

- All right, soldier, let's break it up.
- It's not a fight.

I just want to show this old veteran
how this thing works.

Now, come on.
Don't you want to throw something?

Get lost.

Just a scientific experiment.
We're just a couple of scientists.

Now come on, throw a punch. Try it.

All right, Earle. Let me take care of this.

Now look, soldier...

Go on, try it.

- Any particular hand?
- Any one you like, pop.

The kid was only trying to show off, Earle.

I didn't mean to hurt him.

You slob, what did you do?

You feeling any better now, honey?

It's all right, it's just the wind. Take it easy.

- Okay.
- Stretch out now. You'll be all right.

Are you sure he's not there?

Well, did you look in the back booth?

There you are.

Sweetheart, I've been calling all over.
Where were you?

Sweetie, I knew your deal went wrong.
I knew it went wrong the minute...

that Helen phoned
and she said you insulted her.

I apologized for you, and I said
I was sure you could baby-sit for her later.

Honey, I want to hear
everything that happened when I get back.

But right now, I'm so late
I got to rush right back downtown.

Guess what? My boss is going to buy
a new place, and I'm going to manage it.

How about that?

We're going to have dinner with the owner,
and he wants me there...

Maybe I better call and say I can't make it.

- Maybe I better stay home tonight?
- You don't have to hold my hand.

All right.

Your dinner's on the stove...

and there's some good programs on tonight.


- You'll be here when I get home, won't you?
- Where else would I go?

I wish you wouldn't make
such a big thing out of it.

Listen, with that deal, it's just as well.

I told you, I don't care how long it takes
for you to find the right thing to do.

Sweetie, we're doing fine.

And if my boss
does take on this new shop...

I'll be making much more money.

You might at least say that I look good.

If you're going,
why in the hell don't you go?

You know, I knew you were in trouble
when I fell in love with you. I knew it.

I knew it would be rough for us, honey,
and it would take time.

But I didn't care.

You don't have to be
the great big man with me, Earle.

I don't care about things like that.

- There's only one thing I care about.
- I know.

But what happens when I get old?

You are old now.

You can go straight to hell!

Hello. Dave Burke.

Yeah, Burke.

You mustn't do that.

Sorry. I was dreaming.

A man always dreams about what he wants,
or what he's afraid of.

I'm going away for a couple of days.

Maybe you want to take Eadie
for a drive or something.

Thanks. Maybe I will.


- How did all this happen to us?
- You know, Johnny...

I didn't mind what you did to me.

I minded, but I would've gone on.

Are you saying I can come back?

The door's never been locked against you,
not for my sake.

But I couldn't do it to Eadie.

A child can't have a father
who lives your life.

Except on visiting days.

Not even on visiting days, but that's the law.

- You're tough.
- Not tough enough to change you.

For what? To hold hands
with those ofay friends of yours?

I'm trying to make
a world fit for Eadie to live in.

It's a cinch you're not gonna do it
with a deck of cards and a racing form.

But you are?

You and your big white brothers.

Drink tea with them
and stay out of the watermelon patch.

Maybe our little colored girl
will be Miss America, is that it?

I won't listen when you talk like that.

Why don't you wise up?
It's their world and we're just living in it.

Let go of me!

- Don't let me catch you teaching Eadie...
- Daddy!

You woke me up.

Baby, I'm sorry.

Sweetheart, listen.

I was just telling your mommy
how much I loved you.

And you must never forget it.

We had such a nice time today.

I'm telling you how much I love your mama.

You always mind her, and be good.

We're counting on you a lot in this family.

- I want to see Lorry.
- Lorry's out.

Come on, now. Don't be mad.

I'm sorry about this afternoon. I really am.

Just me and my miseries you walked in on.

Oh, you...

I'm ready to kiss, make up,
and say I'm sorry.

Do you know what that
louse of a husband of mine did?

When I told him that I couldn't get a sitter...

he just decided to go there
with one of the boys. How do you like it?

I don't mind.

The kid's sleeping upstairs.

Come on in, have a drink.
I have to go by :.

I should have told you that anyway.

Was I really mean?

Don't you remember what you said?

I'm scared to.

What was it?

I forget.

To a much more affectionate future.

Come on in and have a visit.

I've got to keep an ear open for the baby.

You can hear the baby plenty, down here.
Come on.

- Would you do a thing like that?
- Like what?

Like he did. Leave me alone this way.

Not for a minute.

Can you really hear my kid down here?

Honey, I spent more sleepless nights
with you than you know.

I'd like to ask you something.

But you must promise not to be angry.

I promise.

- I mean, seriously.
- All right.

I promise.

How did it feel when you k*lled that man?

I'm sorry. I'm stupid.

- You want me to make your flesh creep?
- No. Forget it.

I enjoyed it.

It scared me, but I enjoyed it.

I hated that man so, I could've
k*lled him all over again...

even though I didn't mean to.

- What did he do to you?
- He called me.

He insulted me.

He was a very smart-talking character,
and then he called me.

What do you mean?

He dared me.

Like you are now.

Just this once.

He comes out of the drugstore,
and he crosses over with the light.

Then he goes down the side street
to the side door of the bank.

It's a regular-sized door.

Like this. No different.

Except that in the top half,
there's a small glass panel for observation.

The guard opens the door.

This is the heart of it, Johnny.
That door is on a chain.

It holds the door open so much.

The waiter hands the guard the sandwiches.

- Hello, Burke.
- Come in.

I want you to meet Johnny Ingram.
This is Earle Slater.

Sorry I'm a little late, but I had girlie trouble.

Where were you, Dave?

I was telling him about the chain.

The guard locks the door again
without unhooking the chain...

- and the waiter leaves.
- That's right. The chippie is the chain.

We got to figure out an answer on the chain.

Maybe you could have him
put a g*n on the guard...

and just barrel through the door?

What do you think, Johnny?

I don't know.

Tell him about the car.

I got a beauty.

A hopped-up motor with dual carburetion
and a beat-up station-wagon body.

I bought two stolen plates,
and the car can't be traced.

It's a remade job
that was used in smuggling.

We got four police specials
that have no history...

and a couple of shotguns.

I thought this was an easy job.
It sounds like D-day.

Don't you give those g*ns a thought.
I'll take care of them.

I'm not thinking about the g*ns.

I'm thinking about the chain.

Don't worry about it, boy.
We'll be right there with you.

All you have to do is carry the sandwiches
in a white monkey jacket.

And give him a big smile.
And say, "Yes, sir."

You don't have to worry,
and you don't have to think.

We'll take care of you.

- Then you'll have to start right now.
- Don't beat out that Civil w*r jazz here.

We're in this together, each man equal.
We'll take care of each other.

It's one big play.

Our only chance to grab stakes forever.
I don't want to hear...

what your grandpappy thought
on the old farm in Oklahoma. You got it?

I'm with you, Dave.

Like you say, it's just one roll of the dice.

It doesn't matter what color they are.

So as they come up seven.

It's all right, Dave.

I've got an idea about the chain.

Let's say the chain on the door
is eight inches.

Or make it for good measure.

If the box with the sandwiches
and the coffee is big enough...

the guard just naturally
has to unlatch that door.

He can't expect me to turn it sideways
because of the coffee, right?

So the box we use
has just got to be big enough.

And he just naturally has to open that chain.
You got it, Johnny.

It'll work. I know it'll work.

Earle, don't put on the light.

I've been crying.

Earle, I'm like all the rest of them.

I keep telling you how to live
and not letting you be what you are.

Never mind about me.

I spoil everything. I can't help it.
I just have to spoil it.

Not for me, darling.

You know, I just kept waiting here,
and I thought if you would come home...

nothing would ever spoil it for us.

I thought of how I won't let myself
see the way you feel about the money.

How it has to be your own,
or we just can't last.

And you're right.

That's the way it is.

Only don't leave me, Earle.
Please, darling, don't leave me.

I'll never leave you.

I've been leaving all my life...

since when I can first remember.

When the wind blew us off the land
in Oklahoma...

we left.

After that, I never stayed.

Not in the Army,
not in Detroit, not anyplace.

I'd start something,
if it didn't work right away, I'd blow it.

It was always something.

A lousy captain,
or a Polack foreman in the auto works...

or it'd be too slow.

I'm getting too old to take things slow.
If I don't make it now, I never will.

I mean with you, too. It's now or never.

- Aren't things ever easy for you, Earle?
- Only when I get mad.

Then they get too easy.

I think that's why I get mad, to make it easy.

But I got something now...

and I'm going to stick with it.

- Okay, what'll it be, mister?
- Just gas. Fill it up.

Can you do on a straightaway?

- I said just gas.
- Sorry, mister.

She's strictly on the outside.

I'm a nut on motors.

All set?

Gassed up, parked,
and ready for the switch.

If we get to it.

- How you doing, Earle?
- Just waiting for the whistle.

Remember, I'm the one who blows it.

Right on the nose.

- Take it easy. We got to give him time.
- I sure hope he doesn't screw it up.

- Did you go over the roads?
- Twice.

- You kept your gloves on all the time?
- Quit mothering me, Dave.

Doing all right.

I don't mind the action, it's the waiting.

I wasn't made to wait.
I've been waiting all my life.

- It won't be long now.
- The sooner the better.

When I gassed up, that kid in the station
opened the hood and saw the motor.

- What of it?
- He surely admired it and me.

- You worried about it?
- Not yet, but I'm working on it.

- I hope that business with the chain works.
- The hell with that chain!

No fireworks.


Just get this in your head, Earle.
Ingram isn't a powder puff.

I know you were a tough cop, Dave...

but a sudden noise in the night
is like to frighten brother bones.

Johnny was in the same w*r as you.

Sure, and he had the big white master
to hold his hand.

- He better not crap out.
- He won't.

If he does, I'll hold his hand.

Attention, please.

Bus , now arriving from New York...

will depart for Albany in five minutes.

Bus will depart for Albany
in five minutes.

Thank you.

Hey, there, you. You with the cap.

Just a minute.

You see the accident?

No, I just heard the crash and there it was.

- You see him?
- I see him.

- What's that clown trying to do?
- Keep your shirt on.

All right, thanks.

Could you wait a minute, sir?

- You crazy?
- Shut up. What did the cop want?

A bit of bad luck.
He asked if I saw the accident.

So you gave your fingerprints.

- Did he see your license?
- How stupid can you get?

I got nothing in my wallet
but a bus ticket and $.

- That's all?
- That's all.

But he got a good look at me,
right up close.

- You were wearing the glasses.
- We were face to face.

Your mother wouldn't know you
in those dark glasses.

She would if I held up a bank.

Get wise to yourself.
You're another black spot on Main Street.

Shut your ugly mouth. Get in the car.

Some day I'm going to snap off
your poisoned head.

Listen to me, Johnny. That cop
wouldn't recognize you in years.

We have to take some chances.
You're a gambling man. Gamble.

It depends on the odds.

Back up. The odds will never be right.
I know how to handle him.

I've been handling them all my life.
He's no different.

- All right, Slater, handle me.
- Johnny!

It's now or never. We're right up to the line.
We'll be done and away by :.

You're sure
you want to go through with this?

It's going to let us live again.

- All right.
- Good boy.

We keep apart till :.
Everything like we planned. Let's move.

The next time you call me,
I'm going to see you.

I'll be waiting.

You're not just another white spot to me.

All right, let's go.

Take it easy, pal.

Don't worry about Slater.

He's a hard nose,
but he's dependable in the clutch.

It's going to work.

- What?
- I don't know. Just something.

Maybe drive around, something like that.

I don't know which is worse, the atom b*mb
or you kids in your do-it-yourself cars.

You should've seen the job
I gassed up this afternoon.

Just an old beat-up station wagon.
But the motor inside...

The carton?

- You'll come over and baby-sit with us?
- Sure.

Wait here. No nonsense with those g*ns.
Do you hear me?

- There, I got you right in the mouth.
- I got you in the eye.

- Right in the nose.
- You missed me that time.

Let's have the key.

- Did you get anything?
- Not a shot.

- We jumped a couple of rabbits.
- Good.

- There, I got you.
- I got you again.

All right. Come on, let's get them girls.

We deserved it.

We got them. Right in the bellybutton.

Cut it out.

- I got them right in the mouth.
- I got them on the lip.

Watch out, here's...


We're sorry. We'll help you.

You're late, Charlie.

They must be using bigger boxes.

Just a second.

There, let's see.

Darn chain, there.

Don't move.


Don't sh**t.

Shut up.

Now just sit still, everyone, and behave.

Hey, Charlie, got an extra?

Man, I got a dozen of them
all over the sidewalk, back there.

The waiter.

Go ahead.

Let's cut out before he kills somebody.
Give me the keys.

- Dave, you get the car.
- But Johnny's supposed to get the car.

- We got it made. Come on.
- Give me the keys.

Come on!

Keep the room covered.

Pete, can I see you a minute?

- Sure thing.
- I need another book of raffle tickets.

Well, I sure have...

That's funny.

Hold it, mister.

You there, the hunter.

Stay there.

A stickup.

Get in the car.

He's got the key.

To the car, Dave.

Keep these people back out of danger.

My God! My car!

Cover me, I'll get Dave.

Throw the keys, Burke.

Give up. You don't have a chance.

The keys, Burke.

You there, in the alley.
Come out with your hands up.

Burke, give us the keys!

There are your keys. You still got it made.

Run, Johnny.

I'm sorry.

- Let's clear out.
- We can't leave Burke here.

Watch it. Look out. Drop that g*n!

What do you know?

He sure ain't going to talk now.

You screwed it up.
You couldn't trust. You k*lled him.

No, hold it!

Well, these are the two that did it.

Which is which?

Take your pick.
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